Chapter 37

Three weeks have passed since Harry proclaimed that the Avengers were retiring and almost immediately the general public made their anger show.

The UN now faced severe backlash from the public, the US government got the worst of it since it was made known that they were the ones to push forward the Accords.

Most of the UN had already backed down from the Accords but the US had continued to push forward until the public began to riot and publicly demand that the US drops the Accords altogether.

Villains were running rampant and the police force and the military couldn't handle the uprising of crime, though the Avengers did take care of the most dangerous ones in secret and behind the scenes.

One such event happened in New York and Peter Parker aka Spider-Man was directly involved in the events that followed.

The rest of the team decided to let him handle it and support him from afar, the kid wanted to prove to himself that he was worthy of the Avengers and this would also make for a perfect learning experience.

This is how the Avengers came to learn that Hydra wasn't the only one to acquire Chitauri technology after the attack on New York.

The main antagonist in this situation was one Adrian Toomes who had a salvage company that was contracted to clean up the city after the New York attack.

However, the Department of Damage Control, a partnership between Tony and the government took over the clean-up operations in order to prevent any Chitauri technology from reaching the wrong hands.

This enraged Toomes and in retaliation, he kept all the Chitauri technology that he and his employees had already collected and created advanced weaponry to sell, this included a Vulture suit that he used to steal Chitauri power cells from the Department of Damage Control.

Though Harry did question how the hell a salvage company manager, managed to reverse-engineer alien technology and create weapons with it.

No one could answer his questions as even Tony was perplexed about that little detail but they pushed that aside for another day.

Peter who had been training with the rest of the Avengers felt ready for this mission and thus began to investigate, eventually, Peter came across two of Toomes associates.

Someone calling themselves Shocker, who were selling weapons to a local weapons dealer named Aaron Davis.

Peter confronted both Shocker and Aaron and during this confrontation, he had to save Davis but as he managed to save him he was caught by Toomes in his Vulture suit and dropped in a lake, luckily Tony and Harry had prepared the suit for underwater operation use and Peter was able to swim away safely.

Tired, sore, and downtrodden by his failure to catch the criminals Peter went home where his friend Ned was unexpectedly waiting for him and ended up finding out that Peter was in reality Spider-Man, of course, Ned was excited to know that his friend is Spider-Man and a member of the Avengers but he did promise to keep Peter's secret identity a secret.

Peter with Ned now helping him, began to actively look for Toomes, and thanks to a tracker on Schultz he was able to find out that he was in Maryland, deciding that it was for the best to go there directly and confront Toomes he left immediately for Maryland.

There he tried to stop Toomes once more from stealing the weapons from a Department of Damage Control truck but he was trapped inside for a while instead, lucky he was somehow able to pass a Chitauri cell that he had recovered from Toomes to Ned.

However, with nothing else to do, he began to investigate exactly what it is that Toomes stole only to find out that the Chitauri cell Toomes tried to take was, in reality, an unstable grenade and he had handed it to Ned.

With that knowledge, he managed to escape and race to the Washington Monument where Ned had told him that their school's decathlon team and he was visiting, he got there in time to save everyone from the unstable grenade including his crush Liz.

Harry and the rest of the Avengers teased Peter for a day after finding out about his secret crush, making Peter wholeheartedly regret ever mentioning it.

But a few days later, back in New York City, aboard the Staten Island Ferry, Peter was finally able to capture Toome's new buyer Mac Gargan but Toomes helps him escape and a malfunctioning weapon tears the ferry in half.

Peter tried to stop the ferry from sinking by trying to keep it together with his webs and his strength and even though he had been training with Harry and the Avengers this proved to be too much for him at the moment.

But both Tony and Harry appeared just in time and helped him save the day and once Harry erased everyone's memories and Jarvis deleted all of the footage and pictures of their involvement they took Peter back to the Avenger's tower to heal.

Once recuperated Peter was depressed at his constant failures to catch Toomes, this was when Harry told him that sometimes the hardest lesson that someone has to learn is, that they don't have to do everything alone.

Peter widen his eyes in realization after hearing Harry say that to him, he was an Avenger and he had forgotten about that, he had honestly forgotten that he had a whole team of super-powered friends willing to lend a hand whenever he needs it.

Harry chuckled and flicked Peter in the nose with a grin on his face and told him that even more than a team, they are family first and family takes care of each other.

Peter nodded in understanding and finally asked for help, Harry and Tony grinned and called all the Avengers.

Poor Toomes, was completely unprepared when all the Avengers suddenly showed up and attacked him and his accomplices, soon enough he was captured and jailed along with everyone involved with his weapon's business.

Harry then destroyed all the weaponry and Chitauri technology and afterward, he erased all of Toomes knowledge of the alien technology from his memory to make sure this would never happen again.

That's how Spider-Man and the Avengers averted another crisis, this time however no one would ever know about their involvement.

Unfortunately, it turns out that Peter's crush Liz was the daughter of Toomes and had to move away to escape the controversy, Peter was depressed for a couple of days but bounced back soon enough.

Though the Avengers suspected that there was another girl involved in all this but for now they left him alone, he had earned a little bit of leeway.


A few more weeks passed by and the US government finally gave up and decided to discard the Accords altogether, it became apparent that they weren't going to get any support and the increasing crime rate was becoming too much for them to handle.

However, Harry decided to make them squirm and publicly announced that for the Avengers to come out of retirement, the government had to publicly apologize to them on national television and recognize their heroic deeds.

The US Government and The UN refused at first but the pressure from many contributors, the public, and the ever-increasing crime rate force them to accept Harry's terms.

A week later both the UN and the US government publicly apologized to the Avengers for trying to force them into compliance and gave them medals for their heroic actions in protecting the world.

The entire world celebrated the return of the Avengers and the Avengers themselves celebrated having put the government in their place.

Now without the worry of the government trying to get in their way anymore Harry and the rest of the team began to work full tilt and the first order of business was, to catch Ulysses Klaue and get all the Vibranium he had, away from him and anyone who could use it for evil.


Thanks to Harry's tracking charm they were able to locate Ulysses in a museum in London, where he was planning to steal Wakandan weaponry with his accomplice Erik Stevens.

Both Ulysses and Erik weren't expecting the Avengers to appear in the museum through pillars of darkness suddenly but they fought with everything they had to try and escaped.

But the Avengers took everyone down and arrested them including Ulysses and Erik, they took these two to the Avenger's tower for interrogation and it was here where Erik Stevens would meet Harry Potter and his life would change forever.


In the Avengers tower's interrogation room Erik was waiting for whoever was going to interrogate him, only to be surprised when the famous and very dangerous Harry Potter stepped into the room.

As Harry approached him and sat down to start with the interrogation, Erik was beginning to sweat profusely, it was a well-known fact that Harry Potter was a very ruthless individual that had access to so many different abilities that no one criminal ever wanted to face him, the fact that he could transform a giant dragon just made things worse.

Harry took a seat and stared into Erik's eyes "So... Erik Stevens right?" Erik nervously nodded "Okay, here's what's going to happen, I'll be asking you a few questions and if you answer me honestly there won't be any problems, and don't bother lying, I can tell when you are, okay?".

Erik gulped but nodded, he really didn't have a choice, either way, Harry closed his eyes for a second and then relaxed on his seat, he then opened his eyes and stared intently at Erik "What were you and Ulysses doing in that museum in London?".

Erik looked down and frowned "We were there to steal Wakandan technology, I know you might not believe me but Wakanda isn't what they appear to be...".

Harry continued to stare for a minute "We're fully aware of how technologically advanced Wakanda really is, just as we are aware of where the so-called Black Panther gets his superhuman abilities and about the Vibranium deposits that made all of their technological advances possible".

Erik gaped, he had spent his entire life trying to convince people that the Wakanda his father told him about was real and only Ulysses believed him since he had seen it himself but there was another person who knew that truth.

Harry ignored Erik's gaping expression and continued "What I would like to know is what were you planning to do with that Wakanda Weaponry? Ulysses wants to sell it, but you? You don't seem the type to care about money, no... you're after something else".

Erik looked down and glared "The Wakandans hide behind their shields and their technology, while the rest of the world suffers, I want to get my rightful place as king of Wakanda and change things! Bring their technology to the world".

Harry sat back and looked up "So revenge... your father was king T'Chaka's brother, the one he killed...".

Erik looked up at Harry in shock, Harry looked back towards him and grinned "When I met the king of Wakanda I saw darkness in his heart, it was one of the reasons I didn't help him, later out of curiosity I checked with one of my abilities what had happened for that darkness to appear like a scar on the king's heart, imagine my surprise when I saw him kill his own brother and abandoned his nephew... all for the greater good of Wakanda".

Erick listen intently to Harry's words "I understand why you would want to have revenge against the king of Wakanda, my own childhood was sacrificed for the greater good of a crazy old man and I got my revenge on him but with that said I have a problem with your plan".

Erik frowned, he was surprised that Harry Potter had a bad childhood too, it was a shock and hard to imagine such a powerful individual being so weak once in his life, but if he went through a harsh childhood and understood his need for revenge, what could he have a problem with? "What is this problem you have? You should understand my pain".

Harry nodded, his expression turned a bit sad "I do, trust me, I understand exactly how much pain you must have felt back then, but that doesn't mean you should take your anger out on innocent people, that would make you the same kind of man King T'Chaka was".

Erik actually flinched from Harry's words, he felt like he has backhanded from that comment, Harry continued on "When I got my revenge I systematically destroyed everything that crazy old man had worked so hard to build, his reputation, his allies, and his power and then when I finally grew bored of his antics I killed him, he had alredy become enemy number one anyways and there was no need to keep him alive, the same people that once held him in high regard, cursed him, hated him and denounce him as he died but I didn't involved any innocent people, the murderer of your father is dead you already had your revenge, there's no need to go after Wakanda or to dragged the rest of the world into a conflict with all of that technology".

Erik slumped in his seat, he couldn't deny everything Harry had just said but if he just stops, he won't have anything else to live for, what else could he do? all he had ever done was for his revenge, for everything that was taken from him.

Harry stared at Erik and gave him a grin "Besides, you didn't think that we the Avengers, would let you get away with endangering the world right? or did you forget that we still exist".

Erik looked up "Since you had publicly announced that the Avengers were retiring I thought that it would be the perfect time to go through my plans, I guess I was wrong to expect that you wouldn't get involved".

Harry chuckled "It might have looked like we really did retire to everyone but we still kept doing our job in secret and besides we have been going after Ulysses Klaue for a while".

Erik heavily sighed "I see... so we didn't have a chance at all... so what now?".

Harry stood up and looked down towards Erik "Ulysses will be delivered to Wakanda, he did steal from them with the help of your father, we're also confiscating all the Vibranium and weapons he stole from Wakanda, if Prince T'Challa wants it back then he's going to have to pay a heavy sum, we're a private organization after all and our light bill is humongous".

Harry chuckled and Erik couldn't help but chuckle too "And me? what's going to happen to me?".

Harry grinned "You're not a bad guy, sure you have a lot of red on you but I see a desire to do some good in the world so how about a second chance?".

Erik stared at Harry with wide eyes "A second chance?".

Harry nodded "Yes, not many know but I'm not from this world, I come from a world where the supernatural is very active and eventually I would have to leave this world and go back home, I would like you to come with us".

Erik gaped surprised about what Harry just told him, another world? The supernatural? All of this is just too hard to believe but somehow it makes sense, it would also explain why Harry is so powerful "Why do you need me for?".

Harry smiled "Well I'm part of the Japanese Yokai faction and I have been working hard with my friends and family to make the Yokai faction the strongest in the world, I turned this faction from the weakest, the bullied, and the ignored into the strongest, now the other factions are too afraid to even breath in our direction and soon that power will increase further since Tony Stark will be coming with me back in my world but before that, I need someone with the know-how in technology and military training to teach the yokai and our allies how to use all that new technology and weaponry and you seem perfect for the role! So what do you say Erik? Want to start a new life? and do some good in another world?".

Erik stared at Harry for a few minutes trying to process everything he just heard but in the end, the offer was too good, and besides after Harry put everything into perspective and with King T'Chaka dead he really had no reason to go after Wakanda, why should he care for the people who abandoned him? Plus going to another world and being part of a supernatural faction sounds like a fun idea.

So with a cocky grin and a nod, Erik accepted Harry's offer, the dragon god grinned back and released Erik from his shackles and together they stepped out of the cell, talking and planning for their future trip back to Harry's home dimension.

Without a doubt, Erik was glad that he had this second chance and promised in the memory of his father that this time he would do things right besides he might as well side with the dragon god walking alongside him, and maybe this time he'll be able to do some good.


A week after Harry had a talk with Erik and Ulysses was finally captured and behind bars, the people of Wakanda were celebrating the coronation of their new king, T'Challa and as he was accepting challengers to his rule in order to prove that he was worthy of the crown, however, everything and everyone stopped when a loud roar that echoed from the sky blasted everyone present in the cliffs and by the waterfall where T'Challa was waiting for anyone to challenge him.

Everyone looked up only to gasp in shock and fear when they saw the giant dragon form of Harry Potter staring down at them, even the Jabari tribe leader stopped and stared in awe at the enormous and powerful creature hovering above them.

T'Challa gulped and became extremely nervous, he knew who this was and he knew that he would eventually show himself to Wakanda but to think he would show up today of all days.

Harry stared down at T'Challa and began to hover down, he and Erik decided to teach Wakanda a lesson, show them that no matter how much they might want to hide away from the world, eventually someone will come along and force them to realize that they'll have to face the fact that they can't keep hiding forever and so Harry and Erik decided to visit Wakanda during the coronation of prince T'Challa.

Harry began to hover down slowly and then when he was close enough to the ground Erik jumped down from his back and faced both T'Challa and Zuri the man who had betrayed his father.

Harry then turned into his human form, opened a dark corridor and reached inside with his arm, and then pulled out a shackled and unconscious Ulysses Klaue and dropped him right before T'Challa to the shock of everyone present.

T'Challa looked down at Ulysses with a frown and then looked up to Harry "I knew that you were aware that Wakanda was more than it seems but to think you knew exactly where we are hiding and that we've been looking for this man for crimes against Wakanda is both shocking and disconcerting...".

Harry grinned "There's practically nothing in this world that I can't find information on for example I know all about that heart-shaped herb that gives you all of those superhuman abilities, Black Panther...".

Everyone gasped "I also know about how your little sister Shuri is the one who's been making most of your current technology along with your super suit just like I know about the Vibranium mines under Wakanda".

Shuri gaped and stared wide eye towards Harry, she knew who this was of course, and about the rumors about his many powerful abilities plus the fact that he refused to help her father when he tried to politically attack him and the Avengers but to think that he knows about her... {how does he know about all this}.

T'Challa was nervously sweating as he stared up at Harry who was still hovering a bit above the water while Harry continued "It's not hard for me to find out information on anything if I want to, when your father publicly attacked the Avengers and me, even though I brought back to life and healed all the Wakandans who got hurt during one of our missions, I grew curious about the why, why would this king attack us like that? So I used my connection to something called the Akashic Records and found out everything about Wakanda and with that, I understood the reason behind your father's attack...".

Everyone listened intently but the ones more interested in all of this were both Shuri and T'Challa "He was afraid that somehow, someway people would become interested in Wakanda since I did bring a lot of them back to life so, in order to prevent the spotlight from landing on Wakanda, he threw me and the Avengers under the bus, he did not care that in doing so, he would be letting the Avengers become slaves to the will of the UN and the US government itself jumped at the chance to have us under their thumb, king T'Chaka was going to sacrifice us, the ones who had been protecting the world on a daily basis, risking our lives and sacrificing everything to make sure everyone in the world was safe, for the greater good of Wakanda... honestly I believe he would have preferred it if I had left those Wakandans that died, to stay dead".

Everyone gasped and T'Challa looked down, he had his suspicion after everything went down but he didn't want to believe it but now? Harry then turned his head towards Zuri and stare down at him "But that wasn't the first time your father did something horrible for the good of Wakanda, right Zuri?".

T'Challa, Shuri, and their mother turn to look towards Zuri who looked down, T'Challa decided to ask him, what exactly was Harry talking about "Zuri?... What is he talking about?".

Zuri turned his gaze over to T'Challa "I can't say, king T'Chaka swore me to secrecy...".

T'Challa, Shuri, and their mother stared wide-eyed at Zuri, they couldn't believe what they just heard, however before they could continue to demand answers, Erik who had been silently listening up until now, decided to speak up.

"I can tell you what your father did and why Zuri doesn't dare speak of it" the three royal members of Wakanda turned towards the unknown young man who had arrived with Harry.

Erik had been patiently listening while Harry berated his cousin and the Wakandan people, he might no longer want his revenge but at the very least he could enjoy this and so he continued with the revelations "My father, your uncle, and bother to King T'Chaka helped Ulysses Klaue steal Vibranium, sure he did betray Wakanda but at the time he did it to help our brothers fighting for their rights, he might have been a royal but living in the United States showed him that Wakanda had the means to help and do something about the injustice against our people in that era but Zuri, being a spy for your father befriended mine only to betray him.

T'Challa turned towards Zuri and stare at him in disbelief while Erik continued "Your father actually showed up to confront my father... he killed him and then abandoned me, with no one to take care of me I had to grow up in the street! I had to steal, cheat and kill to survive while everyone here in Wakanda was safe and fed behind your shields!... You and the Wakanda people are lucky that Harry found me first, otherwise, I would have tried to kill you and change things around here...".

Shuri and her mother were staring at Erik in shock and disbelief, T'Challa who was now glaring at Zuri decided to speak up "Is this true? Did you and my father abandon him?".

Zuri just continued to silently stare at T'Challa causing the prince of Wakanda to lose his patience "Answer me!".

But it seems like Zuri still refused to answer him but before T'Challa could continue to question him Harry spoke up "How about we ask you, father, directly?".

Everyone turned to stare at Harry in confusion causing him to grin "What? I can bring people back to life, summoning the soul of someone from the other side isn't too complicated for me".

T'Challa stare at Harry in silence for a good second but eventually, he nodded and Harry smiled, he then called upon the soul of king T'Chaka to manifest before him.

King T'Chaka was confused, one moment he was speaking and walking with his ancestors, and the next he was back in Wakanda in front of everyone including his son, daughter, and wife and it seems that T'Challa was in the process of accepting challenges to his coronation.

Harry stared at the soul of King T'Chaka and suddenly spoke "T'Chaka king of Wakanda, as the Master of Death I order you to answer to your son T'Challa, prince of Wakanda any questions he might have for you, both honestly and with nothing but the truth".

T'Chaka actually flinched as he felt the order bind him to speak nothing but the truth to his son, once he recovered he turned to look towards Harry with wide eyes in both fear and shock.

Shuri wanted to rush forward and speak with her father but her mother held her back, T'Challa stare at his father before calling back to him "Baba...".

T'Chaka turned around and stared at his son in silence "...".

T'Challa took a minute to gather his courage to ask his father "Baba did you kill your brother and abandoned your nephew?".

T'Chaka didn't know what he was expecting his son to ask but it definitely wasn't this, he tried to resist but in the end, Harry's orders were absolute "Y-yes.. I couldn't risk the well-being of Wakanda for only one child..".

Everyone in Wakanda gasped and T'Challa was beyond himself in both disappointment and anger "You abandoned a child! Family! and for what?! so Wakanda could keep its secrets!? No! No more! first, you tried to push earth's mightiest heroes away and you died for it! and now I find out that you abandoned my cousin?! For the good of Wakanda!? Do you know what could have happened if he had decided to take us down? If he wanted to be king! We would have been destroyed and no one would have helped us! How could anyone help!? when we have spent ages hiding away and living in luxury... You and our ancestors were wrong! and I'll have to fix all of this! I'll fix it! not just for Wakanda! but for the rest of the world too!".

T'Challa turned his back on his father and the king could only look on in shame and sadness, Erik was surprised that T'Challa was honestly angry with him, he really wasn't expecting that but the smile Harry was giving him told him that he knew {Tch!.. crazy ass lizard knew all along, sigh... seems like I owe him more than I thought heh}.


Everyone present heard the prince and future king of Wakanda vow to change things and in a show of loyalty they all started to chant his name, even Harry started to do so too, though he only did it because it looked like fun and catchy, Erik saw that and snorted in amusement, his boss was a weird dude but he was already getting used to it.

King T'Chaka solemnly nodded and then vanished back to the land of the dead, T'Challa turned around and looked at everyone chanting his name, though he was confused as to why the Jabari were there but he ignored that for the moment and made a mental note to speak with the chief leader later, he'll need help with all the changes he was going to bring to Wakanda and they'll be perfect to help with this task.

This was how prince T'Challa became King T'Challa, no one challenged him though, but he was not sure if it was because Harry was there or because of all the shocking revelations but even after all that, Wakanda still celebrated their new king.

T'Challa, Shuri, and their mother accepted Erik into their family and asked him to live in Wakanda with them but Erik refused and told them that he had found a new home and a new job, one that promises to be fun.

The royal members of Wakanda accepted his reason but told him that he was always welcomed in Wakanda, something that made Erik smile a bit.

Ulysses was executed for his crimes against Wakanda and after asking Harry about the Vibranium and the Wakandan weaponry he had possession of, Harry just grinned and responded "Oh! We confiscated all of it, and right now is inside the Avengers tower's vault".

T'Challa had a bad feeling about this but he had to ask "Could we get it all back?".

Harry maliciously grinned causing T'Challa to sweat nervously "Sure... after a finders fee of course".

Everyone sweatdropped and stared at Harry in shock, T'Challa just closed his eyes and heavily sighed "Your still mad about my father throwing the Avengers under the bus aren't you?...".

Harry didn't answer but the grin on his face showed that T'Challa was completely right about Harry holding a grudge.

Erik quietly chuckled to himself while Shuri and his aunt gaped at Harry, Harry just continue to grin and enjoy the looks of disbelief he was receiving from everyone around him.

He then spent a couple of days in Wakanda touring everywhere with Erik, he was even allowed to see the Vibranium mines and the Research Development building where he saw just how advanced Wakanda really was.

Though Tony had them beat with both his help and all the things he had given him in the past, from medicine to Digimon research and materials, had helped Stark enterprises and the Avengers stay ahead in both the medical field and technological research.

This of course led to Shuri asking for a tour of the Avenger's tower, something that Harry agreed to once things mellow out a bit more.

Eventually, it was time to leave for both Harry and Erik but T'Challa had promised that whenever they need help, the Wakandan people will be there and Harry promised that the Avengers will have Wakanda's back whenever they needed it.

This was how Wakanda slowly began to come out of the shadows and with the support of the Avengers they were quickly accepted.

Though the Avengers did publicly announce that Wakanda was now an ally to them, this was both a warning and a promise to the government a really clear one.

One that said, don't mess with Wakanda unless you want to deal with Harry Potter and the Avengers.