Chapter 69

A week has passed since Harry began to teach in U.A and the students were both terrified and glad to have him as a teacher.

Even though he is tough and sometimes downright cruel with the way he was teaching, the teachers and students of U.A. could feel themselves learn and grow in strength faster than ever before.

Class 1B also received a test per Nezu's request, the reason it was decided to put them through this sort of ordeal is the fact that their homeroom teacher Vlad King thought that they needed the experience and he had asked Nezu to allow his class to at least take the test.

Plus some of his students were starting to get an attitude problem towards their fellow hero class 1A and needless to say that they were utterly destroyed by Harry who decided to put them through the same test class 1A went through.

Especially Neito Monoma who decided to mouth off to Harry and try to copy his Quirk, well the beating he received right after had been legendary and Recovery girl was actually surprised the boy hadn't died from the severe injuries he had received.

She was later told by Luna that Harry had been constantly healing him in order to prolong the pain and to make sure he didn't die, this caused the poor elderly nurse to sweatdrop and berate Harry like no tomorrow, Harry however just deadpan at her and just let her vent, he didn't regret teaching the little shit a lesson.

After that terrifying test, Harry was more than happy to talk with the students of 1B, he was happy that they seemed to have their priorities straight since their first reaction when everything started was to also evacuate the civilians.

Of course, they had some difficulties since they had never done anything like this before but even as nervous and unsure of themselves as they were, they did their best.

Then they all attacked Harry together, the Dragon God immediately noticed their lack of experience with actual fighting and planning, most of the time they got in each other's way or got caught in friendly fire.

But it was to be expected and Harry knew that, unlike class 1A who were attacked by real villains and survived, class 1B had no experience in this sort of situation whatsoever.

Though Harry was also amused by some of the Quirks these young people have, like the girl who can grow mushrooms and tried to use them against him but Harry just ate them.

Then there was the guy who can turn to metal or the girl who could grow her hands to enormous size, there was even a girl who could detach her limbs.

Needless to say that Harry was trying really hard to not laugh about everything he had seen from these young heroes in training, they certainly tried very hard to take him down.

After the test, Harry went to their classroom and gave them all advice on how to improve their skills and fighting, plus he even told them that if they wanted further training from him that they can ask whenever.

He also helped a few of them with some issues they had, like Pony Tsunotori who couldn't speak or understand Japanese very well so he gave her the Multilingual skill so she could at least speak and understand other languages.

He also helped some students with ideas about their Quirks and actually told them to seek out Izuku Midoriya for even more help with their Quirks since Harry had read some of his hero notebooks and was impressed.

He did beat the shit out of Bakugo again after the ash blond decided to comment how stupid and annoying Izuku is when he's writing in his notebook which of course pissed off Harry, Bakugo spent the rest of the day in the infirmary with quite a few broken bones.

Now after school, Harry's home was usually invaded by his students who not only went there to train with Harry but to also eat his and Susan's cooking.

Of course, Eri was at first shy around the students but with some time -and lots of snacks- she eventually began to get used to the students who had fallen to her cuteness at first glance, now they all play with her whenever they visit.

This week Harry was also busy personally training some students who wanted to improve the most, among them were Izuku, Ochako, Tsuyu, Momo, Eijiro, Tooru, and Mina from class 1A while Pony, Ibara, and Kinoko would often come by to train as well.

The first he did is take care of Tooru's Quirk, first, he took it from her allowing everyone to be able to see her appearance for the first time ever.

Tooru is a petit girl with pale hair and skin, and her eyes are a pale gray color, everyone stared at her in disbelief and she herself became embarrassed by the attention she was getting but Harry just chuckled and then showed her the orb in his hand "This is your Quirk Tooru, I'm going to modify it now and change a couple of things plus I'll also give you an extra as an apology for the eyeful I got from you".

Tooru nodded but blushed at the reminder that her teacher had seen her completely naked "Mou! Harry-sensei! Forget that already! At this rate, I won't be able to marry! Mgrrr!".

Harry just laughed a bit and then he pulled up the orb that contained Tooru's Quirk to his face and then began to modify it, everyone couldn't help but watch intently as Harry's energy began to dance around him.

After a minute or so Harry's energy calmed down and while Izuku was writing in his notebook at full speed scaring his classmates a bit and entertaining Eri who was cheerfully clapping in fun at how fast Izuku was both writing and muttering to himself, Harry then handed Tooru's Quirk orb back to her.

Tooru gently held her Quirk in her hands and watched as it began to glow a bit and then be absorbed by her, after the slight light show Tooru then looked at herself and noticed that she was still visible, she then turned towards Harry with a questioning look in her eyes.

Harry smiled and began to explain exactly what he did to her Quirk "I changed your Quirk so you can now turn it on and off at will, I also made it so it affects the clothes your wearing so you don't have to walk around buck ass naked when using you Quirk anymore".

Poor Tooru groaned and blushed "Sensei! Come on!".

Harry waved his hands in surrender while smirking "Alright! Alright! It's just very fun to tease you" Tooru pouted and glared at Harry causing him to cough and continued on "I also made it so it cancels noise out as you move and just so you have a way to attack I also gave it Light Manipulation".

Tooru's eyes widen in surprise, with how Harry modified her Quirk her stealth will improve tenfold, and now she can defend herself as well, now that she has a way to stand out for the first time ever Tooru couldn't help but tear up a bit.

Harry noticed this and gave her a small smile and a pat on her head "I'm also going to give you shinobi training, I'll make sure you're the best stealth specialist in this world".

Tooru nodded and looked down to hide her tears while all of her classmates smiled at her glad that she was happy.

After that, he then took Momo to one of the extra rooms in his home, which looked like a lab and a study "Alright, first let's do something about that outrageous hero outfit of yours, my guess is that you need your skin to be free to use your Quirk correct?".

Momo blushed a bit and nodded "Y-yes, though the designers took some liberties with it too, honestly, I should have been a bit more involved with my hero costume but at the time I was too busy studying".

Harry nodded and then guided her to a table full of glowing Runes and crystals "I think redesigning some of the costume and charming it so it can both protect you and allow you to use your Quirk without exposing too much skin is the best way to go about this, not only is that costume dangerous with how much is exposed but it might cause you a bunch of other problems walking around dressed like that, especially since you will fighting villains all the time, we know that those type of people would and could stoop to do something to you at any time".

Momo gulped because she understood the implications of what Harry was saying while Harry continued on "So you're going to help with this project if it doesn't work out I can call a friend of mine in my home world to come and give us a hand, he's a genius that can come up with something faster than I could hahaha".

Momo smiled because Harry seemed sort of excited about this small project "You seem to be looking forward to this sensei".

Harry grinned at Momo "Well I do like tinkering with magic and finding new ways to use it, it's always fun for me to tinker like this plus it might not only help you but others as well so that's a big plus too".

Momo nodded "You make some very good points sensei and I'm more than happy to help in any way I can!".

Harry chuckled and nodded at Momo liking her enthusiasm "Alright, today will start with some basic blood and rune work while also trying which type of magical cloth works best from this! so... let's get some blood out of you".

Momo tensed and then paled when Harry suddenly took out a knife and maliciously grinned at her "Err... sensei! Is the blood necessary? No wait.. is that knife necessary!? You can just use a syringe!".

Harry cackled "HAHAHA! We need a lot of blood plus this way is faster Momo and besides I can heal anything or bring you back to life so don't worry".

Momo began to slowly walk away from Harry "Sensei! That's not very reassuring! Sensei!?... Wait!, Wait! Wa-Kyaaaaa!".


For the second time in the same month, the entire U.A. campus jumped in fright upon hearing a blood-curdling scream coming from somewhere.

Nezu heard it and for some reason, he began to cackle scaring All Might and Shota who was with him at the moment.

The teachers and some of the students who stayed behind after-school were to afraid to go out of the campus not wanting to face whatever had tortured the poor soul who just screamed.


After having healed Momo and cleaned the mess he made Harry and the poor girl came out of the room only to scare the rest of the students when they saw poor Momo pale as a ghost and stumbling about as she walked forward, her little white soul escaping out of her mouth as she shakily walked.

But what scared them most was the fact that Harry was smiling and covered in blood, Luna who was sitting and watching everything go on suddenly spoke "Harry you forgot to clean yourself".

Harry raised an eyebrow and then looked at himself "Oops" he then snapped his finger and then he was sparkling clean.

Momo had taken a seat on one of the couches in the living room while Eri tried to reach up to her soul because she wanted to touch it, Ochako got worried "Yaomomo are you okay?".

But it was her little soul that answered Ochako's question in an ethereal voice "Everything is just peachy~".

Everyone sweatdropped but decided to accept her response, especially since Harry was staring at everyone with wide reptilian eyes glowing bright green while smiling sweetly at them.

After Momo recovered from her trauma, Harry then told her that he was going to teach her how to think on her feet rather than overthink or plan things since that might slow her down or distract her from her opponent, something that Momo agreed with since she confessed that she had been aware of this flaw of hers but she didn't know how to deal with it.

Next was Ochako, what Harry did for her is also modify and strengthen her Quirk, now once she touches something she can up or down its gravity at will as well as allowed her to freely control their movements as long as her Quirk is active.

He was also going to train her in hand-to-hand combat more specifically his very own modified version of the Juken of the Hyuga, the open palm techniques in this style will help Ochako a lot and help her with her Quirk as well.

For Tsuyu, Ibara, and Kinoko Harry decided to train them in hand-to-hand combat as well plus he also gave them a new ability to use in conjunction with their Quirks.

For Tsuyu he gave her Cold Resistance and Water Manipulation since these skills would help her and would mesh greatly with her Quirk plus it would also get rid of one of her weaknesses, the young frog girl was really happy with this and was already playing around with her water abilities with Eri by making water bubbles.

For Kinoko he gave her Wind Manipulation with this she can send and control her spores and mushrooms better plus it also gives her a new way to attack as well.

Ibara received Earth Manipulation to go with her Vine Quirk with it she can protect herself and help her vines grow through the ground faster and easier than before plus it also allows her to be able to move while using her Quirk by manipulating the earth below her, this girl was also one that had caused a bit of a problem with Harry at first.

Ibara is a good and kind girl but she's very religious and this made her very strict sometimes, things got worse when she found out about the fact that Harry is a Dragon God.

It became such a problem that Harry had to take all of his after-school students to his world for a few hours and show her Heaven explaining a few more things to get her to mellow.

It worked and now Ibara respects and seems to pray to Harry but that's a story for another day, right now Harry was more focused on helping everyone get stronger.

For Mina and Eijiro he decided to wait to modify their Quirks until he can come up with something he can add or improve but he did tell them that he was going to train them to improve their speed and power even more plus hand-to-hand training as well since both of them have a lot of potential of becoming powerful fighters.

Pony even though she was only there to hang out with her friends and her new favorite teacher 'she was very happy that she could understand and speak any language now thanks to Harry' was also going to train with everyone in hand-to-hand combat since you can never go wrong with learning a different way to defend yourself.

After telling all of his students to go home for the day -except Izuku- and them saying goodbye to him, the girls, and Eri -who cheerfully wave at them goodbye- Harry took Izuku to the basement to talk.

Once down there Izuku was completely surprised and in awe at the fact that Harry had a giant training ground in the basement, after asking Harry how he had done this -and taking an absurd amount of notes when Harry answered his question- they sat down on the ground to speak.

Harry sighed and the look at Izuku in the eyes "Midoriya, I already spoke with All Might about your Quirk so I'm pretty much informed about what is going on with you and your circumstances".

Izuku nodded since All Might was the one to tell Harry about his Quirk then he can pretty much trust Harry with this, Harry then spoke up "First of all, All Might is an idiot...".

Izuku sweatdropped and was about to defend All Might but then he stopped himself and decided to listen as Harry went on "Sigh... who the hell tells a kid to tighten your buttcheeks to activate a power like One for All?".

Izuku awkwardly chuckled feeling embarrassed for his favorite hero, he really couldn't defend him after that, Harry went on "Anyways lucky for you and him, your Quirk seems similar to two other techniques I've seen before, the Kaioken and the Eight Gates".

Izuku's eyes sparkled upon hearing new information and took a notebook -from Ereshkigal knows where- and began to write, Harry chuckled and let him finish writing before continuing on "These two techniques enhance and multiply the abilities of their user, the drawback? They can cause severe damage to the body and in some cases even Death".

Izuku was writing furiously as Harry described these two powerful-sounding techniques as Harry continued to speak "Thankfully I personally know individuals who have mastered these techniques, so I more or less know how to train in order to minimize damage to the body".

Izuku's eyes widen and he looked up to Harry who nodded at him "First we need to further strengthen your body in order for it to be able to endure the strain your Quirk puts on it, next I'll be teaching you how to channel all of that energy properly throughout your whole body instead of just charging it on one of your limbs with it, you might lose a limb that way Midoriya".

Izuku sweatdropped because he hadn't thought of that or about the fact that Harry is right about blowing up a limb, honestly, he has been extremely lucky that hasn't happened yet.

Harry chuckled when he saw Izuku pale at the thought of losing a limb like that and then went on "So first I'm going to help train your body, I'm not going to lie Midoriya, it's going to be very hard and very painful, are you ready?".

Izuku frowned and looked down for a few seconds to think but then he looked up and nodded "Yes! I'm ready, I'm so far behind my classmates who had years to adapt and learn everything about their Quirks I have to put all my efforts to get strong fast!".

Harry grinned and nodded at Izuku "Great! After we strengthen your body then we'll train you on how to control the energy of your Quirk and how to channel it properly throughout your whole body".

Izuku nodded while Harry stood up "Alright, I want you to come here an hour before school every day to train, in this room one hour equals a month outside so we can train at our own pace, also I'll be placing a gravity spell on you, it will increase your body gravity by a percentage as you adapt to it, this spell won't be taken off of you until I deem you ready, understood?".

Izuku nodded and seemed very excited, so Harry placed the gravity spell on him, and after doing some light exercises so his body can get used to his new weight Izuku then left to go home, though he was struggling to walk a bit.

This is how Harry's first week as a teacher of U.A. was, busy but also having a lot of fun and while the girls were busy with their own things they always made time to spend with each other and go on dates with Harry who was more than happy to do so plus Eri was having the time of her life having a daddy and a lot of moms that care about her a lot and good friend in Mr. Goop.

However, a few days after the first week of Harry's teaching something happen and it all started when Luna and Harry were walking around the city on a date.


Harry and Luna were walking through the city of Musutafu while holding hands and talking about their week.

When Luna explained that she was helping Nezu and Shota investigated Katsuki, Shoto, and Yuga, Harry was surprised but he understood why they would ask her for help, Luna has the uncanny ability to understand people on a personal level and has the ability to get any sort of information from anyone as well.

This is something that everyone knows about her in Kyoto and the Potter household, it's the reason why everyone loves her and respects her, so she was the best person to investigate what was going on with those three.

Needless to say that she wasn't liking what she was finding out was an understatement, though she refused to elaborate because in her words "If I let Harry find out what I have right now he'll do something about it and more than likely people are going to die so I have to make sure I know who exactly to point him at".

This made Shota incredibly nervous and somewhat afraid of what Harry might do, though Nezu just cackle in good fun something that made Shota even more nervous as a result.

So Harry decided to trust Luna and wait for her to finish investigating what she needs plus everyone knows that Luna knows what she's doing better than anyone ever could.

With that being said Luna had asked how teaching was going for him and Harry was happy to elaborate "Well it's been very fun, I think the kids are getting used to my views on heroism in this world so that's a plus, everyone is also improving by a lot thanks to our talks, I'm thinking of having them face someone different once a week so they can get more battle experience as well as take them to an Instant Dungeon so they can get used to fighting in teams or at least that's the plan after the Sports Festival Nezu told us about".

Luna smiled at how excited Harry seemed to be about teaching, she had always believed that Harry would make an amazing teacher and this is just another small sign that she was right, plus he seems to like it "What about Mineta? What happened to him?".

Harry frowned a bit "Well Nezu took him out of the Hero course and sent him to the general course, a new student will be chosen to join class 1A after the Sports Festival I just mentioned that's happening in a few months, honestly I don't know how that kid made it to the hero courses, he's a mess to begin with and very cowardly too".

Luna nodded, even she knew that Mineta just didn't have it in him to be a hero, not with that cowardly and perverted attitude of his "And the students of your little study group?".

Harry chuckled since the kids he was personally training began to call their training sessions The Study Group Club which in hindsight isn't a wrong name "Well everyone is improving quite a bit, most of them are learning quite fast everything I teach them but the ones who are improving at an impressive rate are Midoriya, Hagakure and Tsu-chan those three seem very motivated to improve, I think they'll steal the show during the Sports Festival".

Luna nodded in agreement she had been able to watch the kid train once in a while so she can honestly say that they were looking rather impressive "Susan told me Eri was training too".

Luna giggled and Harry chuckled because their daughter had been inspired by Harry's students to train and get stronger herself, Harry turned his head towards Luna and smiled "Well at first she wanted to just learn magic so she asked Hermione to teach her and she has, though I had to stop her when she started pulling out the thick advance magical spellcraft books for Eri to read hehe".

Luna laughed a bit "Ah~ she's just excited to teach her daughter everything she loves about magic, in all honesty, it's very adorable".

Harry nodded in agreement since Hermione had pouted when he had taken the books away and told her to go out and show Eri some basic magic to learn "That's true, I wonder what the Grangers will say about the fact that they are grandparents again, they already spoil Hope to a scary degree".

Luna giggled thinking about all the parents who had become grandparents thanks to little Hope, even her mom and dad are very dotting to her "Hey Harry should we begin to try to have a baby?".

Harry turned around to look at his girlfriend "I wouldn't mind, you know me I want a big family! but don't you girls want to get married first before we have kids?".

Luna smiled and turned to Harry, she then reach out a hand and gently caressed his cheek "Well we are a dragon's mate so we're technically already married in the eyes of the supernatural though having a wedding does sound nice, we honestly thought that you weren't interested in all of that".

Harry chuckled "Well I'm not, not really but I'm aware that a wedding is something pretty much all girls dream about at some point and I wanted to do that for you guys".

Luna brightly smiled "Well, then I looked forward to my wedding day with you Harry".

Harry smiled and softly kissed Luna on the lips but a sudden cry of pain alerted them of someone being in trouble, they both looked around for a bit but then Harry used his Rinnegan and looked closely until he found a girl laying on the ground in a nearby alley holding an open wound on her stomach and crying out in pain.

Harry turned his head toward Luna "I found it, it's a girl and she looks severally hurt".

Luna nodded at him "Then let's go!".

With that said both Harry and Luna immediately vanished in a blur and went to where the girl is.


Himiko Toga was regretting her choices right now as she was laying down on an alley floor and bleeding to death but she had to do it, she had to attack that boy because she was so thirsty, so very thirsty.

She had tried to ignore it, she had tried to suppress it but she needed blood, her Quirk was pushing her to drink blood and no matter how much she tried to she could never fight back against the thirst, it was driving her crazy.

But today her victim fought back and she was quickly overpowered and stabbed by her own knife, to make things worse the guy in a panic proceeded to stab her in her stomach a couple of times before running.

She doesn't blame him though, she would have done the same thing in his place but it hurt, it hurt so much, it's really a shame that her usual hunting area was now completely full of heroes.

Her favorite hunting place was somewhat close to the empty storehouses that had been destroyed and turned into a massive rock which caused an increase in patrolling heroes making hunting on her turf too dangerous so she decided to move here but her luck just got worse.

The first guy she chooses to hunt not only beats her up and easily overpowered her but also stabbed her and then ran away leaving her here to slowly bleed to death "...Maybe it's for the best... my parents don't want anything to do with me anymore and... at least I won't be so thirsty anymore...".

Toga grunted and rolled to lay on her back, she tenderly held a hand over her stab wounds and sadly looked up to the sky.

Suddenly two faces appeared in front of her vision, they were saying something but she couldn't hear them {They look worried but why?... Are they worried about me?... That's so nice... that boy looks very handsome... and the girl is very pretty too...if I'm going to die then... at least I got to see two very kind and pretty people...}.

With that last thought, Himiko Toga closed her eyes and passed out from the blood loss and her injuries.


Luna and Harry arrived in a blur in the alley and immediately saw the girl on the floor laying on her back and bleeding.

Both of them ran to her and noticed that she was awake, they tried to speak to her but it seems like she was out of it.

Then she gave them a small and soft smile and passed out Luna then immediately used a Curaga on her, healing her stab wounds while Harry fed her a Blood Replenishing Potion.

After stabilizing her and making sure she was fine Harry and Luna sighed and then smiled at each other, Luna then spoke "Let's take her home Harry, I see some darkness in her heart but she's not evil, she might just need some help".

Harry nodded and gently picked up the unconscious girl, Luna then created a dark corridor and both of them walked right into it with their guest not knowing that her life was about to drastically change forever.


Himiko woke up a few hours later completely surprised that she was alive somehow, she looked around confused and in a daze only to notice she was in a room she didn't recognize, as she looked around she noticed a pair of bright ruby red eyes staring at her from the end of her bed and she rose and eyebrow in curiosity.

Eri who had been curious about the girl her daddy and mama Luna had brought decided to go spend some time with her, she knew she was hurt and that was something she understood way to well so she kept an eye on her until she saw her wake up.

Eri stared at the unknown girl for a while but then said the first thing she noticed about her made her speak up "... You have pretty eyes miss.. like a kitty!".

Toga blushed a bit since no one had ever complimented her so sincerely before "Err.. thank you munchkin but where I am? And... who are you?".

Eri came out from where she was hiding and walked up to Himiko and then got on the bed so she could sit beside her "I'm Eri Potter! And this is a room in our house! It's inside this big school!".

Himiko couldn't help herself and patted Eri on her head, the girl was just to adorable for her to resist " I see... that didn't really answer my question but meh~ your too cute for me to complain".

Eri brightly smiled at Himiko but then a voice drew their attention towards the entrance, Himiko instantly recognized him as the handsome boy who was worried about her "I see you met my daughter Eri, I'm Harry and my girlfriend Luna and I brought you here after we found you bleeding out in an alley.".

Himiko tilted her head while Harry stepped through into the room and walked up to the bed, he then picked up Eri who cheered at being picked up by her daddy "You saved me? How? I was pretty sure I was dead...".

Luna then stepped through and Himiko recognize her as the pretty girl who also looked worried about her before she passed out "I healed you and Harry helped with your blood loss, how do you feel?".

Himiko then suddenly rosed her shirt not caring Harry was in the room and checked her belly only to see that she didn't have any wounds, not even scars, Luna giggled when Harry raised an eyebrow at the fact that this girl just raised her shirt like that.

Himiko then let go of her shirt and looked up at Luna as she pondered about how she felt "I feel... fine, in fact, better than ever, the thirst is gone too and I can clearly think now... it's like I've been living in a fog for so long but the fog is gone now!".

Luna smiled and sat on the edge of the bed and gently patted Himiko on her head, which caused the blonde to blush a bit "Thank goodness, Harry modified your Quirk when we noticed that it was making you run on pure animalistic instinct".

Himiko then looked up at Harry "Modified my Quirk?".

Harry nodded "Yes, I'm sorry I did that without your consent but it was really affecting your mentality, what I did is change it so you don't get those cravings from blood, your Quirk works as always but you no longer will be driven crazy by the cravings".

Himiko took a while to fully understand what that meant but once she did she teared up "I see... sigh... I can finally be at peace but... I have nowhere to go, hurting people is really the only thing I'm good at so what I'm going to do now?".

Harry smiled "Hurting people you say? Then how about you stay with us? We also are good at hurting and if you're looking for a place to call home, then this is a good place as any".

Himiko looked at Luna who nodded at her and then at Harry who also gave her a nod "But... I've killed a lot of people in cold blood you know?.. I'm not a good person, are you sure you want someone like that around?".

Luna and Harry grinned, Harry then shrugged and said "Well everyone living here has killed before, and quite a lot actually, you won't believe the number of kills some of us have, your past doesn't matter to us I know that it was your Quirk which was the main reason you were so unhinged and besides no one in this house is normal".

Tears began to fall from Himiko's eyes as she nodded to Harry "Okay... I'll stay but.. what do you mean that you're not human?".

Harry gave her -in her opinion- a very handsome smirk but it was Eri who answered her question "Daddy is a cool dragon! He's so big! And he has some very pretty scales too!".

Harry and Luna laughed a bit at Eri's enthusiasm when it comes to Harry's dragon form, their daughter loves that form of Harry's so much that she sometimes takes naps with Harry wherever he goes.

Himiko tilted her head "A dragon? Like the hero Ryukyu?".

Harry shook his head "No not exactly, I'm something far more complicated than that but since we have time how about I tell you a story? My story".

Himiko nodded since she was curious about what Harry meant, Eri cheered since she loves to hear about her daddy's adventures while Luna smiled at them.

This one how Himiko found out about other worlds, about supernatural beings, and about how Harry Potter is a Dragon God capable of destroying universes if he so pleases and all she could think about after hearing about all of this is, how to get one of Harry's scales for herself because having a real dragon scale would be the coolest thing ever.