Chapter 40

It's been a few months since Asgard was attacked by Hela and her army, Harry, Thor, and surprisingly Loki had been helping with repairs and getting most of the ex-gladiators back to their homes.

However, some of the ex-gladiators didn't have a home to go back to but Thor and Freya welcomed them with open arms in Asgard for their services in protecting it in their time of need, and these warriors accepted gladly to have a home once again.

Besides being busy with all of this and making time to deal with a few other things, Harry also took Hela back to earth so she could start her training in being a maid, Sakuyamon seem very happy to finally have some help and to have someone to dress in maid outfits.

Hela was at first reluctant to be used dress doll by the over-excited Digimon but in the end and inwardly came to like her many maid uniforms.

So now Hela can be seen keeping herself busy cooking, cleaning, or even babysitting Morgan and Hope in the Stark's cabin, she was very unsure and confused about everything at first but slowly and over time she came to adapt and learn about her new environment and responsibilities.

Now you could always see a small and happy smile on her face while she was busy with work or in the garden tending the small garden outside the Stark's cabin.

Harry had also kept in touch with everyone to make sure everything was okay, this was when Cassie told him about the small adventure Scott aka Ant-Man had while he was away.

Apparently, Hank Pym wasn't happy that Scott joined the Avengers and works with Tony Stark, so his daughter Hope Van Dyne had been working with him to continue with their research.

However, it seems that someone had been going after them for a while and so they had no other choice but to ask Scott for help, who was very happy to do so.

And so a crazy adventure was lived by these three which culminated in the Avengers capturing a supervillain who was suffering from her own power's instability and a recovered Janet Van Dyne who had been lost for years in a parallel dimension or something like that, Cassie didn't understand enough of how Janet had gone missing to explain correctly to Harry so he just left it at that.

So now Tony along with the scientific think tank that works in the Avengers' tower was working diligently to cure or at least allow Ava Starr aka Ghost to use her powers free from the constant pain it brings her.

Meanwhile, the Van Dynes were happy and reconnecting while enjoying retirement, surprisingly Hope Van Dyne chose to become a member of the Avengers and she was welcomed with open arms by everyone, especially the female members of the Avengers.

Though Cassie did say that Janet now known as the Wasp was regretting her choice to join after she had gone through one day of training with the Avengers, this caused Harry to chuckle.

After that Harry continued to keep in contact with everyone, especially the girls who were still training, the time to return to their home universe was fast approaching and they wanted to be strong enough to face anything that might think it was a good idea to threaten their home in Kyoto, Harry wasn't worried though, the girls had already surpassed power levels beyond some of the enemies he had fought before so he knew they were ready but he wasn't going to discourage more training, it was always a good idea to try and continue to surpass your limits, otherwise you would stagnate or grow to cocky.

Another new development was Brunnhilde deciding to become Harry's apprentice, or rather Harry was bullied by Freya to take the lone Valkyrie as a student, so now he spent a lot of time teaching her swords skills and magic to the Valkyrie, something that Brunnhilde was both very happy and excited about.

Freya saw how happy Brunnhilde was learning new things and getting stronger that she decided to tell her old friend to go back with Harry when it was time for him to leave this universe so she could continue to become even stronger.

And so, Brunnhilde will be going back to Harry's home world and serving him as best as she can while Harry trained her in everything battle related.

Harry agreed immediately to taking Brunnhilde to his own universe and was already planning on creating a Valkyrie legion for the Yokai faction with Brunnhilde at the front leading, further increasing Kyoto's power and giving the Asgard faction of his world the middle finger.

It seem that fun times were heading towards Kyoto soon in the future and Harry was excited about that.

Today Harry was preparing for a trip to a far-off place named Nidavellir, Thor had explained that this was the place where Mjölnir was forged and where they will find everything they need to forge him a new weapon.

Harry was a little excited to fly to Nidavellir in his dragon form and see a little of this universe plus since he was faster than any ship in the galaxy they should arrive soon enough and still have time to do some sightseeing.


So Harry in his dragon form and Thor hitching a ride on top of his head left Asgard and traveled the galaxy for a while.

They visited many planets, they drank, ate, and partied to their hearts contents, and they even got into bar fights with aliens just for fun.

They enjoyed their time traveling through space while Harry looked at everything he could see, he even flew close to a star just to see if he could take the heat, turns out that yes he can, Thor though, he got crispy and Harry had to heal him quickly to prevent him from dying.

It was a bit scary but they laughed it off in good fun, eventually, they met a group of interesting individuals who call themselves The Guardians of the Galaxy.

A group of misfits led by an earthling named Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the destroyer, a raccoon named Rocket, Mantis, and a living tree named Groot.

Well, they met as in The Guardians of the Galaxy saw a giant dragon flying through space and decided to shoot at Harry thinking he was some kind of space monster on his way to eat a planet.

Harry was surprised that someone would actually try to shoot him and turn around to see who had there only to gape when he saw five humanoid beings and a raccoon flying a spaceship and shooting lasers at him, it's not very often that something surprises Harry but the sight of a Racoon laughing maniacally as he tried to kill him actually made him pause.

Lucky Thor was able to calm them down and explain who they were, they were just as surprised when Harry turned into his human form and introduced himself to them.

And so The Guardians of the Galaxy joined Harry and Thor on their little field trip to Nidavellir since they were curious about such a mythical and famous place.

Though this also meant that Harry and Thor were dragged around the galaxy and often got into trouble with their new friends, they fought all kinds of aliens and even stole some things just for fun but they definitely had a lot of fun and just enjoyed their time with the Guardians.

While traveling with their new friends Harry got to know the Guardians of the Galaxy and he could honestly say he liked everyone, he learned about Peter through him after he explained how he ended up in space.

Harry being the guy that he was, decided to help his new friend so he summoned the soul of Peter's mother so they could talk one more time and then left them alone so they could have some privacy.

After that Harry told Peter that he would train him a bit so he can learn how to control his divinity since he still had it inside of him, Peter agreed and Harry started to teach him how to access that part of himself.

Gamora was a fun lady to hang around with and Harry spend most of his time training with her and even though she would get her ass handed to her she liked the fact that she was learning a lot from fighting a warrior of Harry's levels.

Drax and Mantis were odd and a little crazy to Harry but nonetheless, he spent time getting to know them and getting used to their quirky nature.

Mantis was fascinated with the fact that no matter how much she tried she couldn't feel anything from Harry with her powers and when she ask him about it, Harry explained what he was and how powerful he truly is to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Of course, the Guardians were in shock to find out their new friend was some sort of dragon god but in the end, they didn't care much anyway and just continued to enjoy their company.

Now Rocket and Groot were perhaps Harry's favorite people in the Guardians of the Galaxy, from Rocket's sarcastic and aggressive tendencies to Groot's quiet and relaxed nature.

He spent a lot of time with these two, learning about all kinds of alien weaponry and technology with Rocket to playing video games with Groot.

Groot himself was a big surprise to Harry, the humanoid tree was constantly releasing enormous amounts of natural energy, so much in fact that the first time Harry got close to Groot he immediately turned into his sage mode form.

This, of course, caught him by surprise but he just released it and then explained to Groot what had happened, Groot nodded in understanding to what sage mode is and continued to play his handheld video game but Harry's connection to nature made Groot very comfortable around him.

Months passed by and so both Harry, Thor along the Guardians finally arrived on Nidavellir as soon as they landed their friends the Guardians -who were very much looking forward to seeing this legendary place- were looking around excitedly.

However what they found was alarming, Nidavellir was in a state of utter destruction, and looking around they only found one sole survivor who after being questioned, explain how Thanos had forced this place to build him a special gauntlet that could hold the power of the Infinity stones and then destroy and killed everyone in Nidavellir.

Peter and the Guardians panicked after hearing that Thanos was looking for the stones and were already planning ways to beat him to them.

Thor however told them that it was unnecessary and explained how Harry had eaten all but one Infinity stone and absorbed their power.

The Guardians of the Galaxy gaped at the fact that their new friend had touched an Infinity stone and not exploded and even the fact that he ate them kept them in a shocked state for a few minutes.

Harry grinned and with a wave of his hand he reversed time in Nidavellir up until before it was destroyed and then he explained to his new friends that they were already aware that Thanos would eventually show himself to look for the stones and more than likely he will be heading to earth with a big army since that was the last place that Thanos most likely knew that the stones had been gathered.

So he and his friends known as the Avengers had been preparing to face him for years and once Thanos shows his ugly mug on earth he'll get a nasty surprise from him and his friends.

The Guardians nodded in understanding and decided to help their new friends when the time came.

This made Harry and Thor smile, glad that their new friends will be willing to fight side by side with them, after that Harry and Thor busied themselves with forging a new weapon for Thor along with Eitri the sole surviving Dwarf of Nidavellir.

They prepared the Uru metal and the star forge which began to melt the precious and highly magical metal, Harry though look lost in thought for a minute until he decided to make Thor's new weapon even stronger.

So he instructed Thor to place some blood into the now melted metal while he turned into his dragon form and shook off two scales from his body, one gold, and the other silver.

He then turned human and glared at Thor "You are not to tell any of the girls that I can shed scales at will or my revenge will bring you nightmares for eternity" Thor gulped but nodded, Harry then dropped the scales into the pot with the molted Uru and proceeded to feed it even more heat with his own holy dragon breath.

It took hours for the scales to melt and mix with the melted Uru, though that was only possible because Harry had willed his scales to be melted otherwise this wouldn't have happened to his scales.

Eitri and the Guardians were fascinated by what they were witnessing, the melted metal was shining and giving off both a pressure and an aura that seemed divine.

Harry then grunted and created a magic circle on top of the melted Uru and told Thor to blast as much lightning as he can, which Thor then proceeded to do so.

Nidavellir was soon lit by the intensity of Thor's lightning, its blue hue made for a nice light effect as the Uru absorbed Thor's lightning easily.

Finally, Thor collapsed on his hand and knees, he was breathing heavily but he smiled when Peter and Gamora helped him up.

Meanwhile, Eitri was pouring the melted Uru into a mold while Harry intently watched, the dwarf then released the cooling metal parts of Thor's new weapon into the ground while Harry went through hand signs and created a handle for the new weapon with Mokuton.

He was surprised when Groot touched the handle and fed it as much of his natural energy into it, Harry grinned at his friend and gave him a thumbs up.

Harry then cooled down the still red-hot new weapon with a frigid cold dragon breath and everyone was now able to see the new weapon.

A war axe, golden in color with the edge of the blade shining silver, the Mokuton handle was softly glowing green in color, a sign of Groot's help and blessing.

Everyone was in awe, this weapon looked and felt otherworldly, Harry just grinned at a good job as he used 'Observe' on the war axe "Hmm... it seems like we were able to create a divine construct guys!".

Everyone turned to look at Harry, Rocket decided to ask the question currently running through everyone's minds "What do you mean divine construct? It's just an axe right?".

Harry chuckled "Yes it is an axe but it's also something more, with everything we've done to create it, this weapon has become something more than just a simple weapon, now it's a symbol of authority, a conceptualized creation that signals what everything Thor the God of Thunder and Lightning stands for".

Harry turned around and looked at Thor straight in the eyes "This means, that the moment you touch this axe Thor, you will cease to be mortal, you will become a true god, are you ready for such power and responsibility?".

Thor stare back into Harry's eyes, he noticed the serious gleam in his friend's eyes and he understood what Harry meant, if he takes the axe he will truly ascend, he wouldn't simply be Thor the Asgardian anymore, he would become much more.

But Thor also knew that Harry would eventually leave and even though he would visit, he, the Avengers, and the Galaxy will need someone to keep an eye on everything and Harry had chosen him of all people.

This is why he used his scales and performed that ritual, he was trusting him to use this power to protect everything and everyone, Thor was honestly tearing up a bit at this sign of trust and so with a big proud grin on his face, he grabbed hold of his new weapon and proudly lifted it above him.

A storm of white lightning and thunder began to surge from Thor's body, his armor and cape began to change and evolve as he held his new weapon.

Harry smiled knowing that he could trust Thor to protect everyone they care about and watched proudly as Thor became a true god.

Soon the storm subsided and Thor stood proud and powerful, his body now sported a very powerful looking golden scaled full body armor and beneath that a silver mail, his caped had changed from a simple red cape to a furred thick leather cloak if you look closely you can see tiny golden scales forming the cloak.

On his head was now a dragon-like golden helmet that looked like the head of Harry's dragon form.

Thor looked at himself in surprise, he could feel his new power and it was exhilarating, he then turned towards Harry who gave him a grin and thumb up.

Eitri was excited, he had made so many weapons before but nothing like this, suddenly he spoke proud and loud "Stormbreaker! That's the new name of this new weapon!".

Everyone nodded and agreed that it was a good name for the war axe, soon Thor's mentality went back to his normal look, and smiled.

Harry nodded and said, "and let's call that new form, Scale Lightning God mode".

Thor nodded and practiced for a while transforming back a forth between his now basic form and his new God form


Meanwhile, on earth, Nick Fury was busy raising Shield from the ashes, which admittedly had been easier with the support of the Avengers and Harry Potter but if someone would dare ask him about it, he would deny it with his very soul being thankful to them, especially to Harry.

But right now he was about to get an unexpected visit from an old ally, one he wasn't expecting to see anytime soon.

So no one could blame his surprise when he saw Carol Danvers sitting behind his desk and apparently waiting on him.

Nick sighed and he already had a bad feeling about this surprise visit which was all but confirmed when he noticed the worry evident on Carol's face "Captain Marvel... I take it that this isn't a casual visit right?".

Carol though obviously distressed still smiled at Nick's sarcastic way of saying hello "No... I just got some bad news while I was out there in space, Nick... a titan known as Thanos is on his way to earth right now and he's bringing a giant army with him...".

Nick frowned "Son of a bitch... so the time has come".

Carol raised an eyebrow in surprise at his nonchalant attitude of Nick "You don't seem worried or surprised, why?".

Nick just tiredly nodded "Sigh... an annoying individual was able to get information on this mad titan that seems to have a hard-on for murdering half of the population of whatever planet he attacks, he found out about this Thanos guy's goals of gathering something called the Infinity Stones and he along with his group of superheroes friends have been preparing for him".

Carol was very surprised to find out that information about Thanos was already known, Nick closed his eyes and reached for his cell phone, and called Tony.

Tony immediately answered his phone, knowing that Nick Fury wouldn't call him, if it wasn't important "Nick, I'm happy and at the same time very afraid to get a call from you, what's up?".

Nick sighed "Stark, I just received news that the mad titan Thanos is on his way to earth right now, where's Potter?".

Tony was silent for a bit but then answered Nick's question "Son of a bitch, he's off the planet right now but we can contact him right away through Jean, how reliable is your information?".

Nick turned towards Carol "Very, for now, contact Potter and prepare the decoys that he prepared for this occasion, we have to make sure this Thanos guy arrives somewhere far away from any cities".

Tony grunted, "Consider it done Nick, we also have the perfect place to ambush Thanos thanks to our friends from Wakanda, so head there with as many friends as you can! We're going to throw everything at Thanos".

Nick actually grinned which made Carol very nervous "Including the kitchen sink?".

Tony laughed at loud "Especially the kitchen sink!" with that said Tony hung up and Nick put away his phone.

Carol couldn't help to ask "Decoys?".

Nick nodded "Potter created fake copies of the Infinity Stones, when he found out about Thanos, these fake stones give out an energy signature like the real ones, and whatever Thanos is using to track them should be easily fooled by the decoys, of course only the Avengers and I know about this since it's meant to be bait for the so-called mad titan, this way we can control where Thanos will show up and minimize damage and loss of lives".

Carol nodded but still one more question "So who's this Potter guy you keep mentioning? He seems to be on the ball about things".

Nick grumbled something about annoying flying lizards but she couldn't hear the rest of what she was pretty sure was an impressive string of curses "Harry Potter is complicated... Let's just say that I'm very glad that he's a good person at heart otherwise nothing in this universe could stop him from destroying it".

Carol raised an eyebrow since this was an impressive amount of respect and compliments someone had been able to get out of Nick Fury, she certainly wanted to meet this Harry Potter now "Well since I'm already here on earth, I might as well help!".

Nick nodded and began to walk out of his office "Then let's go! It's time to bring Shield out of the Shadows".

Carol followed Nick out of his office excited about the upcoming battle, it seems like she had nothing to worry about since everyone here was already expecting Thanos.

After Tony hung up he immediately called Steve "Tony? What's going on? You do know that I'm on a mission right?".

Tony chuckled "Well Cap, drop everything you're doing right now, Nick just called me and let me know Thanos is on his way to earth right now".

Steve was quiet for a second "Son of a bitch! I'm on my way!".

Tony said one last thing "Call the Avengers and have them meet in Wakanda, and Steve please watch your language!".

Steve just sighed but Tony heard Peggy laughing in the background "Tony... just shut up and get to work!".

After that Steve hung up leaving Tony to laugh himself silly, until Pepper came along with Morgan in her arms and stared at his husband "Sigh... I really hope you didn't inherit any of your father's insanity sweetie...".

Morgan just laughed at her father and then said to her mom "Okay mommy!".

Pepper just smiled and continued to walk to the kitchen leaving Tony to continue laughing.

After Tony finished laughing his butt off he went to look for Jean who was busy spending time with her daughter, who was at the moment busy drawing, while Jean smiled at her until she noticed Tony approaching them "Oh Tony! How are you doing today?".

Tony smiled "Well so far everything is going great! Made fun of Steve and got a call from Nick so overall it had been an interesting afternoon".

Hope stopped drawing and looked at Tony, while Jean looked interested and asked "Nick Fury called you? That's weird... did something happen".

Tony nodded "Well not yet but it's about to happen, I need you to connect me with Harry, I have news for him".

Jean nodded and got up, approached Tony, and then place two fingers on his brow and telepathically connected him to Harry.


Meanwhile back on Nidavellir Harry was watching Thor practice and train a bit with Stormbreaker, he was trying to get used to his new output of energy, it seems that the senjutsu in the new weapon allows for Thor's energy reserves to recover faster, since it seems to be drawing natural energy from everywhere, even here in space which Harry found both surprising and intriguing.

However, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Tony's voice inside his head {Harry? Can you hear me?}.

Harry raised an eyebrow and mentally nodded {Yes, what's up Tony? Did you piss off Pepper again? I already told you that I'm not giving you a scale just to make her forgive you}.

Tony gasped in shock, while Jean narrowed her eyes in suspicion {We'll talk later about proper bro etiquette Harry! but no, that's not what I'm contacting you about, Nick Fury called me and told me that he got hold of reliable information that confirms, Thanos is on his way to earth, I'm already gathering everyone together and we're meeting in Wakanda as planned, get your butt back on earth ASAP!}.

Harry mentally nodded {Son of a bitch! We're on our way, make sure you take the decoys with you so Thanos shows up where we want him}.

Tony chuckled {There are a lot of sons of bitches being called out today hahaha but don't worry, I'll get everything ready}.

Harry smiled {Great oh and we're bringing some good friends that we made here in space to help! you're going to love them, especially the talking and cursing raccoon! You're going to like the little guy}.

Tony laughed {Sounds fun! I can't wait, I'll see you soon so bye for now}.

Harry grinned when he felt the telepathic link disappear and then turned to Thor and his new friends "Thor! Stop playing around! We have things to do now".

Thor stopped swinging Stormbreaker and approached Harry "What's going on?".

Harry signaled his new friends to approach too "Tony just telepathically contacted me, Thanos is on his way to earth right now, so we have to leave".

Thor nodded while the Guardians narrowed their eyes, Peter then said "We're coming too!".

Harry nodded and grinned at his friends, Gamora then spoke up "He has to pick up my sister, she no doubt is looking for us right now to let us know about Thanos, she'll be of great help in this upcoming battle".

Harry nodded and then Thor spoke next "Let's also make a quick stop on Asgard, I'm sure everyone there will be willing to fight with us to protect the earth".

Harry nodded and then turned towards Eitri "Thank you, my friend, for helping us forge Thor's new weapon".

Eitri nodded "It was an honor to see both the birth of a god and help in the creation of a divine weapon! Thank you for giving me this chance".

Harry smiled and waved goodbye to the dwarf and then everyone rushed to the Guardian's ship to look for Gamora's sister Nebula.


Back on earth, Tony and Jean got to work right away and communicated to everyone about the incoming visit of Thanos to earth, after letting them know what was going they all agreed to meet in Wakanda.

T'Challa had already agreed to use the big empty fields of Wakanda as a battleground a while ago and had even said that Wakanda as a whole will fight side by side with the Avengers and so everyone got ready for war.

Soon enough everyone met in Wakanda, this was the first time everyone noticed how big their group had gotten, the Avengers, Shield, the X-men, Doctor Strange plus Wong, Wakanda, and finally the big guns Ereshkigal, Milim, Fuu, and Jessica.

Even Hela joined the fight, willing to do battle once more to protect the home of her new master, she had come to enjoy the busy life of a maid and she'll be damn if she lets someone try to take it away from her.

Hope decided to stay behind and protect Morgan, and besides when everyone asked her why she didn't feel the need to go, she answered "Daddy and my mothers will be there, why bring another galaxy destroyer when you already have five?".

No one could argue with that logic so they agreed that it was for the best that Hope stayed behind to protect Morgan.

As everyone was gathered Tony spoke up to them while pointing at a metal briefcase in his arms "Okay everyone, the decoys we have here are obviously fake and they are just to be used for bait so don't worry if Thanos gets a hold of them, the moment he tries to use one they'll shatter".

Everyone nodded while Tony continued "According to Nick here" Tony pointed at Nick Fury who just grunted when everyone turned to look at him "Received information that a big army of aliens will be coming with this Thanos guy, let's make sure we get them all okay! Also, don't worry about T'Challa's palace, Jessica has warded it to hell and back so it'll be protected and serve as a shelter for the civilian Wakandans while we fight".

Everyone nodded and smiled or grinned at Jessica who blushed a bit at the attention she was getting, Ereshkigal then spoke up "Harry will be arriving soon so let's leave Thanos to him especially since he has an Infinity Stone in his possession, we all know how ridiculously powerful those stones are so let's not risk it, meanwhile, let's cover each other backs and don't get cocky, we've been training hard for this day so let's not ruin all of this preparation by being overconfident okay?".

Everyone nodded and turned to look at Tony who jumped in shock at being singled out like this "Hey! It's not overconfidence if you are really that good!".

Everyone laughed a little, suddenly Jarvis interrupted "Sir our satellites are detecting multiple objects approaching earth's atmosphere".

Everyone narrowed their eyes and prepare themselves for the fight that is about to go down, they all looked up and watched as giant ships began to slowly approach and land close by.

Suddenly four figures jumped out from one of the ships before it could finish landing and softly landed on the ground in front of them.

A lanky white-haired alien suddenly raised his arms and began to preach while the other three just silently stood there and stared at them "CHILDREN OF THANOS! REJOICE! FOR TODAY IS THE DAY YOU FIND SALVA- 'Drago buster!', 'Mini Bijuu Dama!', 'Bloody Howling!', Kaboomle!" a massive explosion consumes the alien who was caught completely off guard.

The lanky alien didn't even get a chance to finish talking when Milim, Fuu, Ereshkigal, and Jessica blasted him to hell, shocking everyone present lucky Jean had noticed her friend's intent and had raised a psychic shield to protect everyone from the blast.

However the other three aliens weren't that lucky and were sent flying by the massive explosion that consumed their comrade, they landed harshly a fair distance away.

Everyone gaped at the sheer aggressiveness the four girls just showed while Tony whistled amused that the arrogant alien got blasted so hard "Holy hell!... Well, that just happened...".

The girls turned around to look at their friends and tilted their heads in confusion, Milim was the one who spoke for them "Well he was just standing there wide open and monologuing, was he expecting no one to attack him? That's just stupid!, Harry told us that if an enemy is either transforming, monologuing, or preparing a big attack, then just blast him or her before they can finish".

Everyone nodded in agreement since that made sense to them, why let an enemy do what it wants it's better to take advantage of any openings before things could get too bad.

The three other aliens recovered and shakily stood up, they all turned to look where their ally once stood, only to gape at the big crater left behind by such an unexpected attack, nothing was left of the being known as Ebony Maw.

Thanos who had been watching all of this from his ship, narrowed his eyes, he wasn't expecting this level of power from this planet nor how many had gathered to stop them, but he was still confident that he will succeed with his goal and so he stood up from where he was sitting and ordered his army to attack while he himself made his way to the battlefield.

Everyone outside noticed the giant army of aliens suddenly pour out from the many enormous ships landing or already on land but everyone wasn't worried or nervous.

Tony grinned and began to walk forward, Pepper who had decided to fight this time followed closely behind, both of them summoned their nano, Chrome Digizoid armor -a new armor that Tony had developed by combining everything he learned about Digimon and nanotechnology- and said "This brings back memories of that day in New York".

Steve who heard him walked forward and stood side by side with Tony "Yes, that was the day the Avengers were truly born and we met one crazy dragon god" Steve chuckled fondly at the memories of what was a day full of many surprises.

Natasha, Hulk, Clint, and the girls walked forward and stood beside Tony and Steve, a smile full of fond memories presented on their faces.

Tony grinned and turned towards Steve and said "Well Cap! How about you start us off!" Steve turned his gaze towards Tony and grinned.

As the alien army gathered ahead of them and stood there growling and roaring menacingly, the Avengers noticed the giant purple alien that had arrived with the army, that was staring at them amusingly.

Steve narrowed his eyes and took a big breath and then with a confident look in his eyes he declared "Avengers Assemble!" everyone present and ready to fight to protect their planet roared causing even Thanos to take a step back in surprise.