Hi. Welcome to Stan Ville. A small cool town in the far west of the country. So, I know I just called it a small town, because it is, but the inhabitants are huge or at least their egos and pride are.

Oh shoot, I didn't even introduce myself. I am Emiliana Sanderson. That's right the Sanderson's, my great grandparents built this town a really long time ago to spend their honeymoon after they got married. It was actually built for them alone but today it has over seven hundred inhabitants.

Anyway, enough with the past, as I said earlier; I am Emily, a cool, calm, collected 17-year-old with a big dream of shining as bright as the sun, but that sadly did not seem as promising as it sounds. I still constantly hope, pray and dream to leave this town, see the world for what it is and all that really good stuff and what not, but I guess that might just be the bigger picture in my head.

I live with my mom and younger brother; Leo, he is 14 years old, really cool kid, chill and all. My life is basically good but good could always get better or sometimes even great.

I attend Stan Ville Highschool. I'm a senior, and just like every other high school; this school operates on a very high hierarchy level, meaning you either go big or go home. There are the low-key popular kids like me, and the extremely popular kids, am talking the top dogs and then of course we've got nerds, the jocks, the book worms; which in my school are actually held in high regards, and the overall boss; This girl named; king, no one ever knew what her real name was, but she had a very notorious reputation which made everyone afraid of her. She wasn't really ever in designers, and didn't seem bratty or corky, I mean you couldn't tell what she was like; if she was mean or nice cause she never spoke to anyone, and no one ever dared to speak to her, yet everything and everyone in school gave her massive respect and her approval was always needed before anything could proceed which was really cool not going to lie. Though sometimes I wondered what went on in her head.

I just finished the 11th grade which meant one grade left until hopefully I get into Harvard; Fingers Crossed I get in.

It's a Saturday here in Stanville, and usually I don't get out of bed till after 12pm, but today I had to get up 7:00am. I have a lot to do. Today is going to be a long, but hopefully adventurous day.

It's currently 7:30am, I have been awake for thirty minutes getting ready, looking at my schedule for today.

Dance class in thirty minutes: should last for 2hours

Surfing competition

Netflix and chill: Till tomorrow.

Since the first thing today is dance, I just slipped on some snazzy shorts and a tank top, hair tied up in a bun, standing in front of my mirror, "I look great". Its competition season next week and all the odds are against us, everyone is trying to give us a run for our money or at least the championship trophy and our top champ title, so we are going to have to work harder this time if we want to remain at the top. I got my stuffs in my little bag and got downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning mom" I greeted while pulling out a chair, I had only 5 minutes to spare before my dance team shows up to my house cause we usually go to dance class together. Leo was still sleeping; no surprise there. Breakfast check: Pan cakes, beacon and a choice of orange or apple juice. I took the orange juice, cause apple fruit? Yes, apple juice? Not really.

"Honey, remember you got the volunteer charity event holding today" mom said while grabbing a piece of bagel from the pantry. Did I remember that? No, maybe cause I tried so hard to forget it last night.

"Mom! Why would you volunteer me to do extra work" I groaned "can't I skip today, I already got so much work to do" I added and continued with my food.

"No, you sadly can't, that's what you get for breaking the law" she paused to rub jelly on her pancakes, took a bite and continued "besides even if you could skip it today, you'd have to do it next week" she added and began cleaning her hands on the napkin.

"Next week's nationals, I would die if I missed it" I retorted

"Oh well, then I guess you have to get to work" mom said as she cleaned the counter table. I still had more to say but couldn't cause the dance team had arrived.

'has it been 5 minutes already' I thought, but whatever, it didn't matter, they were here already so it's time to leave. They greeted my mom while I grabbed my phone and waved my mom goodbye before leaving.

It didn't take long to get to the dance studio, we had a lot of rehearsal, choreography and memorizing the numbers, steps and beat. I think it's fair to say; everyone had their own share of meltdown and blowups. Rehearsals would've been fun if Thersa {the team captain} didn't cut us and yell all the time. It was our 9th take so far.

"5,6,7,8" {Upbeat music playing} "left foot up, right hand" Thersa was coaching, before yelling at us again "ok stop." Thersa cut us again.

"what now?" Lexi, a member of the team complained

"you guys keep messing up" gesturing with her hands, Thersa continued "your lines are not straight. Trish, you keep going left when you should be going right, and belle, maybe stop moving so much, you guys are just not giving me a full ten out of ten" Thersa complained.

"That's cause we are tired, exhausted and have no energy left to give out a good work" Belle replied.

"Yeah, we've been practicing all day" Lexi said but took a pause to correct herself "sorry all morning, and some of us didn't have real breakfast this morning" Lexi added and everyone started murmuring, we were all tired.

"And how is it that you're the only one who sees these mistakes? Maybe stop cutting us and let us take it from the top one last time" I said and took a look at my watch and continued "we still have to film and I got other places to be" I added

"I see these mistakes cause am captain and it's my duty to" Thersa replied, clapping her hands she continued "let's take it one more time from the top and then we film it. Deal?" Thersa added rather giving a suggestion than asking.

"whatever, let's just make it quick" Vivi said in slight depression. After which Olivia went to turn the music on and we continued practicing.


We had till noon today to submit our dance video for auditions, 5 groups will be selected to perform at nationals next Saturday, so I could understand Thersa's pressure and why she was so heated.

Finally dance class was over, don't get me wrong I love dancing among other things I do really well, dancing was my favorite, that and surfing, I had managed to get a huge following on IT GRAM thanks to that.

In the dressing room in studio A {our dance studio}

"What are you girls doing tonight?" Lexi asked while sitting on the floor lacing up her shoes.

"I haven't gotten that far yet" I replied pulling out my bag and closing the locker.

"Yeah, Emily don't that surfing thing today?" Belle asked

"You mean the surfing competition?" I asked with both my brows up "yes. I do, In about 45 minutes. You guys want to come?" I asked, gesturing with one hand and holding my bag with the other.

"Am down, I don't really have anything else to do" Vivi who had been on her phone replied.

"You guys have fun, am not going, it's still spring and the water will be freezing" Trish said zipping up her jacket. By now we had all gotten dressed and ready to continue the day.

"You mean winter, cause its January." Vivi replied.

"I know it's still winter, but the water's not going to be that cold, besides am the one going in not you" I responded

"Yeah, and honestly, you got anything better to do?" Belle asked.

Trish thought for about five seconds and replied "well not better but I do have a volunteer charity event to attend"

"So, do I" Vivi and Belle replied in unison

"Really? What are you guys in for?" I asked, a lot relived that I wasn't going to be the only one there.

"I got in detention during summer last year and I have been avoiding it, but I guess you can't run forever" Vivi answered

"I just love helping people" Belle replied

"you?" Lexi asked pointing at Belle and we all started laughing.

"Alright, so it's settled, we'll go to Emily's contest and at night you guys come over to my house" Lexi said.

"Sounds like a plan" Trish replied and we all left the studio.

Getting to the beach, there weren't really a crowd, we were early at least.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered to witness the 16th annual surfing competition, which will start in a few minutes" it was the announcers voice, I don't know his name, I didn't care, I had a one-track mind.

"Wait isn't that Gabrielle Mowry? Trish asked pointing to a girl in a pink and black surfing suit holding her surf board and currently taking an interview with HRTV... They came every year.

Gabrielle was my biggest competition; we would always go head-to-head in literally everything. Last year, she showed up at the dance exhibit and that was the first time anyone had ever come close to beating me, and now she's at the surf competition too?

"What is she doing here?" Belle asked

"Apparently competing" Lexi replied. I was some-what heated but tried so hard to cover it up. I was a 15th time surfing champ, no one ever came close to beating me. Surfing was my thing and I wasn't going to let some corky looser take it away from me.

I was suddenly brought back to reality by; Uggh Gabrielle.

"Hi Emily" Gabrielle said in a teasing tone.

Bursting out in my head but trying so hard to keep my cool I smiled and replied

"Well didn't think you were the surfing type, let's hope you don't drown" I smirked "see you at the waves" I tapped her head, grabbed my board and left, my dance friends followed behind me.

It was time to start the race. Announcer "surfers to the sea, can we pls get all the surfers to the sea"

"Good luck" Lexi tapped my shoulder

"She doesn't need luck, its surfing and she's Emily" Vivi said.

I smiled in response.

"Alright ladies, let's go before our seats gets taken" Belle said pulling Vivi and Trish, as they left to join the audience while I waited for the race to begin.

"Surfers on your marks—Go!" The Announcer ushered and with that the race began. There was a timer, the winner would be determined by how fast and how well they surfed. Two rounds and five contestants out, it was Gabrielle and I left. Totally saw that coming.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's the final round and what you've all been waiting for; the sudden death round to determine the winner for the year. Will it be the all-time champ Emily Sanders or the newbie Gabrielle Mowry." It was the announcer speaking. His words actually broke the nervousness I was feeling. If I lost; it will be a huge disgrace, if I won; it would be a great way to start a new year

"You're going down" Gabrielle's voice brought me back to reality. I didn't respond, there was no need and no time.

As the race began, the crowd went wild, people screaming at every corner, not going to lie that actually made me feel good, I was motivated and beat the time by 30 seconds. It felt good to win again but even better to beat Gabrielle.

"Hello everyone, I am here with 15th time winner—" it was an interview with HRTV, I cut the reporter before she could continue;

"16th time actually" I corrected her with a big towel on my back and dripping hair.

"Oh yeah, 16th time winner of the annual surfing competition" she said and turned to me "so how does it feel to win again Miss Sanderson?"

"Oh, it feels good, great actually. That's one way to start the season." I answered.

"Anything else you have to say?" She asked and put the mic to my face again

"Nope" I blinked twice, smiled and left.

I walked into the dressing room; I was cold needed to get changed fast. It didn't take long for the girls to come in yelling

"You were amazing" Belle screamed holding my shoulders and jumping

"Thanks" I said with a laugh

"The look on Gabrielle's face was everything for me" Trish said and made a silly face and we all started laughing

"I'm just happy I won" I said while wearing my bag over my shoulder

"We should all go out to celebrate" Vivi suggested but I countered it;

"How about we go out to get lunch, then head to the volunteer thingy" I said looking at the girls who didn't seem so happy anymore.

"Uggh do we have to?" Vivi asked already frustrated

"Only thinking about it gives me a headache" I said

"It'll be fun, but first let's go eat" Lexi said and picked up Vivi who was sitting tiredly on the floor.

"Alright, I just ordered for an uber" Trish said while looking at her phone "should be here in—"

"Right now?" Lexi interrupted pointing at the black car that just pulled up a few feet away from us.

"Let's ride" I said and with that we got into the car, drove to MacDonald's, got our orders and headed to the hospital. Lexi had gone home, she wasn't among the project, and so she couldn't stay.

"This doesn't look so bad" Belle said as we approached the hospital doors, there were a lot of teenagers.

"why are there so many people here?" Vivi asked with squeezed brows

"You think they're here for the same thing as us?" I asked, looking around there were at least 30 people standing outside the hospital.

Someone finally answered our question "If you mean the volunteer exercise or punishment, then yes" some guy responded and we all nodded.

About five seconds later, a young lady came out to us

"Alright listen up, my name is Veronica Billes and I will be showing you guys your duty today" she paused, looking at a piece of paper then continued "If you are here on community service pls move to the left, but if you're here for anything else please move to the right" she concluded with an arm wrapped around the other.

Turns out the guys was wrong, not everyone present was here for doing something wrong cause we were only ten at the left side; myself, Vivi, Belle, Trish and six other people.

"Alright you guys come this way" Veronica was talking to us as we entered the hospital, she showed us around and assigned us chores in pairs.

"Ok Emily, Vivi you guys are on the fourth floor; scanning duty" she looked at the book she was holding while Vivi and I looked around.

"Umm, fourth floor?" Vivi asked indicating she didn't know where it was, I didn't either, I haven't been here before so.

"I'll show you guys in a sec" Veronica said and continued the pairing "Maddison and Mark, you guys are in charge of sorting out the files in the store room" she took one more glance at the book and continued "Steve, Brice and Trish, third floor. Belle, Nathan and Roy; kids' section" with that being said she closed her book and took us to our various duty section.

"I have one question, when do we get off?" Roy asked

"You have four hours to finish your work—and you'll need these" Veronica said and handed us uniforms.

"Mine's a little big" Trish said holding up the blue uniform

"Oh well" Veronica said and left

"I guess lets' get to work" Mark said and started picking up some files, and we all started working.

Four Hours and ten tired people later, Vivi and I had finished our chores and so had the others. Everyone reported to hall 33B to turn in their uniforms and check out.

"That was the longest four hours of my life" Maddison said while carelessly falling into a very soft sofa

"It wasn't that bad" Brice countered as he put on his jacket

"Well yeah it could have been worse" I paused rolling my eyes, then continued "I am just glad it's over"

"Me too!" everyone replied in unison

Veronica walked in "Good job guys, you can leave now" she said and left.

"That was cheesy." Belle said.

"Do you really know what cheesy means?" I asked.

"Maybe she's just being nice" Nathan pointed out

"I don't like nice people, cause if someone is nice, then there's got to be a catch" I said clutching my fist and grabbing my bag.

Steve chuckled "you're a weird person"

"Weird is the new normal" I said and we all approached the door.

"So, what are you guys in for?" I asked as we walked out the hall

"We got arrested" Steve and Nathan said together

"And this sort of beats going to jail" Nathan plainly added

"Am in for bullying—whatever" Maddison rolled her eyes as she spoke.

Roy and Mark broke some kind of rules that got them in there. Our chat broke up when our rides arrived and we all went to our separate houses.

It was 7:00pm by the time I got home. "anyone home? Hello? Leo? Mom?" I searched the house but no one was around, I went up to my room, dropped my bag, took a shower, got dressed and went back downstairs to watch a movie. I took some mac and cheese from the cupboard, microwaved it, jumped on the sofa.

Phone Rings: Text message from Lexi; My house at 8:00pm—sleepover.

"Oh, shoot I almost forgot about that" I said to myself, I still had an hour left and a lot to eat, I deserved it after all that work.

"Anyone home?" Leo said as he walked with three of his friends; Peter, Josh, and Ken.

"Mom's out, and am leaving in a bit" I said while cleaning up

"Oh cool" Leo said, then grabbed some popcorn and put on a soccer match. I didn't care, I was leaving anyway.

I was the last one to arrive at Lexi's, the traffic on weekends weren't the most welcoming at all.

"Hey Ladies" I greeted as I approached the living room, everyone turned

"Fashionably late as always" Lexi said and gestured toward an open seat "grab a seat and come join" she added

We ate and watched tv for about an hour and thirty minutes, this was going to be the last time we would be seeing each other, at least until next week Saturday {if we got in} because there was no news about dance from Thersa yet.

"Do you guys think our routine was good enough to get us into nationals?" I asked, I really wanted us to get in

"If we do, that'll be cool" Lexi replied and threw some popcorn in the air hoping to catch it with her mouth but didn't

"Thersa was a little hard on us today though." Belle blurted out softly.

"Not really though, I understand the pressure, she's a perfectionist. Besides everyone loves to win" I said getting comfortable in the sofa

"That's true." They all agreed

"Alright enough of dance talk, in two days we will be starting the first day of the last year of school" Trish said turning towards us

Vivi gasped "OMG that really never occurred to me"

"By the end of this year that will be the end of high school and time to look forward to college" I said cracking my fingers

"Okay woah—" pointing at me "no, you are going way too far, we haven't even started yet" Lexi said

"It's never too early to plan for the future" I defended

"Ok what are you guys wishes and dreams for this new school year" Belle asked

"I don't really know; I just pray it'll be better than last year" Lexi said

"Amen to that" we all said in agreement

"I don't know what I want right now, but this year more focus on the relevant things so I can get into Harvard." I said

"We have a lot to do this year, we need to work hard if we are going to attempt turning our day dreams into our reality" Vivi said and laid down

"Yeah, I know what I want; to leave stan Ville, explore, be on every tv screen and have people scream every time I show up" I said and pictured everything in my head, the girls stared at each other before belle broke the silence.

"Don't you just have a wild imagination" Belle said

"You have no idea" I replied with a smile.

"You really take this whole fame thing to a whole Nother level." Trish said.

"Yeah, cause I see all the attention, love and even hate that the social media influencers and celebrities get, and I really want that for myself." I replied.

"Think you can handle the hate?" Belle asked.

"Definitely!" I responded instantly.

"If you say so." Belle said.

"Ok, it's almost midnight, everyone grab a candle and make a wish" Lexi said and we all got up to pick a candle to make a silent wish.

I had wished to turn my day dreams into a reality, once we were done with that, we blew it off.

"Alright, spill it, what did you wish for?" Lexi said.

"No telling, that'll jinx it" Belle responded.

"mm-hm" Vivi added.

We were all friends from dance class but attended different schools, still that didn't ruin our friendship, cause we were real with each other and ourselves. It was already late, everyone was asleep. Vivi, Lexi, Belle and I will be leaving for our separate boarding school the next day.

Did you enjoy this chapter? Tell me what you think in the comments. Pls like, vote and share. Feel free to correct any typos you might find. Also, drop any new ideas you might have.

Xoxo khleeopathra.