Chapter 10: PPMC

Dada blinked. He was speechless. His mouth twitched, and then a huge grin stretched across his face. He leaped to his feet. "Dan the Man with a plan! Thank you, Dan! Thank you!" Dada smacked my back with his hand. He knocked my breaths clean out of me.

"No problem, Dada," I rasped, "but what exactly is my task?"

Dada laughed. "Not to worry, dude. Chenoa and Julian will explain it to you soon enough."

Chenoa. I recognized that name, but not Julian.

"Who are they?" I asked Dada.

A voice cut him off. "–Well, if it isn't Benjamin E. Matton!"

A young scientist came within reach of Dada and me. He had short, black hair and blue eyes. He wore long, brown pants and a black shirt with a white lab coat under it.

I glanced at Dada who said to the scientist, "Ah, Professor Julian. You're right on time. I was just explaining to Dan the Man here that he's the star of the PPMC Project."

So, the black-haired scientist was Julian, but I still had no idea who Chenoa was.

Julian's eyes moved back and forth from Dada and I. "So, you're Dan the Man. Welcome! Welcome! I am Professor Julian Krebs Lexington. Ben's told me so much about you."

Still a little bit angry, I whispered, "I'm sure he has."

Dad nudged me to say that I was being rude.

"We're so glad you've agreed to help us," Julian added. "You're the space center's only hope for changing science forever."

Actually, Professor, I did not agree to help you. Dada forced me. I only changed my mind because Mother said she would be with me the entire journey.

"Come! Come! Let's go see PPMC!" Julian finished. Cheering, he sprinted towards the space center's launch pad.

Dada and I followed him.

The trip was a short one, but the hardest part was trying to push through the crowds of people. Most of them had their phones out. A few stuck their hands up over the heads of others, hoping to get a good shot of the PPMC.

Professor Julian dragged Dada and me to the front of the crowd. Grinning, Julian held his hand out and said, "Dan the Man, say hello to PPMC."

My jaw dropped. There she was. PPMC! She had the size and appearance of a space shuttle, but she was actually a starship in disguise. Her body was white, but her wingtips and nose were black. She looked a little bit like Betsey. The letters PPMC stood out on either side of her body. There were three fuel tanks under her, indicating that she was ready for blast off. She was a beautiful spacecraft.

"Well, Dan, what do you think?" asked Dada.

"She... She's a beauty," I stammered. Perhaps the space exploration wouldn't be so bad after all? Frankly, I'd do anything to ride in an epic spacecraft like PPMC again.

Julian caught the crowds' attention by saying, "Attention! Attention! If you'll just listen for a second."

The chatting ceased. Intrigued, people lowered their phones.

Julian grabbed my arm and pulled me close. "This here is the star of the PPMC Project. Daniel Matton," he announced.

To my surprise, the crowds erupted into cheers and applause.

"Oh boy," I said. Nervous, I waved at them.

Instantly, a cameraman and interviewer rushed to me, and they shook my hand.

"Dan! Dan! How do you feel about being the star of the PPMC Project? Nervous? Excited?" asked the interviewer.

"Well um–"

"Oh, you're speechless, I see!"

"Excuse me," I said. I wasn't used to being a celebrity.

Julian and Dada pulled me away from my screaming fans and pushed me towards the space center.

Julian took a moment to look over his shoulder at PPMC. "Wow, after two-hundred years, she's finally finished. It's almost inconceivable," he said.

I noticed he was tearing up a little.

Dada gave Julian's back a gentle pat.

Before long, we heard another voice from off to the side. It sounded young and intelligent. "PPMC also has the power of hyperspace, better known as light speed, and she can even survive a supernova." The voice belonged to a young woman. She had black hair, like Julian, but it reached down her back. She wore a purple flower in it, a lab coat, and some red glasses. She was actually quite pretty.

Dada recognized her. "Hey, if it isn't Chenoa." He took a moment to introduce me to her. That was a first. "Daniel, this is Professor Chenoa Birmingham, head of the PPMC Project."

Yes, Professor Chenoa was the head. She built PPMC with the help of Julian and Dada. I always called them the "Big Three".

Professor Chenoa lifted her hand and waved. "Hey, Dan. It's an honor to finally meet you."

Professor Julian said, "Professor Chenoa used to study celestial objects from the International Space Station, but now she's dedicated her life to the PPMC Project."

Professor Chenoa brought her hands together. "And it's so great that you're able to help us, Dan. You're task will be very straightforward, so don't worry."

Straightforward. Okay, I could buy that. But what exactly was my task? I asked Chenoa that. "Professor, what exactly is my task? Does it have to do with geologic time?"

"I'm glad you asked," Professor Chenoa said with a smile. "Come. We'll discuss it inside the space center." She, Dada, and Julian passed me to get ahead.

I took a moment to look at PPMC again. This may sound weird, but I felt a connection with her. It was as if the two of us were one... like we were meant to do this space exploration together. Mother said she would be with me in forms both big and small. I wondered if starships counted, because the feeling I got around PPMC was the same one I got from Mom. It was there I realized I may need the space exploration more than I thought.

There was a small, "Ahem," behind me. Dada. He left Julian and Chenoa to come get me. Dada put his arm around my shoulders and walked me towards his colleagues.

One last time, I glanced at PPMC.

PPMC... No, Mother, I know we can do this. I know we will succeed.