Your posture resembles frogs'.

Tang Yu's beautiful face engaged in a generous smile that displayed her pearl white teeth. "I'm fine now, Mother." She twisted her sopping skirt, wrenching out the excess water, before shaking it out. As she did so, water drops, extracted from the skirt, sparkled in the warm morning sunshine. They ended up creating rainbow lights that bathed her, giving off an aesthetic vibe.

Mu Yunsheng, sneaking glances at Tang Yu from time to time, paused. His breath got stuck to his throat at the breath-robbing scene. However, he hastily broke his gaze. His mother was standing there, talking to his wife. If caught, he had to tolerate being called uxorious again.

There were three logs in total, so it didn't take him much time, cleaving them. As the logs had been resting in that place for some time, they sank into the ground by half. He kicked the last one out, and with it crawled out many earthworms, wriggling.