Chapter 71 – Adrian’s maternal relatives

Third person POV

 After that, Rico, Jonathan, and Adrian went to the city's Pokémon Center to heal up Rico's Riolu. There Rico gave Riolu's Poké Ball to Nurse Joy.

 "Okay, I'll heal it for you," Nurse Joy said to him with a smile as she took the Poké Ball to do so. "Just wait for a while."

 "Okay, thanks, Nurse Joy," Rico responded to her positively with a quick bow.

With that Rico and his older brother and friend went to the Center's waiting room to pass some time.

 While they wait, they do various things like fidgeting and playing with their Pokémon. Rico wrote today's achievement in his personal, daily journal with his usual black gel pen. Jonathan plays with his Boldore. Adrian lies down on the sofa.

 "Hey, guys," he said to them, "after this, let's go to visit my relatives."

 "Oh, sure, why not," Rico replied in agreement.

 "I would like to see them, too," Jonathan added.

 A bit later, after picking up Rico's Riolu, they all went to a sloped district and towards a house perched on a cemented cliff. There Adrian knocked on the door. "Hello?" Then, someone answered it. "Yes? Oh, Adrian, it's been a while," that someone, who was Adrian's maternal aunt, responded.

 "Hi there, aunt," Adrian greeted her back. "I brought some friends here."

 "Hello there." Rico bowed his head quickly as a greeting.

 "Greetings, ma'am," Jonathan added positively.

 "Oh, nice to meet you, too," Adrian's aunt replied back. "Come in, come in."

Rico and his group then went in.

 In the living room, Rico and his group sat down while the young woman served some glasses of water. "Here, have some water," she offered. They accepted and drank some.


 "I'm thirsty."

With that, Adrian's aunt sat down with her Pokémon, a Vulpix, jumping onto her lap. "So, how are you, Adrian? It's been a while."

 "I'm fine, aunt," Adrian responded with a smile. "I'm now a Pokémon Trainer. This is my Pokémon, a Bulbasaur."

His Bulbasaur then responded with a greeting.

 "Oh, nice to meet you, too, Bulbasaur."

Adrian's aunt's Vulpix then responded back with a greeting.

Rico and Jonathan then were delighted to see them getting along so well and fast.

 "By the way, ma'am," Rico said to his friend's aunt, "my name is Rico Cruz of Kawayan City and this is my older brother, Jonathan."

 "Nice to meet you, ma'am," Jonathan added with a quick bow. "We are Adrian's friends."

 "Nice to meet you, Rico, Jonathan," Adrian's aunt replied back happily. "Thanks for being friends with my nephew."

 "No problem."

Adrian was happy to hear that.

This follows with a short silence, with the sounds of the waves crashing and slamming against the wall of the cemented cliff below permeating towards the house.

 "So, how's Aquila-kun and Paulita-chan?" Adrian asked his aunt, breaking the silence. "Are they at school?"

 "Yes, they are," his aunt replied back briefly, "today is a school day, of course."

 "How are they?"

 "They're fine, as usual."

 "Where's uncle Westy?"

 "He's at the shop working."


Watching their back-and-forth conversation, Rico and Jonathan are now wondering about the type of their relationship as blood relatives.