Chapter 178

Shepard turned his gaze towards Harry and gave him a nod, Harry knowing what Shepard wanted, waved his hands and put the salarians in the cells to sleep, he then teleported them away to his pocket dimension on the Normandy.

Shepard nodded in thanks to Harry, but decided to ask something "Can you help those salarian that had their minds wiped?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, it will take me using both my powers over time and the mind, but I should be able to restore their minds completely, I can even treat their trauma as well, I'm sure all of those salarians went to some really bad stuff".

Shepard nodded and sighed "That's good, no one deserves to have that done to them, thank you, Harry, I know I'm dumping a lot on your plate right now".

Harry shook his head and chuckled "Don't mention, I like helping, plus the salarian didn't deserve what happened to them".

With that conversation done, the squad decided to get moving, now that they checked the entire facility they quickly headed to an elevator they had found while investigating the whole place, everyone boarded the elevator and it took them to a higher floor on the Research facility.

As soon as the squad stepped out of the elevator, they were seen by some scientists, a krogan and asari who immediately attacked them, Harry, knowing these scientists were some of the ones responsible for what happened to the salarians, he decided to deal with them.

He walked forward and waved a hand toward the scientists, both krogan and asari were engulfed in green smoke and then turned into toads, Harry just walked over to them and stepped on the toads killing them.

Shepard and the squad didn't even care, they just moved forward and into a door in this lab, Harry quickly joined them and then the group opened the door.

They quickly walked through and walk on a high metal platform, two geth shock troopers awaited everyone by another door, but Le Fay quickly blasted them off the platform with a wind blast.

The geth were sent flying and then falling down to their destruction, both geth were guarding a door, so Shepard quickly walked over it and opened it, a small break room and elevator awaited everyone on the other side of the door.

Shepard and the squad ignored the break room and walked over to the elevator, they quickly boarded it and rode it up to a higher floor in the research facility.

The elevator soon stopped and everyone stepped out of it, the squad found themselves in another lab, this one however, had some odd machines with zombie-like creatures in some kind of stasis.

Harry was of course annoyed at the creatures and frowned as he stared at one of the zombie-like creatures "These are like the ones that we fought on Eden Prime, this means Saren is responsible for their creation as well".

Shepard nodded and then said, "Well, let's take care of them before they become a problem".

Everyone quickly destroyed the machines with the zombie-like creatures inside, now that they made sure these creatures won't become a problem, the squad kept going.

Another platform and a bunch of geth shock troopers later, the group found another elevator, the squad quickly walked over, but they suddenly heard a noise and everyone immediately pointed their weapons at whatever had made that noise.

Only for an asari to get up, with her hands up while yelling in a panic "Don't shoot! Please, I just want to get out of here before it's too late!".

Shepard narrowed his eyes at the asari wondering who she was and what she was doing hiding here "Let's hear it, who are you and what do you want?".

The asari cautiously walked over to the squad but began to introduce herself while doing so "Rana Thanopthis, neurospecialist, but this job isn't worth dying over, or worse.

Do you think the indoctrination only affects prisoners? Sooner or later, Saren will want to dissect my brain, too!".

Shepard, however, did not trust Rana since she turned out to be a scientist of this research facility "Give me a good reason I should help you".

Rana panicked a bit, it seems like she believed Shepard would kill her or abandon her, so she quickly responded with "I-I can help you! This elevator behind me goes to Saren's private lab, I can get you in".

Rana quickly walked over to the elevator and activated the elevator "See? Full access, all of Saren's private files, are we good? Can I go?".

Shepard was definitely interested, but he had one question for Rana "What were you researching here?".

Rana, not wanting to give Shepard a reason to shoot her, quickly answered his question "It's that ship, Sovereign, it emits some kind of... signal, undetectable, but it's there, I've seen the effects, Saren uses it to influence his followers, to control them.

It's called indoctrination, direct exposure to the signal turns you into a mindless slave, like the salarian test subjects, but there's collateral damage too".

No one liked anything they just heard, especially Harry who frowned at Rana and narrowed his eyes at her "What do you mean by collateral damage?".

Rana jumped from the look Harry was giving her and immediately answered the question "Sovereign's signal is too strong, spend too much time near the ship and you feel it, like a tingle at the back of the skull.

It's like a whisper you can't quite hear, you're compelled to do things but you don't know why, you just obey, and eventually, you just stop thinking for yourself.

It happens to everyone at the facility, my first subject was the man I replaced, and now I just want to get out of here before it happens to me".

Harry looked down and looked upset "... I've never heard of mind manipulation like this, it's so slow and gradual that by the time you noticed that tingle it's already too late... just what is that ship?".

Le Fay looked at Harry "This is all very insidious Harry, this Sovereign has to be more than just a machine".

Harry nodded "Yes, I'm starting to think that there's something really odd about Sovereign".

Shepard left Le Fay and Harry to think about Sovereign, and turned his attention back to Rana "Why is Saren researching this? Isn't he the one controlling it?".

Rana shook her head "The signal comes from the ship, it makes us obey Saren, but I don't think he controls it, not exactly, I think... he's scared it might be affecting him.

indoctrination is subtle, by the time the effects become noticeable, it's usually too late".

Shepard turned his head towards Harry, the fact that Saren is worried about being affected by the indoctrination was a big red flag, Harry stared at Shepard and then said "Yeah, there's something else going on here.

But make no mistake Shepard, Saren is a bastard and was one way before all of this happened, just remember what he did to Anderson" Shepard nodded, while Harry turned to ask Rana a question "Can you tell us more about this signal?".

Shepard nodded, she then sighed, and quickly began to explain what she knew "Signal is not exactly the right word, there's some kind of energy field emanating from the ship, and it changes thought patterns.

Over time- days, maybe a week- it weakens your will, and you become easier to manipulate and control, but it's a degenerative condition, there's a balance between control and usefulness, the less freedom a subject maintains, the less capable it becomes".

Harry nodded and then turned to face Shepard "The rings will protect you guys, but we'll have to move carefully when it comes to that ship, something odd is going on with it.

So until I've seen it and see what we're dealing with, let's be cautious about Sovereign, Saren won't be a problem, but that ship is a big unknown".

Shepard, Tali, and Wrex nodded, a warning from Harry is always a very serious thing to them, Shepard then turned towards Rana and decided to let her go "I'm going to blow this place to hell and gone, if you want to make it out alive, you'd better start running".

Rana panicked and shook her head "What? You can't... but I'll never... ahh!".

Rana suddenly took off running at full speed, Harry wasn't going to blow the place up until everyone made it out, but Rana didn't need to know that, Wrex suddenly chuckled "Hah! That was funny".

Tali shook her head in amusement "That was mean Shepard, but I approve!".

Harry and Le Fay just laughed, while Shepard smiled, having dealt with Rana, Shepard and the squad then walked over to the elevator and walked inside, the elevator took them to an even higher floor in the research facility.

Once at their destination, everyone stepped out of the elevator and walked into some kind of room full of metal platforms, on the top platform was a ramp leading to some sort of machine, the machine looked like a pillar and was giving off some green sparks, it looked like the beacon from Eden Prime.

Curious about it, Shepard walked towards it, as soon as he did, he received a mental download and more visions began to flow into his mind, just like what happened on Eden Prime, it all happened in seconds but to Shepard, it seemed like hours.

Luckily, the process was soon done and Shepard dropped to his knees, the squad quickly ran to him to check on him, Harry grabbed hold of the commander and helped him up, while Le Fay began to cast monitoring spells to see if he was okay.

Shepard groaned and shook his head "Fuck...".

Harry shook his head at Shepard but then gave him a grin "Come on Shepard, once wasn't enough for you?"

Shepard chuckled and stood up on his own two legs "You would think I've learned my lesson right?".

Le Fay then piped in "Your okay Shepard, you got something downloaded to your mind, but physically you're fine".

Shepard nodded, Wrex shook his head and sighed "Next time, don't just walk towards the creepy machine".

Tali nodded "Yeah, that was dangerous Shepard".

Shepard nodded and sighed "I know, but that thing called out to me, something made me very curious about it, though I'm regretting my life choices now".

Harry laughed for a bit "Well, your mind will take some time to process whatever information it just got, for now, let's check the rest of this place, and see what else Saren has here".

Everyone nodded, with that decided, the squad headed up the ramp and into the top platform, there together they found some sort of red hologram, and everyone cautiously approached it, once close to this weird machine Wrex frowned and suddenly said, "I get the feeling something bad is about to happen".

To the surprise of everyone in the squad, the red hologram suddenly spoke "You are not Saren".

Tali frowned as she stared at the hologram "What is that? Some kind of VI interface? Cause I've never seen anything like this before".

The red hologram spoke up "Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding".

Harry narrowed his eyes at the red hologram "That's not a VI".

The red hologram spoke up once again "There is a realm of existence beyond your own, you cannot even imagine it, I am beyond your comprehension, I am Sovereign!".

Shepard, Wrex, and Tali widen their eyes in surprise, while Harry just scoffed "I see, so you're the ship, or rather your a digital life form, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm very well aware of the digital plane".

Shepard suddenly realized something "Sovereign isn't just some reaper ship Saren found, it's an actual reaper!".

The reaper however ignored Shepard and spoke to Harry "How could a creature of flesh and blood know about the digital plane, you rudimentary beings shouldn't even be aware of it".

Harry just glared at Saren "I know a lot about all kinds of things reaper, but you shouldn't worry about that right now, you should worry about dealing with me".

The reaper quickly responded "... I see, you are this Harry Potter, Saren is so concerned about, he has called you a god, a being with unknown powers, someone to be feared.

But, you are just another being of flesh and blood, even if you know about the digital plane, there's nothing you can do about it... Reaper? A label created by the protheans to give voice to their destruction, in the end, what they choose to call us is irrelevant, we simply are".

Harry narrowed his eyes, Shepard walked up to Harry and then asked "Can you send your Digimon to kill this thing".

Harry frowned and shook his head "I can't risk them like that, they're as powerful as me but they don't have the same protective abilities I do, they're just highly resistant, without knowing exactly what I'm dealing with.

I can't risk my friends, plus, I don't know how his digital plane is, I can't sense it either, so it must be located somewhere else, plus the digimon might not be able to fight off the indoctrination, having one of them fall under control to the reaper would be bad news for everyone in this galaxy".

Shepard frowned but nodded in understanding, he knew Harry wouldn't risk his friends without information and they just didn't have any information on what the reapers actually are or where is their so-called digital plane.

It's just to risky to act recklessly here, Le Fay suddenly piped in "Didn't Liara tell us that the protheans vanished 50,000 years ago? That means these guys have been around for that long".

The reaper spoke up "Life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident, your lives are measured in years and decades, you wither and die.

We are eternal, the pinnacle of evolution and existence, before is, you are nothing, your extinction is inevitable, we are everything".

Le Fay tilted her head and stared at the reaper "Okay? I wasn't really asking you though, anyways, what should we do next guys".

Everyone -except Harry of course- sweatdropped at the dismissal that Le Fay just gave to the reaper, Tali scratched her head and said "Le Fay? Aren't you at least a bit concerned?".

Le Fay shrugged "Not really, Harry will eventually think of a way to deal with this guy, right now he won't risk the Digimon, because he doesn't know what sort of effect the reaper's digital plane will have on them.

But that won't stay like that for long, just wait till Harry gets more information and you'll see, this guy can talk all high and mighty as much as he wants, but he'll soon get what's coming to him".

Everyone calmed down after hearing Le Fay say that, she was right of course, Harry didn't want to risk his Digimon friends right now, but they knew that he will soon come up with a solution.

Shepard grinned and then turned his head towards the reaper hologram "There's an entire galaxy of races united ready to face you, of course, we also have a dragon god on our side as well, you won't be speaking so cocky next time".

The reaper quickly responded "Confidence born of ignorance, the cycle cannot be broken".

Wrex grunted and then asked "Cycle? What cycle?".

The reaper answered Wrex's question right away "The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom, organic civilizations rise, evolve, advance, and at the apex of their glory, they're extinguished.

The protheans were not the first, they did not create the Citadel, they did not forge the mass Relays, they merely found them, the legacy of my kind".

That little bit of information shook Tali, Wrex, and Shepard, Harry and Le Fay weren't from this world, so the Citadel to them was just a very amazing and cool-looking space station, but to the human, quarian, and krogan, the Citadel was a very important location to all races of the galaxy.

So, to find out that it was created by the reapers came as a big surprise to them, Shepard quickly snapped out of it though and narrowed his eyes and he spoke a question "Why would you construct the mass relays, then leave them for someone else to find?".

For some reason, the reaper seemed eager to answer Shepard's question "Your civilization is based on the technology of the mass relays, our technology, by using it, your society develops along the paths we desire.

We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution, you exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it".

Harry huffed and tiredly rubbed the bridge of his nose "Motherfucker... these assholes are harvesting all of you, letting you advance at their pace, and then when they think you're good enough, they kill you off... these guys think themselves gods it seems".

Everyone noticed that Harry was now angry, Le Fay as well, which made everyone take a step back, for one, they knew an angry Harry was bad news, they have never seen Le Fay angry before either and the glare of the pretty, blue-eyed blonde was scary to them all, especially with the way her eyes were glowing.

Le Fay suddenly asked a question as she glared at the reaper "Why are you doing this? Slaves, resources? Why would you just kill off an entire galaxy's worth of people!?".

The reaper quickly answered Le Fay's question "My kind transcends your very understanding, we are each a nation, independent, free of all weakness, you cannot even grasp the nature of our existence".

Harry snarled "Sod off you wanker! You are transcended! You're just a bunch of data with an ego the size of a planet! You're not special! I'm sure you were even created!".

The reaper stayed silent for a few seconds, which surprised everyone, it seems that the reaper was taken off guard by Harry's words, but it soon began to speak again "We have no beginning, we have no end, we are infinite, millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure".

Harry just scoffed "Bullshit, you just say you're transcended! That means you had a beginning! Something far removed from what you are, you had a beginning and you will have an end soon enough, you and whatever reaper is out there, I'll make sure to kill you all".

The reaper however just nonchalantly responded, "We are legion, the time of our return is coming, our number will darken the sky of every world, and you cannot escape your doom".

Shepard had enough of the reaper, so he stood by Harry's side and then glared at it "You're not even alive, not really, you're just a machine, and machines can be broken!".

The reaper didn't waste time retorting to Shepard "Your words are as empty as your future, I am the vanguard of your destruction, this exchange is over".

The reaper's red hologram vanished and the machine powering it exploded, no one was hurt, but everyone was feeling pretty angry at the moment, however, Joker suddenly called Shepard via comms "Commander, we have trouble".

Shepard frowned and quickly responded to Joker "Hit me, Joker".

Joker wasted no time in explaining the situation to Shepard "That ship, Sovereign? It's moving, I don't know what you did down there, but that thing just pulled a turn that would shear any of our ships in half.

It's coming your way and it's coming hard! You need to wrap things up in there fast!".

Tali suddenly piped in "This console is no longer working, what should we do Shepard?".

Shepard nodded "We need to head to the breeding facility, once there we'll leave Harry to blow this place to hell!".

Everyone nodded in agreement, while Joker responded via comms "Right, Commander, I'll meet you there, Joker out".

With that done, everyone quickly headed back to the elevator and rode it back down, as soon as it reached its destination, everyone stepped out of the elevator and took off running toward the breeding facility

However, lots of geth began to appear and attack the squad, Harry narrowed his eyes and said "Alright, leave these guys to Le Fay and me, everyone else just run! We don't have time to waste on these geth!".

The squad nodded and took off running, Le Fay and Harry then blurred out of sight and began to cut down the geth army, the squad one saw blurs moving all over the place, while the geth were being destroyed.

The squad was able to move without slowing down, while Harry and Le Fay destroyed geth after geth, soon enough, Shepard saw a big turret firing towards the distance, he quickly charged a plasma grenade with his Harry-made assault rifle and then shot it at the turret.

The plasma grenade exploded on contact, melting the turret into molten metal, Shepard grinned and continued running, the squad then quickly arrived at another elevator on the other side of the research facility and quickly climbed in.

The elevator took them down and outside the building and right outside of the breeding facility, now that they weren't between the AA tower and the breeding facility, plus having gotten the information they needed.

It was time to blow up this place and leave, but just as Harry was about to do so, Valerie called everyone via comms "Everyone! There are multiple geth ships heading your way and I mean a lot! All geth suddenly stopped coming our way and are heading towards you as well!".

Harry narrowed his eyes "It's Sovereign, that son of a bitch wants to get rid of us, he might act all cocky but it seems like he doesn't want to take any risk... Valerie, you and Kunou begin teleporting the salarian's into my pocket dimension, we'll deal with the geth and then blow this facility".

Valerie quickly responded, "Consider it done! See you when you get back Harry!".

Valerie left the call and as soon as everyone looked up, they saw a huge amount of geth ships coming their way along with a massive army of geth running towards them from all directions.

Harry and Le Fay quickly raised their hands towards the geth ships and began to chant together "'Primordial illumination, the fountain of life for all things, roar forth this once and show us thy power... Big Bang!'".

Two sudden and powerful explosions of light engulfed most of the geth ships, all of those caught within the two massive light elemental spells were immediately destroyed and obliterated from the sky.

Shepard, Tali, and Wrex shot at the geth coming from the ground, their attack was taking a lot of them out, but there were just too many rushing toward them.

Shepard took out both of his Harry-made pistols and began to shoot charge shots at the massive army of geth "Dammit! They just keep coming!".

Tali kept shooting her shotgun and shredding geth left and right "There no end to this!".

Wrex just cackled "I know! Isn't it fun!".

Both Tali and Shepard sweatdropped as they continue to destroy the geth, with the geth ships having had their numbers cut down, Harry and Le Fay quickly began to chant to help the squad with the ground forces.

Le Fay spread her arms out and began to channel the energy of water, earth, fire, and wind as she chanted her spell "'O power that lies at the root of all creation, O memory inscribed in ages past, hear my call and arise before me... Ancient Catastrophe!'"

Four balls of energy representing the elements of Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water rose from the ground, as Le Fay clapped her hands together, the balls circled around a massive group of geth for a moment, then stop, growing larger and larger, until Le Fay enclosed herself and everyone else with a barrier before the four balls release their energy.

The barriers then reflected the magic in a flash and a massive explosion of pure mana rocked the entire area, a big number of the geth army was instantly destroyed, while another big part of the army was sent flying everywhere.

Harry smiled and then began to chant for his next big spell "'Gather the original sin! Emptiness and eternity! Scatter and crush! Event Horizon!'".

Harry raises a hand and then snaps his fingers, and a bright light appears above him, it then transforms into a hazy, black hole with purple swirls.

After enlarging in the distance, it began to drag countless numbers of geth into its growing gravitational pull, once a large number of geth are dragged in, the black hole then exploded with a burst of brightening light.

That single dark elemental spell from Harry pretty much cleared the area of geth, plus all the ones Le Fay destroyed just added to the number, however, one of the few surviving geth ships suddenly stopped in mid-air and Saren suddenly jumped out of it.

He immediately and frantically began to shoot fast and powerful blasts of biotic power toward Harry, but the dragon god summoned Oblivion and slapped them away with ease, Saren growled in frustration and then yelled at Harry "I knew it! My geth were utterly convinced that something extremely dangerous was moving about the research facility.

And here were are, Commander Shepard and Harry Potter! That diversion of yours didn't help though, even with that giant mammal and that weird human with red eyes attacking the geth, I just knew you were the ones skulking around here as soon as the geth reported it.

But I can't let any of you disrupt what I have accomplished here, none of you can understand what's really at stake!".

Harry just glared at Saren "And why the hell are you doing all of this then? Why don't you enlighten us Saren!".

Saren growled and then moved his gaze towards Shepard "You've seen the vision from the beacon Shepard, you of all people, should understand what the reapers are capable of, they cannot be stopped.

Do not mire yourself in pointless revolt, do not sacrifice everything for the sake of petty freedoms, the protheans tried to fight, and they were utterly destroyed.

Trillions dead, but what if they had bowed before the invaders? Would the protheans still exist? Is submission not preferable to extinction?".

Shepard scoffed "I spoke with your friend Sovereign, just listening to that thing speak, tells me that they won't let us live".

Harry nodded "You're deluding yourself Saren, the reapers want to destroy and kill everything! You should know that, but besides being an asshole, you're also a coward!".

Saren snarled and shook his head "This is exactly why I never came forward with this to the Council, we organics are driven by emotions instead of logic, we will fight even when we know we cannot win.

But if we work with the reapers... if we make ourselves useful... think how many lives could be spared! Once I understood this, I joined Sovereign, though I was aware of the... dangers, I had hoped this facility could protect me".

Harry grinned "You're under Sovereign's influence, it's already controlling your thoughts, how pathetic, to allow such a creature to convince you that submitting is the right choice instead of fighting this".

Saren growled and shook his head in denial "I've studied the effects of indoctrination, the more control Sovereign exerts, the less capable the subject becomes, that is my saving grace.

Sovereign needs me to find the conduit, my mind is still my own... for now, but the transformation from ally to servant can be subtle, I will not let it happen to me".

Harry scoffed "That just sounds like an excuse to me, just because you're still a dick, doesn't mean you're in control, but let me ask you something and if you answer truthfully, I might just take a leg and arm from you.

Why the hell are the geth following Sovereign? That thing has a very arrogant view of life, I can't imagine the geth actually agreeing to all of it".

Saren frowned, though he tried to look calm and collected, everyone could see he was sweating "They believe Sovereign to be some kind of god, the pinnacle of their own evolution... but the reactions of their deity is most telling, it is insulted.

Sovereign does not desire the pitiful devotions the geth hurl at it, they're just tools, and no amount of belief on their part will change that.

But as tools, they are useful, they will survive the coming invasion, if organic life is to survive, we must also prove we are useful, we must work with the reapers".

Harry frowned and shook his head in disappointment "To think a digital life form like the geth, would do something like this, how ridiculous and sad".

Shepard sighed and then decided to ask Saren a very important question "Tell me why Sovereign needs the conduit, tell me what it is, maybe we can find a way to stop them".

Saren shook his head "The conduit is the key to your destruction and my salvation, Sovereign needs my help to find it, that is the only reason I have not been indoctrinated".

Harry sighed and then stared at Saren in disgust "It's almost sad to see you so deep in denial, Sovereign is already manipulating you, you just don't know it".

Saren growled in frustration and shook his head "No! Sovereign needs me! If I find the conduit I've been promised a reprieve from the inevitable, this is my only hope.

Sovereign is a machine, it thinks like a machine, if I can prove my value, I become a resource worth maintaining, there is no other logical conclusion! I'm forging an alliance between us and the reapers, between organics and machines, and in doing so, I will save more lives than have ever existed.

But both of you would undo my work, you both would doom our entire civilization to complete annihilation and for that, both of you must die! Sovereign has upgraded me to a higher state! Armor, Biotics, and Weapons!

All of those things were granted to me to take you both down! I'll show you, that not even a so-called dragon god can face the reapers and stop the inevitable!".

Harry just grinned at Saren "So you think that having new toys can help you defeat me? How utterly stupid, it's obvious that you and Sovereign aren't taking me seriously, I'm going to have to change that then".

Saren suddenly jumped onto a platform and took off into the air, meanwhile, more geth began to drop from the few surviving geth ships, Harry summoned Oathkeeper and got both keyblades ready.

Harry quickly called out to Le Fay and the squad "You guys take care of the geth, I'll deal with Saren".

Shepard, Tali, Wrex, and Le Fay nodded and quickly began to attack the geth, meanwhile, Harry began to float and then rose up into the air until he was at the same height as Saren.

Both turian and dragon god glared at each other, though Saren looked visibly nervous, after all, he had been there when Harry revealed who and what he is to the Council, he had even seen Harry bring the dead back to life.

After that, he had quickly gotten away and tried to convince Sovereign of the threat that Harry Potter really is, but the reaper wouldn't believe it, its logical mind couldn't comprehend an existence like Harry Potter's so, it denied the existence of such a being.

In fact, Sovereign was so sure that it could easily deal with Harry Potter, to it, Potter was nothing more than another imperfect being made of flesh, even the reports of Shepard and Harry's deeds, wouldn't convince the reaper.

At the very least it did agree that both Shepard and Harry were becoming an annoyance, so he gave Saren a few upgrades, both in gear and body, his biotics implants have been upgraded and improved.

His armor could take on multiple sniper shots to the head and hold strong and his weapons were even more lethal than anything that can be found in the galaxy.

But even then, after he saw what had happened to his massive geth army and multiple geth ships in a matter of seconds, he wasn't so sure now, still he had to keep going, he had to make himself useful to the reapers.

There was no other choice, this was the only way to save some and ensure the current civilization survives, he had to kill Shepard and Harry Potter, for they were the only ones that can ruin everything that he had worked for.

So, Saren let his biotics flare and engulf his body with a deep blue-purple cloak of energy and made his platform rush towards Harry, he ignored Harry's amused smile and proceeded to attack the dragon god with blasts from his biotic power.