First Dao Cultivators

Since I've already made the Monsters, wizards and witches, and Cultivators, there's only a single galaxy left to make life in.

The Dao Galaxy

Alright, let's get onto making these first dao cultivators.

First of all, cultivators are humans, at least to the extent I've heard of.

Second of all, there will be variations in talent.

Third of all, there might also be some who are just regular humans, with no meridians and the like.

So just like in the novels, there'll be bullying, oppression, a ranking system, and unfairness.

But of course, there'll also be people with a good heart, that help instead of bullying.

And you must be asking yourself what the difference between dao cultivators and regular cultivators is

Well one is pictured to be how they are in the novels and that is the regular cultivators

and the other is pictured to be how I see them they are going to be how I want to thus the cultivation levels I have created for the dao galaxy

now in this galaxy, I am going to do something different

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create 4 female Pseudo-Endless Realm Vessel, and 4 Female Pseudo-Endless Realm Souls.」

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create 4 male pseudo-endless realm Vessel, and 4 male pseudo-endless realm Souls .」

「Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow male and female Pseudo-Endless Realm Souls to possess Male and female Vessel respectively.」

now you ask why are they that powerful

cause I need some people to watch over the galaxy when I am not

and I know i am omnipotent but that is when I am in my main body not my blessed body and I am gonna be in my blessed body a lot

don't worry if I need to I will make a watcher for the other galaxies but that is only if it is needed

but besides that their names shall be

Xun, Bao, Chen, Yun, Yang, Yin, Zhao, Chang

that is just the family names they can choose their surnames later

now that that is done I can make the dao cultivators

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create a male Dao Cultivation Vessel.」

Cultivation is like doing hard work.

The more work you put into it, the more fruitful the harvest will least sometimes.

Most of it depends on talent, but that's another matter altogether...

Either way, since the body has already been made, let's make a soul inhabit it.

Ah...I almost forgot. I haven't made a girl vessel yet.

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create a female Dao Cultivation Vessel.」

Alright, now that that's done, it's time to make the souls.

「Use Major Skill: Creation to create a male- and female Cultivation Soul.」

Just like all the other times, it went smoothly and the soul inhabited the vessels.

The vessels themselves were just like humans.

A human boy,

and a human girl.

Let us name the boy... kai.

I know, a kind of lame name and all, but I already told you, I suck at naming.

Alright, the girl.

Let's give her the name of... amber.

Again, I'm bad at giving names, so please don't complain alright?

Of course, these names are just for convenience's sake.

They will also not be implemented in their mind.

This will let their imagination run wild, and let them come up with their names themselves.


Time to make clones.

But, these clones will have to have the exact amount of strength as the originals.

「Use Minor Skill: Clone to make 1 000 clones each of Kai and Amber」

Almost instantly, my vision was filled with 2 002 identical Kai's and Amber's.

Since it would bring problems if everyone looked like each other, I might as well modify their appearance.

「Use Minor Skill: Modify, to alter the appearance of each clone of Kai and Amber randomly.」

Instantly everyone began changing.

Some grew fatter.

Some grew slimmer.

Some grew facial hair, while others lost hair.

Some grew prettier, while others became uglier.

Some grew taller while others grew shorter.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds.

Alright, since I'm done making the first cultivators, it's time for me to talk to the overseers of the galaxy

I unpause time for the 8 watchers

「where am I who am I who are they」Yin

「well, I can answer all of those first you are a watcher over this place as for who you are your name is Yin that is Xun, Bao, Chen, Yun, Yang, Zhao, Chang」Autumn

「well, where are we­」Zhao

「you are in a place I call the dao galaxy it is my creation」Autumn

「did you make us」Chang

「yes I did you are my creations normally I would only make one or two overseers but with the shear size of this place, I can't do that 」Autumn

「well what do we have to do as overseers 」Yun

「that is easy to make sure that the flow of the world goes as it planned 」Autumn

「are those the people that we have to watch over and are we able to have contact with them」Chen

「yes they are the ones you have to watch and yes you can it would just be boring having no one to talk to for millions of years」Autumn

「ok that is all of my questions, 」Bao

「well seeing that you guys are done I can leave and you won't remember any of this you will just remember what you have to do and what you can do and make sure not to give different people favors just cause you like them」Autumn

i unpause time then i make a crack in space and walk through it, rendering most of the cultivators dazed