Chapter 169

Harry was able to make good progress with the rings he was making for the crew, he was almost done enchanting them in fact, but Shepard called him back to the galaxy map to start with missions again.

By the time Harry arrived, Shepard had already picked the Planet Binthu, in the Yangtze System, to land, so he told Harry to get ready and meet him in the Mako, Harry nodded and went to go get Le Fay to come with them.

Shepard then picked Wrex and Liara for this mission, soon enough, Harry and Le Fay arrived and everyone got ready to be dropped off on the planet.


Joker didn't take long to drop the Mako on Binthu, with both Le Fay and Harry dropping beside it as well, as soon as the Mako Landed, Le Fay and Harry sat on its rooftop and looked around, this planet was very different from the ones they had seen before.

For one, this one had plant life and was very much alive, Harry was even able to go into sage mode on this planet, which made him smile, Le Fay also smiled "Wow! This planet is beautiful and full of life! It even has an atmosphere similar to Earths".

Harry nodded "Yes, it even has leylines, just a few, but enough that they make this planet sprout life and support it".

Soon enough the Mako took off to investigate this planet, according to Shepard, Cerberus might have bases on this planet and Harry was more than happy to deal with them all, especially with everything they did with the rachni and what they tried to do to Kohaku.

It didn't take long for the squad to find one of the bases, an underground facility, so Shepard stopped a fair distance away and got off the Mako to take a better look, soon enough, everyone else followed him.

Shepard looked towards the underground base and frowned as he saw a lot of people walking around outside "I see turrets and humans with that Cerberus insignia we found a while back... looks like we found the bastards".

Harry narrowed his eyes and then decided to speak up "Shepard, do we need anything from these bases?".

Shepard raised an eyebrow at Harry's question, but then said "Well, any information we can find about Cerberus's operations would be appreciated, but in all honesty, I would just destroy them all, though I will have the Normandy scan for anything useful".

Harry nodded and then looked up at the sky "I like this planet, I really don't appreciate that Cerberus is here, playing with things they can't control, so do you mind if I take the lead on this one?".

Shepard hummed and thought about it for a while, but then nodded to Harry, he didn't see anything wrong with Harry taking the lead on this mission "Sure go ahead, if we can hurt Cerberus, then go for it".

Harry grinned and then walked away from everyone, suddenly he took on his dragon form and roared into the sky, the Mako was suddenly teleported back to the Normandy, while Harry levitated everyone onto his head "Hang on! and get ready to see a dragon in action!.".

With one mighty flap of his wings, the dragon god took off into the sky and towards the Cerberus underground facility.


Meanwhile, Cerberus agents were very busy studying and trying to get the rachni to follow orders, suddenly, the rachni inside the underground facility began to screech in a panic, which caused the Cerberus agents to look on in confusion.

The woman in charge frowned as she saw the rachni act as if they were afraid of something, she had never seen them act like that, so she was perplexed as to what had caused it, but then a loud roar echoed throughout the facility.

The roar was so powerful and loud, that it could be heard clearly even from underground, it left everyone rather scared and in a panic, suddenly a Cerberus agent ran to the woman agent in charge "Ma'am! There's an unidentified giant creature heading our way!".

The agent in charge of this facility, widen her eyes "What!? What do you mean unidentified giant creature!?".

The Cerberus agent frowned and seemed to be thinking about how to explain the situation better "I mean, there's a big ass creature coming our way and our anti-air cannons and turrets are doing shit to it!".

The agent in charge was about to say something, more than likely, scold the Cerberus agent for his language, but the ground suddenly shook and they heard another roar, a few seconds later, a sea of white flames washed over anyone or anything in the underground facility.

The Cerberus agent in charge of this facility, only had time to widen her eyes and open her mouth to scream, before the white flames washed over her and burned her body to ash in a matter of seconds.


~A few minutes before~

Harry flew towards the Cerberus Underground facility, while Wrex was whooping in fun, Shepard was grinning in excitement, while Liara just had her eyes wide and full of glee, no one can blame them though, they were riding on top of a dragon that is about to go into battle, it was only natural for them to enjoy the thrill of the situation.

Le Fay just watched the krogan, asari, and human with an amused smile on her face, suddenly, the underground facility's anti-air cannons and turrets, began to shoot at Harry.

But the dragon god and his passenger were completely unharmed, Harry soon arrived and slammed right on top of the underground facility, causing the ground to shake.

The dragon god then raised his claw and quickly swiped down, beginning to dig into the underground facility's top with his claw, the top entrance of the underground facility was destroyed and drug open.

With an opening to the underground facility open to Harry, he then took a big breath and then breath out a sea of white flames right into the underground facility, he didn't stop until the hole where the underground facility once stood was filled with nothing but melted metal, concrete, and ground.

Wrex just cackled in glee at the destruction and death Harry caused in a few seconds, while Shepard was just amazed that he got to see a dragon breath fire, Liara was just gaping at the devastation, Harry brought to one underground facility in a matter of seconds.

But Harry took off to the sky again and headed towards the next Cerberus facility on this planet, Shepard happily guided him toward where the Normandy's scanners picked up the signals of the other two of Cerberus's facilities.


On the second underground facility, Harry dropped from the sky engulfed in a vortex of sharp winds, the wind skill, dug into the facility and shredded everything inside into nothing, only one big hole was left behind after Harry's wind-engulfed dive.

The third and last underground facility Harry dropped right on top of it, but Shepard suddenly got an odd signal from his scanner "Wait! There's a signal coming from this place Harry, we need time to analyze it and check for useful information".

Harry nodded and let everyone down, he then took on his human form and said "Then I'll head inside and deal with the Cerberus agents in there personally, let me know when you got what you need".

Shepard nodded and the crew then watched Harry lift his hand, wave it to left, and then the whole top of the underground facility was swept to the side like it was a piece of garbage on the ground.

Harry flew up and then began to float down the new opening of the underground facility, meanwhile Shepard had the Normandy scan the signal he found coming from the underground facility.


Inside the Cerberus facility, everyone was in a panic, everything shook and there was a very loud sound coming from the top, it had everyone running around trying to figure out what was going on.

Only for the door leading into the facility to be sent flying and crashing onto the wall on the other side of the room, the Cerberus agents immediately took out their firearms and began to shoot.

Only for a black-haired, green-eyed person to step inside, to the Cerberus agents' surprise, the bullets they were shooting at him with, just bounced off his body.

He looked around and then lifted his finger toward a Cerberus agent, a second later, a green thin laser shot out of his finger and went through the head of the Cerberus agent's head that he was aiming at

The Cerberus agent dropped dead a moment later. which caused everyone to freeze and stare at the dead body in shock, the black-haired and green-eyed man then suddenly said, "I really don't like any of you...die".


Harry moved in a flash of twilight, a second later, each and every Cerberus agent dropped dead on the ground without even being able to blink, someone suddenly threw a grenade at him, but he ignored the explosion that engulfed him and walked through it.

He then saw another Cerberus agent gaping at him, but he waved his hand at him and sent him flying through the air with a blast of mana, the Cerberus agent crashed against a wall and died from the impact.

Harry just walked over the dead body and deeper into the underground facility, he then found some kind of square room with a cage of sorts made out of blue energy fields, inside, Harry could see a rachni.

More Cerberus agents began to shoot at Harry, they tried to hit him with everything they had in hopes of killing him, firearms, biotics, and even explosives, but Harry just stood there completely unaffected.

However, before Harry even took a step, he received a communication from Shepard "Harry, we got some big information from the signal, looks like we found the location of a major Cerberus facility, so finish this, we need to see if we can get any information from there and destroy that facility too".

Harry grinned, he was certainly happy that they were able to find a major Cerberus facility, so without further ado, Harry suddenly spread his arms and then yelled "Shinra Tensei!".


Shepard and the rest of the crew watched as the underground facility was caved in and then blasted open, their armors and shields protected them from debris and the shockwave that sent a lot of dirt, stone, and dust flying everywhere.

Soon enough, everything settled down, and in place of the underground facility, stood Harry in the middle of a crater, the dragon god flew up and then snapped his finger to fix all the damage done to the planet.

With that done, Harry floated down and landed in front of Shepard "Let's go, I want to destroy that Cerberus facility, as soon as possible".

Shepard nodded, Harry then smiled and teleported everyone back to the Normandy, Shepard quickly went to the galaxy map to let Joker know, where to take them next.

The location of the major Cerberus facility, is Nepheron, in the Columbia System of the Voyager Cluster, once Joker knew the location, he immediately took off toward it.

It didn't take long for Joker to take the Normandy to Nepheron, Shepard, Wrex, and Liara immediately headed to the Mako with Harry and Le Fay following close behind, the entire squad was ready and raring to destroy this major Cerberus facility.


The Mako was dropped onto Nepheron a few moments later with Harry and Le Fay flying by its side, this time, they did not stop to check the scenery, instead, they got onto the rooftop of the Mako, and Shepard quickly took off.

This planet had nothing but snowy rocky hills and cliffs, that slowed down the Mako quite a bit, plus Harry had to stop the Mako from flipping a few times, Shepard was a really bad driver sometimes.

It made Harry wonder, how someone who is a good soldier and warrior like Shepard, could be so bad at something so simple as driving, it was a mystery to him.

However, they eventually made it to the location of the major Cerberus facility, Shepard stopped the Mako on top of a very tall rocky cliff and then got out to take a look, he used the zoom-in function on his armor's helmet, a new upgrade made by Harry to the armors.

He also added night vision, thermal vision, sonar, and a new scan function, the new scan function will be able to pick up the digital energy signature of the geth and mark them on the map, so even if the geth jam the map, the crew can still detect their locations.

This was made for everyone on the Normandy, so no one would ever get ambushed by the geth ever again, but right now, Shepard was watching the Cerberus agents walking outside the facility "They're packing some serious heat...".

Wrex used the zoom In function of his helmet again and then grunted, "Some of those weapons are illegal, and very expensive on the black market, Cerberus is playing in the big league it seems".

Liara frowned "This Cerberus, is turning out to be quite the dangerous group, I can't believe they used to be a part of the Alliance... just what sort of monster did they create?".

Shepard frowned, but couldn't really defend the Alliance, not this time, however, he was more concerned about one thing "I wonder what their goal is, the things they have done, regardless of how horrible and evil they are, seem to be done with a purpose.

To be honest, that's what I'm more concerned with right now, this sort of behavior, seems much more like a cult than a military organization".

Harry frowned "I wish we had more time to really investigate these assholes, but Saren and the reapers take priority, for now, let's hit them hard, I'm sure this will hurt them in some way or the other".

Shepard nodded, the squad then went back to the Mako and board it, Shepard soon wasted no time in driving it towards the Cerberus underground facility.


The Mako was immediately shot at as they approached the facility, but Harry and Le Fay just deflected everything thrown their way, while Wrex and Liara shot at everything and everyone with the Mako's cannon and side firearm.

The squad went through every Cerberus agent in seconds, Harry and Le Fay destroyed the turrets and anti-air cannons with massive fireballs and giant bolts of lightning that dropped from the sky.

Soon enough the top side of the major Cerberus underground facility was cleared and the squad immediately jumped out of the Mako and ran towards the door, they didn't want to give anyone in there the time to destroy any information or clues.


Once inside Harry narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue in annoyance "There are a lot of enemies in this building, no doubt that they'll try to slow us down! Le Fay! Quick attacks and spells, kill as many as you can and as fast as possible, we can't give them any time to do anything".

Le Fay nodded and walked over to Harry's side, she then pulled the side of her witch's hat down and covered half of her face as she summoned Clarent into her hand "Alright, then let's move quickly".

Harry nodded and quickly blasted the door open with a wave of his hand, Le Fay disappeared in a flash of red lightning, while Wrex and Liara ran inside, Shepard nodded to Harry and then walked inside while shooting at anything that moves.

Harry summoned his keyblades and jumped inside the major Cerberus underground facility, the Cerberus in the facility, despite outnumbering the squad and having some of the most powerful weaponry available, couldn't even slow down the group.

Wrex just rushed in and tanked every shot headed his way while turning any Cerberus agent into a red mist with his Harry-made shotgun, Liara blasted any Cerberus agent with flame ammunition, and as she did so, she had a small smile on her face the whole time.

Shepard used lightning ammunition to literally light up his targets, Le Fay just flashed around becoming a crimson red streak that would cut down Cerberus agents into pieces, Harry however, ignored everything and walked towards a room at the end of the facility.

He sensed someone in there and he wanted to make sure not one of Cerberus' agents gets away, so he left the room for Shepard, Wrex, Liara, and Le Fay to clean out the rest of the facility.

Harry blasted a door open and walked inside a room, there he found a panicking Cerberus agent pressing buttons on a terminal, Harry quickly disappeared in a flash of twilight and beheaded the Cerberus agent.

He quickly checked the terminal and frowned when he saw the optical database was flashing itself clean, so he quickly took out his smartphone and copy everything he could.

Luckily he was able to save some files, but he wasn't happy that Cerberus went to this length to hide themselves and their deeds, with this done however, this mission was done.


Harry and the squad made sure to kill each and every Cerberus agent in the underground facility, there was practically nothing left of them, either they were turned into red mist, disintegrated, incinerated, or cut into pieces, and the squad was really thorough.

Harry also gave Shepard the files he was able to save, and Shepard decided to later have someone decrypt and analyze them, to see if anything useful could be found in those files.

But with that all done, Shepard called Joker and had him pick them up from this planet, there was still work to do after all but not until they had some food first.


Once back in the Normandy, Shepard told everyone to have some lunch and a break, so the entire squad headed to the mess hall to eat together, once all of them got seated and began to eat, they all fell into idle conversation.

Suddenly, Ashley raised an eyebrow and decided to ask about something she was curious about "Hey Harry?".

Harry swallowed the bite he had in his mouth and then turned his head towards Ashley "Hm? What's up, Ashley?"

Ashley scratched her head and then said, "Ah! Look Harry, you know me, I'm blunt as hell... but I got to ask you, and don't take this the wrong way, but... did you destroy Khar'shan?".

Everyone stopped eating and turned their attention towards Harry -except Shepard, he just sipped his coffee and paid attention to this situation-, the dragon god just nodded "Yes, I single-handedly destroyed the entire batarian fleet and destroyed the planet known as Khar'shan".

Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds -Shepard, Le Fay, Valerie, and Kunou just watched on- Wrex was of course the first one to speak up "... I know you enough to know that you didn't just decide to kill an entire race and its planet on a whim, Harry, you're a warrior, one that has earned my trust.

Whatever reason you had to do this, I don't care to know it, but know, that I have your back, if the entire galaxy comes after you, I will fight at your side".

Harry grinned at Wrex and nodded, the krogan just returned the nod and didn't say anything more, Kaidan looked down and stayed silent for a few seconds, but then spoke up "You're a good person Harry, I know that and I've seen you go out of your way to help others.

I don't plan to question you on your decision, I'm just a human after all, you are a god and I know you must have had a good reason for this, I just wished that so many hadn't had to die".

Harry closed his eyes and sighed he then looked up at the ceiling "I didn't kill all the batarians, some were spared, especially children, there were some good people among the batarians as well, so I teleported them to the Citadel.

But the rest? The rest were scum and real monsters, Khar'shan had been so corrupted by the way the Hegemony worked, that its core had been filled by darkness, pitch black darkness full of bloodlust... the Planet Khar'shan lusted for blood and death".

Le Fay, Kunou, and Valerie gasped at the severity of what Harry just said, this alerted everyone, for not once had they seen the girls react this way, Kunou's fox ears flattened themselves on her head as she frowned "... That's so sad...".

Liara, curious about everything being said, decided to ask "What do you mean by all that, you make it sound like Khar'shan was alive or something... there have been theories of planets having some sort of sentience but nothing has been proved".

Harry turned his head towards Liara "Those theories are true, planets do have a consciousness, in fact, they even have their very own neural network, we call that network, leylines".

Liara widened her eyes and stared at Harry in disbelief, but Harry just smiled and began to explain "I'll keep it simple for now, but a planet's core is the planet's heart, do you have any idea, how much energy is being produced inside a planet's core within an hour?".

Liara shook her head, she never thought about that question before, in fact, she believed no one would even think about something like that, Harry then continued on "A lot of energy, pure energy, a soul is a mass of energy that contains everything that makes you, you.

Every memory, experience, and event is forever saved in your soul, it creates the blueprint of you, it's the same with a planet.

From a planet's core -which is its heart- energy is produced, and from that energy, a soul is birthed, and with that soul, comes the leylines, a system of streams of pure energy, rivers of power that absorb, record, and keep everything that happens on that planet, becoming a sort of mind.

It isn't like a human mind you, think of it as a sort of computer program, one which will act accordingly to whatever threatens the planet, in some rare cases, the planet will lash out towards whatever endangers it.

In another universe, Earth created the titans, enormous creatures that feed on radiation, these titans act as that Earth's immune system and white blood cells, their main purpose? Destroy anything that threatens the planet and restore balance in nature.

In another universe, the planet's reaction to a threat might be something more subtle, like a disease, natural disasters, or even manipulating the minds of certain individuals to cause destruction, it depends really".

Everyone was very much intrigued by what Harry was saying, it was very frightening to know that a planet could be alive and even thinking, but it did explain a bit about certain things.

Harry then went on "Khar'shan however, did not have an ounce of self-preservation, the batarians had filled the entire planet's memories, experience, and events, with nothing but war, murder, lust, slavery, and all sorts of negative emotions.

I want you guys to realize, just what sort of monsters the batarians were, for the planet itself to desire death and the destruction of everything in the galaxy, the batarians broke the planet and made it psychotic".

That information hit everyone like a bucket of ice-cold water, it was just to disturbing to think, that a race had done so many atrocities, so many evil deeds, that the planet itself had been affected by all of this that much.

Tali look down "Keelah... how horrible" for someone like Tali, whose homeworld was taken from her and is so important to her and her people, this information hit her hard.

Especially, with everything that went down on her homeworld, she hopes that her planet wasn't affected by the war and the actions that the quarians took towards the geth.

It was just something awful to think about, Tali looked up at Harry and then said "Harry, wasn't it possible to cleanse the planet? Maybe purify the darkness?".

Harry shook his head, but it was Kunou who answered Tali's questions "A sage can do it, but trying to do so, would expose the sage, and with that level of corruption, there's a risk of your own darkness getting out of control.

Harry and I are sages, but if we lost control of our darkness, can you imagine the damage we can cause in a rage-induced rampage? Especially from a dragon god or a nine-tailed fox of our power level?

Harry, already has a strong connection to darkness and has to keep it in balance with his light, that's why his main element is twilight, he couldn't risk himself trying to save such a corrupted planet, no... it was best to destroy it, for everyone's sake".

Tali looked down, she was sad but she understood the situation, nothing was worth risking Harry, not because of how terrifying it would be for him to lose control and go on a rampage.

But because everyone cares about him, Harry was a friend and a loyal companion, no one would ever ask him to risk himself for a planet belonging to someone like the batarians.

Garrus hummed and he began to play with his food "I rather see the batarians gone than see something happen to Harry, it might sound cruel and heartless.

But the batarians had it coming and Harry is my friend, screw Khar'shan, I rather have him around being his friendly self".

Everyone nodded in agreement to Garrus, Ashley then said "I for one am glad Harry took care of the batarians, those bastards had been doing some really horrific stuff for a very long time.

It was about time someone did something about them, can you imagine how many lives these guys destroyed? People like Talitha".

Everyone looked down at the reminder of what had been done to Talitha, her story was something, no one will be able to forget, Liara sighed "I might not like the loss of life, but at least, no one would have to suffer as Talitha did... besides, Harry did more than just destroy".

Joker suddenly piped in "That's right, Harry not only kicked ass, but he saved so many people too, he healed and made everyone better mentally and physically as well, can you imagine? People who had been missing for years are returning home and to their families, good as new.

Not only that, but I also heard, that everyone who is a former slave is getting money and support from a secret benefactor, I would bet one of Wrex's testicles that, that's you, Harry".

Wrex suddenly yelled, "Hey, I'll need those later!".

Joker rolled his eyes and then said "You have four Wrex".

Everyone shared a laugh at Wrex and Joker's banter, it was very shocking to find out about what had happened to the batarians and Khar'shan, but as they thought when the news hit.

Harry had a good reason to do what he did, no one cared about the batarians anyways and were more worried about Harry, they knew it was silly, Harry is a dragon god after all.

He doesn't need anyone to worry about him, but that didn't mean they wouldn't, Harry is a friend to them, and all of them would have his back, just as he had theirs.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Harry could sense the care and trust everyone had in him, it made him happy that his friends cared that much, and he vowed to continue to help and support them.


After lunch, Harry and the girls, called Tali down to his workshop so they could talk about her suit functions, as predicted, most of a quarian's suit, had all sorts of environmental protections, apparently, because the suits need to power all those functions.

This is the reason why the quarian suit's shields are weaker that any other kind of armor for other races, this was significantly worrying for Harry and the girls.

As Le Fay took notes, Valerie scanned an extra set of quarian armor and Kunou scanned Tali herself, Harry decided to ask a question "But why so much protection from the environment?".

Tali tilted her head "You don't know? I would think you would come across the reason quarians need so much environmental protection".

Harry raised an eyebrow "I've been a little to busy with making all sorts of stuff for everyone, so I haven't had the time to really look into each alien race's biology".

Tali nodded "Ah, I see, that does make sense... well, we quarian have a very weak immune system, a simple cold can kill us if we're not careful, even weak and simple allergies are dangerous to us".

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes "Damn it all... I really wish everyone would tell me these things sooner!".

Tali just stared as Harry was venting in confusion, Kunou who was scanning her giggled, which caught Tali's attention, Kunou stopped laughing at her boyfriend and then explained things to Tali "We have spells and potions, that can make anyone immune to diseases and things like that.

Harry himself can even grant you a minor blessing and bam! No more sickness for you, ever~ which is why Harry is frustrated right now, he could have helped you a long time ago, well if someone had bothered to tell him anything that is".

Tali gaped at Kunou "You guys can make people immune to diseases?".

Kunou nodded, and Le Fay then piped in "Not only that, but we can also give a healing factor, or even resistances to elements with spells and potions, though for spells, we would have to modify them a bit to make it permanent.

The reason we haven't done so, is because, we don't know how biotics and alien races might react to potions and magic, we just don't have the time to research, but Harry's blessing should be safe for you, it is a conceptual thing, and shouldn't interact badly with your biology".

Tali understood, and was actually feeling very excited "Then can you guys help my people? Can Harry give his blessings to the quarian?".

The girls frowned which confused Tali, Valerie then said, "It's not that simple Tali, it would take a lot of time to make a potion or modify a spell, a lot of testing, and that has some risks as well, as for Harry's blessing...".

Harry then piped in "It's not something I hand out willy-nilly Tali, my blessing, even a small one, grants a lot of power, enough for anyone to be untouchable in this universe.

I can't just trust anyone with that kind of power, and it might sound mean of me, but the quarian hasn't shown to be a responsible and understanding race, I'm more than happy to grant you a blessing, but I wouldn't do it for all the quarian, not until they show me they deserve it".

Tali looked down, it was hard to accept but Harry had a good reason, one that made a lot of sense, as to why he doesn't just hand out his blessing, plus Tali wouldn't want him to force himself to do so.

She wouldn't do that to a friend, she cares about "I understand, but someday, do you think you can help the quarian? I will work hard to change things and their views".

Harry smiled at Tali and nodded "Sure, the girls and I will work on it once everything with Saren is over, though we might have to wait until we go home, I want the help of our family's top healers in this".

Tali nodded and seemed to smile, or at least that's what Harry thought, he then grabbed Tali's hand, which made her squeak in surprise, this made the girls giggle, finding Tali's embarrassment cute.

Harry's hand suddenly glowed white and then Tali's body began to glow as well, the light soon dissipated and Tali immediately began to look herself over to check if she could notice any changes.

Harry suddenly grabbed her face and took off her mask, this made Tali panic quite a bit, but soon relaxed when she saw Harry smile at her, the dragon god stared into Tali's eyes and then said, "Well, aren't you beautiful Tali".

Tali blushed and seemed rather fidgety now, Kunou, Le Fay, and Valerie suddenly leaned in from behind Harry and stared at Tali, Kunou widely smiled at the quarian "Wow, Tali! You're very pretty!".

Valerie took off Tali's hood and gently pulled her hair out "There we go, now you look even more beautiful".

Le Fay smiled "Oh ~we're going to have to go shopping for clothes for you! Now that you don't have to wear that suit all the time, we might as well dress you up a bit!".

Tali teared up a bit but seemed very happy, meanwhile, Harry checked Tali's mask and then raised an eyebrow as he noticed something odd in the mask "Is this... a straw?".

Tali out of reflex suddenly raised her voice to say "It's an emergency induction port!".