Chapter 107

Harry softly smiled at Sairaorg, he had been fighting at the same level of power he had when he fought Madara Uchiha in the Fourth Shinobi War.

At that time he was barely able to keep up with Madara and the ancient Uchiha had kept him on his toes the entire fight, it was only because of his keyblade skills and magic that he was able to fight him, he had even surprised him with a few hollow and soul reaper techniques a few times, during the war, he was forced to constantly get stronger and the exp points he got during the fights helped a lot to close the gap so by the time Madara had gone full Juubi Jinchūriki he was already catching up.

The shinobi world was the third world he had visited after all and the fact that Sairaorg was already keeping up with him at this level was a pleasant surprise however he had been fighting the young devil with his keyblades only.

Now it was time to see how he reacts and adapts when he starts using skills and long-range techniques, just in case Harry discreetly removed Sairaorg's weakness to holy light, he didn't want to accidentally kill him after all.

But now it was time to show off a bit and so Harry let go of Oblivion and Oathkeeper, many thought they would vanish in flashes of darkness and light since they had seen how Harry would put away his iconic weapons before.

However to their surprise that wasn't what happened instead, the keyblades began to float beside him and Sairaorg narrowed his eyes, he knew that whatever Harry was going to do wasn't only going to be amazing but it was going to hurt a lot as well.

Then right before his very eyes Harry disappeared in a blur followed by a strange buzzing sound and reappeared right in front of Sairaorg which surprised the young devil especially since Harry lash out with a three-hit combo to his face.

One: Sairaorg's face whipped to his left as Harry punched his cheek, two: Harry open palmed struck the young devil in the solar plexus which had the young devil doubled over, and three: a spinning elbow to the temple that actually forced Sairaorg's whole body to do a side flip and land on the ground.

All of that happened within a single blink and if he didn't feel the strikes shake all of his bones Sairaorg would have missed Harry's attacks but the Bael Heir didn't get too much time to contemplate Harry's martial arts prowess because both Oblivion and Oathkeeper suddenly shot down towards his head.

He rolled out of the way and flip himself into the air to get away from the keyblades which stabbed the place where his head lay a few seconds ago, but that maneuver to get away from Harry was a wasted one because the Dragon God was already on him.

Harry had immediately gone after Sairaorg the moment he saw him roll out of the way of his keyblades and met him in mid-air with a flying knee that struck him on the chest.

Sairaorg's body folded over Harry's knee, he then raised both hands above his head and swung them down in a double hammer strike which hit the young devil on his back sending Sairaorg towards the ground but before his body could even touch the ground both Oblivion and Oathkeeper rushed towards him spinning like buzzsaws and crashed against his body changing his falling trajectory.

Sairaorg was sent flying backward while the keyblades continued to strike him and push him back until both Oathkeeper and Oblivion burst with darkness and light and exploded in a bright explosion of twilight.

The explosion sent Sairaorg crashing into a cliff destroying it and burying him beneath debris and rocks, Harry's trusty keyblades flew back to Harry and stayed floating by his sides while he looked down and waited to see how Sairaorg would react to his fighting style.

Sairaorg easily blasted himself out from underneath the destroyed cliff and looked up towards Harry who was floating in the air {Ugh... those hits hurt a lot and those weapons of his...}.

Harry floated down and softly landed on the ground a fair distance away from Sairaorg, the young devil sighed and then stood up "I didn't know you practiced Martial Arts, everyone just assumes you're a swordsman or a mage".

Harry grin "I'm an all-rounder, I can take any spot in any group or team, especially with the number of skills, spells, and techniques I have at my disposal".

Sairaorg grinned "Everyone thinks you're a power type but instead your more of a technique type with no focus on any style, usually not many people choose to be an all-rounder because it makes it difficult to master anything but you?... You somehow mastered everything you've learned".


Harry smiled and snapped his fingers not allowing anyone to be able to hear or see their mouths moving, even those watching the match on a TV or computer monitor were unable to pick up anything about the conversation going on between the Dragon God and Bael Heir.

Many really wanted to know what they were talking about and were getting frustrated but in the end, there was nothing they could do about it, only those who are allied to the Yokai Faction and the family of Harry could hear the conversation.


Harry grinned at Sairaorg "I have experience on my side, I might not look it but I'm pretty old Sairaorg I wasn't born this powerful after all, I had to start from somewhere and my travels have taught me a lot".

Sairaorg listens to Harry intently "I think you've noticed it already but the Yokai Faction has access to some very outlandish things right?" Sairaorg nodded having noticed that particular thing about Kyoto.

Harry smiled "You could almost say that Kyoto and the Yokai Faction have obtained things out of this world no?".

Sairaorg frowned and looked down lost in thought as he began to think upon Harry's words, he knew he was giving him a hint of course and it was only after a little bit that his eyes widen in realization "All of this! The technology, the unknown types of magic, some of the beings living in Kyoto! They're from a different world!".

Harry smiled proudly "That's right, Sairaorg I have been in so many worlds, learned, seen, and experienced so many things, good things and bad things as well, I've been to war, I destroyed worlds, I have seen universes being born".

Sairaorg gaped at what Harry was saying while Harry continues on "I have seen a lot in my life... do you know what I think when I see the factions? With all their political drama? Their pitiful little conflicts? Their so-called problems?".

Sairaorg shook his head, how could he a young devil begin to know or even comprehend what somebody like Harry sees in the factions, Harry frowned "Children playing at being someone important in this universe, almost every faction and its leaders have been nothing but disappointments... so deluded into thinking that their problems or even their existence is important to the grand scheme of it all when they're nothing but grains of sand in this massive multiverse".

Sairaorg tighten his fist and nodded, he was beginning to understand the bigger picture, Harry smiled and nodded in approval "You see in this multiverse there are beings that can easily destroy worlds, solar systems, and even drive the entire population of a universe into madness and no one even knows".

Harry closed his eyes "I can't really fault them though, I alone have that knowledge because I have seen it for myself, it's one of the many reasons I've never stopped trying to get even more powerful, learn new things, and understand the root of it all better".

Sairaorg nodded "... You're preparing everyone you care about... you're making sure that they can fight and survive anything out there, you don't care about the factions or that they're afraid of you, after all, they're not important enough for you to worry about them no... you want to make sure that the Yokai Faction and your loved ones are ready to face any of the horrors you've seen out there in the multiverse!".

Harry opened his eyes and smiled at Sairaorg "That's right, everyone is so scared about us and spends their time trying to figure out our next plan, as if we're planning to attack someone or if we're preparing for war... in reality, we couldn't care less about them really" Harry shrugged and chuckled.

Sairaorg sighed and nodded "But why tell me? I know my mother joined the Yokai Faction... but I'm still a member of the Devil Faction, why let me know about all of this".

"Because I see potential in you just as I see it with Sona, you have the goal to become a Maou right?" Sairaorg nodded "Well I think you can become something more, something far more important and so I decided to help you but first I want you to show me what you can do".

Sairaorg widen his eyes in surprise, no one but his peerage and mother ever told him that he had potential, and no one but them has ever shown interest in him but here was Harry Potter a Dragon God who just told him that he believes he has potential and that he wants to help him.

Sairaorg couldn't help the burning desire to prove himself to Harry from growing, to him this was a big opportunity and he wasn't going to waste it, Harry chuckled as he noticed the fire in Sairaorg's eyes burn "There are a few very powerful people watching this fight, I had already asked them to train you and with what you showed right now I'm sure they will be more than willing to do so but before I agree to help you, you have to give this match your best, stop holding back".

Sairaorg grinned and nodded "I have been saving this for when I have to face Sona in a rating game but I might as well use it now! I'll earn your help and of those powerful people you speak of!".

Harry smiled and nodded, he then snapped his fingers and everyone was able to hear what was going on in the match again.


Naruto, Lee, Guy, and Kakashi grinned at the fact that Sairaorg still had more up his sleeve and wanted to keep it a secret but when fighting against someone like Harry you really can't hold anything back.


Suddenly beside Sairaorg a giant lion with a purple gem on his forehead appeared beside the young devil and roared, Harry raised an eyebrow and stared at the lion "... Regulus Nemea? Heh, the son of the Vapula Devil Clan has the Battle Axe of the Lion King Longinus at his disposal how fitting".

Sairaorg grinned "I wasn't born with it, I found Regulus during my training travels and I tamed it, we became partners and now we fight together".

Harry nodded in understanding while the many devils watching the match gaped at the fact that Sairaorg Bael has access to a Longinus of all things, he had already proven he was powerful but this?

Many were regretting the way they treated him in the past and among them was his grandfather Zekram who was shocked that his Heir had a Longinus and never knew.

Sairaorg closed his eyes and gathered his Touki "Regulus let's do this! My lion! King of Nemea! You, who has been called King of Lions! Answer my howl and turn into my armor! Balance Breaker!".

Harry watched as Regulus was suddenly engulfed in a bright golden light which immediately merged with Sairaorg.

The Bael Heir's body began to glow with the same golden light that engulfed Regulus a few seconds ago and as soon as the light dissipated Sairaorg was revealed to everyone watching the match.

Sairaorg grinned and tighten his fists "Regulus Rey Leather Rex!".

Harry raised an eyebrow "... your power level drastically increased very impressive, you're officially at the high end of the Ultimate Rank level in power".

Sairaorg nodded "Yes... this Balance Breaker is the culmination of all my hard work and training along with the bond I share with Regulus!".

Harry nodded "Looks like I'm going to have to take up a notch then, get ready Sairaorg!".

Sairaorg grinned and then both he and Harry disappeared in blurs, explosions and shockwaves began to go off all over the place.

Most of the people watching the match couldn't see anything going on but suspected that the combatants were moving at a speed they couldn't perceive only the Faction leaders could see blurs moving around and colliding all over the place.

Even though they couldn't see the fight they could see how it was pretty intense with how quickly the area was being destroyed by the collisions between Harry and Sairaorg.

Only the members of the Yokai Faction, the Potter Household, and Konoha could clearly see the battle and it was extraordinary, Sairaorg at first couldn't react to Harry's hand-to-hand combat fast enough.

The fact that he also had to pay attention to the keyblades was also making it hard for him to counter-attack and ended up taking quite a few blows from Harry as a result.

But even as he took those hits Sairaorg recovered quickly and began to adapt to having to fight Harry and his two keyblades at the same time, he was even reacting to attacks coming his way in all directions and dodging or blocking.

Harry grinned when Sairaorg blocked a pronged attack by Oblivion and Oathkeeper with both arms and lashed out a high kick toward his face.

Harry tilted his head out of the way and pointed an open hand towards Sairaorg, before the Bael Heir could react Harry fired a massive blast of ki towards Sairaorg's chest, being too close to Harry didn't give the young devil enough time to dodge and ended up taking the full ki blast head on.

He was instantly pushed back and through the ground screaming in pain as the ki blast pushed his body through the rocky ground.

Harry let up his ki blast and then began to fire small orbs of ki all over the place while Sairaorg was still down below, Sairaorg suddenly shot out of the ground and looked around for Harry and noticed he was surrounded by orbs of ki "Wh- oh...".

Harry grinned and then pointed an open hand toward Sairaorg "Oh! Indeed! 'Hell zone Grenade!'" Harry closed his hand and clenched his fist.

The highly condensed ki orbs instantly shot forward towards Sairaorg who being surrounded didn't have any other choice but brace himself for the attack to hit him.

The ki orbs all crashed into his body and violently exploded sending a massive air blast and destroying a big part of the landscape below, many people watching the match had to cover their eyes from the explosion not able to handle the brightness of the blast.

But Sairaorg suddenly flew out of the explosion and rushed towards Harry and sent a punch to his face, Harry caught it and then threw him through another cliff but Sairaorg immediately blasted himself out of the now destroyed cliff with a roar and a blast of touki.

Sairaorg stopped roaring and then began to punch at high-speed speed toward Harry sending high-impact blasts of touki in his direction but Oblivion and Oathkeeper immediately intercepted the blasts and bat them away while Harry went through multiple hand signs "'Fūton: Tatsu no Ōshigoto! (Wind Style: Sea Dragon!)'".

The Dragon God swung his arm and the sky instantly turned dark, as black stormy clouds gathered suddenly a massive green tornado dropped for the sky right on top of Sairaorg who noticed it and tried to fly away.

But the wind-style ninjutsu pulled him into its center tunnel of wind and began to spin Sairaorg around at high speed, luckily his Balance Breaker armor protected him from the worst of the attack.

But Harry wasn't done yet, he pointed a finger towards the green tornado "'Firaga!'" a highly condensed ball of fire shot forward from Harry's finger and soon collided against the Wind Style technique detonating in a storm of flames.

The flames were dragged into the tornado and grew and grew until the green tornado became a fire wind storm with Sairaorg trapped inside it as the wind kept the flames growing and becoming even hotter.

Harry intently watched as the now fire tornado began to grow to a massive size "Now let's see what you do now...".


Inside the firestorm, Sairaorg was being thrashed around by the fast-moving winds and taking damage from the flames, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't escape but that didn't mean he was out of options.

So far nothing he did worked on Harry, whatever he would do Harry would either block it or dodge it, his long-range attacks were useless against his weapons and now he was attacking with magic or whatever that wind technique is.

He knew he was outmatched from the very beginning but he finally understood just to what extent he really was so far behind a being like Harry.

Was he scared? Yes, he has never faced someone so skillful or powerful before.

Was he disappointed? Just a little bit since he was hoping that he would be able to put up a little bit more of a fight.

Was he going to give up? No, no he won't.

He had come so far, trained to hard, and tried his best to become as powerful as he was, this fight had ignited a fire in his stomach that wanted out.

Now more than anything he wanted to prove himself, not to the Bael who had at the beginning turned their backs on him and his mother nor to his father who wanted nothing to do with him because he didn't inherit the power of destruction.

He certainly didn't want to prove himself to the Devils either no, he wanted to prove himself to Harry, the man who had saved his mother, the man who became a good friend.

The Dragon God who saw potential in him when so many others pushed him aside as useless and a failure, he wanted to prove himself worthy of Harry's belief in him even if it costs him his life.

So with a roar that echoed through the arena and through the TVs and monitors showing his match against Harry, Sairaorg's body was suddenly engulfed in purple energy as he began to chant along Regulus "'This body, this soul, even if it falls into an endless ravine!'".

Regulus then chanted "'My Lord and I, we will exhaust this body and this soul to rise up the endless royal road!'".

Sairaorg continued on "'triumph, play, and shine!'".

Regulus then continued the chant as the flame tornado began to break down from the force of Sairaorg's energy "'This is the body of a demonic beast'".

Sairaorg closed his eyes as his energy began to condense within his body as he chanted the next part "'Lodged on top of my fist, is the glorious imperial authority!'".

Regulus suddenly roared the next part of the chat "'Dance!'" followed soon after by Sairaorg who also chanted the word "'Dance!'".

Both then suddenly spoke at the same time as Sairaorg's energy exploded outward destroying Harry's combo technique "'Bloom! Breakdown The Beast, Climb Over!'".

Harry raised an eyebrow at the sudden raise in power from Sairaorg and watched as he exploded in power and destroyed his wind-style ninjutsu and Firaga combo.

Harry then noticed the goldish and purple aura around his body, his Rinnegan was able to let him see that this new form had a very explosive rise in all stats and power levels "... This isn't a Balance Breaker, is it an evolution, or something else?".

Suddenly Sairaorg coughed up some blood which made Harry narrow his eyes as his Rinnegan allowed him to see that Sairaorg's body couldn't handle such a sudden rise of power and was taking damage "This form is burning off his life force...".


In the Uzumaki household Guy frowned as he watched Sairaorg burst out from Harry's fire and wind combo attack "This technique is taking a toll on his body, a very dangerous one".

Kakashi narrowed his eyes "Is it like the Eight Inner Gates?".

Guy shook his head "Not exactly, no doubt that it's as dangerous as any of the Seven Gates not counting the Eight Gate of course but young Bael's issue lies in the fact that his body isn't trained or ready to adapt to such an explosive burst of power".

Naruto tilted his head "and we're not taking into account the type of energy this technique is burning off...".

Lee frown "I see... he's going for an all-or-nothing attack, he's putting his life on the line with his next moves".

Everyone nodded and intently watched as Sairaorg prepared himself to push forward with this battle with everything on the line.


Misla who was watching the match in the Potter Household frowned in worry for her son but Rei patted her hand "Don't worry, Harry will make sure that nothing bad happens".

Misla nodded and shakily smiled "Yes I know, I just can't help but get worried about my son...".

Rei softly smiled and nodded in understanding "I know but your son needs you to believe in him right now".

Misla nodded and then took a big breath, Rei is right of course her son doesn't need her to worry about him right now but rather she needs to believe in him now.


The entire supernatural world was once again stunned into silence, this time however it wasn't because of Harry's overwhelming strength or skill but the power displayed by the young Bael Heir.

The Bael Clan did not even know what to say right now, this entire match has been one revelation after the other and that had left them utterly speechless.

Even Zekram didn't know what to say, just like the rest of the Bael he had pushed Sairaorg to the side and deemed him as a failure to the Bael so never in his wildest dreams would have expected his grandson to not only have a Longinus but was now showcasing a power level he never knew he had.

Just how powerful has Sairaorg become right under their noses? Just what has he been doing all this time to gain such power?


Sairaorg cleaned the blood dripping from his lips with his sleeve and looked up towards Harry who was staring at him with his glowing reptilian green eyes {This form is burning my energy very quickly... I'm not going to be able to hold it for too long so I have to act quickly}.

Suddenly Sairaorg moved and disappeared in a blur and reappeared right in front of Harry who rose an eyebrow in surprise, he quickly bent down to dodge a high kick while Oblivion swung itself towards Sairaorg.

The Bael Heir dodged it and tried to knee Harry in the face while he was bending down but Harry blocked the raising knee with the palm of his left hand and threw a punch toward Sairaorg's throat.

Sairaorg disappeared in a blur reappeared to Harry's left side and lashed out with a spin kick towards the Dragon God's head but Oathkeeper blocked it while Harry elbowed Sairaorg on the ribs.

The young devil grunted in pain but did not slow down and began to throw a barrage of fists toward Harry who dodged most of them while his keyblades blocked the rest.

As these two attacked each other the surrounding area was beginning to be destroyed even more by the blast of wind and shockwaves caused by their techniques.

Harry frowned and he saw Sairaorg cough up more blood for the strain he was putting his body on while maintaining this new form {He was moving at godspeed and his attacks pack far much more force but his body is beginning to reach its limits...}.

Harry then disappeared in a flash of twilight and reappeared above Sairaorg, he then dropped down and axe kicked hitting the young Bael on top of his head forcing it to whip downwards.

But Sairaorg tanked it and then countered with an uppercut Harry frowned and leaned back his head to dodge it but Sairaorg suddenly transitioned into a dropping elbow and hit Harry on his collarbone.

The shockwave caused by Sairaorgs elbow colliding against Harry's collarbone blasted a crater open on the ground below them.

But Harry slapped the elbow away from him and then headbutted Sairaorg hard on the nose causing the Bael Heir's head to lurch back while blood flew everywhere "Gugh!".

Sairaorg was busy seeing stars right now that he didn't see Harry charge up a good amount of ki into his fist and then sent a punch towards Sairaorg which then exploded into a massive Asian golden dragon "'Dragon Fist!'".

The ki-created Asian dragon flew towards Sairaorg and crashed against his body and flew away from Harry while taking him with it "Ahhhhh!".

The force of the technique was so strong that Sairaorg couldn't stop himself or the technique and ended up being taken through a short trip in the sky until the ki dragon did a loop and then headed to the ground.

Where it collided against the ground and aggressively exploded in a massive ki explosion that shook the entire pocket dimension where they were currently fighting.

Everyone silently watched and waited as the explosion ran its course to see what had happened to Sairaorg and once it was over he was revealed to everyone, who could see that he was severely injured.

Whatever form he had taken seemed like he couldn't maintain it anymore and had gone back to his regular Balance Breaker which was very damaged, all of the armor was cracked and was chipping apart.

But Sairaorg still rolled to his belly and slowly got on his hands and knees until he was able to slowly push himself up to his feet, though the movements he was making ended up breaking his armor apart.

As Sairaorg stood up the upper part of his golden armor shattered and fell to pieces while Harry flew down and landed on the ground some distance away from the Bael Hair.

Harry was impressed with Sairaorg and watched as he began to slowly walk up to him, which made Harry sigh and smile at him "You did good Sairaorg... you did good, you can rest now".

Sairaorg stopped even though his eyes were covered by the shadow of his hair Harry could see a small smile on his face until the very tired and injured Sairaorg fell unconscious face first into the ground.

That small and happy smile never left his face and as Harry walked up to him he couldn't help but chuckle "What a tenacious kid...".

Harry bent on one knee and checked Sairaorg over to make sure he was okay "You burned out a lot of your lifespan... but don't worry I'll restore it to full soon and once you take a trip to the Healing Temple you will be good as new".

Having said that the pocket dimension Harry was in with Sairaorg suddenly cracked like glass and then shattered, the audience watching the match gaped at how that happened and at the fact that both Harry and Sairaorg were back in Neo Kyoto.

A very beautiful golden-winged seraph wearing green armor suddenly flew down and smiled at Harry who smile back at her "Ophanimon can you take care of Sairaorg?".

Ophanimon nodded "Of course Harry, we'll start treatment right away, we shall await for you at the temple".

Harry nodded and Ophanimon teleported the unconscious Bael Heir while Harry stood up and turned towards the audience watching what was going on "Well! That's it from the Yokai Faction and its allies, I hope everyone had fun and to the Devil Faction! Don't worry Sairaorg will be back in the underworld by tomorrow morning all healed up".

Harry waved and the transmission cut off leaving the entire supernatural world filled with fear and disbelief, everything that was seen today from the Yokai Faction and Harry himself was beyond anything anyone could have imagined.

Many were pondering what to do, they wanted an alliance with the Yokai Faction but they don't trust easily and many others were nervous and concerned.

No matter how they thought about it the Yokai Faction was far more impressive than they had ever believed as well as dangerous and this left them with many things to consider.


Meanwhile in Konoha, inside the Uzumaki household Guy and Lee were grinning impressed with Sairaorg and his no giving up attitude, in their minds he already was their student and they couldn't wait to meet him.

Naruto was also very impressed "He's quite talented but he needs some more variety in his skill set, he's an amazing martial artist but he should have branched out a bit, then again he probably didn't have anyone tell him that".

Kakashi nodded "Yes plus we're going to have to strengthen his body and spirit so he can use that new technique of his without hurting his body but I'm sure Guy and Harry have something planned for that, what are you going to teach him?".

Naruto grinned "I think he would benefit a lot from senjutsu training so I'll be speaking with the toads to ask if they can help me teach him how to be a sage".

Kakashi nodded, suddenly Guy gave Naruto a thumbs-up "Leave his physical conditioning to me but I will need some help from fuinjutsu with what I have planned".

Naruto hummed "You can ask Hima, she's very good with fuinjutsu and runecraft I'm sure she'll love to help you Guy-sensei".

Guy grinned and immediately ran off to ask Himawari to help him but suddenly Himawari herself walked up to her father's side "Where is Mr. Guy going?".

Kakashi, Lee, and Naruto turned towards Himawari and stared at her while she tilted her head at them in confusion until Kakashi sighed "Dammit he got over excited again... I'll go get him".

Lee and Naruto laughed while Himawari just looked very confused right now.


Meanwhile in Neo Kyoto by a house where a small family of tengu had been watching the match between Harry and Sairaorg and were now celebrating their leader's victory and the success of the televised event.

However as they celebrated they were completely unaware of the small being that had been watching the match with rapt attention from a window behind them "Looks like Harry had a lot of fun~ but boy I'm glad that I finally found his world!".

The little being hopped off the window sill it had been standing on and landed on the ground with a wobble "Well now that I know which world is his I can now visit at anytime~ next time I'll bring everyone so we can have some fun like we use to do".

A feminine voice suddenly spoke from within the small being's mind {Notice: We should head home soon or we'll be late for dinner}.

The little being wobbled about a bit and then nodded "Oh! Thank you for reminding me! We better go otherwise Shuna will scold me though I'm sure she will be happy to hear that I found Harry! In fact! Everyone is going to be excited! Let's go home, Ciel!".

With that said the little creature suddenly dissipated in a small whisp of black light as it left this world already making plans to visit it again soon.


Sairaorg groaned as he opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times to clear his vision until he was able to clearly see, thanks to that he was able to see his mother sitting beside him and smiling at him.

Sairaorg couldn't help but smile back at his mother "How long was I out mother?".

Misla smiled "Just a couple of hours, Harry said to let you sleep since the new form you unlocked had taken a toll on your body... that was really reckless Sai".

Sairaorg frowned a bit since he didn't like to worry his mother "Sorry mom but I had to prove to myself that I've grown stronger and how far I still need to go".

Misla sighed and shook her head "Just be more careful okay?".

Sairaorg nodded while Misla smiled at him "Harry said that he has restored the life force you burned away with that new technique of yours but he did say that even with him restoring it and you getting healed you will still be feeling pain for at least a week".

Sairaorg nodded and sighed "I knew that technique was a big burden on my body but to that extent?... How is Regulus?".

Misla looked down towards the floor and Sairaorg followed her eyes and saw Regulus peacefully sleeping beside his hospital bed, Misla smiled "As you can see he's fine~ Harry also restored him so for now! Your resting for a full week okay?".

Sairaorg chuckled but nodded to his mother's request and decide that taking it easy for a week was an apt reward after having fought a Dragon God.