Chapter 205

Alphamon quickly raised his hand towards Harry's face and began to shoot him with green digital energy blasts, massive explosions, and booms shook the Digital Plane known as Origin, Jesmon immediately jumped back to get away from the blasts and to avoid getting sent flying away through the air by the shockwaves caused by Alphamon's desperate attacks.

However, Harry was completely unaffected by Alphamon's attack, the dragon god in his dragon form didn't even flinch and instead jumped up, twirled in mid-air, and then slammed his enormous tail on top of Alphamon's body.

The Digital Plane aggressively shook from the slam of Harry's enormous dragon tail, while a massive shock was unleashed from around the point of impact, Jesmon jumped up and flew away, or at least tried to, but Harry suddenly shot out one of his claw and caught Jesmon in mid-air before it could get away.

Jesmon widen his eyes in shock, not expecting such an enormous creature to be able to move so fast, much less be able to catch him, all he saw was a golden blur and the next second he was being crushed by Harry's claws.

Harry turned his gaze towards Jesmon and glared at him, "You're not going anywhere, I can sense that defective and meddlesome Homeostasis energy you, you're going to tell me, where it is when I'm done with this asshole".

Harry suddenly lifted his claw and then swung it down hard, he let go of Jesmon mid-swing and watched him crash against the ground and ragdoll on the floor of the Digital Plane, eventually, Jesmon stopped ragdolling on the ground and skidded to a stop.

Jesmon groaned in pain as his body cracked and began to fall apart, he looked up and stared at Harry in complete shock and fear, "He... he just threw me... and he almost deleted me...".

Harry glared at Jesmon one more time and then turned away, he lifted his tail up and took a look at Alphamon, the black Royal Digimon Knight, sat up and then tried to get up, but he soon drop on one knee as he winced in pain.

He looked up towards Harry and glared at him, as his black Digizoid armor suddenly cracked and began to slowly come apart, Harry however, glared back at Alphamon and then said, "That one was for Davis... this one is for Cody!".

Alphamon's eyes widen in panic as he watched Harry take a big breath, the Black Royal Digimon Knight knew exactly what was coming, so he quickly spread out his golden-colored wings and flew away from Harry as fast as he could.

Harry stopped taking in oxygen as the temperature began to rise around him, white flames began to lick and flicker outside his jaws, in between his fangs, the dragon whipped his head back and then whipped it forward while opening his jaws wide open.

Alphamon didn't even get time to react or even try to move away, Harry suddenly fired a massive ball of white flames towards him, so fast that, before he knew it, Alphamon was suddenly engulfed in white flames and then trapped inside Harry's white flame fireball.

The massive ball of white flames suddenly detonated, there was nothing but silence for a few seconds until a big bright flash of light shined all over the Digital Plane and then a massive boom shook the area once more.


The DigiDestined were gaping at the brutality Harry was using and at his power, this dragon form was way to different from the one he used to have, back when they were children, Harry's dragon form was slightly bigger than Metalgreymon, with black scales and a light green underbelly.

His dragon form back then was intimidating and even a bit scary, Harry had called it his dragonlord form, but back then it wasn't this powerful, Harry had mentioned that he had outgrown his dragon form's power a long time ago and that only took on that form, to just mess with people.

In fact, in that dragon form, Harry was unable to do anything but use dragon techniques, which were elements breath attacks and some basic debuff techniques, he couldn't even use his magic in his dragonlord form.

But this new gold and silver dragon form, was evidently more powerful, after all, Harry could combine his white holy light, with the fire element and fire off a massive white flame fireball at Alphamon, something he definitely couldn't do before.

Izzy began to sweat as he checked his laptop, he had been scanning Harry's power output and condition while showing what was happening in real-time, "That white fireball... it was hotter than the Earth's core!".

Everyone, except Tony, Sherry, Eri, and Lily, gaped at Izzy, Tai shook his head and then said, "Holy crap! That's insane... I've never seen Harry fight in his dragon form before, but this is insane...".

Matt frowned and looked down, "He used to laze all the time and all over the place, in that black and green dragon form of his before, but he never fought while in it, I admit, I have always been curious about it, I even wanted to see him battle a Digimon in that form, but this is something out of this world".

Lily tilted her head and asked a question, "Black and green dragon form?... Oh! You must mean his dragonlord form! He doesn't have that anymore!".

Everyone turned their heads towards Lily and looked at her confused, Sora wanting to know what she meant, decided to ask for more details, "What do you mean Lily? Why doesn't he have that form anymore?".

Lily hummed a bit, she had always been told by the Dragovians of her world, to never speak of their secrets and their way of life, but then again, the DigiDestined are from another world and they're friends too, so it wouldn't hurt to explain a little.

So Lily smiled and then began to explain, "When Papa began his journey throughout the multiverse, he began in my world, where there's a race of beings called Dragovians.

Papa started out as a Dragovian and when Papa and Daddy reached the Dragovian Sanctuary, during their journey to stop a demonlord known as Lord Rhapthorne, the Lord of Darkness, he was accepted by them and taught everything about being a Dragovian.

There he learned how to access the full power of his dragon blood and gained his dragonlord form, a form that was connected to his concept of death which is why it was black-scaled.

But that dragon form just grants a boost in power and you're limited to a certain set of skills, each Dragovian's dragonlord form has a certain skill set, for Papa that was dragon skills, however, Papa's base form soon outgrew his dragonlord form as he learned new skills and gained new abilities.

Until he was able to evolve himself to the point where he became a true dragon! That gold and silver dragon form is actually, his true dragon god form and he can use all his skills, techniques, abilities, and spells in that form! He can even summon his keyblades and use them in his dragon form~".

The DigiDestined looked at Lily amazed and surprised at everything she just explained, Kari turned her head towards the laptop and stared at Harry's dragon form as he stood there watching the massive explosion of white flames, "... So this is Harry's true power as a dragon god".

Mimi smiled and then clapped, "Oh! Do you think he'll give me one of his scales? They look so beautiful!".

Meiko's nervously fidgeted with her fingers, "I want a silver one...".

Yolei grinned, "Wow, I always knew Harry was powerful, be he didn't really battle during our adventures, he helped us all the time but for the most part, he never showed this much power".

Ken scoffed and shook his head, "Speak for yourself, Harry beat the ever-loving crap out of me once...".

Cody chuckled in amusement, as he remembered how Harry, wasn't amused by Ken's shenanigans as the Digimon Emperor and beat him up once he got a hold of Ken, "To be fair, you did deserved that beating, you were quite the crazy and evil guy back then".

Ke sweatdropped, but didn't argue Cody's harsh but true words, Davis chuckled at his friend's expense and then said, "Still, this is amazing, I wonder if our Digimon can fight and maybe win against Harry?".

TK, who had recovered from being brutally elbowed, shook his head, "No way! You didn't see Harry fight against Dark Gennai, let me tell, you, he did some crazy and amazing things then".

Joe nodded, "Oh that's right what did he call it again?... Oh right! Ultra Instinct, he certainly looked cool in that form, his hair and eyes turned silver!".

Sherry smiled and then said, "Dad is holding back though".

That statement from Sherry, made everyone stop talking and turned their head towards her so fast, that Sherry actually flinched in worry, Tony chuckled at everyone's reaction and then said, "You guys didn't think, this was everything Harry can do in his dragon god form right?.

This is the guy that can destroy galaxies in his base form guys, the amount of power he can use in his dragon form, is so massive, that when he lets it all loose, reality begins to crack and fall apart".

Izzy gaped at Tony and then loudly asked, "What!? But the amount of energy needed to pull something like that off, would be...".

Tony grinned and nodded, "Massive? Well, Harry is like a highly condensed mass of dark matter, especially in his dragon god mode, it's a good thing he has a skill called 'Perfect Control'.

Otherwise, he would have destroyed the multiverse by just breathing and living, he would have to live in his own domain and away from everyone if he didn't have the control he does".

That was both a sobering and sad thought, to think that Harry was so powerful, that his presence alone can unravel the fabric of reality, Tai frowned and then asked, "But if he has this 'Perfect Control' skill, then why is he holding back?".

Nejire was the one who answer Tai's questions, "Because Harry wants to make Alphamon pay for hurting and leaving Davis and his group half dead, he's holding back, just so he can tear Alphamon apart, piece by piece".

Everyone widened their eyes, sure, it sounded brutal and even a bit cruel, but Alphamon did almost kill the second generation of DigiDestined and left them in a horrendous state, that was something Harry wasn't going to let Alphamon get away with.

Alphamon and King Drasil made one simple mistake, one that has, pretty much guarantee their defeat, they made this personal to Harry, and now they know why Harry didn't want any help, he didn't want to hurt them as he unleashed his anger on his enemies.

Sherry smiled and then said, "Never poke a dragon nor attack what it treasures most, for nothing will save you from its rage or retribution... something so obvious, but most bad guys ignore".


The explosion caused by Harry's massive white flame fireball, soon subsided, revealing to everyone, Alphamon's condition, the once imposing and regal, Holy Digimon Royal Knight, now looks like he has seen better days, and his black Digizoid armor was now glowing red and looked melted in some parts.

Greed digital energy was also bleeding from his body, and through the cracks in his armor, however, Alphamon was still alive, so he opened his eyes and looked over to Harry, to see where he was, only for Harry's massive form to blur in front of him and swipe a claw towards the straggling Alphamon.

The Black Royal Digimon Knight growled in pain as Harry's claw cut into his shoulder and ripped his left arm off, sending it flying through the air, Harry pulled his claw back and glared at Alphamon, "That one was Yolei".

Alphamon reached over the stump that is now his shoulder, with his other hand, and growled at Harry, "You think this is justice?... That King Drasil will continue to let you do as you please? Harry Potter, your threat to his will, I might not be powerful enough to stop you.

But, you won't stop his majesty from making sure that Digimon and humans never get together aga- gah!".

Harry not wanting to hear Alphamon's monolog, suddenly snapped his jaws on top of the Black Royal Digimon Knight, and bit off the upper half of his body, only to spit it out to the side a second later.

Alphamon just lay there on the floor shocked at what just happened, Harry looked down at him and then coldly said, "That was for Ken... that outdated program you call your King will die as well.

You, that fool Dark Gennai and King Drasil have no idea what I'm capable of, your small and weak minds can't even comprehend nor accept the simple fact, that I'm something beyond your calculations... Alphamon, die knowing you served a foolish, arrogant program with a god complex, die knowing that all his plans will fail!".

Alphamon glared at Harry, but Harry closed one of his claws and formed a fist, only to raise it above his head and then bring it down on top of Alphamon's upper body, crushing him and finally deleting him.

Though not before the Digital Plane shook and trembled from Harry, slamming his fist on top of Alphamon, Harry soon lifted his fist and watched as Alphamon's green digital energy residue floated up and then disappeared.

Harry scoffed and then began to walk away from the crater his punch created on the ground of this Digital Plane, "That was for going after Meiko and Meicoomon, and for attacking Tai and the others".


Jesmon had watched the brutal attack given to Alphamon and once he saw that the Black Royal Digimon Knight was deleted, he knew that it was his turn, so he tried to quickly get up, however, his body had been severely damaged from the crash and ragdolling he had on the ground.

So Jesmon struggled to even get on one knee, however, it was too late, as he suddenly had the face of a glaring gold and silver dragon right on his face, "Are you going to talk or I am going to have to make you? Because it doesn't matter to me what you chose to do.

You will tell me everything you know about what's going on and where Homeostasis is, otherwise, you will regret ever hatching from your Digi-Egg..."

Jesmon began to nervously sweat, honestly, he couldn't escape, even if he wanted to, so he couldn't really refuse to answer Harry Potter's questions, so with a sigh, Jesmon Dedigivolved into Hackmon, the rookie-level Digimon sighed and tremble in pain.

Despite not showing any wounds or injuries that he had in his Jesmon form, he was still severely wounded, Harry seeing that Hackmon wasn't going to fight or run, he turned into his human form and stared at the rookie-level Digimon, "... You're the Digimon I saw outside Izzy's office when Leomon was telling us what was happening in the Digital World".

Hackmon nodded but didn't say anything else, as he huffed in pain, Harry frowned, "What were you doing there, and what does Homeostasis want with the DigiDestined again?".

Hackmon looked up and looked a bit confused, "Again? What do you mean again? This isn't the first time Homeostasis has involved itself with the Digidestined? But then... why?".

Harry silently watched as Hackmon looked very confused and lost for a few moments, while he thought about what the rookie-level Digimon was saying right now, "... Where did you even come from? You're a Royal Digimon Knight, so why were you fighting Alphamon?".

Hackmon's eyes widen in further surprise, "What? Me? A Royal Digimon Knight? That's not true, Homeostasis hatched my Digi-Egg, it told me that it was my job to keep the balance of the Digital World...".

Harry narrowed his eyes, nothing that Hackmon said made any sense, Homeostasis is a formless digital lifeform, back during the DigiDestined's adventures and battles against the dark masters, Homeostasis had possessed Kari and explained how it had chosen the first generation of DigiDestined and created the crests and tags.

How it had helped Gennai and the few surviving humanoid digital life forms to prepare for the incoming darkness, however, Harry never believed that, and his suspensions about Homeostasis just taking advantage of a situation, to claim as its own doing, were spot on.

Since he was proved to be right when Gabriel uncovered the real reason as to why the DigiDestined have their own reserves of digital energy, sure, Homeostasis might have created the Digivices and the tags with the help of Gennai and the other digital life forms.

But he didn't choose the DigiDestined nor did it create their Digimon partners, no, fate had chosen the first generation of the DigiDestined, and their Digimon were born out of their own digital energy, that's why, the DigiDestined's Digimon are so special, much different than any regular Digimon.

They were born from the digital energy of their human partners, but Homeostasis needed the DigiDestined to side with it, to fight the dark masters, for it couldn't do so itself, without a physical form, unlike King Drasil who has a physical form, it can't interact directly with the Digital World or the Human World.

It needs the DigiDestined, but they don't need it, not anymore, especially now that the DigiDestined have much better equipment for their ever-growing digital energy, but even then, why would such a being need someone like Jesmon?

Why do all of this and get involved now? So Harry got on one knee and decided to ask Hackmon a few questions, "What did Homeostasis ask you to do? Why were you observing the DigiDestined? How is Homeostasis involved in all of this?".

Hackmon gazed at Harry's eyes, he had already raised some good questions and told Hackmon some very confusing details he didn't know about, so, the rookie-level Digimon began to think that it would be best to give Harry some answers.

Perhaps, this way, Hackmon might be able to learn more, besides, it's not like Hackmon could refuse, he knew he had no chances against Harry, not after seeing how easily he deleted Alphamon.

So Hackmon began to quickly explain what he knew, "Homeostasis didn't explain much after I hatched from my Digi-Egg, all it did, is give me the power to Digivolve on my own and then told me to investigate the infected Digimon.

It did mention how he was forced to ask for my aid because someone named Gennai was taken and it needed someone to be able to move around and investigate.

I soon found out the culprit behind the infected Digimon, a small rookie Digimon in the human world who had somehow absorbed a shard containing a small piece of data from Apocalymon... I of course let Homeostasis know about this.

It decided that Libra, the rookie-level Digimon that was infected by the virus and the origin of it, was too dangerous to let it continue to exist, so the plan was to quickly delete it, before Libra would draw on the darkness from Apocalymon's data.

However, King Drasil and its minions, wanted the virus to create more infected Digimon and cause the reboot, so they protected Libra and sought to create scenarios that would force Libra to draw on the darkness from Apocalymon's data".

Harry huffed in annoyance, "By Libra you must mean Meicoomon, right?" Hackmon nodded and Harry went on, "... Always doing whatever it wants without thinking about the consequences or what the kids would have to go through.

Homeostasis keeps doing whatever it wants and dragging others into its nonsense without a care in the world, all because it thinks it knows better... honestly, at this point, it's not better than King Drasil.

The conflict between those two has gone on long enough it has made the lives of my friends difficult for the last time.

Hackmon, I can see you were brought into this world without knowing who or what you are, more than likely, Homeostasis captured you from King Drasil and reconfigured you back into a Digi-Egg, only to use you when you hatched.

So, I'll let you go, since you were just following orders, but if you try to get in my way, I will destroy you, now, where is Homeostasis?".

Hackmon shook its head, in all honesty, he was very thankful for the fact, that he didn't have to fight Harry, but he really didn't know where Homeostasis is right now, "I don't know, I haven't been able to contact Homeostasis, ever since I told her of your battle with that dark fake Imperialdramon and that guy you blasted away".

Harry nodded and stood up, "I see... it must be hiding knowing that I now know of its involvement, that thing is far more aware of how different I am to the other humans and Digimon, after all, it has always been wary of me since I pushed it out of Kari's body the first time it tried to posses her".

Hackmon didn't say anything and just nodded, Harry turned around and then began to walk away from Hackmon, but as he did so, he told Hackmon one last thing, "You better leave this Digital Plane, I came here to end King Drasil and once he is gone, I'll be doing some things that will change the Digital World forever.

But if you do get in contact with Homeostasis, tell it, that I will find it and I will delete it, I'll make sure it learns its lesson about going around and changing the lives of children on a whim, it doesn't have that right, and I will make sure it pays for that".

Hackmon nodded and watched as Harry suddenly take off flying and leave to a deeper part of Origin, not having anything else to do here, Hackmon began to limp his way out of this place, though, at this moment, he was thinking about what he should next with his life.


Harry flew deeper and deeper onto the Digital Plane known to a few, as Origin, until he finally reached the center of the Digital World, the place connected to multiple realities, a place no one but King Drasil has been able to enter

Here, King Drasil can watch over the many quadrants connected to the Digital World as a whole and all the humans who had ever stepped into it, it's in this place where King Drasil makes all his calculations and judges what needs to be done.

However, as of late, the xenophobic ruling program had been utterly confused, ever since he had seen the end of his minion, Dark Gennai, King Drasil had been unable to compute or understand what he had seen, Harry Potter do.

So when he sense Harry arrive in his chamber, King Drasil immediately showed itself and stood in front of Harry, in his true form, Yggdrasill 7-D-6, a form where he's covered in white armor-like robes and has green tentacle-like vines growing underneath him.

Harry floated in front of him and looked up at the so-called God of the Digital World, King Drasil stared back at Harry and then suddenly spoke, "Harry Potter... what are you?".

Harry closed his eyes and shook his head, "You still on about that huh? For a so-called digital deity, you're pretty slow on the uptake".

King Drasil didn't do or say anything, for a few seconds, until he began to speak again, "You claim to be this dragon god and yet, there's no record in the Digital World or the human world of a being like you, only myths and legends created by human imagination.

With what right do you claim to be my equal? What makes you think you can just show your face to me right now, in my doma-".

A massive ki blast smashed against King Drasil's body sending him flying back, completely stunned to be attacked so suddenly and actually being hurt, for the first time since he had awoken in this Digital Plane, he had never been hurt or felt pain before and yet, Harry just blasted him away with ease.

Harry just coldly stared at King Drasil as he watched him fall on his back in this domain, that looks like an empty starless night sky, only red ones and zeros can be seen floating around in this domain, and there was no up or down, nor left or right.

Nothing worked here as it did in the human world, but Harry was completely unaffected by the strangeness of this domain, "You talk too much, but then again, beings like you do, really do they think they know better?

Honestly, I don't have time for your nonsense, I need you gone soon, so the new and real God of the Digital World can do its job and get to work on fixing everything stupid you have caused".

King Drasil quickly stood up and lashed out at Harry with a wave of green flame-like energy, but Harry just raised his hand, gathered and manipulated the green flame-like energy, into the palm of his hand, and then created an orb with it.

King Drasil stared in surprise at what Harry had done, the dragon god, however, smiled in amusement, "You honestly thought you were invincible huh? How funny, but unfortunately for you, you're not even a threat to the real monsters of the multiverse.

At best, you're a city destroyer and you need to put some real effort into actually pulling it off, but it's funny how you think so highly of yourself just because you're the most powerful in the Digital World when the multiverse is quite bigger than your small processing power can compute".

Harry closed his hand over the green flame-like energy in his hand and crushed it, Harry suddenly let his energy surge out of his body causing King Drasil's domain to shake and tremble.

The so-called God of the Digital World looked around in a panic, but before he could do anything, Harry hugged his shoulders, while crossing his arms over his chest and began to growl as his energy began to lash out and destroy the area around him, his ki turned small wisps of golden energy began to swirl around everywhere in the area.

Harry suddenly began to roar as his energy began to form massive arcs of electricity that violently lashed and whipped around him, King Drasil began to actually feel fear and with that new and unknown emotion, his computing program began to malfunction, "Cannot compute! Cannot compute! Fatal error! The probability of you defeating me was 0%! Fatal error!".

But Harry grinned and his energy began to swirl around him and form a maelstrom of golden energy around him, while King Drasil was trying to make sense of what he was feeling and seeing.


~Meanwhile with the DigiDestined~

Izzy gasped as the program he was using to scan, Harry's energy levels began to go highwire, "What the! Harry's energy level is skyrocketing!".

Sora looked worried as Harry's energy was beginning to slowly destroy King Drasil's domain, "What is Harry doing!? That looks dangerous!".

Tony, seeing everyone was getting very worried, decided to explain, "He's going to destroy, both King Drasil and his domain, to ensure that he won't just reform again later on".

Everyone looked confused and stared at Tony in confusion, Meiko tilted her head and decided to ask, "But why? Wouldn't just destroying King Drasil be enough? Why is Harry doing all of this?".

Tony smiled and then explained, "You have to understand that King Drasil is not a flesh and blood being, he's not even a supernatural being, he's a program, and as long as some data of him remains, he could eventually reform again.

Just like Apocalymon and the shard that ended up in your Digimon partner, so, Harry is making sure, nothing remains of King Drasil, even his domain".

Meiko nodded in understanding, "I see".

Tai then spoke up, "What is Harry doing? That's a lot of energy".

Eri suddenly took off her Witch's hat and began to rummage inside of it, "Let's see... I have a book of all the techniques Daddy can use, I got it when I got back to my house! I wanted to know more about Ultra Instinct".

The DigiDestined nodded, but wondered how and why there was a book with all of Harry's techniques, meanwhile, Eri began to grab and take out things from her Witch's hat, first a super mushroom, which Mimi caught, though sweatdropped when she saw that the mushroom had a blush on its cheeks and was giving her a wink.

Then she took out a goomba, who squeak in surprise and landed head first on Davis' head causing both to yelp in pain, though the goomba quickly recovered and tried to bite Davis, both Cody and Ken began to fight the goomba to prevent it from biting Davis's butt off.

Then a shotgun flew over the DigiDestined and Matt caught it, he quickly looked it over and then grinned, "Neat!".

Eri then threw a bottle and Kari caught it before it could hit the ground and shatter, she looked inside and saw a dizzy fairy inside, Kari gaped and then showed the bottle to Sora and Yolei who also gape.

Sherry and Lily were laughing at the chaos Eri was causing by taking stuff out that she keeps in her hat, oh there goes a warhammer, which made Joe jump to the side to avoid the massive weapon crashing against him.

This went on for a while and Eri took out plenty of weird stuff, things like weapons, power-ups, and all sorts of magical objects to even monsters, but eventually, she found the book she was looking for and began to check the technique's description.

Eri soon found the name of the technique and smiled, "Ooh! This is going to have a big boom! the name of the technique is...".


Harry suddenly spread his arms wide open and roared the name of his technique, "'Final Explosion!'".

The energy gathered around Harry flashed and then unleashed the attack as a gigantic, swirling dome of golden energy, that spread out from around Harry in all directions.

King Drasil and his domain were engulfed in the golden energy in a split second, all of it, and then, the energy detonated causing a massive explosion that destroyed everything around the Digital Plane, King Drasil only had one second to see Harry glared at him before his body was utterly and completely destroyed.


Eri watched the technique in awe, though sadly frowned soon after, "What a cool technique, though I don't think I can use it anytime soon".

Everyone turned to look at Eri, while they were putting everything she took out of her Witch's hat back into it, but it was TK who asked about what she said, "Huh? Why not?".

Eri pointed at the book and explained, "Because that technique uses life energy to work, it's why it's a very powerful technique, cause you're using your very life to ignite the energy, it's an explosion that destroys anything around the user.

Daddy using it, is like multiple supernovas happening all at once, everything is destroyed at a molecular level".

Joe frowned and then asked, "Isn't that dangerous? Life energy is not something someone should use right? It sounds important".

Eri nodded, "Well yes, life energy is important to most living beings, but someone like Daddy can use the technique without burning out his life, but I don't have the control or amount of energy that Daddy does.

That's why this technique is beyond me at the moment, originally, the technique was a sort of last attack kind of deal and you would turned to stone afterwards, but Daddy is going to be fine".

Everyone nodded, the technique sounded very dangerous and made everyone wonder what sort of situation would push someone to use something like it, but right now, they chose to trust Harry, so they turned their attention back to the laptop's screen.