Chapter 96

Harry, Eri, and her Yukimibotamon stepped out of the portal in the basement of the Uzumaki household and then walked up the stairs, as soon as they stepped out of the basement and headed to the kitchen they found Naruto staring with a deadpan outside his kitchen window.

Harry and Eri got curious as to what he was watching so they both took a look out the window, only for Harry to chuckle and Eri to awe as they watched Himawari petting a massive kaiju moth of some kind.

Naruto's eyebrow twitch in annoyance when he heard Harry's chuckle "You know... I completely blame you for this Harry".

Harry grinned and raised an eyebrow at Naruto "Hoh? How so? I don't remember ever seeing a giant moth".

Naruto sighed and rubbed his eyes "One morning I woke up early for work as usual and took a look outside my bedroom's window only to almost have a heart attack when I saw Himawari and Boruto riding on top of a giant moth! Do you know how hard it is for an Uzumaki to get a heart attack Harry!?".

Eri giggled, to her Naruto looked rather funny being super dramatic, and Harry just shrugged "Of course, I know how hard that is, I still don't know how any of this is my fault though".

Naruto's eyebrow twitched again and was about to curse Harry out only for a very familiar giggle to cut him off, Hinata then stepped into the kitchen and walked up to Harry, Eri, and Naruto "Don't blame Harry-nii for all of this Naruto-kun and besides Mothra is a sweetheart, you're just mad because you feel like you were pranked".

Harry smiled at Hinata while Naruto gave a look of utter betrayal, Eri brightly smiled as soon as she saw Hinata and reached out to her to which Hinata smiled and took her from Harry's arms.

Eri hugged Hinata and she rested her head on Hinata's shoulder, Harry smiled seeing this since Eri took a big liking to both Hinata and Hanabi for being his sisters in all but blood "Aunty Hinata~".

Hinata smiled and cradled Eri in her arms "Good morning Eri-chan, going adventuring with Daddy?".

Eri smiled and nodded, her Yukimibotamon who were now on her head also nodded which made Hinata giggle "Yup! We're going to go visit Daddy's friend Gaara".

Naruto perked up at the mention of his sand-wielding friend and smiled at Harry "Ah! I take it that you're going to accept the official alliance with Sunagakure then?".

Harry nodded and grinned "Yeah, Yasaka let me know that Gaara wanted to make an alliance with Neo Kyoto and since I was going out I decided to bring Eri with me, everyone is a little bit busy right now and I didn't want to leave her by herself".

Both Hinata and Naruto nodded, suddenly Mothra flew away and Himawari finally noticed Harry when she turned to look at her parents, a big smile appeared on her face and she then took off running to say hi to her uncle.

It didn't take long for the little Uzumaki to reach Harry who was already waiting for her with his arms spread open, Himawari immediately jumped into his arms and was engulfed in a big and warm hug "Good morning Uncle Harry!".

Harry smiled and lifted up Himawari in his arms, Eri smiled and waved at Himawari happy to see her cousin "Hima! Good morning!".

Himawari turned her head towards Eri and gave her a big and cheerful smile while waving "Eri! Good morning!".

Harry, Hinata, and Naruto smiled at how happy both Eri and Himawari were of seeing each other afterward, Harry and Eri spent some time with the Uzumaki family enjoying some casual conversation and games.

But unfortunately, both Eri and Harry had to get going to Sunagakure however since Himawari wasn't doing anything and was bored at home she decided to go with them to go visit Sunagakure since she never had the chance to see it before and so the party of three left Konoha and headed towards Suna.

All three flew into the sky towards their destination, Eri with her broom while Himawari and Harry used their own methods of flying, Himawari with magic while Harry used his Ki.

While flying all three enjoyed the view and enjoyed flying through the sky but as soon as they reached the desert they had to cast cooling charms on the YukimiBotamon who weren't enjoying the heat of the arid desert.

Luckily Eri and Himawari were very good at using magic so they kept the baby Digimon nice and cool but eventually they reached the entrance of the village hidden in the sands.


All three landed right in front of the entrance which alerted the two gate guards but upon noticing Harry they immediately relaxed and even bowed to him "Potter-Sama! Welcome to Sunagakure! We weren't expecting today but what can we do for you?".

Harry scratched his head in embarrassment at the overly show of respect from the sand ninjas "Ah, I'm here to speak with Gaara, he should be expecting me but you might want to go and ask right away".

The sand ninja who had greeted Harry nodded and then disappeared in a blur of sand, Eri's eyes widened in surprise "Daddy what was that?".

Harry turned his head towards his daughter and smiled at Eri but it was Himawari who excitedly answered her question "That was a sand shunshin! Otherwise known as a body flicker technique, it's a high-speed movement technique with a short range but very handy to move around the village with".

Eri's eyes sparkled in interest while the YukimiBotamon began to hop around finding such a technique fun "That sounds very useful! Do you know how to use it Hima?".

Himawari nodded "Yup~ Uncle Harry taught it to me and big brother! It's not that hard all you have to do is charge your body with chakra and take a step toward where you want to go! Depending on the distance and elevation the more chakra you will need to use but you don't have to worry about that! You're a dragon Eri!".

The sand ninja that stayed behind sweatdropped at the oversimplified explanation of a very difficult jutsu that Himawari just gave to Eri.

Eri hummed and then turned towards Harry who was smiling at both girls "Daddy, do I have chakra? and can I learn this?".

Harry nodded "I gave you the perk Universal Energy remember sweetie?".

Eri nodded while Harry continued "With that perk all the spells, techniques, and skills you learned from me use the same pool of energy though we tend to name the energy we're supposed to be using with the technique so as to not confused anyone".

Eri nodded and then tilted her head in concentration as she began to try to learn the technique with just having seen it once, the sole sand ninja gatekeeper watched on in amusement not really believing that the adorable little girl in front of him can learn such an advanced technique in one try.

What the sand ninja didn't know was that this was Eri Potter daughter of Harry Potter and a dragon on her way to reaching Heavenly Dragon status so a technique as simple as a body flicker was nothing compared to all the high-level spells and techniques Harry and the rest of the family were teaching her.

So the sand ninja almost dislodge his whole jaw when Eri began to body flicker all over the place while adding all kinds of elemental effects to see which she liked better, after a while, she settled down with water and enjoyed moving at high-speed while Harry and Himawari watched her with fond smiles on their faces.

Both YukimiBotamon were holding on while squeaking in excitement as Eri moved around until she stopped in front of Harry "Did you see Daddy? I mastered a new technique!

Harry smiled at his daughter and patted Eri's head which made her giggle, suddenly a clapping was heard which made Harry, Eri, Himawari, and the YukimiBotamon turn towards the source of the clapping.

Harry smiled the moment he saw who was clapping "Gaara!".

Gaara the Kazekage smiled at his old friend and then walked up to the group of three until he reached them and got on one knee in front of Eri "That was amazing little one, it's not every day you see someone so young master the body flicker technique, I did it when I really young as well but nowhere as fast as you did".

Eri smiled at Gaara and nodded "Daddy said that I'm very good at learning new spells, techniques, and skills by seeing them work once!".

Gaara smiled at Eri and patted her head he then turned towards Harry "It's very nice to see you again Harry, it certainly has been a while right?".

Harry nodded and gave Gaara a soft smile "Not since after the war, you look good Gaara, and far more relaxed too".

Gaara chuckled and shook his head he then turned towards Himawari and gave her a soft smile that was returned by Himawari "Hi Uncle Gaara!".

Gaara continued to smile at the small Uzumaki "Himawari, what's the most adorable Uzumaki ever doing here? and where's your silly father?".

Himawari giggled and then began to speak "Daddy is busy back in Konoha but I came to visit since Uncle Harry and Eri were coming to see you!".

Gaara nodded but then Eri reached over and placed her little hand on Gaara's face and intently stared at his face "You look like a Raccoon Mr. Gaara! It's funny! Uncle Naruto and Himawari look like a fox! Are you guys yokai like Mama Yasaka?".

Harry, Gaara, and Himawari laughed a little, Gaara then grinned and shook his head "No I'm not a yokai and neither is Himawari or Naruto, our small animal traits come from our partners and friends".

Eri tilted her head but then something clicked inside her mind as she remembered when her Daddy told her about Kuruma and Shukaku the Bijuu who lived inside both Naruto and Gaara "Oh! you're like Mommy Fuu! You have a Bijuu friend! I like Chomei! She's funny!".

Both Harry and Gaara smiled at how excited Eri is about the Bijuu while Himawari then loudly cheered "I've played with Shukaa-ku! He's a very awesome sand raccoon!".

Suddenly there was a puff of smoke beside Gaara and from it, Shukaku in his chibi form appeared "I've told you many times! My name is Shukaku!".

But Himawari did not care and immediately grabbed Shukaku and hugged him tightly "Shukaa-ku! It's been so long!".

Shukaku violently shook and squirmed "It's Shukaku!".

Eri's eyes sparkle and she immediately went to hug Shukaku while the YukimiBotamon began to squeak in excitement "He's so cute!."

Shukaku started to shake her fists "I'm not cute! I'm the fearsome One Tail! Shukaku!".

But the girls ignored the poor Bijuu and continued to hug him while Gaara and Harry smiled while watching the two girls interact with Shukaku, Gaara then stood up and gently grabbed Harry's shoulder "Let go to my office, we can talk more comfortably there".

Harry smiled and nodded at his old friend and together with Himawari, Eri, and a pouting Shukaku followed Gaara to his office.


After a while, the group arrived at Gaara's office, and once there Harry began to tell Gaara everything he has been doing since he left the ninja world while the girls play with the YukimiBotamon since Shukaku wanted to listen to Harry's story.

After about two hours Harry finished telling them his story and both Shukaku and Gaara were speechless at the scope of everything Harry had done, Shukaku crossed his arms and sighed "So that's why you feel so different... even Himawari and your daughter, Eri was it?" Harry nodded and Shukaku nodded back "Feel different".

Gaara raised turned towards Shukaku "What do you mean?".

Shukaku hummed for a few seconds before answering Gaara's question "They don't feel human anymore and my instincts are going crazy just staring at Himawari and Eri even more so with Harry".

Harry nodded "Kurama said the same thing, in fact, he was the first one to notice that I was very different when I came back to this world, I've been giving all sorts of skills, spells, and techniques to all my family and friends so they're no longer a human, they're pure supernatural beings now".

Shukaku nodded while Gaara leaned back on his seat "A Dragon God huh? You already had the title of Dragonlord but to think that you would become a deity".

Harry sighed "There's that title again, does the ninja in Suna also call me that?".

Gaara grinned at his friend and nodded "Yes, It is your official war moniker after all especially since a lot of people saw you turn into a dragon during the war".

Harry awkwardly scratched his cheek "Yeah I've been told, apparently I even have an official trading card too and I really don't know what to feel about that".

Gaara and Shukaku grinned at Harry who just shook his head "Anyways, Yasaka let me know you sent word that you wanted to make an alliance with Neo Kyoto".

Gaara nodded "Yes, Naruto sent a letter and told me that you had come back and about your alliance with Konoha so I grew curious and visited Naruto not too long ago, he then showed me everything that Konoha has obtained out of the alliance with Neo Kyoto and to be honest it is something that we need here in Sunagakure".

Harry nodded "Well we're willing to accept an alliance with Suna, that's why I came over and besides I'm more than happy to help your Village Gaara".

Gaara nodded and smiled at Harry "I know my friend but I also want my village to be able to contribute to this alliance, we want to earn it".

Harry grinned and nodded at Gaara, after that both of them began to talk terms and deals, though after a few hours Gaara took them around the Suna to show them around.

Eri got to see the puppetry techniques that the sand ninja are so famous for, for some odd reason Harry didn't understand Eri thought the puppets were cute and clapped when the sand ninja would make them move and dance around with chakra strings.

Then Gaara took them to the fuinjutsu research department and here Himawari was over the moon watching how the many exclusive Sunagakure fuinjutsu were made.

They were very unique in that most of their sealing techniques didn't just use paper but they also used other kinds of objects and even cloth to use the sealing techniques, being an Uzumaki allowed Himawari to understand and even be able to replicate such techniques with ease, Harry smiled toward her as he watched her have fun learning new Fuuinjutsu then turned his head towards Gaara "Is this okay? Himawari is from Konoha".

Gaara smiled and nodded "It's fine, she isn't a ninja and we do keep the more advanced and powerful fuinjutsu somewhere else besides everyone in the village respects Naruto so I don't think they mind his daughter having some fun, look".

Harry turned toward Himawari and grinned as he watched some of the sand ninja fuinjutsu practitioner excitedly exchange notes with Himawari, Eri just looked around in curiosity since things like fuinjutsu and runework weren't really her thing.

She does know how to use them but she rather just use magic spells than having to write a whole program out of runes or seals, still, she really thought all of this was cool.

After that Gaara showed them around the ninja academy, the hospital, and the village itself where the girls got to see and witness how the sand ninja had adapted to living in the scorching and arid desert of the Land of Wind.

But After that it was time to say goodbye as Harry still had more things to do so Gaara said goodbye to Himawari and Eri who gave him a hug goodbye causing him to chuckle, he then turned towards Harry and smiled "I will see you later my old friend, do take care and visit more often".

Harry nodded "I will, I do have to build a portal to connect Neo Kyoto and Sunagakure so you'll see me here often for a while, remember to make a list of everything you need from us and hand it to Yasaka when you two meet in the meantime I'll get to working into making those water producing crystals I mentioned".

Gaara nodded "I will and I'll wait for word from you about the crystals".

Harry then nodded and together with Himawari and Eri with her YukimiBotamon took off flying to drop off Himawari back home first and to get back to Kuoh.


Eri, her YukimiBotamon, and Harry arrived back in Kuoh and found Kunou, Le Fay, and Valerie sitting on the kitchen table and eating some snacks, they seemed to be having fun and laughing while having a conversation.

Harry smiled at his girlfriends and first students and walked up to them, the girls of course sensed his approach and immediately turn their heads towards him and gave him a big smile which Harry returned "Hey girls, what are you up to?".

Harry walked up to each girl and gave them a kiss which the girls returned, Eri ran up to Kunou who smiled at her and lifted her up with one of her tails, and sat her on the table in front of her.

Eri's YukimiBotamon hopped onto the table and began to squeak, Le Fay giggled and began to gently poke them enjoying how soft and squishy they feel, Harry then sat down on one of the other chairs around the kitchen table while Valerie spoke first "We were just taking a break and talking about some our projects~".

Harry smiled and nodded "Anything fun going on?".

Kunou who was being petted by Eri nodded "Well I've been helping around the guilds a lot lately, now that we have the Konoha ninja scouting ahead of us in the Natural Dungeon we've been able to head further down and that has led to us finding all sorts of new types of resources".

Harry hummed "Has any sort of new enemies appeared in the Natural Dungeon".

Kunou nodded "Yes at first we didn't know what or who they were but we've been attacked by humanoid-type monsters a few times, each one had some sort of special superpower or something like that, it was when you came back and explained the sort of world you visited that we understood what we were facing!".

Harry stared at Kunou for a few seconds before he understood what she was implying "Ah! so you've been facing heroes and villains in the Natural Dungeon huh?".

Kunou nodded with a big bright smile on her face, Le Fay then began to excitedly speak "The monsters are usually formless humanoid in shape but we do know now that the villains act as mob monsters and the heroes as floor bosses! We recognize two of them from the way you described some of your students and their fighting style".

"Oh!? So not only my students also became monsters in the Natural Dungeon but floor bosses as well? I bet they're going to get a kick out of that! Which ones have been found?".

Le Fay smiled, she then took off her witch's hat and put it on top of Eri's head who squealed in joy, both Le Fay and Eri bonded very quickly for the fact that both of them love wearing a witch's hat, it made Eri very happy to know that one of her new mommies likes the same things she does.

Le Fay smiled as she watched Eri laugh and enjoy wearing her witch's hat, she then turned to Harry "From the description you gave of Ibara and Kinoko, both of them have been cataloged as having monster doppelgangers who act as floor bosses".

Valerie then spoke up "They also give out a lot of experience points when defeated! A lot of guild members and even the Royal Guards and Anbu Corps love fighting them in big raid groups every time they respawn".

Harry nodded and wondered how Ibara and Kinoko would react to all of this {They would most likely laugh and find it amusing} Harry then tilted his head "What sort of drops do you get from them?".

Kunou was the one who answered Harry's questions "They don't drop loot often, it's pretty rare actually but when they do they drop Skill Orbs with both Wind and Earth Manipulation, or at least that's what they have dropped so far".

Harry nodded and then hummed to himself for a few seconds before turning his head towards Kunou "Alright, I'll give you a list of all the heroes and villains I faced or know of from my vacation in that world, that should give you and the guilds an idea of who and what they might just end up facing".

Kunou softly smiled at Harry and nodded "Thank you, Harry, that will help everyone prepare and be ready for the next few floors, you're the best!".

Harry chuckled "Eri, do Daddy a favor and give Mommy Kunou a pat on the head for me please".

Eri being the good daughter that she is immediately granted her Daddy's request and patted Kunou who closed her eyes and seemed to be really enjoying the sign of affection.

Valerie and Le Fay giggled in amusement, Le Fay then turned her head towards Harry "Also I and Hermione just finished adding all the new techniques, variations, quirks, and spells your students and friends in that world made to the Potter Library, we just need to give that world a name in order to separate it all the info we got into from the rest".

Harry looked down and thought about it for a while "How about My Hero Academia? For some reason that name seems to fit very well with that world".

Le Fay nodded with a smile on her face and immediately took out her smartphone and texted Hermione to let her know about the name of the world so they can organize everything already.

Valerie then spoke up "Also did you know that Hope became a Magic Gunner?".

Harry smiled and nodded "Yeah, she texted me one morning about needing a magic gun, and after she explained why I built her one and sent it to her".

Valerie giggled "Ah so that's how she got that magic gun, me and Tony were very curious about it since is quite an advance piece of magitechnology, to think she would become a magic gunner because she wanted to have more options when fighting".

Harry smiled "We'll she was right to be careful about using her flames all the time, cosmic fire is very dangerous and powerful, she can accidentally destroy a whole planet if she's not careful so I think it's very responsible of her to find a new way to defend herself without relying on her flames too much".

Kunou, Valerie, and Le Fay nodded in agreement, Harry then smiled towards Valerie "I take it that you are the one who taught her how to be a Magic Gunner no? You are the guild master of the Bounty Hunter Guild after all".

Valerie blushed in embarrassment, being the best marksman in Neo Kyoto was a big deal since magitechnology and magic guns were something very new in the Yokai Faction and were getting very popular lately, this was thanks to Valerie and the few Magic Gunners in Neo Kyoto.

Valerie then nodded "Yeah I taught her all I know and she learned everything pretty quick, she recently came to me and told me about how useful the techniques I showed were against zombies and B. whatever those are".

Harry sweatdrops and scratched his head "Zombies and B. just what are two little girls doing nowadays?...".

The girls giggled at Harry, Kunou then smugly grinned at him "Who do you think they got this crazy adventurous side from Harry? It certainly didn't come from us, Morgan is technically your daughter too so she had no chance to be a normal child".

Harry just sighed and slammed his head on the table, he did not have a retort to that so all he could do is groan in annoyance while the girls and Eri giggled at him, the YukimiBotamon were also squeaking in amusement.


A few days later Harry decided to visit Alphamon and speak with her about his visit to the Digital world not so long ago, he decided to bring Eri with him so she could meet the Digimon Royal Knights.

Eri was in awe at the Digimon before her, they were so big and cool looking that she couldn't help to gush about them, the Royal Knights immediately fell in love with Eri, and being Harry's daughter made them get very attached to her.

While Eri and the YukimiBotamon were busy talking with the Royal Knights to get to know them, Harry was sitting on Alphamon's shoulder while smiling at his daughter as she cheerful spoke to his Digimon friend.

Alphamon softly laughed "She reminds me a lot of you when you were younger, it very nostalgic".

Harry nodded and smiled at his old friend "She certainly loves Digimon, she takes really good care of her YukimiBotamon too and they love her for it, though I was surprised her digiegg had twins inside".

Alphamon nodded "It isn't unheard of though, remember about Willis? He also had twin Digimon".

"Oh, that's right! Yolei and Kari told me about him, Terriermon and Lopmon right?" Harry had heard of the American Digidestined from the second generation but since he wasn't there at the time he didn't get to witness the events that happened during that ordeal, he was glad to find out that everything was resolved and that they were able to save the Lopmon who was Wendigomon at the time from the virus that afflicted her.

Alphamon nodded "Yes, it is rare but it's been known to happen though YukimiBotamon are a very rare type of Digimon, to begin with, they also have the potential to become some very powerful Mega Digimon".

Harry nodded, he knew full well the type of Digimon these two YukimiBotamon could evolve into but with the care and love Eri showers them with he wasn't worried that they would grow corrupted or evil.

Alphamon then moved her gaze towards Harry "So you went back to the Digital world huh?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, I went there so Eri can get a Digimon partner, Elecmon told me that the guys have never stopped looking for us, they still do even to this day".

Alphamon sighed, she knew Harry felt bad about leaving so abruptly like they did but at the time they didn't have much of a choice, they still had things to do and worlds to see "Do not feel bad Harry, the fact that they're still looking for you means that they haven't forgotten you and that they want to see you again".

Harry nodded and looked up "I just know the girls are going to kick my ass... but I think it's time we went there soon and see how everyone is doing".

Alphamon nodded "That sounds like fun, it's been a while since we have gone adventuring together".

Harry chuckled and shook his head "I'm already overkill as it is, me and you fighting together? My strongest Digimon? Is just plain savage".

Alphamon laughed and nodded "That's true but I can hold back like you do and have some fun while I'm at it".

Harry grinned at his oldest friend and nodded "Sounds like a plan, when I go back to visit Tai and the others I'll take you with me".

Alphamon nodded and then turn back to Eri who was now on one of Omnimon's shoulders and patting his head with a big bright smile on her face "We should take Eri with us when we go a visit them, it will be a great experience for her as a Digidestined and she will be able to learn a lot from everyone".

Harry hummed and then nodded "Yeah that's a good idea, we'll make it a cool short field trip".

Alphamon nodded and inwardly smiled, she was very excited and happy about visiting her old friends and seeing how they were doing, she can't wait.

Harry and Eri then spent a few hours with the Digimon Royal Knights as they answer all the questions Eri had for them, they even played with her naming Eri the Digital Queen and them her loyal Knights.

The people of Kyoto found the whole thing adorable and enjoyed watching Eri play at being a queen with the guardians of Neo Kyoto.


That weekend Harry was inside the pocket dimension he was creating for the Dragon Faction. Ophis decided to keep him company as Harry created an entire dimension from scratch while also adding the appropriate ecosystem for the dragons that will be living here.

Harry then took out a dragon apple Tannin had given him and infused it with his energy, the dragon apple became energy particles that spread around all over the pocket dimensions.

Soon enough dragon apple trees began to sprout from the ground at an accelerated pace, Harry and Ophis smiled as they watched the rare fruit flourish and become abundant "There that should be all Tannin and his dragon pack needs to live here, I should start creating an ocean for the aquatic dragons next...".

Ophis smiled and hugged Harry from behind, she really did miss him a lot so she kept herself busy while he was gone and decided to help her fellow dragons "It needs to be big... and very deep, aquatic dragons usually spend their time in the darkness of the ocean's depths...".

Harry smiled and nodded "So what made you want to create a Dragon Faction? You're usually not one to care what happens to others Ophis".

Ophis nodded since Harry was completely right, she had been very selfish and uncaring for most of her existence, something she had become very aware of as of late "Mm... you and the others taught me the importance of family... of having a place to belong to... it's something dragons don't have... everyone fears us, hates us, and envies us... so we dragons have nowhere to belong to, nowhere to call home".

Harry silently listen to what Ophis was saying, it was certainly amazing how much she had changed with the help of the family, she had changed so much that there was almost nothing left of the empty and uncaring personality she used to have.

Meanwhile, Ophis continued speaking "When I thought about all of that... it made me feel sad but then I remember how you gave a home to everyone, how you gave me a home... so I wanted to be like you... I want to help our fellow dragons have a home where they can live in peace and away from the greed of the world..".

Harry softly smiled and nodded "I see... you've changed a lot Ophis".

Ophis let go of Harry and floated around him until she was in front of him "Really?... I don't feel different..".

She seemed to be pouting at not understanding exactly what had changed for her which made Harry chuckle for a bit confusing Ophis even more but Harry then pointed to where her heart is "On the inside Ophis, you used to be just the Dragon God of Infinity but now your a mom, a sister, an aunt, a leader to the dragons, a friend and more importantly my girlfriend, your heart and your emotions have grown and changed Ophis".

Ophis's eyes widen in surprise but then she began to think about everything Harry just told her, she thought of her daughters Hope and Eri, about her niece Morgan, her fellow harem sisters, the dragons that choose to trust her with their lives, about Asia, Tsunade, Sirius, Remus, Pepper, Tony and all the new friends she made but more importantly, she thought about Harry and the love he gives her.

Ophis then understood what Harry was talking about "Oh!... I see... "

Ophis then smiled, it wasn't a big or bright smile but a soft and small one but it was filled with so much happiness that Harry couldn't help but smile back at Ophis, in his happiness Harry began to hiss $You've become much more that you use to be Ophis, never forget that you're never alone okay$.

Ophis who was a serpent-type Dragon God could understand and speak Parseltongue nodded and respond in kind $Thank you...$.

Harry smiled and gave Ophis a small kiss on her lips and then got back to work along with Ophis who was now even more motivated to build a new home for the Dragons.

Soon it will be time to go to the Underworld and attend the Devil Youth Gathering but for now, Harry was happy and content to catch up to everyone he loves, he'll worry about all that soon enough.