Chapter 58

Sometime before Harry arrived back in Karakura town, Ichigo Kurosaki an ex-substitute shinigami has had the most horrible day of his life.

His only relief was that his mother was out of town with his father and was not involved in what has been happening to him lately, otherwise, he didn't think he would be able to take it if his mom was also made to turn on him.

At first, he thought he would be able to once again fight alongside his friends now that he was able to gain a new kind of power known as Fullbring.

It was explained to him that fullbringers were born with their power when one of their parents is a surviving victim of a Hollow attack, resulting in said parents passing down residual Hollow energy into their progeny.

This type of spiritually aware human is able to manifest and manipulate the soul found inside all things.

It was thanks to the leader of an organization of fullbringers known as Xcution that he was able to gain hope in regaining his power, this organization's leader's name is Kūgo Ginjō.

Ginjo helped Ichigo learn how to use Fullbring reawakening some of his lost shinigami power and over time Ichigo befriended Ginjō and the rest of the fullbringers from Xcution.

However Tsukishima another fullbringer betrayed them all and sought to make Ichigo despair, the way he chose to do it, is by using his Fullbring Book of the End to insert himself in the memories of all of Ichigo's loved ones turning them against him by making it seem like Tsukishima was an old friend and ally while Ichigo had gone insane for attacking him.

Eventually, Tsukishima was able to use his Fullbring to turn all the members of Xcution against Ichigo with the exception of Ginjō.

Ichigo, feeling betrayed and heartbroken decided to put an end to whatever Tsukishima had done to his family and friends, so he and Ginjō confronted Tsukishima in one of the secret bases of Xcution outside of Karakura Town.

But throughout the whole ordeal, Ichigo had to not only face off against Tsukishima but Orihime and Chad as well, along with the other fullbringers causing difficulties in the fight and causing even more pain to him.

Eventually, everything took a turn when Ginjō received a blow from Tsukishima that was meant for Ichigo, for a moment Ichigo feared that his only ally would also turn against him as Tsukishima's katana was the trigger to his Fullbringer abilities.

Amazingly Ginjō seemed unaffected by Tsukishima's Fullbring and was able to continue to be on Ichigo's side.

It was at this moment that Uryu appeared on the battlefield and once again it seemed like Ichigo would have to fend off another friend.

However Uryu surprised him by revealing the true culprit behind everything that had happened to him, Uryu warned Ichigo that Ginjō was the one that attacked him and sent him to the hospital, that he was working with Tsukishima, Ginjo at being revealed as a villain struck down Ichigo while he was distracted by Uryu's revelation.

While Uryu was distracted by Ginjō attack against Ichigo didn't even see Tsukishima's attack against him and was heavily injured once again and left to fall to the ground in pain.

Ginjō laughed maniacally at having been able to strike Ichigo with his surprise attack, while Ichigo was brought to his knees in both astonishment and pain, he could only mutter "Ginjō... why? is it because of Tsukishima's power?".

Ginjō stopped laughing and coldly stared into Ichigo's eyes "It sure was, it was definitely because of Tsukishima's power but you need to understand something, I didn't become your enemy now because Tsukishima cut me".

Ginjō as he spoke took Ichigo's substitute reaper badge and placed it on top of his sword which then released a flash and burst of spiritual energy which seemingly got absorbed by Ginjō's sword to the horror of Ichigo, Ginjō then continued to speak "I let Tsukishima cut me twice so I could return to my original self...".

Ichigo couldn't believe what he was hearing and could only stare into nothing in dread and disbelief upon hearing Ginjō revelation, Ginjō then spoke up once again "Now your Fullbring is mine...".

Ginjō then suddenly stabbed Ichigo in his chest while Uryu who couldn't move to due to his injury began to remember how both Ginjō and Tsukishima were the ones to attack him and heavily injure him at the beginning of this whole mess.

Ginjō just continue to stare at Ichigo who was unable to move thanks to the huge blade on his chest as he began to explain how he had planned to have his memories altered so he could genuinely seem to be on Ichigo's side and he would trust him enough to lower his guard.

As Ichigo continued to just stay on his knees in complete and utter shock at having been played like this, Ginjō and Tsukishima began to argue about Ginjō's lack of acting skills to be the real reason they decided to use Tsukishima Fullbring.

It was then that both Ichigo and Uryu understood just how deep this plan of Ginjō's went and how everyone involved was either a victim or accomplice of this insane plan of Xcution's leader, it was Ginjō's nefarious plan from the very beginning.

At this moment the sky darkened and lightning began to rumble as Ginjō suddenly drove his blade deeper into Ichigo's chest causing him to grunt in pain, suddenly his Fullbringer power was ripped off his body while either Ichigo nor Uryu could do anything but stare as this was happening before their very eyes.

It began to rain as Ichigo was robbed of his power leaving him once again powerless, leaving Ichigo with an empty feeling in his heart that began to fill his entire being, he can't protect anyone again and that broke Ichigo as the rain began to heavily fall upon everyone in the rooftop.

Having lost the power he needed to protect everyone again, just made Ichigo broke down in sobs and tears of pain and despair and as the rain fell, Ichigo then let off a scream full of agonizing sorrow as Uryu watched his friend break down.

The sadistic Tsukishima couldn't help but comment "He's gotten quite emotional...".

Ginjō not really caring about the pain he just brought to Ichigo responded coldly responded "Just let him cry, he's no longer useful to us, and to be perfectly honest we probably won't ever see him again".

However it was here that something unexpected happened or rather someone happened, Harry Potter had arrived only to watch his brother in all but blood break down in the rain.

He heard what Ginjō had said to Ichigo and needless to say, he was pissed, the anger he had felt when he got a hold of that horrid orb full of children's souls, and now this sort of just brought back the anger he felt that day.

Harry's powers exploded and this world found out how dangerous a very angry dragon is.


Harry had moved at speeds so high that the world had practically slowed down before his eyes, but even though it was moving slowly for his eyes, his other senses were still picking up everything in real-time.

This is how Harry was able to hear Ginjō uncaring and cruel words towards Ichigo as he took his power away.

It was here, at this moment that Harry arrived and watched from high in the sky as Ichigo broke down like he had never seen him do before, at least not since Masaki had died that rainy day so many years ago and Harry had brought her back.

So watching Ichigo one of his closest friends, one whose family practically adopted him and treat him like family, break down in tears and scream in sadness really pissed him off.

Suddenly an ungodly pressure hit everyone present except Ichigo, everyone present in this location widen their eyes and began to sweat at the sheer level of power that just dropped on their shoulders.

Everyone at the same time 'Including Rukia, Urahara, and Isshin who had just arrived' looked up in a panic. Their eyes widened as they watched Harry Potter slowly float down and then gently land beside Ichigo.

Harry looked back and turned his gaze towards the new arrivals but then narrowed his eyes at the glowing katana in Rukia's hand, Urahara and Isshin flinched, this was Harry sure but he seemed so different from the last time they had seen him but most of all, he was far more powerful than he was back during the Winter War.

Harry then turned around and glared at Ginjō and Tsukishima, who took an involuntary step back in fear, they both knew who this was but they couldn't believe the amount of power they were sensing from him.

Harry then turned his gaze towards Ichigo who was staring at him in amazement but Harry just smiled at his friend "Ichigo... who hurt you, and what did they do?".

Ichigo was still speechless, he couldn't believe Harry was here and still on his side, Uryu however was the one who spoke up to answer Harry's questions "Harry! It was those two! Ginjō took Ichigo's new power away from him and the other one Tsukishima has been altering everyone's memories to turn them against Ichigo! They planned all of this just to make him suffer and accelerate the growth of his new power, they're the ones who hurt him!".

Ginjō and Tsukishima flinched upon hearing Uryu's exclamation and tried to run away but Harry then snapped his fingers and the entire area was surrounded in a barrier preventing everyone from leaving or escaping, Harry then pointed an open palm towards Uryu and casted a Healing Circle on him rapidly Healing his wounds.

However as Uryu was being healed Harry continued stare towards Tsukishima for a second while his green eyes ominously glowed before moving his gaze towards his katana, suddenly he disappeared in a blur and reappeared behind Ginjō and Tsukishima.

Both couldn't even react and slowly turned their gaze to look behind them, their eyes widened in dread as they noticed that Harry was holding their swords.

Harry stared at both swords now in his hand, he then flared his Power of Destruction over Tsukishima's katana and completely destroyed it along with its spiritual energy undoing what he had done to Ichigo's family and friends.

Tsukishima actually flinched and dropped to his knees in pain at having something like his Fullbring being destroyed, Harry then stared into Ginjō's sword and Ginjō's feared that he would do the same to his Fullbring, whatever he had done to Tsukishima's was causing him a great deal of pain and he didn't want to feel that.

However, Harry just placed a hand on the sword's hand guard and suddenly pull it away while taking Ichigo's power away from the sword.

Soon Ichigo's power coalesced into an orb in Harry's hand, he then turned around and threw the sword away like garbage where it crashed against the floor and then slid all the way to a wall he then disappeared and then reappeared beside Ichigo again.

He then raised an open palm towards Rukia and the glowing katana in her hands shot off her hands and flew towards Harry who caught and stared at it "I see... so everyone wanted to help Ichigo regain his powers huh? Even the old man's spiritual energy is here hehe... well then I might as well add to it right?".

Suddenly the orb of Ichigo's power fused with the katana while Harry added his own spiritual energy and skills upon skills into it until the blade turned black with a gold outline, he then turned towards Ichigo who continued to stare at Harry not really believing he was there "Well... what do you say Ichigo, want your powers and some extra stuff?".

Harry grinned at Ichigo and the hybrid just stared at his friend for a second before chuckling and getting up finally realizing that yes Harry was here and that he was helping him "Do you even have to ask you overgrown lizard".

Harry chuckled and then plunged the spiritual katana straight into Ichigo's chest and then the area was engulfed in black and gold.

Everyone inside the barrier felt Ichigo's power come to life once again, however this time it was significantly different, it was stronger, way stronger than before but not only that, it also felt like Ichigo has ascended to something else, something beyond human, his spiritual energy felt divine.

Ginjō and Tsukishima covered their eyes to protect them from the burst of spiritual energy and the pressure released by Ichigo, in fact, everyone had to do so except Harry who just stood there nonchalantly as he waited for everything to settle down.

Finally, Ichigo's spiritual energy calmed down and settled down allowing everyone to see him, he had his shinigami uniform on once again however he now had some sort of golden samurai-like armor on his shins, knees, hips, hands, arms, and shoulders.

These pieces of armor were made out of scales that seemed similar to Harry's own scales in his dragon form, his Zanpakutō, Zangetsu looked almost the same as before, the blade had a different shape but the most eye-catching difference was the dragon face mark on the flat surface of the blade.

Ichigo took a big breath and then exhaled, he then glared at Ginjō who was unable to move in his astonishment at everything he has just witnessed, he knew of Harry but he was nowhere near this powerful, and he had disappeared some time ago, just what is going on, was the only question running inside the mind of Ginjō "But how!?... Harry Potter wasn't anywhere close to this powerful seventeen months ago, just who are you? You can't be him!".

Harry turned his gaze towards Ginjō and boredly stared into his eyes. "Seventeen months ago? That's how much time has passed here since the Winter War?".

Rukia walked up to Harry and spoke "That's right Harry.. it's been seventeen months since you disappeared.. no one knew where you went or what you were doing, we've been worried you know?".

Harry sighed and then patted her on the head since she seemed a little sad but Rukia cheered up, even though he had gotten terrifyingly powerful he seems to be the same Harry she knows "The Kurosakis knew, they knew where I went it's just very hard to explain to others how all my abilities work so I just told them to wait until I was back, I promise I will explain everything to you and the others some other time or someone will tell you".

Rukia nodded, Isshin chuckled and stepped up to Harry and patted his shoulder "So the estranged Kurosaki finally comes back! Hahaha Masaki and the twins are never going to let you go now!".

Harry sweatdropped and began to panic, he turned to Ichigo who solemnly nodded to him causing Harry to sigh and accept his fate.

Rukia giggled because she knew how much Masaki and the twins care for Harry, Urahara then finally approached Harry "Well, well it seems a lot has changed for you Harry, you're not human anymore, are you?".

Harry scoffed and turned to face Ginjō and Tsukishima "Figures you would be able to tell but I'll explain later right now I have some issues to work through and these assholes just offered to be my punching bags...".

Ichigo nodded "Yeah, but leave Ginjō to me, I have a couple of things, Zangetsu and I want to talk to him about plus some of these new abilities you gave me... he will make the perfect practice dummy to try them!".

Harry nodded but then looked below them his eyes glowed green "What about the other ones in the room below us?".

Ichigo narrowed his eyes but then nodded to himself "There's a red-headed girl among them, I don't know why but my instincts are telling me that she really isn't as bad as the others, leave her and deal with the rest as you see fit".

Harry nodded, he then moved his sight toward Tsukishima, his green glowing eyes made him flinch while Harry then softly spoke a peculiar word "Amaterasu...".

Suddenly Tsukishima was engulfed in pitch black flames causing him to let out an agonizing scream of pain as he was slowly being incinerated by Harry technique.

Urahara, Isshin, and Rukia flinched from the screams of pain that Tsukishima let out but Urahara noticed something disturbing about those flames "... They're not only burning his body... those flames are also burning and destroying his soul!".

Everyone turned towards Harry who just shrugged "I have not only gotten stronger but I have also gained and learned all sorts of abilities and skills".

Everyone nodded while Tsukishima finally stop screaming and just laid on the floor unmoving as the pitch black flames consumed the rest of his body, once they were finished Harry dissipated the flames with a mental command leaving only ashes behind "Tch! Usually, I hate using this technique but that asshole not only hurt Ichigo but also everyone else, so good riddance".

Ichigo nodded, that bastard had made him fight his friends and had even dared to go after his sisters, good thing he didn't say anything about that otherwise Harry would have done something worse to Tsukishima.

But forget about him, right now he had to pay back Ginjō for what he had done to him, for his betrayal, and for almost taking away his ability to protect once again.

Ginjō seeing how Ichigo glared at him decided that he was going to have to fight his way out of this one so he disappeared in a blur and picked up his sword from where it had landed after Harry had thrown it away.

Harry than just tap his feet on the ground and a hole materialized which he immediately dropped down to deal with the other fullbringers.


Harry dropped down from the ceiling scaring the fullbringers who were barely recovering from Harry's release of energy a few minutes ago.

Harry wasted no time and the moment he landed on the floor he pointed a hand towards the old man with an eyepatch "'Partake of boiling water... Raging Mist!'".

Giriko Kutsuzawa did not see the spell coming but he definitely felt it as he was suddenly surrounded by a red-hot mist that began to scald him, he couldn't do anything but let out screams of pain as he was slowly being killed by the spell.

The other fullbringers immediately jumped out of the window to avoid the spell and landed on the air outside, however, they didn't get to even relax before Harry was on them so fast they couldn't even react to try and dodge him.

He appeared right in front of Riruka and trapped her inside a barrier while he then flew past her and grab the blonde kid wearing a black coat and black hat, he grabbed him by the head and instantly took his Fullbring away from him and sealed him in another barrier.

Both Riruka and Yukio could only watch in shock as Harry did all of this within seconds, Yukio was the most affected since he could feel that he no longer had his power and began to bang his hands on the barrier "Give that back! It's mine! It's my power!".

Harry just looked to the side and moved his gaze up to the distraught blonde boy and then stared into the orb containing Yukio's Fullbring which was resting in his hand "'Invaders Must Die' huh?" Harry couldn't help but laugh at how similar this power was to his Gamer system just more restricted, he then place the orb into his Inventory and stared at the last two remaining members of Xcution "You wanted to do the same to Ichigo right? You wouldn't have given his powers back if he had asked, so why should I?".

Yukio stopped banging his hand against the barrier and stared in disbelieve towards Harry's back and began to tear up, Riruka, however, noticed something very peculiar "H-how did you know the name of his Fullbring? You don't know us, we've never met! How!?".

Harry turned to look at the girl and stared at her with his glowing green eyes "My eyes are very special, with them I can see everything about a person or an object, I can get all of their information, so something like finding out your names and the names of your abilities is easy to me Riruka...".

Riruka flinched upon hearing Harry's explanation and growled at him causing Harry to raise an eyebrow at her "Hmm Ichigo is right... there isn't much darkness in your heart like some of these guys, well looks like you get to live".

Harry then turned towards the last two members of Xcution who had not dared to move to attack Harry since he had revealed that he already knows about them and their skills.

Harry grinned at them "So... what are you going to do now Jackie?... Moe?".

Moe growled and then launched himself at Harry planning to punch him but Harry summoned Oblivion and smoothly moved to the side while swinging his dark Keyblade so fast, Moe didn't even see it move.

Moe unaware of anything that Harry had done, turned around and got ready to launch at him again but then both his hands fell off leaving everyone lost for words.

However Moe didn't even get to scream as Harry then let go of Oblivion -which disappeared in a flash of darkness- and raised his hand above his head and began to gather an enormous amount of yellow ki, he then swung his hands down and pointed them at Moe "Masenko!".

The yellow beam of ki moved to fast for the injured fullbringer and thus he was completely engulfed and destroyed by Harry's ki technique.

Harry then turned towards Jackie who raised her hand in surrender and sighed "Okay... I give up, I rather not fight a losing battle".

Harry raised an eyebrow and then chuckled in amusement "Well... this is a first! No one has ever willing given up before even fighting me hahaha".

Jackie just huffed "Yeah those people are stupid if they think they can take you on, I rather not repeat their mistakes, you're obviously above all of us so why even try?".

Harry grinned he was very amused at this "Alright, I'll let you go since you seem very smart but I'm taking that power of yours, sorry to say that I don't trust you with it".

Jackie sighed and nodded "Fair enough".

Then the Dragon God pointed his hand towards Jackie and took her power away and made it into an orb, he then put it inside his Inventory while making Jackie float with his Telekinesis so she wouldn't fall to the ground from where they were standing in the sky.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and everyone looked up only too see Ginjō get sent flying down to the ground while Ichigo followed him, Harry smiled and floated everyone back to the rooftop where Rukia, Isshin, and Urahara were looking down towards Ichigo's battle.

However Harry noticed a bunch of familiar faces who had just arrived to see Ginjō get smashed, he grinned recognizing them as some of the shinigami he had befriended.

He landed on the rooftop while everyone smiled at him, he waved back at them, Renji then spoke up with a grin on his face "Well! If it isn't Lord Harry, looks like you were having some fun, you could have left some for us you know?".

Harry shook his head in amusement "Please don't call me lord, I rather not be compared to the nobles of soul society, thank you very much and they weren't to tough, I doubt you would have had any fun".

Most of the shinigami there grinned but Byakuya and Rukia sweatdropped, it was a well-deserved jab at the arrogant nobles of Soul Society and they knew Harry didn't mean them in particular but it still kinda hurt.

But right now everyone wanted to watch Ichigo fight, they were intrigued by the golden armor he was wearing at the ridiculous amount of energy he was letting out so they wanted to watch what he could do now that he had his power 'and some extras' back.


After being pushed down toward the ground Ginjō flipped in the air just in time to stop a swing of Ichigo's sword, however the strength behind the attack sent him flying and crashing against a three.

He didn't get a chance to even take a breath because he had to dodge a thrust engulfed in lightning by Ichigo "'Lightning Blade!'".

Ginjō barely had time to move his head out of the way of the attack but the moment the lightning engulfed thrust collided against the tree it released a burst of lightning that not only sent Ginjō flying but electrocuted him as he was sent flying and crashing against the floor a fair distance away.

Ichigo pulled back Zangetsu and stared at it "Hmm so I can use magic now... I've seen Harry use that technique before, got to say that it was interesting to use hmm I wonder?".

Ichigo could feel the Dragon Core pulsating within him and the Mana that now flows through his body, whatever Harry gave him not only granted him the ability to use magic but it gave him the knowledge needed to use it as well and he more than anything wanted to try out a spell "'Roar, O conflagration, and command all impure souls to their ashen ends... Ancient Nova!'".

A big ball of concentrated hellfire suddenly materialized above Ginjō and then dropped, Ginjō couldn't do anything but watch with widened eyes in disbelief.

There was a big boom and the cloudy night sky lit up for a second from the big explosion of hellfire that was released by Ichigo's spell, it almost seems like the whole world turn red for a second as the spell ran its course.

Ichigo however sweatdropped "Err... that was more intense that I was expecting, should I have used less mana? Yes use less mana next time or rather increase or decrease as needed".

Harry chuckled while watching his friend throwing down legendary level spells like a kid with a new toy, everyone else however was gaping at the sheer destruction the spell brought upon the area and the heat of those flames was intense.

Suddenly something jumped away from the crater of molten lava left in the aftermath of the spell but Ichigo just raised Zangetsu and blocked an attack by Ginjō who now looked different.


Harry narrowed his eyes "He can use Hollowfication? I thought fullbringers were just humans with just one power?".

Uryu nodded "So you know about them somewhat?".

Harry nodded "I was able to get some information about them with my eye's powers but I didn't look any deeper, fullbringers as a whole aren't that powerful per se, it's their powers that give them an edge, they're so random, unique, and so strange that it's enough to both be a hindrance and confuse an opponent but if your fast enough, you can easily take them down before they can even use those powers of theirs".

Uryu nodded, in all honesty, the only reason these fullbringers were able to get him and the others were because they caught them all off guard, in any other circumstances they would have easily defeated them "Well apparently a fullbringer is born when one of their parents is a survivor of a Hollow attack, the resulting offspring of that survivor results in the child being born with a Hollow's spiritual energy".

Harry turned his gaze toward Riruka, Jackie, and Yukio who were watching all go down between Ichigo and Ginjō "I see... so that's how they got those weird abilities of theirs".


Meanwhile with Ichigo and Ginjō, the now restored substitute shinigami stared into Ginjō's eyes {If I remember correctly, Harry said that Hollows seemed to be very weak to light based magic, it's the reason why they feared Oathkeeper so this should work against Ginjō too}.

Ichigo suddenly parried Ginjō's sword away from him while Zangetsu was suddenly engulfed in golden light, and Ichigo then spun his entire body striking Ginjō once. As Ichigo made a full turn he then performed an upwards thrust that hit Ginjō in the chest "'Light Spear Cannon!'".

As soon as the thrust came in contact with Ginjō, he was then blasted away by a current of light energy, he was sent flying and then crashing against the floor where he began to roll around on the floor screaming in pain as the light element began to burn away at his body.

Harry grinned glad that Ichigo remember how vulnerable Hollows were against holy light-based magic, even the Espadas took quite a bit of damage from Harry's light-based spells and techniques.

Ginjō after somewhat recovering from such an effective attack against him shakily stood up "Huff... huff... Ichigo are you just going to go back to helping soul society!?... They betrayed me just as they're going to betray you too!... What do you really think that substitute reaper badge is for!?".

Ichigo frowned "Harry and I knew that they were using it to monitor our growth and power but we chose to believe in our friends and as you can see we were right to trust them, I don't care that they monitor me or whatever, I'm not doing anything wrong anyways and besides if they come after me for whatever reason they know I would fight back and I'm pretty sure they don't want that".


Everyone turned to stare at Harry who just shrugged "Did you guys really think I wouldn't notice what was going on with that badge? I noticed right away and told Ichigo about it, it turns out he already suspected it as well but we decided to trust you guys, we've been through a lot not to do so".

The shinigami grinned at Harry and he just shook his head in amusement, these guys were too weird and silly to turn on them anyways, meanwhile, Riruka looked down and was thinking about what Harry said to her "I don't have much darkness in my heart? I wonder what he meant by that?".


Ginjō stared in disbelief at what Ichigo just said "You have to be kidding me... you trust them! You allow them to use you and monitor you like if it was nothing! What if they just throw you away?!".

Ichigo just grinned "But they didn't, you saw how Rukia was already here and ready to give me my powers back, Harry just beat her to it and look up there, my friends are watching over me as we speak".

Ginjō looked up to the roof of their hide out and saw a bunch of shinigami looking down at them. Harry was with them and had Riruka and Yukio trapped in some kind of barrier while Jackie was silently standing there and watching.

Ginjō growled and turned to launch himself towards Ichigo, but Ichigo was already tired of this and so decided to put an end to this battle.

So he let go of his retrained spiritual pressure which then burst out of him in a pillar of blue light, he had never had so much energy and control before and he knew that it was thanks to Harry that he can do this now.

His spiritual Energy coalesced into his sword and Ichigo then raised it above his head, he then stared as Ginjō eyes widen in the realization of what is about to happen.

Ichigo roared "'Getsuga Tensho!'" and the last thing Ginjō saw was a flash of blue and golden light and then only darkness.


Everyone watching Ichigo and Ginjō face off looked on impressed at the power shown off by Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho, it looked really different from before and Ichigo's spiritual energy changed somehow too, it now carried a golden tint to it and everyone was curious, and confused by it.

Harry however looked up and watched as Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho parted the clouds and cleared the once stormy night, he then grinned as he turn to look at his friends "Among the skills I gave Ichigo the most useful to him is Holy light manipulation, as we all know that element is very affective to Hollows and even Quincies".

Harry turned to give Uryu a malicious grin which caused the poor Quincy to shiver at the memory of the beating he received from Harry when he had used the Hollow bait to provoke Ichigo into fighting him.

Ichigo suddenly landed in front of everyone and gave all of his friends a smile, he then turned towards Harry who grinned and threw his arm around his shoulder "Harry... We've been waiting for you to come back and visit for a long time".

Harry nodded "It was even longer for me, believe it or not, I'm very old now hahaha".

Ichigo shook his head in amusement and looked around "Huh? Where's my body?".

Harry let go of Ichigo and then explained "You just need to think to go back to your human form, I turned your powers into a type of transformation form".

Ichigo raised an eyebrow but then concentrated on turning into his now human form, immediately his body was engulfed in his spiritual energy, and the bursts like a bubble leaving him in his human form "Hmm this will be useful, thank you Harry".

Harry nodded "No problem! I figured it would be useful to you and I even gave you a ninja technique called the Kagebushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) that way you can send a clone to school while you do your thing, that technique also transfers the knowledge the Clone learns back to you".

Ichigo grinned "Nice! Now I don't have to worry about Kon doing something stupid with my body! and I won't lose any lessons in class!".

Harry nodded while Rukia and Renji approached them as the rest of the shinigami that came to see Ichigo stayed behind but were smiling at him nonetheless.

Rukia patted Ichigo's back and smiled at him while Renji punched his arm "It's great that your back Ichigo".

Ichigo smiled at his friends and nodded "Thank you guys and please thank everyone who gave me some of their spiritual energy so I could get mine back".

Rukia nodded and then turned around along with Renji "We do have to go back and report to the first captain".

Ichigo nodded and waved at them while Harry spoke up "Say hi to the old man for me!".

Both Rukia and Renji nodded and walked back to the rest of the shinigami who then walked into a Senkaimon (World Penetration Gate) that had suddenly appeared behind them.

Harry waved at all of them with a smile on his face, he was glad to see them all, he's not a fan of Soul society with how they treat souls but he was glad to have found friends in the afterlife of this world.

Suddenly he felt someone pat his back and he turned around only to see Isshin grin at him, Harry smiled at the silly man who was like a father to him "So Harry, ready to go home and face your fate like a man?".

Harry began to nervously sweat, he wasn't afraid of Masaki and the girls being mad, on the contrary, the moment they see him they might start to cry and fret about him.

He turned towards Ichigo hoping for some kind of support but Ichigo just gave him a sickeningly sweet smile {Ichigo you traitor!}.

But before he was dragged off by Isshin, Urahara spoke up "Before you take Harry to meet his mother and sisters and probably never be allowed outside again what do we do with these three?".

Both Harry and Ichigo turned towards Urahara who was pointing at Riruka, Jackie, and Yukio, Harry shrugged "I took the power of the kid and the woman so we don't have to worry about them doing anything stupid but I left Riruka alone like Ichigo said she's not a bad person she's just a bit wild but nothing wrong with that".

Harry shrugged while Ichigo nodded, it was here that Orihime and Chad had finally arrived, Orihime saw Harry and grinned widely, she then took off at full speed and tackle Harry full on the back "Harry!".

Everyone watched in shock as Harry was hit full-on by an Orihime missile that tackled him to the ground where he lay while groaning in pain "... Ugh hi Orihime... it's nice to see you..".

Everyone sweatdropped when they saw Orihime fist pump in victory "Hahaha I took down a dragon! Again!".

Ichigo chuckled and lifted up Orihime off of Harry, she's always done this because according to her she wanted to get the Dragonslayer title or something like that, no one really knew what goes on in Orihime's head.

Chad helped Harry up off the ground who already recovered from Orihime's very effective missile tackle attack "Thanks Chad, sigh... Orihime is still as crazy as ever huh?".

Chad smiled at Harry and nodded to his question both then turned towards Orihime who was smiling wildly and speaking excitedly to Ichigo.

Harry and Chad chuckled and turned towards Urahara "Well I don't know what to do about Riruka, she's not bad so... just let her go along with the other three?".

Urahara grinned and nodded everyone turned towards Riruka who was now arguing with Orihime who was excitedly poking the barrier that was trapping her and watching it ripple like water "Ooh! this looks like fun Riruka! Can I have a turn!".

Riruka left eye twitched "Do I look like I'm having fun Idiot!".

But Orihime just continue to smile and poke at the barrier meanwhile Harry couldn't help but be happy that he came for a visit and was looking forward to seeing everyone else, even if Masaki locked him in the basement so he would never leave again...