"Sir! Let me be Lady Jane's right hand"

"Sir choose me, I have win multiple times in the arena!"

The news of Lady Jane's competing to the selection have spread due to mercenary of the palace notifying the candidates, only Lady Jane had passed in the Eighth, which is why men are in front of my house asking to be her attendant. It is definitely a ticket out of Eighth. However, not one of my choices is here. Jackson, Sean, Clark, Moore and Klein. Not one of them is here.

"Sir Thomas have you already find an attendant?", Lady Jane asked. She is sitting in my foyer, drinking tea.

"I have chosen five men but not one of them is here, I need to convince them more Lady Jane. Do not fret, I'll make sure one of them could be your attendant", I said this but I am worried as we already have to depart tomorrow.


The news of Lady Jane competing in the selection has become the gossip of the town. I am in one of the inns not far from Sir Thomas house. Sir Thomas have actually talk the matters of being an attendant a while ago here in this inn and somehow all of us is still here. Sir Thomas have talked me about it but I have refused it. For one, I haven't actually demoted to Eighth, that was just an alibi, and two, I am here for a mission.

Across me is Moore. Like me he is also unqualified, he isn't a resident of Eight but choose to live here.

From a distance, I could see Clark and Sean. We are all here because Sir Thomas have called us about Lady Jane's situation but none of us is actually considering on joining. Most people who lives here wanted out of this place, as I have deducted after living here for a while which is why I can't figured out Moore's reason in living here. He just said to us that he is not a resident of Eighth. Well, Sir Thomas definitely knows how to choose because I can see they are all special.

"Do you care?" asked Moore. "For Lady Jane. Besides the four of us, Sir Thomas have also ask Klein. I am confident he will go".

"Why?, I asked.

"He owes Sir Thomas a lot, and if he does, I'll go with them". Moore supplied.

"Why", my interest suddenly perks up.

"Just because", he said and then he walks away.

I got curious so I went to Clark and Sean to ask if they knew something about Moore, they appeared to be immensely talking about what had happened to the arena yesterday.

"Clark, Sean" they both turned around "I need to ask something to both of you, do you know what is Klein to Moore?"

"Why do you ask?" Sean questioned.

"I am never close to both them but I have always seen Moore close to where Klein usually is", Clark supplied.

"How do you know much about that?" Sean asked to Clark

"Because Moore is a royal guard before he lives here five years ago. It astonished me that he is here as he is a good one and he is very loyal to royals. I am here because I disagree with the royals and demoted to this place. Moore is the one who take my place so I got curious and investigated him. So far the only clue I have is him observing Klein from a distance", Clark answered.

"Why do you ask? Are they part of your mission here, Jackson?" asked Clark

That had taken me aback. Clark knowing that I have a mission means he knows more than he let on but I just can't figure out what he is trying to do now. What he was planning. "So why supply me with this info? And with Sean? You sure are confident telling this in front of him". I said, confused and guarded.

"Because you are not from the ruling royals, besides if there is a person who wants nothing to do will all of this, its Sean." Clark said shrugging.

"Right. I am done living the life that you have. If I have known your positions, I should have left a while ago." Sean said with a pensive look.

"Why?" I asked. I am again curious. Things have been puzzling like I have pieces that are part of the picture but these pieces are too far apart, it is still too vague. However, Sean did not offer me any answer.

I look at Clark who just shrugs.

"So Klein. What is his story?" I asked Clark

" As far as I know, he is a slave. The family who held him died because of treason that is why he is thrown to the Eight". Clark answered.

"He must have some information Moore needed". Sean supplied.

"Most probably" I said. That is the only conclusion left now. Things have been suspicious, I need to get to the bottom of all of this. What have Clark disagreed to the royals to be thrown to eighth? What have happened to Sean to distance himself from everything that includes the royals? Why did Moore decided to live here and why did he silently approaches Klein? What clues that he may have to warrant Moore's attention to him?

"See you around. I'll get going", Sean said and we watched him leave.

"I will leave as well. I am hoping that you are on the right side. Jackson right?" I nodded at him and he nods back at me before he turns around to leave.