Let's Elope.

"Oh, you do?" Tang Yu threw the question with a sarcastic glint rolling in her eyes. She crossed her hands across her chest, oozing out a bossy aura. "And, that's why you've come to goof here, despite knowing that people will tut-tut their tongues over it?"

Xiao Hengyang's face appeared as though someone had doused him with cold water. Did Tang Yu see through his plan? No! He was overthinking, it had to be her anger. But, no worries, his play-acted words had always triumphed over her temper. That day wouldn't be any exception.

"I have come here for you, love! It's hard to live in the city, knowing you ain't there!" Xiao Hengyang said pitifully, piggybacking on a cliched dialogue.

Eww! Tang Yu couldn't help cringing at the overused pick-up line. How did the twenty-first century's dialogue travel here in ancient China? Or, perhaps it was born here in the first place. Then, it resisted the effacing of time and revived again in the modern world.