Chapter 98

After the quite shocking declaration that Sairaorg Bael will be allowed to enter Neo Kyoto and face Harry Potter in battle, the noble devils were very excited and many wanted to approach and speak with Harry or Sairaorg.

But both Dragon God and Bael heir ignore them all and continued to cheerfully speak with each other, Sairaorg even introduced Harry to his queen Kuisha Abaddon a pure-blood devil and a member of the families of extra demons.

Harry tilted his head confused about the new term used to refer to Kuisha's family "Extra demons?".

Serafall happily explained to Harry what the extra demon clans are "The Extra Demons are the houses of top-class devils who are not a part of the 72 Pillars, though most of the extra demons have secluded themselves from the current Devil Society and I don't blame them though with the way these idiots behave most of the time its best to just leave and let them get killed for their stupidity".

Every noble devil in the room winced as if struck by Serafall's words, the fact that Serafall had left Devil Society and joined the Yokai Faction has been a major blow to their pride and power so her words had that much weight on them.

Harry nodded "I see... extra demons huh? What a stupid way to separate the devil clans, you're all devils after all" Harry shook his head in disappointment, Kuisha smiled happy that someone was also unhappy about their situation.

After that both Sona and Sairaorg took Harry and introduced him to a few friendly and kind Devil families that they knew could be trusted while Serafall left to meet up with the other Maou and get ready for the event.

This is how Harry met with another young devil named Seekvaira Agares who was also very happy to meet with Harry, it didn't take long for Harry to find out why.

Turns out that Seekvaira was a huge nerd and she was very interested in the technological advances of Neo Kyoto, it surprised Harry that it was well-known that Neo Kyoto was highly advanced in both magical and technological prowess.

Sona explained that even though a lot of information from Neo Kyoto is being kept away from all the Factions it was still clearly shown how advanced they were by just watching the guilds operate around the world.

Many guilds do so like the Bounty Hunter Guild, the Royal Guards, the Magical Research Institute, and much more, all these guilds have worked all over the world and have shown case a lot of magic not known to anyone as well as technological advances.

All of this is one of the many reasons many factions were interested in the Yokai Faction and Neo Kyoto as a whole, of course, Harry sighed knowing that it was impossible for the Yokai Faction to keep everything hidden.

But seeing as Seekvaira was a very friendly if a bit too serious-looking girl Harry decided to talk to her a bit about everything that the Yokai Faction was working on which seem to have the young Agares very excited and happy.

When Harry began to speak about their healing temples and medical practices, Sairaorg suddenly interrupted Harry "Harry, sorry to interrupt but can your healing temples really heal anything?".

Harry turned his gaze towards Sairaorg and noticed the hopeful look in his eyes "Yes either the healing temple in Kyoto or the healing temple in Kuoh are capable of healing anything and if not they should be able to find a solution right away but they would need to to know what the problem is first".

Sairaorg looked down and thought hard about something, Kuisha stared worriedly at her king letting Harry know that whatever is going on was pretty serious, Sairaorg after thinking for a bit nodded to himself and began to explain "My mother Misla Bael has gone into a coma... apparently, she's afflicted by a common devil disease that sends the devil into a coma... the afflicted die sometime later".

Harry frowned not having heard of a disease like that, Sona suddenly spoke up "It's a very common disease... the Sitri have been researching for a cure for a long time but so far there haven't been any advances in that regard".

Sairaorg nodded "If possible, now that you mentioned the medical advances made by the Yokai Faction I would like to request of you to allow my mother to be treated in a healing temple".

Harry looked down and frowned, this was a big decision since it will be the Yokai Faction officially helpings a devil something that he really wasn't too keen on doing but Sairaorg was a good guy and Harry genuinely wanted to help him.

Plus if he were to ignore a mother in need his own mother would rise from the dead to kick his ass and that's something he didn't want to happen so Harry decided to help Sairaorg and his mother "... Alright the Yokai Faction will help your mother, take her to Kuoh's healing temple, there we can have both Tsunade and Asia take a look at her condition and then I'll personally heal her, sound good?".

The cheer and happiness that lit up in Sairaorg face told Harry that he made the right decision, he could even see his eyes tear a bit.


Meanwhile, a green-haired devil's eyes widen at the mention of Asia, this devil frowned and stared at Harry from afar and he silently pondered the situation and what to do.

Never in his life would have he imagined that Asia Argento was living under Harry Potter of all people, he had been looking for her for a long while and now that he found her he was going to make sure he gets her no matter what.


Harry smiled at Sairaorg and gave him a pat on the back which made the young Bael heir smile back at Harry, the Dragon God noticed how relieved Sairaorg looked now as if a massive weight was lifted off his shoulders.

Sona smiled for Sairaorg, many young devils were aware of the difficult life he had lived and the fact that his mother took ill was just an insult to injury so she was very happy that Harry was willing to help him and his mother.

After Sairaorg calm down a bit he and Sona continued to walk him around and talk to him about the other devil clans and which ones were trustworthy.

This of course pissed off a lot of nobles since they felt insulted when both Sona and Sairaorg didn't introduce them to Harry practically labeling them as untrustworthy devils.

But they knew better than speak out or complain to them especially since many devil nobles have gone missing as of late and no one wanted to be next on the list of missing devil nobles.

Eventually, it was time for the young devils to introduce themselves and proclaim their goals and dreams to the devil nobles, it was something of a tradition that Harry found silly, why would the young care what the elder nobles think of their goals and dreams?

It didn't matter what they thought, the young devils should just go ahead and work for those dreams and goals but that was just what Harry thought so he decided to stay quiet and watch this event out of curiosity.

Each young devil was seated in front of a panel of elder noble devils and the Maou who were all present to hear the young devils out.

Many had very generic and boring goals, like being number one in the Rating Game rankings or just inheriting the lordship of their clans so Harry just sighed and shook his head {How simple... I guess that this society is so suffocating that not many would want to inspire for much, that's kind of sad}.

Harry wanted to give all the possibilities of the universe to the people of his faction, he wanted them to reach out for anything they would want to do and give it their best to accomplish their goals.

That's why he gave everything he knew to the Yokai Faction, he wanted everyone in the Yokai Faction to be able to achieve their goals if they worked hard enough, the Natural Dungeon was created for this purpose and its results were overwhelming.

Children could kick the shit out of Great Red if they wanted just by training and grinding in the dungeon if power and self-improvement are what they wish for.

The same if they wanted money, or if they wanted to follow a certain occupation they could just join a guild, if they want to be a doctor or healer they could join the Kyoto Healing temples and learn from Tsunade or Ophanimon.

They wanted to be warriors they could join the Royal Guards, the Anbu Corps, the Kyoto Valkyries, the Bounty Hunters, and so on.

If they wanted to study magic they could join the Mages Association or the Magic Research and Development Guild where they can study, research and even create their very own magic.

You want adventure and action? Then you could join the Exploration Guild where you would constantly go into the Natural Dungeon depths and explore to your heart's content or the Monster Tamer Guild who go into the Dungeon to catalog and tame all monsters found in the Dungeon.

Perhaps you like messing with technology then join the Magitechnology Department where you can learn arts like Alchemy, Potion making, Blacksmith, Enchanting, and even advanced technological research and development with people like Tony Stark.

Options were the bread and butter of the Yokai Faction and the reason Neo Kyoto has become the strongest and most advanced faction in the world but the devils and the other factions have a habit of stagnating and its something that is being passed over to the next generation and for Harry who worked very hard to avoid this sort of situation within his family and his faction it all seems rather sad.

Every supernatural faction seems obsessed with keeping things as they were, with no changing, no progress, no more hopes and dreams, and it was something Harry truly hated but then again he might be biased because of his experiences in other worlds, perhaps Harry was the weird one to have this sort of mindset.

But this sort of attitude really bothers him, it's the main reason he came to loath the Wizarding World, from everything he could witness from the memories of Voldermort back when he ate the horcrux in his scar the wizards were still living in medieval times and refused to even attempt to get on with the times.

This is a very dangerous mindset to have, in their ignorance, the wizards believe themselves to be superior to the rest of the world which was utterly foolish, regular humans now have many different ways to defend themselves from magic users.

All of their magic, spells, and wards weren't going to protect them from a nuke or a tank but this is something the wizard community refused to acknowledge for many years, it was only recently that many wizard families who moved to Kyoto and joined the Yokai Faction witness first hand how dangerous regular human are.

These families witness and found out that no magical was at the top of the food chain, not even close and it left their heads spinning for a while but thankfully they all adapted and learned.

They all now live peacefully in Kyoto and have grown from what they used to be, Harry for the first time in a long time held a bit of hope that the wizard community will be able to become more than they were back in Britain.

But Harry kept those thoughts to himself, it wasn't his place to say anything and he really didn't care enough to do anything about it besides having a small inner monolog within his mind but when Sairaorg stood up and claimed that he wanted to become a Maou he couldn't help but to clap and smile at his new friend.

There was a young man that wanted to become a leader of his faction and to prove his worth and it was something that Harry could get behind, though a lot of devils were shocked and surprised by Sairaorg's goal.

To them, it was hard to believe that someone would give up being a noble with an important clan name like the Bael just to become a faction leader to Harry these devils were too simple-minded for his tastes.

Though many devils noticed the approval in Harry's actions and chose not to say or react in any way though Harry noticed it as well.

And then it was Sona's turn and Harry gave her his whole attention, as her teacher and friend he will make sure to support Sona no matter what her dreams and goals are.

Sona stood up and stared up at the Maou, she gave her older sister a small smile which Serafall returned, and then the young Sitri heiress began to speak "I wish to open a school where everyone can learn about Rating Games, magic, fighting styles, etiquette, techniques and all kinds of subjects that any young supernatural being will need to survive in this world".

Many noble devils looked confused or quite disappointed but to Harry, he seemed to think that it was a very good idea, a school for supernatural youth it's something that is sorely missing in this world, sure there were schools like Hogwarts and such but those only accepted certain types of supernatural beings or magicals.

A more general institution of education is needed and Sona wanted to do something about it which made Harry feel rather proud of her but then his good mood was ruined when some elder devil nobles began to chuckle in amusement, one of them even spoke to Sona as if she was a confused child "There's already a school in the underworld miss Sitri, surely that's enough?".

Serafall glared at the devil but either he didn't care or didn't notice because he kept staring and smiling smugly at Sona who just shook her head "That school is only available to devils of noble standing, my school will accept anyone that's willing to learn".

And again the devils chuckled amusingly or smiled smugly at Sona not really believing in her goal or thinking that it was a waste of time, her peerage were beginning to get upset but Harry's training has taught them to be patient and to control their emotions.

But Harry himself was not happy with these ignorant and foolish devil's attitudes and so he decided to once again teach this entire faction a lesson.

Harry stood up and flex his power which made all the devils except Serafall, Sona, and her peerage gasp and grunt in pain, Harry then stopped flexing his power and spoke at loud "Sona, I like your idea a lot, the supernatural worlds needs a place of learning where everyone who is willing and wanting can learn and grow stronger, a place where they can work towards a future and their dream so the Yokai Faction will help you with your dream and goals".

Sona's eyes widen in surprise, even Serafall stared at Harry not expecting this from him and the noble devils all gasped and frowned not happy about all of this, Harry smiled at Sona and continued speaking "I'll help you with resources, money, teachers and a location to build your school, as a member of the Yokai Faction you have the right to have aid in this endeavor, I know your school will further allow Kyoto to grow and support its people".

Sona smiled and then happily spoke up "I accept your aid Lord Potter, I promise that the school I wish of creating will be one that will follow the way of thinking of Kyoto, I vow to help any students of my future school to become great members of the Yokai Faction!".

Harry nodded and smiled at Sona, he then turned towards Serafall "Lady Leviathan as soon as Heir Sitri graduates from college you and I will speak and begin construction of this school in Kyoto, we will speak with Yasaka, Gabriel, Ophis, Elmenhilde, and the rest of the council to makes this a reality".

Serafall brightly smiled and nodded at Harry "Of course Lord Potter! You can count on me".

As Harry dropped very important names and plans the noble devils that made fun of Sona and questioned her dreams began to sweat knowing that they have messed up, Harry nodded at Serafall and then began to walk away "I'm going home now, there's only so much ignorance and stupidity I can handle before I start ripping people apart plus I have way more important things to do than to sit here and listen to fools talk".

With that said Harry waved his arm and not caring about any rules he opened a dark corridor, before he walked through it he turned his head and gazed towards Serafall and Sona "I'll see you both at home".

Harry smiled at them and then stepped through the dark corridor which instantly closed soon after, Sairaorg chuckled "Well he certainly has style and I agree with him, this whole thing is a waste of time if the so call noble blood is this foolish and ignorant".

All the devils winced and frowned but couldn't really say anything in their defense, Serafall and Sona nodded in agreement to Sairaorg's words and didn't mind that Harry left, he already supported Sona and said that he was going to help her with her dream so he deserved to leave.

Besides they also knew that Harry could and would kill anyone in here if they piss him off enough so it was best he left plus, he did have a hundred different things far more important to do than to be here and listen to old foolish devils open their mouths and speak nonsense.


The next day Harry heard that Sona and her peerage would be facing Rias and her peerage in a Rating Game, Harry, of course, knew that Sona would win since the only one that could put up a fight against her and her peerage was Koneko who was trained by Yoruichi.

So Harry watched the match to see what would happen, Kiba and Akeno lost ridiculously fast once the Rating Game Game started.

Kiba was defeated by Saji and Ruruko, the Gremory Knight tried to use his speed against both pawns but compared to the speeds they have to deal with during their training with Harry, Kiba to them was moving as fast as a snail.

Saji immediately caught Kiba's sword with his bare hand and then grabbed Kiba by the neck and lifted him up off the ground where Ruruko began to use him like a sandbag until he was retired which didn't really take long.

This made every devil watching the match gape at how strong these two pawns were though Harry had a good chuckle watching his students do that to Kiba.

Akeno got cocky and tried to directly go after Sona only to be bombarded by Momo and Reya who used quick trigger magic like Firaga and Thundaga to shoot her down.

Akeno could do nothing but gape at the speed at which the spells hit her, the explosion caused by the spell collision against her body sent her flying and dropping onto the ground where Tomoe walked up to her while she was trying to get up and stabbed her in the chest to finish her off.

Akeno was immediately taken out of the Rating Game and Tomoe just shrugged and walked away with a bored expression on her face, many devils were now getting very nervous.

Beating Kiba was one thing but Akeno who not only is a Queen but also well known for her magical prowess with such ease was something very disturbing to them and the fact that it was well known that the Sitri are part of the Yokai Faction made things worse for them.

Koneko put up a better fight, the little Rook surprised everyone by actually going stealth mode on Sona's peerage something they didn't expect from her.

She was able to take down both Saji and Ruruko by sneaking behind them and then hitting them on the back of the head so hard that even Harry winced, he was sure those two had a cracked skulls after those hits.

Both pawns were immediately taken out of the Rating Game and Koneko continued to attack this way, this allowed her to take down Tomoe and seriously hurt Tsubasa who sensed Koneko and was able to dodge to at least take less damage.

Poor Tomoe took a kick from Koneko to the side of the neck and with a crack, she was sent out, Harry was glad he gave all of his students plenty of Life Bottles and Gels.

Tsubasa tried to fight off Koneko but her injury and the fact Koneko was using shunpo to move at high speed ensured that Sona's Rook would lose soon but at least now everyone was alerted to how Koneko was taking everyone down.

Which forced her to fight the rest of Sona's peerage head on Reya, Momo and Tsubaki ganged up on Koneko who tried her best to take them down and was even forced to reveal her new technique which surprised Harry since it was Shunkō.

Hers, however, was made out of blue flames unlike Yoruichi's lighting based Shunkō, the little nekoshou was able to take down Reya but by then her energy run out and was taken out by Momo and Tsubaki who sighed in relief since they didn't expect Koneko to be this strong.

Harry wasn't surprised though, he knew how good of a teacher Yoruichi is, she did train him after all and was rather proud of how far Koneko had come, he was sure Yoruichi was also very proud of her, and thinking of ways of how to help Koneko improve next.

Rias was then confronted by Sona, it was no match whatsoever.

Sona quite easily overwhelmed Rias and shocked the entire Devil Faction by using holy water with her water magic, a combination of elements that Harry had to help her develop and master.

Sona was the first devil ever to be able to create, manipulate and use holy water in water magic, the new holy aspect of her magic was powerful enough to render Rias's power of destruction useless and allowed Sona to defeat her rival with ease and thus Sona and her peerage won their first official Rating Game.

Harry also learned what he needed to teach his students next and was already thinking of asking Konoha to give his kids a crash course on stealth fighting and techniques so with a smile on his face Harry went to Konoha to speak to Naruto.


A few days later Harry had been adding the final touches to the Dragon Sanctuary, he gave this whole new dimension a system of Leylines making this world of dragons have an overabundance of mana.

This will ensure that the dragons that will live here have plenty of mana to grow and live comfortably, Harry also created a senjutsu core for this world that will ensure that the nature of this dimension will be self-sustained and strong enough to have dragons live in it.

As soon as he was done all the dragons that had joined the Yokai Faction moved in right away and immediately began to choose their own territory, of course, Harry made sure that everyone's new home was comfortable.

For Tiamat he created a massive cavern surrounded by a thick forest, the female dragon king was very happy with her new home, for Yu-Long Harry made a giant freshwater lake and an underwater cavern to which Yu-long immediately went into and fell asleep.

Harry chuckled at the lazy dragon in amusement, sure he enjoyed a good nap often enough but Yu-Long took the concept of taking a nap and gave it a whole new meaning with how much he slept.

After that he made an entire Dragon Village for Tannin, his family, and his other dragon followers, he calls it a village but all that it is, is a whole area with multiple caves and plenty of dragon apple trees so all of those dragons could have enough to eat.

After that Harry made sure every type of other dragon had everything they need in each of their territories, sea dragons, sky dragons, earth dragons, and even the rare fairy and light Dragons found a home in the Dragon Sanctuary.

Over time Ophis will find more dragons and bring them here allowing the new Dragon Faction to grow and with the Yokai Faction providing resources and all kinds of things the Dragon Faction will grow to become one of the strongest factions in the world.

Especially with Ophis and Harry being the leaders of the faction, soon they will reveal themselves to the world and everyone will soon know that the dragons are now unified.

But right now Harry was walking around the Dragon Sanctuary with Rei who was looking around everywhere and watching how some of the dragons were flying around or lazily taking a nap under the sun, which made her giggle remembering how Harry would take naps like a cat "Dragons are surprisingly very cat-like huh?".

Every dragon heard Rei and they proceeded to give her a deadpan even Harry did that which didn't really help their case since they sort look like cats giving her the eye making her giggle even more "Even Ophis kinda purrs when you pat her head you know?".

Harry and the rest of the Dragon sweatdropped upon hearing that little detail and Harry can't even deny it because he had seen Ophis purr when Asia, Morgan, Hope, and even Eri give her head pats "Err... oh look! Baby dragons!".

Rei immediately turn towards the baby dragons who were all curled up with each other and staring at her in curiosity which made Rei squeal and gushed at how cute they look.

Harry sighed in relief while the other dragons gave him a thumbs up for succeeding in distracting Rei causing Harry to chuckle and smile at them.

Harry watched as Rei talked and played with the baby dragons with a happy smile on her face, Rei and the Todoroki children he adopted had gotten used to living in this world quite easily which was something Harry was very happy for.

Each and everyone one of them found their place within the Potter Household and are living their lives however they wished to do so, something they never got before.

Rei then walked up to Harry while holding a green baby dragon in her arms "Harry! Are all dragons this adorable when they are babies?".

Harry smiled "Yup or at least until they start spitting fireballs hahaha".

Harry and Rei shared a laugh in amusement even the baby dragon was squeaking in amusement though more than likely it didn't know why everyone was laughing right now.

Rei the took the baby dragon back to its siblings and patted its head before walking back to Harry so they could continue to have their walk through the Dragon Sanctuary.

Rei smiled as she looked up and watched a whole group of dragons flying around while laughing and having fun "You know, it's very surprising to find out how normal most dragons behave".

Harry nodded "Yeah everyone has this weird image of dragons being mindless beings or savages that only care about fighting but in reality, we're all pretty much super chill about everything".

Rei smiled "I've noticed but where do you think dragons got that reputation from?".

Harry hummed "Well most of that bad reputation for dragons in this world came from Albion and Ddraig's actions and constant battles, they did a massive amount of damage and deaths so many factions hate or are afraid of dragons because of them... I can't really blame them though, we are a very destructive bunch ~we're like the Uzumaki clan now that I think about it!".


In Death's domain, a bunch of red-haired men and women suddenly sneezed at the same time, and knowing that it was because someone was talking shit about them they began to curse out at the top of their lungs to the person who dared talk shit at them.

This actually amused Death quite a lot and she learned some very long and obscure swear words that she'll be writing down for later use.


In Konoha Naruto suddenly sneezed while he was doing paperwork and ended up skidding his pen all over the document he was signing, the poor Hokage stared in disbelieve at what he had done for a few seconds until he snapped and began to curse out loud shocking everyone in the Hokage Tower.


In the training ground in Konoha Boruto was trying to fuse his lightning chakra nature with the Rasengan and trying to make the technique bigger like his father when he suddenly sneezed which caused him to lose control of his technique.

The Lightning Rasengan exploded and sent Boruto flying and cursing out until he crashed against a tree and then land on the ground groaning in pain and still uttering curses.

Sarada found him a few minutes later and sweatdrop when she heard some of the curses he was muttering while being on the floor.


Himawari was humming and talking with Mothra when she suddenly sneezed, Mothra let out a soft chirp, and Himawari smiled at her friend "Thank you Mothra! but that sneezed came out of nowhere huh?".

Mothra chirped again which made Himawari hum "Maybe your right and someone is talking about me... maybe it's Uncle Harry? or Morgan and Hope?".

Mothra shrugged and shook her head since she didn't know either which made Himawari smile and pet the kaiju queen "Well it does it matter!~".


Rei giggled "Oh! That's Naruto's clan right? He did say they were a rowdy bunch but I doubt they could be as destructive as dragons though".

Harry smiled at Rei knowing full well that yes, the Uzumaki were as destructive if not more than dragons, they were feared for a reason after all and it took three ninja villages to take them down and only a few of those three villages survived "Well it's not only that, I think it was also envy that made dragons be hated and feared".

Rei raised an eyebrow "What do you mean? I can understand the dragons being hated and feared but envied?".

Harry nodded "Dragons are beings of power and for a long time two of them were the number 1 and 2 of the strongest in the world list, no one could ever hope to come close to the power that both Great Red and Ophis hold, this made many factions like the devils and fallen to be envious of dragons, of course, they also feared as well and that gave birth to hatred, it also doesn't help that a young dragon is usually more powerful than a high-class devil and most adult and elder dragons are easily ultimate level in power".

Rei nodded "I see... hated and feared by everyone... that's kind of sad don't you think?".

Harry looked up at the sky and nodded "It sure is but we dragons are also pretty free-willed so we tend to do what we want whenever we want so the lack of a home wasn't a big deal but nowadays it became something that a lot of dragons wanted".

Rei nodded "Is that why Ophis wanted to establish a dragon faction?".

Harry looked towards Rei and gave her a smile "Yes, since she has been a member of the family she has grown and learned a lot of things and that awoke a desire in her to build the dragons a home something she learned was a very nice thing to have".

Rei smiled "I see... so she also changed after she joined the family, it seems like that's something that it's bound to happen once you joined this family even though I have changed a lot too".

Harry grabbed Rei's hand and gently caress the back of her hand with his thumb "You've become so much stronger not only physically of course but spiritually and emotionally as well, I'm very proud of you and how far you've come Rei".

Rei blushed a bit but gave Harry a big bright smile "It was thanks to you and the girls that I was able to recover and grow as a person Harry, it's because of this family that I am who I am today, and for that is will be forever thankful".

Harry smiled and then gave Rei a soft kiss on the lips which she happily returned and then both continued with their small date in the Dragon Sanctuary.