Chapter 48

Naruto had just saved Konohamaru from being crushed by a stone pillar when he, Lee, Ten Ten, Kiba, and Choji tried to stop Jigen from causing destruction.

However, the Otsutsuki took them down in one move using his unique ocular power, leaving a shocked Konohamaru the only one conscious.

Jigen, however, wasn't impressed and tried to kill the young Jonin but Naruto appeared and destroyed the pillar just in time, Naruto of course was pretty upset about what Jingen had done to his friends.

Jigen however just stared indifferently at Naruto "The Hokage!...".

Naruto stare down at the Otsutsuki "Konohamaru thank you for buying time" Konohamaru was glad to see Naruto here and could only call out to him in relief "Lord Seventh..".

Naruto, however, couldn't afford to take his eyes off Jigen so he gave new orders to Konohamaru "Anyways, take everyone and get away from here".

Konohamaru nodded "Yes sir!" with that said he got up and went to get the others away from the area while Naruto jumped to face off against Jigen "How dare you...".

Jigen just continue to stare at him "I'm glad to see you since this will save me some time, so where's Kawaki?".

But Naruto was never going to give Jigen what he wanted "Like I'd tell you! So forget about that, instead let's pick up where we left off and finish things once and for all!".

Jigen just softly sighed "Good grief...".

Suddenly Naruto received a telepathic communication from Ino {About that location... Thanks to Konohamaru and the others buying us some time... We've finished evacuating that area! We'll soon finish evacuating the other areas as well... so... You're free to go all out, Naruto!}.

Suddenly Naruto activated his chakra cloak and went full sage mode "Okay!".

Immediately he went on the attack, launching himself towards Jigen but the Ōtsutsuki easily dodged his attack and kicked him away, causing Naruto to land on his feet on the ground.

However Jigen was already waiting for him under the cover of the dust that Naruto picked up with his landing, unable to react in time the Hokage was suddenly once again kicked away by Jigen, and this time the force of the kick sent Naruto through multiple buildings until his momentum slows down enough for him to crash against a wall where he momentarily sat against in pain "Yeah... he's really strong..".

But Naruto was not given any time to rest, Jigen appeared above him and suddenly launched himself towards the Hokage with a flying kick, intending to crush Naruto underneath his heel.

Sasuke however arrived just in the nick of time and swapped places with Jigen with the help of his Rinnegan saving Naruto from being crushed, Jigen wasn't happy about that and turned to glare at the Uchiha "That annoying, damn Rinnegan!".

Naruto was glad that Sasuke was able to get to him in time "Sasuke!".

Meanwhile, Sasuke stared down Jigen while responding to Naruto "I had to prepare a couple of things".

Naruto just sighed and stood up, he then walked forwards and stopped by Sasuke's side, Jigen wasn't impressed by the two and just continue to glare at the duo "You just don't know when to give up, did you forget how badly I beat you last time?".

Sasuke however ignored Jigen "Naruto, cover me with projectiles, Shuriken, Kunai... it doesn't matter".

Naruto was a bit confused about Sasuke's request "What?".

But Sasuke ignored him and took off at high speed towards Jigen while throwing Shuriken at him at high speed, Naruto followed him soon after "Does he have a plan?...".

But in the end, Naruto decided to follow Sasuke's lead and began to cover him with Shuriken but Jigen whispered "Sukunahikona!".

Naruto's shuriken began to disappear before they could even touch Jigen "Tch! It's not going to work, he's shrinking all of them!".

But Sasuke just kept throwing more Shuriken towards Jigen who was getting annoyed {Damn Uchiha... what is he planning?!...}.

Suddenly Sasuke threw his sword toward the Otsutsuki causing him to scoff at Sasuke "There's no difference, no matter what you throw it won't work!".

But the moment he tried to use his ocular power he was shocked to find out that he couldn't shrink the sword "What? I can't shrink it!?".

Suddenly the sword burst into a puff of smoke and Boruto, the son of Naruto appeared before a shocked Jigen, Boruto glared at Jigen and had his Karma activated as he flew towards the shocked Otsutsuki.

Naruto was also shocked to see his son here when he had ordered him to evacuate earlier "Boruto!?".

Sasuke just glared at Jigen "You have the power to shrink anything but...".

Boruto continued with Sasuke's declaration "That doesn't apply to living creatures, right!?".

Jigen was both angry and in shock at being caught so off guard " Henge no Jutsu! (Transformation technique!) such impudence!".

While Boruto was flying towards Jigen he began to reminisce about the words his teacher Sasuke had told him and the promise he gave to him to stop him at all cost if he lost control of his Karma again, now he too was ready to die for the village and the proof is the headband around his head, the headband belonging to Sasuke.

Jigen however wasn't worried, he arrogantly believed that there was nothing Boruto could do to him " So what!? What can you do anyway?".

While Naruto was evidently worried about his son "Boruto!".

But Boruto surprised everyone by creating a black portal and taking Jigen and himself to another place, Naruto was shocked about what his son just pulled off "What!? That Jutsu is just like the one Jigen pulled on me! How did Boruto...!? Hey Sasuke! What the hell is going on!".

But Sasuke calmly responded, "It's what he was prepared to do... come on we need to follow Boruto's chakra signature!".


Meanwhile, in an open field somewhere unknown to anyone both Boruto and Jigen suddenly came out of the black portal Boruto had created and landed a few feet away from each other, both were staring at each other in the eyes.

Jigen was pissed to have fallen to a trick like this {Where am I!?... That brat! How much of Momoshiki's Karma can he use!?}.

Boruto was breathing heavily and feeling quite drained, he had just used quite a lot of his chakra with this technique, suddenly another black portal opened up behind Boruto, and Naruto and Sasuke jumped out of it.

Naruto immediately checked on his son "Boruto are you okay!?".

Boruto just chuckled "I didn't know what to expect but it went well! Now you can go all out without worrying about the village right!?".

Naruto however was a bit upset with his son "Idiot! That was too reckless!".

But Boruto didn't care about that right now and turned to glare towards Jigen who was nonchalantly sitting on the ground "That doesn't matter, all you have to do is take him down! though that's easier said than done..".

Though Jigen seemed nonchalant on the inside he was angry {Inferior creatures! You'll regret this soon enough!}.

Soon after Naruto launched himself toward Jigen and re-activated his chakra cloak, he attempted to crush the Ōtsutsuki by growing chakra arms and hands and sent them toward Jigen but to Naruto's dismay, his enemy was easily dodging all of his attacks, suddenly Jigen made his way towards the Hokage while still dodging all of his attacks and retaliated with a kick sending Naruto flying for a bit but he recovered in mid-air and landed on his feet, he then used the Kagebushin no Jutsu creating a small squad of clones who immediately ran forwards to attack Jigen.

Sasuke taking advantage of the Ōtsutsuki's distracted state ran forward, his hand lit up with lightning as he approached Jigen from behind and a tremendous.

Naruto noticing his friend's plan, decided to follow through and made two Chakra hands grab hold of Jigen and pushed him into Sasuke's trajectory while the Ōtsutsuki was to busy with his clones, Sasuke was ready to run through Jigen's back with his Chidori but the Ōtsutsuki countered their maneuver by growing to massive size a few giant black cubes above them and then dropped them on them.

Sasuke was forced to swap places with a cube and landed on top of it to avoid being crushed but he was worried about his friend "Naruto!".

However, Naruto was fine since he was able to avoid the giant cube "I'm fine!, he just got all of my clones! but be careful I lost sight of him!".

Boruto who was watching all of this going on was worried about his teacher and father but he knew that there was nothing he could do at the moment, so he stayed where he was.

Sasuke was glad Naruto was fine and began to take look around but was caught off guard when Jigen appeared behind him and gave him a Hurricane kick to the ribs sending Sasuke flying into the air where Jigen followed him and punched him, then kicked him once more, the kick sent him flying through the air in high speed until he crashed into a small cliff behind Boruto, who immediately went to check up on his teacher.

Naruto watched what happened unable to do anything to help his friend and called out to his friend in concern "Sasuke!".

But Jigen then flew at him so fast that Naruto wasn't able to react and was caught by the throat and dragged through the ground for a few seconds before Jigen then threw him away, slamming Naruto through a rock formation a fair distance away from Boruto and Sasuke, as he crashed through the rock formation he flew to the air some more and then slammed into the ground where he bounced once, then rolled on the ground a small distance away where he impacted the ground until he stopped.

However, Jigen didn't give Naruto any time to breathe because as soon as Naruto stopped rolling on the ground he threw another giant cube at him forcing the Hokage to throw himself to the side to avoid being crushed.

After dodging the giant cube Naruto watched as Jigen landed on top of the cube and stared at him, Naruto glared at the Ōtsutsuki in return "Bastard!".

He then launched himself towards Jigen with a Rasengan in each hand but the Ōtsutsuki used his ocular power to shrink Naruto's techniques surprising the Hokage "Damn it!".

Naruto then lit up his hand and legs with highly dense Chakra and met Jigen on top of the giant cube in a hand-to-hand combat match.

But Jigen easily dodged all of Naruto's attacks who ended up receiving quite a few counterstrikes until Jigen once again used his ocular powers and threw a small chakra rod, he regrew it mid-flight where it stabbed itself into one of Naruto's wrists.

Naruto cried out in pain "You bastard!" and then launched a punch with his uninjured arm but Jigen used his power again stabbing Naruto in the other wrist, the Ōtsutsuki then regrew another chakra rod and then stabbed it into Naruto's unprotected back.

Naruto grunted in pain but Jigen didn't stop there, the Ōtsutsuki began to stab Naruto in the legs and body causing the Hokage's chakra cloak to disperse as he dropped to his knees where he began to breathe heavily from the damage and pain inflicted on him.

Jigen stared at the down form of Naruto and then kicked him in the face causing the weakened Hokage to land on the cube on his back where the Ōtsutsuki grabbed him by the throat and squeezed making Naruto choke "I'll get you all one by one, you'll be the first one to die".

Suddenly another giant cube appeared above them and began to drop causing Naruto's eyes to widen in shock, the cube slammed on top of both of them with a loud bang.

But Jigen suddenly appeared completely unharmed, in the sky a fair distance away "Next one is?...".


Meanwhile, Boruto was trying to free Sasuke from where he was buried under a bunch of heavy rocks after crashing against a cliff "Mr. Sasuke! are you okay!?".

Sasuke was obviously in pain but was still trying to recover so he answered Boruto's question "y-yeah...".

Boruto was relieved "Just hold on a second! I'll get these rocks off of you!".

While Boruto was busy getting the rocks off Sasuke, the Uchiha looked to the side and noticed Jigen nonchalantly standing not to far away from there.

Jigen then threw a bunch of chakra rods towards the distracted Boruto forcing Sasuke to swap with him and take the attack meant for Boruto, shocking the young genin "Honestly... when it comes to the both of you... like father, like son...".

But Jigen decided to speak now "I figured you would do that, my plan won't be diverted even one millimeter! By any of you!".

Boruto who was in shock about what had happened was still able to catch Jigen's words "His plan?...".

However Jigen wasn't in the mood to wait any longer, so he then kicked Sasuke away from Boruto and summoned another giant cube above him fully intending to crush Sasuke as he did with Naruto "Don't move from that spot... Sasuke Uchiha, then again, I don't think you can".

Jigen then dropped the giant cube but Boruto ran forwards "Mr. Sasuke!".

To Jigen's surprise, Boruto reached his teacher while creating a highly condensed Rasengan and slammed it below the giant cube slowing down its trajectory.

As Boruto roared in defiance, Sasuke could see that Boruto wouldn't be able to fully stop the giant cube from crushing them both.

So as soon as Jigen saw Boruto fail to stop the cube and about to be crushed he was forced to shrink it so Boruto wouldn't die, Boruto decided to speak "Why did you stop?... That was you're chance... to kill us both...".

Jigen was annoyed "Damn you..".

Boruto however laughed "Hehehe, I knew I was right, you can't kill me, can you?!".

Jigen grunted in annoyance while Sasuke was confused "What do you mean Boruto?..".

Boruto then began to explain to his teacher "Boro mentioned something before, that thanks to me, the time limit on their plan might as well have been lifted".

Sasuke was of course perplexed "Their plan?... The one involving the divine tree Amado mentioned?".

Boruto nodded "That's probably it, they plan to use me as part of this plan of theirs, in other words, he can't afford to kill me!".

Boruto then took out a Kunai making Jigen scoff as he began to approach them "Kunai are useless".

But Boruto pointed the Kunai to his throat "Don't move! Don't move even a finger I won't hesitate to do it!".

Sasuke was shocked at what his student was willing to do "Boruto!".

Jigen stopped walking and stared into Boruto's eyes "Is that supposed to be a threat?".

Boruto just grinned "If you don't think I will go through with it, then your severely wrong! I've prepared myself to die! From the moment I entered this battle!".

Jigen however narrowed his eyes and disappeared causing Boruto to try and go through his threat "You bastard!" but the Kunai suddenly shrank and fell from his hands.

Sasuke then spoke "Run away Boruto!".

But Boruto didn't want to leave his teacher "but Mr. Sasuke!".

But Sasuke began to explain himself "Our choice is to wait until his time runs out! try and buy us enough time until-".

However, Sasuke wasn't able to finish his sentence because Jigen appeared out of nowhere and kicked and drove his body through the hard Rock ground, surprising Boruto "Mr. Sasuke!".

Suddenly Jiren appeared right in front of Boruto who could only watch in fear and shock as the Ōtsutsuki reach out to grab him by the arm and began to squeeze "I don't intend to kill you, I'll admit to that Boruto Uzumaki However...".

Jigen then snapped Boruto's arm causing him to scream in pain while the Otsutsuki continued speaking "I apologize for the misunderstanding".

As Boruto was squirming in pain Jigen then kicked him in the abdomen lifting Boruto into the air a bit before dropping to the ground where he began to cough from the sudden kick he received but the Otsutsuki wasn't done with him yet, Jigen then stepped on Boruto's back "but I have no qualms about hurting you" and then Jigen press down on Boruto's back and snapped his spine causing the young Genin to howl in pain.

Boruto was left on the floor full of pain and unable to move as Jigen continued to speak "Didn't you say you were prepared to die, Boruto Uzumaki? That makes things simple, I'll let you in on the plan in advance, you're going to be eaten... by the Ten Ta-".

But Jigen didn't get to finish his sentence because he was suddenly struck in the head by a strange Key-like weapon that sent him crashing against the ground a fair distance away from Boruto.

Sasuke's eyes widen the moment he saw a young blond girl with fox-like ears and tails send Jigen to the ground so fast he couldn't even see her move, the fact that she was holding an all to familiar weapon shocked him to the core even more.

The mysterious girl looked down towards Boruto and frowned when she saw how hurt he is, she bent down on one knee "Hey, hang on I'll heal you really quick".

The mysterious girl then pointed her weapon toward Boruto "'Curaga!'".

A flash of green light engulfed Boruto and began to heal him at an accelerated pace, Jigen finally recovered and stood up, he then noticed the girl who had hit him "What? Kyubi! But how!?".

Kunou, however, ignored him in favor of healing Boruto, Jigen didn't appreciate that and launched multiple Chakra rods at her causing Sasuke to scream in alarm "Watch out!".

But a barrier suddenly materialized around Kunou and Boruto causing the chakra rods to hit it and bounce off it, Jigen looked up sensing the one who had stopped his attack, and stared in confusion as he saw another young blonde woman wearing a strange big hat and a cape floating in the air.

However he didn't get to do or say anything because Fuu appeared in front of him in a blur and kneed him in the chest causing him to fold like a piece of paper, then Fuu grabbed him by the horn, lifted him up and slammed him on the ground and them stomped him on the chest, she then jumped back and landed right in front of Kunou and Boruto.

Le Fay floated down beside Sasuke, she stared at him for a bit but then waved a hand and the chakra rods stabbed into him vanished, Le Fay then spoke up "Are you, Mr. Sasuke?".

Sasuke was a bit shocked and perplexed about this girl but she seems to have come with Fuu so he decided to trust her "Y-yes...".

La Fay then brightly smiled and pointed a hand toward Sasuke causing the Uchiha to jump a bit as his body was engulfed in a soft white light "'Healing Circle!'".

A magic circle appeared below Sasuke and his wounds began to heal while Le Fay cheerfully began to speak "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Sasuke! Harry told us a lot about you! I don't know why you like to be gloomy and whiny but I'm sure you have a cool reason for it!".

Sasuke sweatdrop at what this girl was saying to him but then something clicked "Wait.. did you just say Harry!? Is he here?".

Le Fay stopped talking and nodded "Yup! He went to go help Mr. Naruto! But don't worry I'm sure he'll be here soon!".

Sasuke for the first time in a while was glad to know that Harry was here, he might have his differences with him but he knows that Harry would always protect his friends.

Kunou just finished healing Boruto who sat up and stared at Kunou "Err thank you miss... are you Kurama? Is my dad okay?".

Kunou tilted her head in confusion "Kurama? Nope! My name is Kunou and if your father is Mr. Naruto then you don't have to worry! Harry went to help him!".

Boruto was perplexed and confused "Harry?...".


Meanwhile back to where Naruto was severally injured and unable to move, Kurama had been watching his partner struggle with this enemy and once again lose to the Ōtsutsuki so he decided to speak with Naruto wanting to know what he was planning to do {What a sorry state your in, Naruto you plan on just dying like this?}.

Naruto was in a lot of pain and couldn't really speak out loud so he then spoke to Kurama within his mind {Shut up... I'm the Hokage! Protecting the village and everyone is more important than my life! I'll keep fighting him until that bastard's life runs out!}.

Kurama knew Naruto meant every word he just said but they needed a plan {So what's your plan against someone, whose strength is on an entirely different level?}.

But Naruto didn't have a plan and could only grunt in response, Kurama spoke again {So no real plan huh?... Naruto... You really are prepared to die aren't you?}.

Naruto smiled in response to Kurama's question {Yeah... I'm sorry, Kurama...}.

Kurama closed his eyes in thought for a few seconds and then re-opened them {In that case, there might be a way}.

Naruto was surprised {Really!?}.

Kurama nodded {It's a do-or-die, last stand, final weapon sort of thing, rather than getting killed disgracefully, it's worth giving it a try}.

Naruto was shocked at this news {What!? If you have something like this, why didn't you say so sooner?}

Kurama stared into Naruto's eyes {Because you'll die, do this and it's over...}.

Naruto stared back into Kurama's eyes as Kurama continued speaking {But if you don't do it, you'll die anyway, even so, it's not a choice to be made lightly so you decide}.

However, before Naruto could make a decision a very familiar voice called out to him inside his mind {I rather you don't decide to just go kill yourselves, I would be very pissed off if I have to bring you back from to life}.

Both Kurama and Naruto's eyes widen in shock and instantly recognizing whose voice that was they couldn't help but call out at the same time {Harry!}.

Naruto opened his eyes and tear up when he saw his old friend lift up the giant cube off of him and throw it to the side, Harry then grinned widely at Naruto "You look like shit Lord Hokage!".

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle "I feel like it too... I'm glad you're here Harry..".

Harry nodded and with a wave of his hand he made the Chakra rods stabbed into Naruto's body vanish, he then got on one knee and began to heal Naruto "Don't move, you have multiple broken bones and quite a few damaged organs, I'll have to heal you a bit slower so just relax and lay down".

However, Naruto was worried about his son and Sasuke "Forget that, Harry we have to go and help my son and Sasuke!".

Harry then smiled "Son huh? I'll have to meet the little guy but relax, Fuu and two of my students are here and helping them so don't worry".

But Naruto was still concerned "You don't understand Harry, Jigen is on a completely different level! You're students and Fuu are going to need help!".

Harry just grinned "Another level huh? It's fine, so are we, just relax and let me heal you, Fuu and my students can handle it, trust me".

Naruto was about to say something else but Kurama called out to him {Naruto... just do what Harry tells you to, you haven't noticed it yet but he's different now... I don't know what it is or how to describe it but something tells me that Harry is extremely dangerous, way more dangerous than Jigen..}.

Having no other choice Naruto decided to just trust his two friends while Harry was patching him up "So Fuu told me that you married Hinata... how did you finally notice she liked you?".

Naruto chuckled nervously "Err... well it all started when Hinata was kidnapped by a bunch of puppets and this albino-looking guy who lives on the moon...".


Back with the others, Boruto and Sasuke were fully healed and standing up while Jigen got up from where he was slammed and glared at the newcomers, his eyes immediately recognized that Fuu is Jinchūriki "another chakra monster... why do more and more nuisances keep appearing?".

Fuu narrowed her eyes not liking how this guy's just referred to her, Kunou and Le Fay didn't like the fact that this guy just insulted their friend and so they stepped forward, Kunou with her Keyblade to her side and Le Fay summoning Clarent into her hand.

Jigen just nonchalantly stood there and stared at the girls suddenly he swung his arms and multiple Chakra rods shot out toward the girls.

However Le Fay and Kunou swung their weapons and released a wind wall that stopped the chakra rods causing them to bounce off and fall to the ground, Kunou just huffed "You already tried that, can't you do anything else?".

Sasuke and Boruto gaped at the ease the girls dealt with that attack, the same attack they'd been having a very difficult time dealing with.

Jigen wasn't amused so he decided to attack in close-quarter combat, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Fuu, but Fuu and the girls saw him coming, Le Fay vanished in a blur and reappeared right behind Jigen and stabbed Clarent into the back of his knee causing the Otsutsuki to fall on one knee, while Fu twirled on her toes and spin kicked Jigen in the head driving him into the ground, Kunou appeared behind him as Le Fay pulled Clarent from the back of Jigen's knee, Kunou the charged her Keyblade with blue fire and slapped Jigen away with her now engulfed in flames Keyblade.

As soon as the Keyblade struck the downed Ōtsutsuki it detonated in an explosion of blue fire causing Jigen to blast off screaming in pain and land under a waterfall nearby.

The Ōtsutsuki then exploded out of the waterfall and stood on top of the water and coughed up blood "What? How are these girls able to hurt me like this!?".

Fuu suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him in the stomach, then she grabbed his face and lifted him up "All our attacks do spiritual damage no matter what resistances or healing factor you possess our attacks will always cause permanent damage...".

Jigen's eyes bulged in shock, while Sasuke and Boruto gaped, Boruto commented "It's just like in my video games.. amazing!".

Jigen then slapped Fuu's arm away and tried to kick her in the chest but she dodged to the side and then elbow him in the face, making Jigen's face harshly whip to the side, suddenly Fuu jumped back and Le Fay appeared in front of the Ōtsutsuki and thrust Clarent forward "'Hurricane Thrust!'".

Jigen was able to barely dodged to the side however he was blasted off his feet by the the sudden burst of wind released by Le Fay's technique while Fuu went through multiple hand signs and then ran forwards until she caught up to Jigen in mid-air and slammed her palm onto his chest "Suiton: Seiryūsho! (Water Style: Azure Dragon palm!)".

A sudden and aggressive burst of condensed water was released from Fuu's palm striking and sending Jigen flying toward the ground until he crashed on the hard rock floor and bounce a couple of times before stopping.

He rolled onto his feet and growled "Damn it all!" he then raised his hand and released a few giant cubes towards the girls but Kunou appeared in a flash of light in front of Le Fay and Fuu and then grew and stretched her tails and easily stopped the cubes.

Jigen widen his eyes when he saw Kunou suddenly grunt and throw the cubes back at him so fast that he couldn't even see them and ended up being crushed by his own attack.

Sasuke and Boruto couldn't believe what they were seeing these girls were easily dealing with Jigen when they couldn't even scratch him.

Suddenly the cubes shrunk and fell to the ground, Jigen was on his hands and knees coughing up an alarming amount of blood "... How... can such inferior creatures be this strong!...".

The girls frowned, and Fuu then spoke "You think too highly of yourself Ōtsutsuki, if someone is an inferior being then it's you, you aren't even close to our level!".

Jigen then growled, "Shut up! and just die!".

But he didn't get to say or do anything because Fuu suddenly disappeared in a blur and reappeared above him with her fist engulfed in wind which she used to punch Jigen on top of his back driving him into the ground as his back was being shredded by the wind.

Fuu jump back a bit and then Le Fay appeared on top of Jigen who couldn't even move and stabbed Clarent into his back "'Guardian Frost!'".

The moment Clarent's tip made contact with the downed Otsutsuki the area around him and Le Fay exploded with a spike of ice which then shattered leaving a severely wounded and partly frozen Jigen on the floor.

Then both Fu and Le fay jumped back while Kunou pointed Vulpes Union towards the downed Otsutsuki "'Holy!'".

A pillar of white light sprung forth from under Jigen and hit him full force with the power of the holy magic spell.

Jigen having never felt this sort of attack before couldn't help but scream in pain as his body was being purified and damaged by the holy light.

Just to teach him a lesson Kunou kept up the spell for a good two minutes before she let it dissipate.

Once the spell ran its course Jigen sagged where he was laying while breathing heavily "What was that?... It felt like I was torn asunder from the inside out...".

Sasuke having watched that Jutsu with his Sharingan was also curious about it, his eyes couldn't understand how it was done or how such a technique was possible, as a matter of fact, a lot of those techniques weren't analyzed by both his Sharingan and his Rinnegan {Just what were those techniques? They seem to be like the kind of techniques Harry could do back then}.

Suddenly a voice was heard from above "That was a holy light spell of the master rank, one that causes more damage the more darkness you're target has in their heart}.

Everyone looked up and saw Harry floating in the air while floating Naruto beside him with telekinesis, soon after speaking Harry floated down and landed softly beside Boruto and Sasuke.

The girls smiled and waved at him, causing him to chuckle and waved back while Boruto ran toward Naruto who had landed on his feet next to Harry "Dad! Are you okay!?".

Naruto grinned at his son while he patted his head "Yes, Harry healed me completely, are you okay?".

Boruto nodded while Sasuke walked up to them, Harry noticed him and raised an eyebrow "Hmm it seems like there's no more darkness in your heart left Sasuke, I'm glad to see that you're finally free".

Sasuke just huffed "Yeah, it's nice to see you too Harry, but why do you look younger?".

Harry grinned "Perks of becoming a dragon god but forget about that for now, who's this guy?" Harry pointed at Jigen with his thumb, who was struggling to stand up after getting hit by such a powerful spell and being so thoroughly beaten.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Boruto were intrigued by what Harry said about being a dragon god but pushed it aside, for now, Sasuke decided to explain "He's an Ōtsutsuki or rather a vessel of one, apparently Kaguya was a low class in power to the Ōtsutsuki and this guy is her higher up, he's planning to take a young boy named Kawaki as his next vessel and sacrifice Boruto here to a Ten Tails he keeps like a pet".

Naruto not having been around to learn the part about Boruto being sacrificed panicked "What!? What do you mean by sacrificing Boruto!?".

Boruto spoke next "He was just explaining that he was planning to feed me to the Ten-Tails when the fox lady kicked him away from me, she healed me after Jigen broke my back and arm".

Naruto turned towards Kunou and finally noticed her fox ears and fox tails while Kunou stared back at him and then grinned "I'm liking the whiskers, Mr. Naruto!".

Harry chuckled while Naruto and Sasuke sweatdrop while Boruto rubbed his own whiskers in embarrassment meanwhile Kurama was nodding in agreement with Kunou's statement-making Naruto sweatdrop even more.

Meanwhile, Jigen was angry so he got on his knees and then attacked by releasing multiple giant cubes above everyone and then dropping them causing Sasuke, Naruto, and Boruto to panic.

But Harry just glared and Jigen and then raised an open hand and waved it while using his power over reality, suddenly the cubes turn into a bunch of cherry blossoms that softly rain down on everyone the girls liked it while the men were shocked at what Harry could do.

Harry then released his Adamantine Sealing Chains from his back and shot them at high speeds towards Jigen who couldn't even react in time and was suddenly wrapped by them, he immediately sensed his Chakra vanished and his eyes powers shut down.

Naruto's eyes bulged "Those are the Uzumaki Sealing Chakra Chains! How!?".

Harry smiled at his friend "A lot has happened Naruto but don't worry I'll be happy to tell you about everything that has happened soon but for now let's deal with this asshole".

Harry then pulled Jigen to him and once he had him right in front of him he spoke again "So you're the one who hurt my friends... when I got told that my friends needed help I was expecting something else or something very dangerous, but you're already dying...".

Suddenly Harry felt something dark behind him and sent his Chains to wrap whoever it was that had just appeared, only to be surprised when he saw that it was Boruto but something was different, something just seemed wrong about him and that horn and glowing blue markings told him that something else is going on here.

Naruto and Sasuke were shocked by Harry's sudden move but then they noticed that Boruto seemed to have been taken over by Momoshiki, Harry then glared at Boruto "Who are you and what have you done to Boruto?".

Momoshiki however just glared back, Naruto then decided to explain "He's Momoshiki another Ōtsutsuki who attacked the leaf some time ago, Boruto defeated him and he then gave my son something called the Karma seal, he's been taking over Boruto's body frequently... but as of right now we don't know what to do about it..".

Harry frowned "And why hasn't Sasuke used the Rinnegan's Human Path and rip this Momoshiki's soul out of Boruto?".

But Naruto and Sasuke froze and sweatdropped causing Harry to sigh "You forgot the Rinnegan could do that didn't you?...".

Both Naruto and Sasuke scratched their heads in embarrassment while Harry just shook his head "Both of you are idiots...".

Harry's eyes suddenly started glowing and then he plunged his hand into Boruto's chest, he suddenly seemed to grab hold of something and yanked his hand back, in his hand now lay a squirming translucent orb which Naruto and Sasuke assumed is Momoshiki's soul, Boruto sagged down falling unconscious while Harry then clawed at his face with his free hand summoning his Hollow mask and then he ate Momoshiki's soul right in front of everyone.

As he was chewing Momoshiki's Soul Boruto awoke and Harry freed him from his Chakra Chains, as Boruto was let down he was surprised to see himself still using the Karma Seal but this time he didn't feel any resistance, it was like he could finally freely use it.

Harry then swallowed the chewed-up soul and grinned as his Hollow mask began to disintegrate "Oo~ coconut! Nice".

Everyone sweatdropped even Kurama while Harry then turned towards Boruto "Okay, now you don't have to worry about Momoshiki anymore and you still have full access to the powers of this Karma seal, you still have to train to learn how to use them okay?".

Boruto smiled, feeling relieved that he didn't have to worry about being possessed again and possibly hurting his friends "Thank you, Mr. Harry!".

Harry grinned "Just called me Harry, I'm not much for formal talk, and now... what to do with you?".

Harry turned to glare at Jigen who for the first time ever he was utterly terrified and who wouldn't be? He just saw this man rip the soul of an Ōtsutsuki and eat it as if it was a snack.

Harry maliciously grinned and pointed an open hand toward Jigen "I know! I'll erase you from existence! After all... no one hurts my friends and gets away with it".

The girls widen their eyes and jumped back far away from Harry while Fuu yelled "Naruto, Sasuke get away from Harry now!".

Naruto and Sasuke immediately jumped back while Naruto lifted Boruto onto his shoulder like a sack of rice before he jumped away.

Meanwhile, Harry was charging and condensing an enormous amount of the Power of Destruction, so much in fact that everything around him except his Chakra Chains began to disintegrate.

Jigen was screaming in pain as his body began the break apart at the mere presence of this man's power and could only watch as a giant red and black orb of some kind of energy began to form right in front of Harry's open hand.

Harry then glared one more time "Disappear Ōtsutsuki!".

And so Harry released the giant and heavily condense ball of the Power of Destruction which slowly flew toward Jigen who being unable to move was forced to watch and feel as his body and soul were being destroyed and erased.

The orb then detonated in a big explosion of red and black energy destroying everything around Harry and behind where Jigen was being held up by Harry.

Naruto and Sasuke gaped at the level of power Harry was showing, this was on a completely different level from what he was capable of back in the fourth shinobi war, they just couldn't believe how powerful Harry seems to have grown.

Inside Naruto, Kurama watched everything happen {I told you Naruto! He's so different from before and remember he called himself a dragon god, I don't think that's just an alias or title...}.

Boruto was in awed and as the explosion subsided everyone could witness that there was nothing left of the area, everything was completely gone.

Suddenly a voice from behind startled everyone except the girls who giggled "Alright! With that done let's go back to the leaf! I'm curious to see what has changed in all of these years!".

As Harry grinned Sasuke, Naruto and Kurama sweatdropped at the nonchalance that Harry just had right now while Boruto was just happy to go home and tell everyone the good news that they don't have to worry about Jigen or Momoshiki anymore.