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  Chapter 194

  Chapter 195: One punch burst blood wolf

  The black image is a mountain.

   Walking towards Longdu step by step.

  The earth is trembling, and the river is surging.

   "Six-armed God Emperor?"

  Jiang Feng opened his mouth wide.

The black shadow that appeared in the distance was the six-armed emperor who guarded Shenzong. He walked all the way from the south. In the night, his figure was like a demon god, carrying a strong oppressive aura, like a god who had just opened the world. world.

  Jiang Feng stood on the top of the mountain.

  Through perfect perception, it can be clearly judged that there is still a long distance between the six-armed emperor and him.

  The suffocating black shadow, as well as the trembling from the ground, seemed to be a resonance formed by a magical power, like an invisible breath, spreading towards Longdu.

   Only he with perfect perception can still perceive it from a long distance.

   "Did he come for the underground palace, or for the blood wolf king?"

  Jiang Feng was full of curiosity.

  The fiery fire that walks through the forest is a powerful blood wolf. It blends into the darkness, bypasses the White Tiger Mountain, and approaches the west gate.

   It should also go towards the underground palace.

   "Hey! With the six-armed emperor here, no matter what is in the underground palace, it can only belong to Shenzong. Maybe the final winner will be the second prince."

   "It's true that I left Zhenbei Prison."

   "Otherwise, if the six-armed God Emperor notices the abnormality because of the three-legged body technique, the consequences will be unimaginable."

  Jiang Feng vaguely remembered the scene where the six-armed god emperor threw the second prince from the city in front of him last time outside Nanfu City. If it wasn't for the one-eyed old man who took the blame, the consequences could be imagined.

  Seeing that the six-armed God Emperor was getting closer, Jiang Feng stopped staying and turned back to Hippo Village.

  He didn't use the tripod.

   Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if it is not necessary, it is better not to show it.

   the next day.

  Jiang Feng continued to pay attention to the movements of Longdu.

  In the morning, some villagers went to the market in the city, and when they came back in the afternoon, they were talking about things in Longdu.

  Jiang Feng learned that Longdu was under martial law.

  At the gate of the south city, the gate lined up in full dress, the second prince and Xiao Zhan were in the crowd, their gazes kept going to the south, as if they were welcoming someone.

  Some people say that the second prince and the others are waiting for a giant with three heads and six arms.

  Some people say that it is an immortal from heaven and earth, and all dragons come to take back his things.

   It is even said that the patriarch of the Tang Dynasty was revived and returned from a battle outside the forbidden forest.

   The rumors spread like magic.

  But Jiang Feng knew that the only person who could let the second prince and Xiao Zhan lead the court ministers to greet him at the gate of the city could only be the six-armed emperor of Shenzong.

  But because of his three-legged body skills, Jiang Feng didn't dare to join in the fun easily.

   He could only hide far away, on the top of the hill, looking towards the south gate.

  At dusk, the gate of Nancheng boiled.

  The figure of the six-armed god emperor finally appeared in sight. He thought he would maintain a giant posture and appear in front of everyone with six huge and agile arms.

   Unexpectedly, the six-armed emperor who appeared at the gate of the city was about the same size as the white ape, but the six arms were not hidden.

  The second prince and Xiao Zhan rushed forward to have a chat, led him into Longdu, and went straight to Zhenbei Prison.

  Jiang Feng stood on the top of the hill for a while, and finally decided to stay in Hippo Village instead of going to Longdu to watch the excitement.

   Night falls.

  Jiang Feng went into the mountains to pick goods as usual.

The altitude of Laojun Mountain is not as high as that of Baihu Mountain, but halfway up the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of Longdu. Looking from here to Longdu, Heitieshan is so conspicuous, its stalwart figure , completely blocked Zhenbei Prison.

   Make it impossible for Jiang Feng to see.

   There was really no other way, Jiang Feng had no choice but to leave Laojun Mountain, detoured, and came to a small hill near the South City Gate.

  Here you can see the scene of Zhenbei Prison.

  The snow eagle was still hovering over the prison. It seemed to be bathed in spiritual power, as if it was hovering above, and it only needed to flap its wings sometimes.

  Because the distance is too far.

  Jiang Feng couldn't have a panoramic view of everything.

  But according to the current trend, there will definitely be something happening in Zhenbei Prison. I just don't know if the imperial court has sealed off the prison and transferred all the prisoners in the prison like last time.

  Two hours later.

  Three snow eagles appeared in the sky above the prison. The two snow eagles that just appeared flew out from the imperial city. I don't know if they were for guarding Zhenbei Prison or fighting for spiritual power.

  In the middle of the night.

   There was a flame in Zhenbei Prison.

   To be precise, it is a bloody light, to be precise, it is a blood-red halo.

   "Blood Wolf King!"

  Jiang Feng said in surprise.

  In sight, the Snow Eagle, which was hovering in the sky, swooped down towards the prison. For a moment, the blood shot up to the sky, and the white sword energy surged.

  A powerful force of heaven and earth fluctuated and moved towards the surroundings of the prison.

  Jiang Feng's perception of the Perfect Realm seemed to be able to feel that there were more than a dozen strong people in the Profound Sky Realm fighting there.



  The cry of the snow eagle and the howl of the wolf spread throughout Longdu, and countless people were awakened.

  A bloody wolf shadow erupted from Zhenbei Prison, and shot a snow eagle that swooped down directly into the air.

  Snow Eagle flapped its wings in the air, trying to stabilize its body, and finally fell towards the houses near Zhenbei Prison.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   Soon the earth trembled and resonated.

  The six-armed god emperor leaped out of the imperial city. He didn't show his huge size. His body was in the air with six arms, like tentacles that could extend endlessly. He grabbed into the prison, as if he wanted to tear the blood wolf into pieces.


  In the northeast corner of the prison, a piece of golden light floated, and a golden gauze, which was good at facing the wind, was built towards Zhenbei Prison, and it was caught by that layer of golden gauze from afar.


   "This seat wants you to go to the nether purgatory, and you will never be able to steal your life."

  The six-armed emperor roared.

  The golden gauze seems to be able to restrain him, while covering Zhenbei Prison, it also seems to be branded on his body.

  A heart-piercing pain fell on his body like an iron brand, which made him want to die, so he could only crack that layer of golden gauze first.

  His deity, because of the suppression of that layer of gauze, his strength dropped sharply.

   "That's... the one-eyed old man."

  Jiang Feng was dumbfounded.

  He saw that the person who threw the golden gauze net at Zhenbei Prison was a figure with golden light on his feet, it was the one-eyed old man.

  How dare he go back to Longdu, the tough six-armed emperor?

   "Did this guy get involved with the Blood Wolf King?"


   "Three-legged movement, underground palace, Shenzong, ah... why is it getting more and more chaotic."

  Jiang Feng felt in a mess. The appearance of the one-eyed old man made him unexpected, especially when the other party dared to cooperate with the blood wolf king to deal with the six-armed god emperor.

  The golden gauze net should be some powerful magic weapon.

   It seems that it can specifically restrain the six-armed emperor.

   "Hoo hoo hoo."

   At this moment, the four city gates of Longdu, one after another, quickly flashed across the city wall and headed towards Zhenbei Prison.

   "Stop 'em!"

   "Whoever trespasses on Longdu will die!"

  The men and horses that surrounded the dragon capital were all moving toward the figure galloping past, and they all stretched their bows and arrows.

   "A remnant of the Devil Cult traitor?"

   "They are desperate, how dare they break in at this time."

   "No, was this premeditated?"

  Jiang Feng's expression changed again.

   Appearing in all directions, the silhouettes rushing towards Longdu are all very skilled, at least all of them are upper third rank warriors.

  At the south city gate, there were as many as a dozen innate powerhouses in his line of sight.

  They lead the way.

   Let a large number of third-rank warriors in the rear successfully break in.


   At the same time, a scalp-numbing sound of grinding teeth came from the foot of the mountain.

  Thousands of ghosts roared.

  The world changes color.

  Dark clouds blocked the moonlight.

  It seems that some big devil is reincarnated.

   "Shifang Ghost Domain, old devil boy?"

  Jiang Feng stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. There was darkness below. Thousands of ghosts grinned in the black clouds, and black skulls whizzed towards the soldiers at the gate of the south city.

   This is Shifang Ghost Domain.

  The supernatural power of the Demon Cult.

  Jiang Feng immediately thought of the old devil boy.

  But it was found to be wrong in an instant.

  The old devil boy was dead, his soul was scattered, he was killed by his own hands, it is impossible for him to be resurrected like Xiao Ran.

   Moreover, the Shifang Ghost Domain in front of him is stronger than the old devil boy.

   Above the black clouds, there is a man in a black robe, driving the ghosts of the ghost land. He passed the clouds from the mountainside, as if he had been hiding nearby from the beginning.

   Now that the blood wolf king and the six-armed god emperor are fighting in the prison, he seems to have found an opportunity to go to Zhenbei prison with the demon sect traitor.

  Jiang Feng felt bad, so he didn't act rashly while standing on the top of the mountain.

  The man in black robe was standing on the black cloud, flying towards Longdu, he noticed something abnormal behind him, and looked towards the top of the mountain.

  Jiang Feng wanted to hide but it was too late.

   The eyes of the man in the black robe met.

  The black-robed man frowned deeply.

  He was hiding nearby, but he didn't even know there was someone on the top of the mountain.

  Jiang Feng had a dignified expression. The black-robed man was hiding nearby, but he hadn't noticed it before.


  The man in black robe stirred the black clouds under his feet, thousands of ghosts screamed, and several skulls wanted to fly towards Jiang Feng.


  Jiang Feng snorted coldly.

  Ru Yijing's cultivation level flashed by, standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the other party vigilantly.

   "Hahahaha, fellow daoist, don't blame me, I have no hostility towards you."

  The man in black robe felt the change in Jiang Feng's aura, he was startled, and laughed on the surface.

   "I'm just a person who likes to watch the excitement, I hope you don't get me wrong."

  Jiang Feng nodded.

   "Wait for me to take back the treasures in my teaching, and then meet fellow Taoists."

  The black-robed man cupped his fists.

   "I wish you the best of luck."

  Jiang Feng clasped his fists together.


  The black-robed man was overjoyed, and immediately rode the black cloud, swooping and roaring towards the south gate.

  Jiang Feng watched him leave, and then quickly left the mountain.

   "Could it be that guy is the suzerain of the demon sect?"

   "He was hiding nearby, and I couldn't find him."

   "He didn't provoke me, so he should know that I am not from the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and that I am not weak."

  Jiang Feng was terrified. Fortunately, the other party was in a hurry to go to the city to seize the treasure. Otherwise, he might not be able to take advantage of such a person.

  He changed to a hill and hid it.

  At the same time, check the changes in luck value.

  Name: Jiang Feng

   Air luck: 487611

   All of a sudden, it rose by more than 50,000.

  Just avoiding a fight with the black-robed man can increase his luck by more than 50,000, which shows how terrifying the black-robed man is.

  Jiang Feng saw black clouds over the south gate.

  The Demon Cult master quickly broke in.

  The arrows of the Divine Arrow Army can't stop them at all, they can only keep some of the upper third-rank warriors. When the black-robed man arrives, the army is crying, people are haunted by ghosts, and the howling of ghosts and wolves can be heard endlessly.

  The powerful demon cultists broke into the city one after another, rushing towards Zhenbei Prison.

at the same time.

  The bloody light on the prison side is also stronger than before.

  The golden net covered the six-armed god emperor, which greatly reduced the strength of the six-armed god emperor, and a layer of blood appeared on his body, as if he was wrapped around his body by the blood wolf king.

   "Sister Dong, Uncle Huo, are you all okay!"

  Jiang Feng thought of Han Dong and Uncle Huo.

   "I'll just go to Willow Alley and take a look, don't go near the prison."

  Jiang Feng was a little worried about Uncle Huo.

  When the black-robed man entered the city with the remnants of the demon sect traitor, he came down from the mountain and entered the capital without a sound.

  Having lived in Longdu for several years, Jiang Feng now knows the topography of Longdu very well. He avoided the crowd to hunt and arrest him, walked around and came to Willow Alley.

   "Old Huo, what's going on outside, ghosts are crying and wolves are howling, it's too scary."

   "My wife is holding me, with me around, our family will be fine."

  Aunt Huo curled up on the bed with the child in her arms.

  Uncle Huo poured a sip of yellow rice wine into his mouth, dressed in the official uniform of the prison chief, pulled out his personal saber, and stood in front of the bed to wait.

  This afternoon, Bao Longwei ordered all guards in the prison to go home on vacation.

  The prisoners inside were transferred to other prisons.

  Some death row prisoners were thrown inside, regardless.

   "Thank God, Uncle Huo's family is fine."

  Jiang Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the movement of Uncle Huo's family.


  Willow Tree Alley is some distance away from Zhenbei Prison, but Jiang Feng's feet are not far away now, and he heard the roar of wolves.

  The prison is full of blood.

  Of the three snow eagles, there are only two snow eagles left, and they are pecking at the golden net on the body of the six-armed emperor.

  Jiang Feng went to an attic.

  Seeing the six-armed God Emperor covered in bruises.

  In the imperial city, a huge white figure roared out.

   is the giant snow eagle.

  It waved its wings in the sky, and the fierce wind whizzed down, as if it could unscrew the Zhenbei Prison, tearing the golden net on the six-armed God Emperor.


   From all directions, figures rushed into the prison.

   "I just want to take back the sacred objects of the religion. When the objects are retrieved, the members of the religion will leave the territory of Datang as soon as possible. I hope that the emperor of Tang Dynasty will not interfere with the grievances between the religion and Yun Guizong."

  The black-robed man rode the black cloud and appeared in the northeast corner of Zhenbei Prison. Thousands of ghosts roared, and black skulls, like abacus beads, flew into the prison.

   Not long after, the screams in the prison became more piercing than ever.

   "Devil, today I, Yun Guizong, will do justice for the heavens!"

  A white sword light roared out of the prison.

   It was the middle-aged man in white, who was known as the Immortal Master Snow Eagle. The Snow Eagle in the sky seemed to be their Yun Guizong's spiritual pet, and they just sent samples in the imperial city.


  The black-robed man snorted coldly, Shifang Ghost Realm covered the top of Zhenbei Prison, black clouds shrouded down, and Zhenbei Prison was plunged into darkness.

  From a distance, I could only see a layer of golden light and bloody halo looming in the darkness.

   "This seat will crush you bastards to ashes."

   "Six-armed golden body!"


  The six-armed emperor roared.

  With the help of Xue Ying, he finally tore that layer of golden net into pieces, and his huge body like a giant appeared in the eyes of the world again.

  The six arms stirred up the world, and three of them inserted into the black-robed man's ghost realm in all directions, pinching ghosts and crushing black skulls into pieces.

  Three arms were inserted into the ground of Zhenbei Prison.

   was entangled with streaks of blood.

   "The disciples of Shenzong are here, kill this group of monsters for me."

  The second prince's voice came.

  He appeared in front of the Six-Armed God Queen, and then broke into Zhenbei Prison. He even claimed to be a disciple of Shenzong instead of leading troops to kill him as the second prince.

   "Evil devil heretics, dare to go to Longdu to make trouble."

  Xiao Zhan then appeared in Jiang Feng's sight.

  He was as brave as ever, rampaging all the way, even in the ten-fang ghost domain of the man in black robe, he was able to kill the innate powerhouse of the Demon Cult with his bare hands.

He is the God of War in the Tang Dynasty, invincible, and with only a pair of iron fists, he entered the prison from outside the prison. There were as many as four or five demon masters who died in his hands. They are all cultivation bases of the Innate Yuanli Realm.

  Jiang Feng watched with horror.

  The perception of the Perfect Realm can clearly distinguish Xiao Zhan's strength, which is in the Profound Sky Realm, and the realm is lower than him, but that terrifying fighting power seems to be comparable to that of a strong artistic conception.

  Especially those pair of iron fists made Jiang Feng feel as if he had integrated spiritual power, making Xiao Zhan invincible in the Profound Sky Realm.

   No wonder Liu Jinhu had to flee all the way facing him.

   "Xiao Zhan's method is a bit strange. Could it be that the martial arts skills he cultivates are all existences beyond the limit of heaven."

   "In the academy, is there a technique that surpasses the sky?"

   "Even the method of cultivating immortals."

  Jiang Feng thought to himself.

   "Kill kill!"

   At this time, a large number of masters emerged in the imperial city.

   Kui Han and Han Tieshan were all among them, and they rushed towards Zhenbei Prison one after another, as if they wanted to take away the remnants of the demon sect traitors in the prison.

   "Wolf King, how long are you going to hide?"

  The voice of the man in black robe came.


   A wolf howl came from inside the prison.

   This wolf roar seems to be calling for companions.

  Jiang Feng, who was standing on an attic in Liushu Alley, felt a powerful aura roaring from behind him.

   Turn around and take a look.

Eleven wolf-headed figures carrying blood-red flames galloped from the south gate. They smashed through the gate, armed with giant axes or long spears and iron rods, leaped two to three hundred meters, and crushed houses , one of them whizzed towards the willow alley.


  He jumped.

   Stomped an adobe yard into pieces, the bloody flames on his body set the yard on fire, jumped a few more times, and entered the end of the willow alley.


  Jiang Feng saw that Aunt Wang's yard was trampled to pieces, and a room full of relatives, under that force, were either crushed to death by the beams or swallowed by the flames of the werewolf.

  The yard that belonged to him was also engulfed in the fire.

  Werewolves don't care.

   Continue to jump forward.

  Jiang Feng widened his eyes, calculated according to the distance, and saw that the next stop of the werewolf would be Uncle Huo's yard.

   With that kick, Uncle Huo's family will not be crushed to death by the collapsed house, but will also be swallowed by the blood-red flame that comes with the werewolf.

  The whole family must be buried in the flames.

  Jiang Feng clenched his fists.

   To save or not to save.


   At the critical moment, standing on the attic, he let out an angry snort, and burst out a powerful breath, startling the werewolf.

  The werewolf is still in the air.

   Startled by the sudden breath, he jumped to the ground in a hurry and landed in the alley. The flames spread to the back and forth of the alley. The place where he landed was seventy or eighty meters away from Uncle Huo's yard.

  Jiang Feng stared at the werewolf.

  The strength of the werewolf is very strong.

   Comparable to the cultivation base of the Sky Profound Realm.

   It would be best not to fight, he looked at the opponent warningly.

  The werewolf holds a giant axe.

  The red hair on his body was dripping with bloody flames all the time. He was more than two meters tall. He stood in the alley, grinning, and stared at Jiang Feng with his red eyes.

   "I just remind you, don't break my house."

   Jiang Feng reminded.

  He released kindness and didn't want to be an enemy of werewolves.


   But it was this kindness that made the werewolf feel guilty.

  Rushing towards him with a huge ax in hand, with a body more than two meters high, a wolf-headed human figure, surrounded by flames, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a devil from hell.

"Oh shit."

  Jiang Feng cursed.

   Never expected that this would arouse hostility from the other party.

   There was nothing he could do. He dodged down from the attic and entered the alley. At the critical moment when the werewolf took off and slashed at him with a giant axe, he punched the werewolf and hit the werewolf's body.

  At this moment, a spiritual armor appeared on Jiang Feng's fist.

  The turbulent true energy in the dantian roared out, the domain exploded, and the power of heaven and earth sealed the werewolf's body, and tried its best to carry out a critical attack on the werewolf.


   This punch fell directly into the werewolf's body.

  The flames on his body dimmed in an instant, just like an extinguished tungsten light bulb. The moment the light was turned off, the tungsten filament in his body still had a little red light.


  The werewolf's body was torn apart.

  It seemed like sparks were scattered around the alley.

   Only the blood-red giant ax was left, and it appeared in front of Jiang Feng in a complete form, and fell into the alley.

   "What body structure is this?"

  Jiang Feng saw the werewolf's flesh and blood, emitting bursts of heat, as if throwing a handful of firewood over it, it could be easily ignited.

  The clothes on his arms are scorched.

   "Run, it's on fire!"


   "The old lady is holding the baby!"


  The flames in Willow Alley are burning to the sky.

  The flames that spread from Aunt Wang's house reached Jiang Feng's house, and slowly spread to other people's houses. .

  The werewolf's body was shattered by Jiang Feng, and the flames scattered everywhere, and also burned down several houses on the side of the alley.

  In the dark night that was originally not peaceful, everyone could no longer sleep, and they ran out to put out the fire, or dragged their families and ran to other alleys.

  Jiang Feng saw Aunt Huo running out of the house with Huo Baby in her arms, and ran out of the alley.

  Uncle Huo carried his youngest daughter on his shoulders, and dragged his eldest son out barefoot.

  By the light of the fire, Jiang Feng also saw that the wine jug on Uncle Huo's waist was full, and when he ran forward, there were drops of wine spilling out.

   "Can't stay here anymore."

   Seeing that Uncle Huo's family was fine, Jiang Feng ran out of Longdu.

  He just killed a werewolf.

   Afraid of arousing the idea of the wolf king.

  Secondly, there are so many strong men in Zhenbei Prison, even the Six-Armed God Emperor, no matter what treasures there are, it has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't believe that he can take advantage of it.

  So it's better to flash first.

   It is best to hide far away.

   Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets for support!

   Ask for one dollar to tip the list!

   The big climax is coming, watch Jiang Feng beat the second prince with fists, tear Xiao Zhan with his hands, kick the wolf king with his feet, slash the six-armed god emperor with his sword, and slay the sword fairy of the imperial city with his sword!

  (end of this chapter)

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Immortal Mansion Changsheng Past life has come true, my past life has been dug up Eternal Ascension Green Gourd Sword Immortal No. 1 left-behind child in the world of cultivating immortals This warrior is so fierce I can enter the past life of all sentient beings

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  Chapter 195 Don't come here!

   Eleven werewolves.

   Together they rushed towards Zhenbei Prison.

  One of them was killed by Jiang Feng's punch, but Jiang Feng couldn't be happy. He turned around and ran out of Longdu, disappearing from the willow alley at the fastest speed.


  Every werewolf has the strength comparable to a strong person in the Profound Sky Realm, and the flames on his body are a special kind of energy, which cannot be quenched by water or covered by earth.

   Only Yuanli can clear it.

  Their appearance made the situation in Zhenbei Prison deteriorate rapidly.

   Two of the werewolves with spears rushed over from a distance, and then jumped up, as if they were at a height of 100 meters, and attacked the two snow eagles who kept sneaking up on the wolf king.


  The giant snow eagle found clues.

  The wings trembled, and two gusts of white wind, like sword energy, slashed towards the two werewolves from the air.


   But there are ten werewolves.

  Five heads rushed into Zhenbei Prison, two heads attacked the two smaller snow eagles in the air, and the remaining three headed outflanked from three directions and rushed towards the giant snow eagle.

  They jumped two to three hundred meters, and the straight line height could be more than a hundred meters high.

When the giant snow eagle used its racial talent to cover its offspring with the wind and sword energy, two of the three werewolves who surrounded them threw their muskets, like two brilliant flames, towards the giant snow eagle.

  The figure at the remaining end appeared behind the giant snow hawk. He held a giant mace, held it with both hands, and smashed it at the giant snow hawk like a hammer.

  They all borrowed their strength from the ground, stepped on the roof, and jumped up, like strands of flames appearing in the air.


  Jiang Feng turned his head and saw that in the direction of Zhenbei Prison, five werewolves were hunting and killing three snow eagles, and that giant snow eagle was also their target.

   It's hard to imagine how strong they are.

  He didn't dare to stay, and ran towards the north city gate at a faster speed.

"Ha ha ha ha."

  The black-robed man laughed loudly, and the Shifang Ghost Realm combined with the bloody flames of the werewolf turned Zhenbei Prison into a purgatory on earth, causing countless deaths and injuries to the masters of the imperial city.

  The Demon Sect troops filed in, and the commotion in Zhenbei Prison became louder and louder. The inner and outer roofs were shattered, flames formed tongues of flames in the cracks in the walls, and screams came from inside.


  The second prince's eyes were about to burst.

  Under the protection of the six-armed god emperor, the wolf king couldn't hurt him. Facing those werewolves who broke in, his violent blood even drove a werewolf out of the prison.

  As if he was the wolf warrior.

   "The guardians of the wolf gods, they actually tore up the contract and ran from the forbidden forest to Longdu."

  Xiao Zhan was furious, he hit the werewolf with an iron fist, stained with flames, but was swallowed by his true essence in the blink of an eye.

   Three werewolves were kicked out of Zhenbei prison by him one after another.

   "Where are Yun Guizong's disciples?"

   "These beasts, are you causing trouble?"

   Xiao Zhan roared angrily.

  In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by werewolves again, and the three werewolves fought against him together. He had infinite real energy, and his fists were so terrifying that he could go head-to-head with the weapons in the hands of werewolves.

  For a while, the three werewolves were unable to break into Zhenbei Prison from him.

   One must know that Xiao Zhan has only cultivated in the Profound Sky Realm, and has not yet reached the level of the Profound Sky Realm, but it is such a state that the three werewolves who are comparable to the Profound Sky Realm cannot do anything to him for a while.

   "King Xiao!"

  Han Tieshan and a group of imperial masters went to support.


Xiao Zhan was free, seized the opportunity, and punched a werewolf on the head. The werewolf's body didn't explode, but it flew out for a hundred meters, and hit the wall beside the street. His body was sunk in the wall. Flames spread from cracks in the walls.

   "Don't let them in."

  Xiao Zhan gave orders to everyone, his figure quickly disappeared, and he entered the prison again.

   not long.

   Bang bang.

  Two blood-red figures were kicked out of the prison by Xiao Zhan. They were two werewolves, one of which had its arm torn off.


   The earth trembled.

  The giant snow eagle cries blood.

   After being besieged by three werewolves, it couldn't hold on anymore. Its huge body fell from the air with a bloody spear stuck in its body.

For the other two snow eagles, one of them was torn to pieces by two werewolves, and the remaining one, the claws on both feet, were all broken. After finally getting rid of the werewolves, they climbed to the sky and flew towards the imperial city. .


  The werewolf vowed not to give up.

Towards the Snow Eagle, he threw the spear in his hand. The spear was like a rocket, and it was extraordinarily dazzling in the night sky. Unfortunately, the Snow Eagle was very fast, and its height was constantly increasing. In addition, it was far away from the Shifang Ghost Realm of the man in black robe. The ghost interfered, and finally avoided the spear attack, and flew into the imperial city.

   "All the miscellaneous things of Yun Guizong, come and add bricks and tiles to this seat!"

  The man in black robe laughed.

  Under the cover of the Shifang Ghost Realm, even Xiao Zhan and even the Six-Armed God Emperor would be affected. He turned into a black shadow and rushed into the prison.


  The six arms of the six-armed god emperor grabbed the six werewolves respectively. He got rid of the wolf king and handed the wolf king to Immortal Snow Eagle.

  The nearest werewolf, after avoiding his first, second, and third arms, was finally caught by his fourth arm. The six-armed god emperor clasped his fists with six arms, and pressed hard with his six arms.

  Puff Chi.

  The werewolf turned into mud in his palm, and a large piece of blood-red corpse dripped from his palm and fell to the prison floor. The high temperature of the flesh made the ground red.


  Werewolves are not afraid of death.

   Among them, four werewolves armed with giant axes, or spears, or hammers and iron chains, rushed towards the six-armed God Emperor together.


   Under the cover of his companions, one of them avoided the attack and defense of the Six-armed God Emperor, and came to the back of the Six-armed God Emperor.


  The six-armed God Emperor let out a piercing cry, stretched his body backwards, his spine was looming on his back, and there were hill-like bone spurs protruding from his back, and his three arms grabbed at the werewolf on his back at the same time.

  The werewolf drew back his giant axe and jumped off the back of the six-armed god emperor, dodging to avoid the three arms of the six-armed god emperor.


  It's a pity that he couldn't avoid the right foot of the Six-Armed God Emperor, and his tail was stepped on by the foot of the Six-Armed God Emperor. The pain caused him to turn around and hold the giant ax to chop off the toes of the Six-Armed God Emperor.


  The six-armed God Emperor's toes were cut off by the werewolf, but the werewolf's body was also punched by one arm of the Six-Armed God Emperor. A large pit appeared on the ground, and bloody flesh was burning in the big pit.

   "Bastards, you have offended the gods, you will all die!"

  The Six-Armed God Emperor's expression was distorted, his face turned blue and white, seeing Yun Guizong's Immortal Master Xueying, he couldn't do anything to stop the wolf king, and even let the wolf king enter the underground palace.

  His three arms plunge into the ground.

  Like a human catching loach in a pond, trying to pull the wolf king out of the underground palace, the other three arms dealt with other werewolves outside the prison.


   Immortal Master Snow Eagle spurted blood wildly.

  Facing the wolf king, he struggled to support himself.

   One person and one wolf have entered the underground palace and passed through layers of restrictions.

The six-armed god emperor attacked him recklessly, causing him to be affected. His figure fell into the tunnel of the underground palace and almost touched the restraining mechanism. The naked eye saw the wolf king with his bloody mouth open, and was grabbed by the six-armed god emperor A leg was pulled out from the tunnel.


  The wolf king struggled, turned his head and bit the arm of the six-armed god emperor.

   There is a secret room next to the tunnel.

  A figure stepping on the golden light appeared in it.

   It is the one-eyed old man.

  Cooperating with the Blood Wolf King, he managed to break through the restriction, came to the secret room, and saw a small black tripod the size of a fist on a stone pillar in the center of the secret room.

   His eyes glowed with gold, and he reached out to grab it quickly.

  The blood wolf king was just dragged here, and when he saw the black little tripod, layers of flames burst out from his crazy eyes, and with a sweep of his tail, he swept away the black tripod first.

  The one-eyed old man caught the air with one hand.

   Looking back, he saw that the blood wolf king was dragged out and disappeared from sight.

   "The tripod furnace belongs to Yun Guizong."

   Immortal Master Xueying came to the door of the secret room and saw that the stone pillar was empty. His eyes were like knives, and he looked at the one-eyed old man with murderous intent.


  The one-eyed old man was furious, his legs trembled, golden light emerged, and he slapped Immortal Master Xueying with his palm.

   Immortal Master Snow Eagle punched out with anger.

  The two fisted and palmed each other.


  The one-eyed old man and Immortal Master Snow Eagle both flew out backwards.

   "Yun Guizong's energy is exhausted."

The one-eyed old man got up and ran. Before he left, he didn't forget to taunt Immortal Master Xue Ying. He knew in his heart that the reason he was able to knock Immortal Xue Ying into the air was because the other party had been seriously injured, was injured by the Blood Wolf King, and It was affected by the power of the six-armed emperor.

  In his heyday, he couldn't support himself for a moment in his hands.

  Now the cauldron has been taken away by the wolf king.

  The underground palace is full of restrictions, and it is meaningless to stay any longer. He wants to go out and take the cauldron away when the blood wolf king and the six-armed emperor are fighting.


  The six-armed emperor roared.

   Throwing the Dragon Capital of the Blood Wolf Dynasty outside.

  The blood wolf king was like a sea of flames, his body could reach the knees of the six-armed god emperor, and he was dragged out of the underground palace by the six-armed god emperor. Like a giant blood ball, he smashed towards the forest outside Longdu.

   "This seat wants you to exterminate the wolf clan."

The six-armed God Emperor kicked his feet, Zhenbei Prison collapsed, the ground cracked, and the underground palace was exposed in front of the world. His huge body was ejected from Zhenbei Prison, and every time he landed on the ground, the place collapsed. He didn't care, and chased after the figure of the wolf king all the way.

  The werewolf howled.

  I want to go out of the city to support the Blood Wolf King.

   "Ding Ding!"

   But at this moment, around Zhenbei Prison, six luthiers appeared. They played the guqin, and the sound of the piano formed sound waves that were visible to the naked eye, like a net rushing towards the werewolf.


  The werewolf had no choice but to turn around and deal with those luthiers.

  The third floor of Zhenbei Prison was turned into ruins, the underground palace was exposed in front of the world, and evil cults, led by men in black robes, poured in.

  When they saw that the stone pillars in the secret room were empty, they ran towards the depths of the underground palace at the risk of being banned and beheaded.

  It seems that in the underground palace, besides the cauldron, there are other things that attract them.

  The masters of the imperial city and the disciples of Yun Guizong chased and intercepted him.

  The Second Emperor glanced at the six-armed God Emperor who was going away, and stayed with Xiao Zhan to deal with the demon cult evildoers.


  The one-eyed old man jumped up from the exposed underground palace at this time, and cast a three-legged movement technique, golden light emerged from his feet, and chased in the direction of the six-armed god emperor and the blood wolf king.


  The second prince was about to enter the underground palace.

   Just saw the figure of the one-eyed old man.

   Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

  He always believed that the one-eyed old man took the elixir.

   Unexpectedly, he would dare to appear in Longdu and play wild in the underground palace.

"It's him."

   "Li Yunhong, don't let him run away!"

  Wu Weiwei's voice came from the gate of the prison. As the owner of Zhenyao Martial Arts Gym, their martial arts gym was invited by the emperor and came to support them.

   "Where to go!"

  The second prince was still a little hesitant at first, and he was extremely jealous of the things in the underground palace, but he thought that the spiritual liquid was in the hands of the one-eyed old man, and Wu Weiwei had been hijacked by the other party.

   The treasure was taken away by the opponent.

  Women have also been hijacked.

  It is tolerable, which is unbearable.

The second prince couldn't help but chase after the one-eyed old man, and handed over the affairs of Zhenbei Prison to Xiao Zhan and the masters in the imperial city. He planned to kill the one-eyed old man first, get back the spiritual fluid to avenge his woman, and then come back to help .


   "Who's chasing me?"

  Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

  Jiang Feng had already run out of the North City Gate, but he did not heave a sigh of relief. At this moment, he felt a chill down his spine.

   looked up.

  I saw a huge fireball flying overhead and smashing into the forest ahead.

  The fireball flew from the direction of Zhenbei Prison, over the Black Iron Mountain, and hit the forest outside the North City Gate.

  When Jiang Feng turned his head, he happened to see the six-armed God Emperor stepping on the top of the Black Iron Mountain, his six arms flying in the air, and his huge body leaping towards the north gate.


  A compound was turned into ruins by him, and he stepped out a dozen steps in a row. He came to the gate of the city from the Black Iron Mountain.

  Each of the six arms broke a huge rock from the Black Iron Mountain and threw it at the Blood Wolf King in the forest.


  Jiang Feng's scalp was numb.

Looking at the six-armed god emperor from his perspective, especially when the other party borrowed strength from the top of the Black Iron Mountain and jumped over, Jiang Feng felt that he punched with all his strength, and he might not be able to catch any blow from this figure. It is possible to be trampled into meat paste.

   So he dodges to the side.

  Like a monkey, he jumped one or two hundred meters, desperately trying to stay away from the battle circle of these two monsters.

   "Jiang Feng!"

  In the direction of Zhenbei Prison, Han Dong led the wolf slaughter army to surround Zhenbei Prison, trying to kill all the werewolves and the remnants of the Demon Cult.

  The emperor had expected the abnormal phenomenon in the underground palace.

  While letting the army blockade Longdu, making the scene that the remnants of the Demon Cult and the Wolf King will never enter the city, at the same time deploying masters in the city, uniting Yun Guizong and the Six-Armed Emperor, trying to catch turtles in Zhenbei Prison.

  Han Dong was supported by the wolf slaughter army.

  She looked in the direction of Black Iron Mountain.

  Just now, the six-armed God Emperor borrowed strength from the top of the Black Iron Mountain, and she saw the scene of digging out huge boulders from the cliff with six arms.

She felt that the whole Black Iron Mountain was shaking, especially when the six-armed God Emperor jumped down from the top of the mountain, as if there was an infinite force pouring in from the top of the mountain, causing the stones on the cliff to fall off and the gravel to roll, Rolled from the top of the mountain to the mountainside.

  She was worried that Jiang Feng's grave would be swallowed by boulders or rubble.

   After hesitating for a while, Han Dong ran to Heitieshan and handed over the command of the wolf slaughter army to others.


  The blood wolf king was thrown into the forest outside the north city gate by the six-armed god emperor. The huge body of the blood wolf king plowed a gully on the ground, destroying a large area of the forest, and the flames spread everywhere.

  The body of the six-armed emperor crossed the city gate.

  Boulders smashed past one after another.

  The blood wolf king was caught off guard, and two of them failed to avoid it, and were hit in the chest. The pain caused the cauldron, which was originally caught by its tail, to fly out.

   Coincidentally, the cauldron was flying in the direction of Jiang Feng.

  At this time, Jiang Feng, the six-armed emperor and the blood wolf king are in a triangle state.

  He originally ran to the north, but because the six-armed god emperor and the blood wolf king rushed out, he turned to run in a straight line to the west, wishing to have two more legs and stay away from those two big guys.

  Suddenly a cauldron flew towards him.

   "Um, an ashtray?"

   "I don't smoke."

   "Go to hell."

  Jiang Feng decisively kicked it back.

   He didn't even think about picking it up, kicked it into his arms and continued to run.

  He knew that under the eyes of the Blood Wolf King and the Six-Armed Emperor, this behavior was tantamount to courting death.

  The "ashtray" turned into an arc and flew from Jiang Feng's side to the forest outside the city.

In the forest, the blood wolf king and the six-armed god emperor were already fighting in full swing. The six arms of the six-armed god emperor smashed out non-stop, and the blood wolf king turned into a state of blood flames, like an endless sea of flames, killing the six-armed god emperor. Surrounded by the Armed God Emperor, the roar was endless, trying to avoid the arm of the Six-Armed God Emperor, biting the throat of the Six-Armed God Emperor.

   "Where to run!"

  At this time, Jiang Feng relied on his perfect perception to hear a familiar voice from the roar of the wolf.

   It is the second prince.

  He who fled to the west.

   Didn't look back.

  He felt that the second prince was not coming towards him, but even so, he still didn't want to meet the second prince again. If he recognized him, the previous efforts would be in vain.

  So he kept his head down and ran all the way.

  Don't care about what's going on behind you.

"Ha ha!"

  The one-eyed old man laughed.

  He came out just in time.

  Jiang Feng kicked back the ashtray, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't fly to the forest outside the city. He rushed there with three legs and caught the cauldron.

  Seeing that the north was blocked by the six-armed emperor.

   There is no way to go back inside the city.

   It takes a big circle to run south.

  So he hugged the cauldron and ran towards Jiang Feng.

He didn't see the scene of Jiang Feng kicking the cauldron into the air, he only saw the cauldron flying over the city, but seeing Jiang Feng running all the way to the west, he guessed that he was frightened, didn't want to get involved in cause and effect, wanted to A coward looking for a place to hide.

  So he was very relieved and ran over here.

   "Leave the stuff and the ichor!"

  The second prince roared angrily.

   "Whoosh whoosh!"

  He snatched a meteor bow from the Divine Archer Army, and set the bow and arrow at the one-eyed old man.

  The one-eyed old man was not in love with fighting, and avoided one after another with his three-legged body skills, holding the cauldron tightly in his arms, seeing Jiang Feng in the distance, he had a vicious thought.

   "Brother, wait for me!"

  He shouted at Jiang Feng.

   Want to pull Jiang Feng into the water.


  Jiang Feng's face was black, with perfect perception, and the figures of the one-eyed old man and the second prince, they were all gushing out with true energy, Jiang Feng had to hear it if he didn't want to hear it.

  So he shifted his direction a little bit, straight to the west, and slowly ran to the southwest.

   "Junior Brother!"

  The one-eyed old man saw Jiang Feng running faster and faster, and his body skills were extremely ordinary, and he was able to distance himself from him with his mighty true essence.

   It is entirely possible to be a strong person in the Sky Profound Realm.

  So he shouted again, and kept in the same direction as Jiang Feng, and must pull Jiang Feng into the water.

   "Whoosh whoosh!"

  The second prince was chasing after him, and he didn't know how he did it. He was full of violent blood and blood, like a more ferocious werewolf, rushing forward all the way.

   During the process of drawing the bow and nodding the arrow, the speed hardly slowed down.

  Although the arrows are avoided by the one-eyed old man, they can also interfere with the one-eyed old man.

   An arrow even flew behind Jiang Feng.

   "Junior brother, take the things back and catch them!"

  The one-eyed old man shouted loudly, pretending to throw the cauldron to Jiang Feng.

The distance between Jiang Feng and the one-eyed old man and the second prince is gradually opening up. Although he does not dare to show his three-legged body skills with his Ruyijing cultivation base, with his strong true energy, the speed is not something that the two of them can catch up with. .

   It is only a matter of time before the two get rid of them.

  But the behavior of the one-eyed old man made Jiang Feng feel sick.

Feeling the arrow shot by the second prince fall behind him, Jiang Feng swirled the power of heaven and earth, sucked the arrow into his hand, twirled it in the palm of his hand, stretched out his hand and waved it, the arrow wrapped in semi-finished spiritual power, like a dragon tendon Shooting from the bow is normal.

   rushed towards the eyebrows of the one-eyed old man.


  Jiang Feng shot with hatred.

   Do your best.

   Under his power, the arrow shot back at a speed that the one-eyed old man could not avoid.

  At the critical moment, the one-eyed old man used a cauldron to block the gap between his eyebrows.

  The arrow hit the top of the cauldron.

  The cauldron hit his forehead.

  The one-eyed old man flew upside down, bleeding from his forehead.

   Wait until you get up again.

  The second prince has already caught up.

   Slashed at him with a knife.

  The one-eyed old man's head was in a daze, and he couldn't see clearly the second prince's sword shadow, so he used the cauldron to block it again.


  The cauldron was hit by Jiang Feng's long knife and got out of the hand of the one-eyed old man. Coincidentally, it landed in front of Jiang Feng again.


  The one-eyed old man has long been severely injured.

  After being hit on the head by the cauldron, he was dizzy. It was not easy to block the second prince's knife at a critical moment.

  He failed to avoid the second knife.

   Hands up and down.

  The head fell to the ground.

  A bloody arrow shot from his neck.

   "That belongs to my Tang royal family!"

  Finally killed the one-eyed old man, the second prince rushed towards Jiang Feng.

  He saw the cauldron that was blown away by him and landed in front of Jiang Feng.

  Jiang Feng didn't want to touch it.

  Afraid of provoking serious karma.

   But the ashtray flew up to him twice.

   Both the one-eyed old man and the second prince had their heads broken.

  The turmoil in Zhenbei Prison may have been caused by this ashtray.

   Now out of the sight of the blood wolf king and the six-armed emperor.

  If you don't take this thing away and let it fall into the hands of the second prince, once the second prince tracks him down in the future, how will you deal with the second prince.

   But if this thing is taken away, it will definitely be missed by the Tang royal family.

  Maybe also provoke the Six-armed God Emperor.

   Think about it or forget it.


   "Whoosh whoosh!"

  But just when Jiang Feng was about to throw away the ashtray again, three arrows shot at him.

   It was the second prince who couldn't hold back.

   Immediately raised his bow and arrow at Jiang Feng.

   wanted to prevent Jiang Feng from touching the cauldron.

   To pick up or not to pick up?

   What do you think?

   Is the second prince's death date approaching?

  (end of this chapter)

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  Chapter 196 Crushing, the second prince of explosive hammer

   "Whoosh whoosh!"

  Jiang Feng felt three sharp rays coming.

  He turned around and caught the three arrow shadows.

  The second prince was shocked.

  Jiang Feng was able to change hands and grab the arrow he shot, but the more he did this, the more he rushed towards Jiang Feng impatiently, worried that the cauldron would be taken away by Jiang Feng.


  He threw the meteor bow at Jiang Feng.

  Withdrawing the long knife from his waist, he slashed at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's face was dark, the second prince was bullying too much, he didn't intend to use the cauldron, he even wanted to run away, the second prince still looked aggressive, let the three arrows hit him, and even threw the bow and crossbow at him .

  Seeing the meteor bow wrapped in blood-red power, hitting head-on, Jiang Feng reached out to catch it again.

  The second prince who rushed towards Jiang Feng quickly was shocked again. He practiced Shenzong's "Blood God Art", which has infinite strength and abundant real energy.

  Dare to fight against Xiao Zhan.

   Unexpectedly, the person in front of him first caught the three arrows he shot with his bare hands, and then caught the shooting star bow that he threw with all his strength.

   And still catch it with one hand.

   "You don't have the right to touch things belonging to my Tang royal family!"

  While the second prince was shocked, he also had a strong fighting spirit. Among his peers, he thought that there were few people who could be his opponents.

  The person in front of him is dressed as a villager, and his appearance looks a bit unreal, even a bit familiar.

  He was puzzled in his heart, but he didn't think much about it at this time.

   Slashed out with a knife, and Jiang Feng blocked it casually with the meteor bow in his hand.

  The second prince's blade was covered with blood-red power, the blade collided with the meteor bow, and the scene of cutting off the meteor bow, breaking through Jiang Feng's defense, and slashing at Jiang Feng's forehead did not appear.

  The meteor bow that Jiang Feng blocked casually, on the contrary, shook the long knife in the second prince's hand. The second prince couldn't help but backed away, feeling his arm numb, and the long knife in his hand even felt like it was thrown out of his hand.

  His expression changed suddenly.

  Before the saber technique had time to switch, Jiang Feng hit him with a meteor bow.

  Using the Meteor Bow as a club.

  The second prince resisted with a horizontal sword, and the blood-red true essence surged out.


   An unspeakable force was transmitted from the meteor bow.

  The second prince's sword came out from his hand.

  Jiang Feng's meteor bow hit him on the shoulder.


  The second prince knelt on one knee.

  The terrifying force made him unable to bear it, and his knee hit the ground fiercely, smashing a rock into pieces.


  His eyes are tearing.

  The angry expression was covered by strong shame, and the killing intent in his eyes was unprecedentedly strong. He reflexively grabbed the meteor bow on his shoulder with both hands, trying to snatch it back.

  Jiang Feng returned the meteor bow to the second prince, raised his hand and clapped it down.

  The second prince raised his bow to resist, and retreated violently at the same time. Unfortunately, he is not as fast as Jiang Feng, and he is not at the same level in terms of strength.

  Jiang Feng slapped the Meteor Bow with his palm, and the Meteor Bow burst on the spot, and his palm landed on the second prince's chest.

  At this moment, Jiang Feng's palm clearly felt that there was a protective seal on the second prince's body, blocking most of his strength.

Royal member.

  Shenzong disciple.

   Naturally, there are many ways to save life.

  Jiang Feng wasn't surprised, he just tried his best to let his power penetrate, and forcibly slapped the second prince on the chest.


  The second prince flew out backwards.

  The man sprayed blood in the air, and the blood power on his body was condensing, trying to gather into body armor.


  Jiang Feng took advantage of his illness to kill him.

  He approached quickly, and greeted the second prince with a fist.

  Ruyijing's strength exploded at this moment.

  The fist is covered with a layer of translucent spiritual power.

  Since he made a move, he couldn't let the second prince have a chance to breathe, and he had to kill him in one go, so as to avoid future troubles.


  Think here.

  Jiang Feng's fist seal exploded, relying on the raging power alone, crushing all the way, every punch was guaranteed to land on the second prince's body.

  The second prince retreated again and again, hiding again and again.

  Jiang Feng pressed hard at every step, punching to the flesh, sealing off the domain, forcing the Second Prince to the point where he could not retreat, he could only bite the bullet and bear the critical blow from his fist.



  The second prince panicked.

  Jiang Feng punched too fast.

   Too strong.

  His blood magic power is simply unstoppable.

  He felt like a child who was cornered by a giant. Facing the attack of the giant, he had no power to parry at all, except for defense or defense.

   And his defense, in front of the giants, is a joke.


  Jiang Feng punched the second prince's face, and he could see teeth flying out of the second prince's mouth.

  The fist shadows overlapped, and at that moment, it seemed that dozens of fist shadows blasted towards the second prince.

  The second prince ran away with his head in his arms, not remembering how many punches he had received.

  I only felt that the blood god Zhenyuan, who was so proud, had become weak and weak. Both physically and mentally, he was hit by an unprecedented crit.

  He has never been so aggrieved and powerless.

   Even in the face of Shenzong's assessment, he is full of confidence.

   But facing Jiang Feng's offensive, he felt that he could not see any hope.

   That surging fist print.

  With such terrifying power, it seems that everything can crush him.

He who has never screamed before, can only scream non-stop at this moment, but before he screamed a few times, his forehead was covered by the shadow of fists, and after several punches, the second prince felt as if his head was about to explode generally.

  An unprecedented sense of crisis enveloped my heart.

  In desperation, he relied on the last will to crush a piece of jade around his waist into pieces.

   That moment.

  In the forest outside the city, the six-armed god emperor who pressed the wolf king on the ground and exploded his hammer, seemed to have received a sense, and even reflexively abandoned the wolf king, and his huge body rushed towards the second prince.

   "Bang bang bang!"

  The earth shook.

   There are cracks spreading in the direction of Jiang Feng.


  Jiang Feng crushed the second prince's blood-colored bodyguard with one punch.


   Another punch broke through the second prince's body seal.


   Another punch penetrated the second prince's leather armor.

  Jiang Feng saw that the second prince's defense seemed to be completely broken by his strength, and a few more punches would kill him alive.

  This is a good opportunity, not to be missed.

  So he aimed at the second prince's chest, burst out with spiritual power, and punched him.


  Jiang Feng punched down with all his strength, and his fist sank into the ground.

  The figure of the second prince disappeared the moment his fist fell.

  Jiang Feng was shocked and looked up into the distance.

   It was discovered that the second prince was being grabbed by a phantom arm.

   It was the six-armed God Emperor who shot.

   At the critical moment, he dragged the second prince away, avoiding his fatal blow.

  The six-armed God Emperor looked at Jiang Feng.

  Just a glance.

  Jiang Feng felt that all the secrets seemed to be exposed in the eyes of the six-armed God Emperor.


  He picked up the cauldron without hesitation, turned around and ran away.


  The six-armed God Emperor's phantom with two arms came towards Jiang Feng.

  Jiang Feng was shocked.

  Three-legged movement emerged.

   Stepping on the golden light and galloping away into the distance.

  The phantom's arm landed on Jiang Feng's original ground, and two cracks appeared on the ground.

  Jiang Feng stepped on the golden light and disappeared from the six-armed God Emperor's sight at the fastest speed.

   "It was this guy last time."

  The six-armed emperor murmured.

  The aura he sensed in Nanfu City last time was the aura of Jiang Feng.

  He glanced at the second prince, who was covered in blood and was already in disrepair, with only a little breath left, his eyes were covered with anger.

  The second prince's blood and spiritual roots are extremely special.

   If he died in front of his eyes, he would not be able to explain to the sect.

   Jiang Feng must be caught.

  He wants to see who dares to kill the Holy Son of Shenzong.

  Where did Jiang Feng get his three-legged body technique?

What does    have to do with the traitor one-eyed old man?

  Especially his agility level, he has cultivated to the Xiaocheng level, which is extremely rare in Shenzong.

  Going one step further, you can enter the Shenmen Zongfu through body skills.

  It would not be a good thing for Shenzong if people other than Shenzong were allowed to enter the Shenmen Zongfu.


However, before the six-armed god emperor could catch up with Jiang Feng, the blood wolf king rushed up from behind. One man and one wolf turned the forest outside the city into ruins. The blood wolf king didn't seem to have taken advantage of it. , forming a blood flame tornado, wrapping the six-armed emperor.

   "Okay, I will kill you first."

  The six-armed god emperor hid the arm holding the second prince, and the five arms danced wildly in the blood flames, trying to grab the blood wolf king's throat and twist it directly.

   "Did not catch up."

   "It was the blood wolf king who entangled him."

  Jiang Feng ran forward desperately, but he was always paying attention to the movement behind him.

  He was thinking that if the six-armed god emperor caught up, he would throw the cauldron away.

   No matter what kind of treasure it is, life-saving is the most important thing.

   Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the blood wolf king entangled the six-armed emperor.

  He was overjoyed.

   ran all the way to the southwest.

  The eyes of the Six-Armed God Emperor made him very scared, as if all the secrets were seen through by the Six-Armed God Emperor at a glance.

   "The second prince has seen me. As long as he is still alive, I can't go back to Hippo Village."

   "Where should I go?"

  Jiang Feng didn't dare to go back to Hippo Village, he ran to the southwest, and saw the figures of Baihu Mountain and Nancheng Gate.

   "I was running to the southwest under the eyes of the Six-armed God Emperor. If he wants to chase me, he will definitely not miss this direction."

   "If you go to Baihu Mountain, it is the only way to go to the south, just in case..."


  Jiang Feng pondered for a while, and was attracted by a mountain in the capital.

   It is the Black Iron Mountain.

  The imperial court gave him a grand funeral.

  The tomb is on the Black Iron Mountain.

  Everyone thought he was dead.

   was buried on the Black Iron Mountain, then he went to lie down on the Black Iron Mountain.

  With this idea in mind, Jiang Feng made a big circle to make sure that the six-armed God Emperor who was fighting fiercely outside the North City Gate would not notice him, turned his head and slipped into Longdu, and ran towards Heitieshan.

   "I wonder if the second prince is dead?"

   "I've completely offended him."

   "If you didn't hesitate just now, if you shot faster, you might be able to kill him."

  Jiang Feng was very annoyed.

   Realize that I am not decisive enough to do things.

  Many things were not as complicated as I imagined.

   It's because I'm too timid to complicate things.

  If the second prince had acted in time when he was dealing with the one-eyed old man, it would not be so easy for the six-armed god emperor to save him after repeated critical strikes.

  Because of the royal background.

  Shenzong disciple status.

  When Jiang Feng first made a move, he was only holding the idea of letting the second prince retreat. Later, he woke up and wanted to get rid of the second prince, but it was already too late.

   "As long as I can escape this calamity and become a cultivator, let's see who can do nothing to me."

  Jiang Feng thought to himself.

  Under the cover of night, he turned into an afterimage, slipped into Longdu, and hurried to Heitieshan.

   Now Zhenbei Prison is in chaos, and the flames of war are raging.

  The demon sect rebels and the masters of the imperial city are fighting together.

  Jiang Feng didn't know if the Demon Cult rebels got what they wanted. When he returned to Longdu from outside, he encountered several waves of rebels fleeing outside the city.

   There are also rebels hiding in civilian yards to avoid arrest.

He even saw Xiao Zhan chasing the black-robed man towards the south. In his sight, Xiao Zhan seemed to be able to fly in the sky, and there were flames wrapped around his robe. It was he who tore the werewolf's body into pieces. It was caused by him, but he didn't care about it. He used his body skills, as if climbing to the sky in one step, reaching a height of seventy or eighty meters, and slapped the black-robed man with his palm.

  The man in black robe relies on Shifang Ghost Realm, controls the black clouds, and wants to stay away from Xiao Zhan.

   But Xiao Zhan's palm is like depriving the power of heaven and earth in Longdu, forming a palm print that covers the sky and the sun, and the man in black can't avoid it.

  He encouraged the ghosts to resist.

  In the black mist, a black sword glow collided with Xiao Zhan's palm print.

  The figure of the black-robed man fell from the sky.

   When he was more than ten meters away from the ground, he was caught by a black cloud, and he fled in embarrassment.

  Xiao Zhan's body was knocked into a private house by the back-shock, and the private house was turned into ruins. Several pillars were thrown by Xiao Zhan and shot at the man in black robe who was fleeing from Teng Yun.

  He rushed out of the private house and galloped on the ground, his speed was not slower than the black robed man driving the black cloud away.

  Jiang Feng restrained his breath.

   Hiding in a ruin, I saw Xiao Zhan chasing the man in black and running towards the south gate.

   "Worthy of being the God of War to protect the country."

   "Xiao Zhan's strength is not that Ruyijing is better than Ruyijing. His skills are extremely special, and they are definitely beyond the limit of heaven."

   "If I face him, I must not be soft-hearted. I must go all out and take advantage of my spiritual power to take him down in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to kill him after he recovers."

  Jiang Feng thought to himself.

  Xiao Zhan's strength is obviously much stronger than that of the second prince in his eyes.

  Facing such a person, it is best to rely on the bow and crossbow to injure him severely first, and then find an opportunity to fight at close range. Otherwise, like dealing with the second prince, even if he can kill Xiao Zhan later, he will still have to pay the price.

   "I don't know if sister Dong is busy?"

  Jiang Feng looked towards Zhenbei Prison, where the blood was shining, and he could hear screams.

   He let out a long sigh.

   Heading towards the Black Iron Mountain.

  His tomb is at the back of Black Iron Mountain.

  Jiang Feng had to make a detour.

  Now the demon sect rebels are fleeing everywhere in the city, the masters of the imperial city and the disciples of Yun Guizong are hunting around, and there are also remnants of the rebels running towards Heitieshan.

  Jiang Feng staggered with them.

  With his current strength, he is also facing the pursuit of the six-armed god emperor, and he must concentrate on avoiding him. Others, even Xiao Zhan, are tens of meters away, and he can ensure that Xiao Zhan cannot find him.

  So along the way, Jiang Feng was not implicated except that he saw a few waves of rebels being surrounded by masters from the imperial city fighting trapped beasts.

  He strolled in the garden and came to the back of the Black Iron Mountain.

   "Who's where?"

  A long distance away, with Ruyijing's eyesight, Jiang Feng saw the location of his grave, and there was a figure.

   "Dong... Sister Dong, what is she doing?"

   "She is helping me remove the stones and adjust the tombstones."

  Jiang Feng froze in place.

   That figure is Han Dong.

  Han Dong was helping him clear the stones that rolled down from the mountain. One of the stones hit the tombstone, causing the tombstone to tilt.

  Han Dong took a lot of effort to remove the stone, adjust the tombstone, and repair the potholed grave.

   "It's okay, there is a sister watching you, no one can bully you."

  Finally cleared away all the rocks that rolled down the mountain, Han Dong said with satisfaction.

   "It's time for me to go back. I'll see you again after a while."

  Han Dong touched the tombstone.

   Holding a sword in both hands, he walked down the mountain.

  Jiang Feng hid in the darkness and watched Han Dong leave. He came to the tomb and saw a pile of stones beside him. These stones were all removed from his grave.

  He couldn't help looking at Han Dong at the bottom of the mountain, opened his mouth, and couldn't help but want to stop Han Dong several times and tell her that he was still alive.

   But finally held back.

  Looking at the pile of stones, there are five of them.

  Maybe in Han Dongxin's heart, he really treats him as a younger brother.


  Suddenly, Jiang Feng felt a strange aura approaching.

   That breath rushed up from the bottom of the mountain and headed towards Han Dong.


  Han Dong unsheathed his swords.

  As a first-rank Qi Refining Realm expert, she was extremely vigilant, she couldn't find Jiang Feng, but she could find other traces.

   "Wolf God Protector?"

  Jiang Feng stood on the mountainside, looked down the mountain, and saw a werewolf with a broken arm, the flames converged, turned into a dark monster, and rushed towards Han Dong.

  Obviously, the werewolf suffered a great loss in Zhenbei Prison, and now he has nowhere to escape, and hides towards Heitieshan, but he didn't expect to meet Han Dong.

  In his eyes, human beings are not good things.

   No matter what Han Dong's identity is, kill him when he sees him.

  His arm was torn off by Xiao Zhan.

  From a blood flame werewolf to a dark werewolf, the speed and strength were still invincible compared to Han Dong. He rushed from the bottom of the mountain and jumped in front of Han Dong in a few steps.

  Sharp Claw Senhan's arm slapped Han Dong's head with one paw.

  Han Dong thrust out his sword with both hands quickly.

  She, who is extremely intelligent, seems to know that she has no chance of winning against the werewolf with a broken arm, and she can't escape, and the two swords can't resist at all.

  In sight, Han Dong's double swords first slashed across the werewolf's arms, but it felt that the place where the swords slashed was a hard piece of iron, harsh and stiff.

  The werewolf almost didn't dodge, and slapped her head with a paw.

  Han Dong raised his hand to block it.

   Even if you die, you have to fight for a moment.

   But at this moment, an arm rushed out from above her shoulder, and punched the werewolf's paw.

  The ferocious and terrifying werewolf in front of him, originally hiding the flames in order to avoid being hunted down, seemed to be unshackled, and a burst of flames burst out from the burst body.

   Just when the flames were about to engulf Han Dong.

  A transparent force on his arm blocked the flames, and Han Dong looked at the werewolf, shattered before his eyes.

  She opened her mouth wide, turned around and looked behind her.

  I saw only a hazy figure running up to the top of the mountain, and quickly disappeared from her sight.

   "Jiang Feng...is that you?"

  Han Dong shouted.

  She instinctively thought of Jiang Feng.

   But the man was moving so fast that she couldn't see clearly.



  At this time, the voices of Han Tieshan and Xiao Ran came from the foot of the mountain.

   "Dad, I'm fine!"

  Han Dong shouted down the mountain, she turned her head to look at the location of Jiang Feng's grave, there was no movement there, it seemed that she was thinking too much.

   This werewolf was a strong man comparable to the Profound Sky Realm. Even if an arm was broken, Jiang Feng couldn't help it alive, so he punched him to pieces.

   Maybe it was the strong Yun Guizong passing by, or the masters in the imperial city who saved her.

   "Dong'er, why did you come to the Black Iron Mountain?"

   Xiao Ran chased after him.

  He felt puzzled, and couldn't help looking towards Jiang Feng's grave.

   "I saw the rebels fleeing towards Heitieshan, and I thought there were their dens here. In order not to startle the snake, I came here alone to check."

  Han Dong explained casually.

   She is extremely witty, and when she tells lies, she is flawless.

   "The rebels have all fled outside the city. Your Majesty ordered you to assist Bao Longwei to clean up the mess in Zhenbei Prison."

  Han Tieshan glanced at the werewolf's ten yuan, and was secretly shocked. He knew that his daughter had no strength at all, and could blow up the werewolf's body.

   Who killed the werewolf.

  But Han Dong didn't take the initiative to mention it, he diverted his attention very tacitly.

   "Yes, let's go back quickly."

  Han Dong took the order and hurried to Zhenbei Prison.

   "The prison has collapsed and turned into ruins. You must block it and let no one approach it."

  Han Tieshan chased after him and ordered.


  Han Dong ran forward all the way.

   "Dong'er, wait for me!"

   Xiao Ran looked around, and then followed.

   "Sister Dong, let's just leave here!"

  On the top of the mountain, Jiang Feng looked at Han Dong's leaving figure and said helplessly.

  He wanted to show up to meet Han Dong, but Han Tieshan and Xiao Ran came over suddenly, so he had to hide first. Now that he calmed down, Jiang Feng felt that it would be better for Han Dong to think that he was dead.

  Because other than this stuff.

  The black iron mountain Jiangfeng couldn't stay any longer.

  He turned and left, mixed into the panicked crowd, holding pots and pans, avoiding disaster.

  The three caves of the cunning rabbit.

  Among the four city gates in Longdu, Jiang Feng bought a house in the civilian area. The werewolf rushed from the south, and when he passed the southern city gate's civilian area, the flames from his body ignited a street.

  A large number of civilians rushed out of the flames.

  Some people are busy putting out the fire, while others are busy avoiding the fire.

  Jiang Feng turned into a woodcutter, fetching water from the well at the entrance of the alley, and ran to his house.

   "Old Qin, if the house burns down, it will burn down. Run for your life!"

   "No, I spent my whole life chopping firewood, and finally bought a yard here. If it burns out, where will I live?"

   "You... Forget it, you are right, our family has no place to live, come on, let's put out the fire together!"

  Jiang Feng not only settled in the civilian areas of the four city gates, but also left a layer of identity in each place, and there were corresponding faces.

   At the south city gate, he is a stout chaifu.

The person who talked to him was the owner of the straw mat shop opposite. In order to let people remember him, Jiang Feng showed his face several times among the neighbors in the neighborhood. He bought straw mats from the straw mat shop owner, and the other party also bought his firewood. , come and go, the two of them have a bit of friendship.

   After all, they are all civilians. During the war, every family cut down on food and clothing.

   There are not many families, and they are willing to burn their houses down.

  The fire was finally under control.

  Longdu was also in a mess.

  After dawn, the civilians near Zhenbei Prison were crying.

  Jiang Feng borrowed a ladder from a neighbor, climbed to the roof by himself, repaired the loose tiles, and checked the panel information at the same time.

  He avoided a wave of danger.

  Especially the danger of the six-armed god-emperor.

  The Luck value should be greatly increased.

  Maybe it is possible to improve Yangchunjue again and break through the innate realm.

   Thank you Dark Night Stars for your reward!


   Ask for one dollar to tip the list!

  (end of this chapter)

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The sword is originally the top of the magic green lotus Immortal Mansion Changsheng I am a corpse collector in the world of cultivating immortals Mysteriously recovering from the flood: I live in the Longevity Mountain, I am stable and I can't get out of cultivating ghosts: There are pink skeletons at the beginning

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