Chapter 65

Pain, Pain was a constant in poor Eri's life and today it wasn't any different from what she had known all her life.

Always locked up, always in pain, and always alone, she still hopes that someday someone will come and save her from this pain-filled life.

Maybe one of those heroes will finally arrive and take her away but as always none showed up to save her.

But little Eri has never lost hope, not even right now when she was once strapped into the icy cold table, not even when Kai started to hurt her again and again.

She kept that hope alive inside her and today as Kai was once again hurting her for his experiments she once again prayed for someone to come and saved her, she didn't care how all she care about is that someone would take her away from all the pain.


As Kai Chisaki aka Overhaul was once again experimenting with Eri's DNA and blood to create his Quirk-killing bullets he began to think back on everything he has been planning starting with the creation of his special bullets.

His experiments have been a great success and now he had a way to bring back the Yakuza to power and tear down this sick and false society centered around heroes and villains.

But something unexpected happened, something that Kai was not expecting nor was he ready for, in fact, the world wouldn't be ready and it all began when a pillar of pure darkness erupted in the hospital room where Kai and Hari Kurono aka Chronostasis were working with Eri who intently watched the pillar of darkness in curiosity and a little spark of hope.


From the darkness Harry emerged and looked around, immediately he noticed a small young girl strapped into a surgery table with tear filled eyes, looking at him in surprise.

He then noticed the two adults in the room who stared at him with stunned looks on their faces, Harry narrowed his eyes the moment he saw a disgusting and disturbing amount of darkness in both of their hearts he instantly knew that these two guys were monsters.

While everyone seemed too stunned to move, Harry took advantage to use his Rinnegan and 'Observe' skill to scan everyone in this building, that's how he found out who Kai and the Shie Hassaikai is, what exactly their plans were and what the had done to the poor the girl strapped to table.

Kai was finally able to shake himself out of his stunned state and was about to say something but Harry was in no mood to listen after having found out what has been done to the girl, in fact, he was quite angry but he didn't want to do anything to graphic while the girl was present in the room.

So with a wave of his hand Harry used his Power of Destruction and in an instant erased them both from existence, the two villains could only watch in horror as their bodies disintegrated in seconds, he then approached the little girl who kept staring at him with her red eyes wide in shock but Harry just smiled at her and freed her from her binds, he then gently helped her sit up and softly spoke to her "You were the one who prayed for help right?".

Eri now that she was free and was able to sit up, hugged her knees and nodded to the stranger before her "Y-yes...". Harry smiled at the small and afraid girl and gave her a pat on her head, he frowned when he saw her flinch at first but thankfully she accepted the show of affection right away "My name is Harry Potter and I came to save you".

Eri looked up and stared at Harry with wide eyes, she couldn't believe someone had finally arrived to save her "R-really? You're going to take me from here?".

Harry nodded and gave her a grin, he then gently lifted her small body in his arms "Yup! I'll take care of you from now on, No one will hurt you ever again, I promise".

Eri's eyes began to water and then tears began to fall down her small pale face, she then hugged Harry tightly as if afraid that he was going to somehow disappear, Harry hugged her back, he then opens a dark corridor, and then immediately stepped through it.


A dark corridor opened up high above the headquarters of the Shie Hassaikai, Harry stepped out of the dark corridor and stayed floating high above in the sky.

He looked down to the headquarters of the monsters that had made the poor girl in his arms suffer for so long, he looked at all the people inside with his Rinnegan and could see only darkness in their hearts, these people really did not deserve any mercy.

Now knowing that he didn't need to spare anyone within the headquarters he decided to get rid of all of them so he snapped his fingers creating a barrier around the entire area to make sure there would be no civilian casualties or damages to the surrounding area.

Eri watched as Harry did all of this and grew curious as to what he was doing so she decided to ask "What are you doing mister?".

Harry turned his gaze toward Eri and gave her a grin "Well how about I show you how to make a moon?".

Eri tilted her head in confusion, she knew what a moon was but she didn't know that you could make one, so she was genuinely curious as to how one was made, so she nodded to Harry letting him know that she did indeed wanted to see how a moon was made.

Harry chuckled a bit watching how expressive this little girl was, her face showed what she was thinking very clearly "By the way, what is your name little one?".

Eri looked at Harry with her big red eyes and then spoke "My name is Eri...".

Harry nodded "What a pretty name, it is nice to meet you Eri! Now that you're in my care your about to have a big and I mean a big family! We're all weird and somewhat noisy but we all love and protect each other".

Eri listened intently, inwardly she was excited about the idea of having a big family and having people care about her, Harry seemed to be a very kind and nice person so she nodded at him.

Harry gave her one more smile and then turned his gaze back toward the Shie Hassaikai headquarters and then pointed a fist towards it while holding Eri up with her other one "'Chibaku Tensei! (Planetary Devastation)'".

An enormous amount of chakra gathered inside Harry's fist and after gathering enough for the technique, he then opened his hand and then dropped a small orb of black-colored energy toward the Shie Hassaikai headquarters.

Eri stared as the black orb began to drop on the place she had been kept in for so long, she had lost count of how many times she has tried to escape it and she really didn't want to see it again but she was very curious about what such pretty black orb is supposed to do.

As soon as the black orb got close to the ground it began to drag everything not protected by the barrier into it, Eri's eyes widen in awe as she saw the building that served as her cage being torn apart and then gather around the pretty black orb.

Soon enough the entire area inside the barrier was dragged and torn apart by Harry's Chibaku Tensei and before the eyes of everyone in the area and Eri, a giant moon-like construct began to slowly form and rise.

Eri watched on in amazement as the giant new moon began to float up into the sky leaving a giant and deep crater where the Shie Hassaikai headquarters once stood.

Unknown to Eri Harry was watching and making sure everyone inside that building died and became part of the moon he just created, once it was high into the sky Harry then put the entire moon into his Inventory, surprising Eri who just stared at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry chuckled at the face she was making and then poke her nose causing her to get cross-eyed "Okay, now let's go little one, you'll get to meet three wonderful girls who I'm sure will love you and a cool looking shiny slime!".

Eri tilted her head in confusion about the last part of what Harry just said to her, she didn't know what a slime was but if Harry said it was cool then it must be.

With that said Harry then teleported himself and Eri back to U.A. where Luna, Hermione, Susan, and Mr. Goop were waiting for him, leaving a bunch of civilians shocked, scared, and amazed by what they just saw happen.

But Harry didn't care about that right now, no right now he was already imagining how much the girls would love Eri.

As promised he will protect her and make sure she never gets hurt again, he had already discreetly healed all of her scars and injuries.

Inwardly though, he was horrified when he used his Rinnegan along with 'Observe' to see her condition, this little girl's history was as bad if not worse than his, that's why he had decided to adopt Eri, he might as well give Hope a little sister.


As soon as he got back he found the girls busy setting everything in order in the house along with an extra room for Eri, it also seemed like All Might, Shota, and Nezu had gone back to the school while the girls were busy with the house.

Harry immediately explained everything that he had found out about Eri with his skill 'Observe' to the girls while Eri was distracted with Mr. Goop who she was very interested in and was constantly poking him curious as to how something that seemed to be made of metal can be so squishy.

The girls frowned upon listening to everything Harry was telling them about the poor girl he brought back with him, Luna immediately walked up to Eri and hugged her tightly.

This of course surprised the girl quite a bit but she relaxed feeling safe and cared for by this unknown girl, Harry noticed how relaxed Eri seemed and smiled while proceeding to introduce the girls to Eri" Sorry about Luna Eri, she just doesn't like to see others suffer, as I just mentioned the girl hugging you in Luna Lovegood".

Eri nodded to Harry and hugged Luna back something that made the master of darkness smile at her while Harry continued with the introductions "The very pretty redhead is Susan Bones".

Susan gave Eri a soft and kind motherly smile that made Eri feel very happy for some reason, Harry went on with the introduction "Next is the super-smart Hermione Granger and the big ball of metal slime is Mr. Goop".

Hermione bent down and gave Eri a big hug that even though was a bit too tight for Eri she still liked how full of something warm it felt, Eri then turned to Mr. Goop who gave her a very cheerful smile and wiggled a bit.

Harry then got on one knee "As promised we'll take care of you from now Eri and we promise that nothing or no one will ever hurt you again, I wanted to ask you since I want you to have a choice, I know we just met but would you like us to adopt you? I'll be your father while these girls will be your mommies, of course, there are more family members but you'll meet them later, what do you say?".

Eri turned to look at each of the people around her and then turned to look up at Harry, he could see tears form in her eyes as she spoke up "But I'm dangerous... m-my power makes people disappear... I don't want that to happen to such nice people as you...".

Eri then looked down as tears began to drop to the floor from her eyes, the girls frowned knowing that this was what Kai Chisaki did to the poor girl, he not only abused her physically but psychologically as well leaving deep mental scars upon Eri's mind.

They knew she was terrified of hurting them, who seem to really care for her, they knew she wanted to say yes but she was afraid of her power and herself.

However, Harry already had a solution to all of this "Eri, your power even though it is amazing and very strong would never affect people like us".

Eri looked up at Harry and stared at him with confusion evident in her eyes, as tears continued to fall down her face.

Harry didn't like to see tears come down Eri's eyes and so gently wiped them away as he began to explain "The girls and I are not from this world and were not human either".

Eri tilted her head and stared into Harry's eyes "Aliens?".

Harry chuckled and nodded "Something like that but we don't come from space we come from a completely different dimension, it might be too difficult for you to understand right now but know that we're immune to your power which is called rewind".

Eri looked down as she thought for a while but then she decided to ask "Then... what are you?..".

Harry smiled "I'm what's known as a Dragon God and the girls are mages, Mr. Goop is a type of special slime known as a metal kaiser slime".

Eri's eyes widen as she stared at Harry with an intensity he has never seen before, suddenly Eri spoke up "You're a dragon?... Like in my storybooks?... Do you kidnap princesses?... Can you breathe fire!?".

Harry and the girls laughed since Eri seemed to get very excited at the end of her question "Yes I'm a dragon like in your storybooks just probably bigger and more powerful, Yes I can breathe fire, but no I don't kidnap princesses, the girls won't let me keep one, they're kinda stingy about that bleh".

Luna giggled while Susan smiled and Hermione rolled her eyes, Eri seemed very excited "Wait... mages?... That means magic right?... Is that why my power won't affect you guys?".

Harry smiled "Not exactly, hmm how can I explain this?... Okay, I have the ability to give others powers and over time I gave everyone I care about a lot of different powers that make them immune or resistant to many things".

Eri nodded seemingly understanding what Harry meant, Harry then went on with his explanation "What I want to do is the same to you Eri, I'll give you many powers and abilities that will help you control your own power, that way you never have to be afraid of hurting someone ever again".

Eri nodded vigorously, to her having control of her power so she could never hurt anyone ever again was a dream come true, Harry grinned at her and then place a finger on her forehead and gave Eri the standard 'you're a loved one of Harry Potter skill package'.

Eri's eyes widen as her mind slowly processed the information she just received and the things she can now do, Harry even gave her what it's called a blessing making her able to process the information safely.

Eri for the first time in a long while smiled as she saw and understood so many amazing things within her mind.

Magic, Yokai, world jumping, flying, and all sort of fun-looking things, she still had her power but now she knew how to use it and control it, she was truly happy and felt like a weight was lifted from her, for the first time ever Eri relaxed and took a big breath in relieve.

However soon after she then slumped and fell asleep in Harry's arms, Hermione gently caress her cheek "Poor thing, she must have been so stressed and worried for so long that now that she knows she no longer has to worry, all of that exhausting stress piling up in her must have left her all at once".

Harry nodded and stared at Eri as she slept with a small and soft smile "Sweet dreams Eri Potter...".

After that Harry and the girls took Eri to the extra room they had prepared for her and placed her on the bed "You girls stay with Eri, I have to go and speak with Nezu about all of this, some of the things I found out were pretty serious and I think its best I let them know right away".

The girls nodded and immediately jumped into the bed to take a nap with Eri while Mr. Goop stayed on the floor to guard them.

Meanwhile, Harry smiled at them and then walked out of the room and out of their home towards U.A. to speak with Nezu about everything that just happened.


Harry as soon as he arrive at Nezu's office immediately told him what he had found out about the Shie Hassaikai and Eri.

Needless to say that the principal of U.A. was both horrified and shocked was an understatement, he felt for Eri since he himself was a victim of cruel experimentation and was glad that Harry was going to take care of her from now.

Even though he just met Harry and only knew him for a few hours his instincts were telling him that he was trustworthy, this was one of the reasons he chose to offer Harry a chance to teach in U.A.

He wholeheartedly believed that the students would benefit from his experience, training, and views. Hopefully, this would change things little by little in these inspiring heroes who would then inspire others in the future, and perhaps things can finally change in time.

If the deaths of some horrible criminals, some chaos, and rebellion are the price for this then Nezu was more than willing to pay it, all for a brighter future.

However, this situation was unique and very worrisome "Quirk-killing bullets... what a horrendous plan".

Harry nodded "Yes... when I found that out I didn't hesitate to kill Kai Chisaki and destroy the headquarters completely, it would be stupid to let such a threat go on".

Nezu looked down "Do you think you destroyed everything? How do we know they didn't have another headquarters?".

Harry nodded "The skill I used allows me to have pretty much all the information available from my targets but your right, best we make sure, give me a second...".

Nezu watched as Harry closed his eyes and then energy began to dance around him, it took less than five minutes for Harry to open his eyes "Hmm there are a few saved files in a server on a far-off island, it was left just in case something happened and they had to start all over again, it seems like they were very careful with their plans...".

Nezu sighed, he sort of expected this since this Shie Hassaikai seemed to be very organized with what Harry told him he found out about them "Sigh... we have to find that server and delete those files, we can't let anyone get a hold of such dangerous information".

Harry nodded and pointed an open hand to his side "'Realize! Wisemon!'".

A robed tall creature standing on a book holding orbs of energy in his hands suddenly appeared in a burst of digital energy.

Nezu stared at the creature intrigued by its appearance but stayed silent to see what Harry was planning.

Harry turned towards Wisemon and smiled at him "Hello my old friend, it's been a while huh?".

Wiseman blinked what Nezu assumes is his eyes and slightly nods, Harry chuckled and patted the Digimon on the back causing Wizemon to cough a bit.

Nezu sweatdropped at this seems it sort looked like a nerd and a jock being good friends in a TV show or something like that, Harry grinned at his Digimon friend "I'm sorry I took you away from your research but I need I favor".

Wisemon nodded letting Harry know that he doesn't mind the interruption and that he was willing to help him, Harry nodded back to his friend and began to explain "I'm going to telepathically transfer the locations of a couple of servers containing data that I want to be erased, I want you to go ahead and do this for me and once that's done I want you to search the web for any signs of that data, can you do that for me?".

Wisemon nodded and Harry transferred the information he needed telepathically, Wisemon then stood up straight and took a look around, stopped right where Nezu's laptop was placed, he then suddenly turned into data and flew right into the laptop to fulfill Harry's request.

Nezu watched all of this happen and finally saw his chance to ask "Harry? What was that?".

Harry grinned at his furry friend "That was Wisemon a Digimon short for Digital Monster, he's a being made entirely of digital data and he's only just one type of Digimon, there's a whole world of them, I'm the only one who has the power to summon and befriend them".

Nezu's eyes sparkled in interest and he began to ask all kinds of questions to Harry about such wonderful and interesting beings, something that Harry was more than happy to talk about.

That is how Nezu and Harry spent the rest of the day till late into the night and throughout this entire time, both became good friends, something that when found out by the teachers would bring them a cold shiver to travel down their spines for some.


The next morning, the students and teachers of U.A were surprised and scared to find a giant dragon sleeping on the school grounds with principal Nezu sleeping on its head for some unknown reason.

Shota looked at this scene from a window on the third floor of the U.A. main school building and sighed when he caught all kinds of students taking selfies with the dragon in the background "... He really is a Dragon God...".

All Might walked up beside Shota and solemnly nodded "That seems to be the case... but the thing that scares me the most is the fact that Nezu seems to have become good friends with him...".

Shota felt a sinister and frigid shiver go down his spine "Shit... I just felt like death itself grabbed hold of my spine..".

All Might sweatdropped upon hearing Shota's sudden declaration, he didn't think it would be that bad, or at least he hopes so.


Eri woke up warm and very comfy, for some reason she felt very safe right now like nothing could ever hurt her, and that brought a small smile to her face.

So she opened her eyes and stared up at an unknown ceiling, which seemed to be made of wood, she then looked around her and then noticed she was engulfed in the arms of the three kind girls she met yesterday, her new moms.

Eri slowly sat up and looked around once again and noticed Mr. Goop sleeping on the floor, even sleeping he still had that goofy smile on his face and that made Eri giggle a bit cause it looked silly.

She also noticed that she was in a big room, one that she had never seen before but for some reason, despite being so big it felt warm and welcoming "Is... this what it feels like... to have a home?...".

Eri looked down and began to think about everything that had happened yesterday, everything had happened so fast for her, at first, it was the same thing as always, pain and more pain.

As always she prayed for someone to help her, to take her away from this horrible place but just as she thought that her prays wouldn't get answered again, her new daddy appeared.

He didn't waste any time and he made Kai and his friend disappeared, Eri wasn't stupid, she understood that her daddy had killed Kai but she didn't really feel anything about that, she was just glad that the pain had finally stopped.

Then daddy picked her up in his arms and all the pain disappeared, she felt better than ever, and now that she looked herself over she couldn't see the marks on her arms anymore.

Daddy can use magic so maybe he used some to make her feel better? Well either way she was happy that the pain was all gone but that wasn't everything daddy did.

No daddy then took her flying and then destroy the place where she had been kept in for so long and made a cool moon with it, it was amazing to see that, daddy was really strong to do that.

After daddy took her to his home and introduced her new moms, who seemed really nice and have such pretty smiles too, and then she met Mr. Goop too, he's very cool though she really doesn't understand what a slime is.

But then daddy gave her a gift, a gift that she's slowly starting to understand, skills, perks, techniques, and spells, she didn't know what these words really meant but she somehow knew how to use them, and now she fully understood her power, Rewind what it can do and its limits.

It truly is a scary power but now she can control it, she now knew thanks to daddy's gift, that all powers can be both dangerous or helpful, again she didn't know how she knew all of this but she does and that's what matters.

Slowly and carefully Eri got out of bed so she wouldn't wake up her mom's and went to the window to see outside something she wasn't allowed to do so before, not only because her old room didn't have a window but because she was rarely allowed outside so she was a bit excited to get to see out the window.

Slowly she approached the window and when she finally looked out of it, her eyes widen in shock and awe, just outside the window was a huge gold and silver dragon sleeping peacefully with what seemed a big rat or bear who knows what it was but it was sleeping on the dragon's head.

Eri continued to watch the dragon sleeping somehow she knew that this dragon was her new daddy and the fact that what he had said was true hit her "Daddy really is a dragon...".

Suddenly a voice shaped her out of her awed state and Eri turned around to see who just spoke to her.

Luna felt Eri get out of bed and walk to the window where she stared in amazement towards Harry's dragon form, Luna giggled watching Eri gape as she stared at Harry and so she got up and approached her "He looks cool huh?".

Eri saw Luna standing behind her with a soft smile on her face, Eri nodded and answered Luna's question "Yes... he looks really cool, I like his scales they're very pretty".

Luna smiled and hugged Eri "Hehehe Harry's scales are very pretty and every girl that sees it wants one but no one can get one unless he wants to, if you ask him for one I'm sure he'll make you a necklace with it just don't tell anyone else or everyone would want one and then we would have a pink scaleless dragon running around everywhere".

Both Luna and Eri giggled to each other while imagining dragon Harry pink and without scales sulking in a corner, Luna is the only one that knows that Harry can shed his scales at will but she keeps it a secret because she thinks is fun to watch everyone try to get one.

Luna then waved her hand over Eri and suddenly she was engulfed in a soft white light, when the light subsided Eri looked over herself and saw that she was now wearing a white and red sundress, Luna nodded to herself "Hmm that looks nice on you, now come on let go wake up daddy".

Luna picked up Eri in her arms and walked out of what is now Eri's bedroom intent on waking her lazy dragon boyfriend, they still had a few things to do today after all.


Harry was peacefully sleeping until he felt a pair of small soft hands caressing his snout prompting him to open his eyes and see who it was that was trying to wake him up, only to see the awed and wide ruby red eyes of his new daughter bringing a wide smile on his dragonic face "Good morning Eri".

Eri turned her gaze towards Harry's now open eyes and gave him a small smile "Good morning... You're so big and pretty daddy".

Harry chuckled and every student around him was surprised that not only was the giant dragon able to speak but it also had a daughter, Harry then stood up and sat on his hunches while not moving his head away from Eri "Pretty huh? I got to say the first time someone has called me pretty in this form most run away or curse out, thank you though it's nice to be called pretty, your moms never do!".

Everyone except Eri sweatdropped as they watched the giant dragon pout, Luna, however, giggled herself out of breath causing Harry to grin at her, Luna then looked up "Well.. that's because we think you are a very handsome dragon Harry but don't worry I'll call you pretty once in a while I promise".

Eri just smiled as both Harry and Luna were laughing, she was starting to think that her new family was very fun, Luna then spoke up "Now come on, wake up the principal, while I make some breakfast, there are things we have to buy for Eri so stop being lazy and get your scaly butt moving mister".

Harry groaned and whined for a bit while Eri patted his snout to cheer him up "Fiiine~... you can be so cruel Luna, you know that?".

Luna just sweetly smiled "Yes, yes master of darkness here and all that, now let's go lazy".

With that Luna turned around and walked back towards the house while Harry chuckled and used his tail to poke Nezu in his belly to wake him up.

Nezu woke up startled "Huh?! What?! You'll never take me alive you damn cat alien!".

Harry froze for a moment and then began to laugh at how Nezu woke up, Eri couldn't help but be infected by Harry's cheer and began to giggle herself.

Nezu still looked half asleep and looked around until he noticed where he was sleeping "Errr... I need coffee...".

Harry stopped laughing and then picked up Nezu with his telekinesis and then transform into his human form while still making Nezu float around him, he then did the same with Eri and began to walk towards his house "Well then, let's go make you some and let's have some breakfast as well, Luna makes a mean cup of coffee... and I mean really mean because it starts insulting you while you drink it for some reason..".

Nezu deadpanned at Harry making him awkwardly laugh "Don't give me that look! I know how it sounds but that's just how she makes coffee! I blame the beans she uses...".

That was the last thing the students heard as Harry stepped inside the house that had somehow appeared in U.A., however, a periwinkle-haired girl suddenly spoke up "Hmm I wonder if he's a relative of Ryukyu!, Ooh I'll just call her and ask her if she has a brother or cousin!".

With that said this girl with periwinkle hair then ran toward the school's main building to not only call her boss but to also tell her two best friends that she just saw the coolest dragon ever.


After having breakfast and getting very insulted by his cup of coffee, Nezu told Harry that tomorrow he was planning to introduce him to Shota's class so he could give them a little test since they were the ones involved in the villain's attack and he wanted to see how they react to someone like him.

So Nezu told him to prepare a sort of test for them, Harry nodded already having an idea of what to do plus he also wanted to see firsthand their level of skill and powers.

Eri enjoyed having a family breakfast for the first time and quite liked Luna's cooking but after Luna told her that Harry and Susan were the best cooks in the family she wanted to taste their cooking as well.

Susan smiled and told her that she'll cook something for lunch and that Harry will cook dinner which made Eri very excited, this made all the adults very happy since Eri seemed to be coming out of her shell the more time she spends with Harry and the girls.

With everything already being said Nezu thanked Luna for the breakfast and then left to go to work, Hermione left with him because she wanted to learn a few things from this world and the school itself, and Nezu was the best person to learn from.

Nezu, of course, was more than happy to help her with anything she might want to know, and together they went to his office already speaking about a lot of complicated things.

Susan huffed but smiled nonetheless "Nerds... anyways let's go to the city, we need to buy Eri some clothes and things for her room, maybe some toys as well?".

Harry and Luna nodded in agreement since it was best Eri chose what she wanted to wear and get for her room, Eri tilted her head and seemed sort of lost since she had never had to choose anything but she was willing to give it a try.

So after finishing their breakfast they all got ready and left for a day of family shopping and some fun as well, there was a lot they wanted to show Eri and today was a good day as any to begin.