
Ramzy tell Mabel he's feelings about her but he run inside the mansion


Ramzy; try to say something but he end up crying and he run inside the house

Mabel call rich and tell him she has something important to attend to she is sorry; she can't make it up with him and enter the house without waiting to hear what rich will say

Mabel go straight to Ramzy room

But Sofia is already there try to make Ramzy stop cry

Mabel enter the room and Sofia walk away without looking at mabel

Ramzy sit on the floor and cry

Mabel go down her knees and hold Ramzy hand but Ramzy didn't look at her

Mabel; Ramzy I know I have hurt your feeling; but I want you to understand that rich is just a friend like you are to me

And bisde we promise not to fall for each other; why you are doing all this now

Ramzy; am not strong as you are; I fall for you from the day you save at that road" but I have to pretend to you all this while

Mabel; but you know I can't love you; what do you think people will say

You are high class you can't marry someone like me

Ramzy hold her hand and say Mabel I don't care about what people will say, all I care about is that I love you

Mabel; ram stop it you are hurting me please stop it and just stop crying

Ramzy try everything but mabel didn't agree to love him

Mabel return to her room and pray to God to give Ramzy someone better than her


The family is having dinner together

Everybody is eating

But Ramzy keep use the spoon on the food without eating

Mabel was disturb; because that was her first time see Ramzy don't feel to eat

Ramzy was imagine life without Mabel; how life will be for him

Ramzy mum call him so many times but because of the imagination he didn't hear

Ramzy mum; Ramzy Ramzy

But Ramzy is busy thinking about his life

Ramzy mum; shut at Ramzy and ask him he will not eat the food

Ramzy get angry and shut at he's mum

Ramzy; is it by force for someone to eat; am not a child and it my life I chose what to do and what not to do understood

Because how angry he was he didn't even remember he is talking to his mum and he stand up straight to his room

Everybody was quite on the dining table

Ramzy mum too go to her room

Sofia follow Ramzy to his room

Sofia; bro what you did was wrong; your mom only care about your health, and you know how

your mom care about you; what you did is going to broke her heart

Ramzy come back to he's sense

And ask Sofia where is he's mum

Sofia tell him she is in her room

Ramzy rush there

Ramzy knock at his mum door and ask her to open the door for him

She open the door

Ramzy hug her tight

Ramzy; mum am sorry I know am Not a good son I don't even deserve to be your son; mum you can slap me do what ever you want to do to me but please mum don't get angry at me please mum

Ramzy was crying saying all that to his mum

Ramzy mum; my son don't talk like that you know I love you right common come here my son stop crying

And Ramzy tell his mom that he wants to put he's heard on his mom labs and sleep

And he's mum agree

Ramzy put he's head on he's mum lab

Ramzy mum; my son what is wrong my son, because when ever you are sad and don't know what to do you always wants to sleep on my lab; what is the matter this time

Ramzy; mum I don't deserve to be loved by the person I love or

Ramzy mum; my son you know almost all the girls on the planet wants to date you

Ramzy; mum then why the one I love regect me because of someone else

He's mum keep on give him hope that the girl he loves will love him back surely

And he slept off on his mum labs he's mum turn him and sleep on the bed

Mabel go to Ramzy room to check on him but he is in he's mum. Room sleeping Mabel think he has go out to drink alcohol

So Mabel diced to wait for him in the living room

Mabel wait till she slept off on the coach

She sleeps there till the next morning and she wake up she rush to see if Ramzy is back but still Ramzy is not in he's room that get Mabel worry

Mabel call Ramzy but he's phone is off

Mabel return to kitchen and make tea for everyone and make black coffee for Ramzy but she don't know Ramzy where about

Ramzy mum enter the kitchen

Ramzy mum; good morning my daughter

Mabel; maa morning how was your night

Mabel was about to ask her if she has heard from Ramzy

And Ramzy mum tell her to take Ramzy coffee to her room

Mabel; maa why your room

Ramzy mum; just take the coffee to my room but avoid make noice there ok

Mabel carry the coffee and start going but still she is thinking about Ramzy wandering where he is; she almost crush Sofia

Sofia; what are you thinking about

Mabel; Ramzy

Sofia; Ramzy right you are here thinking about Ramzy while he is died

Mabel; get weak and the coffee fall from her hand

Sofia try to walk away but Mabel hold her; tears is already in her eyes and ask Sofia to tell her where Ramzy is

Sofia; you want to see he's died body right. Now you are happy that he is died because of you right

Mabel can't hold it anymore she start cry and force Sofia to tell her where Ramzy is

Sofia holdd her hand and drag her to Ramzy mum room

When Mabel see Ramzy sleep on bed she really thinks Ramzy is died

She rush to Ramzy try to lift him crying and promise Ramzy to wake up, she promise to love Ramzy

Mabel; please ram wake up wake up please; ok let me tell you the truth; see I fall in love with you from the first day I lay eye on you; I have always loved you secret I have been praying to God to make you love me too

Please wake up I promise to give you all my love

Please Ramzy wake up; if am in trouble who do you want me to open up to please ram don't leave me please; I love you

She cry holding Ramzy tight beg him to wake; she will love him forever

And Ramzy open he's eyes and tell Sofia to give him high five, and Ramzy go outside smiling because finally Mabel has tell him she loves him

Ramzy go downstairs

And mabel and Sofia follow him out

Ramzy was happy and spin he's mum around on downstairs

And mabel come to him and start punch Ramzy on he's chest and said Ramzy has trick her

Mabel; I hate you I hate you, how dare you trick me and she punch him in playful way

Ramzy was laughing and run around and mabel follow him to upstairs

Ramzy stop and hold Mabel he look into Mabel eyes and hold her chick, and said I know you love me; why do you play along while in your heart you love me

Mabel; I just want to see if you truly loves me

Ramzy; so now you believe I Love you right

Mabel; not really am thinking about it

And Ramzy pull her near and tell her to look in he's eye; and tell him if she loves him or not; and put mabel hand on he's chest to feel he's heart beat

Mabel was looking at Ramzy without blink her eyes and said I wish this moment will last forever

Ramzy go slowly and get her lips kiss her; Mabel couldn't hold her self; she hold right head tight and respond to the kiss

They was happy kissing each other and Sofia bomb up to them

Sofia; hey two love birds here is not you guys room ooooo is ok

Ramzy tell Sofia to shut up but Sofia scream and Ramzy cover her moth and promise he will do whatever Sofia need for her

And Sofia think of something small and said she wants Ramzy to cook her favorite food her and Mabel. But no one will not help Ramzy only him will do it

Ramzy accept it and go to kitchen

He brings all the ingredients he will use out and start cooking

Mabel was busy thinking about how by now Ramzy is tried; she sneak off in the room to help Ramzy

When he rich inside the kitchen she tell Ramzy to make quiet she will help him but unfortunately Sofia come to the kitchen and ask Mabel who tell her to help Ramzy

Sofia hold mabel hand and drag her to her room and lock her

Ramzy tried before the food make ready

And Sofia go open the door and mabel come out

Ramzy fix the table and site the food for them but Sofia said Ramzy will not eat some. And mabel shouldn't compromise Ramzy for the food taste

Sofia knows Ramzy is a chef he will do better

After they finish eating

Mabel meet Ramzy in he's room

Mabel; wow I didn't know you can cook a delicious meal like that wow it tasting so good

Ramzy; you see this magic fingers they can do everything just for you to love it

Mabel ask Ramzy to close he's eyes she has surprise for him

And Ramzy close his eyes and mabel kiss him before Ramzy could open he's eyes mabel run out

In Mabel room

Mabel; stolen kiss are always sweet I wish I could have him all to myself today, but we don't want the family to know nothing yet