2-15: Hero Candidate Part I

It was roughly a day after Avon and the rest defeated Martha, while on his end, Haruki was spending his second night after being sentenced to house arrest by the Chimera Hero, Raze.

Compared to yesterday when he was lazily lounging around and calculating his closeness to Raze for the continuation of his plans, Haruki was a little distracted this time. For most of the day the Chimera Captain was absent with a variety of excuses masked as logical reasons, so he usually opened the Private Harem Channel and chatted with Monad, who had been a little sticky and shamelessly jealous nowadays.

This time, when Haruki expected for the Incubus to moan about missing his liege, Monad delivered a plethora of news - both good and bad.

The good news was that Avon, Paul and Raven had successfully taken control of the Shifting Sand by dethroning Martha and the rest of her coterie from the Varuna Theocracy. This was a simple matter for Avon, who carefully and very deeply hid her tiger-like wit and ability to sow chaos in the enemy ranks. She was a top Saboteur Hero after all, as long as you ignored her character flaws, which was a bit difficult in reality compared to her in-game incarnation.

What was surprising however was that the former guild boss Darwin had fallen in with the Lust Demons after being fully Corrupted - no doubt the betrayal of Mead and the cruel death of Newton dealt a significant blow to his ego and morality. Despite her so-called "son" Paul's unease, Avon deemed him trustworthy and it saved Haruki from finding another figurehead to keep the illegal information guild in working order.

The people from the Varuna Theocracy had to be eliminated, however. As much as Haruki did not want to spill too much blood, these zealots from the nation embodying Justice were armed with an extremely troublesome Faction Bonus, the very antithesis of any self-respecting player of the Luxuria.

Like any other faction in the game, the Varuna Theocracy had two Bonuses: "Indomitable Law" and "Avatar of Justice". Indomitable Law was a fairly standard Bonus that raises their territory's defenses against combat, espionage and Corruption, making their lands practically impenetrable from outside forces. The more annoying one was Avatar of Justice, which halves all damage and negative effects their followers receive from Demons and Corrupted Humans. "Negative effects" included all abnormalities, including being subjected to Mind Control and Seduction, making it twice as difficult to stick. As such, there was no need to waste time putting anyone under the thrall of the Demons; it was far safer to burn the roses than suffer with the thorns after warily plucking them.

To be honest, the very notion that there were even agents from the Varuna Theocracy in the Extollan Wastes was already a disaster for Haruki. Countless scouts and spies had scoured the entire area, but they never figured that the enemy was closer than anticipated.

Even Avon's discovery was a fluke! She was only able to piece the evidence and unravel the Shifting Sand's connection to the Theocracy due to her history with Martha's boss - the Human Hero Alexius Caste, the "Ivory Tower'' and current leader of the Silver Crescent Order.

The "Ivory Tower" was a famed Scholar Hero from the Varuna Theocracy, whose shot to fame included defeating a debauched Succubus that preyed on his father and elder brothers, ending up claiming the position as the rightful heir of the Caste Dukedom. That's right, this said Succubus was no other than Avon, who treated the mighty Hero as her "precious prodigal son".

"According to Avon," stated Monad using the telepathic connection only available to Consorts. "The methodologies of the force behind the Shifting Sand practically screams of Alexius' handiwork. Masking distrust with so-called outside help, revealing only the barest of information to a chosen few, sending possible dangers to be Mind Wiped yet still finding some use for them…

"To cut it short, such a cunning and cruel yet perfectly effective strategy can only come from the most devious of the Human Heroes, Alexius the Ivory Tower."

"Ah…" Haruki sighed helplessly, his entire body almost melting into goo. "Why did it have to be Alexius? I really hate playing against that gamebreaker of a Hero…"

Monad's responding tone had a sour smell of vinegar. "You seem to have a very particular high opinion of this person…"

Haruki resisted the urge to roll his eyes; ever since he was forced to reveal his identity as a Demon and passive-aggressively flirted with Raze in order to preserve his role of a self-proclaimed but virtually harmless Incubus, Monad's mood turned a little over the top. If not for the reluctantly given promise that they would be spending three days together inside the King's chamber after things settled down, the Hero would have already barged into the nest to beat his "love rival".

The young Sovereign of Lust quickly learned that the best way to placate his lover was to carefully fake obliviousness of the matter and just go on with the conversation.

"Not a very positive opinion, however, since frankly, Alexius is a damn 'bug'. A Scholar Hero with good combat stats, not to mention his extremely broken Hero Ability. Hah, whoever is leading the Varuna Theocracy knows their Heroes well; anyone who knows the game would pick Alexius at the get-go."

Assuming all the "players" started on the same foot and at the same time, added Haruki in his thoughts. However, there was no need to say that out loud, especially in the company of the Familiar that had been absent for quite some time.

Knowing he couldn't remain passive for too long, Haruki instructed Asmo to teleport to his location with the help of the System Guide's unique Skills "Master Detection" and "Specific Self Transport". The former allowed the round bat-like creature to accurately pinpoint his master's current whereabouts and effectively teleport to said area with the latter. This specific set of Skills gave Haruki a little reassurance that his comrades would never fail to find him, thus he easily gave himself up to be "kidnapped".

Still, while Haruki had grown closer to and learned to rely on Monad, Avon, Raven, and the rest of the Lust Demons, the Familiar with the unidentified background and unknown motives was the sole exception. Ever since Asmo turned uncharacteristically cold and tried to force the "Carnal Connection" on him and Monad, the young Demon King had been subtly guarding against the Digimon lookalike's intentions. Or at least, the intentions of the person behind Asmo.

However, despite the risks, Haruki had little choice but to take advantage of all resources at his disposal. The Familiar, who was currently in "Stealth" mode, was the only available creature that Haruki could trust to look for the Chimera King unhindered and undetected.

That was right, ever since Haruki learned of Martha and her ilk's true mission, he could not wait for Raze to open up and reveal the mystery behind the missing leader of the Chimeras. Based on the information on hand, Haruki was sure the King was still alive and locked somewhere safe in the Chimera nest. Hence, the need for Asmo's "reconnaissance".

Yet, as more and more absurd developments came about from Monad and Avon's reports, Haruki felt the great need to uproot more secrets from the System Guide.

"Asmo," called Haruki in an irritated manner, pointing at the ground to let the floating Familiar lay on the floor like a spoiled child set for some beating. "What's the deal with Alexius and the Silver Crescent Order? I never heard of such an organization from the game!"

Asmo blinked his eyes in innocence, like a puppy who soiled his owner's shoes without the slightest guilt. "Asmo does not know what 'game' Master is talking about, but Asmo did hear about the Varuna Theocracy's famous four battalions of elite men and women!"

Haruki was exasperated at the Familiar's insistence of his nonfamiliarity with the video game, but he had more important things to do than settle the score. "Four battalions? You mean the Silver Crescent Order is one of these four groups?"

"Asmo heard that the birth of these four battalions only came about with the ascent of the current Saint! But Asmo did not hear about the Silver Crescent Order, only the Black Sky Inquisitors, the Blue Circle Advent, the Red Flame Templars and the Golden Land Sentinels."

Haruki's expression tightened to dumbfoundedness. "What's with these chunibyo-like names?"

"Chunibyo?" Asmo was puzzled at the strange word, but the master only shook his head and prompted him to continue. "Asmo does not know much of the events that lead to the formation of these battalions, but they are said to be under the direct command of the Saint and have their own corresponding purposes and goals!"

"So, they're some kind of special armies?" A thoughtful and nostalgic look appeared on Haruki's face, before shaking his head in dry humor. "This 'Saint' should be quite the role-player, taking liberties at changing the entire Theocracy's military and political systems."

On his end, Monad couldn't hear Asmo's explanations, but could roughly follow the topic with only his lover's side of the conversation. "But the Saint is only the Varuna Theocracy's religious figurehead, I don't think he had such power."

"Not if this Saint was chosen to be the 'leader'," replied Haruki, although Asmo and Monad would not fully understand. In his mind, being a leader meant being the faction's Human Leader, an existence equal to the Demon Sovereign, and possibly another otherwolder with the same shoes to fill as Haruki.

There were many questions to be answered, but at least some were already made clear. Haruki frowned as he laid out the entire situation to his two subordinates.

"As it stands, this Silver Crescent Order should be a 'secret' army amongst the four already established in the Varuna Theocracy. Assuming that the Saint had somehow grasped power and authority equivalent to that of a supreme leader, these battalions should be his personal hands and eyes. This is only a conjecture, but I have a feeling a Hero leads each of these so-called groups of the elite.

"Alexius Caste, a Scholar Hero, is the Captain of the Silver Crescent Order. Taking into consideration the modus operandi of Martha and the other members, the Order's purpose has something to do with espionage, using the local resources of their foreign enemies to dig and maybe drive a wedge in its relationship with other folk. For example, stirring up the Chimeras, who had great animosity against the Nit Magedom…"

Hearing Monad's hum of assent, Asmo's expression of extreme confusion had turned particularly cute instead of annoying in Haruki's perspective. Learning a little about the opponents assuaged the doubts in his heart, making him determined to foil the enemy's plans. Who said they can move against the Chimeras - Haruki had practically stamped them as his own!

Contrasting Haruki's resolute expression, the uncertainty and fear in Asmo's furry face was almost rebellious. "But Master, the Varuna Theocracy has the ferocious Judicators on their side…"

"True, though I can't determine if the Judicators mixed in with these four armies or they remained an independent force…" Like in the game, Haruki thoughtfully added.

"We can send some scouts near the borders to inquire," suggested Monad.

"No, we can't risk them finding out our identity as their Demonic neighbors. With our current forces, we are not a match against these so-called 'Demon Slayers'."

The Judicators, the so-called Demon Slayers, are the Varuna Theocracy's Unique Units. Like the Incubi and Succubi for the Luxuria, the Judicators solely exist in the Human faction representing Justice. However, Judicators were more of a "class" than an actual "race", a feat only available to the most promising and pious of Varunai. Said to be blessed with "heavenly magic" second only to the Saint and their bodies trained to the cusp of immortality, the Judicators were formidable champions of might and wisdom, erasing all manner of Corruption under the banner of supreme righteousness.

In other words, the Judicators were the Varuna Theocracy's trump card.

However, the Judicators also had their weaknesses. They were exceptionally strong when fighting Demons, but lost this edge against fellow Humans, especially when facing the other Human faction's unique Abilities, Heroes and Units. In addition, unlike the Incubi and Succubi who could take different roles in battle, diplomacy, subterfuge, workmanship and research, the Judicators with their focus in combat were one-trick ponies.

That doesn't mean Haruki would take the initiative to fight them though! The Luxuria's lone bastion, the city of Harlux, was very ill-prepared against two or three of these battle-crazy zealots, not to mention a whole army!

Also, the Judicators were the least of Haruki's worries. At least, these warriors, although powerful, remained consistent both in the video game and in the current reality.

Going straight to the point of the most pivotal predicament of the moment, Haruki stared straight at the Familiar's round doglike eyes.

"Asmo, what is a Hero Candidate?"

The Familiar's dumb puppy-like expression suddenly disappeared, replaced with a blank look that betrayed not even a single emotion. His tone as he answered was monotone, almost robotic, as if spouting words straight from an encyclopedia.

"The Hero Candidate is a special privilege given to all Human Leaders and Demon Sovereigns. In addition to the secret art of 'Summoning', Heroes may be reared from the outstanding followers of the Faction. Any person given the title of a 'Hero Candidate' will experience rapid growth and be given the opportunity to learn Skills beyond their current potential.

"Once a 'Hero Candidate' possesses enough 'Merits' to stand amongst the legacy of their forebears, he or she will ascend and acquire their unique 'Hero Ability'. Only then will they become a proper 'Hero' worthy of their Leader or Sovereign's trust and respect."

Haruki was stunned in statue-like disbelief, his nerves tightening at this absurd system that transcended beyond his wildest imaginations.

As if to break the illusion and remind Haruki that he wasn't dreaming, several familiar prompts appeared before him.

[Congratulations to Player for successfully learning the "Secret of the Hero Candidate"!]

[As a result, Player can now use the Unique Skill "Hero Candidate Selection". Congratulations, woohoo~]

[In addition, bonus Stats had been added to Player. Please check Status for specific details.]

[The following Achievement has been unlocked: (From Zero to Hero) - Successfully revealed the "Secret of the Hero Candidate" without meeting the required prerequisites.]

[Achievement Reward: Number of Hero Candidates +1 (Current Number of Hero Candidates: 0/2)]

Ah, what the hell was up with this gift horse in the mouth...?