Chapter 74 – Fun in the Afternoon in Galen City

Third person POV

 After their Pokémon were all healed up, they picked them up and went back to Paulita and Aquila's house for lunch. There their lunch is nice and brief. Their Pokémon are on the floor eating their special food in food bowls. Adrian's uncle, Paolo, had just come home from his work at the marketplace. Paulita and Aquila revealed to their parents their Pokémon battle with Rico and Adrian and how it went down. Their parents were stunned but amazed by it.

 After lunch, all of them went around the city. Adrian's uncle and aunt had come with them so both of them would spend some time together. Along the way, Rico bought some keychains and postcards made in Galen City, while Jonathan got a handmade towel in different and vibrant colors.

 By 4 in the afternoon, they went to the beach to swim in its waters. All of them and their Pokémon are having a fun time. Absol was serious, trying to chill and relax near the water's edge without having fun, but Riolu splashed it with water. Riolu laughs, but Absol glared at it and retaliated with a splash of water, before going under a shade. As his Riolu shook the water off it, Rico saw how serious his Absol was.

 "Yeah, it was," Paolo added.

At the same time, Jonathan realized that his parents hadn't called Rico's phone for quite some time now, much to his relief.

 And then, Camellia came and joined in as she wanted some relaxing time after her day of duties at her Pokémon gym. "Oh, hi there, Camellia," Jonathan responded to her upon noticing her.

Adrian's uncle and aunt also noticed her as well and greeted her as well.

As she sat next to them, Camellia smiled a positive smile at them and commented Rico's smartness during her Pokémon battle with him as a bit unique compared to the previous Trainers she had battled with before.

Jonathan then nodded in agreement but didn't know what contributed to Rico's unique way of thinking and battle style, other than the fact that Rico had read a book about Pokémon moves.

Rico and the others, except for Jonathan's team and Rico's Absol, are having so much in the beach waters as the sun sets beautifully on the mountains in the west.