
Chapter Four

"Party? Uh, no thanks, you know I don't do socials" Petra was telling Layla. They were leaning against the doorframe of the rec room, while others lounged around inside. It was large enough space, for them to unwind, and have a slice of normalcy. To the right it had a few cushioned sofas, a screen on which they sometimes watched movies, and a few bookshelves. To the left was a foosball table, table tennis, and a VR station for interactive gaming and simulations.

The Martinets didn't spend much time around the rec room, as most of their time was consumed with training, or actual combat. Off days were a rarity for them, but even so, the rec room stood waiting.

"Why are you even inviting her, you know she's such a bore" Ezra chimed in. Petra shoved him, and he huffed in response.

"I know you don't do socials, and you aren't peopley, but this is kinda like my birthday party. Please, pleeeeease. You're my friend" Layla begged, her eyes pleading.

"We're all your friends" Ezra added, rolling his eyes.

"Shut it, you know what I mean. She's like my little sister. I remember how awkward she was back when we met" Layla said, throwing an arm around Petra. Petra shrank down uncomfortably. "I wasn't That awkward" she pouted, making Ezra laugh. "Oh, you were super awkward, if I didn't rescue you, who knows where you'd be right now" he joked. Petra's face felt warm, red creeping into her cheeks.

"YOU did not rescue me" she said poking at Ezra's chest. In truth, she couldn't recall that far back.

"How goes?" Tsidi, leader of twenty two asked as she joined them. "Petra is being a scuz" Ezra informed her, crossing his arms. "I'm not being a scuz!" Petra retorted, looking at Layla for help. "Why are you being a scuz?" Tsidi asked, looking from one to the other, then to Petra. "I'M Not being a scuz!" she bit down hard on her lip.

"She won't come to the party" Layla said, her shoulders sagging. "What!? Why?? Everyone is going to be there!" Tsidi erupted, her voice too loud for the confined space. Others in the room turned to them. Petra's face only grew warmer and redder.

"You are being a scuz" Tsidi told her, a defiant look on her face. "Told Ya" Ezra added, victory gleaming in is eyes. "Everyone will be there, how can you not go? We're family. We, is all we have" Tsidi said, her expression firm. "Okay, okay, I'm not a scuz. I'll be there. But... I don't promise to stay long" Petra conceded, folding her arms across her chest. "Well good, we wouldn't want you to" Ezra mimicked, both her voice and action. "Can you just…" Petra and Layla said in unison. "Go away" Tsidi finished. Ezra pulled his tongue out at them and threw himself onto a nearby couch, joining another conversation.

"None of us have had a birthday Party before" Petra contemplated, while trying to wiggle out of the crook of Layla's arm. "We don't, but I'm turning eighteen, it's kind of a big deal. That's why you have to come. You know that they didn't expect us to survive this long, right?" She had a mixture of joy and sadness fill her eyes. Keeping herself in check, Layla kicked at the doorframe. Petra nodded. "Not just a big deal. A huge, massive, ginormous deal" Tsidi grinned, extending her arms to help her emphasise how big-a-deal it was. They had been experiments, and this eighteen years proved that they were a success. Petra was shy a year, but even so it was at least worth celebrating.

"I'm also the first from our cluster to turn eighteen, so, it's a milestone, not only for me" Layla beamed. She had every reason to be proud. Not only was she the oldest, but she was the best team leader. Her unit had been the first to go into what was an unknown, and survive. Layla also worked with tech to help develop and improve the weapons they used. She was the only one there allowed to.

Petra admired Layla. Her resolve; her confidence; her smarts, was something to aspire to.

"So I'll see you there?" she asked, her sky blue eyes clear once more. "Well I don't have any other plans" Petra joked, giving a two finger salute.

"If you don't show, EVERYone will call you scuz. On my life" Tsidi said, her tone menacing, her hand steadfast over her heart. She looked at Petra with such distaste, like she was the enemy. Then broke into the broadest, goofiest grin and poked her finger to Petra's nose. "Boop" she laughed, and meandered her lanky frame to the other side of the room. Petra stared after her, rubbing her nose in annoyance. Why did they all enjoy poking her and holding her, was she their pet!?

"Do I need to get, uhm, a present?" she asked, wondering if it was necessary. It's not like they were normal kids. "You don't have to, but I mean, if you want to you can. But you don't have to" Layla smiled, absently toying with a strand of her long brown hair. "Sure" was all Petra said, shrugging on the inside. She wasn't sure if she should, or shouldn't. Or even What she could possibly give...