Chapter 236

After Harry gave quite a few people a ride around the world on his back while being in his dragon god form, he eventually arrived back at Bulma's home and quickly landed to rejoin everyone else who were also waiting on him to come back, most of the Z Fighters had decided to start eating while the rest of the family and friends just waited for the dragon god.

So when everyone made it back they found the Saiyans demolishing food at high speeds, while the rest of the group watched on in horror and fascination the never ending horror show that is the Saiyans eating.

Harry and the rest immediately joined in eating and hanging out with friends and family, it was a very mellow and calm gathering between friends, where everyone enjoyed good food and catching up with each other.

Eventually the group finished eating and Harry took the opportunity to explain the situation and why he was back in this world to begin with.

The war against the Reapers, the preparation going on in Neo Kyoto, the emergence of new technology and weapons, and of course the biggest and most interesting news, Harry had found a way for all his friends to be able to visit his world without risk.

Or at least, for those belonging to the Dragon Ball world, there were other worlds that Harry did not want to connect his world to at all and for good reasons, but for now, his friends of this world can now visit his own safely.

Goku hummed a bit as he processed everything that Harry just talked about, until he decided to voice his opinion, "Things seem rather dire in that world you mentioned Harry... the Reapers huh?".

Harry nodded in agreement with Goku's statements Vegeta crossed his arms and asked a question, "Are these Reapers strong?".

Harry shook his head and explained, "Not really, in fact Krillin could easily destroy one in a single blast, so no, they're not that powerful.

Rather, they're a threat because of the nature of their being and their annoying abilities".

Vegeta nodded understanding the problem, "Like Guldo from the Ginyu Force right? He was weak but his ability to stop time was what made him dangerous".

Harry frowned remembering how annoying fighting someone like that green annoying midget was, "Yes, that's actually a perfect comparison".

17 rested his head on his hand as he leaned his body forward against the table he was sitting on, "They're also artificial in nature, so like 18 and me, you can't detect their energy signature, right?".

Harry sighed and nodded confirming 17 guess, "That's right, I can sense their digital energy signature but only when they actually connect with it, it's why I wasn't able to find them plus their universe is massive and they seem to be hiding on the edge of known space".

Yamcha frowned and decided to add his thoughts to the conversation, "Those guys sound extremely annoying to face, fighting the androids back then was already pretty dangerous as it is, but these Reapers sound even more dangerous".

Piccolo narrowed his eyes and then said, "Well, given that they can brainwash people into doing their bidding, I said they're a threat of a high order".

Now, that was something everyone could agree to, the ability to brainwash people into their fold made the Reapers a very dangerous threat, far much more than what they already were.

Bulma, who had been listening to everything in silence suddenly spoke up, "I'm more concerned about what we don't know about them.

You said that these Reapers go through this massive cleaning of the universe every millennium or so and whatnot, that raises the question as to just how old they are and what sort of things they have learned and gained from all the civilizations they have destroyed".

Tien nodded in agreement with Bulma and then said "An experienced foe makes for a powerful enemy, we can't lower our guard when going up against something like a Reaper".

Harry agreed with a nod, "Yes, we're taking this threat very seriously, the most annoying aspect of these Reapers, is the fact that even if we destroyed their physical form they can survive in their digital one.

Killing one is not that simple, which is why a friend of mine named Izzy, is helping me come up with a way to both, kill their physical bodies and delete their digital self as well though it is a slow process in the making.

Meanwhile, we're working on making things that will help our friends in that world, to not only survive what's to come but to be also able to fight off the Reapers until we come up with a solution as to how to really kill them off, permanently".

Trunks suddenly spoke up from behind where he was sparring against Pan, while Bra cheered for him, "Oh? Is that why you came for Mom?".

Harry nodded but winced when Pan suddenly elbowed Trunks below the belt when he got distracted, Trunks gasped in pain and dropped to the ground face-first in defeat.

The male members of the Z Warriors all winced in pain and prayed for their fellow fallen male member, while Pan cheered in victory, Harry wanting to change the subject away from such a painful scene, explained a bit more, "Yes, Bulma will be a great help to us with this of course.

But I also came to get her because of her experience in reverse engineering alien technology, I came across a massive space station capable of destroying planets and we want to learn as much as possible about it.

But none of us can figure out the language and the way it works, so Bulma came into mind when we were wondering what to do since the technology in the space station might be very useful with what we want when we face the Reapers".

Gohan nodded in understanding and then spoke up, "I see, since Bulma was able to reverse engineer Namekian, Saiyans, and the Frieza Force technology, she would be perfect to work with to find more about that space station you just mentioned".

Bulma nodded, "Sounds like a fun project actually, I can't wait to get started!".

Harry smiled and then said, "Sure, we'll go there later, of course for your help in this, you're welcome to learn and get any materials and technology from Neo Kyoto.

We have a lot of variety when it comes to technology, we even have quite a few alien races living in Neo Kyoto, I'm sure you can learn a lot from them as well".

Bulma now looked very much excited about the project she was going to be getting involved in, Harry then turned his head towards Gohan, "You can join the research and study guild in Neo Kyoto, your quite accomplished as a scholar so I'm sure you will learn a lot there and gain lots of useful knowledge!".

Gohan smiled and seemed excited as well, Videl saw the spark in her husband's eyes and couldn't help but smile fondly at him, Harry smiled as well and then continued speaking, "The children can also go to school in Neo Kyoto we have some very good ones and there, they don't have to hide their powers or abilities.

They can finally stop hiding and be who they are without any fear of rejection or of property damage since all of Neo Kyoto is heavily warded with all sorts of enchantments that protect citizens and even automatically fix any damages as well".

Goten and Pan looked very interested, to them school was boring and tedious, they rather train and fight, but the way Harry described Neo Kyoto's school, it seemed like a very fun place, where they could do what they wanted without worrying about anything else.

Trunks also liked the idea and he showed it by raising a shaking hand and giving everyone a thumbs up, while he continued to groan in pain from the attack he received on his groin by Pan.

Bra tilted her head and seemed to be thinking about something, after a few seconds she decided to ask a question, "Does that mean I can blow stuff up and not get into trouble?".

Everyone, especially Vegeta and Bulma turned around to stare at Bra in confusion and a bit of apprehension, Bulma curious as to what her daughter meant, decided to ask her about it, "Bra? What do you mean blowing stuff up?".

Bra, instead of giving her mother an answer, raised her hand and opened her palm wide, everyone was curious about what she was doing while Vegeta raised an eyebrow finding the pose familiar.

A few seconds later he realized what his daughter was going to do, but it was too late for him to do anything about it, for a massive blue ki ball materialized on Bra's hand and then released it.

Everyone panicked as they saw the ki technique fly off forward, Harry and Goku immediately reacted and teleported to intercept the ki Blast, both instantly kicked it upwards and sent the ki Blast flying off high into the sky, where it exploded a few seconds later.

Everyone gaped at the explosion that went off above them, it wasn't as powerful as one of the adults, but it was still shocking to see, especially since it was Bra who fired off the ki blast with such ease in the first place.

Goku sighed in relief, while Harry nervously chuckled happy that both he and Goku were able to reflect the ki attack before it hit something or someone, Bulma sweatdropped at what her daughter just pulled off and all the while, Vegeta was caught between feeling proud and concern that his daughter was able to fire off Big Bang attacks with ease.

Pan however pouted and pointed at Bra while turning her head towards Gohan and Piccolo, "Hey! How come she can do ki attack and I can't!? She's younger than me!".

Piccolo sweatdropped not knowing how to respond to his student's question, while Gohan scratched his head and nervously chuckled, Videl watched with an amused smile at how her daughter demanded answers from both Piccolo and her father, such powerful fighters and both of them are afraid of Pan.

After Piccolo and Gohan were able to appease Pan a bit by promising to teach her some ki techniques later, everyone was then able to continue the conversation Harry as having with them, Harry of course was more than happy to keep going, "Okay, so besides the kids being able to go to school in Neo Kyoto.

There's also the Natural Dungeon! There you can grow stronger, get paid for whatever you sell that you get from the dungeon, and even get skill scrolls that can teach you all sorts of abilities, skills, spells, and techniques"

Everyone, especially Goku and Vegeta, were very interested in the dungeon, especially after having heard about it the last time Harry had visited them, Chi Chi was particularly happy that Goku could get money by doing something he loves.

She knew that Goku didn't enjoy being a radish farmer but they did need money for the family, especially because Goten needed to go to a good school like Gohan.

So Goku getting paid for training and getting stronger in the dungeon sounded like a wonderful thing for everyone in the family, others like Piccolo, Tien, and Buu, weren't really interested in money.

But rather, like the idea of being able to grow stronger and learn new techniques, skills, and even spells, something Krillin had to say something about, "Hey Harry, do you think is possible for someone to teach us magic?

You gave us the ability to use it, but no one in this world can use magic like you do, much less knows spells that would be useful in battle or everyday life, well except that clothes beam Piccolo can use".

Piccolo nodded and then said his opinion on the matter, "I know of some magic spells and techniques thanks to my fusion with Kami, he knew quite a bit of magic, it's how he created the Dragon Balls after all.

But nothing too useful really, mostly stuff like cleaning and repairing things with mana, basic stuff really".

Harry nodded understanding the predicament everyone he gave magic to has, "Well, I can teach you magic as well, there's also my girlfriends Hermione and Le Fay, they're experts in magic of all branches and I'm sure they would love to teach you guys anything you would be interested in learning.

There's also my daughter Eri, she's the Dragon God of Magic, she can also teach you all sorts of spells and magic schools, though she leans more towards the very destruction types of spells".

This news made everyone who was granted magic by Harry very happy, everyone had been struggling to be able to do anything with it because there were not a lot of magic practitioners in this world.

The few that existed didn't want anything to do with teaching anyone their craft, so this left the humans of the Z Warriors with the only option of experimenting to see what they could do.

Many like Krillin and Tien used what they had seen Harry do, to try and imitate it, so far they were able to do things like creating fire and lightning, which isn't much, but it was a start, the main problem was learning how to manipulate mana.

Mana is very different from ki, mana is fluid and calm, while ki is hot and explosive, both types of energies were so different from each other, that those who had a lifetime of using ki were having difficulty learning how to wield magic.

Chi Chi and Bulma had an easier time with it, both had lived with Harry and the dragon god had explained how mana works to them a few times whenever they asked Harry about it.

This led to them being able to pull off some spells with ease, things like cleaning the house, washing dishes, and even translating spells, Chi Chi was even able to learn how to levitate and fly with mana.

Which helped her a lot whenever she had to go to the city to shop for food from Mount Paozu, Bulma was even able to create a pocket dimension with mana which helped her carry her tools and research with her at all times and keep it safe.

But other than that, it has been difficult to learn more about magic and how to manipulate mana, so Harry being willing to teach them was a good thing, especially because they could also ask for help from some of Harry's family members.

Harry was very happy that everyone was excited about being able to go to Neo Kyoto, so after his announcement and telling them what was going on, he began to hand over the objects he had created to allow his friends to go to his home world.

A bracelet enchanted to hell and back that can function as a pocket portal to its wielder, Harry carefully keyed the bracelets to each one of his friends, he keyed in their blood, ki, and even soul signature just to make sure only they could use the bracelets.

After that he explained to everyone how to use them and where they would arrive when they reached his world, which is his house in Kuoh, everyone understood how to use the bracelets quickly enough and were thankful that Harry kept the use of its function basic and easy to understand.

After that, Harry and his friends spent some time just hanging out and having fun together, all the while Ophis played with the children and talked to the young warriors about Kuoh and New Kyoto.

It was a fun and happy little gathering of friends where everyone got to learn of everything that Harry had been involved in since his last visit, it was a good day.

(Some weeks later)

After Harry finished hanging out with his friends from the Dragon Ball Universe, everyone then made plans to visit Harry's home world, his household and Neo Kyoto, everything this new world offered to them was a very exciting thing for them and they couldn't wait to experience everything Harry told them about.

A few days after Harry visited their world, the Z Warriors, their family, and their friends made their way to Harry's home, where they hoped to meet the Potter Family.

Boy was it pure chaos when everyone arrived, they all appeared in the basement of the Potter Household, where they got to see other portals leading to other worlds and people of all kinds walking in and out of said portals.

Harry had told them that the point of arrival for the bracelets was the portal room in his house, there, portals leading to all kinds of worlds sat and are used to go to Neo Kyoto from Harry's home.

But seeing all of this live was something else entirely, however, the fact that everyone coming and going through the portals was smiling, told everyone how happy and how much fun they were having.

This only increased the excitement in everyone, eventually, already knowing where to go, they all decided to leave the portal room and head up to Harry's house.

Luckily, the portal room has a direct staircase out of the basement, which the visitors from the Dragon Ball universe used to reach Harry's house, they all soon arrived at his living room and there they found a blond, red-eyed young woman sitting on a couch and watching TV.

Ereshkigal immediately noticed the big group of people that had arrived from the basement, and turned her head to greet everyone with a smile, "Oh? You guys must be the friends Harry has in that world with the wishing orbs thingies, right?".

Everyone smiled and nodded to Ereshkigal, who got up and walked over to them, "Great! I'm Ereshkigal! Goddess of Death and Queen of the Underworld, but most importantly! One of Harry's girlfriend~".

Everyone smiled even more now knowing that Ereshikal was one of Harry's girlfriends and that with her, they would be taken care of.

After the Z Warriors, their friends and family introduced themselves to Ereshkigal, she immediately began to take everyone on a tour around the house, to both see it and meet the many people living in the Potter household.

First, Ereshkigal took them to the kitchen, where they met Susan Bones and Himiko Toga, who were baking some cakes, it didn't have to be said, but these two became pretty popular with the Saiyans, who having smelt the cakes Susan and Himiko were baking, decided that they were hungry.

Susan, who is a motherly and caring young woman and Himiko who loves to cook, took on the difficult responsibility of feeding the Saiyans and to everyone's surprise, they were succeeding in doing so.

Both Susan and Himiko cooked so fast and with magic, allowing them to keep up with the voracious appetite of the Saiyans that it left everyone in shock, well except Chi Chi, Bulma, and Videl, they were taking notes and asking about what spells and techniques they were using to cook so fast and effectively.

Usually, it takes about an hour or so of constant feeding for the Saiyans to be satisfied, but Susan having been told by Harry about their appetites and she herself having dealt with his appetite and that of everyone in the house, was able to finish feeding them in about 20 minutes.

This is the skill and experience of cooks who feed dragon gods daily and that's something of a legendary accomplishment on its own! A Saiyans appetite is nothing compared to that really.

After that Ereshkigal took everyone to the gardens, there they found Jessica, Rei, and Luna tending the garden, which was pretty impressive to see, there were all kinds of trees, flowers, and plants that no one recognized.

Gohan, being the scholar that he is, grew excited about these new plants and their biology, which got Videl to smile from seeing him so excited and happy.

It was here that Luna noticed them and immediately greeted everyone with a smile and a wave, Ereshkigal wasted no time in walking over to her with everyone and introduced them.

Luna Lovegood, Jessica Albert, and Rei Himura, three kind, tough, but sweet girls who are also Harry's girlfriends, Luna to everyone in the group, seemed like sweet and caring girls, very popular with the kids, since both Pan and Bra immediately got along with her.

But Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo sensed that there was something else going on with her, something in Luna was just dark in nature, but it wasn't evil, it was dark for sure but it had a gentle hint to it.

It confused them and furthermore, it intrigued them enough that they wanted to fight her to see what she could do, Luna, of course, accepted the challenge with a soft smile on her face.

And then proceeded to beat the ever-loving shit out of every Z Warrior, all while the women of the group sat on the grass with Jessica and Rei to have some tea and gossip about what's going on in this world.

Luna didn't take long with the Z Warriors and left them all on the ground defeated and broken, she did all of that with a soft smile on her face, which had Pan and Bra have sparkles coming out of their eyes as they watched a very pretty lady kick the butt of everybody around.

Which Luna noticed and giggled about, Goku sat up and coughed up some blood, "Ow... I think she shattered my ribs...".

Vegeta rolled on his belly and huffed in pain, "Damn... even with your Ultra Instinct, we couldn't touch her, this was worse than Jiren!".

Piccolo dug himself out from a crater and coughed, "Those darkness abilities and spells hurt a lot... plus she has a Keyblade as well, we should know better than to challenge her like this".

Gohan limped his way over to Krillin and pulled him out from the rocks he had been buried in, "She is really strong and I think she was still holding back a lot".

Krillin groaned in pain and nodded while hanging from his foot, which was being held by Gohan, "At least she didn't go for the kill... that was scary".

Tien and Yamcha limped towards everyone and sighed when they reached them, Tien stood up straight but winced in pain, "What skill, her form with the Keyblade and her martial arts are top-notch".

Yamcha nodded while he cleaned some blood dripping from his lips with his sleeves, "Yeah... and those dark spells are no joke, every time she used one, my skin crawled...".

Luna must have heard everyone, because she smiled and turned around to face them, "I'm one of the few people in the family who can use the dark element and pure Darkness itself.

It's something that can't be ignored, your instincts know that it's dangerous in nature so your skin just crawls, as for your Ultra Instinct Goku, well, I can see into the future, it's a power of mine born from being a seer.

So even if you react to my attacks and moves with Ultra Instincts, I can see what you're going to do way before you do it and hit you anyway, plus I'm faster than you, so that helps".

Goku nodded understanding, "I see, your incredible Luna, I have to fight you again!".

Luna giggled and shook her head, "You're exactly how Harry described you to be Goku, sure I'll spar with you anytime you want, I'm usually not doing anything other than researching new monsters in the Natural Dungeon anyways".

Goku looked excited, though some of his friends looked at him like he was crazy, well except Vegeta and Piccolo, they both looked like they also wanted to fight Luna again too, after all, one can learn a lot about themselves and grow stronger by fighting someone stronger than themselves.

After that little battle and getting healed, the Z Warriors, family, and friends rejoined Ereshkigal and after saying their goodbyes to Luna, Jessica, and Rei, she took them to the backyard, where Harry was found sleeping in his dragon form, with quite a few people sleeping on his belly as well.

Everyone from the Dragon Ball world laughed at the image of the all-powerful dragon god taking a nap like a cat with his belly up while having others sleeping on his belly as well.

It was a funny scene, the laughter however awoke everyone who was sleeping and they all looked over towards who was laughing.

Harry opened an eye and smiled when he saw his friends, "Oh? You guys arrived already?".

With that said, the dragon god lifted a claw and then gently grabbed the people who had been sleeping on his belly and then turned his body onto his belly.

With that done, Harry then put his claw down and opened it, and then a couple of young women and little girls walked out of his claw.

Pan and Bra widely smiled when they saw Ophis and immediately took off running towards her, meanwhile, Harry decided to introduce everyone who was sleeping on his belly, "Alright, these are my friends from the Dragon Ball world, I told you about them".

One of the girls smiled and walked over to them, "Hi! I'm Milim Nava! It's nice to meet more friends of Harry, especially strong ones! I hope you guys like fighting because we all do that here!".

The Z Warriors all grinned liking Milim already, while Chi Chi and Bulma rolled their eyes and sighed, 18 just smiled as she watched Krillin grin in excitement, it was good to see him so excited again.

18 then noticed Marron fidgeting, it seemed like she wanted to go with Bra and Pan, "Go ahead and play with them, Marron".

Marron turned her head towards her mother and smiled, she then nodded and took off running towards Pan, Bra, and Ophis, who smiled at her when she joined them, it made 18 happy to see her daughter having more friends and smiling like she is now.

Suddenly, the quartet was joined by two more little girls, one of them waved at everyone and introduced herself, "Hello ~ I'm Eri, my Dad is Harry Potter and my Mommy Ophis told me about you guys, it's nice to meet you!".

Eri being just a bit older than Bra and Pan, made her instantly accepted by the young hybrid saiyans, they were happy to get more friends around their age after all, Marron stared at Eri, which confused the little dragon god, until Marron grabbed her, hugged her, and then squealed, "You're so cute!"

Eri just smiled and giggled, happy to let herself get hugged, 18 however sweatdropped, "Sigh, there's that obsession with small cute things of hers... oh well, at least she's happy".

The other little girl, who looked like a tomboy but had this royal air around her, waved at everyone, "Hi ~ I'm Lily Thordain! Papa Harry is my Godfather, I hope we can be good friends!".

Pan and Bra greeted Lily with a wave and smiled, while Marron also grabbed her and hugged her, "Ooh! You're cute too! Like a princess!".

Eri giggled and then said, "That's because Lily is a princess from another world!".

Lily blushed a bit but nodded in confirmation which got her an even tighter hug from Marron, who was already planning on dressing Lily in a lot of pretty dresses, something that got the little dragon knight to sweatdrop but accept her fate.

Another girl approached the adults while giggling at Lily's predicament, she then introduced herself when she arrived in front of their guests, "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Kunou, I hope we all have a ton of fun together!".

Everyone stared at Kunou, not only did she have this princess vibe, but it was stronger than Lily, however, she also had fox ears and nine foxtails, it's nothing new to everyone from the Dragon Ball world since they also had beast men in their world.

But Kunou just had something unique about her, like a light, a bright, and sparking one that could protect anything or anybody in its shine, it sort of reminded them of Luna.

This world, sure is full of cool and interesting surprises and they were only starting to see it.