Along the way, they passed by a lot of houses, both concrete and wooden ones, and beach resorts scattering along the eastern coasts of Navarre. When the sight of coasts is over, they went back to looking at trees and greens.
By 11:52 a.m., Rico and his team had reached Kidlat City, a big coastal city of lights with a huge power plant adjacent to the city itself.
"Wow, finally, we had arrived here, guys," Rico said to his Pokémon team in positive delight. They then all went to that city, passing by a couple of houses and other small buildings.
In the streets of Kidlat City, they explored around for a bit, before deciding to eat a hearty lunch at a restaurant. At that restaurant, Rico was eating with his Pokémon eating their special food nearby. The atmosphere around was good and calming. And then, Rico interrupted his eating of food, zipped open his backpack, pulled his smartphone, and started texting his mother, informing her of his arrival at Kidlat in less than 2 days. After that, he sent that message. Seconds later, he received a message from his mother, saying that she was delighted to hear that. In response to that, Rico smiled in appreciation, before deciding to text her back, "Thanks, mom, I'll do my best to beat the gym here." He then sent it once again, before putting his phone aside and continue eating his meal.
But, meanwhile, Shion and her team are just across the aisle eating their meal. They looked at Rico, and Shion was very cold and hostile towards him for going on a journey without telling her.
"Why he was here?" she asked a question in her mind, before taking a sip of her lemon juice.
Later, by 12:46 p.m., they decided to go around the city for a while, seeing the coastal horizon at the piers of Kidlat. There sitting on the concrete pier, Rico made a journal entry in his journal, detailing about his arrival at Kidlat City being smooth as butter. By 1 in the afternoon, he and his team decided to search for the city's gym, which is an Electric-type and who's the leader is the owner of the said power plant.
And then, after much searching, they finally found it, which was just across the street from the city plaza, and they all entered in. Inside, they saw that the interior of the place really fits its type, and the gym leader, an energetic man named Simon, had just recently won against a Pokémon Trainer with a Torchic. That Pokémon Trainer then sighed in defeat, but Simon encouraged him not give up and just do his best in the next battle. This brightens the young Trainer a bit more and just called his Pokémon back and left the gym. Rico and his team had watched this with mild amazement.
"This is not gonna be easy," he thought in his mind.