Chapter 161

After thinking about it for a few seconds, the asari didn't see any harm in telling the human in front of her, a little bit about herself "I am Alestia Iallis, from the University of Auräis, is there anything, in particular, you want to know, or should I just spout random facts".

Shepard raised an eyebrow and Alestia flinched a bit "Look, like I said I was just meditating and you interrupted me halfway, so my nerves are a bit high-strung, I suppose that's why I've been snippy with you".

Shepard sighed but nodded in understanding, Harry, knowing that interrupting the meditation of someone was a very rude thing to do sighed "Sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt you, I should have known what you were doing but not everyone could see, and understand you were meditation".

Alestia nodded "I know, it's fine, I shouldn't be this rude to anyone".

Shepard nodded "We were at fault here" deciding to change the subject, Shepard decided to ask about something else "Do you know Matriarch Benezia?".

Alestia raised an eyebrow and seemed genuinely perplexed "Why ask me and not your friend?".

Liara, knowing Alestia was referring to her, spoke up "Because I do not know anything about the Matriarch".

Alestia then frowned and shrugged "Then why would I?".

Everyone nervously laughed, Alestia made a good point and it made everyone feel rather silly, but Alestia just stared at everyone, she really didn't know what to think of the humans in front of her.

Shepard, thinking she told him enough decided to get going "Well, we got to get moving".

Alestia nodded "Alright, then I will return to my meditation".

With that done, the group walked away from Alestia and walked over to an elcor that was standing by himself in the middle of the chamber, not too far from Alestia.

The elcor immediately spoke to Shepard the moment he got close "I welcome you, cautiously, I am curious to know what you're doing here".

Shepard nodded to the elcor and then responded with "I heard there were some problems up here".

The elcor nodded "Furtively, I am concerned about the state of our guards, many have been awake for days, for now, with forced cheer, I still have a limited supply of equipment to sell".

Shepard smiled "Let's have a look".

The elcor nodded but then began to explain something "regretfully, most of my stock has been appropriated by Captain Ventralis".

Shepard understood but still checked the elcor's stock, he didn't have anything new or better than they had, but Harry still bought a few of each thing in the shop, to both help the elcor and for research.

After that the group bid farewell to the elcor and continued investigating the shelter, eventually, they reached the medical bay and decided to go speak with the doctor.

As soon as they arrived they noticed that something was happening, so they approach the doctor who was talking to someone on a bed in his medical bay "Just hand on".

Shepard walked over to the doctor, he immediately noticed the commander and said "What? What do you want?".

Shepard just shook his head "I didn't mean to bother you".

The doctor sighed and shook his head "No, you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just distracted, I'm sorry for being rude".

Shepard nodded and then looked around, she then looked as the medical bay had quite a few people groaning in pain on the beds, wanting some answers he decided to ask the doctor about them "What happened to these people?".

The doctor looked over at his patients for a little bit, but then explained the situation to Shepard "They're actually suffering from a toxin, there was an accident.

I have a non-disclosure agreement, I shouldn't discuss it with anyone outside of the company ".

Shepard crossed his arms as he pondered the situation for a bit, he understood the doctor's predicament, but if he wanted to help, he needed to know what was going on "But you're going to because I might be able to help".

The doctor nodded "I'd like to think the company finds our lives more valuable than their secrets... you know Mira? The VI for Peak 15? She handles the safety protocols for our experiments here".

Shepard nodded "We reactivated her on our way through the central station".

The doctor suddenly smiled and seemed very thankful "That was you? I'm grateful until she came online, the automatic equipment wouldn't work.

We lost the connection to Mira in the middle of an experiment, and the quarantine failed, these three were exposed to a toxin, something we were working on".

Harry noticed the doctor was holding back some information, he understood why, but they needed to know all the details before they could help "I understand your caution, but we need details, we promise, nothing you say will go beyond these walls".

Shepard nodded "You can trust us, we just want to help".

The doctor sighed but nodded "It's a bio-weapon, based on an exotic life form discovered on the frontier, they wanted something that could kill the creature.

But there was no profit in something that kills one species on the frontier, we kept working on it, and adapted it to affect more species, Thoros-B is highly infectious, but can't pass from one person to another, like a bioweapons attack without a pandemic spread".

That sounded all kinds of bad, Shepard and Ashley certainly didn't like what they were hearing, Liara was visually disturbed, and Harry and Kunou just seemed disappointed.

To them, it was sad that human still wastes their talents to create something to cause death, but it is something that they're already used to, Ashley frowned and then said "It doesn't matter how safe you make it, biological weapons are illegal".

The doctor nodded and he himself seemed sad "Militaries, governments... they'll get this kind of weapon one way or another, we're trying to limit the damage, I know you can't see that".

Shepard shook his head "There's a reason the Citadel conventions forbid bio-weapons, doctor".

The doctor frowned "I didn't expect you'd understand, our notes and equipment are locked in the quarantine labs, Captain Ventralis doesn't want to risk more contamination".

Shepard sighed but then said, "I'll talk to him, maybe I can convince him to let me try".

The doctor nodded "I can't ask you to do this officially, but if you can do anything, I'd appreciate it".

Shepard nodded, though inwardly he already had another plan in mind, Kunou looked at the people groaning in pain and then decided to ask "How are your people doing?".

The doctor tiredly sighed "Better than Ventralis's guards, they been on alert since the first attack... I've been administering stims at their request but every species needs to sleep, they're getting twitchy, irrational".

Kunou frowned "That's not good... they might start hallucinating and passing out soon, they won't be able to function properly after that and might just stay out of commission for weeks".

The doctor nodded confirming Kunou's words, which only added to the group's worries, Liara looked down for a second and then asked something she had been curious about "You're not a medical doctor are you?".

The doctor shook his head "I'm a doctor, but not the 'doctor' my specialty is microbiology, not first aid, we had a medic, Doctor Saleh, he's dea- we lost him, the automatics handle the basic treatment, Mira runs them".

Harry huffed "Great, this situation is worse than we thought".

Everyone agreed with Harry, this whole thing was becoming a whole new ordeal to deal with, Shepard nodded and then said "We have to go".

The Doctor nodded "I hope you can do something".

Shepard and the group, quickly left the medical bay, once outside the commander made a sign to Harry that he wanted to talk to him, knowing that it would be something important, Harry then stopped time and allowed everyone to move.

Shepard nodded in thanks to Harry and then began to speak "Alright, Harry can you do me a favor?".

Harry blinked but then nodded "Sure, you know you only have to ask".

Shepard smiled "Thank you, I want you to cure those afflicted by the bioweapon, then we are going to destroy all the research they have on it".

Harry grinned liking the idea and quickly walked back to the medical bay to cure and heal those afflicted by the toxins, meanwhile Shepard turned his head towards everyone else "We have to convince Ventralis to let us into those labs".

Kunou then piped up "If necessary, we can use magic to make him let us in".

Shepard nodded "We'll leave that as a last resort, I want to try and talk to him first".

Everyone nodded, and the group waited for a few minutes until Harry came back, he nodded to Shepard letting him know that he had cured everyone.

Shepard thanked Harry, then he and the group got going, and they quickly made their way back to Captain Ventralis, the Captain noticed the group walking over to him so he quickly spoke to Shepard "Anything you need?"

Shepard nodded "I've heard about the problems in the quarantine lab, I'd like to recover the toxic cure".

Ventralis shook his head and looked down "God, I wish I could help those guys, I really do, but we can't risk contamination now".

Shepard understood the issues and concerns of Ventralis, but he needs to get to those quarantine labs so he decided to say "We're not part of your defense plans, we're consuming extra rations, extra medi-gel...".

Ventralis nodded "Yeah, but you also have extra guns..." Ventralis suddenly sighed "All right, you want to gamble with your life, your not under my command, I'll have the guard let you in, but he'll lock the door behind you, he'll run a full scan before he'll let you out, if there are any anomalies, you stay in there".

Shepard nodded "Those are reasonable precautions".

Ventralis frowned but then nodded, suddenly reaching his hand over to Shepard for a handshake, Shepard reach over and shook his hand while Ventralis said "I'll radio ahead and let the guard know, good luck".

Shepard and the group then quickly left after waving goodbye to Ventralis, they immediately made their way towards the quarantine labs, and upon reaching the elevator they quickly boarded it and rode it down to the labs.


They quickly made it down and walked out of the elevator, after walking through a few hallways and automatic doors, they made it to a big room, and in the middle stood a sole volus, around the room there were a few other people resting or just standing there as well.

The group was a bit surprised and worried about the volus and wondered what he was doing there, so Shepard walked over to him.

The volus quickly noticed Shepard walking up to him and spoke as soon as the commander got close to him "You came to find out about them, didn't you?".

Shepard quickly realized what the volus was referring to "You mean those things out there?".

The volus nodded "Yes, I'm the only survivor from the hot labs, you know?".

Shepard nodded and decided to ask some questions "I need to know more about those things out there".

The volus looked into Shepard's eyes and then said "About the rachni?".

Liara's eyes widen in shock "Rachni? That's preposterous".

This news was shocking to Ashley, Shepard, and obviously Liara, they knew about the Rachni but the fact is that the rachni were supposed to be extinct, Shepard then asked "Where did they come from?".

The volus immediately began to explain "They found it in a derelict ship, an egg, waiting since the last battles, they brought it here-".

Suddenly, one of the other people in the room yelled at the volus "Shut up! God, you want to get us killed?".

The volus turned around towards the guy who just yelled at him "I don't have any control over who lives or dies, do you?".

Another guy, a turian shook his head "If you're going to be crazy, be the quiet kind".

The volus sighed "Crazy? I'm sane, God, am I sane".

Shepard decided to ignore that whole thing, right now he needed information about the Rachni "I need to know everything about the rachni".

The volus shook his head "I told you all I can, we brought the rachni back from the dead, in retrospect, a bad decision".

Shepard sighed but decided not to push, instead, he then asked "Okay, then how did you make it out of the hot labs alive?".

The volus looked to his side and then said " I killed her".

Everyone jumped a bit, Liara, worried about Benezia asked "Who?".

The volus quickly answered the questions "Doctor Zhonmua, we were going to lunch when the alarms went off, I ran into the tram and close the doors.

She banged on the window once, then they sliced her to pieces, and her head came apart like a melon... I closed the door, I killed her".

Everyone frowned, they weren't happy with what they just heard, but they understood that the volus was just a scientist and he must have been terrified about the situation, at least he seems plenty guilty about what he did.

Shepard frowned and then said, "Tell me what you know, I'll make your survival mean something".

The volus shook his head "You think I want absolution? There is none".

Everyone felt bad for the volus, but Shepard needed to get more information "Could Matriarch Benezia survive in the hot labs".

The volus looked to the side and seemed to be pondering Shepard's question "It's possible, the specimens were sensitive to biotics".

Harry nodded "Looks like there's a good chance Benezia is still alive in the middle of this whole mess".

Everyone nodded and was glad about this news, they needed Benezia to find out about Saren and what he was doing, maybe even his location, so they needed her alive.

Shepard then turned his head towards the volus "I'll be leaving now, thank you for the information".

The volus nodded "Yeah".

With their goodbyes said, the group then continued going to the quarantine labs, soon enough they arrived at the doors leading to the labs but a turian ERCS guard stopped them "You're not part of the crew".

Shepard then introduced himself, "Commander Shepard, Systems Alliance Navy".

The turian ERCS guard just scoffed "Great, another human wondering around where they're not wanted, look, the plague doesn't care who you are, this lab is under quarantined".

Shepard narrowed his eyes "I have Ventralis's permission to go in there".

The turian scowled "Yeah, he radioed, he also said you have to prove your not contaminated to get out, you got a death wish, you should stand watch on the barricade".

Harry, had finally had enough of this guy's attitude, so he used his telekinesis, choked him out, and then threw him to the side, the turian ERCS guard bounced off the floor once, rolled a couple of times, and finally stopped right against a wall.

He lay there unconscious and unmoving, which made everyone else in this room stare at Harry in shock and confusion, on his part, Harry then huffed "I'm getting really tired of people giving us attitude on this planet...".

No one in the group said anything, for one, they agreed with Harry one hundred percent, they were just trying to help here, there was no need for people to give them attitude and to make things more difficult for them.

Harry shook his head and then turned to look at everyone "Alright, let's just go, Shepard, Ashley, you don't have to worry about the toxins, your suits will protect you.

Liara, the ward I cast on you will protect you still, Kunou and I are immune to things like toxins so we don't have to worry about anything, let's just go and do this already".

Everyone nodded, Harry walked over to the door, and summoned Oathkeeper, he then tapped his light-based keyblade on the door and it opened for them, everyone quickly stepped inside and the door soon closed after they did so.

Once inside the lab, Liara immediately began to work the machines to start making a cure, Harry helped her while everyone looked around this lab for information.

Soon enough, the cure was finished, however, the door suddenly opened and Alestia stepped inside followed by geth, she frowned as she stared at Shepard "Your mission ends here, Shepard".

Harry frowned "An ambush?... Hm, to think you would be a spy, you must be working with Benezia so you must be an asari commando, it's too bad, didn't want to have to kill you but oh well".

Shepard stared at Alestia with narrowed eyes, he then called out to everyone, who was very surprised at Alestia's ambush "She's surrounded by geth and pointing a gun at us shoot her!".

Alestia grinned "You're not as stupid as you loo- argh!".

Harry didn't even let her finish, he disappeared in a blur and appeared right in front of her, with a spiraling orb of energy in hand, which he trusted into Alestia's chest, the asari grunted and then screamed in pain as the spiraling orb of energy dug into her chest.

Harry glared at Alestia and then made the spiraling orb of energy detonate "'Rasengan!'".

Alestia was suddenly engulfed in an orb of spiraling energy and sent flying back, the energy pulled the geth at her side inside it and destroyed them too.

The orb crashed into a wall and popped, Alestia was then revealed to the group, her body spread eagle against the wall and dead, her chest suddenly exploded open splattering blood everywhere, and she dropped to the ground a second later dead.

Harry stood up straight and shook his head, he then took out his smartphone and called out to a Digimon from his screen "Megidramon".

A red and white dragon's face appeared on Harry's smartphone, it growled as highly toxic drool dripped from his jaws, Harry smiled at the highly dangerous virus, evil dragon, and mega Digimon "Hello Megidramon, sorry to bother you, but I need a favor".

Megidramon growled and then nodded, letting Harry know he was listening and willing to help, Harry wasted no time in explaining what he wanted Megidramon to do "This building has been working on a biological weapon, I need you to go into its digital plane and destroy everything that you can find about it.

Do not harm the VI inside this place, just seal her away from where you are so you aren't detected".

Megidramon nodded, a bright red-orange light of digital energy, suddenly shot out of Harry's smartphone and hit a computer nearby, where it disappeared.

Harry then put his smartphone away, knowing he can trust Megidramon to return when he was done, Harry then turned his head towards the group "Let's go, let's keep the cure, those afflicted don't need it since I cured them.

But we do need to let Ventralis know what happened here, I doubt, he knew we were ambushed".

Everyone nodded, now that Megidramon will be destroying all data related to the biological weapon, they can rest easy knowing, it will never be put to use.

Harry will keep the cure and analyze it later, who knows the sort of things he can learn from it, plus he was sure Tsunade, Asia, and Ophanimon would be interested in it as well.

With that done, everyone stepped outside the lab, they quickly looked for the guard, only to find him where Harry had left him, only, he had a bullet hole in his head now.

Ashley frowned "Shit... looks like that asari doctor killed him in cold blood, now I'm glad Harry killed her with that Rasen-thing".

Kunou laughed a bit "Rasengan Ashley".

Ashley nodded "Yeah that!".

Harry just smiled, and Shepard just stared at the dead guard "Better report this, now Ventralis has one fewer man...".

The group then left the area, as they walked towards the exit, the volus they spoke to a little bit ago, suddenly spoke to them as they walked nearby "They came out of there".

The volus pointed at a door, it was locked, of course, Shepard stopped and walked over to the volus "You mean the ge- the inorganic the asari had with her?".

The volus nodded "Benezia brought them with her".

Liara looked over the door, and noticed a sign at its side "That's the maintenance area".

Shepard nodded and then asked the volus "How can I get into the maintenance area?".

The volus looked down and seemed to be thinking for a bit, he then looked up towards Shepard and said "A team lead would have access, like Dr. Cohen, he's in the medical bay".

Shepard nodded "Thank you, I'll be going now".

The volus nodded, and the group then left, soon they arrived back at the elevator and as they boarded it and it began to go up, Harry then said "I can open the door with my keyblade.

Given how the doctor was acting, he might not help us, especially now that everyone is cured of the toxins, we don't need him though".

Shepard nodded "Sounds like a plan".

The group went back to speak with Ventralis, and told him what happened, the Captain was surprised and worried about the fact that he had one less man to count for.

Everyone believed him when he said he didn't have anything to do with all of that, and even told them how no one knew anything about Alestia since she arrived one month ago.

Apparently, one of the shareholders pulled strings to get her inside Peak 15, everyone realized then, that it had to be Saren, the clever bastard had a mole in here, just in case someone needed to be silenced.

Looks like things were getting more troublesome, especially with how they just don't know who could be a mole for Saren or not, with that in mind everyone left Ventralis and went back to the quarantine labs, it was time to investigate the maintenance area.


After walking a bit and riding the elevator back down, the group arrived back in the room with the volus inside, everyone then walked over to the maintenance area door.

Harry quickly summoned Oathkeeper and tapped it on the door, the door unlocked and opened, and the group quickly walked inside.

The door closed after everyone stepped inside, and to their surprise, behind the door they found themselves outside and into a long ice cavern, they all followed the cavern cautiously a few seconds later.

They found a rachni walking around at the end of the cavern, but Shepard shot it in the head and killed it in one shot, without even stopping, behind the now-dead rachni, they found a door.

Harry, quickly opened it with Oathkeeper and the group walked through it, they found themselves back inside Peak 15, they followed the new hallway, and went through a door that opened for them automatically.

It seems that the doors beyond this point were unlocked, so Harry didn't need to open them for now, after a few more doors and hallways, the group finally made it into the hot labs.

However, someone was waiting for them, and as soon as Shepard and the group walked inside the hot labs, this person spoke up "You do not know the privilege of being a mother, there is power in creation, to shape a life, turn it towards happiness or despair".

Everyone stared at the person speaking, an asari, wearing a black long dress and some sort of black hood-like hat, staring at this asari made everyone realize, that she was Benezia.

Except for Liara, she had immediately recognized her mother's voice, but now she was staring at her in confusion, there was something odd about the way she was acting and speaking, she just couldn't figure out what it is.

The matriarch, however, just continued speaking as she turned to stare at a giant rachni, that was sealed inside some sort of chamber/cage "Her children were to be ours, raised to hunt and slay Saren's enemies".

Benezia shook her head and then turned around to face the group, she frowned as she noticed Liara within the group "I won't be moved by sympathy, no matter who you bring into this confrontation".

Shepard narrowed his eyes at the matriarch "Liara's here because she wants to be, not because I asked her to".

Liara nodded and stared back at Benezia, the matriarch stared at her daughter for a second, but then said "Indeed? What have you told him about me Liara?".

Liara sighed "What could I say, mother? That you're insane? Evil? Should I explain how to kill you? What could I say?".

Benezia looked at her daughter's face, but then ignored her and walked forward "Have you faced an asari commando unit before? Few humans have".

Kunou looked sadly toward Benezia "I can't believe you'd kill your own daughter, a mother would never do that!".

Benezia just frowned "I now realize I should have been stricter with her".

Suddenly a few doors around the room opened and a multitude of asari commandos ran inside, meanwhile, Benezia suddenly began to glow with the energy of her biotics and launched a blast of biotic push.

Harry jumped ahead of the group, and slapped the energy away, this shocked Benezia and made her frown as the asari commandos began to shoot at the group.

Harry turned his head to the side and gazed at the group "Leave Benezia to me! You guys take care of the asari commandos! Kunou, cover Liara!".

The group nodded and began to fight back against the asari commandos, Harry jumped toward Benezia, but she engulfed her body with biotic energy and pushed herself away from Harry.

Liara suddenly called out to the dragon god "Harry!".

Harry turned his head to the side and gazed at Liara, he noticed her worried and sad look, so he sent her a smile and a nod, this made Liara smile a little and nod back at him.

She then turned her attention back to fighting the asari commandos, Harry took off running toward Benezia, he already noticed that something was off about her and he intended to find out what.

That's why he decided to confront Benezia by himself, he can perfectly hold himself back while he looks into what's going on with the matriarch.


Shepard and the rest of the squad immediately went on the offensive, Ashley and Shepard shot at the asari commandos shattering their shields in one shot, this caused the commandos to scramble to take cover right away.

They quickly recovered from their panic and surprise, they quickly began to attack while staying behind cover, either with their firearms or biotics.

Kunou blocked all shots coming Liara's way, while she pulled asari commandos from their cover with biotic pulls and pushes, Shepards and Ashley were quick to finish them off while they were on the floor.

Two asari commandos suddenly used biotic push together, and a blast of energy flew towards the group, Kunou suddenly slammed a tail on the floor in front of her, and the shockwave created by such a hard slam dissipated the combo biotic push.

Shepard and Ashley immediately shot the two asari commandos dead, suddenly Shepard was pulled away from the group with a surprise biotic pull.

He slammed on the ground but thanks to his armor he didn't take any damage from his crashing or the sudden pull, though a trio of asari commandos shot at him while he was down.

His shields held strong and he didn't receive any damage either, the asari commandos were starting to get very nervous, but Ashley's voice suddenly called out loud "'Ammo Swap! Sticky Bomb!'".

Ashley's Harry-made pistol shifted and morphed, the muzzle expanded and became wider, Ashley quickly shot at the asari commandos, and flat and big objects shot out of Ashley's pistol.

They flew through the air and then landed on the asari commandos, one got on one of the arms of an asari commando, the other on another's leg and lastly, one on the last asari commando's head.

The asari were surprised and immediately began to try to pull them out, meanwhile, Shepard rolled out of the way, the flat object beeped twice and then exploded hard enough to shake the room.

Shepard was just glad he had his armor on, otherwise, those explosions would have caused some damage to him, meanwhile, Ashley was grinning from ear to ear "I love this gun!~".

Suddenly the doors around the room opened and geth along more asari commandos ran inside to join in the fight, Liara immediately used biotic stasis and stopped some of the geth and asari commandos from moving.

Kunou took off running and jumped up into the air, her body began to glow with golden light, and soon enough she came down and slammed her keyblade on the ground in between the geth and asari in stasis.

The moment her keyblade crashed against the floor in released an explosion of light, the blast destroyed the geth and sent the asari commandos flying everywhere dead.

Shepard quickly stood up and quickly called out to his pistol "'Ammo Swap! Cryo rounds!'".

His pistol immediately shifted and began to glow blue, he quickly pulled the trigger and began to charge up a shot, a group of geth saw this and quickly ran towards Shepard while shooting to try to stop him from whatever he was planning of doing.

But no matter how many times they shot at Shepard, his shields never shattered, instead, Shepard took aim and then let go of the trigger, and a big ball of pale blue energy shot forward.

It crashed against a geth and aggressively exploded on contact, a blast of pale blue energy hit the group of geth and flash froze them in seconds, along with the walls and floors around them.

Ashley quickly shot a sticky bomb at the group, it landed on the floor right in the middle of them, beeped twice, and then exploded, shattering and destroying the frozen geth.

More geth and asari commandos ran into the room, Kunou frowned and then disappeared in a blur "'Sonic Blade!'".

Kunou appeared in front of each enemy nearby and ran them through with her keyblade blade, this sent them flying up, after a few times of this, she reappeared in the middle and then raised her keyblade up "'Holy!'".

A pillar of spiraling golden light exploded from her body and spread out, destroying and killing the geth and asari commandos in the air, all of this happened within a second.

Liara looked a bit surprised at everything going on, growing up an asari, she was told of how powerful and talented asari commandos are, never in her life would she have thought that she would ever fight against them and win.

Not so easily that is, but here she was fighting and completely decimating them like they were nothing, it made her realize how crazy and absurd her life had become since she joined Shepard's crew and met the dragon god known as Harry Potter.


Benezia stared in disbelief at everything going on around her, like her daughter, she came to realize that the people her daughter had joined weren't normal, not if they can fight off asari commandos and geth so easily.

Just how is it possible for them to fight so many enemies at once? Highly trained and powerful ones at that, the matriarch was even more startled by the blond-haired girl with the animal tails and ears.

She had never seen a human like that before and as far she knows, there weren't any records of any new alien life forms being found, so who was she and how was she using those abilities? It seemed like she was somehow manipulating light and that made no sense to her at all.

She was utterly perplexed at what was going on, and then there was the human standing before her, at first glance, she would have thought he was nothing, but an arrogant young man thinking to highly of himself.

But now? Now that she can look at him up close, she can see power and wisdom behind those glowing green eyes, as a matriarch, she has lived for a very long time, so she had learned how to read a person's power and potential through their eyes.

But this unknown young man, had her feeling weak and small, it was something that unnerved her to no end "Who are you?".

The young man just smiled at her and summoned two strange key-like weapons, one black and the other white, the young man before her then just calmly announce his name to her "I'm Harry Potter".