Chapter 200

The world was blinded by a bright silver light and at the center of it, stood Harry, engulfed in that same silver glow, a pillar of silver light rose high into the sky and parted the clouds as everything around the area was illuminated, everyone watching this stared at what was happening in awe and shock.

Except Eri and Nejire, the young daughter of Harry Potter was in awe, she could feel her father's energy and how condense and powerful it was burning, she had never felt or seen anything like it before, she didn't even know her father could do something like this.

It made Eri wonder, just what other kinds of things her father could do, that she didn't know about. Just wondering and thinking about it had Eri feeling excited to learn what her father was doing now and what he could do with it.

Nejire had many questions, so many questions, and as soon as Harry was done with this battle, she was going to ask them all! But besides the questions bouncing around in her head, she was also amazed at what Harry was doing, such pretty silver light and the vibrations she was feeling in her body, it was just an amazing experience altogether.

Izzy gaped at what he was seeing but quickly shook his head and took out his laptop, he then began to quickly scan Harry, his energy output, and physical condition, but to his surprise, nothing was showing on his program, except, that Harry's body was heating up rapidly, "What?... What does this mean?".

While Izzy was trying to figure out, why his program can't scan the energy Harry was putting out, Matt, Tai, and TK couldn't help but comment on what they were seeing, Matt who was staring up at the beam of silver light cut through the sky, spoke up first, "What is this? Harry couldn't do anything like this before, or at least, he never showed it before".

Tai nodded as he stared at the beam of light, "Yeah... he's never done anything like this, I wonder what it is? I don't know why, but this just feels different, like something big and amazing is coming".

TK nodded and then looked at his hands, "It's incredible... I can feel Harry's power on my skin, it feels warm but calm at the same time".

Kari smiled as she looked towards where Harry was standing, to her, Harry looked like he was doing something far beyond understanding, there was just something holy or even heavenly about what Harry is doing, "I don't know why... but if I would call this anything, I would call it celestial".

Sora smiled and nodded, "It's amazing, I wonder what this is really called? I don't think I've ever seen him do something like this before, maybe it's something he learned in another world?".

Mimi widely smiled and had sparkles in her eyes and she cheerfully said, "It looks very pretty! Whatever this is, I love it!".

Meiko was staring at the light with an awed expression on her face, she didn't know why, but for some reason, she felt safe and happy staring at this beautiful silver light, like nothing could ever hurt her, and that made her feel very happy and content.

Joe smiled as he looked up at the light, and then chuckled in amusement, while shaking his head, "I can't believe I'm saying this... but I've missed the craziness Harry brings into our lives".

The DigiDestined all shared a laugh agreeing with Joe their lives have always been chaotic but fun, and it was all thanks to Harry, who is always doing one crazy thing after another, but, they wouldn't change it for anything in the world.


Both Maki and Daigo were staring at the pillar of silver light in shock and awe as it parted the clouds in the sky, they didn't know nor understand what was happening, but there was one thing they knew, whatever was happening right now, it was something big.

Something, this world wasn't ready for, both had tried to contact their superiors and their teammates, but their phones and other forms of contact didn't work, so all they could do is watch on as Gaiomon kept a close eye on them from behind.

Though Gaiomon had a strike on her face as she looked after the two humans in front of her, she knew what Harry was doing and she was well aware, that he had been wanting to give this technique a try, especially because he was still trying to find out the limits of this technique he took so many years to learn to use and master.


Dark Gennai took a step back in terror as he felt the energy coming from Harry, burn his skin a bit from how hot it was, however, the pillar of light paused for one second and then, all converged right where Harry stood, only to suddenly spread outwards from Harry with a bright bang, this event looked like a whole galaxy was being born with Harry at the epicenter.

But that same silver-colored new galaxy was suddenly absorbed into Harry, as he stayed there standing, his hair and eyes now glowing bright silver, as his body had this silver blue glow around it, Harry blinked and then moved his gaze towards Dark Gennai, he coldly stared at him with a calm expressionless face.

The evil digital humanoid, stared at Harry in utter disbelief and horror, while Harry raised a hand and looked at it for a few moments, "This still feels so intense, I copied the way Goku achieved this form, but it's still so intense, is this how he was feeling when he faced against Jiren?... I might need some more practice with this, but I should be able to maintain it long enough to deal with you...".

Harry stopped looking at his hand and then began to walk towards Dark Gennai, who began to panic and step back, "What is this! What did you do!".

Harry just coldly stared at Dark Gennai, as he continued to walk over to him, though he did begin to calmly explain, "Autonomous Ultra Instinct... an ultimate technique that separates the consciousness from the body... allowing it to move and fight independent of a martial artist's thoughts and emotions...

It is an extraordinarily difficult technique to master, even for the Gods of Destruction of another world... though... the angels of that same world appear to have mastered it... that's the reason this form, is also known as the 'state of the gods'... pretty impressive no?".

Dark Gennai glared at Harry in anger and then began to yell at him with nothing but rage and hate, "What sort of insane nonsense are you spouting! Other worlds!? Gods of Destruction!? Angels!? Have you gone insane, there's no such thing!".

Harry smirked at Dark Gennai and then stop walking not too far away from him, "What's this? Didn't King Drasil tell you of the existence of other worlds? How strange, after all, the Digital World is connected to multiple ones.

Looks like King Drasil doesn't trusts or believe in you, as much as you think he does, pretty sad, don't you think? You're just another puppet dancing to his whims".

Dark Gennai growled at Harry in rage, suddenly, the black digital energy beam sword in his left hand, glitched and then became a black copy of Omnimon's cannon and began to shoot at Harry big blasts of sub-zero temperature black digital energy.

But Harry just smoothly moved away from the blast and dodged them all with ease, he didn't even move much, he just slightly moved his body away from the black digital energy shots, Dark Gennai gritted his teeth as he watched Harry just avoid all of his attacks.

So, instead, with a loud battle roar, he took off running at high speed towards Harry, while still shooting him with his black supreme cannon, Harry just continued to easily avoid the shots, until, Dark Gennai arrived in front of Harry and slashed as fast as he could at him with his black digital energy beam sword.

But Harry once again just moved out of the way from all the slashes Dark Gennai sent at him, it looked like Harry was just dancing around him which only served to infuriate him more and more, on the last slash Dark Gennai used to try and cut Harry in half, the dragon god jumped over the black digital energy beam sword as it sailed below him and suddenly pointed an opened palm, while being upside down, right in front of Dark Gennai's face.

Dark Gennai froze in shock at the sudden and quick movement Harry used to dodge his slash, only for his eyes to widen a second later when a massive amount of blue energy gathered on Harry's palm, he didn't even get to scream when an enormous beam of blue energy shot forward right in front of his face.

The blue beam of energy pushed and dragged Dark Gennai back a long distance away from Harry until he crashed against a barrier-covered building behind him and violently exploded with a deafening boom, everyone watching the battle in awe at the enormous explosion that went off so close to them, luckily, the DigiDestined were protected by Eri's barrier, otherwise they would have been sent flying by the explosion's massive blast.

Meanwhile, Maki and Daigo were covered by Gaiomon but still screamed in fright as they felt the explosion's blast, since they weren't covered by a barrier and there was only so much Gaiomon's body can cover, Harry soon landed on his feet, and waved his hand towards the explosion and dissipating it with ease, allowing everyone to see Dark Gennai stand there with his black robes almost completely destroyed, he only had his pant and shoes on.

But, what really caught everyone's attention, was his condition, he was physically hurt, really hurt for that matter, anyone could see that, but his body was also glitching and bleeding off black digital energy.

Harry, however, stood there and coldly stared at Dark Gennai, a few seconds later Harry smirked at the shocked and in pain Dark Gennai, "I see, you covered yourself in Magnamon's golden armor just before my KI beam hit you... didn't help you much though, huh?".

Dark Gennai growled in anger towards Harry and shakily stood up straight, he hated to admit it, but even Magnamon's armor couldn't fully protect him from whatever that energy beam Harry had hit him with.

In fact, the armor almost instantly crumbled and was destroyed, it was only able to protect him from the worst of the blast, but he still took a lot of damage, that fact infuriated Dark Gennai to no end since Magnamon's armor was supposed to be near indestructible.

Harry saw the hate and rage in Dark Gennai's eyes and inwardly chuckled, the arrogant bastard was now learning just how low in the pecking order he really is, so Harry just shrugged and shook his head in disappointment, "Well, looks like Ultra Instinct is too much for you, it's really too bad, I was hoping to try a few more things while in this form, but I guess I overestimated you".

Dark Gennai roared in rage as streams of black digital energy lashed out and dance around him while destroying the ground around him, his eyes turned red and his body was suddenly covered in black chrome Digizoid armor, everything in his body was covered, even his face.

Suddenly, his black supreme cannon and black digital energy beam sword glitched and transformed in Alphamon's Ouryuken, Harry seeing this raised an eyebrow and shook his head a moment later in disappointment, "Really? You would use the sword of one of my Digimon partner's Digivolution? Against me?

I guess the virus finally consumed your mind, or you rather let it... very well then, let's end this now, you will pay for trying to make my friends suffer!".

Dark-armored Ouryuken Gennai roared like a mad beast and then shot forward at a speed surpassing light, Harry narrowed his eyes and cleared both his heart and mind completely, he then let out a breath and let his instincts take over.

Everyone couldn't see anything that happened right after, both Harry and the Dark-armored Ouryuken Gennai moved at a speed almost no one could perceive, only Eri could follow what was happening with both her eyes and senses.

She was awed at the fact, that no matter how fast the bad guy was moving, he couldn't touch her father, every attack and swing of Ouryuken was smoothly avoided without much movement, her father was even hitting back and slowly breaking apart the black armor around Dark Gennai's body with ease.

Each hit Harry connected, caused shockwaves and blasts of air as it destroyed a part of the Digizoid black armor, suddenly, Harry flipped above Dark Gennai and then kneed him in the back of the head, shattering his black Digizoid full-face helmet and sending the crazed digital life form onto the ground face first.

Eri cheered loudly for her father and seemed excited, "Yeah! Come on Daddy! End it with a big bang!".

Harry smiled as he landed on the ground behind the downed digital life form, he then nodded as if letting his daughter know that he will be doing as she requested, which made the DigiDestined and Digimon sweatdropped, Tai nervously chuckled, "Uh oh... everyone better hold on to your heads!".

Everyone immediately dropped to the ground knowing that Harry was about to do something crazy, Eri cheerfully laughed and extended her barrier to cover the Digimon, while Gaiomon sighed and shook her head in amusement.

She then dropped to her knee and covered Maki and Daigo with her whole body, "You better hold on, Harry is about to do something reckless".

Maki and Daigo gulped, not liking what Gaiomon just said, Dark Gennai got off the ground and immediately turned around to face Harry, he snarled like a wild animal as his red-crazed eyes glared at the dragon god in front of him with hate.

Harry stood in front of Dark Gennai, with his back facing the crazed digital lifeform, he then turned around and took a big breath as he began to use his abilities as a sage, suddenly, small orbs of energy began to flow from everything and everyone on the planet, towards Harry.

The dragon smiled as he felt the pure energy gathered within him, "... To think I can use this technique so easily because I'm a sage... I remember Goku being so jealous of how easily I learned it from King Kai".

Harry chuckled as he reminisced about his time training under King Kai with Goku in the other world, at the time, they were on a time limit to get ready for the upcoming saiyan attack.

But when everything was over with that and with the events on Namek, Harry decided to go back to King Kai's planet and really master everything he learned under him, he stayed there for quite a while and improved his use of this technique to a level that King Kai couldn't even reach.

Dark Gennai suddenly roared and shot forwards towards Harry and tried to gut him with Ouryuken, but Harry just ducked under the slash and avoided the attack completely, Dark Gennai tried and tried to cut Harry, but the dragon god was once again impossible to hit.

But as Harry dodged the attacks, he kept absorbing the energy of everything and everyone alive on the planet, though he was careful not to take too much, eventually, he even began to take energy from other planets and even the sun, while holding the energy within him.

This is something only Harry can do while using this technique, Goku had tried once to do it the way Harry does, and his body almost broke down, this technique's pure energy is too much for a mortal to sustain and keep within themselves, even now that Goku has access to divine KI, he still can't use this technique like Harry does.

So, Harry is the the only one able to use the technique in this manner, as the energy gathered within him grew and grew, Harry began to merge it with his own divine Ki, causing the energy to condense and become far more potent than it was before.

Harry suddenly stopped moving and caught the black Ouryuken between his fingers on the last swing Dark Gennai attacked him with, Dark Gennai snarled and roared like a rabid beast as he desperately tried to pull the black Ouryuken away from Harry's grasp.

But no matter how hard Dark Gennai pulled, he was just unable to get the black Ouryuken away from Harry, the dragon god just coldly stared at Dark Gennai as he continued to snarl at him, "... I know you can't understand me... not anymore... but let me show you a technique that calls upon the power of everyone in this world".

Harry tightened his grip on Ouryuken and then harshly pulled it up and threw it into the sky, along with the black Ouryuken, Dark Gennai was also pulled into the sky with it since he didn't let go of the sword, in the end, both him and the black Ouryuken were sent sailing high into the sky.

Harry closed his eyes and raised both hands towards the sky, the energy he gathered within his body glowed and shined bright until Harry open his eyes and then loudly called out the name of his technique, "'Spirit Bomb!'".

The energy gathered within Harry surged into his hands and then coalesced into a basketball size orb of pure white and blue KI, Harry roared towards Dark Gennai and fired the technique towards him at a high speed.

The DigiDestined, the Digimon, Maki, Daigo, Nejire, and Eri awed and followed the Spirit Bomb with their sight, only to widen their eyes in surprise when the basketball-sized orb of white and blue KI, suddenly glowed and grew to the size of the moon as it continued to travel fast towards Dark Gennai.

The digital lifeform widen his eyes in shock as he watched the massive orb heading toward him, for a single moment, the madness in his eyes disappeared as the massive orb of white and blue KI headed towards him, but before he could even try to do anything about his situation, the Spirit Bomb, crashed against him full force.

The energy immediately pushed him back as he screamed in agony and pain, Dark Gennai couldn't do anything, but only be pushed back higher and higher into the sky.

Everyone down below watched in awe as the moon size orb of white and blue KI soared higher and higher until Harry turned around and then snapped his finger.

The Spirit Bomb instantly detonated the moment it reached the vacuum of space, silence, a deafening silence took over the world, it lasted not more than a second, but it was something the DigiDestined and their Digimon partners would never forget, and then came the boom, the loud, earth-shaking boom that shook the very air and ground.

It was only thanks to Eri's barrier that nothing was damaged or anyone hurt, though she did grunt a bit from the explosion's shockwave hitting her barrier and making it shake violently, but the little Potter held strong as she narrowed her eyes and increased her mana output on her barriers protecting everyone and everything in Japan.

But, no one even noticed Eri's struggle, for those not frozen in time, could only watch as the sky above Japan was lit up by the massive white and blue explosion, the one most excited about all of this, was Eri of course, who was awed at the technique her father had used and the massive explosion created by it.

Soon enough, the explosion subsided, Harry, no longer sensing Dark Gennai energy and confirming he was completely deleted, let out a breath and deactivated his Ultra Instinct, his hair turned back black as his eyes turned back to their emerald green color, though, the dragon hod, soon cracked his neck and huffed, "Looks like Ultra Instinct still affects me quite a bit... I better train with it some more and try to lessen the strain, before using it on someone stronger".

With that said, Harry turned over to his friends and began to walk over to them, Eri seeing her father walking over, quickly brought down her barriers and everyone immediately took off running towards the dragon god, who could only smile at the happiness and awe shown by his friends.


Harry was of course, immediately bombarded by questions and excited worlds of glee when he arrived in front of his friends, he gladly explained what he used and that last technique he destroyed Dark Gennai with, explaining both, the Ultra Instinct and Spirit Bomb to everyone took a while since these two techniques weren't simple to both understand or explain.

But after doing so, he also began to explain what he had also found out from Dark Gennai, about King Drasil's plan to reboot the Digital World and how the virus was actually created from a shard of Apocalymon that somehow ended up inside Meicoomon.

The DigiDestined were of course very distressed about this news, everything that had to do with Apocalymon was bad news to them and most of the DigiDestined didn't even want to think back about such an evil and powerful Digimon like Apocalymon ever again, though Meiko and Meicrackmon had to be told more about Apocalymon and how the DigiDestined had to face off against him to save both the Digital World and the real world.

Izzy frowned as he looked down and thought about what he just learned, "...Apocalymon... to think he would still be causing so much trouble, even now after we defeated it so long ago".

Kari sighed and shook her head, "Are we really sure we dealt with everything that had to do with Apocalymon? I really don't want something like this to happen again in the future...".

Harry smiled and then said, "There's no need to worry, now that I know what the virus exactly does and where it came from, I can now erase all traces of it from both the Digital World and the real world, I'll just use my power over reality to do so".

Everyone nodded to Harry glad that there was a solution to this entire situation, though the DigiDestined felt a bit odd with the way Harry can now do things like this with a snap of his fingers, big explosions, and chaos were the norm when one hangs out with Harry, the DigiDestined knew this well, but snapping your fingers to rewrite the world, that was a whole different issue, at least, they can be at ease that it's Harry who has such a power.

Tai crossed his arms and looked worried, he looked to be pondering for a while until he looked up and asked Harry a question, "What about King Drasil? I don't think he'll stop with this loss, with the way you explained things about to him, it sounded like he really wants to separate the Digimon from us humans".

Matt nodded, "And Homeostasis as well, that thing must have been involved as well, it always shows up whenever something big is happening".

Harry nodded and then explained, "I'll deal with King Drasil later, I need to make sure I can maintain the Digital World by myself once he's gone, Homeostasis as well those two have caused, nothing but trouble but they do have important roles in the Digital World, I need to be sure that it won't be affected when I get rid of them".

Everyone nodded in agreement, this whole situation with the infected Digimon, caused nothing but headaches, but at least, with Harry here, they were able to minimize damages and injuries to zero, Kari also agreed with all of this, especially about Homeostasis being destroyed, she still remembers when that thing possessed her so easily to speak with the DigiDestined and she really did not like that.

Sora sighed and then turned towards Maki and Daigo, who were still being held back by Gaiomon, "What are we going to do about those two?".

Harry frowned and glared at the two adults, which promptly made them jump in fright, "Daigo isn't important, I'm sure he has nothing to do with all of this, Maki, however... I think she had been involved with all of this from the very beginning".

Meiko frowned, she still remembered how Harry had told her that Maki had taken Meicoomon with her for some reason and she still didn't know why she did that, it certainly didn't shed her in a good light, Meicrackmon also glared at Maki, her Meicoomon form might have been more gullible and immature, but as Meicrackmon, she could clearly see that Maki's actions weren't normal and were very malicious as well.

Meiko turned towards Harry, to ask him a question, "Is Miss Himekawa really involved with all of this?... She has been very kind to me... it's just hard to believe she would do something like this".

Harry sighed and felt bad for Meiko, she's a kind girl which is why it must be really hard to believe that Maki would do something like this, but in the end, Harry didn't want to lie to Meiko, so he nodded to her and then spoke up, "I kept an eye on her the whole time she was with Meicoomon, the entire time, the darkness in her heart was flaring, even now, that very same darkness is still pulsating.

Plus, why take Meicoomon with her? Why bring her to the back of the school? Right where a portal opened up and that fake Ken emerged out of? That can't be a coincidence, there's just no way".

Meiko looked down and looked sad, everything Harry just explained made sense to her, so she couldn't even begin to defend Maki, Mimi sadly smiled at Meiko and then grabbed her hand, Meiko's eyes widened for a second, but she soon smiled at Mimi, thankful for her support and care.

Mimi then turned her head towards Harry, and asked, "But why do all of this? Why risk Meicoomon and Meiko? It doesn't make any sense... she's a part of an organization that is supposed to protect others from Digimon threats".

That was a good question, one everyone was wondering about, someone does not just risk the lives of many for no reason, well, not unless your a sociopath, and Maki wasn't one, TK frowned and then narrowed his eyes towards Maki, "Then, we should ask her about it".

Kari immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, I'm sure she'll be able to answer our questions".

Joe sighed and nodded, though he soon crossed his arms and glared at his friends, "That's good and all, but I want to know first, why no one told me Harry was back?...".

Everyone nervously laughed at what Joe had just asked about, after all, they forgot about him with everything about Maki came to light, but they do owe Joe a few answers.


The DigiDestined quickly explained why Joe was kept in the dark about Harry's return, at first they wanted to surprise him, but eventually, he just never showed up whenever they called or texted him, and then, they figured he was dealing with some stuff, and decided to hold on telling him about Harry until he figured things out.

Harry himself, told Joe, that he seemed to need some time to think, so the dragon god, didn't want to get in the way of that and left him to find the answers he had been looking for, though he did tell Joe, that he always had faith in him and that Harry was just waiting for him to find what he was looking for.

Honestly, Joe couldn't even be mad at his friends for keeping things secret about Harry's return, he was avoiding everyone after all, though, knowing that Harry always had faith in him, made him very happy.

After a few more explanations and conversations, the DigiDestined, Nejire, Eri, and Harry went to confront Maki, though everyone except Harry, put their now tired Digimon inside the smartphones and then walked over to where Gaiomon was standing behind Maki and Diago while keeping an eye on the both of them.

Soon enough, Harry, Eri, Nejire, and the DigiDestined arrived in front of Maki and Daigo, though Daigo immediately stood in front of Maki protectively, when he saw that Harry had an angry look on his face.

But the dragon god wasn't in the mood to deal with this nonsense, so he narrowed his eyes and warned Diago, "I'm just going to say this once... get out of the way".

Daigo frowned, though on the outside he looked calm and collected, on the inside he was having a panic attack, after all, he just watched as Harry did some very amazing and terrifying things, and he knew that Harry Potter is a very dangerous individual, one they had no idea about until a few moments ago.

Looking for some help or even support, Daigo looked over towards the DigiDestined, but all he received, were looks of mistrust and disappointment, Daigo sighed seeing this and then turned back his gaze to Harry, but before he could say or do anything, Harry waved his hand and sent him flying to the side.

A few seconds later, Daigo crashed against the ground with a gasp of pain and rolled a couple of times, before ending up on his belly in pain, he quickly tried to get up but stopped moving when the tip of a staff appeared in front of his eyes.

Now, very much afraid, Daigo looked up and flinched as he caught sight of Eri's glowing red eyes, the little girl was only staring at him, but Daigo felt like she would kill him on the spot if he moved, so he laid there completely still, Eri them calmly began to speak, "I don't want to hurt you Mr. Daigo, but I will, if you try to get in our way...".

Daigo gulped and nodded, the way Eri was looking at him unnerved him but made him know, that she wasn't joking at all, meanwhile, Harry stood in front of Maki, while she calmly just stared into his eyes.

However, despite looking calm and collected, Maki was very much afraid and nervous on the inside, but Harry didn't care about her emotions, he wanted answers, "Why? What were you really planning?".

Maki stood there in silence for a few seconds, she knew that Harry was on to her, but, she felt like it was best not to say anything, instead she said, "So everything Eri told me in Meiko's classroom about you is true..., your dangerous Harry Potter, far more than any Digi-gack!".

Maki was cut off mid-sentence, when an ungodly pressure drop on her so hard, that she was forced onto her knees, she gasped as she began to have a hard time breathing, however, she couldn't even ponder about what was happening, for Harry began to coldly speak to her while she was on her knees and hands on the ground, "We can do this the hard way or the easy way, it doesn't matter to me, but you will tell me what I want to know, so speak!".

The pressure disappeared just as it appeared, letting Maki breathe easy again, though now she was terrified, so she looked up and answered Harry's question, "I just... I just wanted my Digimon partner back...".

Harry narrowed his eyes at Maki, "Your Digimon partner?..." Harry taught about what Maki just said and realized what was going on, "I see, so your Digimon partner is gone... you were hoping that rebooting the Digital world would have brought it back, that's why you helped Dark Gennai and King Drasil, isn't it?".

Maki nodded and looked down in shame and sadness, Harry shook his head in disappointment at what he just heard, "It wouldn't have worked, rebooting the Digital World would have deleted its entire memory, and no Digimon would remember anything about their time before the reboot, all you would have done is give King Drasil the means to do what he wished, but you didn't care, right? After all, you were willing to sacrifice Meicoomon for your goals... why would you care what King's Drasil's true plans are?".

Maki frowned and looked down in shame, Harry just scoffed and turned around, "You're pathetic... I could have brought your Digimon partner back, but now? You can go to hell for trying to hurt my friends!".

Harry summoned his dark ultima weapon and approached Maki, intending to end her, but he was suddenly hugged tightly from behind by Meiko, which surprised him quite a bit, not expecting anyone to try and stop him, "Meiko?".

Meiko shook her head while hugging Harry, and began to speak, "Please, don't kill her! I know what she did was wrong, but I know she is not a bad person!".

Harry frowned and looked back a bit to see Meiko, "Meiko... she wanted to sacrifice Meicoomon, more than likely she wanted to force her into tapping into the virus, you would have lost Meicoomon forever and she didn't care, more than likely, she was nice to you just to get close and to have easy access to Meicoomon...".

Meiko just tightened her hold and began to cry, making Harry sigh in frustration, he really didn't like it when his friends cry, he then let go of his keyblade, which disappeared in a flash of black light, Harry then began to soothingly speak to Meiko, "... Alright Meiko, alright, just don't cry...".

Meiko nodded and sniffed but hid her face against Harry's back, which got Mimi, Kari, and Sora's eyes to twitch in a bit of annoyance, they love Meiko to bits, but Harry was off limits dammit!.

Harry turned his head back towards Maki and glared at her, "You're lucky Meiko is a kind girl... otherwise, you would have been dead, but make no mistake, stay away from my friends, the same goes for that organization of yours.

If I catch sight or hear anything about any of you, I will destroy you all, there won't be second chances nor mercy, and I'll give you all a fate worse than death if you ever get close to my friends again".

Maki looked down but nodded, she soon got up and began to walk away, though, she did stop a ways away from the DigiDestined, she looked up at the sky for a few seconds and then spoke, "For what it's worth, I am sorry...".

Everyone looked at Maki not believing her for a second, Harry huffed and then loudly said, "Get going before I change my mind!".

Maki nodded and quickly walked towards Daigo, who was looking towards her in disappointment, she didn't say anything and just helped him up, while Eri walked away from the two adults and back to everyone.

Soon after, both Daigo and Maki walked away from the DigiDestined and made their way out of the school, meanwhile, Harry snapped his fingers and instantly fixed all the destruction that was caused by the battles that happened here today.

Soon after, Eri took off the barriers she raised to protect the humans and buildings and then restarted time, the noise of excitement and fun from the School Festival began to once again be heard around the area.

Harry sighed and shook his head, he then turned to look at Meiko, who was still hugging his back tightly, "You're too nice and kind Meiko, but I guess, that's why you have the Crest of Bonds, it certainly suits you".

Meiko sneezed while still hiding her face on Harry's back, making him chuckle, after the whole battle and revelations of today, everyone was very tired and overwhelmed, too bad that they still needed to participate in the school festival.

Though Harry himself had things to do and while the DigiDestined had to continue to participate and finished what they were doing in the school festival, he left Eri with them, Nejire stayed with Meiko and Mimi, as well since she was still helping them with their school festival event, meanwhile, the dragon god left to take care of a few things that needed to be fixed in the Digital World.