Chapter 187

Everyone stayed up until late at night speaking about all sorts of things, especially Harry's adventures and the things he has seen in the worlds he's been to after leaving Tempest, it certainly left everyone currently hanging out in Rimuru's house, rather impressed and in awe.

Though most of the battle-oriented guys were more excited than anything else, Veldora certainly wanted to fight some of the people Harry knows, especially those he read has read about in his mangas.

Shion wanted Rimuru to fight everyone and prove he was the strongest, but Rimuru nope that right away, not only does he not want to fight people like Goku or Naruto, not only because, he knows he was not at their level of power yet.

But also, because he likes them as characters, besides, he rather meets them and becomes their friend than fight them, Benimaru wanted to test himself rather than fight to the death.

Hakurou as well, Souei was more interested in Konoha and their ninja training, and the others were more interested in other things, like Shuna, who wanted to learn about other world's fashion.

Or Geld who wanted to know more about construction and other crafts that will help him and the Orcs, become more efficient builders.

It certainly was a long but fun night, one that ended with announcements made by Rimuru "Alright everyone! Tomorrow I'll be making an announcement to all of Tempest so we're having a last-minute party!".

Everyone turned to look at Rimuru in confusion, except Milim and Harry, who smiled already knowing what the slime was going to announce, Rimuru grinned and then made his announcement "Tempest is in a full-on treaty with Neo Kyoto!

I've already signed it with all the big leaders of Neo Kyoto and met with them, we'll be getting resources! Chances to learn new crafts! Access to the Natural Dungeon and more things as well!

In exchange, Tempest will be friends and allies to Neo Kyoto and we'll always respond if they need help! Not that they need it of course hahaha!".

Everyone cheered, while Harry and Milim watched as everyone became very excited, eventually everyone calm down and Harry made an announcement "In the next few days, I'll be creating a portal connecting Tempest with Neo Kyoto.

Along with one in Rimuru's home that connects to my home, the portal in Tempest is for general use, while the one in Rimuru's home will be for family and friends! That means you guys!".

Everyone once again cheered and seemed rather happy, about the fact that they will be able to now see Harry and his family whenever they want.

The group spent a few more hours excitedly speaking about the changes that will be soon happening to both Tempest and Neo Kyoto.


The next day everyone woke up late, but eventually, they all went to the center of Tempest and once they arrived in the middle of the city, Rimuru made an announcement for everyone to gather.

A few minutes later, orcs, hobgoblins, star wolves, kijins, all sorts of monsters, and even the dryads came to hear Rimuru's announcement, the slime smiled at everyone gathered and then raised a hand for everyone to calm and quiet down.

Everyone in Tempest immediately quieted down and Rimuru began his announcement "Hello everyone! Today I came to give you all some very good news!

First! One of our founding members and one of our most powerful warriors has returned! Harry Potter! The now new true dragon with the title of Twilight Dread Dragon God of Chaos and Creation, is back in Tempest!".

Everyone gasped in shock, but then Harry walked over to Rimuru's side and then smiled at everyone, Tempest then exploded in excitement and cheers! One of the people who made what Tempest is today is back and that made everyone very happy.

Harry, the young boy who would teach everyone magic and how to make magical medicine, the youngest member of Tempest was back, and he has grown up! He was no longer the young boy who everyone treated like a little brother.

No, he was now an adult and a true dragon, one with his very own title and everyone was very happy to see him, Harry blushed a bit and waved at everyone in Tempest.

He was a bit embarrassed at how excited everyone was to see him, but despite the small embarrassment he felt, he was also very happy to see everyone's smiles.

Rimuru chuckled at Harry's embarrassment for a little bit, but then he raised his hand again and everyone quieted down right away, he then went on "Harry came here from his world where he also helped a faction and a city become the strongest in their world!.

He did it because of what we had accomplished here in Tempest, it inspired him to do so on his own, and now that Neo Kyoto, his city, is the strongest he has reached a hand towards us!

We of Tempest are now allied to Neo Kyoto! As friends! Comrades! As family! Harry will be connecting Tempest with Neo Kyoto and both cities will grow and advance even more from this new bond!".

Everyone in Tempest cheered out loud again, this time their roar of happiness could be heard from all over Jura Forest, Harry smiled at seeing everyone so happy with this news.

He wasn't surprised that this was accepted right away, not when in Tempest, everyone was accepting and open-minded, here in this city of monsters, you can find the most kind and understanding of beings.

People who are playful and enjoy living life in peace, this is the sort of monster Harry wants to be, a kind and caring one to his friends and loved ones and a terrifying and merciless one to his enemies.

Milim walked up to Harry and grabbed his hand, Harry turned his head towards her and saw the big smile she was sending him, Harry liked that smile on Milim and returned the gesture with a smile of his own.

Rimuru then raised his hands and loudly say "So! We're celebrating this wonderful news! Everyone! We're having a party today! Go! Bring the food and drinks! Today Tempest celebrates our union with Neo Kyoto!".

Everyone in Tempest cheered one last time and then everyone ran to go get as much food and drinks as possible, Tempest was always known for their parties and today, it wasn't going to be any different, not when Harry was here and a new page in the life of everyone living in Tempest began.


It didn't take long for everyone to bring food and drinks, if there was something to be known about Tempest, It was that they know how to throw a party, the streets of Tempest were now filled with people sitting on the floor eating, laughing, and drinking.

Eri and Sherry hadn't seen anything quite like it, the parties at the Potter Household were similar sure, they do tend to be wild and chaotic but fun nonetheless.

But the party in Tempest had this sort of happy feeling to it, it sort of felt like a big happy family having a loud dinner and it was something both young girls really liked.

When word spread out that both Eri and Sherry are Harry's daughters, everyone treated them like princesses and were very friendly to them, the fact that Eri is a very kind and friendly girl, helped everyone treat her the same way easily.

Sherry is a more serious and quiet girl, but she is also kind and sweet as well, both girls grew very popular with the citizens of Tempest and many now really wanted to meet the rest of Harry's children.

Milim was having fun talking and telling Shion, Shuna, Treyni, and Ramiris about her harem sisters and everyone living in the Potter household, this made the girls think about Harems and Rimuru.

Which caused a shiver to run down Rimuru's nonexistent spine, the slime looked around wildly as if expecting an ambush but found none and just looked confused after that.

Harry walked around and had drinks with old friends, like Kaijin and the dwarves, as a fellow craftsman, he and the dwarves got along pretty well and were able to have long and interesting conversations about blacksmithing and enchanting.

Overall, it was a very wild and fun party that happened in Tempest, everyone had a good time, ate and drank their fill, but most important of all, Harry got to spend time with the people he missed a lot.


The next day everyone woke up on the streets of Tempest, this was nothing new, parties in Tempest always end up like this and soon enough, everyone woke up and went about their days.

Rimuru and Harry often joked about everybody in Tempest having some sort of anti-hangover skill or something, because everyone would always recover quickly the next morning from partying all night the day before.

In any case, the citizens of Tempest went straight to work, shops were open, the orcs left to continue building the roads to Tempest, farming, construction, and other things had to get done, so everyone went to work.

Harry and Rimuru did so as well, he and Harry first went to Rimuru's house to get the portal to his home built there first, meanwhile, Rimuru is going to have a building for the portal to Neo Kyoto built at the center of Tempest.

With both demon slime and dragon god busy, Milim decided to take Eri and Sherry with her to go see Carrion and Frey, Milim certainly felt a little bad about disappearing on them so suddenly.

So she wanted to go and explain things to both of them, it didn't take long for her and her daughters to arrive at her old palace, Milim, Eri, and Sherry landed right at the entrance and Milim wasted no time going in.

Frey was already waiting for her by the entrance of the palace and she immediately smiled at Milim when she saw her "Milim, it's been a while, did you have fun being with Harry?".

Milim brightly smiled at Frey, she then ran forward and grabbed the harpy queen in a tight hug "Frey! It's so good to see you! And yes! It's been a lot of fun! I've also learned a lot too!".

Frey softly smiled and then gave Milim a few head pats "I see that, your demon lord aura seems stronger and is way better control".

Frey then noticed Eri and Sherry looking around the palace in curiosity, their presence made Frey a little nervous "... Milim... did you kidnap two little girls?".

Milim looked up at Frey in confusion, until she realized what Frey meant "Oh! I didn't kidnap them, Frey!".

Milim let go of Frey and then beam her a very proud smirk "These two adorable girls are Eri and Sherry! My daughters! That makes you their aunt~".

Both Eri and Sherry turned to look at Frey who stared back at them "... Your daughters?... I'm an aunt?".

Poor Frey just stood there stunned, Milim stared at her in confusion, until Eri pulled her hand, causing Milim to turn her head towards her daughter "Hm? What's is it Eri?".

Eri smiled at her mommy and then pointed a Frey "Is she really our aunty? She's really pretty!".

Milim smiled and nodded "Yup! Frey is practically an older sister to me! So she's your aunty now~".

Eri cheered a bit and then walked over to Frey and waved at her, Frey blinked and looked down at Eri, and seeing that she was taller than Eri, she decided to bend down.

Eri smiled and immediately hugged Frey by the neck, which surprised her, but she soon smiled and stood up with Eri in her arms, Eri then decided to introduce herself "Hi! Aunty Frey! I'm Eri Potter, it's nice to meet you!".

Frey smiled and then lightly laughed "You're definitely Milim's daughter, the same level of energy and cheerfulness, but be a good girl okay Eri? Don't be a troublemaker like you Mommy Milim".

"Hey!" Milim was of course ignored, while Eri smiled and nodded "Okay, I'll be good!".

Frey laughed at the betrayed look on Milim's face meanwhile Sherry walked up to Frey and smiled up at her "Hello, I'm Sherry Potter, and it's very nice to meet you, Aunty Frey".

Frey smiled "My, what a sweet and polite girl, you can't be Milim's daughter, there's no way she would have raised you to be this polite".

"Frey! Are you picking a fight?!" once again, Milim was ignored, while Sherry blushed and said, "Well, I take after a few of my other Moms?".

In a way, Sherry is a bit more like Hermione and Susan, though she does have some common attributes that make her similar to Jean and even Ophis, personality-wise that is.

Frey smiled and gave Sherry a head pat, just like she does with Milim and it made Sherry smile in contentment.

Frey then turned her head towards Milim who was pouting at her and asked "Other mommies? I take it that Harry was able to reunite with those two other girls he mentioned?".

Milim stopped pouting and nodded "Yup! Jessica and Fu are with us now, though the harem has grown quite a bit".

Frey raised an eyebrow "Hm... well, Harry is a very interesting child, I'm not surprised he was able to get more attention from girls, plus he is very cute".

Milim smiled "He's not a child anymore Frey, he's grown up, not only physically but also in power".

Frey looked interested now "Oh? How strong are we talking about here?".

Milim grinned and then said, "Way stronger than Guy, in fact not even if we all got together and fought him would we win, that's how powerful Harry has become, he is in fact a true dragon now".

Frey's eyes widen in shock, she knew Harry was strong, she could feel it when she met him at the Walpurgis Banquet, back then he was already on par with Milim in her basic form.

But he was stronger now and to such extent "He's even stronger than you in your true form?".

Eri and Sherry looked over to Milim in surprise, both didn't know that Milim had a true form, well, not a lot of people know, she just hadn't had a need to take on that form, so only a few in the Potter household know about it.

Milim smiled at Frey and said "He can kill me with a flick even in my true form Frey, Harry is just on a whole different level now, even back when you met him, he was being restricted in this world.

He wasn't at one hundred percent, if he was, he could have easily beaten all of us with ease, Clayman wouldn't have been able to do everything he did if Harry wasn't restricted".

Hearing all of this was a big shock to Frey, to think that Harry was being restricted when he was in this world, he was already extremely powerful as it is, but learning of this, made her understand one thing, Harry Potter is a very terrifying being.


Carrion arrived some time later and was greeted by Frey and Milim, plus he got to meet Eri and Sherry as well, the beast master had been busy lately with still trying to get the Beast Kingdom of Eurazania rebuilt.

But he was still Milim's aide and had to help with her territory, especially because she had been gone for a while now, but other than that, Carrion was glad to hear Harry and Milim were back.

Sure, Milim might be a troublemaker, but she was still a good person and has been helping Carrion rebuild Eurazania by providing her Dragon Faithful to help.

Eri had been curious about the so-called subordinates of her mommy and so she asked her about it, Frey however was the one who explained what the Dragon Faithful are to the little Witch of Destruction

The Dragon Faithful reside in the City of the Forgotten Dragon and numbered less than a hundred thousand in total.

They all worked together in their daily lives, there being no central government to speak of, as a result, none were particularly gifted in battle—they relied on Milim's protection to keep the peace.

That, at least, was how it appeared to outside observers, but this was only half right, in fact, all of them are dragonewts who possess formidable combat abilities.

Though strictly speaking, the members of the Dragon Faithful are not Milim's subordinates, they chose to worship and obey Milim's commands by their own will.

In other words, Milim had her own religion centered around her, practically making her a goddess of sorts, not that she ever cared about any of that, to Milim this sort of thing was boring to her.

She hardly ever bothered with the Dragon Faithful, that is until Harry found out about it and scolded her for not taking care of her religion, since then Milim had been taking a more active role within the Dragon Faithful.

Who were also very happy that Milim was giving them more attention now, the situation sort of gives you a 'noticed me Senpai' feeling.

Either way, with their help, Eurazania was well on its way to being rebuilt, while Rimuru took care of Carrion's people in the meantime.

The beast master was also excited about Harry having his own city and was already planning on signing a treaty with him as well, something Frey wanted to do as well for her own Harpy Kingdom.

Beyond that, both Carrion and Frey enjoyed getting to know both Eri and Sherry better, both girls were not only kind and caring but also extremely powerful, which was no surprise since they are the children of Milim and Harry.

It doesn't matter if they're not blood-related just the fact that they're their children, guaranteed that they were powerful, and that made both Carrion and Frey respect the two little girls.


~The next day~

Milim, Eri, and Sherry decided to stay over in Milim's palace for a few days, while Harry stayed at Tempest to work on the portals he was making, he started with the one in Rimuru's home, which was being built in a basement both Harry and Rimuru built together just for the portal.

Rimuru was with him, speaking and joking around while Harry worked on the portal, just a calm and easy day between brothers in all but blood, however, Souei suddenly appeared in the basement "Lord Rimuru, Harry.

We spotted a big unit of pegasi coming towards Tempest, seems like the King of Dwargon is coming for a visit".

Rimuru sighed "Looks like King Gazel found out your back Harry".

Harry chuckled "I'm not even surprised, he's always been able to find out what's going in Tempest and always shows up when you at least expected it".

Gazel was someone Harry respected and quite liked, he just had this aura that makes you listen to him and pay attention, he really was someone worthy of being a king, not to mention that he was extremely powerful and could fight Harry on even terms in swordsmanship back when he first arrived in this world.

So both slime and dragon god went to meet the King of Dwargon, after putting his portal work in stasis that is.


By the time Harry and Rimuru arrived to meet King Gazel, him and his unit of pegasus knights had already landed at the outskirts of Tempest, Harry smiled as he saw him standing right beside his pegasus while staring at both Harry and Rimuru.

King Gazel has a very dwarf-like, tough-looking body, with the height of a human covered in an armor of muscle that hides surging energy beneath, his skin is tanned brown as characteristic of his race, and his jet black hair is slicked back all the way.

King Gazel certainly cuts an impressive appearance for sure, just as Harry remembers him, both dragon god and demon slime walked over to the King of Dwargon and greeted him with a smile.

King Gazel returned the gesture with a small smile on his face and a nod "Rimuru, Harry"

Rimuru smiled and then said, "Good to see you Gazel, but what brings you here?".

Rimuru of course knew why Gazel was here, but he still wanted to get confirmation, the King of Dwargon didn't even hesitate to just honestly tell Rimuru what brought his visit on "Harry is back, I came to see how he's doing.

But, to think that the next time I would meet that same boy I met in the court, I would feel like death has a grip on my throat... Harry, you've become a bigger monster than Rimuru".

Harry just smiled and shrugged "And I'm proud of it Gazel, I became like this because I refused to lose anyone I care about ever again and I don't regret it".

The King of Dwargon chuckled and nodded at Harry "If there were ever a good reason to become a monster, that would be it.

Either way, it's good to see you again Harry, seems like you learned a lot after leaving this world".

Harry smiled and nodded to Gazel "You have no idea Gazel".

Rimuru smiled and then piped in "It's best we go to my home so we can talk more comfortably there, there's a lot you have to know Gazel, especially about Harry's journey".

The King of Dwargon nodded, and together with Harry and Rimuru they walked into Tempest towards Rimuru's home, his pegasus unit walked over to Tempest's stables where they could leave their pegasi and walk around the city, while they waited for their king to finish his visit.


Rimuru, Harry, and Gazel were now sitting in Rimuru's home, drinking some sake Harry brought from Neo Kyoto, while they enjoy their drinks, Harry told Gazel about the adventures he had after leaving this world.

About what he did when he returned to his own world and then the next world jumps he did, King Dwargon stayed silent and not showing any outward reaction, inside he was very shocked.

The things Harry was talking about were not just unbelievable but hard to even envision, technology far more advanced than anything his Kingdom could produce.

Magic far more advanced and powerful than any majin could ever hope to accomplish, martial prowess beyond what any kijin can possibly do, but that's not all, there's also other kinds of things, like medicine, healing, crafting, forging, and even resources.

So much more than the Kingdom of Dwargon could ever hope to do, it left him feeling a bit envious of what Harry had accomplished "And your not the leader of such a nation?".

Harry shook his head and grinned "And be stuck with paperwork, and having to deal with political nonsense? No way".

Rimuru glared at Harry "Lucky bastard...".

Gazel nodded in agreement with Rimuru, Harry is a lucky bastard for not having to deal with the burdens of leadership and even he himself was even feeling annoyed.

However, Gazel was more interested in another thing right now "Harry?".

Harry who had been laughing at Rimuru's annoyance, turned his head towards Gazel and gave him his attention "Yes?".

Gazel took a sip of his Sake and then spoke up "Would Neo Kyoto be willing to become allies with Dwargon?".

Harry tilted his head "I don't think anyone would mind, but why? You know that like Tempest, Neo Kyoto is filled with non-humans and most of us are highly powerful supernatural beings.

I'm not kidding when I say, that we make even the demon lords of this world seem pathetic in comparison with what we can do".

Gazel nodded, he knew full well the sort of place Neo Kyoto is just by looking at Harry, he had no doubts that its people were kind and caring, just like Harry, but the opposite has to be true as well.

Chaos and destruction must be found aplenty in Neo Kyoto, but the advantages of making an alliance with Harry's city outweigh the bad, not that there are any, to begin with of course

So, King Gazel "I wouldn't be a good king if I don't try to get a good thing when I see it, Neo Kyoto sounds like the kind of nation that could be trusted, just like Tempest.

Besides, I don't much care about whether the citizens of Neo Kyoto are humans or not, if you're leading them or at least willing to protect them, then that's enough for me to know that they're trustworthy".

Harry nodded and then crossed his arms "Well, when I get the portal ready here in Tempest ready, I can come get you and take you to Neo Kyoto.

There you can speak with Yasaka and the other leaders of the other Factions allied to us, I'm sure a treaty can be written right away and we can start negotiations".

King Gazel, close his eyes and then nodded "That sounds great Harry, let's toast to our future alliance".

Rimuru and Harry picked up their drinks and toasted with Gazel, the trio knew that this alliance might bring the attention of greedy and battle-hungry nations.

But they also believed that they can deal with anything that might come their way, after all, Dwargon, Tempest, and Neo Kyoto would always protect each other as allies from now on.


King Gazel stayed the whole day and night hanging out and talking about all sorts of things, he stayed the night and returned to Dwargon the next morning to wait for Harry to finish the portals to his world.

A few days later he finished the portal in Rimuru's home to his home in his world, with that done, Harry quickly began to work on the portal connecting Tempest and Neo Kyoto next.

Rimuru had ordered a new building to be built for the portal right in the middle of Tempest, in the middle of the fountain there, there Harry worked on the portal while being visited by all his friends often.

Many would just go to say hello to him, others came to talk about his world, and a few asked about his family, it certainly was a fun time for Harry who enjoyed talking to his friends.

Eri, Sherry, and Milim came back to Tempest two days later and now spent their time playing around with everyone or enjoying the food available in Tempest.

To them, it was like there was a festival going on every day in Tempest, Eri and Sherry also trained a bit with Benimaru, Souei, and even Hakurou as well, though the three kijin were shocked at how powerful the little Potters are.

When they sparred with them, the three kijins found themselves unable to beat Eri and Sherry, they also made a few wrong assumptions about the little girls as well.

Thinking that because Eri looked like a magic user, they thought she was not good at close-quarters combat, they were absolutely wrong of course, and got dragged around the ground multiple times by her.

Eri is a terrifyingly powerful magic user, but she has also trained in martial arts and has learned quite a few things from people like her friend Mirko, her Uncle Sasuke, and Uncle Naruto, even Harry taught her how to fight with her fist and legs.

So she ended up kicking the ever-loving crap out of Benimaru, Hakurou, and Souei, the only thing that Eri really lack is a weapon, not that she needed one though, not when she can drop massive meteors on you.

Sherry was just as terrifying to face in battle, despite being a soft-spoken and often times shy girl, she also had been influenced by Hope and Morgan... a lot and that had made her an extremely powerful fighter.

Her desire to catch up to her sisters had made her push herself to grow and get stronger as quickly as possible, her mastery over her sacred gear, the Spear of Destiny, was also at a very high level.

But what really made her dangerous, was her ability to use white holy light, an advance and the purest form of light elemental energy anyone could ever hope to wield.

Even Shuna, who is a master of holy magic, pales in comparison with the sheer potency that Sherry's white holy light has, just a small brush from it caused a massive amount of damage to the kijin.

Being monsters and thus dark in nature, made them highly weak to holy magic, white holy light was even more powerful, and thus Benimaru, Souei, and Hakurou found themselves being defeated with ease.

Even without the white holy light, Sherry was an amazing spearwoman and was often complimented by Hakurou for her prowess, though Sherry also trained with Gabiru as well.

The dragonewt was more than happy to teach Sherry his dynamic spear style and even a few techniques as well, though Sherry did refuse to learn Gabiru's flamboyant style of dramatics.

Milim also brought Carrion and Frey to meet with Harry, both also wanted to have an alliance with Harry, something he didn't mind, since Eurazania needed help rebuilding and Neo Kyoto can help with that.

He didn't know much about Frey, but given how caring and patient she is with Milim, Harry decided to also accept the alliance between the Harpy Kingdom and Neo Kyoto as well, plus Milim had asked him to do it and Harry isn't one to deny one of his girlfriend's request.

So both Carrion and Frey will be meeting with the leader of Neo Kyoto along with King Gazel as well, soon enough Harry finished with the portal in Tempest and when he finished it he smiled and nodded to himself "Done, now both this world and mine are connected".

As Harry stared at his hard work with a proud smile on his face, Rimuru suddenly walked into the building and smiled "Looks like it's done!".

Harry turned around to face Rimuru and nodded "Yup! Now the citizens of Tempest can visit Neo Kyoto at anytime time and vice versa".

Rimuru stopped right beside Harry and stared at the portal "Did you put safety measures, just in case someone crazy wants to cause trouble in your world".

Harry nodded "Yes, there are quite a few wards here in this building and in the portal itself, if you're not keyed to any of them, you will be in a lot of pain.

That's the first warning if someone keeps trying to use the portal and is not keyed or has evil intentions, the wards will go full wartime mode and kill them where they stand".

Rimuru raised an eyebrow "Really? How about someone of Veldora's power level or Guy's?".

Harry grinned "The wards have dragon slaying, god slaying, devil slaying, and even spirit slaying properties, it doesn't matter who or what they are, they try to do anything with the portals and they're dead.

Plus I also added one last ward right in the portal itself, that ward is imbued with the Concept of Death, it will destroy the soul of anyone foolish enough to get to that point".

Rimuru sweatdropped at everything he just heard Harry list "Damn, isn't that a bit of an overkill".

Harry shook his head with a frown on his face "No, we both know that this world is full of arrogant and simply, stupid people, I don't doubt someone like those clowns from the so-called Moderate Harlequin Alliance will try something.

So I prepared the portal, I don't want people like that in my world and I will do anything to stop them, I even connected my consciousness to this portal, so I'll know who's coming and going".

Rimuru frowned at the mention of those three guys who had been causing problems along with Clayman, he had to agree with Harry, those kinds of people had to be kept away from Neo Kyoto.

Not that they would ever be a threat to anyone there, but who knows the sort of trouble they might cause in a place like Harry's world, is best to be cautious than sorry.

Though that did raise a question in Rimuru's mind "Hmm... why didn't you do this in the Dragon Ball world? Wouldn't that be enough to prevent anyone from coming to your world?".

Harry shook his head "No, these wards might be enough to stop a God of Destruction and downright kill him or her, but someone like the Grand Priest and Zeno could bypass them.

Plus, you know the sort of crazy abilities some of the people of that world have, who knows what else is out there, then there are the dragonballs as well... including the super dragonballs.

No, there are too many unknowns and possibilities in that world, I don't want to risk it, plus, my family and I might be able to handle anything from there, but a fight of the level that happens in that world would kill all life on my planet".

Rimuru nodded and agreed with Harry, it was just too dangerous, though it was a shame, he really wanted to meet Goku and Vegeta, perhaps he can convince Harry to take him to that world someday.