Unique Class


[Welcome to Raven Online!]

[You are playing Raven Online for the first time!]

[Please register an account to start playing!]

[Notice: Players under the age of 18 are restricted and will be automatically banned from playing]


Arthur had started up Raven Online after he received a notification saying it was ready to play.

Arthur entered his information, which was his username, first and last name, email address, etc...

The only thing he didn't have to enter was his Age and Address.

The VR helmets automatically detect users' ages and locations when playing online games or applications.

Arthur's username was [Arke] just like his StreamWorld account. He wasn't surprised this time because the game had just launched.


[Thanks for registering!]


[Congratulations for being the 69,000th player to register in Raven Online]

[You have been given the unique class "Cultivator/Dual Cultivator"]

[Do you accept? Yes/No]


Arthur was shocked by the sudden reward. He thought that it would've been very hard to get unique classes, let alone Legendary and Mythical, but he was rewarded just by being the 69,000th player to register.

Arthur thought about the information from earlier and decided to accept.

'There are no bad classes, just bad players' Arthur thought.

Arthur had just pressed the [Yes] button and everything around him became a white void but saw himself in a mirror. It was his real-life appearance.

At first, Arthur thought he could change his weight, but only to find out that you could only change minor things like hair and eye color. Your facial features along with your height and weight would be the same.

That wasn't a problem for Arthur because he was confident about his appearance, aside from his weight. Plus, he resembled his father and wouldn't change his appearance because of it.

Arthur saw the [Continue] button next to the mirror and pressed it.

He was brought out of the strange white void and thrown into a majestic garden.

Arthur looked at his body because he noticed his clothing changed. He was wearing a long white-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. He also glanced at the sheathed sword on his hip.

Arthur heard some strange noises so he looked up and his mouth turned dry.

Arthur could see an abundance of unfamiliar trees and plants that were fantasy-like. They were all different colors, some glowed while others moved. Arthur couldn't piece together what to say other than

"Holy Sh-" Arthur said but was interrupted by a soothing, seductive woman's voice.

"Fufu~ I wouldn't finish that last part if I were you"

Arthur's body shivered and looked to where the voice was coming from.

If Arthur couldn't piece together what to say before when looking at the garden, what he saw now made him lost for words.

Arthur laid his eyes upon the most beautiful, seductive woman he's ever seen. If you were to compare Earth's top beauty to her, it would be an insult to this person. It was like it was between Heaven and Earth.

This woman looked to be in her mid 20's. She had braided pink hair, and had reddish-pink eyes. Her skin was slightly pale but smooth as silk. She had juicy, red lips. She wore an exotic white dress that covered her body that made her big soft mountains and her round butt stand out while being barefooted.

This woman was currently sitting down, legs crossed at a table drinking tea that was poured by her servant standing next to her.

Her servant appeared to be the same age as the woman. She had straight, long blonde hair that went to her butt. She had bright blue eyes that glinted with satisfaction from serving her master. Wearing a similar dress as her master, hers exposed less skin. The servant, although beautiful, wasn't anything close to her master.

Arthur carefully looked at these two and couldn't help but blush. His body was getting hot. Arthur's body may be weak, but his mind and will weren't. He was able to control himself and looked at the woman drinking tea.

'Ara? He's able to keep his composure when looking at me, has he? This will be fun~' the woman said as she looked at Arthur amusingly

"Would you mind sitting down, so we can chat?" the woman said as she swayed her hand towards an empty seat across from her.

Arthur followed her hand to the seat and took a deep breath. Arthur knew that this woman wasn't simple. If he doesn't concentrate, he'll lose it.

Arthur slowly walked toward the empty seat and averted his eyes away from the woman. He didn't want to meet eyes with this woman.

"That's better..." The woman said before pausing, then asked "...Now, would you like some tea? It's very delicious"

'It would probably be rude to refuse a drink from someone's...home?' Arthur thought. He wasn't sure if this was her home but guessed that this territory was hers.

"Yes, please" Arthur said as he nodded.

"Pour him a cup, Nyla" the woman said as she looked at her servant, Nyla

"Yes, Go-" Nyla was about to say something but was cut off by the woman

"...Yes, Master" Nyla said with an uneasy tone.

Nyla poured the tea into the cup that was in front of Arthur.

"Thank you, Miss Nyla and...?" Arthur thanked Nyla while asking for the woman's name.

"Hmm~ You can call me Dite. It's nice to meet you, Arthur" Dite casually said as if she knew him for a long time.

Nyla finished pouring Arthur tea, while Arthur picked up his drink with both hands.

"Yes, It's nice to meet you..." Arthur paused.

'Wait, I didn't tell her my name' Arthur thought and looked at Dite.

"Fufu~ Wondering how I knew your name?"

Arthur slowly nodded, keeping his hands steady, still holding his cup of tea.

"Hehe, How about this? I won't tell you now, but if you manage to meet me next time, I'll tell you. I'll give you a reward if you do~" Dite winked and made a seductive smile as she licked her lips.

"!" Arthur looked away and drank his tea, keeping his focus off of her.

'This woman's dangerous' Arthur thought, not daring to look at her again.

As Arthur drank his tea, his mouth filled with a flavor he's never tasted before, you could say that it was godly.

After drinking the tea, he felt his whole body rejuvenated, but he saw a blue screen suddenly appear in front of him.


[You have drunk the 'Heavenly Tea']

[+10 for all stats]


Arthur jumped at the sudden message. He looked at the tea, then at Dite.

Dite smiled and said "That drink is called the Heavenly tea, but I've tasted better"

'You tasted something better than this?' Arthur thought as he was shocked that something better than the Heavenly tea existed.

"If you travel around the world, you'll eventually run into some good things. Whether it's food, items, clothing, anything" Dite said as she started listing things that Arthur could find.

Arthur patiently listened to Dite's words. He's forgotten about the woman's charm as he was excited about hearing things.

His primary goal was to earn money and thought he could find items and sell them. Then transfer the in-game currency to real-life.

"Alright, let's talk about why I've brought you here" Dite said as she sounded serious.

Arthur's body stiffened at the sudden indifferent attitude this woman was giving. Before, she felt like an easygoing person with a little bit of authority. Now, She feels the complete opposite.

"I've called you here for a few things..." Dite paused for a moment before continuing. "First, I would like to tell you about your status board. I want you to think or say "Status" as it will give you an overview of your stats and skills" Dite explained.

"Okay...Status?" Arthur said.


[Name: Arke]

[Class: Cultivator/Dual Cultivator (Unique)]

[Sub-Class: None (Unlock Level 10)]

[Cultivation Stage: Mana Gathering (Early)(0%)]

[Liquified Mana: 0 ml]

[Currency: 0]

[Level: 1] | [EXP: 0/500]

[HP: 650/650] | [SP: 850/850] | [MP: 1,500/1,500]

[Attribute Points (AP): 2]

[Vitality: 13]

[Strength: 13]

[Agility: 13]

[Dexterity: 14]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Charm: 21]

{Skills: [Common Mana Cultivation Technique (1/10)], [(Beginner) - Mana Absorption (1/10)], [(Beginner) - Dual Cultivation Arts (1/10)], [Common Palm Technique (MAX)], [(Beginner) - Basic Swordsmanship (1/10)], [(Beginner) - Mana Manipulation (1/10)] }

{Titles: [Unique Class Bearer]}

"Woah..." Arthur said as so much information popped up.

"Fufu~ Take a minute to review and tell me when you're finished" Dite giggled as she suggested to Arthur.

Arthur followed Dite's advice and saw all the information available. He studied and processed everything because he knew that this is important.

After Arthur reviewed everything, he turned to Dite and nodded.

"Alright, Let me tell you some things you need to know"


Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions post them in the comments and I'll respond as best as I can without spoiling too much of the story.

If you like this novel, check out my other one -

"Broken Vampire with a [System]" - Ongoing

Chapter 5: Unique Class