Greetings, Trainers, and welc

ome to the illustrious Pokemon Academy!

If you're here, reading this brochure, then that means you've chosen to take the next big step on your road to being a pokemon trainer, and seek a deeper understanding of your partners and the world we live in!

Now, are you a boy, or a girl?

Just kidding, whatever gender you may be couldn't matter the least!

At this school, you will spend 24 hours a day with pokemon of all shapes and sizes, both the pokemon you brought with you and those of your colleagues. All pokemon you are likely to encounter on our campus have either been raised in close proximity to humans all their lives, or have been raised by other skilled trainers such as yourself.

NOTE: Any pokemon that a trainer does not believe they have full control over must be registered with campus safety and should not be released outside of sanctioned events under any circumstances. This will remain the case until a trainer can prove control over their pokemon to a level satisfactory to the head of campus safety, their advisor, and the Headmaster. Failure to abide by these rules will result in the offending party receiving the minimum punishment of being restricted to their dorm for a week (with the exception of going to classes) and being fined for the amount of damages inflicted on the campus, faculty, and fellow students, up to the maximum penalty of expulsion and informing the authorities depending on the severity of the event that takes place. POKEMON ARE NOT TOYS. Bringing an angry and violent pokemon that has not been fully trained onto campus is no different from bringing a loaded gun. For trainers who possess such pokemon that wish to participate in tournaments requiring six pokemon, please inform your faculty advisor, who will either inform campus safety and any opponents, or will find a sixth pokemon to loan to you for the duration of the tournament, depending on how violent and uncontrollable the pokemon truly is.

NOTE: While it is permissible to capture wild pokemon found on campus, after doing so, please register any captured pokemon with campus wildlife faculty, and inform your advisor of any switches made to your registered party of pokemon. Pokémon not registered with campus officials may be confiscated for a period of up to a week in order to make sure that the pokemon do not pose a threat to other members of the student body.

Remember, that on this campus, all of your fellow students are powerful trainers with the same goals as you. They've all been accepted into this school through the recommendation of a teacher or by passing the rigorous administration test, so know that your fellow students will always be there to help you with your training, whether with a quick one on one battle or someone to practice moves with. Here at the Pokemon Academy we hope to build stronger bonds not only between students and pokemon, but between other students as well.

Here at the Pokemon Academy, students are expected to live on campus (special permission must be received from the head of campus housing and the students' advisor, as well as a writ from whoever the student will be staying with off campus/whoever owns the property the student will be staying in). It is a requirement that students live in the dorms for the first two years of campus life. After choosing a major, a student may petition for a single room to aid in their studies, but until that point students are expected to live with two roommates.

NOTE: While it is acceptable for students to have their pokemon outside of their pokeballs at any point on campus, when in the dorms (or any other building) please be aware of the size limitations of some pokemon. After the "Aggron Incident" last semester, school policy dictates that pokemon with a height greater than 5 feet must remain in their pokeballs whenever inside a building, and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are pokemon allowed to use attacks while inside a building. (The only exception being the training facilities and sanctioned fights inside of the school gym)

Amendment: Due to complaints in recent years about allergies to certain pokemon, students are now required upon submission of the filled out housing form to include a full roster of their pokemon, including which ones are likely to be outside of their pokeballs on a regular basis, as well as whatever pokemon they may or may not be allergic to. This will be taken into consideration during roommate assignments.

At the Pokemon Academy, there are several courses a student can take in their four years of attendance, as well as a multitude of different classes. It is not a requirement for students to declare which course they are planning to major in until their junior year, but please note that several of the courses have class requirements that must be met before that. For simplicity, the course that a student majors in can be determined by the color of armband they wear on their uniform.

Battle Course – Red Armbands

The course where the majority of students enroll, the Battle Course is for trainers who wish to be Pokemon Masters, Gym Leaders, or that guy on Route 19 who just stands in one place without blinking until someone walks into his line of sight so he can challenge them to a battle. This course will teach students the finer points in battling, as well as how to draw out the combat potential within their pokemon. Please remember that, as the Battle Course, battling other students is a de facto part of the curriculum, so trainers wishing to major in this area must be responsible for maintaining the health and training of their pokemon at all times.

NOTE: Students wishing to enroll in the Gym Leader course in their junior and senior years must take "Type Specialization" and "Type Advantage" at some point during their freshmen and sophomore years, or receive special approval from instructors in those courses.

Appeal Course – Blue Armbands

In this course, trainers will learn how to draw out the potential of their pokemon in ways other than battling, such as Pokemon Contests, Movie Shoots, and Fashion. Furthermore, students in this course will also learn the finer mechanics of pokemon beauty maintenance and grooming, opening up doors for future fields in pokemon salon work.

Research Course – Yellow Armbands

In the Research Course, students will learn more about pokemon themselves, as well as the inherent strengths and weaknesses between different species. Students within the Research Course often move on specialized colleges where they learn of the new sciences and technological discoveries going on every day. Students in the Research Course can look forward to fields in Pokemon Archaeology and Science, and possibly even becoming Pokemon Professors themselves.

NOTE: Graduation from the Research Course will require a minimum of 50 hours spent interning with a Pokemon Professor or one of the teachers on campus.

NOTE: Students wishing to enroll in the Pokemon Archaeology course in their junior and senior years must take either "Ancient Pokemon Civilizations" or "Pokemon Myths and Legends" during their freshmen and sophomore years or participate in a summer internship with Professor Reinhart to prove their knowledge in the area.

Caretaker Course – Green Armbands

Students enrolling in the Caretaker Course will find the experience of working with pokemon to be a rewarding one. The classes will teach students how to determine the level and quality of care a pokemon has received just from their appearance, as well as learning how to better take care of their pokemon. The Caretaker Course is for students who wish to be Pokemon Breeders, Pokemon Doctors, or train pokemon to participate in the Pokeathlon. Please remember that by enrolling in this course, it is required for a student to sign up for volunteer work in the Pokemon Daycare Facility on campus.

NOTE: Students wishing to enroll in the Caretaker Course must complete a minimum of 50 combined hours of volunteer work in the Pokemon Daycare Facility on campus during their freshmen and sophomore years.

NOTE: Students wishing to enroll in the Pokemon Doctor Course must take Professor Lunark's "Pokemon Herbs and Potions" class in their freshmen or sophomore years, and students wishing to be Pokemon Nurses are required to have a pokemon of the Chansey evolution line in their party, must dye their hair pink, and can expect some light plastic surgery in the foreseeable future, why well I don't know. It is what it is.

Ranger Course – Orange Armbands

Students enrolling in the Ranger Course are special students wishing to become Pokemon Rangers. To enroll in this course, a student must receive letters of recommendation from three members of the faculty, including their advisor, and must be evaluated by the head of the Ranger Course personally. Students, upon enrollment in the Ranger Course, must agree to carry their pokemon outside of their pokeballs at all times. Upon graduation from the Pokemon Academy, any student in the Ranger Course will receive immediate enrollment in the Pokemon Ranger Academy, while getting to skip two years of the curriculum studied there, and enter as third year students.

NOTE: Due to recent damages, students in the Ranger Course may now only have 1 pokemon with them at all times. Other pokemon are to be left with the on-campus Pokemon Daycare Facility. Furthermore, all previously stated rules about pokemon size will still apply to students in the Ranger Course.

NOTE: Any student in the Ranger Course wishing to participate in a battle, school tournament, or is enrolled in a class requiring pokemon battles, must meet with a faculty member to receive six rental pokemon to use. STUDENTS ENROLLING IN THE RANGER COURSE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THEIR OWN POKEMON IN BATTLES.

NOTE: While not mandatory, students in the Ranger Course may volunteer as members of campus security for extra credit. Students who do so will receive modified Capture Stylers to help tame rampaging pokemon.

Congratulations on your admission! Your very own pokemon school adventure is now beginning!