Ch 3 The Dead Shall Rise

Dario and Xavier rushed from their room with Dario taking glances at Xavier ever so often. He had seen worry across his face but this was something else entirely, what was it that had gotten him so anxious and terrified?

They had gotten to the front of the hotel and saw it was complete chaos as people were rushing from the outside in.

"What the fuck is going on?! Dario asked out loud 

Xavier on the other hand didn't pay attention to him as he dashed toward the front of the doors and opened them bypassing all of the frenzied guests who were running from something.

He looked around frantically searching for at least one of his friends and then he remembered they were at the party section and he took off in a hurry to get to the pool area. 

By the time Xavier got to the pool, it was complete carnage, blood splattered against the once blue water now a definite crimson red. As Dario huffed ready to curse at his friend he stopped short seeing the blood, and that was when both took notice of several people who were devouring the flesh of a still-live woman. They had yet to take notice of Dario or Xavier who quickly hid behind some brush and remained as silent as possible. As Xavier turned to take a glance he could see the life leave the woman's eyes as the rest of the gatherers devoured her innards and Xavier closed his eyes to the scene where he saw Dario pulling his kit set of sharpened kunai. 

Giving Xavier one who nodded as the two looked around there was still so much going on with people running past their spot and being caught by the once humanistic individuals and meeting the same fate as so many others. Xavier then told Dario they would soon make a break for it back to the hotel, but would likely need to take a longer route if they had a chance to escape. 

With that they bolted and didn't care about what was behind or in front of them, a couple of the now-turned humans took notice and chased them and what alarmed them, or at least Dario was how fast they caught up, Xavier stopped midway and surprised his old friend as he used the kunai to stab the first one that tried grabbing him, the other met his boot and was staggered while the other after stabbing his first attack into the neck dropping it dead to the floor while the other he precisely cut into its abdomen watching it's intestine's fall to the ground. Dario was watching in amazement but decided not to linger on it as they were still some way off from the hotel but saw a ledge they could jump as other turned humans began their approach. 

"Up over this ledge Doc", Dario alerted him. 

The two then made a great leap over the ledge and made it into the parking lot where even more chaos was ensuing. People running for their lives, Xavier looked around frantically but still hadn't seen any sign of their friends. 

"Uh, Xavier!" Dario shouted directing his attention to the gate which had been held up and turned human were bashing at.

Suddenly a JUTC bus full to the brim of passengers barreled towards the gate and both men took off towards the hotel doors the bus smashed through the surrounding walls of the hotel and Dario and Xavier made it back inside but realized the doors would never hold them back. 

The two wasted no time making it toward Xavier's room. 

"What are we doing, and wah the mumabloodclaut are those things?! Dario asked frantically.  

"I know it's confusing but right now we need to find the others and quick, this thing is spreading fast and I'd rather not be caught in the middle of this bullshit when shit gets serious", Xavier told him.

"You don't consider this serious!", Dario harped.

"If I didn't I wouldn't be frantically trying to get to my bag, now help me for godsakes will you", Xavier pleaded. 

As the two finally pulled the bag Dario noted the clicking sound coming from it and curiously opened it to reveal several weapons. 

"How in the….", Dario began 

"Less talk, more grabbing please", Xavier ordered as Dario took the weapons attaching the pieces as Xavier helped him along the way.

Xavier made sure to count off the equipment to ensure they weren't too top-heavy. Two Desert Eagles, a kit of kunai, and a 12 gauge shotgun for added measure. 

"Uhhh take these", Xavier told Dario as he handed him a bag of equipment Dario took out to reveal

"Walkie Talkies?" he asked.

"Safer and more efficient, plus the cell service won't be active for long and less attention", Xavier explained.

Dario continued staring at his long-time friend, and he truly wondered what had happened during that period when he was completely MIA from anywhere even his socials. The two waited in the room barricading the door as screams were audibly heard. 


Ajenka had made her way to Beth's room and it was safe to say she was surprised by her visit. Ajenka had explained she had to set certain things straight with the girl regarding what she may or may not understand about Xavier. 

"You're defending him a lot, commendable but there's no excuse for 5 years of no contact and no nothing", Amoy stated defiantly. 

"You can say anything without being in the situation", Ajenka said simply and turned to Bethany. "You more than anyone should know Xavier wouldn't do something without some reason and even if it's unexplained why would you not give him a chance?"

Beth looked down huffing as conflict portrayed her face.

"It's obvious you didn't find someone else otherwise they would be here", Ajenka said to which no one commented.

It wasn't until Abby pointed out that something seemed to be happening around the hotel grounds as people were running wildly, the other three girls were curious and wanted to see what the commotion was about.

They all looked out despite the lights flickering, and soon enough an explosion that was far off in the distance sounded.

"What is going on?! Amoy asked starting to get concerned. 

"We need to get out of here right this instant", Ajenka told them and a large bang at the door brought them out of their curiosity bursting through several turned humans which caused Amoy and Abby to shriek in terror. 

"Shit, it's happening already", Ajenka cursed as she sprung into action.