The First Story: The Beginning Of All(2)

The answers from chapter -(0) are 1 and 2. I changed the name into great willium from the first story because there are already same name novels. But the real reason is ''Because almost everything is included in Great Willium!''. Then, what is Great Willium? Great Willium is a will or record or inheritance of a higher existance than a watcher. In charki cultivation, level 10 is the final cultivation rank. In the rank list, it showed the gods are one level existance lower than a creator. Because they are not the same. A god is not a creator. And a creator is not a god. And a Watcher is higher than a creator. But in which things? While a god can protect a planet at a time, a creator can create countless planets as long as it is not an earth like planet. A watcher I mention here is not what you know, like there were many watchers known as the sons of god in christianity. The watcher I mention here is not a tiny angel who can only watch earth and beautiful women. The watcher I mention here is like a guard inside the security room with countless CCTV cameras and can live 1 Acpex(The exact time of 5 universes born and died). Some of you might think a watcher is an old man or an angel. But truth is not like that. Let's continue the next chapter.

Chapter- (1) The Birth of Green Star

Sarumi: There was nothing this space. Even time does not exist yet. This age is known as the era of black. There is space but no time yet! The very first star(green color) was born. It keep shinning and did not stop.

Sarumi: It finally exploded(May be this is what people called big bang) when it became too bright. boom!!!....

Sarumi's book showed everything Sarumi said, just like a hologram.

Mura: Then what happen next...

Kido: Can I get more cookies and milk?

Sarumi: Ok, wait a moment.

Mura in her mind: It feel like I forgot something while eating.

A moment later, Sarumi came back to her seat.

Sarumi: Here you go!

She gave Mura and Kido cookies and milk.

Mura: Thanks!...

Kido: Yay...

Sarumi: Let's continue the story...

Sarumi: A man was born from the green star's explosion. He is naked. And the suit came out of nowhere. When he looked above he saw the higher existance.

The higher existance: Wear this suit! Your duty is to create one universe and help the others who are in need.

Sarumi: And then the higher existance gone....Thus,the man who born from the green star became the first creator of charki lineage. Soon after the higher existance left. The other creators appeared. Later, the Ancient ones(gods) were created.

Mura: So,that how the gods and the creators appeared,ah!

Kido: Awesome!

Sarumi continued...

Sarumi: The first creator gathered the other creators and gods. And built a home planet.

Later, known as ''The Land Of Creators'' or ''The Land Of Ancient Ones''.

Kido: Sister Sarumi, Is that planet big?

Sarumi: Yes, very very very big.

Mura: Then, how much it big?

Sarumi: It is as big as a whole universe.

Mura: What? That kind of planet really exist?

Kido: So cool!...

Sarumi: Yeah!... This planet is as wide as a whole universe...

Mura: But why it had to be as big as a whole universe?

Sarumi: Because they can fly much faster the speed of light.

Mura: oh...! I understand now. If the planet is too small, they will reach far away if they fly. More like, A small planet does not fit with them.

Kido: I wanna fly too...

Mura: It is too dangerous, what if you fell...

Sarumi: It's okay, princess Mura. He can't fly outside but he can fly here in my house.

Mura: But how?...

Sarumi: Kashatener, lower the gravity in this house but not the things in the house. And change the place.

The book moved and released a strange wave. After that, they are not in the house anymore. They are now in the air, sky above the clouds. Then,Kido's body slowly floating in the air...Even Mura's floating.

Sarumi: You can fly now...

Mura: I can fly, too...

Sarumi: Yeah!...

Kido: Wow! I'm flying now

Mean while, The army of the dark side had found the portal in the forest. A soldier from the dark side army reported to the Commander.

A soldier from the dark side army: Report sir, we have found a portal.

Commander from the dark side army: Ok.

The Commander returned to report about this to the General.

General from the dark side army: What, news did you get?

Commander: We had found a portal in the forest. I think the princess must be hiding there.

General: That's the good news. Gather the army first. I will follow with you guys just in case. We must get her alive...

To be continued...

#Credit to the owners of the photos#

Q&A: Who the Mysterious blue-haired girl?

1. She is a normal human girl

2. She is a young goddess

3. She is a watcher girl

4. She is a creator

5. She is the higher existance