History Lesson From Mother-in-law.

Tang Yu smiled at the compliment. "You didn't tell me about your family, Mother." She reminded her mother-in-law.

"Oh, I forgot." Song Huan slapped her forehead lightly, before heaving out a sigh. "Among five siblings, I have just one brother left, the rest were devoured by a heart-quivering plague when I was nine years old." Sadness loomed over her face, as she took Tang Yu down memory lane. "At first, it struck a neighboring village. My grandfather was hired there to carpent a bed. He contacted it from there… and then, it broke out in our family then spread all over the village. Our village."

Song Huan's throat constricted, tears stinging her eyes and nose. The next second, an onrush of tears spilled over her eyes.

Tang Yu stopped her work, looking at her mother-in-law. The usual shrew abruptly broke into tears, turning into a vulnerable woman. Her hands reached out to pat the latter on the back. Those dark memories had to be haunting her.