Chapter 112

Harry woke up early in the morning and got off his bed in the magical tent they had brought with them for this trip, he looked to his side and saw Jessica still sleeping so he grabbed his smartphone from his inventory and checked the time.

It was almost time for dawn so he decided to get up and prepare breakfast for everyone since they would be waking up soon enough and so he gently got up from the bed, careful not to awaken Jessica, and walked out of their room.

He first went to check on the girls and went to Eri's room first, he found her still soundly asleep with both Salamon and Tsukaimon peacefully sleeping with her.

He found it funny to see Tsukaimon sleeping on top of Eri's face while Salamon was on top of Eri's belly, Harry smiled and shook his head in amusement and then left to check on Lily.

He found his goddaughter sleeping sideways on her bed with her head hanging off the edge of her mattress, Harry raised an eyebrow in amusement but still walked up to her and gently moved her so she could be comfortable in her bed.

He wasn't surprised both girls were still sleeping, yesterday was a very exciting day for them and Lily had used a lot of energy, she's still not used to prolonged fights and Gracos was definitely a tough opponent.

So Harry left the little Princess of Trodain to her sleep and rest and headed out of the magical tent to start with breakfast, not feeling like cooking he decided to make some sandwiches for everyone, and by the time he was almost done Jessica had already come out of the tent.

She saw Harry making breakfast outside and smiled "Morning love, you woke up pretty early today huh?".

Harry turned his head towards Jessica and gave her a smile, he then nodded "I figured we could start heading towards Alexandria early and reach it by noon though I figure we should let the girls sleep a little bit more".

Jessica nodded and walked up to Harry's side "They must be tired with all the fighting and walking they did or at least Lily is, I'm sure Eri is already used to all of this".

Harry nodded "True but since she helped both Salamon and Tsukaimon digivolve yesterday she must be a little tired as well".

Jessica tilted her head "They're progressing rather quickly huh? It's completely different from Dorumon back when we met, she took quite a while to digivolve".

Harry hummed and nodded "Well I didn't have a digivice back then and was still pretty new to the whole Digimon Tamer thing, apparently Digimon do grow that fast as long as the conditions are met"

Jessica nodded in understanding while she took a sandwich and began to eat "... Do you know how Gracos was able to do all of that? I don't think anyone would have noticed, it was lucky that Lily wanted to check the Waterfall Cave".

Harry sighed "I've been thinking about it since last night, you remember how Raphtorn would fly around in his massive form all over the place before we defeated him?".

Jessica frowned and looked down "Yeah I remember... it was rather annoying to chase him all over the place, it was only thanks to Empyrea that we were able to catch up to Raphtorn".

Harry sighed and scratched his head "Well he was letting out massive amounts of dark energy all over the place so whenever Gracos must have been hibernating must have gotten a blast of that dark energy and revived him... still I've read stories about him in the Dragovian Archives and the fact that he was alive all of this time is quite disconcerting".

Jessica frowned as she chewed on her sandwich "You don't think there could be more of these ancient monsters hiding or roaming about right?".

"I honestly don't know, I haven't sensed anything so far but then again I didn't sense Gracos until we were really close to Waterfall Cave so they might be able to cloak themselves... I already sent a shadow clone back to Trodain to let Hiro know about this, I'm sure he'll spread the word around the rest of the Kingdoms and our friends to keep an eye open".

Jessica nodded "I guess all we can do for now is wait, you don't think there's anything to worry about right? Otherwise you would have been trying harder to find them if they're out there".

Harry smiled at Jessica "The goddess in this world is very active so if there was something to really worried about she would have already begun to do something about it besides we're now connected to this world so we can come help anytime it's needed plus if there are any more ancient monsters like Gracos they'll provide very good experience for our demigod children and the girls plus my students need a challenge once in a while".

Jessica grinned at Harry in amusement "Ah I see, you're already thinking ahead then but are there any real powerful monsters? Gracos was tough sure but he was at best ultimate rank in power, any of your students could have defeated him".

Harry hummed "Well Gracos at best was just a general in the army of Demonlord Zoma so he wasn't exactly the toughest but there were some very powerful monsters in ancient times, some even reached super devil or god ranks, and don't get me started on the demon lords as well, some of those guys were truly terrifying".

Jessica nodded and then tiled her head "Makes you wonder how they were taken down... to think humans fought them and defeated them, I still remember our fight against Raphtorn and it was single-handedly the toughest fight we had back then... we almost didn't make it".

"I remember as well, we only defeated him because we had each other, all of us fought with everything we had at the time, Yangus, Red, Angelo, Hiro, You, and I went past our limits and fought with everything we had and more, that's how I think those ancient heroes defeated the demon lords of old... they must have had help and friends that fought with them".

Jessica looked up at the sky and hummed "I see... that does make sense, what were those demon lords you keep talking about?".

Harry closed his eyes "... Zoma, Dragonlord, Malroth... those are some of the most known and powerful demon lords in this world, each one engulfed the world with darkness and brought nothing but destruction and death, they also almost succeeded in fulfilling their desires for destroying humanity".

Jessica turned her head towards Harry "I see... and I bet there's even more too... could they return somehow?".

Harry opened his eyes and stared into Jessica's "I want to say no but we both have seen how absurd the world can be, so who knows but...".

Harry turned his gaze toward the entrance of their magical tent and smiled as soon as both a smiling Eri and a still-sleepy Lily stepped out of the tent, Jessica followed Harry's gaze and smiled when she saw the girls walk up to them while Harry then finished his sentence "But we can trust the future to the next generation, after all, they will soon be far more powerful than any hero to have ever lived".

Jessica nodded and brightly smiled at Harry as Lily who was still sleepy demanded a hug and to be picked up to eat which Harry happily did for her, it was amusing to see Lily act like a spoiled princess and even funnier when it only happens when she's sleepy.

And so the party of four and two Digimon had breakfast and began to talk about their upcoming trip to Alexandria and after finishing eating they all cleaned up and packed everything to continue on their way.


The trip to Alexandria was easy compared with what the girls experienced yesterday and was actually pretty fun for them as they were able to run around and explore as much as they wanted.

Eri even found some chests in the meadows and plains of the Farebury region, they only had gold and a cypress stick but it was free loot nonetheless and Eri thought it was fun, eventually, they reached the bridge connecting the Farebury region to Alexandria's.

The monsters in this area were definitely different and it came as a surprise to Lily who had never seen these types of monsters, she eagerly fought them to learn more about them along with Eri.

Monsters like the drackmage were annoying since these green bat-like monsters were very nimble and could easily dodge physical attacks plus they could also use magic, not that they were a threat to the girls but it did force them to change tactics a bit.

So Lily switch to using offensive magic while Eri made sure to cover her since the drackmages can seal one's magic for a while but these new types of monsters weren't the only ones that forced the girls to switch tactics.

The fencing foxes caught them completely off guard with their dancing-like skills, skills that had all kinds of effects that not even Eri was immune to, they often found themselves forcibly dancing much to their embarrassment.

However, the fencing foxes learned that it was not a good idea to embarrass a lady the hard way because Eri and Lily went on a rampage on the poor monsters.

The only other type of monster that had the girls being more careful were the hammerhoods, these little guys had a habit of increasing their power so the girls had to switch to high-speed attacks and techniques to quickly deal with them.

But other than that they didn't have any difficulties and they learned a very valuable lesson on not underestimating an enemy no matter how silly and weak they might seem.

Eventually, the party reached Alexandria and both Harry and Jessica seemed very happy to finally reached their old home, many of the townspeople recognized him and Jessica and immediately rushed to talk to them.

Harry and Jessica spent some time speaking and saying hi to everyone but eventually had to move on since they still had one person to see, one that was due some explanations and so Harry, Jessica, Eri, and Lily headed to Jessica's home.

They didn't even have to reach the door because Jessica's mom Rosalind was already waiting for them outside her home, she still looked stern as always but had a small soft smile on her face.

Jessica brightly smiled and took off running, once she was in front of her mom she hugged her causing Rosalind to smile and hug her daughter back "Jessica it's good to have you back home".

Jessica nodded on her mother's shoulder "It's good to be home and I'm sorry I disappeared on you mom".

Rosalind smiled and shook her head "It's okay, I knew that you were with Harry the moment you disappeared, now let me have a look at you".

Jessica let go of her mother and then took a step back, Rosalind grabbed her daughter's face and gave her a warm smile "You look younger and very happy".

Jessica happily nodded, Rosalind then looked to her side and raised an eyebrow at Harry "There you are, it seems like I have to thank you for kidnapping my daughter rather than scold you, Harry".

Harry sheepishly smiled and then walked up to Rosalind who let go of Jessica and gave him a hug "Welcome home Harry, it's very nice to see you here again".

Harry chuckled and hugged Rosalind tightly since this woman had taken care of him when he lived in Alexandria for a few years a long time ago "It's good to be back".

Rosalind then looked behind Harry and noticed Eri and Lily, she recognized the young Princess of Trodain of course since she had met her a while ago when she and her daughter went to visit the young King and Queen of Trodain and it seems like Lily recognized her because she was waving at her.

But the other little girl beside her who is wearing an adorable red witch's hat looked at her with a tilted head and a confused expression, Rosalind raised an eyebrow when the little girl suddenly smiled at her and waved as well.

Harry noticed who Rosalind was staring at and decided to introduce her "Rosalind, this is Eri Potter she's my daughter and your granddaughter as well".

Rosalind's eyes widen in surprise she then turned her head towards Jessica who only grinned and nodded at her "Yup that's my daughter too".

Rosalind looked so lost and confused that it made both Harry and Jessica laugh at her expression, Rosalind sighed and shook her head "Alright you hooligans let's go inside so you can explain yourselves".

Rosalind then turned to Eri and gave her a warm and kind smile "Please don't turn out like your daddy and mommy sweetie, I can barely handle the both of them".

Eri giggled and then walked up to Rosalind and grabbed her hand, Rosalind smiled at her granddaughter and began to walk into the Albert Mansion with Eri excitedly speaking to her new grandma.

Lily grabbed Harry's hand and with that done Harry and Jessica followed Rosalind into the Mansion with grins on their faces since they knew that it was too late since Eri often enough acted as wild as them.


Rosalind took everyone to the living quarters and there Harry told her of everything that had been going on with him, the worlds he's seen and everything else.

Rosalind was very surprised and impressed and even though she still had a stern expression on her face there was a glimmer of worry for Harry after everything he had experienced and lived through.

Harry of course noticed and let her know that he was okay and very happy now and that despite having lived through a lot he wouldn't change anything about his journey.

This calmed Rosalind's worries and thus they continue to talk about anything and everything while Eri enjoyed sitting on her new grandmother's lap, Lily having heard this before opted to take a nap beside Harry.

Rosalind sighed and began to run her fingers through Eri's white hair "What a life you've lived Harry... but at least you're happy".

Harry nodded "It had its ups and downs but it has been a whole adventure, now though all I care about is protecting my family and loved ones".

Rosalind smiled and nodded "You've been like this since you were a kid, still I'm surprised Jessica decided to join a harem, she doesn't like to share after all and she had always been very jealous when it comes to you".

Jessica blushed and pouted at her mom "Well the others are so nice and caring that it was hard to say no, besides it's hard to blame them for falling in love with Harry plus it's apparently normal in the supernatural world".

Rosalind giggled "As long as you're happy Jessica, you always did want a big family and now you have it".

Jessica smiled and nodded to her mother, she can't ever deny that she was very happy with her life and loves everyone in their family which Rosalind noticed.

The matriarch of the Albert Family could see the happiness in her daughter's eyes and she couldn't be any happier for Jessica, of course, she knew that Harry would always take care of and love her so she was happy with this entire situation.

Plus they made her a grandmother and isn't that a big surprise, Rosalind looked down at the adorable little girl in her lap and she couldn't help but smile, now she couldn't wait to meet the rest of her grandchildren.

It made her feel giddy with excitement "So what's next?".

Harry smiled and began to explain his plans "We'll stay in Alexandria for a couple of days so you can spend time with Jessica and the girls, meanwhile I'll create a portal in this house connect it to our home so you can visit and meet the rest of the family anytime time you want".

A soft smile appeared on Rosalind's face as she nodded at Harry who continued to explain "Then we'll go to Simpleton and visit Angelo see how he's doing after that we'll go to Pickham and see if we can find Yangus and Red before I have to go back, I still have a few things coming up in about a week... I'm so lucky I can manipulate time otherwise I wouldn't have time to do all of this".

Jessica, Eri, Lily, and Rosalind giggle at Harry's expression while the poor Dragon God just sighed and then grins at them and so they all stay talking about many things with Rosalind for the rest of the day.


The next two days had Harry working in the portal while Rosalind spent time with Jessica, Eri, and Lily, they did all kinds of things though most of them weren't of Jessica's liking, she still did them because Eri and Lily seemed to be having fun.

Things like going shopping for dresses, having tea parties, or even being taught proper ladylike behavior.

Lily as the Princess of Trodain was used to stuff like this and didn't mind it much, she might be a very powerful Dragon Knight capable of fighting powerful monsters but even she liked wearing dresses and looking cute once in a while.

For Eri, this was a new experience since she hadn't worn such pretty dresses like the one Rosalind bought for her nor gone to a real tea party before so this was all very fun, and acting like a proper lady was something she seemed to find entertaining.

Jessica just deadpanned at it all not believing such adventurous and powerful little girls would like things like this but to each their own she supposed, though she could do without being dragged into all of this.

Rosalind was very happy at the moment and had a lot of fun with Eri and Lily despite her daughter being a stick in the mud she even convinced Harry to join the tea parties much to Jessica's confusion.

The fact that Harry behaved like a proper gentleman just made her eyebrow twitch, she keeps forgetting that despite everything Harry is still a lord and knows how to behave in events like these.

Still, she was glad her mom was happy and smiling as much as she is, hopefully, she'll get to smile even more once she meets the rest of her crazy and chaotic family.

Two days after Harry finished the portal and then led Rosalind to the Potter Household where she got to meet the family, Harry then left the Albert Matriarch there to get the know her new grandchildren and extended family while he, Eri, Lily, and Jessica continued their journey.

Harry was glad that Rosalind seemed very happy to meet everyone especially Hope and Morgan who immediately won her heart with their cuteness and friendly demeanor.

After Harry came back the party of four immediately set out since they didn't have much time left since Harry had to go back to Kyoto to deal with the Greek Gods and Artemis when they arrive.

Still, with a little bit of time manipulation, Harry was able to slow the time in his world so he would be able to do everything he wanted in this one, once they returned he'll synchronize the time flow once he goes back to his world.


The first stop in their journey is Port Prospect on the south of Alexandria which was not that far, so they all followed the road leading there while the girls continued to deal with the monsters.

Eventually, they reached a place that left the girls in awe, as they were close to the beach hence why they were going to a Port, Lily and Eri were happy to have found a big and long beach.

Both girls took off running towards the beach and stopped to admire the sea, Lily has never seen the ocean or a beach before so she was in awe at how pretty it all seemed to her.

Eri brightly smiled as she watched the ocean and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the breeze, this world was so pretty and colorful that it was quickly becoming one of Eri's favorites, and was already thinking of coming here someday with Hope and Morgan to have an adventure with Lily.

Harry and Jessica walked up to the girls and smiled at how happy and excited they seemed to see the sea, Jessica grinned and stared out into the ocean "I never get tired of this part of my continent".

Harry nodded "We used to come here all the time to practice our spells or to just have fun in the water".

Jessica nodded and smiled at the memories of the little adventures she used to have with Harry when they used to be kids, they would always get scolded by her mom but it was very fun to get into trouble with Harry.

Wanting to let the girls enjoy the beach the group decided to walk the length of the beach towards Port Prospect something that Eri and Lily were very thankful for and so they all enjoyed a walk on the beach.

Not even the many sea monsters could ruin this for Eri and Lily who now that they had faced monsters like these in the Waterfall Cave didn't have any difficulties defeating them.

This is how it went for the small party until they finally reached Port Prospect and once again the girls were filled with excitement at being able to be in a new place.

Neither Lily nor Eri had ever seen a port before and once inside they ran all over the place looking at everything and everywhere with excitement clear in their eyes, the many people going about their day and the shop clerks smiled at the adorable girls running around and asking questions to everyone.

Harry and Jessica let them do whatever they wanted while still keeping an eye on them, they both laughed when Eri and Lily found a young girl selling herbs and then proceeded to buy all her stock with the gold they had gotten from the monsters they have killed.

The poor girl was so stunned and surprised when they did so but Harry thinks they felt bad for her because she wasn't selling much and decided to buy all her stock.

The herb girl was even more surprised when Eri took off her witch's hat and proceeded to dump all the herbs she just bought inside and then put her hat back on leaving a stunned herb-selling girl just standing there gaping.

Harry laughed finding all of this funny, the girls then continued their little exploration of the small port town with Jessica and Harry quietly following them.

They even jumped down a well on Harry's advice and found a chest and a friendly man o'war who waved a tentacle at them, inside the chest they found a mini medal.

At first, they were confused about the small coin-like token but Harry explained that these little medals were actually very sought after, that in this world on an island in the middle of the continents there's a castle with a princess inside.

This princess collects the mini medals and she's always willing to exchange some for items and even weapons and armor, Eri and Lily thought the whole thing fun since it seemed like a scavenger hunt.

So Eri took the mini medal and put it in her hat, maybe she'll find some more later but for now, she'll keep a close eye out for them.

After that, the girls went to visit the lighthouse and climbed to the top where they were able to see the whole ocean and enjoy the view, both of them were awed and stared at it for quite a while.

Eventually, they had to move on and so Harry told the girls that they were taking a ferry to Peregrin Quay, and the girls were over the moon with the fact that they get to go on a ferry something that both of them hadn't had a chance to do before.

And so the group went to the bay and paid for tickets to take a ferry to Peregrin Quay, once on the ferry the girls had fun watching all the sailors do their work.

They even went to the captain and bombarded him with questions, it was a good thing the captain is a good and friendly fellow and was more than happy to answer the girl's questions about sailing on a ship and his travels on the seas.

The captain eventually had to get to work and the girls happily let him go and then proceed to explore the ship and even climbed all the way up the spotter nest and looked out into the ocean.

Everyone on board the ferry was enjoying the girls' antics and just watched them run all over the place, Harry and Jessica just smiled content that the girls were enjoying themselves a lot.

But as any sailor who has sailed the seas of this world can tell you, that danger was always at every corner and this proved to be true when monsters suddenly attacked the ship.

A massive blue squid emerged from the sea and wrap its tentacles around the ship causing panic among the passengers and the sailors, the Captain growled as he watched the massive monster begin to squeeze the ship.

The king squid then growled and monsters began to jump out from the sea into the ship, the sailors got ready for a big fight seeing some very dangerous monsters on the ship.

Monsters like octavian pirates, merkings, and even sirens, truly terrifying monsters that no sailor would ever want to find facing off against.

The Captain was at a loss on what to do since this attack had come out of nowhere and as he watched the humanoid octopus-like monster known as an octavian pirate get its harpoon ready to attack the passenger all he could do is close his eye not wanting to see the death of a passenger.

But then a voice caught everyone by surprise except Jessica and Harry who just smiled, everyone looked up toward the voice and watched as Lily was dropped down from the bird's nest with her sword at the ready "Take this! 'Thunder Slash!'".

Lily's Dragovian God Sword lit up with electricity that danced around the blades as she dropped she slashed the Octavian Pirate with her technique.

The monster was cut in half as a boom and a crackle echoed throughout the ship, the monster instantly exploded into wisps of light and Lily immediately continued her attack.

Training with her godfather has taught her many things and among them was to always keep in motion and so the little Princess of Trodain twirled her sword and took off running towards a group of merkings, the sirens snapped out their shock and began to cast spells towards Lily.

But from the sky they were suddenly bombarded by fireballs which stop them mid-casting and killed them off, meanwhile Lily reached the merkings and immediately attacked.

She quickly cut off the head of the closest one and at this point, the merkings snapped out of their stunned states, one of them tried to claw at Lily but she lowered her body, and her being pretty small caused the merkings to miss her entirely.

Lily now below and in front of the merking bisected the monster with a quick slash to its belly and before the merking could disappear Lily jumped up and used its head as a platform to kick off and bash another merking with her shield while the one she had bisected exploded in wisps of light.

Harry smiled "Looks like she's improving a lot".

Jessica nodded "She is, your dynamic style seems to be perfect for her and the fact that she's learning so fast is amazing".

By this point, the monsters were now panicking since they were not expecting a fight much less being taken down like flies, but they didn't get to even ponder too much as Eri appeared flying on her broom around the ship and smiling.

She then pointed her staff at the massive king squid and began to gather her mana "Let go will you! 'Kasizzle!'".

On the tip of Eri's staff, a small fireball formed and Eri then waved her staff unleashing a massive wave of flames that hit the massive king squid's face causing it to screech in pain.

Lily was running in zigzags around the monsters and cutting them so fast that all they could see is a blur, Lily smiled, happy to see that she was becoming faster and stronger thanks to her godfather's training and all the fighting she has been doing lately.

She then saw a group of octavian pirates rush at her, it looked like they can see her move so Lily took a big breath and then breathe out an orange blast of fog that hit the monsters.

The monster twitched and then fell down paralyzed by Lily's new technique, Burning Breath a dragon technique that causes paralysis, this one is one of the many dragon techniques her godfather taught her.

Seeing that the octavian pirates couldn't move the sailors immediately rushed forward and began to stab and slash at the monsters until they began to burst into wisps of light.

Lily smiled at them and the sailors gave her a thumbs up causing her to giggle, she then turned to look at the king squid which was the only monster left on board, and was angrily glaring at everyone in both pain and anger.

The massive monster lifted four of its tentacles into the air and then proceed to try and smash Lily with them but the little Princess of Trodain brought her sword close to her hand which began to glow with wind magic.

Lily then ran her hand over her sword which began to glow white and let out wind all around her, she then waved her sword towards the incoming tentacles as hard as she could "'Wind Sickles!'".

Massive crescent moon shape waves of wind rushed forward from Lily's sword and sliced the tentacles apart into many pieces, this forced the kin squid to let go of the ship and roar in pain.

Eri seeing and opening waved her staff and the seawater around the king squid suddenly exploded outwards and out from its depths massive dragons made out of water wrapped the king squid tightly preventing it from escaping or attacking while Lily change the position of her sword into a backward hold and began to charge her magic into her Dragovian God Sword.

This was the first time she would be using the Avan Strash with her new sword and she immediately felt the difference, the sword let her mana flow so smoother compared to her old copper sword and she wasn't getting hit by the backlash either.

So with a smile on her face, she got ready to use her strongest technique "Take this!".

Lily took off running and then jumped off the ship towards the King Squid and as soon as she got close to the massive sea monster she let loose her attack "'Avan Strash!'".

The little Princess of Trodain slashed at the king squid as hard as she could and as soon as she hit the monster with her technique the king squid was not only cut in half but blasted apart by the mana in the sword.

But that wasn't all her technique did, it actually released a massive wave of energy that hit the ocean and split it in half much to Lily and the rest of the people watching the fight's shock.

Lily then began to fall towards the sea but Eri arrived just in time and caught her while flying on her broom, Lily excitedly hugged Eri "Eri! Did you see that! I cut the sea!".

Eri looked down and saw the massive cut in the sea begin to get filled with water again and nodded to Lily "Yup I saw~ that was amazing Lily!".

Lily then looked at her hand and happily smiled when she saw that there was no damage or burns, she then closed her hand and tighten her fist "I'm getting stronger!".

Eri smiled at her friend and nodded, she then took them back to the ship where the passengers, the ship's crew, and the captain were gaping at them but the girls ignored that and instead looked at Harry and smiled when they saw the proud look and smile on his face.

Their journey is only halfway done and they're already getting into so many adventures and learning a lot, both young girls couldn't wait to see what else they will see in this world.