Third person POV
After that, in their hotel room, while Jonathan and the others are sleeping, Rico was still awake, thinking about the mysterious man's words. "What that guy means?" his mind asked. Eventually, Rico fell asleep finally.
The next morning, after some Pokémon training and a light breakfast, Rico, Jonathan, and their Pokémon team and friends went up to the city plaza to participate in the city's annual Book Festival. There the festival was filled with many people and their kinds of Pokémon. The place was busy and packed with people. Rico and his group had brought their handmade book designs with positivity.
"I am so excited!" Rico said enthusiastically.
"Yeah, me too as well," replied Adrian back.
And then, all of them met up with Paulita and Aquila and their Pokémon teams.
"Hey, you guys made it," Aquila said.
"Yeah, we did," responded Jonathan back.
Shortly after, the festival began with an exhibition of book covers made by the participants. The exhibition lasted for 1 hour, and after that, the main event of the festival, the first day of the Awards for the Best Book Covers of the Year, was eventually held. But while Rico, Jonathan, and the others were very confident, Adrian felt inferior. The reason why is that he was a patron of the festival for a few years, thus believing to be always in a high place in the awards. So, feeling inferior and being outdone by others, Adrian left the place and withdrew unofficially, going to the back of the stage. But then, Rico and his Riolu and Starly noticed that and stood up, going to search for him.
After much finding as the host of the festival awards kept on giving his speech, Rico and his two Pokémon eventually found Adrian feeling down while sitting on the grass. "Hey, Adrian, what are you doing here?" Rico asked him.
Adrian heard and looked at him. "Oh, hey there, sorry for leaving without telling you why…"
"Why did you leave all of a sudden?"
Adrian couldn't answer that, focusing on his feelings of inferiority.
"Come on, you can tell us why. We'll listen."
Rico's Riolu and Starly then nodded to support their Trainer's statement.
This time, Adrian finally gave in and revealed to them the reason why and the root cause of it. A few minutes later, Rico and his Riolu and Starly were taken aback, and Adrian apologized to them for leaving without saying a word. Eventually, Rico said to him, "It's okay. That doesn't matter, Adrian. What matters is that you enjoyed the awards, and that's about it. Awards and high places in it don't count."
Adrian was stunned at his statement, for he had been believing in high achievement in almost anything.
So, Adrian changed his perspective on the festival and life achievements in general, standing up and promising to enjoy the festival and accept what place his book cover would be placed on.