Chapter 84

A few days passed by after the Sports Festival and those days were sort of busy for Harry, first Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto moved into the Potter house and he had to expand the house a bit plus added some extra rooms so they could be comfortable.

Because Endeavor is rotting in jail facing quite a few years sentence because of his crimes, Rei was easily able to file for divorce and change her last name back to Himura rather quickly, of course, Nezu helped things along but she was finally and completely free of her past but more importantly from Endeavor as well.

Fuyumi got a job working in U.A. as a General Studies teacher thanks to Nezu, Natsuo continues to go to his college classes while Shoto began to train with Harry and his student in the mornings.

Izuku and his friends accepted Shoto right away and treated him like a friend, it took a while for Shoto himself to get used to the concept of friends but with Rei's encouragement, he was able to slowly open up to Izuku and the rest of Harry's students.

Who speaking of them, began to train to not only improve the flaws they found in their techniques, tactics, and fighting style but Harry also made sure to get rid of any obvious weaknesses they might have like Tsuyu's weakness to lightning-based attacks.

Eri and Rei continue to learn about magic from Hermione and are improving quite fast, Harry sometimes teaches them some cool or useful spells or magical techniques.

Luna spoke with Harry about letting Nana have a second chance in life and after thinking about it for a while Harry decided to go ahead and do it.

Though he did traumatize All Might a bit since he had him take him where Nana was buried and right there and then, Harry dug up her body while All Might was having a panic attack as he watched Harry desecrate his teacher's grave.

Harry then restore Nana's body to a perfect state and proceeded to violently shove her soul back into her body while he used his Resurrection spell to bring her back to life.

Poor Nana and All Might locked themselves in their rooms for a couple of days after Harry was done with them, Nezu cackled in amusement after he heard what had happened to them but they did recover a day later or so and continued to be the same as always.

It did take a while for Nana to get used to being alive again, sometimes she would forget she wasn't a ghost anymore and crash against a wall when she would try to walk through it which just amused Harry to no end.

Hermione tracked down Mei Hatsume in the support department and began to check out her inventions, for the most part, Mei is a genius but she's very accident-prone and had a habit of becoming too hyperfocused on her work which was dangerous and the reason why her inventions malfunction a lot.

She wasn't getting enough rest and food, which affected her performance, so Hermione did the best thing possible to solve this problem, she unleashed the motherly Susan on Mei.

Susan being the kind and headstrong woman she is, made sure that Mei was fed, well rested, and clean, even if she had to be tough on the girl, poor Mei had no defenses for Susan's wand magic at all.

But Mei improved and became far more responsible with her inventions, eventually, Harry and Hermione would teach her all kinds of things and give her materials to work with to see what she would come up with, eventually, she became the personal Hero Supporter for Izuku and friends.

Harry also healed Tensei Ida and restored his ability to walk, the Ida family was eternally grateful to him, especially Tenya who was then threatened by Harry "If I hear you went after this Hero Killer for revenge, I'll make sure you suffer an eternity of agonizing pain".

Needless to say, that terrified Tenya who then vowed not to do anything like that repeatedly to Harry, he then told Tensei to not do any hero work until the Hero Killer is dealt with, otherwise, he might come after him and his sidekicks so Tensei happily took a vacation.

Then Izuku and his friends finally chose where they will be taking their internships and with who will they be working under for that time.

Izuku accepted an invitation for an internship from none other than Rumi Usagiyama aka Mirko who was very interested in Izuku's fighting style and the tenacity he showed in the sports festival.

Shoto decided to intern with Moe Kajimi aka Burnin who with Kido and Onima were taking care of Endeavor's Hero Agency, the ex number two hero might have been a bastard but his agency is one of the most specialized battle hero agencies in Musutafu, and thus one of the busiest, its reputation might have taken a big hit but they were still heroes and couldn't afford to be taken down, it has already changed its name to the Flaming Hero Agency.

Tooru went with Shin'ya Kamihara aka Edgeshot, his being a hero ninja was the perfect type of hero to work with for Tooru who was hoping to learn a lot from him.

Tsuyu choose to go with Selkie the Sea Rescue Hero, her hope was to improve her rescuing skills specifically for water environments where she would not only be at her strongest but also be able to handle any situation because of her Water Manipulation.

Ochako and Mina decided to go with the Battle Hero Gunhead, both of them were hoping to improve their hand-to-hand combat skills and perhaps pick up another fighting style to complement the one Harry taught them.

Eijiro got interested in working with Taishiro Toyomitsu aka Fat Gum, he didn't explain why but he did say that it was a manly made decision and no one really wanted to ask him to elaborate.

Momo, Ibara, and Kinoko were given an invitation by Ryuko Tatsuma aka Ryukyu who was very impressed by their performance and wanted them to intern with her, the girls were excited to work under the number 9 Hero.

Now the kids were training with Harry while they wait for the day of their internships to arrive and Harry started to take them into these Instant Dungeons so they can get even stronger and get some more battle experience.

Rei and her children felt at ease now and began to spend more time together or with the whole family, Harry would always tell them stories of his world to them and they couldn't wait to meet everyone especially Morgan and Hope who Harry spoke very fondly of.

Fuyumi and Eri were definitely excited about having a sister and lots of cousins to hang out with while Shoto and Natsuo couldn't wait to meet the boys and see the Mecha they were building.

Himiko continued to train with everyone but she also got very interested in cooking which Susan and Rei were very happy to teach her about, now she can be often found cooking in the kitchen with a pink apron that has the word 'Stabbing' on them.

Izuku also took his girlfriends to meet with his mother and boy was that a crazy event, the girls liked Inko quite a lot because of her kind and gentle nature but the Midoriya matriarch was already demanding a lot of grandchildren from Izuku.

The scary thing about it was that Ochako and Pony looked like they were really considering it after Inko took them aside to have a woman-to-woman talk, it seems like Izuku will be sleeping with one eye open from now on, to protect his chastity from his girlfriends.

Today, however, Harry and Luna will be having a meeting with All Might, Nana, and Nezu, there were a few things he wanted to get done while the kids did their internships plus Luna has been able to find more information about Aoyama that she wanted to share with everyone.


Harry stepped inside Nezu's office and smiled at everyone already inside waiting for him "Hello there, Nana, All Might, and Nezu, I didn't make you guys wait for too long right?".

All three of the shook their head, Nezu then smiled "Not at all, I know you've been busy with kids since they seemed very excited about their internships".

Harry sighed but smiled nonetheless "Yeah all of them including Shoto want to be extra prepared for their internships, I'm not teaching them anything new but I am helping them polish all of their techniques, skills, and super moves as much as possible".

All Might grinned proud of the kid's initiative while Nana softly smiled, Nezu nodded proud of the kid's work ethic "While we wait for Luna why don't you tell us what you're planning to do, you did call on this meeting for that right?".

Harry grinned in amusement "Nothing catches you off guard huh Nezu?".

Nezu just grinned back at Harry who shook his and then began to explain "I want to talk about this League of Villains and the creature they brought with them, I didn't have time then because of the kids and my lessons but now that they're going to be busy with their internships I can actually do something about it".

Nezu nodded "We still don't know much about the organization, All Might did help put in perspective the kind of person the so-called leader of the organization is, so far we have only been able to find his name Tomura Shigaraki ".

Harry hummed "You mean the guy with the hands-on his face?".

Nezu nodded and then turn his head towards All Might as he began to explain "I have been reviewing the footage we could recover from the security cameras around the U.S.J., the villains themselves aren't very smart, or rather the whole plan to attack the U.S.J. seems infantile at most, everything seemed very rushed and centered around the bio-weapon known as Nomu".

Harry nodded "I see, I wasn't there when the villains arrived but I did ask Izuku and the kids about it, Izuku told me that the villains did not seem to be very well prepared and that it showed when they separated everyone".

Nezu raised an eyebrow intrigued "How so? The villains were pretty clever to separate the kids no? Unless... ah I see!".

Harry smiled at Nezu in confirmation of his deduction "It seems to you realized it, the fact that they chose to teleport Tsuyu in the water rescue simulation when her quirk clearly gives her an advantage in water environments shows one of the following one, we're dealing with a bunch of idiots and I doubt that's it given that no idiot could have created a bio-weapon like the Nomu, two, they're too arrogant and didn't bother to actually plan the whole thing and just jumped the gun! This one seems more likely with the way Tomura talked during the whole thing and finally, three!, all of this was a test run from someone else, someone behind the scenes was testing the water and perhaps the Nomu's performance against All Might".

Nezu, Nana, and All Might frowned, to them all these points made sense to them, Nezu sighed "We just don't have any more information at the moment, the most disturbing thing about all of this is that Shigaraki was able to recruit an alarming number of villains to his cause... the fact these individuals were actually motivated to attack U.S.J. let alone risk facing All Might speaks volumes of Shigaraki's charisma".

Harry shook his head "No that's not it, another reason I think someone else is behind all of this is that Shigaraki is just a child in the body of an adult, he kept talking like everything around him was a video game, to me that tells me that at best Shigaraki is too childish to be the true leader, any adult wouldn't want to work with a person like that so someone else did the recruitment".

The trio of pro heroes looked down, all if this just keeps getting more complicated as time goes on, Nana then spoke up "also, that Nomu thing you fought, what exactly did you do to it? I heard that you turned it back into a human but how? how did you even know it was a human being to begin with?".

Harry sadly sighed "well you guys know that I have a special ocular ability right?".

All Might, Nezu, and Nana nodded, all three of them were aware that Harry's ocular abilities were something amazing, Harry went on "Well with my Rinnegan I could see what they had done to that person, all I did is take the quirks away and reverse the time on the body to before it was experimented on, though the soul had long moved on... that thing was technically an undead creature at that point".

Nezu frown "It was dead? but then how could keep functioning?... Is that how they're able to control them?".

Harry nodded "It was dead and had no soul but they somehow were able to keep it alive but at that point, it's just an empty shell, my guess is that they programmed it, whoever did this must be a pure genius, a bastard for sure but a genius nonetheless".

Nezu hummed "So not just anyone could pull this off... I'll begin to investigate everyone with a background in bio-engineering and medical practices, it has to take an impressive amount of medical and programming knowledge to create something like the Nomu...".

Harry then raises his palm and summoned Wisemon "Wisemon help Nezu with his investigation, the person he's looking for might be trying to keep a low profile because of his experiments but I'm sure he left a data trail that you can follow".

Wisemon nodded and turned towards Nezu who smiled and pull out his cell phone, Wisemon nodded and then turned into data which then flew straight into Nezu's cellphone.

Nezu then flipped his cellphone and looked at the screen and smiled "I'll be counting on you Wisemon".

The Mega-level Digimon nodded and seemed to smile with his eyes which made Nezu chuckle, he then turned towards Harry "Thank you, Harry, with Wisemon's assistance I'll be able to find who is creating the Nomu".

Harry smiled "No problem Nezu, I also want you to find this guy, I'm not fond of Necromancers and this guy is practically one so I want to make sure he never messes with life like that again".

Nezu nodded understanding, suddenly Luna appeared through a Dark Corridor that sprouted from the floor, Luna looked around the office and smiled at everyone while the Dark Corridor closed behind her.

She then walked up to Harry and gave him a kiss and then stood in front of Nezu "I have found out everything about Aoyama and why someone is modifying his personal information".

With the way, Luna was frowning everyone knew that what they were about to hear was not going to be good, and more than likely they will be very upset by the end of this conversation.


Luna sadly sighed and conjured up a chair, she then sat down and closed her eyes to gather her thoughts, Harry, Nezu, All Might, and Nana knew that what she had found was big so they let her take her time, eventually, Luna opened her eyes and stared at Nezu "Yuga Aoyama is a mole for the League of Villains".

The three pro heroes flinched upon hearing the news, Harry narrowed his eyes and frowned "Why? Why would someone like Aoyama work with the League of Villains?".

Luna smiled at Harry "Apparently Aoyama was born quirkless which is why all of his personal information was severely modified, Ebemon was able to find a data trail and followed it to the source where he found the deleted data, he was able to recover most of it and that's how I found out that he was born quirkless".

All Might narrowed his eyes, while Nana frowned, Harry noticed "So it's that All for One guy huh?".

Luna nodded "That's what I believe, we know that All for One can give quirks to others and that he's alive, so the most logical deduction we can have is that he gave Aoyama his quirk and Aoyama works for the League of Villains which means...".

Harry huffed in annoyance "All for One is behind the League of Villains, how annoying... we were just talking about the fact that someone else was behind the League of Villains' actions but to think it was this so call All for One all along".

Luna nodded while All Might and Nana seemed rather perturbed by the news, Nezu hummed "But that still doesn't tell us why young Aoyama would work with the League of Villains... I'm pretty sure he's being coerced to do it".

Luna nodded "Yes, it seems that his parents are being threatened which in turn pressures Aoyama to continue to act as a mole, it seems like they're really afraid for their lives".

Harry looked down "So this is why we couldn't find the whereabouts of his parents... it was an excuse that they were working overseas to cover the fact that All for One probably has them locked up somewhere...".

All Might turned towards Nezu "Can we do something to help young Aoyama? Harry said that the darkness in his heart is full of regret, that has to mean that he doesn't want to do this right?".

Nezu nodded "Yes, but we have to find where his parents are being held and then rescue them, otherwise Aoyama won't be able to refuse helping the League of Villains".

Luna smiled "I'm already looking into it, me and Ebemon should be able to find them soon enough in the meantime let's use this to our advantage~".

Nezu grinned "Yes, now that we know who the mole is we can better prepare for any situation, we won't be caught off guard again".

Everyone nodded in agreement, now that they know that All for One is behind everything they can better prepare for whatever plan he and the League of Villains might actually try to pull off.

Soon after everyone left to do their own thing after having made some plans for the next big events to come in U.A.


Izuku was excited to work under the number five Hero Mirko, but he was also quite perplexed about her request to have him intern with her, Mirko was famously known as a hero who did not like to work with others and much rather deal with villains herself plus she was also known to enjoy fighting way too much.

So that left Izuku somewhat confused about her intentions to ask for him to intern with her, she did say that she was rather impressed with his fighting style and the tenacity he showed during the Sports Festival but that didn't tell him much.

Even so, to have the opportunity to work with Mirko is a big chance to learn from a well-renowned hero, so this morning he left his home early and headed straight to Mirko's Hero Agency.

It didn't take him long to reach the place and once he arrived he stopped at the entrance of the building and took a look at the entire place in awe, however his highly trained instincts flared up and he immediately jumped back in time to dodge an axe kick that crashed where had been standing a few moments ago.

But he didn't have time to think or even look at his assailant as he was forced to dodge a barrage of fast and powerful kicks, not wanting to be taken down by a surprise attack Izuku activated Full Cowling at twenty-five percent and then jumped and spun kicked his attacker.

The attacker must have not expected him to retaliate because his kick nail its face with a loud crack and sent the attacker flying back until it crashed against a wall of Mirko's Hero Agency building.

Izuku landed on his feet and narrowed his eyes in preparation for an attack but then he gaped as he took a closer look at the person who just attacked him, without mistake the person on the floor and groaning in pain was non-other than Mirko, the Number Five Hero.

Izuku didn't know how to react or what to say about the fact that he was surprised attacked by Mirko, however, he was snapped back into reality when Mirko suddenly stood up and grinned at Izuku.

Izuku sweatdropped because Mirko's nose was definitely broken with the way it was twisted from Izuku's kick, Mirko, however, didn't seem to mind and just grabbed her nose and snapped back in place "You're finally here! I've been wanting to fight you for a while~ hehe I was right you are really strong! I felt that kick throughout my entire body!".

Izuku sweatdropped even more and then sighed, he shook his head and calmed down a bit "... So you wanted me to intern with you just to fight me? I've heard that your quite the battle maniac but wow...".

Mirko just continued to grin and then walked up to Izuku and violently slapped his back causing him to grunt in pain "Well sure! I really want to fight you but I think you have a lot of potential as well plus the agency has been nagging me about me working with someone else and I liked your style so why not kill two birds with one stone? So I requested you to intern with me!".

Izuku nodded "But why the surprise attack? That kick could have killed someone you know?".

Mirko brightly smiled "I needed to test you! I wanted to make sure you're the real deal plus I knew you could handle it! and you did~ you even broke my nose, ouch by the way!".

Izuku just chuckled and nodded, he then put his hand into the pouch he has on his hip and began to look for something, Mirko just watched him do so curiously.

After a few seconds Izuku found what he was looking for and took it out, he smiled as he saw the red Apple Gel in his hand, he then handed it to Mirko who grabbed it and stare at it in confusion "What is it? Candy?".

Izuku laughed a little "In a way it is but it's a special type of medicine, try it out! Not only does it taste good but it will heal you".

Mirko tilted her head not really believing Izuku about the medicine but it didn't hurt to try so she chucked it in her mouth and began to chew "Mmm! Oh~ it tastes like apples! I like it~".

Mirko's eyes suddenly widened when she felt the pain in her nose disappear and feel her broken nose actually repair itself "Wha-?".

Izuku just grinned at her "Pretty cool huh? My sensei makes them and he's always making all of us take a few with us just in case, Principal Nezu is trying to find a way to make them so they could be available to all heroes!".

Mirko nodded, she didn't much care about all the mumbo-jumbo behind this delicious and healing candy but she can see how useful it could be "That's cool... you said sensei right? Do you mean this Harry-sensei that kept healing you guys during the Sports Festival?".

Izuku nodded "Yes that's him, he can do all kinds of things and he's very, very, VERY! powerful too though he can be terrifying as well... but he's the best teacher you could ask for".

Mirko grinned and nodded in understanding, she could see how much Izuku respected Harry "Is he the one who taught you that fighting style?".

Izuku nodded "Yes it's called the Strong Fist style, it is a martial art focused on crushing your opponent's bones".

Mirko hugged Izuku by his shoulder and began to drag him inside her Hero Agency "Oh~ sounds like a fun time! Tell me more about your fighting style and about Harry Potter! You think I can beat him in a fight?".

Izuku laughed which made Mirko sweatdrop "What!? No way! You can't beat Harry-sensei, he would just literally flick you away or take a bite out of you... now that I think about it... do dragons like eating rabbits?".

Mirko laughed at the absurdity of what Izuku just said "I'll take that as a challenge, now come on! Let's get you ready for patrol! We can talk more about Harry Potter while we get to work!".

Izuku nodded. he couldn't help but think that this internship was going to be a lot of fun.


A few days went by and Harry spent them being lazy, he would constantly take naps in his dragon form right outside of his house, and Eri would often join him in his naps by sleeping on his back or on his belly, Fuyumi and Rei out of curiosity tried it as well and to their embarrassment, they completely fell a sleep.

However, as he was taking his nap today he received a visitor who had no sense of preservation with the way she landed on his snout and began to poke his eyelid "Harry-sensei! Wake up! Hey Harry-sensei! Get up! Come on!".

Harry huffed and open his eyes and watched as Nejire was standing on his snout smiling at him "Nejire? Aren't you supposed to be on your internship?... Why are you waking up a dragon from his nap? That's a death wish you know?".

Nejire giggled "But you're a good dragon Harry-sensei! Anyhow! Yes I was in my internship but then Kinoko, Momo, Ibara, and I began to tell Ryuko about you but she really didn't believe us about how big you are in your dragon form and we all took offense to that so we decided to call you over! So we did rock, paper, scissors and I lost and here were are!".

Harry sweatdropped but still chuckled from the over-excited explanation he got from Nejire, he yawned causing Nejire to shake and wobble around since she was still standing on his snout "Okay... first of all, who's Ryuko and why should I care if she believes if I'm this big or not?".

Nejire smiled "Ryoko is the number nine Hero Ryukyu! She can also turn into a dragon but you're so much bigger and cooler Harry-sensei! But she didn't believe us! Can you believe that?".

Harry grinned "Another dragon you say? Well this has piqued my interest, let's go visit this dragon hero shall we?".

Nejire fist pumped and nodded "Yes! Oh~ can I ride on your back Harry-sensei? You promised to give me a ride remember?".

Harry chuckled but nodded causing Nejire to cheer, she then flew up and landed on his back "Huh? Oh! Eri!".

Harry heard Nejire mention Eri and he moved his long neck and head to see behind him, he raised an eyebrow when he caught sight of his daughter peacefully sleeping on his back though he then sweatdropped "... I didn't even notice her sleeping back here...".

Nejire giggled while Harry leaned his head towards Eri and softly poked her belly with his snout, Eri suddenly woke up and began to laugh "Daddy! That tickles! Stop~".

Harry chuckled but stopped "And when did you fall asleep on my back missy? I didn't even feel you climb onto my back".

Eri sat up and smiled at Harry, she then hugged his snout which was still very close to her "Mommy Hermione taught me a flying spell yesterday! and I used it to land on your back!".

Harry smiled at his daughter "I see, very nice sweetie! Now Nejire and I are going to visit a friend of hers, do you want to come?".

Eri nodded while Nejire smiled and hugged her to her body, Harry nodded and then spread his wings "Then hang on! Cause I'm flying us there! Nejire make sure to guide me okay?".

Nejire patted Harry's back to let him know that she heard him and Harry then took off flying while both Nejire and Eri enjoyed the ride.


Meanwhile, both Nana and All Might were visiting their old friend Sorahiko Torino aka Grand Torino, who was very shocked at the fact that Nana was alive once again, he had almost gotten a heart attack when the both of them showed up the first time with Nana being a ghost and now they almost gave him another one with Nana being back to life "... Seriously, what's the matter with you too!? You can't go around scaring the daylights out of old people like that!".

Both Nana and All Might laughed but inwardly they were quite smug about scaring Gran Torino, the very old pro hero sighed and sat down on his couch "Well? I was expecting for your successor to show up here Toshinori, why didn't you send him to me?".

Nana grinned "You did watch the Sports Festival didn't you old man?".

Sorahiko shook his head and grumble "I stopped watching that event a long time ago, it's always the same thing, a bunch of snot-nosed kids showing off".

All Might shook his head "Well if you would have watched it then you would have seen that my predecessor doesn't need your help, he's more than capable of controlling One for All, plus the kid wanted to go with a very important hero agency and I wasn't going to ask him to change his plans because you want to test him yourself, besides you wouldn't be able to handle him".

Sorahiko raised an eyebrow and turned to look towards Nana who nodded at him "Tch! Alright but I still want to see what he's capable of, your successor has a big legacy to live up to, not to mention All for One".

Nana laughed a little "Relax Sorahiko, Izuku will be fine plus his teacher is making sure he's ready but I doubt Izuku will even have to deal with All for One, some people are already preparing to deal with him".

Sorahiko tiredly sighed "And who exactly is going to deal with that monster? You both know the kind of power All for One can dish out, are you sure this person can deal with him once and for all?".

Both Nana and All Might nodded and responded with the same word at the same time "Absolutely!".

Sorahiko was actually surprised at the conviction behind All Might's and Nana's words, while Nana continued on "And as for who, well all we can tell you, is that he's a monster on his own, one far more powerful and terrifying that All for One could ever be but one that's also kind and caring to his friends and family".

All Might nodded in agreement to Nana's words while Sorahiko was very interested in this person, the rest of the day they spent it hanging out and speaking about the good ol' days not knowing that the upcoming night will bring about chaos and panic.


Tomura Shigaraki was in a bad mood today, nothing was going his way and he didn't like that one bit, first, his Nomu was killed by an unknown player and he was forced to flee the scene during the U.S.J. attack.

Then he found out that some of the students he had attacked had become disgustingly more powerful, he didn't know how they did it or what sort of cheats they used but the display of power they showed at the Sports Festival was very disturbing.

Tomura was not only disturbed by the brutality shown by that group of heroes wannabes but the fact that the display of power had scared so many villains into leaving Japan in fear of ever facing these students was affecting their future plans.

This left them with no one to recruit to their cause and Tomura just didn't know how to deal with all of this, luckily his sensei gave him the idea to give a little show of power to the city, to show the world that the League of Villains is a force to be reckoned with but first he needed to recruit one particular person.

He was planning to have the Hero Killer join his ranks, he was pretty confident in his ability to convince the Hero Killer to join the League of Villains so he sent Kurogiri to get the Hero Killer.

Kurogiri hasn't found him yet but once he does he'll have to convince him to join the League of Villains after that he could use his fame to draw in more villains to the group but things were still difficult and he hated that fact.

Tomura growled in anger and frustration, nothing had been going his way and he hated it "No matter... tonight I will show the world that the League of Villains isn't playing around... tonight I'll raid the entire city!".

All for One frowned as he watched his chosen successor plan a big attack on the city but deep down he knew it wouldn't go the way Tomura thinks it will, hopefully, this will be a learning experience for Tomura {I get the feeling that young Tomura will make a big mistake tonight... I have to prepare just in case he's taken down, perhaps I should see about kidnapping All Might's successor and take away One for All... yes that's what I'll do}.