Chapter 74

Everyone stared in silence for a second as they look upon the one who won the first place on the obstacle course, Midnight grinned and then loudly named the winner which in turn made the public explode in celebration "And the first place of this race is Tooru Hagakure!".

And indeed the visibly tired and out-of-breath girl looked around everywhere and silently watched with wide eyes as everyone in the stands loudly clapped and cheered for her.

Tooru the girl no one ever saw, the girl that was always forgotten, and the invincible girl no one ever notice was being cheered and clapped to by everyone in the stadium.

Tears slowly began to drop from her eyes as she continued to watch the public celebrate her victory and chant her name, suddenly she felt someone grab her shoulders which made her turn her head to see who it was.

Only to stare in shock as Harry had appeared behind her and was smiling proudly at her, she turned around to face him and then noticed her fellow trainees clapping and smiling at her as well.

Tooru looked up at Harry and earnestly began to sob and cry as she hugged her sensei tightly, Harry chuckled and hugged her back and soon enough the rest of her friends hugged her all around.

Midnight actually tear up watching the display of affection and camaraderie and the public cheered louder than before.

Back where Harry was sitting with the girls, Eri, and Himiko, were loudly calling out to Tooru while Susan, Hermione, and Luna raised their hands into the air and began to send multi-colored sparks of magic high into the sky.


In the commentator box, both Hazashi and Shota were also cheering and smiling at the girls who won the obstacle course.

Shota had known of Tooru's concerns about not being a good hero because no one would see her or even know about her, growing up invisible must have had quite a negative effect on her self-esteem.

But Harry noticed it and immediately fixed it, now that same girl who was full of doubts and low self-esteem was now glowing.


Nana and All Might cheerfully clapped to the amazing race that they just had seen these students go through and the way they supported each other even if they were rivals in the Sports Festival.

Nezu grinned and nodded, he can see the results of Harry's way of teaching, the way the kids challenged themselves and still supported each other despite this being a competition showed him how Harry's emphasis on teamwork works wonders for the kids' growth.


Harry patted Tooru's head causing the crying girl to look up at him, Harry softly smiled and cleaned her tears away while he said "Good job Tooru, you showed the world that you're here, that you exist and that you will become a great hero so like Nana always says, give them a big and wide smile!".

Tooru teared up again but nodded, she then turned around walked away from Harry and her friends, and began to wave at everyone in the stadium with a big and wide smile and the public went wild.

Izuku smiled and walked up to Harry and stood by his side "She got us good in the tunnel, she did a flash attack and blinded us all".

Harry chuckled and shook his head while Ochako walked up to them "Hehehe I tripped and then everyone tripped on me and that's when Tooru-chan! Took off in a flash of light and won!".

Everyone groaned since all of that was embarrassing to them, the fact that they all tripped and couldn't get up quickly was not only shameful but painful as well.

Sometime after Shoto finally arrived but he was quite angry and embarrassed by his loss, not only he didn't get first place but he ended up getting eleventh place instead.

He narrowed his eyes and glared at Izuku and his friends but Harry turned his face to the side and glared at him causing Shoto to flinch and looked down knowing that it was best to not say anything while Harry was there.

Soon after the rest of the students began to arrive but right now no one really paid any attention to them since the public was busy celebrating Tooru's victory.


After a while, everything calm down and Midnight was able to finally list everyone's placings and who would be moving on to the second event "Okay! As everyone now knows the first place is Tooru Hagakure! Then followed by second place Izuku Midoriya and third place Tsuyu Asui!".

Everyone listened intently as the R-rated Hero continued to list the placings "Fourth place is Momo Yaoyoruzu, fifth place Mina Ashido, then we have sixth place Pony Tsunotori, seventh place Kinoko Komori and eighth place Ibara Shiozaki!".

The girls waved at the public who cheered and smiled at them while Midnight went on "Then we have ninth place Eijiro Kirishima and Tenth place Ochako Uraraka!".

Eijiro fist pumps the air and Ochako grinned and scratched the back of her head, she was the last one to get up since everyone had tripped with her body and landed on top of her in a dog pile though she was very happy that Izuku was the one the landed face first on her chest thought that memory caused her to blush.

Izuku noticed her blush and he himself also blushed remembering the soft pillows he landed face first on, Harry noticed the two teens blushing and immediately understood that something had happened in the tunnel which made him grin at the both of them causing both Ochako and Izuku to turned their heads to the side to ignore Harry which only served to amuse him more.

Midnight went on and thirty-two more students made it to the second event while the rest had failed to advance and were told to continue training for next year.

The kids were then given some time to rest and recuperate from the obstacle race since some of them got injured or are just plain exhausted, these students went to go see Recovery girl in order to be at their one hundred percent for the second event.


In the Midoriya household Inko was crying for her son in pride and in relief since the event was too much excitement for the poor woman but she was also happy for her son.

It had been a while since Izuku had smiled like she just saw him do for his friend a few moments ago, he seems so happy and strong now and a part of her was a little sad.

Her son was growing up and that left her feeling a little lonely, however, she did notice him staring at the cute brunette and blushing which made her feel hopeful that her son would soon get a girlfriend, if that girl becomes his girlfriend then that means she'll be getting grandkids! Hopefully soon.

So Inko Midoriya began to plot to help give her son a push in the right direction, perhaps she should ask his very scary sensei, she had heard that the young teacher has a harem so perhaps he can give her son some advice.

Well, she's just going to have to make some time to go visit her son's sensei and his girlfriends {Gasp! If Izuku gets a harem then that means... more grandchildren for her to spoil! Yes, it's the perfect plan but she needs to act quickly, she's not getting any younger so she needs all of this to happen fast!}.

And so Inko began to slowly and sweetly smile, a smile that hid the dark and evil intentions she had towards her poor son's love life "fufufu...".


Back in the stadium, Izuku who was in the resting room with his friends suddenly felt a disturbing chill run down his spine.

Besides him, Ochako also felt the same chill run down her spine and both of them began to shake and pale as if Harry himself was going after them.


Harry was back in his seat eating a hotdog when he suddenly stopped mid-bite and looked around seeming somewhat disturbed.

Eri noticed her daddy was acting strange and turned towards him to ask him what was wrong "Daddy?"

Harry turned his head towards his daughter and looked down at her "Yeah Eri?".

Eri looked up and then asked, "What's wrong?".

Harry smiled at his daughter and patted her head "It's nothing Eri I just felt like someone was plotting something fun that's all".

Eri tilted her head in confusion but nodded nonetheless and went back to eating the popcorn her daddy had gotten for her when he went to get his hotdog.

Harry chuckled at his daughter and then went back to eating his hotdog {I don't know why but I feel like I will be having fun at someone's expense soon}.


Watching from the stands well hidden away to not catch the attention of anyone, is Endeavor the number two hero but he was very unhappy right now, in fact, he was so aggravated that he was having a hard time not bursting into flames.

The reason why he was in a bad mood was that everything in his life as of late was becoming very troublesome, first, his wife Rei had disappeared from the Psychiatrist Ward he had her locked up in and no one knew how she had escaped nor where she was.

He himself went to investigate her room but there was no sign of forced entry or even a struggle, it was almost as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.

But that was unimportant, a week and some days ago Shoto had been moved into the U.A. dorms and he wasn't even allowed into the campus to visit him for some reason.

The big rat Nezu had just told him that he was not allowed to even approach his son while he was living inside of U.A. but refused to tell him why.

All of this made him very suspicious so he began to investigate and found out the rat had been doing some very suspicious movements as of late, to start with Nezu had single-handedly closed down an entire school and had the teachers and principal so blacklisted that no one will ever allow them to go near a child for the rest of their lives.

He had destroyed them not only career-wise but publicly as well, all the teachers and the principal were arrested and sued for so many reports of child abuse and negligence that they won't ever finish paying up their fines in this lifetime much less be able to find work.

The only thing about all of this that bother him the most was the fact that he couldn't find out why, why would the principal of U.A. go out of his way to destroy a bunch of teachers from a local school?

Why is he keeping his son away from him, and does he have something to do about Rei's disappearance? He didn't know why but all of this was giving him a feeling of foreboding that was slowly eating at him.

But all of that was just made worse by the fact that his son, the one who would one day surpass All Might hadn't gotten first place in the first event.

Not only that, he had gotten eleventh place! Eleven! If only his son would stop being so stubborn and use his fire he would have gotten at least second or third place.

Though he had to admit that the brats who got the first ten places were very impressive and very strong, if he heard right the commentators had said that they were being trained by a teacher named Harry Potter.

Perhaps if he throws enough money at him he can convince him to exclusively train Shoto {Yes... I'll have to meet with this Harry Potter and convince him to train Shoto, he did wonders with those brats, someone like Shoto would benefit the most out of whatever training method he was using on these brats of his...}.

Enji Todoroki had decided to talk to Harry soon, especially since he has seen him when he appeared behind the girl who got first place, letting him know that Harry was present at the stadium today.

Endeavor would regret ever speaking to Harry later on this day and it would be the start of many other regrets that would soon befall him from the consequences of his cruel and heartless actions in his obsession with All Might.

Like many others he will know firsthand how much Harry hates child abuse, he will experience a Dragon's God rage.


All for One was laying down on his hospital bed as he thought back on what he just saw happen during the first event of this year's Sports Festival {How?... Just how do those kids have multiple quirks and not get mutated like the Nomu? How can they function normally? Does this Harry Potter have an enhanced version of his quirk?*.

These were some very disturbing thoughts that All for One was having, it should be impossible but everything leads to Harry Potter having an enhanced or even an improved version of his quirk.

Their little spy had also told them how Potter had taken away a male student's quirk so fast and without harming or leaving the boy in a coma, which further proved his theory of the existence of a better version of his quirk existence.

This makes things more complicated to his plans, if he's not careful he could lose many useful pawns to Potter but that green-haired student intrigued All for One the most.

He alone seemed to have more than two Quirks unlike the rest of his friends who had two, he might be able to fool his fellow students and teachers but he noticed the very familiar quirks belonging to his past nemesis "All Might passed downed the torch... Izuku Midoriya, enjoy my brother's quirk while you can because I'm coming for you soon HAHAHAHA!".


Rei was watching the Sports Festival from the big TV in the living room of Harry's room, with her was Mr. Goop who was also watching the events with her.

The shiny metal slime with the manliest mustache she has ever seen had been a constant reminder of how crazy and wild her life had become since she began to live with Harry and his family.

The things they had shown her were straight out of Fairytales, Magic, Devils, Angels, Yokai, Dragons and so many other things that Rei had never even dreamed of ever being able to see.

All of it was amazing and she was loving every second of it, Harry had even given her his blessing as a Dragon God and a bunch of other things, he even empowered her quirk increasing its power and range of things she could do with snow and ice.

She even joined little Eri in her magic lesson with Hermione and she was very invested in learning everything she could about magic it was something she was growing very passionate about.

Thanks to Harry's blessing, the skills, and perks he had also given her, she had de-aged, now she was back to looking like she did when she was in her twenties and the woman part of her loved it.

Living here with Harry, the girls and Eri had given her a feeling of peace and happiness that she thought she would never receive, and at some point the thought that she didn't deserve such things had plagued her mind.

She still felt guilty at everything that had happened to her and her children, the fact that she couldn't protect them as a mother should have continued to hunt her even now.

But thankfully Luna and Harry were helping her with her mental issues as well, she can now think clearly and sort out all the emotions she felt.

Honestly, it was just one more thing to add to the pile of things she is very thankful to this warm and caring family, who chose to help her for no other reason than it was the right thing to do.

There were times that she wished she was a part of this family for real, having been bought by Enji from her parents and being forced to marry him right after had left her without ever experiencing what it felt to be in love.

But watching how Harry and the girls would act around each other and how much Harry loves them made her wish that Enji would have tried to be like that with her.

Perhaps life would have been more bearable then but no Enji didn't know the meaning of the word love and with his sick obsession with All Might he would never do so.

Still, she was now happy and excited to someday soon see her sons and daughter again but now watching how her son was acting during the Sports Festival made her frown.

The fact that he was using his quirk without any care that he could severely hurt his classmates reminded her a lot of Enji and she didn't like that and then she saw him glare at Izuku and his friends.

The same glare she had seen on Enji's face every time he would hear anything that had to do with All Might and that worried her a lot.

Her concern must have shown on her face since Mr. Goop slid himself up to her side and to her surprise he spoke "Slurp! Leave everything to Izuku and his friends slurp! I'm sure they'll help your son soon slurp!".

Rei stared at Mr. Good and even though she was thankful for his kind and supportive words she couldn't help to exclaim "You can speak!?".

Mr. Goop just wobbled and then continued to smile at Rei with the same goofy smile that's always on his face, which caused Rei to sweatdrop because it seems like Mr. Goop had no intention of answering her question.


Back in the stadium, everyone was now ready to begin the second event which Midnight was about to announce for everyone to hear "Now the second event will be!... A calvary Battle! Everyone will team up in a group of two to four students! And the entire event will last fifteen minutes, the objective is to steal the headbands of opposing teams".

While Midnight continued to explain how everyone will have to accumulate points by stealing headbands from other groups, Izuku and his friends got together to plan what to do next.

Suddenly Midnight announced something that surprised everyone "And the headband of the first place holder of the Obstacle course will be worth ten million points.

Everyone turned to look at Tooru who jumped when she noticed she was the center of attention but soon after she then grinned and cheekily waved at everyone not seeming one bit worried about the giant target of her back.

Her fellow trainees grinned at her and nodded, then they got together again and began to plan, Kinoko, Ibara, and Pony were going to team up with each other.

Izuku, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Momo teamed up while Tooru, Mina, Eijiro, and a girl named Mei Hatsume from the Department of Support teamed up, apparently, she wanted to show off her inventions and being with the first place holder will get her lot of attention from Support agencies.

Tooru was more than happy to let Mei use her to grab attention plus some of her inventions seemed very neat and useful.

Both teams decided to follow Harry's example on the importance of teamwork while working together and covering each other's back, that way everyone will be able to move on and face each other in the third event.


In the commentator box both Hizashi and Shota watched everyone create a team and plan how to take down Tooru, Shota noticed right away how some were especially aiming at Tooru's or Izuku's team and shook his head "It seems like everyone wants to aim at the 10 million points, too bad they won't succeed".

Hizashi turned towards Shota and then said "Oh! What makes you so sure? This time it will be four against thirty-eight, how can you be so sure they won't be able to get those 10 million points?".

Shota once again shook his head "They're going to be facing Harry Potter's students and we all just watched them perform exceptionally well on the obstacle course, the fact that everyone not only seems to have forgotten that fact but also forgot that they're very powerful is too illogical".

Hizashi and the public sweatdropped, sure what he said made sense but the way he delivered those words just made him sound so sure, still, he did raise some very important points.


The students who were competing were now not too sure about going against Tooru, Izuku, and their friends, the fact that Harry's students were all maliciously grinning at everyone made their doubts increase.

Shoto was the only one who wasn't intimated by them but the same couldn't be said about his teammates who looked very nervous.

However, Midnight told everyone to get ready because the event was about to start and all the students got in position, both Izuku and Tooru were on top while their friends were the horses, Ibara and Pony ended up as horses as for their team while Kinoko was on top.

Soon after Midnight cracked her whip and announced the start of the second event "Begin!".

The public exploded in excitement as chaos was brought to the stadium, Izuku's group immediately go to work.

Ochako used her Gravity Manipulation to lift every off the ground while Momo used her thruster boots and gauntlets to move.

Meanwhile, Izuku would be blasting and getting headbands with Blackwhip while Tsuyu will be using her water attacks to push anyone that got to close away from them while also using her tongue to grab headbands.

Tooru's group opted to stay on the ground and moved around with Mei's hover boots while Eijiro acted as a wall and Mina was attacking everyone with her acid.

Tooru would use her Light Manipulation to blast and shoot anyone who tried to get too close, since she had the 10 million points headband, her team didn't need to get more headbands, all they needed to do is keep everyone away and they can accomplish that easily.

Ibara, Kinoko, and Pony were also working together to not only keep other contestants away but also get more headbands, Kinoko blasted and kept everyone away by creating a big sphere of sharp wind around them.

While Ibara used her vines to steal headbands and Pony just shot at everyone who seemed to try and do something to go through Kinoko's wind sphere.


Shota grinned and nodded his head in approval as he watched his students safely keep everyone away from them while still being on the offensive.

Hizashi gaped and then said, "Whoa! See that listeners!? Izuku's, Tooru's, and Ibara's team have become mobile fortresses! Amazing creativity and use of their quirks!".

Shota nodded and then said, "Not only that but they're also covering each other's back, an amazing display of teamwork".

Hizashi raised an eyebrow and looked closely, he then noticed how these three groups were blasting or pushing contestants away from each other in tandem "You're right! But why? This is a competition, what's the point in cooperation against your rivals".

Shota shook his head "You seem to forget that the Sports Festival was originally a way for young inspiring heroes to showcase their skills, every hero agency out there will have them working with others so showing not only their power but their ability to work together in a show of teamwork is a great way to get more offers, it is a very logical thing to do".

Hizashi looked down for a second but then nodded since that made sense "You make an excellent point Eraserhead though I do wonder where they picked up such amazing teamwork?".

Shota nodded "They got it from Harry Potter, as a teacher Harry's lessons focus on control, skill, and teamwork, this is why not many joined his after-class lessons, either they foolishly believed they could improve on their own or believed that they don't need something like teamwork but as you can see it's a very good thing to learn".

Hizashi nodded, he can imagine that many students were to prideful to even consider taking extra lessons from Harry "I see! They must be regretting not accepting those extra lessons now hahaha!".


It quickly became evident that no one was going to be able to take or even get close to these three groups and so everyone stopped trying and began to instead get headbands from others.

Of course, there was only one group that was still trying to get either Tooru's or Izuku's headband, Shoto wasn't about to give up in trying to move on to the next round by taking down Izuku or getting Tooru's 10 million points headband.

His group consisted of his classmates Tokoyami, Ida and Sero, together they tried to get close or crash against Izuku's and Tooru's group, but Izuku's group just stay up in the air while Tooru's was a mobile tank making it difficult to get close much less steal a headband from them.

Eventually, Tokoyami tried to use his quirk Dark Shadow and sent it to try and get a headband from Izuku's team but Tooru's blasted it with light bullets causing both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow to scream in pain.

Sero sent his tape to try and get Tooru's headband since she was distracted but Momo threw a flashbang grenade in the tape's path and when Hanta pulled it back he was blasted by the flashbang grenade exploding on his face.

Having no other choice and seeing as two of his teammates were down Ida used his secret technique Recipro Burst to push his entire team close to Izuku, and Shoto took advantage of the close proximity, he jumped while using his Ice to push himself up to try and get Izuku's headband.

But Izuku saw Shoto coming and got ready, he then gathered energy from his quirk and the green bioelectricity that's always around him when he has Full Cowling activated, Shoto saw Izuku preparing something and in a moment of desperation, he activated his flames.

But Izuku flicked his finger towards Shoto while yelling "Lightning Cannon!".

A big mass of wind and green bio electricity shot out of Izuku's flick at high-speed, not only colliding against Shoto's entire body but also exploding in a small lightning and wind storm.

Shoto screamed in pain as Izuku's technique shocked and sliced him until it burst sending a paralyzed Shoto through the air, luckily Sero recovered enough to catch him and put him back on top.

Shoto's team immediately backpedaled to get away from Izuku's team while Shoto glared at Izuku in anger for not only repelling him but also making him use his quirk's fire.

Izuku, however, shook his head at him and cockily grinned, he was quite glad that he had made a few new techniques with Harry-sensei's help, though when he showed him what he was planning to name them Harry slapped him in the back of the head.

He didn't understand at first why Harry didn't want him to use Smash anymore but then Harry explained that he has to let go of his obsession with everything All Might related, he has to make his own path and he can't do that if he's clinging to his quirk's past.

One for All is his now and he has to make it his own, he can't do that if he's always copying All Might's moves, harsh but Harry did make a good point so Izuku with Harry's help began to create his own set of special moves.

This is one of them, Lightning Cannon is just a fully powered flick engulfed in his green bioelectricity and air pressure, depending on how much power he uses on this special move the bigger and more damage he can cause to his targets, he can even shoot bullet size Lightning Cannons thanks to his perfect control over One for All.

The best thing about this technique is that it has a shocking effect that causes temporary paralysis which is great for capturing villains.

It is a great long-distance attack that quickly became one of his favorite moves to use so he was quite proud that he was able to push Shoto away with it.


Eri brightly smiled and clapped excitedly about how cool her big brother Izuku's special move is "That's awesome! Daddy did you see that?".

Harry nodded and smiled at Eri "I sure did, Izuku practiced quite a lot to get that move just right though It did surprise us when we saw the effect".

Eri nodded and went back to watching the cool battle going on while cheering for her friends, Hermione, however, hummed "What effect?".

Harry smiled at his girlfriend knowing that she was very curious about Izuku's new technique "It has a paralyzing effect, it seems like his bioelectricity targets the nervous system causing it to go numb, just look at Shoto, he can't move and he won't be able too for a while.

The girls turned to look toward where Shoto's team was standing and saw him struggling to move while his teammates were trying to keep him up, Susan then said "I see, what a useful technique for law enforcement, how long does the paralysis last?".

Harry looked up in thought "Hmm I think around two or three minutes though we did test it on Denki Kaminari and it only brought him down for less than a minute".

Susan nodded while Luna then spoke up "Oh? So it's affected by natural resistances to lightning or electric attacks, can we learn it?".

Harry nodded "I already did it using magic, it is a simple attack though we have to be careful when we use it, overpowering would make the technique cause Bijuudama levels of destruction.

The girls nodded while Himiko just looked a little confused but she got some of what they were talking about, she didn't have much talent with magic so she was often lost in conversations like these.

But she was a genius in the Assassination and Ninja arts, in fact, she was better than even Tooru and she can turn invisible, at first she was a bit sad that she wasn't that good with magic but Harry told her that everyone had their own talents and hers were just different from the rest.

So she felt a little bit better afterward, though she still practices magic so she could be better, she might not be able to use most of the spells that Harry and Hermione were teaching her but she was good at a good few, like buffs and debuffs spells and even status effect spells, even though they weren't as flashy as using fire or lightning she is happy with what she can do with them.


Time was running out and the contestants began to scramble to get any headbands they could, Shoto's team was forced to forgo going after Izuku's or Tooru's group and began to attack the rest.

Meanwhile, Harry's students felt they had enough points and just continued to play defensively while covering each other's backs.

Eventually, time ran out and Midnight loudly cracked her whip and loudly announced the end of the second event while the public loudly cheered "And time's up! Well done everyone! You were all very passionate and I love it! Now give us a minute to get the results in!".

Ochako put down her entire team and tiredly sighed, Izuku jumped down and patted her back "Great job Ochako! How are you feeling?".

Ochako turned towards Izuku and gave him a smile "I'm fine just a little tired, Harry-sensei's modifications to my quirk got rid of the nausea I used to get so no more puking my guts out!".

Izuku sweatdropped at the casual way Ochako just mentioned the way she used to get when she overuse her quirk, Momo and Tsuyu smiled at their friend.

Tooru, Mina, Eijiro, and Mei walked up to them, Tooru excitedly began to speak "Guys! We did it! That was an awesome plan Izuku".

Izuku nervously smiled but nodded at his friend while Mei was bothering Momo about her thruster gauntlets and boots but Momo dismissed them and refuse to say anything.

She had promised Tony Stark that she wouldn't reveal anything she learned from him and Harry modified her quirk so she could destroy anything she created with just a thought, it wouldn't be good if anything she created somewhat landed on the wrong hands after all.

Ibara, Kinoko, and Pony joined their friends and began to excitedly speak amongst each other while they waited for the results.

It didn't take long for Midnight to announce who had moved on to the next round "Okay! We have the winners! First is Tooru Hagakure with 10 million points! and her team Mina Ashido! Eijiro Kirishima! and Mei Hatsume, next is Izuku Midoriya! and his team Ochako Uraraka! Tsuyu Asui! Momo Yaoyoruzu!, and then Ibara Shiozaki! with her team Kinoko Komori! and Pony Tsunotori!".

Everyone in the stadium cheered loudly for these young heroes in training while Midnight continued "Next is Shoto Todoroki! and his team Tokoyami Fumikage! Ida Tenya! and Sero Hanta! and in a weird twist of events after his entire team refused to move on to the next round for some reason, the last one moving on is Shinso Hitoshi!".

Now, this last announcement surprised Izuku and his friends not understanding why anyone would choose not to go on so everyone turned around and stared at Hitoshi who gave them all a creepy smile.

Izuku then turned towards Shinso's teammates who were Yuga, Mashirao, and Nirengeki who looked confused and angry for some reason {Just what happened to them... I'm going to have to speak with one of them, there's something I don't like about all of this...}.

The second event of the Sports Festival is over and the third is about to begin but what's going on with Hitoshi? and will happen next?