Chapter 63

Katerea Leviathan began to nervously sweat not expecting Harry Potter to be present here, she now knew that mistakes have been made and so had only one thing to say about this horrible situation she found herself in "shit...".

Harry grinned and nodded to Katarea "Yup that's about right, I guess the Khaos Brigade didn't know I live in Kuoh now huh?".

Katerea gulped and looked around, she could see the representatives of the factions were here but Yasaka and Harry Potter were for some reason present as well, something no one in the Khaos Brigade knew about.

Facing off against Serafall was risky enough as it is because she's allied to the Yokai faction and her current level of power was in quite honesty ridiculous but she had Ophis's snake to help her with that.

But facing against both Harry Potter and Yasaka? That was way beyond her and she knew it, so she narrowed her eyes and immediately took out her snake and tried to eat it but to her surprise, the Infinity snake suddenly vanished.

Suddenly Ophis walked out from behind Harry while holding the Infinity snake in her hand, she then grinned at the now-shocked Katerea and made the snake merge back into her body.

Michael, Sirzechs, Azazel and Grayfia stared at Ophis in surprise since they didn't expect her to show up so suddenly, Ophis just smiled and floated up to Harry's back and wrapped her arms around him.

She then hung there while she hugged Harry with a happy smile on her face "Hmm... see I told you that the Old Satan Faction was going to make a move here...".

Harry smiled and rubbed his cheek against Ophis's "Yes thank you Ophis, I kinda guessed that they weren't going to be able to ignore such a big chance to heavily hit the factions".

Ophis nodded and Harry turned his gaze towards Katerea who only watched in terror how two of the most powerful beings in the world were acting so caring to each other in front of her "H-how?... This was just planned not so long ago... so how did you know we were going to attack today?!".

Harry shrugged making Ophis shake a bit and causing her to giggle as Harry explained "It isn't too hard to imagine what a bunch of self-entitled idiots would do with a good opportunity like this one, all of the members of the Khaos Brigade I have ever met have been so arrogant and full of themselves that I would honestly be surprised if any of you guys wouldn't show up today with a big speech about how you were going to take what was taken from you or declare how you will conquer the world and so on and on".

Katerea actually sweatdropped because that was exactly what she was planning of doing, she had been practicing her speech all morning before she came to interrupt the peace talks, Harry just continued on "It really is funny how generic and repetitive evil villains are sometimes, it's all the same with you guys".

Harry closed his eyes and shook his head, suddenly explosions and screams began to resound around the ares and Harry smiled "It looks like my students are taking care of your minions too, that's a lot of mages you have working with you, I wonder... what exactly were you hoping to accomplish here today?".

Katerea frowned, she was just hoping to take down a leader of two from the factions but now there was no way she'll be able to pull that off, especially with Harry Potter involved much less with Ophis here as well, she can't even try to escape and let her comrades know about all of this, the connection to her transportation circle has been completely cut off.

Harry opened his eyes and then pointed an open hand towards Katerea who knowing her end was close she tried to at least take someone down with her.

But Harry's attack came so fast that she didn't even have time to gather her mana to do anything before she was engulfed in a white beam of pure holy light and then she knew no more.

Sirzechs and Grayfia grunted in pain from the sheer intensity of Harry's holy light beam and they could even see that their skin was even steaming a bit from it, Michael was impressed by such a technique and how pure and white Harry's light was.

Harry then walked up to the hole he had created in the wall and looked down, he then saw Sona and her peerage easily taking down the many mages that had come to help Katerea.

He smiled when he saw them use the spells, techniques, and tactics he and the girls were teaching them and he was extra proud of Tomoe who was literally dancing from foe to foe with her sword skills "... Hmm Tomoe has progressed so much, I think is time to get her a weapon, one worthy of her current skill".

Ophis looked down and watched as Tomoe took enemies down so fast and skillfully "She looks like you when you fight...".

Harry turned his head a bit and gazed at Ophis's eyes "Well I am her teacher in Kenjutsu, she and Tsubaki the Genin have an affinity towards swords, they learn so fast anything I teach them that it's honestly a bit ridiculous".

Harry chuckled and continued to watch his students take care of their opponents, Serafall, Yasaka and Gabriel walked up to him to watch as well.

Serafall smiled proudly towards Sona and her peerage "They all have improved so much, what level do you think they are right now Harry?".

Harry hummed and looked up in though for a minute before he answered Serafall's question "Right now they're at least Ultimate level but if they were to take off their gravity and energy-draining seals, any of them would be strong enough to smack around the three stooges gathered here today".

Michael, Azazel and Sirzechs flinched and held their chest upon receiving emotional damage from Harry words, Grayfia huffed watching the leaders of the Judeo-Christian Factions act like children.

Gabriel, Yasaka, and Serafall giggled upon watching the men in charge of what once was the strongest factions act like they got slapped, to them it was funny.

Azazel recovered and then spoke up "Sigh... in any case since Harry took care of our intruders, how about we just sign the peace treaty, I don't want war, and honestly, I'm tired of all this conflict...".

Sirzechs frowned and looked down "Yes... let's sign it, the devils are also tired of this conflict plus with our plans to clean house we can't afford to stay hostile towards the Fallen and Heaven Factions".

Michael closed his eyes and nodded "Yes... heaven can no longer afford war nor conflict, we all know that heaven was the most affected by the Great War, with our father's death we can't even replenish our numbers... so yes let's sign this peace treaty".

The three factions leaders nodded to each other and then turned to look at Yasaka who then grinned and hid her smile behind her little fan "My! Whatever are those looks for?".

Azazel then spoke up "How about it Yasaka? Would the Yokai Faction be interested in joining this alliance? We can all help each other, I'm sure your faction wouldn't want any more conflict right".

Yasaka hummed and then turned to look at Harry, who just smiled at her and patted her head, He then turned towards the faction leaders and gave them a sweet smile "Fuck no!".

The three faction leaders sputtered in shock at Harry's harsh no, Azazel then stood up "But why!? We can all help each other and walk towards peace! Why would you not want to work together with us?".

Harry stopped smiling and then stared into Azazel's eyes "I don't trust any one of you and whoever said that we the Yokai Faction wanted peace with you?".

Michael, Sirzechs, and Azazel's eyes widened and stared in disbelief towards Harry as he continued to speak "I wished any one of you would do something, anything to give us a reason to go to war, a war you know you would lose, that's why you want peace with us".

All three faction leaders frowned and Harry grinned "Besides there's nothing any of your factions can offer us, I can create and get any Sacred Gear I want from God's system, I can create my own angels and we have all kinds of technology and resources available to us... honestly, you are all useless to us and an alliance between the Yokai faction and the three Judeo-Christian factions would only be beneficial to you three, so no the devils, fallen angels, and angels can all just kill each other as far as I care".

Harry shrugged while the three faction leaders looked lost in thought Yasaka smiled behind her fan, to her this was the moment she had been waiting for so long, before Harry came into her life the Yokai faction was not taken seriously by these three factions and now? Now they were desperate to ally themselves with them and she was loving every second of it.

Suddenly Ophis spoke up "Harry a Yokai is trying to break through your barrier, he's using Senjutsu as well".

Harry and Yasaka actually raised an eyebrow in curiosity and Harry used his Rinnegan to see outside the barrier, he then saw a monkey yokai trying to break his barrier with his staff "What in the hell?... That's a monkey yokai".

Yasaka looked down "A monkey yokai? This doesn't make any sense... who could it be?".

Harry turned his gaze towards Ophis who deadpanned at him "It's Bikou... he's the only monkey yokai in the Khaos Brigade... I don't know what he's doing here though...".

Harry nodded to Ophis and then nodded to himself "Well let's go ask him what he wants and I am curious as to what he's doing here".

With that said Harry walked up and then jumped down the hole he had made until he softly landed on the ground below, Yasaka then closed her fan and walked up to the hole as well "Serafall, Gabriel make sure these three behave and get their treaty signed up so they can leave soon".

With that said the Ninetails Kitsune jumped down the hole made by Harry as well to join him in asking this mysterious monkey yokai, what was he doing here.

Meanwhile, the three faction leaders looked down in embarrassment and disappointment, it seems that the Yokai faction is never going to make peace with them, Serafall then spoke up bringing their attention towards her "You heard Yasaka, hurry up, sign your treaty and quickly leave".

Azazel, Michael, and Sirzechs sweatdropped not expecting for them to be dismissed like that but they still nodded and went about finalizing the treaty, they now knew they weren't welcome in Kuoh anymore so they hurried in order to leave before Harry really gets tired of them.


Harry walked up towards the perimeter of his barrier while also quickly taking down mages that thought it was a great idea to get in his way Ophis was still happily hanging from Harry's neck while Yasaka followed him close behind.

Sona saw Harry approach as she clenched her hand and the many big water orbs that had mages trapped inside them exploded all around her, all of those mages died instantly, Sona then smiled at her sensei "Sensei! Did you come to help? I think we're almost done so your kinda late".

Harry huffed at being called sensei but then chuckled "No, you guys did a great job taking care of all the enemies, I came here because there's a yokai trying to break through my barrier and I was curious as to why?".

Sona nodded and then suddenly turned around while waving an arm releasing a highly pressurized water blade that flew at high speed and cut in half a group of mages that were trying to sneak up behind her "I see.. that's curious, well don't stop in my account sensei, my peerage and I are almost finished cleaning up here so go ahead".

Harry smiled and patted Sona's head causing her to blush but smile a bit as well, she then pushed her glasses up and ran towards where the rest of her peerage was taking down a few more mages.

Yasaka then giggled making Harry turn to look at her "Fufufu it seems that you have stolen the heart of another girl Harry, looks like our family will just continue to grow and grow".

Harry groaned "Sigh I don't know what you're talking about, so I'm just going to ignore this and just go meet this monkey".

Yasaka giggled one more time while Harry continued walking, he then waved a hand opening his barrier causing Bikou to then trip and fall on his face inside the barrier, which was then immediately closed up again by Harry.

Bikou groaned in pain and slowly stood up but instantly froze when he looked up and saw both Harry Potter and Yasaka the leaders of his faction standings before them "Errr Lord Potter, Lady Yasaka what a coincidence finding you here!".

Yasaka sweetly smiled while Harry raised an eyebrow and spoke "Yes... coincidence, let's leave it at that for now, what are you doing here? Why were you trying so hard to break into one of my barriers".

Bikou gulped because he knew he couldn't lie to his leaders, he was handsome and brave -his words actually- but not stupid "I-I came to get Vali the White Dragon Emperor so we could go and attack Asgard together...".

Yasaka frowned while Harry huffed "So you went and joined the Khaos Brigade huh? Wow, you're a special kind of stupid huh? You do know that the Khaos Brigade is the enemy of the Yokai faction why would you join them? And Vali is dead, I killed him yesterday after the idiot pissed off the wrong person and was soundly beaten".

Bikou began to sweat in fear as soon as he heard that Vali got himself killed, he had warned him plenty of times to not bother Harry Potter or any of his family and friends but nooo! The idiot just had to do it "Well they have the Ouroboros Dragon on their side so I thought it would be fun to mess with the other factions...".

Harry rolled his eyes while Yasaka shook her head, Harry then pointed at Ophis with his thumb "Ophis is no longer siding with the Khaos Brigade".

Bikou turned to look at Ophis who gave him a deadpan causing the decedent of Son Goku to sweatdrop, Ophis then spoke "Harry is my mate... and I promised mother Masaki to give her at least ten grandchildren...".

Both Harry and Yasaka turned their heads towards Ophis so fast they actually cracked, upon hearing Ophis's declaration Harry began sweating hard "Whoa! Hey Ophis don't go promising things like that to mom! She's crazy! Don't listen to her!".

Ophis tilted her head in confusion while Yasaka awkwardly laughed "Masaki is a terrifying woman... she was able to make a Dragon God panic and she isn't even here...".

Yasaka then shook her head and turned towards Bikou "You are to go back home Bikou and report to your grandfather, I'm sure that old monkey must be worried about you, do I make myself clear?".

Bikou looked down and looked like I chastised kid "Yes ma'am... ".

With that said Harry sighed and took down the barrier since he could feel that his students were done taking care of the mages, Bikou immediately summoned his flying nimbus and took off to go home, he had no intention of disobeying his leaders, not even for the fun of a fight.

Harry however fondly smiled upon seeing the flying nimbus {... I wonder what Goku and the rest are doing? I'm going to have to go visit them after my next trip to another world}.

Yasaka then sighed and grabbed Harry's hand and together they walked back towards the school, along the way Sona and her peerage followed them back, all of them received high praises from Harry which embarrassed them a bit but still made them feel very proud as well.


After a few hours and a couple of attempts to have the Yokai faction join the treaty until Harry got tired and flexed his energy causing the three leaders of the Judeo-Christian factions to instantly shut up the peace treaty was signed.

Harry immediately kicked everyone not allied to the Yokai faction out of Kuoh and Japan but not before reminding them to keep their people in control or he would do it for them.

The next few days were busy for Azazel, Sirzechs, and Michael, there were many things to take care of, not just internationally but domestically as well.

Not everyone was happy with the peace treaty and many spoke against it, in the Devil faction, it was the Great King faction who publicly complained and spoke against peace.

However thanks to Serafall and the Anbu Corps the Great King faction began to lose its leaders and more influential members, Zekram Bael wasn't stupid and he knew that there was something going on and confronted the Maous about it.

Serafall just grinned and told him that their days of ruling behind them were over and that it was the next generation's turn to rule, Zekram Bael's body was later found frozen solid and without his head.

Everyone in the devil faction knew who had done it and why but no one said anything about it, Serafall was already recognized as the strongest devil and a member of the Yokai faction, speaking ill or confronting her about Zekram's death would be the same as committing suicide.

Things, however, were still chaotic and the Great King faction still continued to fight for control, it might take a while but the Maous had already taken big steps towards a future, free from the control of egotistical and arrogant high members of their faction.

Michael continued his cleanse of the church, heaven just kept finding more and more shady projects and orders perpetuated by the church, it truly saddened the angels how far the church had fallen, how much pain and darkness they had brought.

This cleanse will take a while and Michael knew that but he still had faith that he will be able to turn the church back to what his father want it to be.

Azazel went back to the Grigori and began to work on sharing their research and resources with the other two factions, he truly wanted to help them move forward.

His entire life has been full of regrets and failures so he's hoping to do something right for once, not just for the factions but also for the next generations.

He failed Vali, his death was his fault for not doing anything about his arrogance and allowing him to run rampant with his battle lust, he should have taught him better or at least taught him to keep his mouth shut.

He still couldn't believe Vali just walked up to Harry and annoyed him, he had told the young devil that Harry Potter was someone not to bother but Vali just took that as a challenge.

Vali's death will forever be a mark upon Azazel, a mark that will push him to at least try to help the new generation do better and not be so stupid, starting with his faction.

Azazel and the rest of the leaders of the Grigori moved out and immediately took down any member of their faction that had any inclinations towards causing trouble.

The Grigori would not be making the same mistakes again, it was a matter of life and death now and Azazel wasn't going to take Harry's threat as a joke anymore.

He had seen and witnessed that it was not only Harry they should fear but the entire Yokai Faction, and watching a little girl easily defeat the strongest White Dragon Emperor in generations has proven the fact that the rest of the world was ridiculously unprepared to mess with such a powerful faction.

The worst thing about all of this is that the people of Neo Kyoto seemed to be getting stronger and stronger every day, they were just better trained, better prepared, and had better equipment as well.

Not to mention their Healing Temples, he was able to watch the one in Kuoh for a little bit, before a busty blonde kicked his ass and threw him out but what little he saw was amazing, the Yokai Faction no longer had to worry about death with medical practices, magical or otherwise like what he saw in there.

Overall these past few days were incredibly busy and stressful for the Judeo-Christian Factions but they were still hopeful for the future.


Meanwhile, things in the Potter's household were as busy and chaotic as usual, Harry trained and even taught his students far more advanced spells and techniques after having witnessed how much they had improved.

This made the young devils and Genin very excited but also a bit afraid, Harry's methods of training were always insane and the fact that he always made them fight powerful creatures or members of the Potter household was horrible for them.

But they couldn't argue with the results of this type of extreme training, so they continued on, they also received permission to finally go into the Natural Dungeon and use it for battle experience.

Harry had also given them what he called fetch quests, he told them to go deep into the Dungeon and grind or harvest for materials that he would use to create new weapons for everyone.

This excited everyone and even though it would take a while for everyone to reach the deeper levels of the Dungeon they were still willing to do so.

Obtaining a weapon crafted and enchanted by Harry Potter himself was big in Neo Kyoto and so far only a few had one, so the young devils and Genin were happy and excited to have a chance of getting one of their own.

Harry was also now training both Himawari and Morgan separately, to Himawari he was passing down everything knew about magic and spell crafting.

The young Uzumaki had a very rare talent for magic and as promised Harry was more than happy to help her nurture it.

Morgan was being taught everything about being a dragon by both Harry and Ddraig this included spells, techniques, and abilities though both dragons were taking it easy since to them Morgan was still a hatchling and they wanted her to enjoy her childhood.

Morgan however showed her inherent high intellect and was able to learn and modify everything she learned from Harry and Ddraig quite easily, she can even take on a dragon form now.

Though her dragon form was as small as her human form and thus was deemed adorable by everyone, this made her sulk a bit because she wanted to be big and cool like her uncle.

Harry just chuckled and told her that she will get bigger as she gets older and that to enjoy her small size now while she can because once she gets bigger she won't be fitting anywhere anymore.

Besides training the kids, Harry and the rest of the men continue to dungeon dive for metals and even magical monster drops.

It became a fun activity for the men in the Potter household, a sort of a hangout, and eventually, even Naruto and Sasuke joined them when they would go to the Dungeon.

It was quite cathartic to be able to fight for fun instead of having to do so when the world is in danger plus whatever they don't need they could sell to get extra money or buy new interesting things from New Kyoto.

Harry also helped Naruto and Sasuke train and master their new abilities, both of them gained all of the elemental affinities so Harry helped them learn how to use them and taught them a lot of elemental jutsu.

He also helped Sasuke with his Rinnegan abilities. Something that Sasuke had been struggling with for a long while, for Naruto he taught him how to control the Six Path Chakra mode and how to use it, he also gave him the Adamantine Sealing Chains which made Naruto extremely happy.

Harry then afterward taught them all kinds of skills and techniques to add more variety to their arsenal, something both shinobi were really happy about.

That's how the days passed quickly by and soon summer arrived and along with it, summer vacation, which meant that Harry, Luna, Susan, Hermione, and Mr. Goop would be leaving soon to another world for vacation.

The girls were excited for their trip since this would be their first official world jump, they had gone to Konoha and even Karakura but this time it would be a whole new and unknown world, who knows what they would see and experience, and that had them very excited.

So they spent some time preparing for their trip, each girl knew what they wanted to bring and prepare for their world jump, Hermione ever the responsible one prepared all kinds of potions and magical medicine just in case they would need it.

Susan just trained and made sure to be ready for anything, Luna was just excited and happy to go on vacation with Harry, and the fact that she was bringing Mr. Goop with them just made everything better for her.

Harry just made sure his students knew what he was expecting them to do for their training and divided them between Kyoto's elite squad for more specialized training.

Other than that he would make sure to take the girls on dates or just spend a lot of time with them, this now included Gabriel, Serafall, and Yasaka as well and he made sure to always drop in on them and kidnap them for a date or two.

Of course, these three didn't mind and were more than happy to spend time with him, especially since they officially started dating him, something that made the other members of Harry's harem groan and loudly exclaim "FINALLY!".

Besides that just a few more changes had happened during the time that passed by, Kuoh's Healing temple now had more angels now that both Irina and Xenovia had survived Tsunade's training, they have gotten stronger but also very good in the medical arts.

Another surprise was when Brunnhilde appeared with the first member of Kyoto's Valkyrie unit, Jeanne who was once a member of the Khaos Brigade and was imprisoned during the failed attack on Kyoto by the Hero faction was recruited by Brunnhilde as the first Valkyrie of Kyoto.

At first, Harry wasn't sure but Brunnhilde told him to give her a chance and so Harry decided to allow it, so he then gave Jeanne a bunch of skills that would help her in her job as a Valkyrie, and thus she began to train with Brunnhilde since then.

It was later that Yasaka told him that Jeanne had been slowly letting herself die, she had stopped eating and even sleeping, so she was worried about her but Brunnhilde seeing a little bit of herself in Jeanne talked to her and then chose her for the new Valkyries.

Harry sadly sighed but was glad that at least this way Jeanne would have something positive to work on and hopefully find what she was looking for in life.

Riruka who was now living in the Potter household was happier than she has ever felt, not that she would ever admit it though but she did have a blast with the chaos that was always present in this house, she also got into monster taming.

For some reason, she thinks the monsters found in the Dungeon were cool and cute, so she joined the Monster Taming guild in Kyoto and became good friends with Hagrid.

This of course made her popular with the children Harry had brought back to life to the point that she was eventually adopted as an older sister by them.

She was still confused as to how that happened but she accepted nonetheless, now she can be often seen spending time with the kids either playing or bringing them candy.


Soon the time for Harry's next world Jump arrived and everyone got together to say goodbye, Harry was going to be gone for only a month this time but everyone was still going miss them.

Everyone smiled and hugged Harry and the girls while telling them to have a lot of fun and to bring souvenirs which made Harry chuckle.

Morgan and Hope sadly hugged him tightly but Harry told them that he would bring them on a world jump trip sometime too and cheered them up.

After hugging everyone and saying goodbye it was time for Harry and the girls going with him to leave and so with one more smile and a wave, Harry activated his World Jump causing reality to crack like glass until it shattered.


Soon after they found themselves inside some kind of giant dome filled with all kinds of environments, Harry and the girls looked around and immediately noticed a black-haired and tired-looking man on the floor, who was heavily injured some long distance away from them.

Harry narrowed his eyes and then looked behind the injured man and noticed a bunch of kids in some kind of weird costumes on top of some steps, they all seemed very seemed worried for the injured man on the floor.

He then turned around and noticed a young man with what seemed to be hands on his face, with him was another man apparently made of darkness and a big monster-like creature.

However it was the darkness in the young man's heart that had Harry on high alert, he has seen a lot of dark-filled hearts in his long journey but this guy was just too disgusting to him.

These people also seemed to not have noticed him and the girls arrived, they were busy staring down at each other and speaking.

However he then saw the young man take off running towards a trio of kids that were hiding nearby, two were boys but the other one is a girl, all three looked unique to Harry, one of the boys and the girl had green hair while the other boy was not only very short but his hair was purple and had some kind of purple orbs growing out of his head, he then saw the young man reach out for the green-haired girl's face and all the kids panicked for some reason.

So reacting on instinct Harry disappeared in a blur and reappeared between the young man with the hands on his face and the green-haired girl.

He then caught the young man's wrist preventing him from touching the green-haired girl shocking everyone watching all of this unfold.

Then the giant creature reacted and launched itself toward him in an attempt to punch Harry but the Dragon God caught the creature's punch with his other hand and hummed, while the green-haired girl gulped and let out a soft and scared "kero".

Harry raised an eyebrow at her but then decided that he didn't have time to wonder about what he just heard and then threw both the young man and creature away from him and the green-haired girl.

The guy who seemed to be made of darkness caught his allies and teleported him back on the ground on his feet before he could crash against anything while the creature continued to fly and then crashed against some tress "Tomura are you okay?".

The now-revealed Tomura, rubbed his wrist and growled while glaring at Harry "Yes I'm okay Kurogiri... but who is he? Another student?".

Kurogiri shook his head "No.. he isn't on the student roster, I don't know who he is".

Tomura once again growled and then began to aggressively scratch the back of his neck "Damn it! Is he a Hero then?".

Kurogiri shook his head "No I don't think so, I have never seen him or heard of a Hero with his description, not only that he's wearing regular civilian clothes as well".

Tomura glared towards Harry who was just watching them and listening in to their conversation, suddenly the creature reappeared and launched itself towards Harry.

Harry just stared as the creature got close to him and launched a barrage of punches but to everyone's amazement, Harry began to easily dodge every punch with ease.

The girls just stayed standing and watching waiting for Harry's orders, they didn't know what was going on or who was the bad guy so they opted to just do what Harry decided to do.

Harry having grown tired of this creature suddenly pointed an open hand and said one word "Shinra Tensei!".

The creature was stopped dead in its tracks and for a second he seemed to resist whatever force was being afflicted on him but he then shot backward at high speed almost hitting Tomura and Kurogiri with its enormous body.

The young students stared in shock at Harry and how easily he sent flying the same monster who brought down their teacher with ease, Tomura, however, wasn't happy and began to growl and scratch his neck again "Arrhg! Just who are you! Some kind of NPC! A boss! No one should be able to do that to my Nomu!".

Harry chuckled upon hearing the game terms Tomura just yelled at him and decided to humor him "Boss huh? Well if you want to classify me with those terms, then I would be that one secret boss that you can only find after beating the game, that one boss you have to get the best equipment and the best teammates to even have a chance of taking him down".

Harry began to walk up to Tomura and Kurogiri "The real question you should be asking yourself right now is 'Am I high enough level for this boss?' ".

Harry grinned and his emerald green eyes began to glow as he stared down at both Tomura and Kurogiri who took a step back upon feeling an odd pressure begin to come down on them.

Harry Potter has arrived in the world of Heroes and Villians and none of these people will be ready for the sort of chaos that is about to befall them.