And upon finding a table for four, Rico and his team saw an Absol standing next to one of the chairs, blocking the aisle.
"Huh?" Rico commented. "An Absol?"
He then pulled out his Pokédex and pointed it towards Absol; his Pokédex then responded, "Absol, the Disaster Pokeémon. A Dark-type. It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."
"Woah, so cool," Rico commented. He then put his Pokédex back in his pants pocket and said to Absol, "Hi there, Absol."
Absol then looked at Rico and responded back in greeting.
"Where's your Trainer?" Rico asked it in response. "Are you lost?"
Absol then responded by shaking its head, as if it said no.
"Oh, I see then," Rico replied back. "Well in that case, do you want me to be your Trainer?"
But, Absol was very hesitant and instead gave Rico a vision of an upcoming storm that will hit Kawayan City. It lasted for only 15 seconds, before sending Rico back to reality.
Seeing what Absol had shown him, Rico said to it, "Woah, that'll be scary. Thanks, Absol."
Absol then responded with serious gratitude, before leaving the food court all by itself. The strange thing is that Absol didn't even want any food, as if it wasn't hungry at all.
"Strange," Rico commented on this.
After that, he and his team then settled in and eat up their snack. Rico shared the other two empanadas to Riolu and Litleo, who then both liked the taste and the filling. After that, Rico went to buy some cold drinks and a cone of vanilla ice cream for a total of 40 Poké Dollars, before returning to his seat and resumed their snack time. But this time, Riolu and Litleo didn't want any drink nor dessert. It was weird, but Rico understood why.