Chapter 173

Once the garage of ExoGeni was cleared, the squad quickly moved into the building itself and into the destroyed lobby of ExoGeni, a single geth awaited the group, but it was immediately turned into scrap by Shepard shooting it with one of his pistols.

The squad then took a quick look around and noticed how everything was destroyed and in ruins inside, they soon found a single door to the left, so the group quickly walked towards it, the door automatically opened for the group and they walked inside to the next room.

The next room was pretty much empty except for some sort of malfunctioning machine, so the squad turned around and went back to the lobby to look around so more.

Seconds later Ashley pointed at an opening in the floor going a little bit down "Hey, there's a pathway here".

The group walked over and looked at the path, Shepard nodded and then lead the group into it to see where it would lead too, the pathway lead into a big chamber, but it was badly damaged, in fact, it was practically falling apart and with flames of all sizes all over the place.

Everyone walked into the chamber and looked around, Harry then saw some sort of dead animal on the floor, so he went to take a look, suddenly he sensed someone and looked up.

The person he sensed, shot at him with a pistol, but he easily slapped away the shot with his bare hand, he looked towards the person who just shot at him and noticed a woman aiming her gun at him, though she was obviously frustrated that her surprise attacked failed "Damn it!".

The woman huffed and shook a bit, but then took a better look at Harry as everyone else quickly walked to his side, the woman then began to slowly walk towards the group while holding her hands up "I'm so sorry, I thought you were geth, or one of those varren".

Harry looked down towards the dead animal on the ground and saw that it was indeed a dead varren, meanwhile, Shepard walked towards the shaken woman and said "Your safe now, but why were you here in the first place?".

The woman sighed and shook her head "It's my own fault, everyone else was running and I stayed to back up the data, next thing I knew, the geth ship latch on and the power went out. I was trapped, I tried to get out, but the way was blocked" The woman seemed very scared and nervous, but no one could blame her, she must have been fighting for her life for a while.

Harry turned his head towards the woman and asked her "Are you Lizbeth by any chance?".

The woman looked surprised but nodded right away "That's right, but how did you know?".

Harry smiled and then explained, "Your mother asked us to look for you".

Lizbeth sighed in relief and nodded "I see, so she made it out... thank you for telling me".

Harry nodded, Shepard then decided to see if Lizbeth might know what the geth are here for "Do you, by any chance, have any idea what the geth are after?".

Lizbeth looked pensive for a few seconds before saying "It's not the geth, it's the energy field they put up, they don't want anyone else to have access to the-".

Lizbeth hesitated for a bit, which Shepard noticed right away, so he decided to explain a bit "I'm here for the geth, it's very important that I find out what they're after".

Lizbeth looked down for a second, but then nodded to herself and began to speak "I don't know for certain, but I'm guessing they're here for the thorian".

Everyone was immediately confused by what Lizbeth said, it was Ashley who voiced it out loud though "What's a thorian?".

Lizbeth quickly began to explain what she knew about the so call thorian "It's an indigenous life form, ExoGeni was studying it".

Harry frowned and whispered so only the squad could hear him "Looks like we now know who is mind manipulating the colony and why Jeong didn't want us to look around go deeply".

Everyone slightly nodded, letting Harry know they heard him, everything was starting to make sense here, but Shepard now wanted to know more, so he decided to ask Lizbeth for more information "What else can you tell me? Do you know where I can find this thorian?".

Lizbeth nodded and then began to answer Shepard's question "I might be able to, but not with those geth crawling around everywhere, look we need to get out of here, past that field".

Shepard nodded, agreeing with Lizbeth, it would be too dangerous for her to be around here with geth roaming around everywhere, so they needed to do something about all of this.

Kaidan then spoke up "We could try to take down the energy field".

Everyone nodded to Kaidan and agreed with his plan, so Shepard decided to ask Lizbeth another question "Do you know how we can shut it down?".

Lizbeth frowned as she thought about what Shepard just asked, a few moments later she shook her head "No, not exactly, but I think the geth ship is powering it, I've noticed the geth laying power cables everywhere, you could follow those cables, but there's geth all over the place".

Ashley turned her head towards Harry "Can you just fly up there and destroy the geth ship?".

Harry hummed for a bit and then said "I could, but the geth ship exploding right beside the building might cause a bigger explosion, especially because it's hooked by power cables, I could protect the building with Magic.

But that might alert the thorian about what's going on here, it still has a hold on the colonists, so it's a risk to make it nervous or scared if the building begins to take too much damage".

Shepard shook his head "No, it's best we all head there ourselves and do something about those power cables first, then we can destroy the geth ship, better be safe than sorry.

Plus, if nothing else works, Harry can do it his way, but it's best we try to do things as safely as possible".

The squad agreed, and with a plan in mind, Shepard decided to try and get some more information from Lizbeth to both, see if they can learn something new, and to help Lizbeth calm down a bit since she seemed a bit nervous still.

So Shepard first asked, "What do you here in ExoGeni Lizbeth?".

Lizbeth blinked, not expecting that question but quickly answered it "I'm just a research assistant for ExoGeni, I came here with my mother, at least now I know she made it out of here alive, thank you for that guys".

Harry smiled and said, "Yup, she's fine and with a few of the colonists, she is worried sick about you, but she's safe there though".

Lizbeth smiled and sighed in relief "Thank goodness for that, until now, I thought I was the only one left, now all I have to do is wait for you guys to bring that field down so I can see my mother again".

Everyone happily smiled, they were all glad that Lizbeth really was alive and that soon, both she and Juliana will be able to be reunited, Shepard then decided to ask a bit more about the Thorian "What else can you tell me about the thorian?".

Lizbeth crossed her arms and frowned with a thoughtful expression on her face "I really don't know that much about it, I think it's some kind of plant being, I know it's very old, thousands of years even".

Harry sighed "Great, we're dealing with a very old being, it's definitely smart then and very dangerous too, the fact that it has been doing stuff so subtly was bad enough, but now we really have to be careful here".

The squad was not happy with this information, but at least they now knew, Shepard then decided to ask one more question "Why do you think the geth would be interested in the thorian?".

Lizbeth shook her head and shrugged "It's just a plant, I don't know why the geth would care, ExoGeni was studying it, but I don't think they found anything special".

Harry sighed, as a sage he knew that plant life, especially old ones, are not just simple plants, especially in this universe, who knows if the thorian is really a plant, to begin with?

Shepard nodded to Lizbeth "Alright, you stay put, I'll go open some doors".

Lizbeth nodded but seemed very nervous about staying alone here, Harry noticed that, so he walked up to her and said, "It's going be okay Lizbeth, I'm going to do something now, so don't get startled, okay?".

Lizbeth nodded, while Harry waved a hand over her, and a semi-transparent orb of energy came into existence around Lizbeth, she looked at it in surprise for about a second before the orb shimmered and became invisible.

Harry smiled and then began to explain what he did to the very confused Lizbeth "That was a barrier, it will last for a very long time, so don't worry, nothing will be able to hurt you.

You can also still attack, the barrier won't block anything coming from inside, so don't hesitate to shoot anything that might attack you, okay?".

Lizbeth looked both confused and relieved, but still nodded to Harry, she decided to trust him since he seemed capable of doing some very special things, Shepard nodded to Harry letting him know that he approved of his actions.

Lizbeth then quickly took out her ID from one of her pockets and handed it to Shepard "Here, take my ID, this should take you past any locked doors".

Shepard smiled and took the ID from Lizbeth, with that done the group said their goodbyes to her and then made their way out of this chamber, confident that Lizbeth will be safe thanks to Harry.


While the group made their way to the other side of this large chamber, they were suddenly attacked by a pack of varren, Harry blurred from sight and cut them all to pieces with Oblivion, once he reappeared he gave the squad a thumbs up and everyone then kept going.

At the end of the large chamber they found a door, thanks to Lizbeth's ID, the door opened for them and everyone wasted no time in stepping through it, they found a staircase on the other side of the door, but before they could even begin to climb the staircase they heard a voice.

The voice sounded annoyed as it yelled at something "Stupid machine! Access encrypted files! No, I don't want to review protocols!".

The squad slowly made their way up the staircase, while the voice continued to complain and yell at some machine or something, eventually, they made it to the top, only to see a krogan in front of a VI, the Virtual Intelligence then said to the krogan "I'm unable to comply, please contact your supervisor".

The krogan growled in anger and then pointed at the VI with one of his fingers "Damn it! Tell me what I want or I'll blast your virtual ass into actual dust!".

The VI didn't physically react, instead, it just said "Please contact your supervisor for level 4 clearance security exemption or make an appointment with-".

The krogan roared and then screamed "Stupid machine!".

The VI didn't even react and just continued on with what it was saying "If there is nothing else, please step aside, there is a queue forming behind you for the use of this console".

The krogan immediately turned around and grinned when he saw the Shepard and the squad, in fact, he seemed disturbingly happy right now "Oh good! I really need to kill someo- agh!".

Shepard didn't even let the krogan finish and shot him with his Harry-made pistol, the krogan's shield immediately shattered, and this shocked the krogan, especially since Ashley and Kaidan quickly rained down assault rifle fire on the Krogan.

At the end of it all, the krogan was left looking like a chunk of flesh and blood on the floor, Harry walked over to it and stared down at the now very dead krogan "Wow, didn't even let him speak".

Shepard put away his pistol and shrugged "He didn't seem to have anything important to say anyways".

After saying that, Shepard made his way towards the terminal and the VI's hologram form appeared from it and said "ExoGeni Corporation reminds all staff that the discharging of weapons while on company property is strictly forbidden, welcome back Research Assistance Elizabeth Baynham, what can I do for you?".

Kunou suddenly grinned "Looks like Lizbeth's ID will come in handy for more than just opening doors~".

Shepard smiled and nodded, deciding to take advantage of the situation, Shepard began to ask the VI for information "What information was the last user attempting to access?".

The VI immediately answered the question "Fetching data, the previous user was attempting to access details on the study of Subject Species 37, the thorian".

Kaidan frowned "That's not good, hopefully, that krogan wasn't able to get any information that he might have passed to Saren".

Shepard nodded in agreement, Saren getting any sort of information that he might want was a very bad thing all around, deciding to see if the krogan got anything important, he then asked the VI for that information "Tell me everything you told Krogan".

The VI instantly answered Shepard's question "I was unable to provide the previous user with any relevant data aside from lacking proper access, there has been no new data available on Species 37.

All sensors monitoring the observation post at Zhu's Hope have been inactive for several cycles".

Harry sighed and shook his head "I knew it, the thorian is behind whatever is going on at the colony, whatever that thing is, seems to be mind-manipulating all of the colonists somehow.

The thing that really worries me, is that it's strong enough to do so to too many people at once, whatever the thorian is, is not just a simple plant".

Everyone was not happy that Harry was right, this meant that the situation is a bit more delicate now, but at least they now know what was going on behind the weird behavior of the colonists, curious about all of this, Shepard then decided to ask "What does Zhu's Hope have to do with all of this?".

The VI immediately answered the question "Species 37 is located within the structure of the Zhu's Hope outpost".

Kunou shook her head and seemed annoyed "Great, that thing is right there in the colony as well".

Shepard rubbed his eyes in annoyance, it was one bad news after the other "This is becoming very problematic" He then looked up to the VI, knowing that this is what Saren wanted he wanted to know everything about the thorian "Tell me everything you know about the thorian".

The VI hologram quickly started to give the information Shepard requested "The thorian is a simple plant life form that exhibits a sentient behavior uncommon with other flora.

Through dispersion and the eventual inhalation of spores, it can infect and control other organisms, including humans.

The Zhu's Hope control group has yielded interesting results, before sensors went offline, almost 85 percent of all test subjects were infected".

The entire squad frowned, the implications behind what they just heard were huge and damning to ExoGeni, Harry even started cursing in different multiple languages, which in all fairness, was pretty impressive and not something anyone had seen before.

Shepard, was starting to feel angry as well, he shook his head and clicked his tongue in annoyance "Those bastards, ExoGeni knew all along what would happen to those people".

The VI took what Shepard said as a question and began to explain "It was deemed necessary to assess the true potential of Species 37".

Ashley actually growled and shook her head "That's why they were acting so strange! It's like Harry thought! They were being mind controlled!".

Harry shook his head "No, it's more complicated than that, this is biological, and with spores inside the colonists, there's a danger of the thorian just pressing on some sort of killswitch button, it's just as I feared.

This entire situation is very delicate, we have to move fast, otherwise, we'll have a lot of deaths on our hands".

Kaidan sighed and rubbed his head "I'm so glad we decided to be discreet and careful until we knew exactly what we were dealing with, otherwise... I shudder to think what would have happened".

Everyone nodded in agreement with Kaidan, the squad was certainly glad they had listened to Harry, Shepard turned his head towards Harry "Can you do something about it?".

Harry nodded "Yes, but we also need to take care of the geth and the field..." Harry crossed his arms as he thought about the situation, everyone just silently let him think, a few seconds later he turned his head towards Kunou "Ku-chan, I need you to go get Valerie and Le Fay.

Then I want you girls to put everyone in the colony to sleep, you're going to have to move fast next, so listen carefully".

Kunou nodded and gave Harry all her attention, Harry then began to explain "Go into sage mode, sense out those spores, and then have Le Fay freeze them and destroyed them.

Meanwhile, Valerie will have to keep everyone completely still with her blood magic just in case they wake up or if the thorian can make their bodies move, after that, have Le Fay make a ward to purify the air and destroy spores".

Kunou nodded, she quickly hugged Harry and then gave him a kiss, after that she waved her hand at everyone goodbye and then vanished in a flash of golden light, more than likely she left to do everything Harry asked her to do.

The dragon god smiled and then turned his head towards everyone "Let's leave the colonists to the girls, they can handle it, but we need to take care of that thorian".

Shepard nodded "Then that just leaves the shield and the geth".

The squad nodded, Shepard then turned his attention to the VI and decided to ask if it knew anything about the shields "VI, what can you tell me about the geth ship and the field it's generating?".

The VI paused for about a minute but then responded to Shepard "I have limited data on the geth, they have effectively blocked all sensors within the facility.

I have detected unusual power fluctuations, but I am unable to determine the source".

Shepard nodded and then asked another question "What do you know about the geth?".

The VI immediately answered the question "I have no specifics on the geth as they relate to this facility, all sensors have been purposely decommissioned since their arrival".

Shepard wasn't happy he didn't get any new information on the geth, but he will take what he can, thinking about how ExoGeni decided to use the colonists to experiment with the thorian, made Shepard know more about the company.

So he asked the VI about that "I want to know about the ExoGeni Corporation".

The VI, once again, quickly answered Shepard's question "ExoGeni Corporation is at the forefront of human expansion in the new galactic economy, funding colonial development and securing resource rights to ensure progress as a species.

Further inquiries regarding company policy may be directed to Consumer Information Services during regular business hours".

Shepard sighed "Well, that didn't tell us a lot...".

Harry then piped in "Try asking who's running this place, we might find out who organized the whole thing with the colony that way".

Thinking that it was a good idea, Shepard immediately asked the VI "Who is in charge here? Who organized the research?".

The VI answered Shepard's question right away "All decisions about local resource analysis and acquisition are made by on-site management, deferring to the board of directors only when seasonal quotas are missed or exceeded, individual employee records are confidential".

Shepard nodded and looked down "Why do I think Jeong had something to do about all of this?".

Harry sighed and said, "Cause he was acting all nervous and shifty?".

Ashley then said, "Because he's an asshole?!".

Kaidan nodded "I must admit, he was very insistent that we shouldn't go and snoop around, that puts him under suspicion".

Shepard rubbed his eyes and sighed "If I find out he's the one who order all of this, I'm going to shoot him".

Harry shook his head "Get in line, I'm ripping his spine out if he did that to the colonists".

Shepard nodded, he then turned to ask one more question "What else can you tell me about the thorian? What sort of data was collected by ExoGeni about it".

The VI paused a bit and then began to explain what was known about the thorian so far "Species 37 was discovered several weeks ago when a small team was infected with spores while examining ruins near the Zhu's Hope outpost.

The outpost was quarantined immediately and study of the infection began, within 21 days, 58 percent of colonists exhibited altered behavior, and within 28 days, 85 percent".

Shepard looked down and frowned "That was awfully fast... within a month, almost everyone in the colony was infected".

Harry nodded, but then realized something "The thorian must be big in order to produce that many spores and that quickly".

Shepard grunted and shook his head "Damn it" he quickly turned his head back to the VI and asked, "What's the size of this thing?".

The VI quickly began to explain about the thorian's size along with some more aspects about its biology "The thorian appears to be a diffused creature, its cognitive abilities are centered in large nerve bundles, but it receives data from kilometers of meandering tendrils.

We have discovered bundles approximately one meter in diameter, but these seem insufficient to coordinate the massive sensory potential it possesses.

It may simply process such stimulation slowly, or perhaps there is a nerve cluster of a greater magnitude we have not yet encountered".

Ashley scratched her head and then said "So, in other words, it's fucking big right?".

The men on the squad nodded to confirm Ashley's summary of everything they just heard, Shepard however, had another question "Is it intelligent? Can I reason with it?".

The VI's hologram form flickered for a second but then answered the question "The thorian does not exhibit the focused behavior of a predator, the release of spores is an act of survival, not aggression.

It does trigger advanced behaviors in the humans it enslaves, but we have yet to discover whether it recognizes or is capable of recognizing, humans as more than tools, it is sufficiently alien as to defy classification at this time".

Shepard shook his head, that was informative, but it wasn't information he could use "Do you know how the creature controls its slaves?".

The VI once again answered Shepard's question almost immediately "The will subversion manifests as intense pain if directives are ignored, the effect is severe enough that subjects are soon conditioned against even minor thoughts of rebellion.

Observation suggests the thorian views its thralls in a utilitarian way, care is apparently taken to avoid injuring them, much as a craftsman avoids damaging his tools.

As long as no action is taken against the creature's objectives, the subjects are free to pantomime a normal existence until especially tasked with something".

Kaidan suddenly piped in "That's why Ian was knocked unconscious! He was rebelling against the thorian and trying to tell us about it!".

Harry narrowed his eyes "When I find this thing, I'm going to make it suffer, very painfully too... it's literally treating everyone in the colony like pets and using shock collars to make them obey, the colonists never stood a chance".

Shepard agreed with Harry, the thorian needed to be gone and they were the ones who were going to have to do it, but for that, he needed to know where it was, so he asked about it to the VI "Where is the center of this thing?".

The VI immediately answered Shepard's question "The thorian is present as a weave of tendrils across much of the lower surface of Feros.

Observation of enslaved subjects suggests there may be a key cluster that is tended by thralls, unfortunately, direct observation of Species 37 is limited or nonexistent".

Shepard nodded and then said "That's enough for now" the VI's hologram form vanished and Shepard turned around to face the squad "Looks like we'll have to look for those clusters".

The squad nodded, Harry then piped in "Even if it's not the main cluster, I can destroy it completely with ease".

Shepard liked that idea and nodded to Harry, with everything they just found out, the squad was now ready to continue, while the girls take care of the colony.


With that over, the group of four continued on their way by following a hallway to the side of the VI's terminal, they found a staircase at the end of the hallway and began to make their way up the stairs, but then they began to hear geth sounds nearby.

Moving cautiously up the stairs, once on the top of the stairs they all walked to a platform nearby and looked down, they found a couple of geth working in something by a group of big cables and some sort of claws.

Shepard and Ashley, quickly took aim and together they both shot the geth and destroyed them, before they could even notice the squad was there, with the geth taken care of, the group then walked towards the group of big cables to check them out.

Kaidan looked up and stared at the cables for a few seconds, after that he said "Looks like they're using this cable to anchor that ship to the side of the building".

Ashley nodded "Yeah, seems like the geth don't waste much on finessing their landings, how do we cut the power if it's coming from the ship?".

Harry looked at the cable and claws "We should look around for a safe way to unlatch the ship, if I just cut the cables, it might cause a lot of damage to the building and even though we'll survive being buried under tons of concrete, it wouldn't be pleasant".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, let's avoid that and take a look".

With that decided, the group then moved to the closest entrance and followed the hallway behind it, along the way they found some geth shock troopers, but the squad took care of them fast, not even slowing down.

At the end of one of the hallways, they found a trio of krogan, the krogan immediately shot at them, but Harry blasted them away with a small ki wave, the krogan died instantly and their bodies were sent flying and away from the squad.

With their path free, the group just kept going and after a while and going through multiple hallways and stairs, they eventually made it to a big chamber filled with geth shock troopers and geth juggernauts.

Shepard, Ashley, and Kaidan went to deal with the geth shock troopers, while Harry summoned Oathkeeper and Oblivion while rushing forward the geth juggernauts, he quickly reached one and cut it in half.

He immediately spun kicked the geth's upper body towards another geth juggernaut, this destroyed the geth on impact from the force Harry used to kick the upper body of the geth he cut in half.

The dragon god suddenly jumped and kicked the air sending himself behind another geth juggernaut, once he landed behind it, he cross-slashed the geth juggernaut, cutting it into four pieces.

The last two geth juggernauts, were shot by the rest of the squad with their plasma assault rifles, turning them into scrap in a matter of seconds, seems like Shepard and the others were finished with the geth shock troopers.

With this chamber cleared, the group then headed up the staircase nearby, on top they saw another massive claw and cables, knowing that this wasn't it, they quickly moved on.

They followed the platform they were on and then went down a staircase, a couple of geth shock troopers attacked the group, but they were quickly destroyed by the squad, once here they looked around but they couldn't find a way to safely remove the claws from the building here either.

The squad did however find the terminal Gavin wanted his data from, so they quickly used the OSD and left it alone to do its job.

After that, Harry frowned and looked at the claw "Looks like we're doing this the hard way guys, better hold on to something and hope that Geth ship doesn't shift awkwardly on its way down, or it's goodbye to this building with us and Lizbeth in it".

They didn't like it, but they did try to find a way to unlatch the geth ship safely, so it left them with no other choice, but to rely on Harry and hope nothing goes wrong.

Harry, used the shadow clone jutsu to send a clone to each claw they found, once Harry and the clones got into position, they all lifted their hand up at the same time and created a ki blade, with one swift swing, they cut through the geth ship claws.

Without its anchors, the geth ship immediately began to fall, its bulk hit the tower a bit and made it shake, which startled Shepard, Kaidan, and Ashley, even Harry tensed up a bit.

But luckily, the geth ship bounced off the side of the building and then fell to the bottom, where it loudly crashed and exploded as soon as it hit the ground below, thankfully, the explosion wasn't big or powerful, so the building was safe.

Harry sighed and shook his head "For a second there, I thought I was going to have to turn into my dragon form and pushed it off the building, thankfully, that wasn't necessary".

Shepard sighed and patted Harry on his shoulder "So you already had a couple of plans just in case huh?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, either push the ship away in my dragon form or teleport it away, either way, I would have made sure nothing happened to you and Lizbeth, though there was still a risk of the building taking too much damage and collapsing.

It already looks like it took a beating, plus I didn't want to show to much just in case the thorian was watching or something, I don't want to warn it off and have it release more spores or try to hide or something".

Shepard nodded at Harry "Good call, we still don't know what the thorian can really do, since ExoGeni didn't seem to be able to monitor it completely, they only have data on the few things they could observe from afar".

Ashley walked up to the guys and clapped Harry back "Good to know you always have our back, Harry!".

Harry just chuckled and nodded "Of course I do, I got to take care of my squishy human friends!".

Ashley grinned at Harry, while Shepard chuckled finding funny what Harry just said, Kaidan then called out to everyone "The fields should be down guys, we should get going and go get Lizbeth".

Shepard nodded "Yes, and then we deal with the thorian".

Everyone nodded in agreement with Shepard's statement, the entire squad wanted to deal with the thorian since it was their most pressing concern at the moment.

Suddenly, the squad got a communication from Joker "I repeat, Normandy to shore party, are you reading? Anyone there? Normandy to shore party, come on, Commander, talk to me!".

Shepard immediately answered the communication "Is that you Joker? What's going on over there?".

Joker sighed in relief "Ah Commander, don't scare us like that! Kunou suddenly appeared on the Normandy and explained the situation, but we couldn't get a hold of you afterward.

We were suddenly attacked by the colonists, given what Kunou told us, it seems that the thorian is on the move, luckily for us and the colonists, the girls put them all to sleep.

Right now, they're back at Zhu's Hope treating the colonists and we're all okay!".

Shepard shared a look with Harry and then said "Alright, sit tight, we're on our way back, and do not go outside until we say it's clear".

Joker immediately responded to Shepard's order "Aye, aye Commander, sitting tight! See you soon".

The communication channel cut off soon after Joker let Shepard know he heard his order, Harry sighed and rubbed his face "So much for not letting the thorian know that we're on to it, don't know what spooked it, but it can't be good".

Shepard nodded "Then let's make sure there's no more geth in here and then go deal with the thorian".

Everyone nodded and together they began to check the building for more geth, so they can move on with peace of mind.