Chapter 130

Odin stared at Harry in silence for a few moments while pondering his question, just what was his plan to deal with Loki and his so-called children? It was a fact that Loki has always been a problem and had caused many conflicts in both Asgard and the other supernatural factions.

But as a father, Odin always hoped he would one day learn and become a better person, however, the issue now, was that he had willingly joined a terrorist organization and brought war to Asgard with the intention of starting Ragnarok.

That in itself is not something that Odin can just ignore or even pass over as one of Loki's pranks, Ragnarok was a very serious matter, one that would affect everyone in the world and Odin can't just allow that to happen.

So the All-Father looked down and tiredly sighed, Rossweiss who had never seen him like this, looked at him in surprise, while Harry quietly waited for Odin's answer.

The All-Father suddenly stood up and walked down the stairs towards Harry and stopped right before him, Harry stared into the eyes of the elder god while he began to speak "Loki must be stopped at all cost, he brought war to Asgard and his actions would bring nothing but death and destruction to the world... he might be my son but he has to suffer the consequences of his actions".

Harry stared at Odin "Even if that means his death?".

Odin stared at Harry in silence but then nodded "Yes".

Harry closed his eyes and nodded "Very well, the All-Father Odin, what exactly do you want from the Yokai Faction?".

Odin nodded and then began to explain "As I just told you, Loki has allied himself with the Khaos Brigade and began to attack Asgard, we've been dealing with this war for a few weeks now, but we have done our best to keep everything under wraps.

However the Einherjar have been fighting them non-stop and so have some of the valkyries, but it won't be long before they're overwhelmed Loki and his children will eventually join in the battle, and at that point, things would become too difficult...".

Ophis tilted her head "Ah, I see, you're trying to avoid the prophecy of the Norns, the one where Fenrir kills you and Jörmungandr kills Thor".

Yasaka hummed "I see, so in order to prevent Ragnarok from happening you're keeping yourself and Thor away from this war but in doing so, you're allowing Loki to gain ground in the war".

Odin nodded while Harry sighed "A stalemate then, this way Loki can't cause Ragnarok but he's practically free to kill and destroy everything else".

Odin sighed "Yes, this is why I need help... at first I was thinking about having Asgard join the peace treaty with the Judeo-Christian Factions, but, they're honestly a mess... they wouldn't be able to help at all and they lack any real powerful individuals.

Of course, there are the Maou, the Archangels, and the Governors of the Fallen Angels, but I doubt they can all mobilize to help us".

Serafall nodded "Yeah, Sirzechs and Ajuka wouldn't be able to openly join in the battle, it would risk the Devil Faction if they weren't there for an extended period of time... the Archangels are too busy with the purge and I doubt they will be able to help with their short numbers and Azazel might be able to help, but it wouldn't be much, to begin with".

Ophis silently looked up but still spoke up "So you sought out the strongest faction, the one who could move and makes any decisions without consequence... right Old God?".

Odin nodded "Yes, everyone knows of the power of the Yokai Faction as a whole, it's unparalleled advances in technology and because of Harry Potter... you guys even have your own valkyries as well! It's like you grab the best of all worlds and add it to your power.

I have never seen anything like it before in all my long-lived life... the Yokai Faction successfully mixed in so many cultures, races, magics, technology and so much more, and right under all of our noses.

All of you have done something everyone thought impossible... so I sought you all out for help".

Harry closed his eyes and exhaled, he didn't know much about this Odin, other than, he's a big old pervert but that's something he has gotten used to dealing with.

But other than that, the dragon god didn't know the sort of person he is, the sort of god he is, or the sort of actions he would take if he were to join the Yokai Faction.

But this was also an elder god openly asking for help, something almost no other god would do, not with how prideful and arrogant they are, so it made Harry consider the All-Father's request.

Harry opened his eyes and turned his gaze towards Serafall and Yasaka, both Maou and Nine-tailed Fox smiled and gave him a nod, he then turned his gaze toward Ophis, who just shrugged but smiled at him letting him know she didn't care what he chose to do

Harry then turned his head towards Odin who was quietly waiting for Harry's response "All right, I'll give you a hand, this isn't my first time helping an Asgard of sorts anyways, now give me more details about who is exactly is helping Loki".

Odin seemed a bit confused about Harry's comment about having helped an Asgard before, but chose to ignore that, he then moved his gaze towards Rossweiss, who nodded and came down the stairs leading to Odin's throne.

She then stood beside Odin and began to explain "Along with having to deal with Loki, Fenrir, Hati, Skoll, and Jörmungandr, we also had to deal with fallen angels, devils, stray exorcists, and even frost giants as well".

Harry looked down "... Yeah, definitely the Khaos Brigade" Harry then turned his head towards Serafall "Sera, inform both Azazel and Sirzechs that they're about to receive a big order of dead corpses".

Rossweiss gulped while Odin just lightly smiled, it is well known that Harry Potter would always deliver the bodies of those he killed to their corresponding factions, a scare tactic that had made his legend become a horror story among the supernatural world.

Serafall smiled and nodded, she immediately took out her phone and began to make phone calls, meanwhile Harry turned his head towards Odin "Frost giants?".

Odin nodded "They're taller than a two-floor building, skin blue as ice, and really tough to kill, they can breathe a frost breath and are very physically strong as well, they're also very smart and crafty, don't let the fact that they're giants make you believe they're stupid".

Harry nodded, Ophis then spoke up "Do you want some help, Harry?".

Harry smiled at Ophis and shook his head "No for this one, I was thinking of letting the Digimon have some fun with this, especially the Knights since they've been sort of bored lately, I'll handle Loki myself".

The girls nodded, Harry then turned his head towards Yasaka while Rossweiss looked very worried for some reason "Yasaka, you stay here with Ophis and organize Asgard to join the Yokai Faction as an ally like the Vampire Faction, tell him the rules as well".

Yasaka nodded and grinned at Odin who nervously began to sweat, he knew Yasaka was going to enjoy making him squirm for a while, meanwhile, Rossweiss seemed like she had enough and decided to speak "Err.. umm Lord Potter?".

Harry turned his head towards Rossweiss and raised an eyebrow when he saw her look very nervous and shaky "Yes? Miss?".

Rossweiss jumped a bit at being actually addressed since she thought Harry would just ignore her, but she quickly composed herself "I-I am Rossweiss, sir! I was just wondering if it was really alright to take Loki's Army so lightly. I know you're really strong but are you sure you can take on Loki and his children, while these Digimon, take care of his army?".

Harry hummed "... Well, I guess not everyone knows about the Digimon so it's normal to be in doubt, but trust me, it's more than enough plus I can take care of Loki and his children just fine".

Rossweiss frowned but nodded, Harry noticed her doubt so he smiled "How about this? Would you like to come and see how the battle goes? You can see for yourself that there's nothing to worry about".

Rossweiss looked in doubt and turned her head towards Odin who just sighed "You worry to much Rossweiss... but if you want, you may go".

Rossweiss nodded to Odin and then turned her head back to Harry and gave him a determined look "If you don't mind I would like to accompany you, Lord Potter!".

Harry just lightly smiled "You can just call me Harry, I'm not one for formalities anyways, I take it you know where the battles are taking place right?".

Rossweiss lightly smiled and nodded "Yes, Loki's Army has been trying to get into Asgard and the city around the palace since the beginning of the war, even as we speak there are battles going on around all over Asgard".

Harry nodded "Alright, then we'll take care of that army and this will force Loki to come out to us in the open, I will then deal with him and his children".

Rossweiss nodded while Harry turned towards the girls "Just in case keep your senses on, you never know if Loki has any surprises, so just in case be ready to protect Asgard".

Ophis, Serafall and Yasaka nodded, Odin smiled and seemed thankful, Rossweiss was actually very impressed with the way Harry would speak and deal with these kinds of situations, she quite liked the fact that she finally met a serious leader.

Harry then created a Dark Corridor beside him and turned his head towards Rossweiss "Alright, step through but make sure to be ready to fly, since this Dark Corridor will leave us high in the sky"

Rossweiss looked quite curious about the Dark Corridor and stared at it for a few seconds, she has always been very interested in magic, so seeing the magic of the element of darkness made her very curious.

She could tell this Dark Corridor, created a pathway between two points, hence the name but she couldn't decipher any more than that, still, she nodded and walked up towards the Dark Corridor.

Her body glowed as she equipped her valkyrie armor and smiled as she got close to the Dark Corridor, a part of her was really excited to see what the very famous and powerful dragon god, Harry Potter can do.

She was hoping to see some amazing magic used, soon enough Rossweiss walked into the Dark Corridor, Harry chuckled and shook his head "So that's a valkyrie? I'll have to introduce her to Brunnhilde sometime later".

Harry soon walked inside the Dark Corridor so he missed Odin gaping at him, the All-Father turned his head toward Yasaka "Did he just say Brunnhilde?!".

Yasaka just giggled "Maybe?".

Odin deadpanned at Yasaka and sighed "You're going to be a right pain in my ass, aren't you Yasaka?".

Yasaka just smiled "I don't know what you mean Lord Odin, I'm just making sure to follow my dragon god boyfriend's orders, I'm not at all getting back at you for all the times you made perverted comments about my butt and breasts".

Yasaka then tilted her head and gave Odin the sweetest smile he had ever received, the All-Father flinched as he recognized the threat "... Yeah you're holding a grudge alright...".

Serafall laughed at the Old God who is about to have a hard time with her harem sister, while Ophis just smiled and shook her head, she had to admit that Odin had this coming.


Rossweiss came out of the Dark Corridor and immediately spread her wings and used her magic to float in the sky, a few moments later Harry stepped out of the Dark Corridor and actually stood in mid-air to Rossweiss's surprise.

She looked down towards Harry's feet and noticed he was standing on some sort of invisible platform made out of some kind of energy she didn't recognize, but it looked interesting to see someone create a construct out of energy.

She wondered if it can be replicated because it looked like a very handy thing to be able to do, meanwhile, Harry stared down at the big armies fighting all over the outside of Asgard.

He immediately recognized the Einherjar since they were spirits given a physical body in their afterlife, to them this is their heaven so as the Master of Dead he couldn't help but smile "So this is paradise to those that follow the Norse?".

Rossweiss was snapped out of her curiosity when she heard Harry's question, she then looked over towards where he was staring and nodded when she noticed the Einherjar "Yes, this is what the Vikings and followers of the Norse Faction believe is paradise, we don't get many souls for Valhalla anymore but to warriors and fighters this seems like a dream come true...".

Harry nodded and then turned his head towards Rossweiss "You don't agree with it?".

Rossweiss began fidgeting with her fingers but nodded "Well... the Einherjar are jolly and good people for the most part, some of them are even heroes but... they're very simple-minded individuals and they have no respect for women! They don't appreciate a smart girl and snub her because she can outthink them... or just ignore her".

Rossweiss looked close to crying and Harry knew that she was speaking about herself at the end there, still, the dragon god didn't like her looking like she was about to cry, so he did what he usually does when one of his children or girlfriends look sad.

Harry gave Rossweiss a head pat, which made the valkyrie squeak in surprise and turned her head towards him, she noticed that Harry was still calmly staring at the battle going on right now.

But he then spoke, "If people don't appreciate you for who you are and for what you excel in, then it is their loss... someday Rossweiss you'll find someone who will appreciate you, so hold onto them and do not let go, because that person will always be grateful to you for being who you are".

Rossweiss stared at Harry in silence, his words despite being spoken so softly and calmly, hit hard and Rossweiss couldn't help but think that he had experience with something like she had.

So it added weight to his words, a weight that made Rossweiss feel she can believe in what he just told her, the fact that her granny had told her something similar added even more weight to Harry's words.

So Rossweiss chose to heed Harry's advice, or at least make an effort to do so, Harry then turned his head lightly to his side and gave her a smile "Don't worry too much Rossweiss, do what you have to do, but don't let it consume you, enjoy life and relax, that's the way we do things in Neo Kyoto and as you have probably seen, it has worked wonders".

Rossweiss nodded, Harry then pulled his hand back and went back to staring at both armies battling "Is there a way to call all the Einherjars back? Once my Digimon get here, things will get crazy".

Rossweiss frowned because, that was a very good question, she had never heard of the Einherjars getting called back from a battle and she doubts they'll even listen to such an order.

So she shook her head "I don't think there's a way, but I don't think you have to worry about that Harry, they are dead after all".

Harry frowned "No, it matters, like me, all my Digimon can cause spiritual damage, so any spirit-like beings caught in between will most likely be destroyed".

The poor valkyrie gaped at Harry, its common knowledge that beings or objects capable of doing spiritual damage are very rare, and the fact that a dragon god like Harry can do so was both amazing and terrifying.

Harry ignored the surprise and shock on Rossweiss' face and instead chose to think about what to do, destroying the Einherjar would be counter-productive to Asgard, so he definitely couldn't in good conscience let his Digimon loose here.

Harry hummed for a little bit and then nodded to himself when he thought of a good way to deal with all of this, but he needed some information first.

So he decided to ask Rossweiss "Hey Rossweiss, is there a big open place in Asgard where I can put all the Einherjars?".

Rossweiss snapped out of it, when Harry called out to her and immediately answered his questions "Ah! Errr there's the palace's garden or dining room, why?".

Harry activated his Rinnegan and took a look inside the palace to find both the gardens and dining room, he quickly found them and nodded "I'm going to teleport all the Einherjars away from the battlefield, so I need a lot of space".

Rossweiss widens her eyes "Mass teleportation? but that's very difficult and dangerous... there are so many things that can go wrong Harry, are you sure you can do it?"

Harry smiled at Rossweiss and then chuckled "It's always fun to meet people that don't know what I can do, it's funny to see their faces when I pull off the impossible".

Harry then focused his power over space and time and with a snap of his fingers he teleported every Einherjar away from the battlefield, into the palace gardens and dining room.

Rossweiss' eyes widen at what she had witnessed, she didn't feel any mana being used or even any sort of supernatural energy, but she felt as if the universe itself bent to Harry's will.

It was a strange and unknown feeling, and could only be described as what she had said before, it really showed to her that Harry Potter was a being well beyond anything she knows.

Harry though, just smiled and then waved his hand "'Realize! Digimon Royal Knights!'".

The next thing Rossweiss knew, was being flashed by a big bright light, small ones and zeros, and then, after getting her sight back, she and Harry were surrounded by massive metallic beings and an enormous dragon.

Rossweiss was speechless at what she was looking at, These incredibly powerful-looking beings before her were so unique and massive but they had this sense of power and dignity around them that just made them, even more, awe-inspiring to her.

Then the black armored being turn its head towards Harry and seemed to be smiling with its eyes as it spoke with a feminine voice which shocked poor Rossweiss even more "Harry? Is it time for us to have some fun?".

Harry chuckled and nodded "That's right Alphamon, you and then knights can go wild and kill all of these enemies".

Rossweiss watched as the black knight giggled which, again made her feel rather odd, then another knight, this one white in color and with heads of a wolf and some sort of reptilian for hands spoke next "This looks like a war of sorts... where are we, Harry".

Harry smiled at his Digimon friend "This is a war Omnimon, as to where we are? We're in Asgard home of the Norse Faction".

Ominmon nodded, suddenly Rossweiss felt someone pat her head, which startled her a bit and made her look up "W-what?".

Rossweiss then noticed a pink knight patting her head with her finger as softly as possible "Harry! Who is this beautiful girl? I really like her armor!".

Harry smiled "That's Rossweiss and she's a valkyrie, Crusadermon".

Crusadermon nodded and turned her head towards Rossweiss and began to tie her hair in a very complicated hairstyle, poor Rossweiss just decided to let her do it while Crusadermon continued to do so.

Harry chuckled in amusement, despite her looks, Crusadermon was a very girly Digimon knight and would always make different hairstyles out of the hair of all his daughters, Hope and Morgan loved to go to her, just for the Royal Knight to play with their hair.

Harry then turned his head towards the Dragonic looking Knight "Ultraforce Vedramon, make sure all enemies die they're all members of the Khaos Brigade".

Ultraforce Vedramon nodded "It shall be done, are you going to raise a barrier around the battlefield?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, it will allow people to teleport in but not out, I want to draw in an enemy I will take care of personally".

Harry turned his head towards Rossweiss but froze when he saw her with the new hairstyle Crusadermon made for her, she had her hair put up into a big round bun on top of her head, she looked cute though a bit mismatched because of the armor she had on.

That sort of relaxed and homey hairstyle didn't match the situation but did match her personality, Crusadermon even put on a pair of glasses on her to complete the look.

Harry smiled while Rossweiss just deadpanned, inwardly she liked the hairstyle since Crusadermon took a mirror 'from who knows where' and showed it to her "Well you look nice Rossweiss".

The poor valkyrie just sighed "Don't make fun of me Harry...".

Harry chuckled "No I'm serious but in any case, I'm about to raise a wide area of effect ward, so no one will be able to teleport out okay?".

Rossweiss immediately took on a serious look and nodded, but it was ruined by her hairstyle and glasses, Crusadermon just smiled with her eyes while Harry tried not to laugh.

He then snapped his finger and Rossweiss watched as a massive ward appeared and spread to surround all the opposing enemies, she looked around and stared in awe as the area of effect spread so wide and far "Amazing... I've never seen a ward being put up so far and wide".

Harry just smiled "It takes quite a bit of magic and a great control of your mana, but it's doable, in fact, this sort of ward is the norm in Neo Kyoto".

Rossweiss nodded "Lucky... it's hard to get magical knowledge in Asgard, everyone doesn't take it seriously and thinks that mages are weak, I had to get training and tutoring from Lady Brynhildr, so I could get the magical knowledge I needed...".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Brynhildr?".

Rossweiss nodded "Yeah, she's the chief valkyrie of the valkyrie squad in Asgard...".

Harry nodded "I see, that's interesting..." {Brynhildr? It seems like she's very different from Brunnhilde, she is a magic specialist in this world while the one in Neo Kyoto is all about swordplay and fists, it's actually funny to think about it}.

Harry then smiled at Rossweiss "Well, if Odin is smart he'll know how to negotiate with Yasaka and Asgard would get access to Neo Kyoto's knowledge and training".

Rossweiss perked up but then suddenly slumped and looked rather depressed, which worried Harry and the Digimon Royal Knights, Harry stared at her for a second before asking "What's wrong?".

Rossweiss turned her head towards Harry and gave him the saddest face he had ever seen in his life, she even looked on the verge of tears "Lord Odin is going to mess it up... he's going to make a perverted comment... or not take things seriously and we'll lose our chance to ally ourselves to Neo Kyoto...".

Harry and the Digimon Royal Knights stared at Rossweiss in surprise, the sheer misery in her voice just left them stunned.

It made Harry feel rather suspicious about Rossweiss and Odin, so he took out his smartphone and called Yasaka, it didn't take Yasaka too long to answer "Harry? What's going on?".

Harry smiled at his girlfriend "Nothing is wrong, though I need you to do something for me".

Yasaka smiled and nodded "Sure, what do you need?".

Harry smiled back at Yasaka "I need you to make sure the alliance with Odin really happens, if the All-Father acts perverted or seems to act like an Azazel, beat the shit out of him but the alliance goes through okay?".

Yasaka smile "No problem, I was already squeezing the old god of everything useful and both Ophis and Serafall already kicked his ass, so don't worry".

Harry heard a groan of pain in the background and what seemed to sound like a kick hitting flesh, before a grunt of pain echoed in the back, it made the dragon god laugh a bit "Alright, thank you Yasaka".

Yasaka just smiled "No need to thank me, my love, I'll see you when your done~" Yasaka then hung up while Harry quickly put away his smartphone.

He then turned his head towards Rossweiss "There you go, you have nothing to worry about Rossweiss, the alliance will go through, so cheer up okay?".

Rossweiss nodded and rubbed her eyes, she was looking rather relieved right now since she didn't have to worry about her king messing up things, the Digimon Knights smiled at the poor valkyrie while Harry just sighed.

Even though he just knew Rossweiss for a short time, he already knew that she is a diligent and kind girl, but she also had some major self-confidence issues.

Issues that seemed to come about from the environment she has grown up in, he didn't know what has happened to her but he was aware that she has had a tough time for a long while.

Rossweiss nodded and composed herself "Thank you Harry... I was really worried about Lord Odin's attitude and if it would offend Neo Kyoto in some way... the King of Asgard tends not to think of the consequences".

Harry frowned "I see... so you babysit him... don't worry, I know how to handle lazy and perverted people, I'll make sure he doesn't cause any more problems".

Rossweiss just nodded but Harry saw some doubt in her eyes, who knows? Just what the All-Father has put this poor woman through.

It was something that Harry will be looking into, but for now, he needed to go through his attack, he can already see the opposing army look rather panicky since their enemies disappeared and they found themselves unable to leave.

So he turned his head towards Alphamon and nodded at her "Destroy them all, they're the enemies of Neo Kyoto and all enemies must be destroyed!".

Alphamon nodded "It shall be done!".

She then turned towards her fellow Digimon Royal Knights "You heard Harry! Spread out and destroy the opposing army!".

The rest of the Digimon Royal Knights raised their weapons or a claw and loudly responded with a "Yes! Ma'am!".

They immediately rushed out and became blurs as they disappeared and spread through the battlefield, Harry smiled and summoned his keyblades just in case he needed to snipe and help thin out the army.

Rossweiss just watched on and felt rather excited, these Knights seemed like fun and carefree beings but she knew better, despite the quirks some of them showed, he knew she was about to see something truly amazing.

Rossweiss then reached above her head and touched the bun made out of her hair and smiled, Crusadermon reminded her a bit of her grandmother with the way she treated her and spoke to her, it made her smile.


Alphamon slammed against the ground feet first causing a shock-wave that blew away a big group of enemies and killed quite a few as well, the rest of the army looked up in both fear in shock as they stared at the massive black knight that just appeared.

Alphamon suddenly reached her hand to her side and summoned her weapon as golden and digital golden wings spread out of her back, a massive sword with a long handle appeared in her hand in a flash of green digital energy.

Alphamon spun her massive sword and then stabbed it into the ground causing another massive shockwave, that forced the many fallen angels, stray exorcists, devils, frost giants, and some of the other members of the Khaos Brigade to cover their faces with their arms and hold on, so they wouldn't be sent flying.

Alphamon spread her golden wings fully open and then loudly spoke "'Alphamon Ouryuken Mode!'".

Soon after both Omnimon and Gallantmon landed beside Alphamon and became engulfed in digital energy, Omnimon glowed white while Gallantmon glowed Red.

Omnimon spread his arms wide and then his cape became a pair of pure white wings, his body continued to glow a bit while glowing blue lines began to run through his body, he then loudly spoke "'Omnimon! Merciful Mode!'".

Gallantmon glowed red and then swun his arm, the red energy dispersed and showed that he had transformed as well, his body was now covered in crimson red armor while he was now holding a glowing white lance and on his back were five pairs of glowing pure white wings.

Gallantmon spun his lance and then loudly spoke "'Gallantmon Crimson Mode!'".

The three Royal Digimon Knights then let their digital energy burst out, causing another massive shockwave to spread all around them, this time however the opposing army was ready and immediately took off flying up and away from the three massive Digimon.

However they were now completely terrified, whatever these beings were, they were extremely powerful and most of them didn't even know what they were, but some did and that just served to terrify them even more.

These creatures were seen in Neo Kyoto when the had televised the event between Harry Potter and Sairaorg Bael, which took place not that long ago.

That made them realize that Neo Kyoto was here and that meant Harry Potter was also here as well, that small detail sent the opposing army into panic and despair.

The Khaos Brigade were well aware that they were recognized as enemy number one to both Harry Potter and the Yokai Faction, but they never thought they would come to aid Asgard.

It just didn't make sense to them at all and why was the prominent question in their heads, some were even desperately trying to teleport away and escape, but they found themselves unable to still do so.

Alphamon then loudly spoke "The Holy Digimon Royal Knights are here on behalf of the Norse Faction and the Yokai Faction! Harry Potter our leader and friend has ordered your deaths! Prepare yourselves Khaos Brigade! For we can only promise a quick death!".

It was at this moment that the massive army knew that it was over for them, many were regretting that they had decided to join the Khaos Brigade, and some were even regretting ever agreeing to this war.

But most of all, every member of the Khaos Brigade was cursing the remaining leaders and Loki for ever thinking this was a good idea in the first place, all just because they wanted to cause chaos in the world.

Suddenly more massive Knights landed beside the first three and then a massive dragon holding an equally massive lance arrived as well, the Khaos Brigade looked up and some began to hysterically laugh.

It seems the lost situation they found themselves in had broken some of them, unable to cope with the horror and panic they instead descended into madness.

One eight-winged fallen angel just growled and shook his head "Well we're fucked..." and if everyone in the Khaos Brigade Army was in any sort of right mind they might have agreed with him.

But as of now everyone was too busy staring at the massive knights before them, they knew they were going to die and there was nothing they could do, but hope that the Black Knight was telling the truth and they indeed grant them a quick death.


Somewhere in a pocket dimension, Loki stared at the situation on the battlefield but instead of anger or fear showing on his face, he instead maliciously grinned as he took out a dagger.

The dagger was glowing with a vile and dark glow, this dagger gave the most ominous feeling of hate and rage, but the dark God just chuckled "Harry Potter... your death will soon come at the hand of Loki! Hahahaha!".

Behind him stood Fenrir, Hati, Skoll, and Jörmungandr who stared at Loki in confusion, Jörmungandr shook his head, he knew what was used in the creation of that dagger.

The blood of that abomination was said to be an anathema to dragons, him being that close to it made shivers go down his spine but he also doubted that it would affect Harry Potter.

Despite being a Dragon, Harry Potter was much more and every dragon, evil or good knew that they all respect the Dragon God, and even though he is being forced to help his father he knew they would fail.

They will all die soon but at the very least he would be free of the torment that is having to serve Loki, he only felt bad for Fenrir, Hati, and Skoll who had never had a choice in all of this.