Chapter 53

Harry had his eyes closed while he rested with a sleeping Ophis on his lap, suddenly Xuelan, Ile, Nel, and Mira teleported right in front of him and then he heard Grayfia's announce their defeat.

[Lord Riser's Rook and three Pawns have been defeated and taken off the board.]

He opened one eye and stared at the girls with a bored expression on his face "That was fast... I guess we really shouldn't have big expectations about Riser's peerage, I just hope the girls won't be too disappointed after everything is well and done".

Harry then closed his eyes and relaxed on his throne while he waited for the rest of the girls to send their targets his way.


Meanwhile, Both Luna and Kunou were moving toward their targets at high speed while their bodies were shrouded by dancing darkness and light.

Behind them, Le Fay and Jessica were flying using their magic to move at high speed just a bit above them covering their friends' backs.

Soon enough they reached their targets, who were shocked at being found so fast, Riser's Knights Siris and Karlamine barely had time to block a strike by Luna and Kunou but the force of their attack sent them flying back while both Keyblades masters followed them close behind.

Riser's Rook Isabela tried to jump back and followed her fellow peerage members and give them some backup but her leg was suddenly wrapped by Jessica's whip who then pull her back and slammed her against the ground hard enough to crater it with Isabela's body.

Mihae who is one of Riser's Bishops tried to blast Jessica -who didn't even bother to turn around- in the back with a fireball but Le Fay dropped from the sky and slapped the fireball draining it of the mana feeding the flames and causing it to dissipate.

Jessica grinned knowing that she could trust Le Fay to have her back and then whipped Isabela against the ground two more times before she let her whip unwrap from her leg and left her inside the crater Jessica created with her body.

Meanwhile, Le Fay pointed her finger towards Mihae and began to gather an alarming amount of fire and condensed it at the tip of her finger "'Spiral Flare!'".

The ball of fire was so condensed that it turned into blue fire and then shot itself spinning like a drill at high speed towards the Mihae who never having seen such a spell before decided to foolishly block it with a magical barrier.

Le Fay's spell hit Mihae's barrier and instantly shattered it and almost hit Riser's Bishop full on, it was only because Le Fay detonated the spell before it could reach Mihae that prevented it from running her through and killing her.

However, the explosion was quite aggressive and it sent Mihae flying and screaming in pain until she crashed on the floor where she lay groaning in pain for a few seconds before she fell unconscious Le Fay sighed in disappointment and turned around to see how Jessica was doing.

The only reason Isabela didn't pass out from Jessica's unexpected attack was because of her Rook boost but that attack still hurt her, she got up and then tried to launch herself at Jessica.

However, being a Rook meant that she wasn't even close to being fast enough to hit Jessica, so the redheaded mage easily dodged all of Isabela's punches and kicks, until she then counter-attacked Isabela with a Knuckle Sandwich to the face. The hit was so strong that Isabela's head whipped back, taking advantage of Isabela's open defense Jessica placed an open hand on her Stomach "'Kaboom!'".

Her spell detonated so hard that Isabela was sent flying through the air until she crashed on the ground and aggressively bounced a couple of times before finally crashing against a protruding boulder back first, the impact was so harsh that she almost went through the boulder, surprisingly she was still conscious and moving.

Jessica huffed because she was trying very hard not to kill the girl but she was making it very difficult so deciding to finish this already she walked up to the still-conscious Isabela, grabbed her by the head, and then she pulled her out of the boulder.

Isabela unwilling to give up began to try to kick Jessica on her body but the mage had reinforced her body with mana so she didn't feel anything, well it's not like Isabela could hurt her without the reinforcement but Harry has always told them to never underestimate an enemy, you never know when they might have a nasty surprise.

Suddenly a massive amount of lightning surged forth from Jessica's hand and began to electrocute Isabela who began to scream in pain until she finally passed out, Jessica then dropped her to the ground.

Le Fay then approached Jessica while floating Mihae's unconscious body behind her "She was pretty stubborn huh?".

Jessica nodded with a frown on her face "And pretty weak too, it was hard not to accidentally kill her sigh... I wonder if the others had a better challenge?".

Le Fay dropped Mihae right on top of the unconscious Isabela "I doubt it, I think we're just too far above them I wonder if this is some kind of lesson on self-control from Harry?".

Grayfia then announced the defeat of these girls [Lord Riser's Bishop and last Rook have been defeated and taken off the board.]

Jessica then giggled and waved her hand over the unconscious Rook and Bishop and teleported them back to base "Sounds like something Harry would do, honestly he should take us out on more dates than having to do this".

Le Fay giggled behind her hand "I think doing things like these together is fun, at the very least things are never boring when Harry does things like these right?".

Jessica grinned "True enough, let's go and see how the others are doing".

Le Fay nodded and together both girls walked toward where they could feel Luna and Kunou dealing with their targets.


Back in Konoha Naruto chuckled causing Hinata, Hanabi, and his children to turn to look at him in curiosity "Sorry it's just the girls are moving in standard Anbu formations, I can tell Harry trained them all well and their teamwork is top-notch too".

Hinata and Hanabi nodded in agreement, the way the girls were moving was very similar to their own Anbu corps, the only difference was that the girls were moving at speeds way beyond what their ninjas were capable of.

Boruto and Himawari were in awe at how skilled their new friends were especially Himawari since she had never seen someone use a whip before and she like how pretty Jessica's and Le Fay's magic looked, especially that blue spiraling drill-like fireball.


With the Yokai delegates, Zeoticus, Venelana, and Sirzechs were in awe that the skill showed by the girls, even Lord and Lady Phenex were impressed.

Ajuka stared in interest at the magic used by the girls but for some reason, he couldn't analyze it and that was annoying him until Yasaka giggled causing him to turn towards her.

Lord Sitri was in awe at the magic and teamwork used by the girls, causing Yasaka to giggle upon noticing his gaping face "Lord Sitri that's just standard battle tactics in Kyoto, teamwork is a big part of the way we fight and unlike most devils, we don't just focus on one talent, we train in all aspects of combat, weapons, magic, martial arts, Senjutsu, Ki and Chakra, those are what we teach everyone in Kyoto after that everyone is free to learn whatever they wish for example Hermione, she's a witch but after training in Kyoto she has mastered all sort of techniques but she specializes in Runecraft and Charms".

Lord Sitri nodded in understanding "I see, the Sitri usually focuses on Water Manipulation and Healing... would it be possible for me and Lady Sitri to come to Kyoto and learn?".

Everyone turned around when they heard Lord Sitri request this and Yasaka nodded with a smile "Of course! The Yokai faction is always happy to help our allies grow in power and learn more skills Elmenhilde here has been training in Kyoto for a while now, she was a Mage but now she can spar with the girls in martial arts, swordsmanship, and Senjutsu! and put up quite a fight, right now she's at least on par with a Heavenly Dragon in power".

Elmenhilde blushed a bit at being the center of attention as almost every devil gaped at her except of course the ones allied to the Yokai faction, while Yasaka continued to speak "Though you and Lady Sitri will have to let Harry put a special seal somewhere on your bodies".

Lord and Lady Sitri looked intrigued while the rest of the devils not allied to the Yokai faction looked confused, Serafall decided to explain to her parents while showing her seal which was on the back of her hand, it looked like to be written in some kind of runecraft they haven't seen before "Here mom and dad, this seal not only allows you entry to Neo Kyoto but it grants you access to all of its facilities and shops! The best thing about this seal is that not only does it prevent anyone from analyzing your skills, spells, and techniques, but it also carries a bit of Harry's energy allowing you to grow and learn things faster! It's a great thing to have if you want to take advantage of everything Neo Kyoto has to offer!".

The devils not allied to Neo Kyoto were gaping in shock at such a boon that the Yokai faction had access to, Ajuka, however, let his curiosity get the better of him and stood up while reaching for Serafall's hand to take a closer look at the seal but one of Yasaka's tails enlarged and slammed him away before he could even touch Serafall.

Ajuka slammed against a wall and then fell to the ground and grunted in pain suddenly he was surrounded by Ereshkigal, Gabriel, Elmenhilde, and Serafall, each one was pointing their hand toward him while gathering energy in their hands ready to blast him until their was nothing left of him.

Yasaka stood up from where she was sitting and began to walk while her nine tails whipped around menacingly "I'm going to tell this just once Maou Beelzebub, keep your hands to yourself and away from anyone allied to the Yokai faction or we will kill you, do I make myself clear?".

Ajuka could only nod while he stared at the four girls who were letting off enough power to blast the moon apart and were directing all that energy in his direction, luckily Lady Sitri was more interested in continuing her conversation with Yasaka than the stupidity of one of her so-called leaders "Lady Yasaka just ignore the foolish child, it's a sad day when my daughter is the one who is smarter and more responsible than the other three Maou honestly... let's just continue with our conversation, tell me more about this wonderful seal".

Serafall turned around to stare at her mother with a look of utter betrayal on her face while Yasaka giggled and went back to her seat while the rest of the delegates followed her back, Serafall then began to whine to her father about how cruel her mother was to her.

Sona just tiredly sighed, this was normal in the Sitri household, meanwhile, Ajuka was left on the floor, that one strike from Yasaka had damaged his body too much and he couldn't move yet {She just hit me once and I can't move a muscle... such power, I really have to be careful with how I act around them... Serafall did warn me to keep away and the fact that she was willing to kill me just now shows she's dead serious when she said that she would help the Yokai faction destroy us if we provoke them}.

Sirzechs silently helped his friend up and brought him back to his seat "Ajuka, control yourselves, you can't act like you usually do, these people are way more powerful than us we can't provoke them like this".

Ajuka nodded and then began to focus his energy to heal his injuries, the fact that Sirzechs was the one scolding showed how much he just messed up {Damn my own curiosity...}.


Meanwhile, back in Harry's home Morgan, Hope, and Asia were cheering loudly for everyone while Tony was making bets with Sirius and Remus on how fast the girls can take down their targets, surprisingly it was Pepper who was winning causing the man to sulk in a corner of the room.

Hela was busy serving drinks and snacks to everyone but she was also watching, she could see why her master was so proud of these girls, they were so strong and talented that she wasn't sure she could win even after having been training since she became her master's maid.


Harry once again open his eyes when he felt more girls teleport in front of him "That's two more... looks like I'll be my turn to fight soon".

Harry once more closed his eyes and continued to relax, he had full confidence that the girls will finish with their targets soon.


Back on the battlefield both Siris and Karlamine suddenly crashed against the ground but they recovered quickly enough and bounce to their feet just in time to watch Kunou and Luna arrived.

Both Knights stared at the weird weapons being wielded by their opponents, their shape may be weird and a bit childish looking but they can feel the overwhelming light and darkness coming from the weapons.

Luna and Kunou didn't feel like dragging this fight any longer than it should, so Luna pull her arm back and then threw her Keyblade toward the girls while Kunou then raced forward at high speed.

The girls being caught off guard by someone actually throwing their weapon at them could barely dodge the surprise attack however they couldn't even catch a break because Kunou was on them in a second and began to attack both of them.

Karlamine and Siris tried to fight her off but Kunou was blocking, dodging, and parrying their attacks easily until Siris suddenly began to push her sword against Kunou's leaving her side open.

Karlamine tried to take advantage of the opening provided by Siris's attack but suddenly Luna's Keyblade came flying back and Karlamine was forced to jump back to dodge an attack from behind.

However, to their surprise Kunou caught Luna's Keyblade and then slapped Siris's two-handed sword away and began to attack her with both Keyblades in an endless stream of sword combos, both Keyblades glowing with their respective elements as Siris was forced to take each and every fast-moving strike.

Karlamine watching this happening tried to jump in and stop Kunou but she then had to jump away from an eastern dragon made of darkness, once she landed she immediately turned around towards the direction the attack came from only to gape when she saw Luna being surrounded by multiple eastern dragon heads made of darkness.

Luna was softly and kindly smiling while she stare at Karlamine "'Darkness: Shadow Yamata no Orochi!'".

As soon as Luna called out the name of her original technique the eastern dragon heads loudly roared and then launched themselves at the poor Knight who can only watch with widened eyes as the multiple dragon heads slammed against her and then detonated releasing the darkest black energy anyone has ever seen.

Even after all that destruction, Luna still smiled and then skipped towards where Karlamine lay unconscious and severely wounded "Oops, here I'll heal you a little bit, I didn't mean to hurt you too much miss knight!".

With that said she cast a quick First Aid on Karlamine and then turned around when she heard Kunou approaching while dragging an unconscious Siris behind her, once she got close to Luna she then threw Siris on top of Karlamine while she handed Luna's Keyblade back to her "Sigh... these girls weren't very good swordsmen huh? Plus their teamwork sucked".

Luna giggled and then looked up to the sky "Well we can't really expect them to be to our standards, we were already fighting super-devil-level enemies before we were even eleven years old".

Kunou nodded "That's true, well it's not like I was expecting much anyways, looks like some of the girls are done with their targets too so let's join them".

Luna nodded while she pointed her Keyblade towards the unconscious girls and created a dark corridor beneath them and teleported them back to base, Grayfia then announced Karlamine's and Siris's defeat.

[Lord Riser's Knights have been defeated and taken off the board.]

After that, they disappeared in blurs as they left at high speed to meet with the rest of the girls.


In Konoha Naruto, Hinata and Hanabi smiled while they watched Kunou and Luna fight, Naruto couldn't help but chuckled in amusement "Those two fight like Harry does when he's using his Keyblades, it's like each one is a half of Harry".

Hinata and Hanabi smiled in amusement while they reminisce a bit about how Harry would fight with the best of the sword user in Konoha with those Keyblades of his.

Meanwhile, Boruto and Himawari were in awe at such powerful techniques and the cool and powerful weapons. Himawari wanted to see what her uncle's Keyblades looked like.


With the Grigori Azazel was in awe at the sight of such powerful magical weapons "Whoa! Are those new Sacred Gear!? Or a mutation of currently existing ones! Ahh I want to know! Why won't the Yokai faction share!?".

The cadre could only deadpan at their leader since it was partially his fault that the Grigori were hated with a passion by the Yokai faction and Harry Potter.

Especially since Azazel has a habit of being to easygoing and aloof when reeling in his subordinates.


Back with the Yokai delegates, Yasaka was smiling proudly at how powerful her daughter had become, she would forever be thankful to Harry for having helped Kunou grow this much.

Meanwhile, Rias stood up in shock "Those are Keyblades! Real Keyblades! But how is that even possible!?".

Every devil not allied to Kyoto turned towards Rias in confusion, it was her mother Venelana who questioned her daughter "Rias? Do you know what those weapons are? And where they come from?".

Rias turned towards her mother and nodded "Yes... they're from a video game called Kingdom Hearts, you've seen me play it before mom, it's the one with all the Disney characters".

Her mother nodded remembering the cute and fun game when Rias would play it while Rias continued "Those weapons appear there and they're called Keyblades, they're extremely powerful weapons that not only increased the strength of their wielder but they're sentient and choose their own wielders, they're also capable of causing spiritual damage, open any lock, magical or mundane and can even make travel between worlds or dimensions possible...".

Everyone gaped at the description of such powerful weapons while Yasaka giggled causing everyone in the room to turn towards her "You sure know a lot about Keyblades, well let me tell you this, the Yokai faction has three Keyblade masters my daughter who is a master of light, Luna who is a master of darkness and Harry Potter who is the master of twilight, with Harry being the first master and the one to teach both girls".

Rias gaped once more and sat back down in shock, it was here and now that she finally understood how easily Harry could have killed her and her peerage, she now knew that the only reason she didn't die was that her brother came to her rescue and even then Harry never took them seriously if he did he would have used his Keyblades and she doesn't think anyone would have survived that.

It was now that Rias finally got the fact that, to Harry Potter, everyone not allied to his faction was nothing more than ants scurrying around on the floor.


Meanwhile Jean was flying towards her targets and soon enough she found them huddled back to back, they seem anxious and nervous after hearing the quick defeat of their fellow peerage members and they were expecting some kind of surprise attack.

But Jean wasn't going to do that, to her they weren't worth the effort of a surprise attack, so she landed right in front of them causing the Pawns to jump in surprise.

Jean just tilted her head in curiosity "Weren't you guys experienced in battle? I believe it was common knowledge that you've been doing this for a long time, so why are you guys so nervous?".

Riser's Pawns frowned and glared at Jean thinking that she was mocking them but the reality of the situation is that Jean was genuinely confused at their reaction.

Ni and Li two Nekomata growled and launched themselves towards Jean intending to punch her but Jean just raised a hand and stopped them in mid-air and then harshly slammed them into the ground knocking them unconscious.

Marion and Bülent decided to give their Nekomata friends some backup and launched fireballs at Jean, who just waved her hand and dissipated the fireballs.

Jean then raised an eyebrow and stared at the girls dressed like maids, she then raised a hand and began to choke the girls with her telekinetic power until they passed out.

The last Pawn named Shuriya took a step back in fear, Jean had taken down four girls in less than a minute and she was the only one left.

Then she thought that it would be best to go back to Riser and let him know of what she's seen but when she turned to run away she saw all of Kyoto's elite squad members around her and watching her.

She began to tear up but then Hermione hit her with a Stunner, knocking her out while Jean walk up to them while floating the rest of the Pawns behind her with telekinesis.

The Grayfia announced the Pawns' defeat [Lord Riser's remaining Pawns have been defeated and taken off the board!]

Jean then drop the girls right on top of Shuriya and huffed "That was just sad, they were so scared that they couldn't even think straight, I guess young devils just don't know the horrors of true battle and war".

The girls nodded and shook their heads, Fuu looked up in thought "They're lucky but it is sad that instead of enjoying the peace they spend their time in stupidity and arrogance...".

All the girls nodded in agreement while Luna teleported the Pawns back to their base suddenly, a very injured Yubelluna dropped from the sky and crashed against the ground heavily injured causing everyone to turn towards her unconscious body.

Moments later Grayfia announced Yubelluna's defeat [Lord Riser's Queen has been defeated and taken off the board.]

A second later a grinning Milim landed right in front of them "Hey guys! Can you believe this woman? She was planning to blast all of you with some sort of explosion magic hahaha like magic of that level can ever hurt us!".

Milim pointed at the Queen with a thumb while the girls smiled at their friend, they had already sensed Yubelluna but they knew that Milim would have their back so they chose to ignore her.

Milim then waved a hand and teleported Yubelluna back to home base while Kunou then spoke up "It's time for Harry to take the stage, let's go back to base girls we're done here".

Everyone nodded and they all disappeared in blurs as they headed back to their base where Harry is waiting on them.


The entire supernatural world was in awe at the skill and level of teamwork the girls possess, most of them grew nervous and began to think up ways to ensure to never earn the wrath of the Yokai faction.

The Olympian faction was frowning, everyone was both nervous and full of anxiety, Zeus was beginning to think that it was a bad idea to provoke the Yokai faction but his idiot son had to go there and get his damn arm blown off.

The fact that the Yokai faction had beings beyond the level of gods -which he can feel their power level even from Olympus- is why he's so nervous, but they also have Ophis and Harry Potter, two Dragon Gods just made things worse for him.

Ares was grinning in excitement, the fool wanted to fight these girls and those so call Dragon gods, and unfortunately for the rest of the factions, he wasn't the only idiot around who thought they can beat them.


In Konoha within the Uzumaki household, Naruto was really impressed with the skill shown by the girls, he couldn't wait to send a few of their Genin to go train in Neo Kyoto.

Hinata and Hanabi were cheering at the girls and they were fully impressed with their skill too, Hanabi was already planning to take her team to go visit Harry, hopefully, he'll want to help with their training and maybe she could learn a couple of new things herself.

Boruto and Himawari were still in awe, Boruto wanted to reach that level of strength and learn to fully control his Karma seal while Himawari was curious about everything that she could learn from her uncle, she was very impressed with all of her aunts and in her eyes, they looked like superheroes.


Meanwhile back with the Yokai faction delegation, the devils were sweating something fierce, not only was a whole peerage defeated in seconds but the ease with which they were taken down brought shame to the Maou, Lord, and Lady Phenex.

Venelana and her husband Zeoticus were frowning, these girls aren't fighters, they're warriors with an impressive amount of knowledge and experience, the way they spoke, move, and fought showed an alarming amount of experience and skill grown in combat to the death.

Sona was excited, with Harry's training she believed that they could reach this level of power soon and the proof was in the girls, she can't wait to reach that amount of skill and power.

Yasaka was amicably speaking with both Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri with Serafall adding a few comments here and there while Gabriel, Elmenhilde, and Ereshkigal seem to be enjoying speaking with Sona's peerage.

Yasaka then smiled "Looks like it's Harry's turn to shine, I wonder what he will show us with his fight".

Serafall giggled "Whatever it is, it's going to be flashy that's for sure!".

However her excitement did nothing but worry Lord and Lady Phenex knowing that it was Riser's turn, they were happy and glad that Harry was happy with just knocking Riser's peerage out instead of killing them.

But the fact that Harry seemed intent on killing their son was very hard for both of them, they knew that Yasaka and Harry didn't want to negotiate or even speak with them and that their only salvation Serafall, didn't want anything to do with them either.

They could only watch on as their son brought about his own end and the only thing they could do was curse themselves for not having been harder on Riser while he was growing up.


When Harry heard the Grayfia's announcement about the defeat of Riser's Queen, he opened his eyes and then watched as Yubelluna's unconscious body landed on top of the rest of Riser's peerage "Looks like it's time".

He got up while holding Ophis in his arms, the girls appeared in front of him and he smiled at them as he walked up to them "Good job girls!".

Ophis opened her eyes when she sensed her harem sisters arrived and she floated down to the ground as Harry let her go.

The girls smiled at Harry while he walked up to them and gave each one a small kiss on the lips, afterwards he began to tell them a few things "Okay so I'm leaving, keep an eye on Riser's peerage, Le Fay make a barrier so I don't accidentally kill these girls".

Le Fay waved a hand and created a barrier around the Riser's peerage while the rest nodded to keep an eye out on them.

Harry smiled at the girls one more time and then waved his hand opening a dark corridor right where he can sense Riser and someone else's location.


Riser and his little sister Ravel were in complete and utter shock, all of the members of Riser's peerage were taken down in a matter of minutes and Riser couldn't believe this has happened to his Peerage.

Ravel was trembling, she knew that the members of Kyoto's elite squad were all powerful but this? this was too much, there was no strategy or plan she could come up with, to counterattack this level of force and power.

Suddenly a dark corridor open up before them, causing the Phenex siblings to jump in surprise, Harry stepped out of the dark corridor and coldly stared at Riser though he did raise an eyebrow towards Ravel who flinched.

Riser was sweating a bit, he didn't know how a bunch of animals and humans could take down his peerage but he truly believed they must have cheated somehow "You! What did you do?! Those girls must have cheated! There's no other way they could have taken down Riser's peerage so easily!".

Ravel gaped at her brother not believing the level of stupidity he was showing right now, while Harry just tiredly sighed "So... You're going to continue to run your mouth at me, honestly, I'm getting tired of hearing your voice...".

Harry then closed his eyes and waved his hand, an orb-like barrier formed around Ravel and trapped her inside "Sorry little lady but I can't have you interfering and getting hurt".

Harry then open his eyes, Riser jumped back the moment he noticed Harry's green eyes, which were glowing and had taken on their dragonic look, suddenly his feathered dragon wings spread out of his back and he began to float in the air.

Ravel stare in fear and awe as she floated inside the orb-like barrier, Harry then snap his fingers and the entire pocket dimension changed from a simple rock plain to the inside of a lava chamber.


Ajuka stood up in shock and stared wide eyes at what Harry had pulled off "What!? How!? He changed the entire pocket dimension... no it's like he created a whole new dimension within my pocket dimension but how?... That should be impossible!".

Yasaka then spoke up "Harry's title as a dragon god is Twilight Dread Dragon God of Chaos and Creation! As the title implies Harry has conceptual control over Creation, Death, Chaos, and everything those concepts entail".

Ajuka turned around and stared at Yasaka with eyes wide in shock, he got so pale that Sirzechs grew very worried about his friend.

Yasaka giggled and casually cross her legs and rested her head on her hand as she stare amusingly towards the Maou "I see that you're smart enough to understand what that means Lord Beelzebub, do remember that next time another devil pisses Harry off again, next time he might just erase the entire devil race from existence with a snap of his fingers, except our allies of course fufufu".

Ajuka just turned around towards the screen showing Harry confronting Riser and the fear he was feeling just continued to grow the more he saw of Harry's powers.


Riser spread his wings to avoid taking a lava bath but Harry wasn't going to let him rest so without even moving and while closing his eyes in boredom the lava around the entire area began to shoot out and form a giant golem made of molten rock, Harry while keeping his eyes closed proclaimed the name of his technique "'Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu! (Lava Style: Lava Monster Jutsu!)'".

The lava golem immediately began to swat at Riser who was desperately trying to dodge, he might be able to heal but the pain of having lava touch his body was not something he wanted to experience.

However Harry suddenly wave a hand and lava began to float and gather into countless giant orbs around him, he then pointed a hand towards Riser "'Yōton: Yougan Ryuu Bakuha no Jutsu! (Lava Style: Lava Dragon Explosion Technique!)'".

Suddenly the giant orbs of red hot lava took the form of eastern dragon and shot off towards Riser who was too busy trying to avoid getting caught by the Lava golem.

Riser was so concerned about dodging the golem that he didn't notice the lava dragons heading his way until it was to late and all of them crashed against him and dragged him screaming in agonizing pain toward the giant lava pool below.

Harry opened an eye and when he saw Riser get pushed inside the lava lake by his technique he made the giant red hot lava golem body slam against where Riser was trying to get out of the lava.

The golem dropped on top of Riser and Harry waited for him to come out while Ravel was crying and screaming for her brother.

Suddenly Riser popped out of the lava lake screaming in agonizing pain as he tried to fly out of his red-hot prison, Harry let him do so for a minute until he got bored and then snapped his fingers.

The entire landscape changed once again into a frozen tundra, Riser ended up with half of his body trapped in ice as he continued to scream in pain as he regenerated from his impromptu dip in lava.

Harry just exhaled releasing an enormous amount of mist that covered the entire landscape, Riser who had finally recovered melted the ice around him and shakily stood up, he began to look around in confusion and fear but he couldn't see anything, he decided to just release a wave of flames to get rid of the mist and the cold.

But Harry was already on the move, he swung his hands "'Hyōton: Mangehyō! (Ice Style: Ten thousand Ice Petals!)'".

Countless amounts of super cold ice needles shoot out from around Harry and head towards Riser who was too late to notice and was hit by the ice needles causing him to look like a porcupine and to once more scream in pain as the super cold needles began to cause frostbite damage to his muscles and skin.

Ravel gasped as she watch her brother writhe in pain as Harry coldly watched on.


Serafall was in awe at such an ice technique and was already planning on bugging Harry to teach it to her while Yasaka, Ereshkigal, Elmenhilde, and Gabriel watched on in boredom as Harry makes Riser suffer.

Lady Phenex was holding her mouth in horror as she watched her son being tortured so mercilessly, while Lord Phenex looked down in anger and despair.

Venelana hugged her old friend to console her while Zeoticus patted Lord Phenex on the back to show his support.

Lady Phenex then turned around toward Yasaka "Please Lady Yasaka! Stop this! You're a mother too please just make it stop!".

Yasaka stared into Lady Phenex's eyes and tilted her head "Yes I'm a mother too but I made sure to teach my daughter not to run her mouth towards anyone and to be always respectful, what was that your son said to Harry when he attacked him from behind?... Oh that's right it was 'Riser doesn't get why everyone is so nervous about this Harry Potter guy, Riser is sure that he isn't as scary as everyone makes him out to be' ".

Yasaka glared at both Lady and Lord Phenex who flinched upon getting their son's words spat back at them, Yasaka then frowned "No Lady Phenex I don't think I'll stop this, as a matter of fact, it's out my hands but I can tell you this... your son's suffering is soon coming to its end".

With those ominous words, Yasaka then close her eyes while Lady Phenex began to sob and cry for her son, now she was really regretting allowing her son so much leeway.