Everyone in the police station was astonished as James was carried inside because it is unusual to witness a dead person walking by.

Officer Grayson entered the interrogation room when he saw James because he wanted to interview him and had a lot of questions for him.

You're supposed to be dead, James Matthias Benjamin, aren't you? Officer Grayson remarked as he sat down.

James retorted, "And you are supposed to wait for your boss."

I just want to comprehend what's going on, how are you alive. First a vampire, now a dead guy. Grayson politely enquired

"Maybe you can ask Him that after you die and go to hell," James said.

'Him': who is he? Grayson enquired

James grinned and added, "You will all know soon."

the serial killer, are you? Grayson enquired

"Are you reluctant to mention vampire?" James enquired

I don't believe vampire Exist, Grayson retorted.

James retorted and laughed, "and yet here you are questioning a dead guy."

Inspector Sabastian entered the interrogation room just before Officer Grayson was ready to add something else.

Did you hear me say that no one should question him? The Inspector enquired furiously.

Officer Grayson answered sadly, "I did sir."

"Get out," commanded the Inspector.

Inspector sat down to start the interrogation as Officer Grayson quickly left.

As you can see, I've turned off the camera and the audio clip, and we are the only people in here. I'm Inspector Sabastian, and I'm simply here to ask you a few questions. I assure you that you are not in any danger. the Inspector gave a report

James scanned the space.

"I already like you" James grinned and remarked

"All right, tell me what occurred after you died,"

"The last thing I can recall doing is shooting myself. After that, everything was dark. Then, a brilliant light shone into my eyes, and I began to hear cries and screams, as well as people in pain and pleading for assistance. A little while later, the ground split apart, and winged animals began to emerge, all of which were chanting DIRA; I had previously seen the beasts in my dreams when I was alive. I traveled through a desolate red desert on red ground before coming across it." Narrating James

you came what?, questioned Inspector Sabatian

"I saw Edom, with a breach built of convicts and flames, people walking on top of the breach barefooted, they were all crying but they couldn't stop walking, I could sense there misery from there screams," Then HE said to me, "Ready Earth for DIRA," . James clarified

What is the DIRA? Inspector Question

James retorted, "The day DEVIL IS RISING AGAIN."

"Why all this chaos why can't he just come and take the earth by himself?" Inspector questioned

"He is both the King of Edom and the King of devastation, and whenever a king attends an event, everything is always planned to his taste. Me, the Molvol serial killer, the vampire, and numerous others. We are the ones planning his arrival "James answered.

"Even after all the awakening, I can't just sit back and let the ruler of hell and his minions ruin this lovely place that we all call home. I can't "Inspector said

"Nobody is ordering you to do nothing; go ahead and take any action you like; you are undoubtedly a part of his plan. But keep in mind that nobody can win this; Only him" Regarding James