Chapter 72

After Harry returned to his home with Rei, Luna immediately began to help the poor woman with her trauma and unstable mind, using Legilimency she slowly and carefully helped Rei move on from her guilt and painful memories.

It won't be an easy or fast process but with Luna and Harry helping her go through all her bad memories and the good company of the people living in Harry's house Rei Todoroki will eventually recover and move on.

Eri got very attached to Rei and the little bundle of cuteness would spend a lot of time with Rei who was more than delighted to play and speak with her, both Luna and Harry knew that instinctively both Eri and Rei must know that they had suffered a lot, as a result, they seemed to want to help each other.

This was good because both would be able to support each other, Nezu also visited that night and met with Rei to let her know that as long as she lives in Harry's house and in U.A. grounds, Endeavor won't be able to ever get to her.

This made Rei relax and tear up in relief, Nezu also told her that Shoto will be going to therapy as well in order to get him the help he needs and that he will be moving into the U.A. dorms to get him away for Endeavor.

This, of course, made Rei very happy and even though she still thought that she didn't deserve it she still wishes to be able to see her son someday, Harry told her that once he dealt with Endeavor and Shoto felt ready, he himself will bring him over to meet with her, of course, he will also be informing both her other son and daughter where she is after Endeavor no longer poses a threat.

Rei couldn't express how happy she was and just hugged Harry and Eri while crying, Harry just patted her back and let her vent while Eri hugged her tightly.

Himiko also got somewhat attached to Rei but like a cat, she just gets close whenever she wants attention, but Rei is happy to just let her do her thing, Luna, Susan and Hermione were doing everything they could to make sure Rei felt safe and had everything she needed and this included showing her what they could do so she would know that nothing will ever happen to her while they're around.

The poor personal students of Harry had the pleasure -read misfortune- to face these three members of Kyoto's Elite Squad and boy did they hate every second of it, Luna, Susan, and Hermione are kind and gentle women but when they battle they were merciless and Harry's student had to be healed of many injuries after facing them.

Rei was very impressed and thankful for the way everyone was very supportive of her, this is how Rei Todoroki began to live with Harry Potter and the girls and for the first time in a very long time, she felt safe and secure.

The days went on as usual as Harry focused on his personal students to prepare them for the sports festival, especially Izuku who had a lot to learn and many Quirks to adapt to now.

His classroom lessons moved on as always though the class was still a bit shocked by Katsuki's sudden removal from the Hero course.

Two days after this had happened Katsuki's mother appeared and demanded to know why her son's Quirk was removed, Harry, Nezu, and Shota showed her all the evidence of what her son had done.

But the thing that had hit Mitsuki Bakugo the hardest was the fact that her son had told Izuku to jump off a building so he could be reborn and hopefully get a Quirk then.

Mitsuki had known Izuku since he was a toddler and she couldn't believe her son would be this cruel to one of his friends much less another human being and that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Her son had used his Quirk to harm not only breaking the law but also doing something a villain would have done, Nezu and Shota told her that Katsuki was lucky they didn't arrest him, or worse, Harry could have decided to punish him more harshly.

So Mitsuki left U.A. disappointed and heartbroken about what her son had done and now she didn't know if she could ever face her friend Inko ever again.

Katsuki ended up being forced to attend the general courses by Mitsuki while Nezu forced him to go to therapy to try to get him out of that toxic mentality he seems to have.

Not that Harry expected all of that to do any good, to him Katsuki seemed like the type of person who would never change unless something forces him to but in the end, it's not like Harry cares if he changes or not.

A couple of days later class 1A got a bunch of unexpected visitors who actually blocked the doorway, who were they? Well, the class of 1B and some general course students decided to check out the competition.

However Izuku, Ochako, Momo, Tsuyu, Eijiro, Mina, and Tooru had extra lessons with Harry and didn't want to be late so they tried to pass through but no one wanted to get out of their way, even Pony, Ibara, and Kinoko tried to help their friends in training but they couldn't do anything about their classmates who didn't want to move out of the way.

Too bad that Harry decided to go get his students since he wanted to talk about some new techniques that he wanted to teach them, only to be blocked by a bunch of students.

So he waited a bit and patiently listened to everything that was said, he finally had enough after Neito Monoma, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, and another kid he has never seen before who looked like he needed a nap desperately mouth off to his students who were trying to pass through.

So Harry waved his hand and pushed everyone away from the doorway with a telekinetic push which caused the students to all become a pile of limbs and grunts of pain, Harry then spoke up loud and clear to everyone "Instead of wasting time standing here everyone should go and train, the Sports Festival is soon approaching, grow up, and stop acting like cocky children!".

Harry then turned to his students and nodded at them, he then turned around and began to walk away with his students following close behind, the rest of the students who were blocking the door could only groan in pain after such an aggressive push.

The rest of class 1A just sweatdropped and silently left having already gotten used to the way Harry was, besides their sensei had the right idea about training and all of them had been doing so already.

Another change was the spirit of Nana Shimura roaming around the campus and scaring the living days light out both the students and teachers alike, not that it was her intention to scare anyone, she just has a tendency to forget that she's a ghost.

Even All Might had been jumped scared at times when Nana would visit him during his classes to watch him teach, resulting in the number one Hero screaming in surprise when she would appear out of nowhere.

No one judged him for that since they all have been scared by Nana at least once except Harry who always seemed to know where she was at all times, Eri had also met Nana and to her surprise, the young girl was able to touch her and interact with her.

This allowed Nana to hang out and play with Eri, at times both of them would roam around the school to watch what was going but no one minded Eri since she's a very well-behaved girl.

The days went on and a day before the Sports Festival would begin Harry had gathered every one of his personal students inside the time-dilation training room, to give them one more final test before tomorrow's trial.


Everyone was very nervous, they all knew why Harry gathered them up and even though they have been training hard these past two weeks they still didn't feel like they made that much progress.

Still, everyone decided to do their best and try to come on top, in whatever test their sensei will have them do, Harry, of course, noticed this and smiled at his students "Alright everyone! I see that all of you are ready for today, now for this test, I'll be taking off the gravity charm on you guys, this way you'll fight at one hundred percent".

Everyone widen their eyes since they had forgotten that Harry had placed them under a gravity spell at the beginning of their training so when Harry waved a hand they immediately felt the difference, Izuku stretched and cracked his bones "Oof I feel so light!".

Harry grinned at his students as he watched them jump a bit and run a few times around the area, this reminded him of the time when he trained with both Goku and Krillin under master Roshi.

After letting his students get used to their new lighter weight Harry then spoke up "Okay today you'll be facing Luna, this time however she'll be facing everyone as the Master of Darkness, you guys have faced Luna before, sure but she wasn't being serious with any of you and you were also facing Susan and Hermione at the same time, needless to say, that this time everything is going to be different is an understatement".

Everyone gulped, the fact that they now knew that Luna was holding back during their fight against all three of Harry's girlfriends made everyone very nervous, that day was hell for everyone but it's seems that today it was going to be worse.

Harry chuckled because he can tell everyone was afraid and they should be, Luna was terrifying when she was fighting as the Master of Darkness, she could do things with the dark element that even he himself couldn't do "You have five minutes to prepare and plan".

His students nodded and immediately gathered around Izuku to plan how they were going to face Luna, Harry fondly smiled at them but turned his head to the side when he felt a Dark Corridor open beside him.

Out of the pillar of darkness came out Luna, Nezu, All Might, Nana, and Hermione who had decided to come and watch how much have Harry's students improved.

Harry smiled at his girlfriends and friends "Hello everyone, came to watch the test I see".

Nezu grinned and nodded "I couldn't miss this chance to see the results of your training methods plus I am curious as to how powerful young Luna really is".

Nana just cheerfully smiled and said, "I want to see how much Izuku has improved!" All Might nodded letting everyone know that he also came to see how much Izuku has improved.

Luna giggled and shrugged "Hmm among Kyoto's Elite Squad I'd say I'm about the fourth strongest just for the fact that I have complete and total control of the element of darkness".

Hermione hummed and then nodded "That makes sense... I think the other three would be Milim, Ereshkigal and then Jean, Milim because she was already frighteningly powerful before arriving in our world but after training and receiving skills from Harry she had become a literal monster, the fact that she's a Dragonoid and a Demonlord just proves that, Ereshkigal is a Goddess of Death and has learned everything Harry knows and Jean can wield cosmic fire and can still access the Phoenix force from Hope".

All Might, Nana, and Nezu seemed confused but Luna explained further "Milim is another member of Harry's harem, one of the original three, in her world she had already lived for thousands of years and has access to some very unique and powerful skills, skills that were already capable of destroying continents in a blink of an eye, now she can destroy solar systems with a wave of a hand".

Both All Might, Nana, and Nezu gaped while Luna went on "Ereshkigal is a Goddess of Death, one powerful enough to bring calamities to the world and that was before she started to be prayed to by everyone in Kyoto, she also took it upon herself to learn everything Harry knows, something no one can boast to ever try, she's also a member of Harry's harem!".

Nezu, Nana, and All Might were just stunned at all the information they were receiving while Luna continued on not caring about the mental condition of her friends "And Jean was originally a very powerful Telepath and Telekinetic but having an ancient cosmic force sealed in her granted her some very amazing abilities! Among those abilities there is the ability to manipulate cosmic fire which is one of the hottest types of flames in existence, she can also breathe in the vacuum of space and is capable of incinerating entire planets, now she's far more powerful thanks to Harry's training".

All Might and Nezu turned to stare at Harry while Nana giggled, Harry then raised an eyebrow at them confused by their stares "What?".

Both male adults sweatdropped but it was All Might who was the one who answered Harry's questions "My friend, you either have the biggest balls I've ever seen on a man or your too stupid to want to be in a relationship with these girls! They're scary Harry!".

Hermione and Luna giggled because it was true, each and every girl in Harry's harem was terrifying, Harry just sighed "You make it sound like I had any choice, to begin with, at first it was just three and before I knew it the harem just grew and never stopped, all of them just decided to jump in but... I do love them all".

Both Luna and Hermione blushed but smiled, all the girls in Harry's harem just sorta forced themselves into the harem and ambushed the original three when they met them so they would be allowed in but thankfully everything worked out and their home is full of loving and caring people.

Sure there's chaos and destruction all the time in their house but they are a family and they wouldn't have it any other way plus they all knew Harry loves them all, no matter how quirky and extreme the girls in his life are.

Both Nezu and All Might nodded while Nana just grinned at the girls and said "Oh~ so you girls tamed the Dragon God huh?".

Both Hermione and Luna turned their head toward each other and stared into each other eyes until they began to laugh confusing Nana, All Might, and Nezu.

Luna then stopped laughing and said, "No none of us have tamed Harry hehe, that achievement belongs to Morgan, Hope, Himawari, Yuzu, Karin, Sumire and now Eri! Harry would literally give them the world if they ask".

Harry blushed a bit but didn't deny anything Hermione shook her head and smiled "Those girls are his sisters, niece, and daughters, it's quite adorable how protective he is with them or how much he spoils them".

Nezu, All Might, and Nana grinned at Harry who just huffed and rolled his eyes "Just wait until you meet them, I want to see any of you not fall to their cuteness".

All three laughed not knowing how truthful Harry was about those girls, some of them could tame the hearts of almost anyone, at first sight, especially Morgan and Hope, those two were dangerous because of their cuteness alone.

After laughing and having a bit more fun at Harry's expense for a little while longer, Nezu then walked up to Harry's side and spoke as he watched the kids discuss their plans "how do you think they'll do?".

Harry moved his gaze towards Nezu and then moved it back to his students "They're obviously not going to win but this test is for them to see what they're capable of now, all of them have been training inside this training room with a time dilation of one hour equals a month for two weeks, while being under the influence of a gravity spell that increases as they adapt to the new increased gravity, right now physically they're the strongest humans in the world and can even outmatch All Might in his prime just with their new physical prowess and new fighting styles".

Nezu nodded in understanding while Nana and All might widened their eyes in shock upon hearing that the kids that Harry was training were capable of beating All Might in his prime now.

Harry however went on "All they're missing is actual experience with hero work, battle experience I can provide with the help of the girls, and I, myself constantly fighting them forcing them to adapt and learn while facing someone way out of their league, its actually quite funny how they don't seem to understand or even imagine the sort of strength they wield now, especially Izuku who has been training for an extra hour with me in the mornings every day".

Nezu hummed and stared at the kids for a long minute in silence "What do you recommend?".

Harry closed his eyes to think for a while but then spoke up right after "After the Sports Festival you said that the students will go and work under a hero agency right?".

Nezu nodded while both Nana and All Might turn to them to pay attention "I see, then after that I'll be taking them and the rest of the class into the Instant Dungeons and give them missions to fulfill to help them grow and get more experience fighting big numbers of enemies, so I want you to choose a couple of teachers to go in the Dungeons with them to supervise them while I control the Instant Dungeons".

Nezu nodded and seemed very intrigued about what Harry was planning "This will be sort of VR training no?".

Harry opened his eyes and turned to look at Nezu "In a way, however, they can get hurt or even die in the Dungeons".

Nana and All Might gasped, Nana then spoke "Isn't that sort of harsh? They're kids remember?".

Harry nodded "I know but they chose this path, unlike my friends who became heroes through tears, blood, and pain they chose to want to be heroes and I'll make sure they're prepared for anything this world could ever throw at them".

Nana and All Might frowned but they understood why Harry was doing this, Nezu nodded "Alright, it's better that this sort of situation happens here where we can help them go through them and learn from them than out there once they start doing full-on hero work".

Both Nana and All Might nodded in agreement to both Nezu's words and Harry's sentiment, it might seem harsh or even cruel but Harry was preparing the kids to be the best they could be, he wants them to be ready for anything in this hard path they chose to walk.

Harry stared at his students while thinking back on everyone he knew who was a hero, each and everyone one of them were put in that position to be heroes and they bled, cried, and died to protect their world and their loved ones, some of them had some very harsh lives and they still chose to fight and protect.

But with the exception of Izuku, none of his students had a harsh life, they all live happy and cheerful lives without any tragedy, they were completely unprepared for how cruel the path they have chosen can be, and that's why he's going to help them get stronger and stronger, just like he did with Kyoto and the Avengers he'll make sure they're ready for anything.

Though he will also make sure they rest and have a lot of fun, he was a master of the Turtle School of Martial Arts and like Master Roshi once taught him he will make sure his students Work hard, Study well and eat and sleep plenty… that's the turtle hermit way to learn after all.


After five minutes have passed by, Harry stepped up to his students and smiled at them "Are you guys ready?".

The young heroes in training nodded, even though they were nervous and even a bit scared they felt ready to face anything Luna might throw at them, Harry nodded back at them "Alright then all I can say right now is do your best, cover each other's back and don't hold back!".

With that said Harry walked away and Luna stepped up to the front of Harry's personal students, she turned her gaze towards each and every one of them, she then closed her eyes, and held out her hand.

In a flash of pure black darkness her Keyblade End of Pain appeared on her hand, causing all the students to actually flinch, Izuku frowned since he had never seen Luna use that weapon before "What is that? She didn't use anything like that before".

Tsuyu gulped and then said, "It looks like a key kero... there's something wrong about it too..".

Ibara stepped up next to Izuku "There's this dark feeling to it... it's hard to explain but just looking at it gives off this dangerous vibe".

Izuku nodded, Momo stared at the weapon and hummed "I wasn't even aware that Luna had a weapon but what is it? I don't think I've ever seen anything like it".

Himiko sighed "That's a Keyblade, Harry and the girls showed it to Eri the other day, from their explanations all I got was that they're sentient magical weapons".

Ochako turned her head towards Himiko "Harr-sensei has a Keyblade as well?".

Himiko nodded "Two actually but unlike Luna who is the Master of Darkness, Harry has the title of Master of Twilight, Hermione then told me that another girl in Harry's world has the title of Master of Light".

Eijiro fist-pumped "How manly! Those titles sound so cool, I wonder if I can get a title like that someday?".

Mina nodded vigorously "It would be cool but just what exactly does it mean to be a master of Light, Darkness, and Twilight?".

Pony hummed "Maybe they can freely manipulate those elements?".

Kinoko shook her head "I don't think so, if it was just that then they would've been called the Master of elements, I've seen them use more than just those three elements".

Tooru tilted her head "That's right, last time we fought the girls they were blasting us with all kinds of elements, Harry too! When he fought us he used water and lightning".

Izuku shook his head "Maybe it is symbolic... anyways that's not important right now guys, we have to prepare to react to whatever she might do, with that weapon out we just don't know what she can do now".

Everyone nodded, Luna just giggled and smiled at them "Are you guys done? Next time don't talk too much in battle, some people might not give you the courtesy of waiting while you hash things out".

Everyone sweatdropped but nodded in agreement, they really shouldn't have done that, Luna continued to smile and then opened her eyes.

However everyone gasped when they saw that Luna's gray eyes had turned yellow, Luna's smile never left as she rose her keyblade above her head.

End of Pain then began to glow in Darkness and Luna's shadow began to grow, from it a bunch of small ant-like creatures began to sprout off of her shadow causing the young student to grow nervous.

Luna then pointed her Keyblade toward the young heroes in training and the small ant-like creatures launched themselves at them causing each and every of Harry's personal students to jump away in a hurry to avoid the flood of dark creatures.

Izuku activated his Quirk in mid-air using his newly developed technique he named Full Cowling, engulfing his body in fifteen percent of One for All, green lightning enveloped his body, and as soon as he landed on the ground he disappeared in a flash of green Lightning.

He reappeared above the ant-like creatures and yelled "'Dynamic Entry'" he then came down with a flying kick that crashed on top of a dark creature, as soon as Izuku's kick collided with one of the dark creatures his attack explode in a green lightning storm taking out some of the creatures around him.

Harry chuckled because he had trained Izuku in the Strong Fist Style and Izuku took the style like a fish in water, thankfully he didn't inherit the Flames of Youth otherwise a lot of people might be traumatized in this world.


Back in Konoha both Lee and Guy were training together, and suddenly both of them stopped what they were doing "Guy-Sensei! Someone out there has begun their path to the Flames of Youth!".

Guy nodded and then threw a thumbs up towards the Sun "Whoever you are! Go and fan those flames into a burning inferno of youth!".


After the lightning storm subsided, Izuku immediately moved and ran at full speed toward Luna, the Master of Darkness smiled and waved her Keyblade toward Izuku.

The rest of the ant-like creatures immediately reacted and got in the way of Izuku's path but then both Himiko and Momo appeared beside Izuku and nodded at him.

Izuku grinned and let them get ahead behind them Ochako was standing with both of her arms outstretched while Eijiro was in front of her, Luna noticed them and immediately understood what they did {Hmm so Ochako got rid of their gravity and Eijiro threw them so they could get ahead of Izuku, that looked kind of fun hehe}.

Both Momo and Himiko landed right in front of the creatures and began to attack as fast as they could to clear a path for Izuku, Himiko moved fast, slicing and dicing every ant-like creature before her.

Momo as soon as she landed waved both arms wide and released a big number of grenades that immediately exploded on impact flash freezing the dark creatures, it seems like she was able to create Cryo Grenades now.

Izuku just ran through them and shattered them reaching Luna within a second, he then jumped and span a few times at high speed and then unleashed a devastating spin kick toward Luna's head.

But Luna blocked it with End of Pain however the impact pushed her back a bit but Luna then used the momentum made by Izuku's attack to spin on her toes and dodged Tooru who had turned invisible and was about to sneak attack Luna with a Kunai made out of light.

Luna then kicked Tooru away and immediately crouched to avoid a high-speed water wave from Tsuyu, however, Luna was then forced to roll forward to avoid Ibara's vines from catching her from below.

It was here that both Izuku, Mina, and Pony attacked her while she was rolling forward hoping to score a hit, that was how Luna found herself about to be hit by a pair of horns, a glob of acid, and an air cannon.

But Luna's just sweetly smiled and stabbed the ground with her dark Keyblade unleashing a pillar of pure black darkness that consumed the attacks, within the pillar of darkness Luna waved her Keyblade and the pillar of dark energy then coalesced into many orbs of darkness which then shot forward at high speed towards everyone.

Ibara immediately rose a stone wall and a few of the young heroes jumped behind it to avoid Luna's attack while Izuku, Himiko, and Tooru avoided them with their agility alone.


Nezu hummed "Impressive, it's like Luna is an entirely different person, her entire fighting style has changed plus those creatures did wonders to throw off the kids".

Harry nodded "Those creatures are called Heartless, usually they're very hostile and dangerous beings that hunt down living beings for their hearts to create more of them but when Luna summons them they become completely docile and listen to her every command something that I can't do".

All Might, Nana, and Nezu turned towards Harry in surprise Hermione giggled "Luna has this crazy affinity to darkness that not even someone like Harry can even accomplish".

All Might nodded "It still shocking to find out that there are things that Harry can't do, I kinda expect him to be able to pull off just about anything".

Harry chuckled and shook his head "I can do a lot of things but I'm far from capable of being able to do anything, everyone has their own talents after all".

Everyone nodded since each and every person is different and each one has their own talents making them unique, still it was nice to hear that there are things that even Harry can't do.


After Luna's attacks finally subsided Izuku then yelled out "Is everyone alright!".

Everyone shout out in confirmation while Izuku nodded to himself and then stared at Luna who slowly got up and looked around, Izuku frowned "What a crazy reaction time, it's just like when we fight Harry-sensei...".

Tooru then walked up to Izuku and became visible "Yeah, she's super fast and those attack pack quite the punch..".

Both looked around and all they could see was destruction brought about by Luna's dark attacks, then they saw Himiko run up towards Luna and throw knife after knife as she ran forward.

Luna however just spun her keyblade like an airplane propeller and deflected the knives, Izuku and Tooru nodded and immediately took off at high speed toward Luna to support Himiko.

Luna saw them coming so as she spun her Keyblade she then pointed a finger at them and launched a dark fireball toward them "'Dark Firaga!'".

Tooru got in front of Izuku and created a shield of light that blocked and protected them from the fiery explosion of dark flames, Himiko finally reached Luna and jumped over her head while still throwing knives at her.

Luna stopped spinning End of Pain and swung it to intercept and deflect the knives, Himiko landed and began to swing her knives to try and cut Luna but the Master of Darkness easily dodged them.

Luna then swung her Keyblade towards Himiko who tried to jump back but she wasn't fast enough, but before Luna's attack could strike her Eijiro appeared in front of Himiko and blocked the attack with an arm with his Quirk activated.

A loud clang echoed through the training ground, Eijiro successfully blocked Luna's strike but some of the hardened skin on his arm cracked from the force behind her swing, but Eijiro growled and grabbed hold of Luna's Keyblade surprising her a bit.

Ibara then took advantage and with Kinoko's help both of them attacked at the same time hoping to trap and hold Luna down with Ibara's vines and Kinoko's mushrooms.

But Luna then open her other hand and the End of Pain disappeared from Eijiro's grasp and reappeared in Luna's other hand, Eijiro not expecting that maneuver lost his balance a bit.

Luna then leaped up and rocketed down three times generating shockwaves of darkness "'Dark Break!'".

The dark shockwaves not only sent Himiko and Eijiro flying back but also destroyed Kinoko's mushrooms and Ibara's vines.

After the third shockwave, Luna sighed and turned her gaze towards Ochako and Kinoko {And now Ochako got rid of Eijiro's gravity and Kinoko sent him flying towards me with a wind blast, that was quite fast too hehe they caught me by surprise for a second there}.

Luna giggled because the kids were already quite powerful on their own but they seem to have also gotten smarter and more clever as well.

Harry saw that as well and smiled at the progress his students had made while Nezu, All Might, and Nana nodded in pride at how much the teens have grown in these two weeks.

Everyone fighting Luna sighed and stared at her cautiously, Luna then spoke "Did everyone notice already?".

All of them nodded, throughout the entire fight, they noticed just how strong and fast they have become especially since they didn't have the gravity spell on them anymore.

But through the fight, they noticed they were able to react faster and hit harder as well, the fact that Izuku was able to push Luna back a bit and Eijiro was able to block her attack was proof of that.

Though they now also knew that Luna was holding back a lot too but the fact of the matter is that they're fighting on a completely different level now.

Not only had their speed and strength increased but so had their skill with their Quirks and their control over it, even those with new abilities had shown massive improvement and mastery over them.

Luna nodded and then put away her Keyblade which disappeared in a flash of darkness, she then smiled at everyone as her eyes went back to her all familiar gray ones "Good, now you know how much you have improved and what you can do, your ready for tomorrow".

Everyone relaxed but Momo decided to ask "Is that all? It felt kind of fast...".

Harry chuckled catching everyone's attention "Battles are usually like that, I bet you guys were expecting an epic battle lasting hours and such right?".

Everyone nodded but sweatdropped at the same time since that was exactly what they expected, Harry grinned and then said "Well most battles usually last minutes if not seconds it is the fact that you guys are moving at such high speeds that time sort of slows down for you".

Nezu then spoke up "I certainly I'm impressed with how much everyone has improved under the tutelage of Harry, I expect a great show from everyone tomorrow at the Sports Festival!".

All Might and Nana gave everyone a wide smile and a thumbs up while the kids blushed and cheered under their praises.

Harry then spoke up "Alright this small test is officially over, I want you guys to rest up for the rest of the day for tomorrow".

Everyone nodded to their sensei glad to be able to rest while Hermione waved at everyone "Okay guys! I want everyone to gather around me so I can hand you a Miracle Gel for your injuries and fatigue!".

Everyone immediately ran towards Hermione and called out to her for one of the Gels that not only tasted awesome but also heal anything, Hermione giggled in response to their excitement "Wait! there's enough for everyone no need to push! Hey everyone calm down!".

Harry, Nezu, Nana, and All Might chuckled while watching the teens fight over each other for a Gel, Luna then walked up to Harry and said "That was fun!".

Harry smiled at Luna "Yeah I noticed that you were having a great time, it's been a while since you fought like that right?".

Luna nodded "Yup but I don't mind, it's been fun taking it easy but I got to say, it's going to be a fun and interesting Sports Festival tomorrow".

Harry nodded and grinned because no one was ready for what their students can do now, he can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.