Later after healing up their Pokémon at the town's Pokémon Center, Rico and Wesley went up to the fields near the forests and not too far from the town to have a nice picnic. Rico carries the picnic blanket while Wesley Wesley brings the picnic basket full of bread and other pastries, as well as some cold drinks.
And at the said fields, Rico lay the blanket on the soft green grass, and Wesley placed the basket on it. They, alongside their Pokémon, then sat down in relief, knowing that they had been walking for over half a kilometer away from the town.
"Finally!" Rico commented. "We could eat up our snacks."
Wesley then nodded in agreement and opened the basket, revealing the hot and fresh pastries and cold drinks it contains.
"Wow, mom really made them for us," Wesley commented in delight.
Chimchar and Riolu then responded back with delight.
Wesley then distributed the food between himself, Rico, and their Pokémon equally on small plates. After that, Rico poured the orange juice from the water bottle into glasses and gave one of them to Wesley.
"Thanks, Rico," Wesley responded back as he accepts it. He then took a sip from it in quenching his thirst.
Rico then too grabbed the butter sandwich and took a bite of it, before sharing it with Riolu. Riolu seems to like it, and Rico split the sandwich into two, one for himself and one for Riolu. The atmosphere around them was calming and quiet. Then, while Riolu and Chimchar are eating their snacks, Rico and Wesley are having a conversation.
"So, Rico, you're going to participate in the Philas League, right?" Wesley started.
'Yes," answered Rico back positively, "to try to become the region's champion."
"Yeah, but first, you must acquire all the gym badges," Wesley reminded him quickly, "and must have at least 6 Pokémon in your team so you could participate."
"I know," Rico get what his friends just said, "I'm planning to go on a journey once I finished school."
"Oh, okay then. You have my support."
And then, suddenly, Rico reached out for the remaining biscuits in the bowl, only to found out that it was empty.
"Ah! Where's the biscuits!" Rico asked out in response upon feeling that. Riolu and Chicmchar then got alerted by it then.
"Perhaps, a wild Pokémon stole it," suggested Wesley in response.
"Right," Rico agreed with him while thinking.
And then, all of them heard something eating behind the bushes nearby. They then got up and to check it out, only to see a wild Litleo, a Fire and Normal-type Pokémon, eating all of Rico's remaining biscuits.
"Wow, a Litleo," Rico commented.
He then pulled out his Pokédex and pointed it towards Litleo; his Pokédex then responded, "Litleo, the Lion Cub Pokémon. A Fire and Normal-type. The stronger the opponent it faces, the more heat surges from its mane, and the more power flows through its body."
"Wow, so cool," Rico commented to that. He then put his Pokédex aside and get one of his empty Poké Balls, and declared, "I'm gonna catch that!"
But Rico said that sentence out loud, and Litleo heard that. This causes it to become aggressive and hostile towards them and used Ember. But luckily, Rico and his group dodged that attack, and Litleo fled into the forest with the remaining biscuits.
After that, Rico picked up his Pokédex and he and his group then pursued that Litleo further into the forest.
Later Litleo ate all of the remaining biscuits and got lost in the woods. And as the Pidoves and Pidgeys flew away, Litleo got scared of its surroundings and stopped at the center. Then, suddenly, a Whimsicott, a Grass and Fairy-type Pokémon, emerges from the bushes and slowly but steadily approaches Litleo.
Upon seeing that Whimsicott, Litleo responded back with fear.
Whimsicott then responded with a smile.
Then suddenly, another Whimsicott emerged from the bushes, then another one, and finally, four Whimsicotts are surrounding Litleo. Despite being a Fire-type, Litleo flinched in fear. The four Whimsicotts are about to use Moonblast on Litleo when a Focus Blast and Ember bursted into the scene, stopping and intercepting their attack.