Chapter 128

Harry waited a few moments until he caught sight of both Vegeta and Goku falling down from the sky and then crashing against the ground a few seconds, cracking it on impact.

Both Saiyans gasped in pain as their bodies bounce up and down once and then stayed on the ground groaning in pain, Harry smiled and walked up to them.

Vegeta opened his eyes and huffed in both pain and annoyance "Damn it all... he blasted me into the sky again... damn lizard".

Goku laughed but then hissed in pain from his location on the ground not to far from Vegeta "Now I know... how that feels... did we reach space?".

Vegeta groaned "Almost... it's a good thing the ki beam detonated... otherwise we would have taken a trip through space".

Harry reached their location and spoke, "Oh? You're alive! That's good, now I don't have to bring you back to life".

Vegeta turned his head towards Harry and glared at him "I think I want to be dead!... What was that by the way?... That ki beam hurt much more than everything else".

Harry pointed one of his hands at both Saiyans and cast a quick Curaga healing all of Goku's and Vegeta's wounds "That was just a regular ki beam, what hurt you was the nature of my energy".

Both Saiyan sat up as they recovered, Harry waved a hand and fixed their clothes as well, Goku sighed but understood what Harry was talking about "Oh, you mean that godslayer and dragonslayer aspect of your energy, you mentioned before right?".

Vegeta raised an eyebrow while Harry nodded "That's right because the two of you have godly ki then all my attacks do extra damage to you, your Super Saiyan Blue forms worked against you this time".

The Saiyans got up, Goku then sighed and looked down as he thought about what Harry just told them, meanwhile Vegeta huffed "Great... now we're going to have to come up with something to counterattack beings like you".

Goku nodded "Perhaps a new form, one not dependent on god ki...".

Vegeta turned his head towards Goku and frowned "Do you really think there's a form beyond Super Saiyan God?".

Goku shrugged and then grinned "Who knows, but when has that ever stopped us from becoming stronger and unlocking a new form?".

Vegeta grinned at Goku, despite not liking to agree with him, the Prince of all Saiyans knew that in cases like these Goku knew what to say and he couldn't agree more with him.

Harry smiled "Well! Since you guys pushed me a little bit, I'll give you some help or rather some clues as to unlocking a new power".

Both Vegeta and Goku turned their heads towards Harry and grinned, they knew that whatever information Harry has, it would be very useful to both of them and they couldn't wait to hear it.

Harry then nodded to them "But first let's go back to everyone, I'm sure they're all waiting for us".

Goku and Vegeta nodded and then all three fighters took off flying toward where their families were waiting.


Marron was cheering after seeing her uncle Harry win the fight, her daddy might have lost but he put up a good fight and she was very proud of him, but besides that, she was amazed at how strong her uncle Harry is.

Whis rubbed his chin while smiling "Amazing, he beat them quite quickly, to think he would become this strong... it's too bad that he wouldn't want to become a God of Destruction, he would have made an excellent one".

Kunou smiled "Harry would never accept that, he's not a fan of the Gods of Destruction plus he would never leave us to take care of another universe".

Milim giggled "Plus Harry is not one for reckless destruction, he's an inventor and creator first and foremost".

Whis smiled and nodded, he himself knew that Harry wasn't very compatible for the job of a destroyer, but he can dream, right?

18 smiled as she saw the three Saiyan coming their way, Piccolo crossed his arms while smirking meanwhile both Krillin and Gohan were waving at them.

Bulma and Videl looked up while both Baby Pan and Bra clapped their hands in excitement, soon enough Goku, Vegeta, and Harry landed in front of them.

Harry waved at everyone, suddenly Marron launched herself at Harry and the dragon god caught her and put her on his shoulders "Did you have fun Marron?".

Marron smiled and nodded "Everyone was moving so fast and all I saw were blurs, but there were a lot of booms and pretty lights! It was really fun!".

Harry grinned, Vegeta walked up to his wife, and Bulma grinned at him causing him to huff but then smile at her, Goku walked up to Gohan and Krillin with a goofy smile on his face.

Harry walked up to everyone and waved a hand, Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan's clothes fixed themselves, the three fighters smiled at him thankful that he fixed their clothes.

Piccolo then grunted, "Did you have to turn me into a toad?".

Harry chuckled and shrugged which made Marron wobble a bit, she giggled while Harry answered Piccolo "It's a good way to incapacitate someone plus you stayed green! It's a win, win!".

Everyone shared a laugh and even Piccolo scoffed but chuckled too, Gohan then scratched his head "But man, that was fast! I feel like I didn't do anything at all".

Piccolo and Vegeta nodded, since to them they felt like the fight was to fast, Harry smiled "I stopped holding back a bit after all of you came after me. Otherwise I would have gotten my scaly but kicked around".

Everyone smiled, Vegeta closed his eyes and nodded "Well, at least we were able to push you to stop holding back too much, that's a win in my book".

Harry nodded "It is an accomplishment, not many beings out there in the multiverse can make me stop holding back even a little bit, but then again all five of you? Yeah, I'm not playing around, I know exactly how powerful each and everyone of you are after all".

Those words made all of the fighters feel proud, it is not often Harry gives compliments, but when he does you know it's an honest one, suddenly both Pan and Bra began to make noise and reach for Harry.

Harry smiled and made both babies float and fly towards him, Pan and Bra clapped as they began to fly around him the moment they reached Harry, Videl and Bulma just smiled at the way Harry is always spoiling the girls.

Harry then turned his head towards the fighters "Now how about I help you guys a bit, so you can reach out a new level of power? Though, to some of you it will be more of giving you a few clues".

The fighters looked interested and nodded to Harry, then the dragon god waved at Krillin to come over to him, Krillin did so and Harry then reached a hand to him and placed two fingers on his forehead.

Krillin suddenly felt a surge of power and something click within him, he then began to look over his body in surprise "There, now I gave you the same gifts I gave to Bulma and Chi-Chi so now you have magic among other things, your ageless too by the way and have a healing factor so it going to be difficult to kill you... again".

Krillin grinned and nodded to Harry "This is cool! I can feel new power coursing through me".

Harry gave Krillin a nod "Train and master your new abilities Krillin, plus try to mix both magic and ki, as you saw I was able to defeat Gohan with a good fireball mixed with ki".

Krillin nodded and was already thinking about going to the Lookout and spending a day in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train his new abilities, Gohan frowned "So that's what you did... that spell really hurt plus it burned away all the oxygen in seconds, that's why I passed out".

Harry grinned, it would be Gohan who would notice how the fireball knocked him out "While we're at it, Videl come over here, I will also give you the same".

Videl jumped a bit but walked over to Harry "Err are you sure Harry? I'm thankful don't get me wrong but are you sure you want to give me such a gift".

Harry smiled and gave Videl a head pat which made her blush "Yeah, you're a fighter too and sooner or later Gohan slowed aging will get to you like it did Bulma and Chi-chi, so it's best I make sure you have the means to stay around for a long time for both Gohan and Pan".

Videl looked up and then nodded, Harry smiled at immediately did the same thing he did with Krillin, she immediately felt the surge in energy and something click making her feel stronger than ever.

She looks at her body while humming "This is going to take some getting used to... and some training as well but I do feel stronger".

Harry smiled and then nodded "Well you have Gohan! You can use him as a punching bag for your magic training, I'm sure he can take it!".

Gohan looked betrayed "What! Come on Uncle Harry! That's totally uncalled for!".

Piccolo chuckled "You better begin to get good at dodging again Gohan".

Gohan slumped in defeat while Videl giggled and then walked up to him to give him a hug "Don't worry Gohan, I'll be gentle...".

Gohan groaned but didn't say anything as he sulked, meanwhile Harry laughed for a little but then turned his head towards Piccolo "Now as for you Piccolo, I recommend you have your full potential unlocked, either by the dragonballs here or the ones on Namek, I'm sure you'll awaken to new power then, especially because you fused back with Kami".

Piccolo tilted his head since he was a bit lost but then Krillin grinned "Ah! You mean like the Grand Elder Guru on Namek did for me and Gohan! That's actually not a bad idea".

Harry nodded while Piccolo hummed "... I think Gohan told me about it before... I'll keep your advice in mind Harry, who knows it might come in handy later, but for now I want to see how strong I can get as I am".

Harry nodded and smiled at his Namekian friend "Other than that, you should visit Namek and learn from them a bit, there are all kinds of interesting things they can do that you can learn from them".

Piccolo nodded and seemed to like the idea since it held some merit, Harry then turned his head towards Gohan who was done sulking "I heard you say that you want to unlock a new form no one has seen before right".

Gohan nodded and closed his fist "Yes! I already have my Mystic form but that's not anything close to what Super Saiyan God and Blue can do, so I decided to unlock something new, something different".

Harry nodded and crossed his arms, he would have looked intense and fierce but he had Marron on his shoulders and both Pan and Bra floating around him, it made his image just seem silly to everyone.

Harry then looked up towards Gohan's eyes "Then I think your rage is the key to unlocking new power Gohan".

Gohan narrowed his eyes, everyone was also intrigued by what Harry just said, the dragon god then continued on "Ever since you were a baby, your power would skyrocket whenever you were upset... I think that's your Saiyan instincts pushing you forward, seeing Broly gave me the idea that perhaps you both are the same when it comes to rage, or at least to a certain degree that is".

Goku and Vegeta's eyes widen, Piccolo then sighed "But wouldn't that mean that Gohan would lose all reason? According to what you and Goku told me, Broly was no better than a wild beast".

Harry nodded "But here's the difference, the factor that allows Gohan to harness that rage and turn it into power... he's half human, in fact, he's the first human and Saiyan hybrid born, so his potential could be limitless, I think if he were to harness that rage and use it to power up, he could unlock a new form unique to him, after all, he's a hybrid".

Piccolo looked down and thought about it for a while, it was true that Gohan's power always went off the charts whenever he was angry, he did it against Raditz and him.

Krillin nodded, he had seen Gohan pull off some very crazy stuff when he was angry, Vegeta crossed his arms and looked down as he reminisce about the time Gohan went up against Frieza in his second form and actually hurt him.

Goku smiled, he had seen the same thing while he was training with Gohan in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber during the Cell Games, at that time he saw something in Gohan, something feral, something beastly hiding behind his gentle eyes".

Meanwhile, Harry walked up to Gohan and clapped his shoulder "Gohan, for this to work, you have to always keep in mind what you're fighting for, why you're putting your life on the line than grab hold of that rage and make it explode".

Gohan looked up at Harry and nodded, despite not liking that his rage seems to be always the key to his power, he has come to accept it and understand that it's a part of himself ever since he was a kid, so he as going to give it a try and see what happens".

Gohan then turned his head towards Piccolo "Mr. Piccolo, you'll help me with this right?".

Piccolo huffed but still smiled at Gohan "Sure kid, I'll give you a hand, besides helping you might help me get stronger as well".

Gohan grinned and then turned his head towards Videl, his wife smiled at him and nodded "Pan and I will support you Gohan".

Gohan smiled at his wife and then turned towards Harry "Thank you, Uncle Harry! I'll give it a try and see what happens".

Harry smiled and nodded to Gohan, he was happy he was able to help his nephew in all but blood and if he came to him for more help he would move planets just to give him a hand.

Harry then turned his head towards both Goku and Vegeta "Now this is something I've been thinking about since I received the Saiyan race as a reward after leaving this world... you see as soon as I obtained it, I got knowledge about the Saiyans as a whole, it wasn't a lot but it did make me curious".

Vegeta, Goku, and even Gohan gave Harry their whole attention "It was after I went to another world before Evil Academy, where I obtained the ability to access the Akashic Records that I was able to look more into this, though I only know a bit about this".

It seems like the Saiyan's tail and Ōzaru form are the keys to a new form".

Vegeta raised an eyebrow "What do you mean? All Saiyans have tails and access to the Ōzaru Form, I'm sure if a new form was unlocked through those things, it would have been known to everyone on planet Vegeta a long time ago".

Harry smiled "Ah! but you see, none of those Saiyans ever became a Super Saiyan, Goku was the first one in so many years, so I'm not surprised no one knows about this".

Vegeta looked down "So being a Super Saiyan is part of the process?... I see, then it makes sense that no one would have known about it...".

Harry nodded "Here's the hard part though, you have to be in control of your mind while being in the Ōzaru Form and then turn Super Saiyan while being a Great Ape".

Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta widen their eyes in shock while Harry went on "Now this form seems to be a condensed form of the Ōzaru form and ups the Saiyan's potential to his and her utmost limit... the issue with that, is that it tends to make the user a bit feral and primal so I recommend you guys pick somewhere very far away to try this".

Goku and Vegeta looked at each other, all of this was very interesting to them and had them excited about it, Harry smiled "I think Vegeta would have fewer problems with this since he already can keep his mind in Ōzaru Form, but you might want to help teach Goku how to do that.

Otherwise, you might have a wild Great Ape on your hands, if you achieve the form you should train and adapt with it on all the time, like what Goku and Gohan did before with the Super Saiyan Form".

Harry then shrugged "That's pretty much all I know about this new and mostly unknown form, I don't even know what it looks like and what else might be needed for it, you guys will have to experiment and try a few things to see if you can achieve it".

Goku and Vegeta nodded and looked pumped to already try it, Whis hummed and rubbed his chin "Would this new form be more powerful than Super Saiyan Blue?".

Harry nodded "I think so... I even think you can combine god ki with that new form, but it might be difficult because of the primal nature of the new form but the difficulty never stopped Goku and Vegeta from accomplishing something".

Whis chuckled and nodded "Too true... I supposed I can lend a hand in this training, but I believe you need a moon in order to take in the Ōzaru form right?".

Vegeta nodded "Typically, that would be the case but I can create a power ball that can bathe us in Blutz Waves, we can take on our Ōzaru form with that, but what about our tail? It's hard, almost impossible for adults to regrow our tails once they have been cut off".

Gohan raised an eyebrow "Ah! So that's why it never grew back after it was cut off the last time! I was wondering about that since Mr. Piccolo told me that it grew a few times after he cut it off the first time".

Goku scratched his head "Oh? I was wondering about that too... I actually miss my tail".

Vegeta scoffed and shook his head "As you should, a Saiyan's tail is their source of power and even though we have grown beyond the need of having a tail, our bodies still remember when we had them... losing our tails is like losing an arm or leg".

Goku and Gohan nodded, while Bulma and Krillin looked down, back then, when Goku was small they would always worry about his tail and wanted to cut it off, but now hearing Vegeta explain a bit about them made them feel bad about thinking like that.

Videl tilted her head "So Gohan had a tail? What kind of tail are we talking about, and now that I think about it, what's an Ōzaru?".

Gohan sweatdropped but nodded "Ah well, yes I had a tail when I was kid, a brown monkey tail to be more specific and as for the Ōzaru... well that's a bit hard to explain".

Harry smiled and took out his Elder Wand, he then waved it towards a small stone and it transfigured into a small Great Ape, he then animated it.

The little Ōzaru beat on his chest and began to stomp around while destroying everything around it, it even fired a few ki beams from his mouth.

Videl stared at the chibi Ōzaru for a few seconds as it stomped around "... That's kind of cute...".

Vegeta and Gohan sweatdropped while Goku just chuckled, Bulma sighed "It's not as cute when it's the size of a skyscraper and destroying everything around".

18 raised an eyebrow "Saiyans are just too weird...".

Videl looked up as she tried to imagine a big Ōzaru stomping around and beating his chest, but if she was honest it sort of made her smile since she had the image of it acting like a monkey and scratching its butt.

That made her giggle a bit which just made everyone stare at her in confusion, Harry though found it funny and just grinned, Krillin then turned his head towards Gohan "Hey Gohan! Did Pan have a tail?".

Gohan shook his head "No, she wasn't born with one, I did wonder if she would but no, I guess her Saiyan blood is too diluted for her to have a tail".

Vegeta sighed "Not exactly, she might just grow one later on, it's true she's a quarter Saiyan but a Saiyan's genes are strong, I advise you to keep an eye on her as she grows since her tail might just grow in a moment of danger or stress".

Goku hummed "Well my tail did grow whenever I was in big danger when I was a kid, so yeah it's a possibility".

Gohan nodded and then turned his head to see his daughter floating around Harry and having fun {It doesn't hurt to be more vigilant}.

Gohan then turned his head towards Videl only to sweatdropped when he saw her hugging the little Ōzaru to her chest with a big smile on her face, the more surprising thing was that the Ōzaru was very calm and content.

Harry chuckled "Well, I did make it with Gohan in mind so, it probably got some of his memories of Videl being your wife, it's only natural that even being in a Ōzaru form it would be calm in her arms".

Gohan blushed at the implications of what Harry just said while Videl just grinned at him, everyone else shared a laugh finding the whole thing funny.

Piccolo then spoke up "I think we can use the dragonballs to wish for your tails to grow back, Dende did power them up when Harry made sure they wouldn't be abused".

Goku and Vegeta nodded in thanks to Piccolo's information, Goku then turned his head towards Vegeta "How does a Saiyan gain control of the Ōzaru Form? Whenever I would transform I couldn't remember much of what happened after I turned back to normal".

Vegeta nodded "I'm not surprised, most Saiyans get overwhelmed by the wild nature of the Ōzaru, to gain control over it, you need meditation and face the Ōzaru in you, then it's a matter of beating it until it obeys you".

Goku nodded but then narrowed his eyes "It's not as easy as it sounds right".

Vegeta grinned "Of course not, it takes everything you have to beat your inner Ōzaru, it is you after all just wilder and stronger to boot".

Goku grinned and nodded "Wow, I'm getting excited just hearing about it!".

Vegeta just sighed and shrugged, meanwhile, everyone smiled at Goku, Harry then spoke up "That's pretty much all I know but I do think it will help you guys in the long run, remember Frieza is running around doing Dende knows what so, it best to be prepared plus there's always someone extremely powerful showing up".

Everyone nodded knowing the truth behind Harry's words, Whis just silently nodded knowing exactly how in the vast universe there were a number of powerful individuals.

Meanwhile, Harry then smiled "Okay with that done let's all go home, I would have wanted to visit Yamcha and Tien but Krillin just told me that they're busy, so it will have to be next time".

Krillin nodded in confirmation, Harry then made Pan, Bra, and Marron float towards their mothers, Videl pouted a bit when he let go of the chibi Ōzaru and he turned back into a rock but smiled as she hugged Pan.

Harry grins "Now who wants a ride on a dragon?".

Everyone laughed and nodded to Harry who then turned into his massive dragon god form, which surprised everyone since they hadn't seen this dragon form of Harry's.

The girls stared at Harry's Golden and Silver Scales in interest, while the guys just grinned at how powerful and cool he looked, Videl and Bulma quickly left to put away their airplanes back into their capsules while everyone else got on Harry's back.

Soon enough Videl and Bulma joined the others on Harry's back and he took off flying with a big flap of his massive wings, Goku who chose to sit in his head chuckled "This dragon form is different than the one you had access to back when you were here".

Harry smiled "That's because this is my dragon god form, it is the highest evolution for my kind plus back then I only had my dragonlord form which didn't give me much of a boost, though it did give me access to some dragon skills".

Goku nodded "I take it that you can now use those skills even when you're in your human form now, right?".

Harry slightly nodded to make sure he didn't send Goku flying by accident "Yeah when I became a dragonlord all the skills and abilities I gained throughout my adventures became available to me even in my dragon god form".

Goku grinned "and I bet you can use all your skills in both your dragon god and human form too right?".

Harry chuckled "You're right, I can even summon my keyblades and have them fight alongside me when I'm in this form, I use them when I'm facing smaller enemies when I'm in my dragon god form".

Goku nodded "That's useful, I remember that when you used to take on your dragon form you could only use dragon abilities, you couldn't even use magic".

Harry laughed a little "I was still pretty tough to fight in that form but it was a big issue to fight like that back then, now I have more options".

Goku laughed with Harry "Hey, you're going back to your world soon right?".

Harry nodded carefully again "Yes, I just wanted to visit everyone and see how are you doing, plus I was feeling a little restless but that fight we just had did wonders to that".

Goku silently looked up for a few moments "You're coming back right?".

Harry smiled "Of course I am... I've been thinking about building a portal to this world too but that's going to take a while, I have quite a few things to think about and prepare on my end before I can even think about connecting this world to mine".

Goku nodded "Yeah, I don't blame you for being careful, there's always something or someone causing big problems in this universe... plus I think the main reason your hesitant is because of Zeno and the Angels right?".

Harry stayed silent for a few seconds "Yes... Zeno is nothing but a child with the power to destroy universes on a whim, he destroyed all other universes during the Tournament of Power and it was only because 17 wished them back that all of that was resolved but...".

Goku smiled "Yeah I know... it's scary to think that he would do all of that on a whim, it made me feel guilty about the entire thing since I was practically the one who pushed forward the tournament".

Harry sighed "You were just being you Goku but you do have to be careful with that attitude of yours... I'm still not on par with Zeno but I'm not that far behind either, still, he's not someone I want anywhere close to where all my loved ones live, you must know what would happen if something happens to them".

Goku stayed silent for a few seconds while staring up at the sky "... You would do everything in your power to kill him, the Gods of Destruction, the Angels, and probably everything he ever created".

Harry slightly nodded "That's right. I would take you guys away from this world but after that? I would simply kill everything and everyone he ever created or cares about".

Goku sighed and nodded while patting Harry on his head "That caring and protective nature of yours, is what makes you the greatest guy and the most dangerous as well but, I'm glad your that way".

Harry laughed "Well, it's who I am... I never want to lose anyone I care about and I definitely do not want to be lonely again... but that's why I care about all my friends and family so much, it's just me being selfish Goku".

Goku grinned "Nothing wrong with being selfish Harry, I've been plenty selfish myself as well".

Harry lightly nodded "Too true, but in any case, I will find a good and safe way to connect this world with mine, that way all of you can visit whenever and hang out, I do have a lot of strong and powerful friends I want you to meet".

Goku smirked in excitement "That sounds like fun! I can't wait and then we can go to that other world you mentioned! and have this Bro field trip you mentioned as well".

Harry laughed "It's going to be awesome! The guys getting into all kinds of trouble and adventures! I can't wait to go to Evil Academy with the guys!".

Goku nodded and after that, both he and Harry continued to speak about lighter stuff while the dragon god gave everyone a ride home.


Harry left Piccolo by his house first, which surprised him a bit, apparently, Dende helped build it in the Namekian Style which made it the perfect home for Piccolo.

After saying goodbye and leaving Piccolo in his house, Harry then took Videl, Gohan, and Pan in theirs, Pan didn't want to leave until she got to hug Harry's big snout goodbye, something the dragon god was more than happy to let her do.

After saying their goodbyes Harry then took off flying and went to Krillin's house, Marron also wanted to hug Harry's big dragon snout goodbye and Harry let her.

Marron was thrilled and excited that her uncle was a big and pretty dragon, so she ran back home with a big smile on her face, Krillin and 18 smiled at their daughter and then said their goodbyes to Harry.

Harry took off into the sky and towards capsule corp and Bulma's house, once there Bra was sleeping by then but Harry still gently rubbed his snout on her cheek which made her smile.

Harry then said his goodbyes to Bulma and Vegeta, Harry then told Vegeta to be careful about trying to achieve the new form, meanwhile, Kunou gave Bulma a Potter Household Smartphone and told her that with it she can call them whenever.

Of course, Bulma was both very impressed and excited about the new piece of technology, though Kunou warned her to be careful with it since they only have a few to spare and to make one they need some very rare and expensive materials from the Natural Dungeon.

Harry did promise to send her the schematics for it over the phone sometime later so she can study it, you never know, she might just be able to upgrade it or even make it better.

After that Harry said his goodbyes and Whis left since he had to check on Beerus he quickly disappeared, Harry then took off flying again, this time only Goku, Kunou, and Milim were with him and so he headed to Mt. Paozu while flying he had some conversations with Goku about his upcoming plan to go training with Whis on Beerus's Planet.

Apparently, he wanted to take Broly with him and Vegeta as well in order for all three of them to get stronger together, plus he also wanted to teach Broly a few things as well so it would be for the best for the three of them to train together.

Harry agreed with the idea but told him to wait until he and Vegeta unlocked the new form and train with it a bit, that way they can also help Broly attempt to gain the form.

Goku agreed thinking it was a good idea and with that said Harry eventually arrived at the Son Household, Chi-Chi had seen a big golden and silver dragon coming towards their house through the window of her kitchen and panicked a bit.

But she then sense it was Harry thanks to her new senses and abilities and calmed down, so she and Goten went outside to wait for them, Goten didn't wait though, and took off flying towards Harry and began to inspect the cool dragon all over the place.

He then saw his dad sitting on the dragon's head and immediately flew to him, Goku grinned and caught his second son and hugged him laughing.

Meanwhile, Harry landed in front of Chi-chi who was smiling at him, Harry then grinned which made Chi-chi raise an eyebrow at him, only to panic as Harry took out his tongue and licked her "Harry Potter! Agh!".

Harry chuckled as he stared at the drenched Chi-chi who was glaring at him while both Goku and Goten laughed, he knew he would get a frying pan to the head because of this but in his mind, all he said was {Worth it~}.