Name: Blake Harker

Age: 15

Birthday: November 11

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: Freshman

Home Region: Kalos

Physical Features: Moderate height, 5'7", and an athletic build. Deep void black hair, azure blue eyes. Looks a little younger than he is, but can look surprisingly mature at times. Often smiling.

Clothes: When not in uniform, generally comfortable clothes like loose pants/shorts in varying colors from white to gray and black, and gray or black t-shirts. Wears a pair of headphones around his neck that he uses to listen to music.

Significant Relationships: Parents, neither are trainers, both live in Kalos. Has an older brother named Kanone who he sees as a rival.

Skills/Talents: Very good at telling how strong an enemy pokemon is, and knows which pokemon to send out against it, even if it doesn't have a type advantage. Fairly good at strategy, but relies on instinct and trust more. He's also rather athletic, mainly skilled in running.

Hobbies/Interests: Training his pokemon, reading, and playing video games, as well as hanging out with friends.

Preferred Course: Battle Course

Future Aspirations: Wants to become a good pokemon trainer. Not necessarily a Pokemon Master, but at least better than his brother.

Learning Skills: Better at hands-on learning and instruction than bookwork, and is much better at training by practicing with his pokemon. Not very good at classes that require a lot of formulas, but good at classes involving hands-on work and memorization.

Personality: Blake is a relatively nice guy, and will crack jokes in class, but isn't generally one to initiate contact with others. However, he gets along with almost anyone, and can make friends easily, as long as he isn't the one initiating the friendship. He's the kind of person who people like to have around and is always noticeable in a group, but is rarely the one who suggests "let's do this", being more likely to get swept into things by others.


Blake was feeling slightly uncomfortable. He was sitting in the middle of a large crowd of people, all wearing matching uniforms, in a large auditorium. For the boys, this uniform was a grey blazer over a white collared shirt and tan pants, with a red tie, and brown shoes. For girls, this uniform was a grey vest over a white collared shirt, and a red skirt, as well as knee length grey socks and brown shoes. This would be his first day at the Pokemon Academy, and he was a little nervous.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" Blake turned his head to see a girl wearing the standard uniform for girls. She had short red hair, brown eyes, and a big smile on her face.

"Um, not really," Blake said, the girl plopping down next to him.

"So, what's your name, then?" the girl asked, turning to him.

"…Blake," Blake said.

"Blake, huh…" the girl said, nodding. "Blake… Blake. Blake!"

She repeated his name a few times, and then turned to him again.

"I'm Cynthia," she said, smiling.

"…Okay," Blake said, smiling back a little.

"So, you're a freshman, huh?" Cynthia asked.

"…That's why I'm here," Blake said, nodding.

"Oh, right," Cynthia said, laughing.

The auditorium became silent when a man walked up to the front podium. He wore a suit and walked with a cane, and had white hair down to his shoulders. His skin was pale, like he was sick, and he had glaring red eyes.

"Greetings, students," the man said into the mike on the podium. "I am Headmaster Albreicht. For starters, I would like to congratulate each one of you on your entrance into this school. Attending the Pokemon Academy is the first step in graduating from just a normal Youngster or Lass or Bug Catcher, to a trainer with the capabilities of one day becoming a Gym Leader or a Pokemon Master, or even a future teacher at this institution."

He paused, and looked out over the students.

"Now, each of you have been assigned to one of the three Freshman dorms, and the luggage dropped off will be delivered there by the end of the day," the Headmaster declared. "In your homeroom class today, you will be given a pamphlet detailing your dorm, floor, and room number, as well as your mailbox number. You will each also receive keys for both of them." Murmurs rose out around the crowd.

"Now, I can give you all a lot of inspirational speeches, but I'll only say this," the Headmaster declared. "You all are pokemon trainers. And that means one thing. You need to live like pokemon trainers. Look at the person sitting next to you, and divide into groups of two." Blake looked at the redhead, Cynthia, who turned to face him.

"Now, the two people in each group will fight," the Headmaster declared, Cynthia and Blake reacting in surprise

After that speech, the Headmaster turned and walked off the stage, leaving all the students in the auditorium shocked.

Another teacher walked up to the stage, a little nervous. Obviously, he wasn't expecting this to happen.

"Um, okay, this is the first time we've done this, but, um…" The teacher wore a grey collared shirt and black pants, and had short black hair and piercing black eyes. "Anyways, could each group line up in front of the stage please? We can, I guess, give you each a number for the battlefield you can use?"

"What a pain in the ass…" he sighed under his breath. "This is going to take all day, we don't have enough battlefields for all the people needing to fight."

"Professor, I don't have enough pokemon with me!" a blonde girl in the front row said. "The only pokemon I have with me is my Castform!"

"Well, I guess you have to rent some from the faculty, then!" the Professor sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Okay, listen, this isn't going to work. So just find a quiet place to battle, away from any buildings, and get a faculty member or a member of campus safety to oversee it, okay?"

"Blake, let's go!" Cynthia exclaimed, grabbing Blake by the wrist and dragging him out of the auditorium.

"Um, where are we going?" Blake asked.

"We're going to find a teacher, obviously!" Cynthia declared. "We've gotta get to battling as soon as we can! I'm all fired up, after all, I can't wait!"

Cynthia pounced on the first faculty member she saw; a young woman with pink hair tied into pigtails, wearing a witch robe and a black witch hat.

"Witch girl, are you a teacher?" Cynthia demanded. "Which girl?" the woman asked, smiling innocently.

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying," Cynthia said, nodding. "You're not wearing a uniform… although… aren't you a little short for a faculty member?" The woman seemed ticked off by this.

"Is this about the Headmaster's weird battle rule?" she asked, frowning. "Yes," Cynthia said, nodding.

"Well, I am a Professor, but I can't just drop everything to watch…" the woman's eyes landed on Blake. She pushed past Cynthia and walked up to him, smiling.

"And who might you be?" the woman asked, smiling. "I'm Professor Lunark, but you can call me Lulu, young man…"

"Luna, get back to your job," a man declared, Blake, Cynthia, and the Professor turning in his direction. The man had messy brown hair and brown eyes, and wore a brown coat over a black button up shirt and brown pants. He wore hiking boots, and he had on a black hat like the ones worn by newspaper boys nearly a hundred years ago.

"Aurore, you never let me have any fun," Professor Lunark huffed.

"That's 'Professor' to you," the man said, frowning. "And I do believe that you're supposed to be mixing some new herbs for the campus nurse, isn't that right?" "…Fine…" Professor Lunark sighed, walking away.

"Now then, I believe the two of you needed someone to watch your battle?" the Professor asked.

"Yeah," Cynthia said, nodding. "Wait, you're Aurore Reinhart, correct?" Blake asked.

"Students generally call me 'Professor'," the man said, nodding all the same. "Well, I'm in your 'Pokemon Myths and Legends' class this semester," Blake said. "So I'm glad I got to meet you."

"I see," Professor Reinhart said, nodding. "Anyways, this battle, it will be standard 3 on 3, understand?"

"Right on!" Cynthia said, throwing her hands up in excitement. "Blake, let's get this DONE!"

Cynthia tossed out a moeball, which a Ralts emerged from. The small human-looking pokemon ran over to her side, hugging her leg.

"A Ralts, huh?" Blake said, reaching for his pokeball.

"No, no, I'm not using her to battle," Cynthia said, patting the little pokemon on the head. "Rose here is just going to cheer me on, isn't that right, cutie?" "Ralts!" the Ralts, Rose, nodded.

"Okay, then I'll start," Blake said, tossing out a pokeball. "Wartortle, come on out!" Blake's Wartortle emerged from his pokeball, moving his hands in excitement.

"A water type starter pokemon, huh?" Cynthia said, smiling. "Ruby, let's go!"

Cynthia tossed out a pokeball, which her Mawile emerged from. Its second mouth was facing Wartortle, opened wide and snapping.

"Wartortle!" Squirtle cried back, glaring at Mawile. The Mawile's second mouth, opened wide in front of him, was really freaking him out.

"Excellent!" Cynthia cheered. "Ruby, use growl!" "Maw!" Ruby said, releasing a growling noise from her fanged mouth, trying to scare Wartortle, which did not work that well.

"Wartortle, you've gotta fight!" Blake said. "Wartortle warto!" Wartortle said, nodding. It ran out at Ruby.

"Wartortle, uses bubblebeam!" Blake ordered. Wartortle opened his mouth and fired a blast of bubbles at Ruby, knocking her back. Ruby landed on the ground, injured.

"Come on, Ruby, don't give up!" Cynthia shouted. "Ralts, Ralts!" Rose shouted. Ruby rose to her feet, teeth thrashing.

"Now, hit it with a faint attack!" Cynthia ordered. Ruby charged forwards and swung her mouth, knocking Wartortle off of his feet. Ruby's mouth opened wide, and bit down on Wartortle's hand. She swung him around, slamming him into the ground.

"Yeah, keep it up, just like that!" Cynthia cheered.

"Wartortle, use water gun," Blake ordered. Wartortle's eyes widened, and energy began flowing into his mouth. As soon as he hit the ground, he gripped the inside of Ruby's mouth and pulled, flipping her into the air herself, before slamming her down roughly. He pulled his hand out and brought it down full force into Ruby's stomach, knocking her out.

"Mawile is unable to battle," Professor Reinhart declared. "Aw, phooey," Cynthia frowned. "Return, Ruby!"

Cynthia returned Ruby to her pokeball, and smiled. "Okay, let's get fired up, Rose!" Cynthia cheered. "Ralts!" Rose cheered, nodding.

"Tristan, let's do it!" Cynthia shouted, tossing out a pokeball, which a Breloom emerged from. The mushroom dinosaur glared at Cory, angered.

"Wartortle, use bubblebeam!" Blake ordered. Wartortle opened held his mouth up and fired a stream of bubbles at the Breloom.

"Tristan, counter that with a bullet seed!" Cynthia ordered. Tristan opened his mouth and a surge of glowing seeds shot out, trading with bubbles hit for hit.

"Now, use aqua jet!" Blake ordered. "Warto!" Wartortle shouted, shooting straight at Tristan, his body covered in water.

"Mach punch!" Cynthia ordered. Tristan narrowed his eyes, charging at Wartortle, striking him head on with a powerful punch, sending Wartortle flying back. "Wartortle!" Blake cried.

"Now, hit 'em with the bullet seed again!" Cynthia cheered.

"Bre!" Tristan cried, opening his mouth, firing another blast of seeds, hitting Wortortle head on, knocking him unconscious.

"Wartortle is unable to battle," Professor Reinhart declared, Blake returning Wartortle his pokeball.

"Okay, Scyther, go!" Blake shouted, tossing out a pokeball, which his Scyther emerged from.

"Tristan, hit him with a mach punch!" Cynthia ordered. Tristan charged forward, claws raised.

"Scyther, go with a vacuum wave!" Blake ordered. Scyther shot forward, his scythe hand hitting Tristan's claw, the two attacks colliding full force. The two pokemon jumped backwards.

"Bullet seed!" Cynthia shouted. Tristan opened his mouth and fired a barrage of bullets at Scyther, who countered with a rapid fire of vacuum wave.

"Scyther, use wing attack," Blake ordered. Scyther charged at Tristan, slamming his wing into Tristan's torso, knocking him into the air. Scyther flew into the sky as Tristan hit the ground.

"Come on, Tristan, get up!" Cynthia shouted, Rose crying in unison.

The Breloom rose to his feet, panting, glaring at the Scyther.

"Scyther, quick attack" Blake ordered. Scyther disappeared, shooting towards Tristan at full speed.

Scyther hit Tristan in the side of the face, pushing him backwards.

"Tristan, use counter!" Cynthia ordered. Tristan's eyes narrowed. He swung his tail, hitting Scyther at full force in the stomach, sending him flying through the air. Tristan crashed onto the ground, but rose to his feet with Cynthia's cheering. Scyther landed on the ground, holding his stomach.

"Scyther, are you okay?" Blake asked. "Sci," Scyther said, nodding.

"Great," Blake said. "Hit him with quick attack again!" Scyther disappeared, shooting towards Tristan with a flash of green and white.

"Tristan, counter his his quick attack with your mach punch!" Cynthia ordered. Tristan charged straight at Scyther, the two attacks colliding once again. However, instead of jumping back, both pokemon pressed the attack forwards.

Tristan's claw moved under Cythers's hands, causing Scythet to strike Tristan in the face at the same time that Tristan hit Scyther in the stomach. However, Scythers's attack proved to be the stronger blow, sending Tristan flying through the air and crashing onto the ground, unconscious.

"Breloom is unable to battle," Professor Reinhart declared.

"Good job out there, Tristan!" Cynthia said, smiling. "You get a nice rest!"

Cynthia returned the Breloom to its pokeball.

"Okay then," Cynthia said, smiling. "James, come on out!" Cynthia tossed out a pokeball, which her Loudred emerged from.

"Scyther use quick attack!" Blake ordered. Weiss charged forward, though much slower than before, and raised his fist.

"James, use pound!" Cynthia ordered. James pulled a meaty fist back and hit Cyther in the stomach, knocking him back.

"No way!" Blake cried. "How did Scyther lose in speed?" "Simple," Cynthia said, grinning. "Take a closer look at him."

Blake glanced at Scyther, who was looking worn out. Furthermore, sparks of electricity seemed to be crackling around him.

"Paralyzed?" Blake asked, shocked. "How?" "My Tristan's got a special surprise," Cynthia laughed. "His Ability, Effect Spore, causes any pokemon that hit him to have the chance of falling asleep, being poisoned, or being paralyzed. It seems your Scyther traded a few too many blows with him."

"Cyther, shake it off, okay?" Blake asked, Scyther nodding. "Use wing attack again, but this time be ready for the counterattack!" Scyther charged forwards, holding his hands up.

"James, use uproar!" Cynthia ordered. James opened his mouth and released a shockwave of sonic energy from both his mouth and the speakers on his ears. Scyther fell to his knees, pressing his hands against his ears in pain.

"Now, stomp!" Cynthia ordered. James held his foot up and thrust it down onto Scythers back, pinning him to the ground. "Come on, Scyther!" Blake shouted.

"It seems we have to up the amperage!" Cynthia said, grinning. "James, maximum volume!"

The noise increased even more, to the point where it began affecting everyone else, as well, Blake holding onto his ears in pain.

Scyther tried to hold on, pressing his hands against his ears, but soon enough he crumpled onto the ground, unconscious.

"SCYTHER IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" Professor Reinhart shouted out, holding his ears.

"Return," Blake said, the sound waves dying down. "Okay, Boldore, let's go!"

Blake tossed out a pokeball, which his Boldore emerged from. Everyone was surprised to say the least because instead of a regular Boldore appearing, a shiny one appeared.

Cynthia "Well this is a shocker isn't it."

"James, use another uproar attack!" Cynthia ordered. James opened his mouth and released a shockwave of sonic energy at Boldore.

"Rock tomb," Blake ordered. Boldore held his stone talons up, rocks shooting out of the ground and pounding around James. Boldore barreled forward, holding his claws up.

"Rock slide!" Blake ordered, Boldore using power to lift stones into the air and drop them on James' head.

James jumped up, irritated, and fired a blast of sonic energy, knocking Boldore backwards, Boldore skidding across the ground. He jumped to his feet, excited, pressing his claws on the ground.

"Magnitude," Blake ordered, releasing a shockwave through the ground, knocking James off of his feet.

"Damn, that was a strong one," Cynthia said. "Don't give in, James! Fight, fight!" "Ralts, Ralts!" Rose cheered.

James jumped to his feet, clapping his hands together. "Rock blast!" Blake shouted. Boldore formed a rock between his claws, firing it at James.

"Uproar!" Cynthia ordered. James fired a blast of sonic energy, shattering the rock to pieces and pushing Boldore backwards.

"Boldore, use sandstorm," Blake ordered. Sand shot out from Boldore's body, creating a massive tornado of sand around the battlefield, distracting James. Boldore charged at him through the sand, holding his pincer up, striking James in the chest and knocking him backwards. Boldore used another rock tomb attack, the rocks erupting from the ground and burying James, knocking him unconscious.

"Loudred is unable to battle," Professor Reinhart declared. "Blake is the winner!"

"Return," Cynthia sighed, returning James to his pokeball. "Darn it, I can't believe I lost my first battle here! What's with that, huh?" "Ralts…" Rose said, patting Cynthia on the leg.

"Oh, Rose, you're right, I can't get down now!" Cynthia said, kneeling down and hugging her Ralts. "I've got so many battles to look forward to!"

Cynthia stood up, and turned to Blake.

"That battle was fun!" she said, smiling a bright smile. "However, be careful… someday, we shall meet again, and when we do, be prepared… I will give you the fight of your life!"

"…Okay," Blake said, nodding.

"Now, to go find the on campus Pokemon Center!" Cynthia said, picking Rose off from the ground. "Let's go, Rose!"

Cynthia ran off, headed towards another building.

"I don't know if anyone has told you," Professor Reinhart said, walking over to Blake, "but you should go to your homeroom class; it's the same for everyone, 'Pokemon Battle Basics'."

"Yeah, I've got it," Blake said, nodding. "I know what building and room it's in, too."

"Good, then you can handle it," Professor Reinhart said, nodding. "I'll be waiting for tomorrow, when you'll take my class." Professor Reinhart turned and walked away, leaving Blake standing there.

"Come on, Boldore, let's go," Blake said. Boldore charged and tackled Blake, knocking him over, rubbing against him affectionately.

"Yeah, yeah, return," Blake said, returning Boldore to his pokeball. Blake checked his watch and found out that his homeroom class would soon be starting. He stood up and reached into his bag, checking the campus map, heading towards Charizard Hall.

Blake walked into the classroom and sat down in one of the seats by the window, next to a red haired girl.

"So, we meet again," Blake said, smirking. "I'm ready for the fight of my life." "Oh you can just shut right up," Cynthia said, turning away from him in embarrassment.