Chapter 55

Harry grinned the moment he saw Tsunade standing there smiling at him "Granny Tsunade! where have you been? You weren't in Konoha when I went to visit".

Tsunade smiled and walked up to Harry and patted his snout "I was on vacation so I missed your visit but Sakura told Shizune and she told me, I decided right away to come back to the village but I completely missed you, so I went to see Naruto and he told me about the portal to your house in his home, so I decided to drop by a visit".

Hinata smiled and nodded "It was lucky that she arrived in time; since we were already ready to come by for a visit ourselves".

Harry smiled and then he transformed into his human form and walked up to his visitors "Then let go inside and take a sit, it's time everyone woke up anyways".

Everyone laughed a little since it was funny to have arrived in a house and find everyone having nap time but it is the sort of thing they can expect from Harry and everyone living with him.

Soon enough Harry woke everyone up and even though they all grumbled and complained they all got up and went back to work, though the girls stayed back to play and talk with Hanabi's team and Himawari.

While Harry talked to Tsunade while Hanabi and Hinata had tea and snacks, Harry told everything he's seen and experienced in his travels to the Fifth Hokage who listened intently to all of it.

After an hour Harry pretty much told everything to Tsunade who sighed and rested her head on her hand as she leaned over the table "That's a crazy amount of adventures you had Harry, when you decided to leave our world a part of me wanted to keep you in the village, you already had a big position in the village and you are one of our most skilled shinobi but hearing everything you've seen, the people you've met and the things you have learned, we'll it makes me glad you left to continue your journey".

Harry smiled and looked up to the ceiling "A part of me wanted to stay, we had just finished the Fourth Shinobi War, we lost so many people and we needed to rebuild but that war showed me that I still had a long way to go, that I needed to get stronger, Naruto, Sasuke and I might joke about it but Kaguya was an incredibly powerful opponent".

Tsunade looked down, while Hanabi and Hinata looked a little lost, while Harry continued on "The guys and I know that we won that fight out of sheer luck and because we had the help of the Sage of Six Paths, otherwise I don't think we would have won".

Tsunade nodded, she could understand Harry's reasons and burning desire to get stronger, that fight must have left a mark on him, Hinata then looked at Harry "I'm just glad you were there Harry, it was your magic and healing items that saved a lot of people and even though at some point you ran out of mana and items you kept going and going, you single-handedly saved so many lives, don't forget that".

Harry smiled at Hinata and then patted her head causing her to blush at being treated as a child but Harry was always like that with her and Hanabi so they're used to it "I know but when the war ended, it did leave me with so many what ifs, so I decided to continue my travels and get stronger, strong enough to stop a war from ever getting to that point, it was hard to leave, it always was, I had to say goodbye to everyone and Fuu... Fuu was definitely not having any of that at the time".

They all turned towards the mint-haired kunoichi who was explaining something about water manipulation to Namida, Hinata frowned "She was so heartbroken when you told her you had to leave...".

Hanabi looked down "We all were, we didn't want you to leave and a lot of us took quite a while to recover from that, even I felt a bit abandoned by you and even though I knew that you would be back I couldn't help but be depressed for quite a while".

Tsunade and Hinata somberly nodded, everyone in Konoha was hit hard when Harry left and it took a while for everyone to recover from that and the fact that one of Konoha's greatest heroes was gone.

Harry nodded and patted Hanabi's head causing her to smile and cheer up, up until this date, Harry is the only one she ever allowed to treat her like this, any other person who tried had gotten a Juken from her.

Harry smiled at Hanabi and then looked at everyone "I'm sorry everyone, at the time I had restrictions on my system otherwise I would have come to visit sooner or at least taken Fuu with me but now that all restrictions have been lifted I can go wherever or whenever I want and with my powers, I can connect our worlds together, though there's some I won't be connecting to, there's all kinds of dangerous beings and individuals that I definitely not want anywhere close to my world or any other as matter of fact".

Tsunade, Hinata, and Hanabi nodded in agreement, hearing about some of the dangerous individuals and creatures from other worlds made them glad that they only exist in those other worlds.

Harry then smiled "Oh! That's right I still have to give you some new things granny Tsunade! I think you'll like them and you too Hanabi, I forgot to give them to you when we met back in Konoha".

Harry then reach forwards and placed a finger on Tsunade's brow and passed over some skills as well as reverting time on her body so she could be young again, he then did the same thing to Hanabi except of course reverting her age.

Tsunade and Hanabi widen their eyes in shock and amazement at the amount of power they could feel within themselves now, Harry grinned "I just gave you the 'I'm a loved one of Harry Potter package!' I didn't name it, by the way, that was my Dogfather".

Harry chuckled when he heard Sirius scream 'your welcome!' from the basement where he was working with Tony on some new projects, Harry then continued on "I gave you a dragon core so now you can use magic, you also have 'Perfect Control' and even a healing factor among a few other things I think you'll like, like the Mokuton for granny Tsunade, so in other words, you guys are now supernatural entities and as such you won't age anymore, I also reverted time on your body so your back to your twenties, I guess Naruto and I can't call you granny anymore huh? Oh, I also gave you my blessing which comes with all kinds of neat perks".

Both Hanabi and Tsunade gaped at Harry while Hinata giggled, she had the same expression when Harry did the same thing to her but seeing their reaction was hilarious, it seemed like Harry and Naruto did corrupt her a bit.

After that Tsunade decided to stay and live in Harry's home since she was retired now and work in Kouh town's healing temple, this made both Asia and Gabriel very happy since now they'll have more help and a new friend to work with.


Days passed by and Tsunade quickly became a regular in the chaos that is the Potter home, surprisingly she seemed to fit in with all the craziness, while Hinata, Hanabi, and her team continued to come over to visit and to train.

Tsunade herself was very interested in both healing magic and magical medicine though she did make Gabriel and Asia learn about mundane medical practice, the poor angels were now suffering from the strict teacher that is Tsunade Senju.

Tsunade herself took Asia under her wing, she liked the girl the moment she was introduced to her and hugged her for quite a while and even carried her like a stuffed animal while she was working, of course, Asia didn't mind and quite liked being treated with so much care.

After that Harry spent time lecturing and speaking with Tsubaki, Namida, and Wasabi about different kinds of techniques and even began to teach Himawari some magic, surprisingly the little Uzumaki had a talent for magic and had an easy time manipulating mana, far beyond the 'Perfect Control' skill Harry gave her.

It surprised Harry and impressed Le Fay and Jessica who were watching Himawari play with mana like they had never seen before, Hermione having heard about the Uzumaki's skill with Fuinjutsu decided to have Himawari take a look at some rune work she had been working with.

It shocked everyone to their core when Himawari not only understood what the Runes were for but rearrange them to make them work better, even Hinata and Hanabi were shocked at this level of talent she was showing a talent they didn't know she had.

Harry smiled and bent on one knee and patted Himawari on her head "How did you do that Hima?".

Himawari brightly smiled at Harry "I really don't know uncle Harry, it just sort of made sense to me to move them like that? It was like the pretty drawings were telling me how they should group together".

Hermione wanted to bang her head on the wall because non of that made any sense to her, while Le Fay and Jessica giggled at her, they knew that magic works in mysterious ways sometimes and that things that make no sense happened from time to time.

Himawari's ability to hear runes is such a mysterious thing, as is her way of manipulating mana is also a part of that mystery, Harry chuckled and then decided to help Himawari nurture this ability of hers so he gave her all of the elemental manipulation skills he has and a dragon core so she could play all she wants plus the 'Adamantine Sealing Chains' too since she seems to have inherited a lot from her Uzumaki side of the family.

After that Himawari spent a lot of time playing around with her new magic abilities and making cool shows of elemental powers to which Hope and Morgan clapped too, at some point she surprise everyone when she replicated Le Fay's Spiral Flare and shot it to the sky.

At this, even Le Fay and Jessica were left gaping since that spell is a master-level spell, one that requires the caster to perfectly combine both wind and fire to perform, and here was Himawari using it because according to her it looks very pretty.

Harry laughed so hard at the expression both mages had on their faces while Himawari just continue to happily shoot Spiral Flares into the sky with a big grin on her face.

After that Harry decided to have a match with Hanabi's team to see what they were capable of and see exactly, what he should teach them.

Of course, the girls were excited to have a match with Harry who to them was not only a great teacher but a hero and a great warrior.

So Harry took them into the training grounds in the basement past the labs, however, he invited Sona and her peerage to come and watch since it would be a great way for them to learn new things.

However to everyone's shock, the training ground was not only massive but it was like there was an entire continent down there, there were all kinds of environments and landscapes in the training grounds, so many that it left the young devils and Genin flabbergasted at the immensity of it all.

Sona couldn't believe what she was watching, it was like there was an entire world below Harry's house, she knew he had the power over creation but this? She turned to look at Harry "Harry how? This is immense... you created an entire self-sustained world in your basement and with multiple types of environments, not even gods could do this, not anymore at least...".

Harry chuckled and teleported everyone into the grass plains area, everyone looked around in surprise, there was even wind in here and that small fact shocked everyone, even more, Harry then decided to explain "I don't think a lot of people understand exactly what it means that I have conceptual control over Creation, Death, and Chaos".

The girls turned around and stared at Harry giving him their undivided attention "Let's start with Chaos shall we?, Chaos is a concept that is often misunderstood people think that Chaos is about destruction and just plain random confusion but no, Chaos is everything to life and the universe, without it, there wouldn't have been a big bang, without it, the gods wouldn't have existed, without Chaos the universe wouldn't have that spark that gave life to it, Chaos is the flame of creation and destruction".

The girls continue to stare and listen to Harry "Death is the end to everything and everyone, everyone will eventually die even the Gods and so call immortals will die, it's a simple truth but even though it is an end it is also a new beginning, in the afterlife you can decide to go on with your family or be reincarnated and begin a new, Death is a peaceful respite until you decide to go on and continue your existence and adventures".

Sona and her peerage looked down lost in thought, thinking about death isn't a comfortable thing to do but like Harry just said, it is an undeniable truth to the universe and no one can run away from it but with how Harry described it, it was like death was a friend waiting for you to come by and visit for a while, then go on with a new adventure when you're ready, it sort of felt nice to think about it like that.

Tsubaki, Namida, and Wasabi nodded as ninja they had accepted the fact that death will always be a constant companion and even though they don't fear it, it was still nice to hear that it really wasn't the end for them or their loved ones.

Harry smiled at the girls and the sole male member of Sona's peerage and continued on "Then we have Creation... creation isn't just having the power to create things or life, no, it's about having complete and total control over everything that creation entails, Space, Time, Reality, Power, Soul, and Mind, these concepts were created when creation began and they rule over everything we are, having conceptual control over Creation means having control over all aspects of what creation is".

All the girls looked over at Harry and Sona was the one who spoke "I see... it's not just creation you have control over... it's every concept involved in creation that you have control of, this is how you created this space below your house, you created an entirely new dimension and filled it with life, gave it Time, and created a space for it to exist that overlaps our dimension, you gave it the power to sustain itself and the soul to sustain that life but I'm missing Mind... what exactly did you use mind for".

Harry chuckled and then waved his hand, suddenly it began to rain, then snow, and then it was sunny, after that gravity increased and then decreased "Mind gave me control over everything in here with just a thought, mind gave it laws to follow, in other words with Mind I was able to program everything in here to follow my instructions this makes this entire place a perfect place to train in any kind of situation, I can even make it spawn monsters of all kinds for everyone to test themselves with or any new techniques, skills, or spells".

Sona stared at Harry for a good second completely flabbergasted about everything she just heard "... Please marry me!".

Harry jumped in surprise while Sona's peerage gasped, Sona suddenly jumped and blushed realizing what she just said "Ahh! No wait, that just came out nowhere, don't take it seriously!".

Everyone just deadpanned at Sona for a good minute until everyone just burst out laughing causing poor Sona to groan and hold her head in dismay at having embarrassed herself like that.

Harry patted Sona on her head causing her to look up at him, Harry smiled when he noticed she was tearing up in embarrassment "Well I don't mind being proposed to like that, it certainly is a first for me but I would be more worried about your sister if I were you, she's been very forward with her crush on me lately and I don't think she's going to like that you beat her to the punch like that".

Sona's face paled and turned around and immediately pounced on her Queen Tsubaki who was already texting Serafall "Give me that phone!".

Both devils were wrestling on the floor "Never! Lady Serafall must know that her little sister just proposed to Harry Potter!".

Sona was now panicking "Tsubaki! Give me that cell phone now!".

Harry chuckled, Sona was a prim and proper lady most of the time but when she's with him and her peerage she tends to let loose and acts like a girl her age should, he was glad that she was comfortable enough to act like this with him around.


After Sona was successful in stopping her Queen from letting her sister know what had happened today, the match between Harry and Hanabi's team began, Hanabi, Hinata, Sumire, and Himawari arrived to watch alongside Sona and her peerage.

Harry stood before Hanabi's team while the girls stood opposite from him and got ready, Harry smiled at them "Alright well do this the ninja way, well be having a quick match to see your current level of skill, so I won't be using any other power besides shinobi skills, girls come at me with everything you have! or you will lose in a second!".

As soon as Harry said those words the girls were hit with an oppressive force that made them hesitate and involuntarily take a step back.

That was enough time for Harry to take out a scroll from his inventory and spread it open, suddenly he was engulfed in smoke, Tsubaki narrowed her eyes and swung her sword fast and hard enough to dissipate the smoke.

However what they saw next made them grit their teeth, taking advantage of their hesitation Harry had taken out his old Anbu uniform and gear along with his trademark Dragon Anbu mask.

Sona and the girls were in awe because Harry looked like a real ninja now, Hanabi however sighed "... Looks like big bro isn't going to hold back".

Sona turned towards Hanabi "What do you mean? Is that uniform special or something?".

Hinata and Hanabi turned towards her and both nodded while Hanabi decided to tell her what that uniform is "That uniform is only worn by the elite ninjas of our village the Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (Special Assassination and Tactical Squad) or otherwise know as Anbu, Harry is known and respected as Captain Dragon by the Anbu of our village".

Sona's eyes widen when Kunou spoke next "He also created and trained an Anbu Corps for the Yokai faction, at any moment we can send them out to take down any supernatural leader and they wouldn't even know they were there".

The casual way that Kunou delivered those words not only caused Sona and her peerage to panic a bit but it also caused a cold shiver to go up their spines.

Tsubaki who was at the front of her team moved her gaze to her teammates and nodded at them which they returned back at her, letting Tsubaki know that they had her back, with that said Wasabi put on her hoodie and Namida got ready while Tsubaki got into her Iaijutsu stand.

Behind his mask Harry smiled at the girls since they saw them willing to continue and work together to face him, he then took out a Shuriken and threw it at the girls while he went through a few hand signs at high speed "'Ninpo: Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)'".

Tsubaki got ready to bat the shuriken away but it then multiplied into a whole bunch and she was forced to use her' Chakra Flow Technique' to stop all the shuriken, while Wasabi then took out her scroll and use her 'Nekokabari no Jutsu (Cat Cover Technique)' and ran full tilt to pounce on Harry who easily avoided her claw-like attacks.

Tsubaki then ran forwards and tried to hit Harry with a quickdraw slash, Harry easily jumped over it but then twirled in mid-air to avoid an attack from Wasabi.

Tsubaki seeing an opening swung her sheath towards Harry intending to hit him in the side of his head, but again Harry proved his dexterity by blocking her strike with his knee.

The girls were shocked at the fast reaction from Harry and thought that they missed their chance but then Namida had gone through some hand signs and began her attack "'Suiton: Mizorappa no Jutsu! (Water Style: Raging Waves Technique!)'".

A fast and highly pressurized water torrent spewed from Namida's mouth and headed straight to Harry who was still in mid-air, the girls thought they had him but then Harry used Kawarimi to substitute with a log which was blasted apart by Namida's water-style technique.

Sona and her peerage were impressed by the young Genin's teamwork and fast-paced combat style, Tomoe was curious about Tsubaki's sword technique while Tsubasa wanted to know more about Wasabi's fighting style.

The trio of girls immediately jumped towards each other and then stood back to back as they began to look around suddenly Harry appeared in a blur and went through a few hand signs "'Senpo: Fūton Sunabokori! ( Sage Art Wind Style: Dust Cloud!)'".

The girls suddenly were engulfed in a thick cloud of dust which made them cover their eyes and mouth Wasabi suddenly "Dang it is that Senjutsu!?".

Tsubaki nodded "Yes, my sensei often told me of Harry's Sage status, he was mighty impressed about it, according to him Senjutsu can empower everything from techniques to the shinobi itself...".

Suddenly Harry appeared above them but he didn't expect Namida's sudden panicked attack, she suddenly let out a loud and high-pitched scream that actually hurt him a bit which surprised him and made him cover his ears.

Wasabi seeing this decided to jump up and claw attack him while Tsubaki herself followed her lead and jump up ready to slash Harry in half.

But Harry suddenly said two words that completely took the girls by surprise "'Shinra Tensei!'".

Just like that the girls were sent flying and crashing against the floor, luckily Harry held back on his attack otherwise he might have crushed the girls.

The girls shakily stood up while Harry rubbed his ears "THAT ACTUALLY HURT! GREAT TECHNIQUE NAMIDA!".

Himawari laughed at how silly her uncle was acting while Hinata and Himawari shooked their head in amusement.

The young Genin sweatdropped but were really shocked that Namida's attack didn't knock Harry out, suddenly Harry's hand began to glow green and he healed his ears.

Wasabi immediately recognized what Harry did "Oh... he can use medical ninjutsu too".

Tsubaki shook her head and huffed "Of course, he can why shouldn't he? sigh...".

Namida fidgeted a bit "Um... at least I got him good right?".

Both Tsubaki and Wasabi smiled and nodded while Harry took off his mask and smiled at them, he then spoke "I'm impressed, most people immediately run when they see an Anbu but you stuck around even when I donned my uniform, you three have great teamwork are able to do great combination attacks and you're well versed in your own techniques, I already know how to help you train, with what you showed me".

Harry then walked over to the girls and then handed them a Miracle Gel each, they stared at it for a while and then turned to stare at Harry.

Hanabi who began to walk towards them when she saw Harry take off his mask suddenly jumped on his back and pointed at the Miracle Gels in her student's hands "That is magical medicine available to the Yokai faction, it's very effective and tastes good! So go ahead and eat it!".

Harry smiled at Hanabi while she hung on his back like a Koala while Himawari, Hinata, Sona and her peerage walked towards them.

The girls trusting their teacher immediately ate the Miracle Gels and instantly felt their wounds heal and her Chakra refill, the young Genin's eyes widen in shock, Namida was the one who commented about them "Wow... this is amazing mister Harry".

Both Wasabi and Tsubaki nodded while Harry smiled "Yes they are and soon Konoha will have these available to them".

Hanabi nodded while still being on Harry's back "Yup! Naruto wants to get them available before the Chunin exams begin!".

Harry raised an eyebrow towards Hanabi while Hinata was the one to answer Harry's unasked question "Naruto decided to host another Chunin exam to both boost morale and promote more Chunin since the prior one was interrupted by Momoshiki".

Harry nodded in understanding "Ah I see so you wanted me to train and prepare your Genin for the exam right Hanabi?".

Hanabi grinned and nodded while Harry chuckled and shook his head, Sona then raised an eyebrow "That really wouldn't be fair to the rest of the Genin right? Training with Harry will raise their abilities and powers beyond the norm".

All the shinobi present turned towards Sona and stared at her for a second before laughing, this, of course, confused Sona, it was Himawari who decided to answer Sona's question, she went towards Sona and pulled her hand to catch her attention and then spoke "Shinobi don't play fair miss Sona".

Sona sweatdropped because that made a lot of sense, ninja are supposed to be sneaky and crafty, she sighed and blushed because she realized how stupid her question sounded but Harry smiled and patted her head which caused her to blush even more.

Harry then turned towards the three Genin "Okay, this is what we're going to do, since you three and Sona's group want training then you'll train together from now on".

Everyone nodded since that made a lot of sense "Tsubaki and Tomoe will train with me in swordsmanship and sword techniques".

Tomoe and the young Genin cheered "Wasabi I'll be contacting Yasaka so you can go train with the nekomata a few days out of the week, they're the best to teach you how to improve your feline fighting style and Namida I'll help you improve that's sound ninjutsu of yours, it's a very good jutsu since it even affected me a bit".

Both Wasabi and Namida nodded "So here's the schedule, first everyone will come here in the morning and train here under increased gravity, I'll be also teaching you all hand-to-hand combat and how to use a weapon of your choice for at least four hours, then we'll practice chakra control exercises and mana manipulation for a few hours, afterward, then we'll divide everyone to some of Kyoto's Elite Squad to help you with what you want to specialize in, okay?".

Everyone nodded, they were nervous about the training since it seemed a bit too much but everyone wanted to improve, Harry continued on "Ah, and don't worry about school or missions, while we're in here, time will not pass on the outside so you can still go to school and take care of any missions the Genin might get, of course, I will be healing and restoring everyone to perfect condition before you leave".

Everyone cheered and grinned excited about how strong they'll get while Hanabi and Hinata smiled at all the children, Himawari then hummed and then pulled on Harry's sleeve "Uncle Harry will you teach me more magic too?".

Harry smiled and patted Himawari's head causing her to giggle "Of course Hima, I'll make you into the most awesome mage ever!".

Himawari cheered and Hinata smiled at her daughter as well, since she was going to be training then she was also going to train a bit, something that seems like Hanabi agreed with by the look she was giving her.

With that all planned Harry began to teach this group of young devils and Genin, who knows what sort of new strength and abilities will they gain and so the days of commenced for these young people, except Himawari, Hanabi, and Hinata since Harry had a very soft spot for them and they knew it.


A couple of days passed, and today was a day off of training for Harry's students since it was a weekend so he told them to sleep late, eat a lot, and relax.

Right now Harry was watching TV with Hope, Morgan, and Sumire, the trio of girls was completely enraptured by the mecha anime they were watching.

Suddenly Morgan tilted her head lost in thought something that Harry noticed and smiled about because her father would do the same when he was figuring something out, so he waited for her to speak her mind.

Sumire and Hope turned towards her, they were curious as to what had distracted her so much, then Morgan turned to look at Harry "Uncle Harry, you, uncle Bruce and dad made that big Iron Man armor right?".

Harry nodded "Yes we made the Hulkbuster just in case we had to put your Uncle Hulk to sleep, Bruce and your dad build it and programmed it while I did all kinds of enchantments to it, honestly it was the hardest work we have ever done and it came out amazing, too bad we never had a need to use it".

Harry chuckled when he remembered that the Hulk definitely didn't want to fight against it because Harry had enchanted it to hell and back, Morgan then smiled widely "Then you can make a big robot like the one in the show right!?".

Harry raised an eyebrow and then raised a finger to tell her how that wasn't viable but then stop himself and thought about it for a while.

Hope and Sumire stared at Harry while he was thinking while Morgan was brightly smiling, suddenly Harry widely grinned making the girls smile, Harry then got up and began to call out to Tony who was in his office"Tony! Call the guys! We have a big project to work on!".

Tony popped his head out of his office "What's going on? What project are you talking about?".

Harry then grinned "We're making a giant mecha!".

Tony stared at Harry for a good long minute but then nodded "Alright I'm going to call all the guys! Oh, this going to be fun! I can already feel my creative juices flowing!".

Harry grinned and went straight to the lab to begin to look for materials and metals to use for their new project.

Morgan clapped and jump off the couch to go follow her uncle while Sumire and Hope turned to look at each other and then smiled.

Both jumped off the couch and ran to catch up to both Harry and Morgan, it seems like the Potter household will be busy for a while, creating something new and amazing.


The next weekend morning while Harry, Tony, Remus, and Sirius were in the lab, all of them were sketching and talking about the design for the mech they were building.

Of course, saying that they were talking was a nice way of saying that they were screaming and bickering because being a group of men they each wanted to add everything they thought would be cool to the mecha.

The girls just rolled their eyes and shook their heads in amusement and just let the boys play with their toys.

Morgan, Hope, and Sumire were all watching the chaos going on with smiles on their faces, especially when prank spells began to fly everywhere, it got so bad that Tony had to put on his Iron Man suit to prevent himself from getting hit.

Eventually, everyone called out a truce and went upstairs to eat lunch though Morgan, Hope, and Sumire were trying hard not to laugh because Remus was smoking and slightly burnt but smiling all the while, Sirius had been turned into a duck and was being carried by a completely pink colored Harry while Tony was completely wet and sticky.

All of them were laughing at each other as they walked over to the dinner table, Harry then put Duck Sirius on the table and waved his hand getting rid of his pink coloring.

Hela appeared and took a look at everyone and just shook her head, she then laughed a bit before turning around and heading to the kitchen to make something for them to eat.

While they were waiting on their lunch and talking about what to do next with their project -well except Sirius because he was quacking- they were suddenly surprised when Tsunade appeared dragging an unconscious Irina and Xenovia.

Both Gabriel and Asia were running behind her with panicked expressions on their faces both of the angels were trying to convince Tsunade to stop.

But no one stops Tsunade and when she arrived at the kitchen table she lifted both unconscious girls and presented them to Harry "These two barged into the healing temple yelling and growling about how I dare corrupt the house of their lord or something like that and then they started to insult Asia, I got annoyed and whacked them over the head, do you know them? They said something about reporting me to Harry Potter".

Harry sweatdropped because both exorcists were dripping a disturbing amount of blood from their heads "Damn Tsunade you sure you didn't kill them? and yes I know them, the question is what are they doing here?".

Gabriel who was catching her breath from having been following Tsunade for a while finally spoke up "Lady Tsunade! Please don't manhandle those poor girls, they were just confused as to what was going on, we didn't inform the church what we were doing with that abandoned church or about Asia!".

Harry got up and patted Gabriel's head causing the Seraph to relax "Actually we don't have to say anything to the church, that church is in Yokai faction territory so it belongs to us since it was abandoned, knowing Xenovia she more than likely ran her mouth off to Tsunade and well... that's a big no, no".

Gabriel pouted a bit but nodded since she knew Harry was right, she just didn't like the beating the poor exorcist girls got from Tsunade but she could understand how they brought it to themselves.

What she didn't know was that Tsunade held back quite a lot since now that she was back in her prime she can easily destroy a mountain with a flick of her finger.

Harry turned towards the exorcist girls and he couldn't help but wonder what they were doing here, as far as he knows they shouldn't have a reason to be here unless they were looking for him.

The problem with that theory is that not a lot of people should know that he lives in Kuoh and that he's in charge of it, for some reason he can't help to think that something annoying is about to begin.