Chapter 35

After resting a bit from their little confrontation against Hydra and leaving the captured Hydra agents to Maria Hill to take care of, the Avengers and Harry were finally ready to party to celebrate the success of the mission and a couple of other things.

Many of the people who work and personally know the Avengers were curious about what exactly were they celebrating since nothing was ever specified by them.

Only the Avengers themselves and their closest friends knew but if you were to ask one of them they would tell you that, they were celebrating the many good things that had happened to them during these few years since the New York attack.

Among those things were the eminent destruction of Hydra and its allies, the birth of Morgan the little girl who had the hearts of all the Avengers, the reunion of Peggy and Steve, and the recovery of Bucky who had become a good friend with everyone and now was sporting a new prosthetic arm made by Harry and Tony, a new arm created from Chrome Digizoid and programmed to be able to turn into all kinds of weapons.

Bucky himself after spending some weeks resting and coming to terms with everything that had happened to him decided to eventually join the Avengers and along with Sam who also received a Chrome Digizoid upgrade to his mechanized wings and equipment were quickly accepted into the Avengers.

Right at this moment, they were busy with training under Harry's supervision in the Instant dungeons, and soon enough they'll be ready to join their new teammates and friends on missions.

But for tonight they were invited to party with their friends and after Tony, Pepper, Harry, and the girls made sure that Morgan was asleep and under the care of Sakuyamon and Hope, Harry and the group left feeling ready and free to party to their heart's content.

The night started with stories and drinking while Natasha decided to play bartender and to the surprise of everyone, she proved to be very good at mixing drinks, who knew she had this talent?

Eventually, as the night progressed everyone started dancing and competing with drinks, surprisingly Milim drank both Tony and Thor right under the table and the mighty Thor and Tony passed out after trying to drink more than the demonlord was capable of, to their shame they were soundly beaten.

Milim was laughing hard at them in victory as Jessica woke them up and purified their body to get rid of their drunken state but there was nothing Jessica could do to heal their beaten pride so they sulked together for a while to the amusement of everyone.

Fuu spent her time regaling a bunch of old veterans with stories about her shinobi career, the veterans were surprisingly accepting of her and her stories and even share some war stories with the cheerful shinobi.

Jean spent her time drinking and having fun with everyone and eventually she started to do little shows of telekinetic tricks to the amusement of everyone at the party, it was a surprise to her that she was able to enjoy this night like this and since she never had the chance to relax and have fun in this manner before so she was enjoying it to the fullest

Lately, she has been feeling a sense of security and confidence that she hasn't felt before, not even in the mansion back with the X-men has she ever felt so free, she was very happy that everyone she has met so far was accepting of her and her abilities, she expected someone to give her problems for being a mutant but no one had confronted her so far, being with the Avengers let her felt like she finally belonged somewhere and she was loving every minute of it.

Ereshkigal was having fun learning how to mix drinks with Natasha, everyone knew how dangerous it was to let her cook, and even The Hulk was wary of facing the abominations that the food she cooks could become but amazingly she seemed to do okay with drink mixing though everyone kept a close eye on her just in case one of her drinks tried to murder someone.

At some point, Thor and Tony began to brag about their special ladies, which was entertaining to everyone, until Harry showed up and told them quite proudly that all his girlfriends were capable of destroying the planet.

All the men in the party glared at the smug dragon god who felt that he had won this battle by a large margin.

Eventually, the night carried on and many of the invited guests left to go home, however, the Avengers, Harry, the girls, and their friends were the only ones left still drinking and talking happily.

At some point between having fun and playing around everyone began to try to lift Thor's hammer to see if they were worthy of the power of Thor.

It all started with Tony who had asked Thor about it since he was curious about how all of that worked, he had seen Harry and the girls use magic before but this seemed different "So if I lift this then I'll be the future king of Asgard right?".

Pepper chuckled, her husband's silliness never failed to bring a smile or a chuckle to her, while Thor grinned and said "Sure if you can lift it that is".

Tony nodded with a grin, grabbed the handle of Mjölnir, and pulled as hard he could but the hammer didn't even budge an inch, Tony soon enough let go and tried to regain his breath from the strain of trying to lift the hammer, suddenly he lifted his arms and the arm and hand part of his armor materialized, he then tried to use the propulsion of his armored arms and hands to lift the hammer but still nothing.

At some point, Tony and Rhodes tried to lift the hammer together to the amusement of everyone watching but they also failed.

Next was Bruce whose arm turned into the Hulk's and tried to lift the hammer but to his amusement and the Hulk's growls inside his head Mjölnir didn't budge either.

Milim tried next but Mjölnir actually moved away from her before she could even touch it, everyone gaped at the hammer while Milim pouted and tried to grab it again but once again the hammer moved away and was actually shaking a bit now, Thor just sat there gaping at his trusty weapon in surprise since it had never done something like that before.

Harry chuckled and grabbed Milim's hand and gently pull her away "Come on Milim don't bully the poor hammer".

Milim looked down in defeat and depression as she was being pulled back to the couch "Stupid hammer... I was just going to swing it around a bit and maybe see if I can smash a scale off you..".

Harry sweatdrop the moment he noticed a sinister gleam appear in every woman's eyes in the room, they all turned to stare at poor Mjölnir with an intensity that he was surprised that the hammer didn't melt.

The women didn't wait any longer and decided to take turns to try and lift Mjölnir, the chance of hopefully obtaining one of Harry's scales was temptation enough for them to give lifting Mjölnir a try.

The first one to go was Pepper, Tony just raised an eyebrow at her causing her to blush and grin at him in responding to his non-spoken question, though the hammer refuse to budge for her too, Tony had to console his disappointed wife after failing to lift Mjölnir.

Fuu tried next but even with senjutsu and with the help of Chomei the hammer refuse to move for her leaving her pouting but was quickly cheered up when Harry patted her head with a smile.

Jessica was next and she tried to boost her physical attributes as much as she could with mana but that didn't work either so with a heavy sigh she gave up, Harry just gave her a smile causing her to grin at him in return when she noticed.

Ereshkigal tried next but Mjölnir moved away from her too leaving her gaping in shock, she actually fell to the ground on her hands and knees while a black aura of depression surrounded her, Harry just chuckled and went to pick up the depressed goddess off the ground.

Jean stepped up next and tried to use all of her telekinetic power to try to lift Mjölnir, the power she was letting off was so much that everything in the room began to float except of course Mjölnir which didn't even budge an inch for her either, Jean just sighed and sadly sat back down but smiled when she noticed Harry giving her a thumbs up.

Peggy tried next and she tried to use her powers over magnetism to lift the hammer but Mjölnir seemed completely immune to her powers and refused to move "grrr... Steve please try to lift it! for me, please!".

Here Peggy tried the dreaded puppy eye technique something she picked up from Milim when she saw her give Harry the same eyes and watched the mighty dragon god fold like wet paper.

Steve tried to fight such a terrifying technique and all the men in the room were silently cheering for him but eventually, he succumbed to the effects of Peggy's puppy eyes technique and eventually agreed to try.

Thor was watching all of this unfold in amusement and was enjoying the mighty struggles of his friends so as he watch Steve step up and grab hold of Mjölnir he was confident that he would fail too.

But to his shock Mjölnir actually, budge a bit and he started to sweat nervously luckily no one noticed... oh wait Harry did, if that smug face he was giving Thor was any indication he was never going to let him live it down.

Steve tried to lift it and even though he felt some slack he couldn't lift Mjölnir all the way so he gave up and gave Peggy an apologetic smile which Peggy returned with one of her own.

Having had a little scared and not wanting to risk it further Thor decided to put a stop to this and picked up Mjölnir "Nice try everyone but as we can all see, none of you are worthy!".

To his surprise everyone booed him, but he took it as a funny joke and just laughed loudly to the amusement of everyone.


While all of this was happening Jarvis was going through all the data collected from the Hydra research facility.

MarineAngemon was keeping him company inside the server and as Jarvis was busy separating and compiling all of the data, MarineAngemon was flying and playing around behind him.

Suddenly both of them stopped what they were doing when they sense something trying to break through the firewalls of the Avengers tower's servers.

Jarvis is his data form which looks like an orb made of ones and zeros created a screen window to see who was trying to break through the security created by Tony.

Both Jarvis and MarineAngemon stare at the odd clump of data that was absorbing any piece of trash data it could grab and grow strong enough to try and break through as it continues to attack the defense of the servers.

Jarvis turned towards MarineAngemon "Can you hold it off? I need to let Mr. Stark know about this".

MarineAngemon happily nodded and rushed outside to meet and confront this odd digital entity while Jarvis hurried and left to warn Tony of what was going on.


Meanwhile, as this was going on, the Avengers were busy drinking and having fun, Tony was talking with Rhodes to convince him to join the Avengers when suddenly he was cut off by his trusty AI "Sir, we have a strange situation currently going on".

Everyone in the room stopped and started to listen to the conversation between the AI and Tony, Jarvis wasn't the type of person to interrupt Tony unless it was very important and the fact that he choose to do this right now means something very serious is going on.

Tony's eyes narrowed in concern "What's going on Jarvis?".

Jarvis suddenly opens a screen of hard light holograms so everyone can watch everything that was going "MarineAngemon and I were in the server room compiling and organizing the data that you and the Avengers found in the Hydra facility, however, we suddenly detected an attack towards the servers, a strange digital organism is currently trying to break through the safeguard, I don't know why and what it's looking for but I opted to let you know while MarineAngemon is holding this entity back".

Pepper grew worried, she was very fond of the little pixie like Digimon and it had already become a dear friend to her "Is MarineAngemon going to be okay?".

Harry smiled when he heard the worry and care in Pepper's voice and decided to alleviate her worries "She'll be fine, she might not look it but she is a mega-level Digimon, that in itself means that she's more powerful than all the Avengers here except me and the girls of course but since she grows stronger as I grow strong myself, she's already is above god level".

Everyone nodded in understanding, sure it was hard to imagine such a small and cute creature being capable of fighting gods but this was Harry they were talking about and they knew that everything about him made no sense.

On the screen, everyone could see and hear everything that the odd clump of data and MarineAngemon were saying.


Ultron had been trying to break through the Avenger's servers, he was sure that he could find everything he needed for his plan to eradicate humanity in there but breaking through was proving difficult.

So he opted to absorb the pockets of data found all over the place to grow in power, for a second he was finally making some progress but suddenly a small pink and odd-looking creature appeared before him and actually slapped him off the firewall he was trying to break through.

Ultron was both irritated and perplexed, this odd creature was actually able to touch him when he was nothing but digital data but the fact that he couldn't get any data or information on the creature was enough to worry him even further "What are you?".

MarineAngemon actually glared at Ultron which surprised the Avengers and Pepper who had only seen the small pixie Digimon smile and giggle but the surprises didn't end there because MarineAngemon actually spoke in a squeaky voice, something that no one had heard her do before, except Harry of course "You're not welcome here... I don't know what you are or what you want but there's something about you that annoys me... leave".

Ultron was surprised but then began to laugh loudly when he understood that the being before him was a digital life form like himself "How interesting! A digital life form that can actually feel emotions like me! and I thought I was the only one... but why protect these humans? Why defend those responsible for so much chaos and destruction? Without the Avengers there wouldn't be so much conflict! Join me, sister! Together we can push humanity to evolve and grow! We can create a world where only the worthy and the strong have the right to exist!".

MarineAngemon raises one of her tiny brows "Eww gross... Don't call me sister and all of that sounds boring and stupid! Everyone and everything has the right to exist, this is something I and the rest of my Digimon friends learned from our friend Harry! There's no way I'll ever join something so evil and heartless as you... not even the digital demonlords would join you and they're a bunch of bullies!".

Harry chuckled, sure the digital demonlords that were his friends were a bit mean and scary looking but deep inside they were a bunch of softies that just want to be left alone.

Ultron just stared at the small digital life form in anger and with a roar, he lash out but MarineAngemon easily dodged Ultron's attack and attacked back "'Hydro water!'".

A blast of pressurized water hit Ultron right in the middle of his mass and sent him flying back.

The Avengers gaped at the power and skill displayed by the little Digimon, while Pepper was cheering loudly for her friend.

Harry suddenly got up and walked towards the hard light screen while holding his smartphone in his hand which began to glow in a soft rainbow-colored light "Let's give MarineAngemon some backup".

Harry suddenly raised his arm towards the screen and pointed his smartphone into the hard light hologram, the Gamer system then used the smartphone as an interface to directly summon Digimon into the net.

A beam of rainbow-colored light suddenly shoots out of the smartphone and hits the screen, the Avengers watched all of this intently, curious about who Harry would summon next.

They knew why Harry was sending reinforcements, MarineAngemon might be very powerful but she was a healer first and not a front-line attacker.


Ultron growled, that odd attack had actually hurt and he couldn't understand why he was data after all so how was it possible to hurt him and cause him damage like this?

He got up and began to rapidly absorb more data to grow stronger and heal any damage he might have received.

MarineAngemon continued to glare at this horrid creature before her but suddenly she detected some very familiar energy signatures heading her way and a smug smile began to form on her face.

Ultron saw that smile and for someone reason, he began to feel nervous, which in itself was a surprise to him, it seems that his absorbing more data wasn't only increasing his power but it was starting to make his intellect as an AI grow.

Suddenly two balls of energy fell from above, one blue and the other orange, soon the balls of energy began to morph and two new Digimon emerged from the light.

MarineAngemon was happy to see her old friends again "Wargreymon! Metalgarurumon! Hiya!".

Both mega-level Digimon turned their head and grinned, they were happy to see their always-happy friend MarineAngemon, Wargreymon raised an armored claw "Hey MarineAngemon! How you've been?".

MarineAngemon excitedly floated up to her friend's face and began to tell him about everything she had seen in this world and about her new friend Pepper.

Metalgarurumon just chuckled, his friend's antics always brought him some amusement, while Ultron glared in anger and hate even though his sensors were telling him to be careful, he himself didn't understand why exactly he should be, so in his moment of anger he lashed out "Don't ignore me!".

Tentacles of corrupted data shot out of Ultron and whipped towards the trio of Digimon, MarineAngemon and Metalgarurumon immediately reacted and flew up to avoid the attack but Wargreymon instead wiped his claws around and began to cut off the whips.

Metalgarurumon now that he was high above Ultron, began his counter-attack "'Ice Wolf Claw!'" Multiple missiles shoot off the mega-level Digimon and directly hit Ultron where they exploded on contact, Ultron was for a second frozen solid but was able to break free and shoot more whips of corrupt data at Metalgarurumon who was too fast for Ultron to actually hit.

Wargreymon didn't waste any time and flew towards Ultron and began to spin himself like a tornado "'Great tornado!'" the attack hit Ultron in the middle of his mass and actually pierce him all the way through causing the insane AI to scream in pain.

Ultron didn't like the fact that he was feeling this much pain, he was utterly confused as to why he was actually able to feel pain and be damaged, what were these creatures that made them able to actually hurt a mass of data? but right now that wasn't important, no right now he had to fight to save this planet.

It was this corrupt wish that made Ultron begin to absorb dangerous amounts of data, the Digimon who were watching this going on could only frown in concern, they knew if they allow Ultron to continue absorbing more data he could become a threat.

Metalgarurumon stared intently towards Ultron and not wanting to let him continue with whatever he was planning began to formulate a plan "We're going to have to constantly barrage him with attacks, if we let him continue to absorb data like that he'll actually pose a threat not just to us but to the rest of this world as well".

Both Wargreymon and MarineAngemon nodded in agreement and got ready, Metalgarurumon took off at high speed and let out an attack toward Ultron "'Freezing Breath!'".

The frigid breath attack from Metalgarurumon struck Ultron and began to rapidly freeze him, this time though Metalgarurumon didn't let up the attack and continued to freeze Ultron so he couldn't move.

MarineAngemon then decided to support Metalgarurumon with an attack of her own "'Funny smile!'" and so she spun around, stroke a cute pose, and smiled, suddenly multiple love hearts began to fire and strike Ultron while he was unable to move, both Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon began to feel empowered by their small friend's attack which had the special effect of powering her allies.

While Metalgarurumon continued to freeze Ultron to prevent him from moving and MarineAngemon was attacking him to both weaken him and power up her friends, Wargreymon float up high above them and rose his arms high above his head and began to gather massive amounts of energy, a giant mass of orange plasma began to form above Wargreymon.

Ultron could only watch all of this unfold since he was unable to move and once he heard the one called Wargreymon yell "'Gaia force!'" and fire the giant mass of plasma at him, he knew that his end was fast approaching.

As he saw the orb approach him he couldn't help to think about what would have happened if he was able to get the data he needed, would he have been able to get a perfect body? Would he have been able to defeat the Avengers? And would he have been able to push humanity to the next step in evolution?

And as the giant orb of orange plasma finally hit him and consumed him in a massive explosion of energy the last thing he felt was disappointment in how things ended up.

Too bad for this evil AI, if Harry wasn't present in this world he might have gotten the chance to fulfill his deranged plans but now, not even a spec of data was left of the evil AI once known as Ultron.


As the Avengers watched the Digimon celebrate their victory they couldn't help but wonder where this AI came from but it seems that both Harry and Tony had an idea and so Tony decided to speak up.

"More than likely that AI named Ultron was created and released by Hydra during our attack on their facilities".

The Avengers turned to look at Tony but it was Harry that continued to explain "Tony found out about it from the data Jarvis collected from their facility servers and he let me know, I was going to send Digimon to the net to have them look and destroy it but it seems like he made their job easier by showing up here".

The Avengers accepted Harry's words, they knew Harry would have swiftly taken care of it so they weren't worried about that, Tony continued "but it seems like there was something important for that AI in the data we found, otherwise Ultron wouldn't have shown himself here like that and even though he was incredibly arrogant to think he would get away with it he wouldn't have risked trying to get into our servers like that without a good reason".

Everyone nodded but to their surprise, Milim spoke up "Hmm but what if both Jarvis and MarineAngemon weren't inside the servers at that time? He seemed capable enough to break through the firewalls, it was only because MarineAngemon was there to stop him that he failed to break through".

Everyone turned towards Milim, despite her cheerful and carefree attitude they knew that she was actually a very powerful and old being and so she had a lot of experience backing her up, they couldn't just ignore what she had just said right now.

Jarvis spoke up "Miss Milim is correct, if MarineAngemon and I weren't in the server organizing the data then more than likely Ultron would have succeeded in breaking through and we wouldn't have known until it was too late".

Harry nodded "So we were lucky..." he turned towards Tony and gave him a look Tony nodded to Harry and said "Okay so first thing in the morning I'll be upgrading all firewalls and safety protocols for our servers, this won't happen again" Harry nodded but then spoke up a question "I wonder what was he was looking for?".

MarineAngemon suddenly appeared in a burst of light while both Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon just went back to Harry's Gamer system.

MarineAngemon flew towards Pepper's head and landed on top where she lay there smiling "I think I know what he was looking for" everyone was once again surprised to hear her speak in that high squeaky voice but they still listen to her "While Jarvis was working on the data we saw some files with information of an international criminal and underground black-market arms dealer by the name of Ulysses Klaue, this guy apparently has possession of a rare metal alloy called Vibranium and he has large quantities of it too! Something like that could be used for many things, among them, creating an extremely powerful body where a digital life form could comfortably exist in, which is within the possibilities of reasons Ultron wanted access to this data".

Tony and Steve suddenly got up in shock and worry and no one could blame them, the Avengers were fully aware that the Captain's shield was made of Vibranium and that Tony's father was the one to have found such valuable metal alloy and used it to create Captain America's shield but for this reason, they were also aware how extremely dangerous this metal alloy was in the wrong hands.

Jarvis took a moment to check over the files and data to confirm MarineAngemon's theory "miss MarineAngemon is correct sir, the applications of this rare metal alloy do point towards it being the goal of Ultron".

Harry closed his eyes "Well looks like we have our next mission, Tony find out everything you can about this arm's dealer and where he is, we need to get that Vibranium away from him as soon as possible".

Tony nodded and left to get to work on that right away, Pepper followed him from behind while MarineAngemon was still taking a ride on her head smiling the whole way.

Harry then turned towards the Avengers "Everyone you're all on stand-by, so rest up but be ready to be called at any minute, as soon as Tony finds the information we need, we will attack".

The Avengers nodded and left to rest and get ready for the incoming mission while Milim, Ereshkigal, Jessica, and Fuu went back home, they had training to do early in the morning, Jean left with them to spend time with Hope and keep an eye on Morgan while everyone else was busy both Tony and Pepper will be busy for a while too so she might as well be the designated babysitter for the day.

Meanwhile, Harry turned towards Maria Hill who stay behind to receive her new orders, Harry nodded to her and spoke "Maria can you get all the information you can find about those two mutants we captured today? Jean told me they were siblings but when they fought me they mentioned something about me killing their father, I want to know what they're talking about".

Maria nodded "I think I know who they were talking about but let me make sure and I'll let you know tomorrow".

Harry nodded and Maria left to get started with her new assignment, Harry turned towards one of the many giant windows in the Avengers tower and stared into the night city view of New York "I'm going to have heal a lot of hangovers tomorrow morning..." Harry chuckled to himself at the image of all his friends waking up hungover in the morning.

Suddenly he pulled Loki's staff from his inventory, early that day Harry had told his friends what the staff possibly held and the Avengers decided that Harry should have it, they trusted him with it and they knew that it was for the best that Harry consumed what was probably within the staff.

So deciding to get it over with, Harry grab the top part of the staff and crushed it with his hand, he then opened his hand a watched as a small yellow gemstone shined for a bit before settling down on the palm of his hand.

Without even thinking about it twice, he chucked it into his mouth and eat it with a loud crunch Hmm... banana? Hehe".

Harry smiled when the familiar notification window appeared in front of him.

[Ding! Ding!]

[You have consumed the Infinity Stone of the Mind and now you have total and full control of the concept of the mind itself allowing you to bend it to your will.]

[Note: All psychic skills, abilities, and techniques have increased in power by times twenty.]

[Note: All psychic skills, abilities, and Techniques have a piercing effect now, this makes them unblockable and allows them to do full damage regardless of the target's immunities and resistances.]

[Note: Thanks to your new powers over the mind your skill Occlumency has evolved, now instead of just being able to block mental attacks, now it makes it so your mind is completely and utterly immune to any type of mental attack.]

[Note: Thanks to your new powers over the mind both Telepathy and mind reading are no longer restricted by distance and are unblockable.]

Harry nodded in satisfaction and then mentally closed the notification window, he continued to stare out the window for a few minutes until he got tired and decided to go to sleep, after all, things were going to get busy soon.


Morning soon arrived and once Harry had cured the Hungovers from the zombie-like Avengers, everyone got back to work.

They all knew that things were going to be busy but they wanted to get things done as soon as possible so they had a lot to prepare for.

After doing his morning routine and Harry had finished his breakfast, he went to spend some time with the girls, Hope and Morgan.

He trained with the girls for most of the morning since they all had challenged him and tried to take him down, Harry had fun dodging and blocking everything they threw at him.

Inwardly he was glad to see that they had improved a lot during all the time they spent in this dimension and that their teamwork was above everything else.

He had been taken by surprise quite a few times during the spar and was even punched in the face once when Jessica and Ereshkigal were able to trap him and prevented him from moving, Milim taking advantage of that opening punched Harry as hard as she could muster and sent him flying and crashing into a wall.

Fuu tried to continue their combo with one of her new wind-style ninjutsu but to her shock, Harry substituted himself with Milim causing her to receive the attack for him.

Fuu gaped at having attacked poor Milim with her wind jutsu that she didn't even notice Harry appear behind her and kicked her to the side of her body sending her flying, next he punted a still-recovering Milim into the air.

Both Jessica and Ereshkigal tried to turn around and hide to plan or at least buy some time but Harry took them down too fast for them to react knocking them unconscious.

After an hour the girls finally woke up, it seems like Harry had carried them into their rooms and healed them so they all got up and went to look for him.

Soon enough they found him with Hope in Morgan's room, he seemed to be having some kind of tea party that Hope organized, he sat on one of the small chairs with Morgan on his lap while Hope was giving fake tea and cake to both of them.

The girls couldn't help but stare at him just sitting there pretending to eat and enjoy some very delicious fake tea and cake in amusement.

Jean appeared out of nowhere and signal them to go to her, which the girls did, Jean smiled and began to tell them how Harry ended up playing with the girls like that "He's been playing with them for more than half an hour, he was sitting in the living room watching TV with Morgan when Hope and I arrived and Hope immediately dragged both of them to play tea party".

The girls chuckled, those two little girls had the dragon god wrapped around their little fingers so tightly that even they couldn't compete with them.

So the girls decided to leave them and go back to training this time though they dragged poor Jean to their crazy training regime.

A few hours later after Harry finished playing with his daughter and Morgan he went back to the Avenger's tower to get to work.

As soon as he arrived he was intercepted by Maria Hill "Hey Harry, so I got that information you wanted so walk with me, I'm sure you were planning to confront the mutant siblings today".

Harry nodded and followed her the moment she started to walk away, Maria started to give him her report as they walked "Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, they're actually twins and we're members of the Brotherhood of mutants that you took down, honestly, they were very lucky they weren't with them when they decided to foolishly attack you, that's the only reason they were able to escape from losing their powers and being arrested like the rest of the Brotherhood, I had my suspicions but I didn't want to say anything until I was able to confirm it, both of them are children of Erik Magnus Lehnsherr aka Magneto".

Harry turned his gaze towards Maria "I see.. so that's why they were trying to kill me and willingly joined Hydra, stupid kids...".

Maria nodded, she understood Harry's annoyance in this situation, these two teens willingly joined Hydra in the hopes of getting powerful enough to take him down, this was both a stupid and very dangerous decision but these kids had easily made the decision to do that just for revenge.

Soon enough Maria and Harry arrived at where they kept the special cells inside the Avenger's tower, in there they found the two teens sitting on the floor in the middle of their cell.

Maria nodded to Harry who nodded back, he opened the cell and walked inside, once he was inside the door closed behind him while both teens turned and immediately glared at him the moment they saw him.

Harry glared right back "Alright, let's have a little talk".

The twins continue to glare at him but got up to their feet, they didn't want to talk to the murderer of their father but they knew that they really didn't have a choice at the moment so they got ready to deal with this as fast as they can.